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This paper introduces new concepts of graceful matrix and har-monic matrix,and proves that a graph is graceful or harmonic iff there exists agraceful or harmonic matrix which is a P-adjacent matrix of a graph.This paperalso introduces a new concept of harmonic interlaced graph,and proves that agraph is interlaced iff it is also harmonic interlaced.  相似文献   

This paper presents some ideas of graph theory which are led int(?) structural matrix analysis. The main contents of this paper are the principal points of the graph theory, the computative principles of the node method and the mesh method.  相似文献   

基于混合蚁群算法的粮食物流中心选址优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
粮食物流中心是粮食物流系统的枢纽,粮食物流中心地址的确定是粮食物流系统分析的核心内容.根据粮食物流中心选址问题的特点和要求,在运输成本最低的基础上,构造了选址问题的数学模型,并且针对该模型引入一种混合蚁群算法,将遗传算法与蚂蚁聚类算法融合,采用遗传算法生成信息素分布,利用蚂蚁聚类算法求精确解.从而有效地避免算法的早熟现象,可防止其很快收敛到局部最优解,实例求解表明,该算法可以有效、快速地求得粮食物流中心选址问题的全局最优解.  相似文献   

For the first time, we point out the new idea that we can approximate the involute tooth profile transmission to circular arc tooth profile transmission. Looking upon it as a fourbar linkage we try to minimax the error of the velocity ratio and evaluate the strong-weak point of circular arc tooth profile transmission.  相似文献   

In this paper,a beam-column design problem is formu-lated into an optimization problem The modern optimization technique,sequential unconstrained minimization technique(SUMT),is used toselect the design vesiables at points.The optimum designs obtained arereasonable and verifiable.This procedure may be used in the design ofbeam-columns.Considerable savings can be achieved due to the effectiveuse of material through the best proportion of the shape of beamcolumns.  相似文献   

Based on an existing magnesium alloy database, a query system is optimized by considering the design characteristics, and an integrated query system for this magnesium alloy database is developed to meet the demands of more users. The result shows that the new system improves the query efficiency of the magnesium alloy database, especially for queries concerning phase diagrams and the structure of magnesium alloys. This means that the new system provides users a more powerful and useful magnesium alloy database.  相似文献   

A model and a heuristic algorithm for reliabilty op timi zation in generalized stochastic flow networks are proposed in this paper. The stochastic characteristic of the demands at terminal nodes is considered in the model. The algorithm proposed is powerful and can be applied to optimal planning of transmission capacity for large scale stochastic flow networks, because it can facilitate a fast location of optimal capacity expansion from the information obtained by the last iteration by making full use of the relationships of the k-weak link set and failure events set to the paramsters in generalized stochastic flow networks  相似文献   

将大米包装后进行微波处理,探索微波处理对大米的保鲜效果,采用正交试验优化微波保鲜大米的参数。以大米含水量、微波功率、处理时间为自变量,大米表面霉菌数量、米饭质构、糊化特性等为考察指标,采用隶属度分析法对大米品质进行综合评价。通过分析得出各因素影响的显著性依次为:微波处理时间水分含量微波功率;微波时间、水分含量对大米保鲜有极显著性影响(P0.01),微波功率有显著影响(P0.05);大米微波保鲜的最佳参数为:大米水分含量15.5%、功率640 W、处理时间60s,此参数条件下大米品质的综合评分最高,为0.9160。  相似文献   

在对谷物冷却机运行特性计算分析的基础上进行了常见故障分析,指出设备故障的两个关键原因:一是3号蒸发器蒸发温度过低结霜,引起换热恶化;二是1号蒸发器蒸发温度过高造成压缩机长时间超负荷。针对性地进行了制冷系统的优化设计,即提高1号压缩机功率,低温工况增加3号蒸发器面积,优化后,这两个问题均得到了有效解决。  相似文献   

In this paper the section sizes of box expansion arm of crane truck are optimized in order that the weight of the arm will be the lightest on conditions that strength, rigidity, stability and size constraints are satisfactory. The fuzzy factors which influence design and the fuzziness of constraint conditions are considered. The unsymmetry mode of fuzzy optimization is established and solved by the method of optimal level cut set. Examples show that the effect is notable.  相似文献   

对国家标准GB/T5009.146-2008《植物性食品中有机氯和拟除虫菊酯类农药多种残留量的测定》中净化部分进行改进和优化,将国家标准中净化所用的层析柱改为固相萃取柱,通过大量实验对两种净化方法进行比较并对净化条件进行了改进.  相似文献   

On the basises of optimization theory and cross-experiment analysis, the mate scheme of structural parameters of the hydraulic operated check valve having the best performances is deduced in this paper,the notability of the structural parameters affecting the valve's performances is discussed,and the main-minor relation between factors is found.  相似文献   

研究了臭氧处理浓度、时间、稻谷量对稻谷黄曲霉毒素B1降解率的影响,并通过响应面法优化了臭氧处理稻谷降解黄曲霉毒素B1的工艺。结果表明:臭氧处理浓度、时间、稻谷量均对稻谷中AFTB1降解率有显著影响。优化工艺条件为臭氧处理浓度95mL/m3,时间25min,稻谷量1000g,此时AFTB1的降解率达到82.0%。  相似文献   

响应面法优化油菜籽流化干燥工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了优化油菜籽流化床干燥工艺,以热风温度、初始水分和热风风量为主要因素,利用隶属度法将干燥时间、油的酸值、油的过氧化值和发芽率4个指标相结合综合评分,进行响应面优化设计,建立了二次多项式回归模型.结果表明,3个因素对综合分影响大小依次为:热风温度>热风风量>初始水分;油菜籽流化床干燥最优工艺参数为:热风温度为57.93℃,初始水分为22.56%,热风风量为58.66m3/h,此时综合分达最大值0.865.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the comprehensive hydraulic testing set for many kinds of hydraulic elements with hydraulic drive, hydraulic regulation and hydraulic loading. It has rational structure compact arrangement, reliable characteristics and advanced technique. In order to reduce the energy loss in the hydraulic system of the testing set, 1 ad sensing control is used. The static and dynamic characteristics of the load sensing system are analysed with the method of numeral simulation on computer. the testing witk load sensing control results show energy may be saved obviously and the heat load in hydraulic system may be reduced effectively, then testing quality is improved and the volume cf oil case is lessened. The lead sensing valve design is satisfied with simplifying structure so that it may be used reliably for the fixed flow hydraulic system of the testing set or other machines.  相似文献   

根据本地区生态区域特点和储粮实际情况,中央储备粮安陆直属库在试验仓内开展节能保水降温通风、仓房隔热、粮面压盖、自控排热换气、仓顶喷淋降温等多项绿色储粮技术措施,有效地控制了粮温,减少了储粮水分丢失,延缓了储粮品质陈化,抑制了虫霉的生长繁殖、达到绿色储粮的目的。  相似文献   

A processing method for the weight of the object in the fuzzy solving method for the multiojectide optimization are presented. The methods are using different type of membership functions and using the same kind membership function adjusting the parameter. Some corresponding analysis and examples are discussed and the results show that the two methods are very effective.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use the Hopf bifurcation theory to investigate the bifurcation problem of triple-molecular reaction model with low concentrations.  相似文献   

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