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The residue from tall oil distillation, known as tall oil pitch (TOP), was investigated by GC/MS analysis. Several separation techniques such as preparative TLC and extractions from solutions of different pH were applied. Apart from about 4% distilled free acids (fatty and diterpenoid) and 5% steroids (sitosterol and sitostadiene) two new fatty acids C-26 and C-28 could be detected. About 1% of lignin like material could be isolated after continuous extraction with chloroform.The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Österreichische Nationalbank for financially supporting the purchase of the gas chromatographic equipment. The authors also thank Dr. A. Nikiforov for providing the mass spectroscopical equipment  相似文献   

The conditions for the extraction of phytosterol from masson pine raw tall oil were studied by experimenting with the procedural steps that included saponification, extraction, crystallization, and recrystallization. The influences of alkali dosage, saponifying temperature, saponifying time, and variety and dosage of extracting agent on the yield of unsaponifiables were investigated. The effects of various solvents used for removing residual soap from unsaponifiables and the effects of crystallization temperature, time, and solvent on the yield and composition of crystal in the processes of crystallization and recrystallization were examined to determine suitable technical conditions. The phytosterol obtained using optimal conditions contained 92% -sitosterol and 8% campesterol. Its melting point and yield were 135.7°–136.8°C and 0.54% (based on the weight of crude tall oil), respectively.  相似文献   

Moisture storage and transport properties of southern pine (Pinus spp.) wood were measured for implementation into hygrothermal models. Specimens were untreated or pressure-treated with alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ) preservative. Moisture storage was characterized with sorption isotherms in the hygroscopic region (high capillary pressures) and documented with mercury intrusion porosimetry in the overhygroscopic region (low capillary pressures). The data were then combined into a single moisture retention curve as a function of capillary pressure. Moisture transport was evaluated from steady-state water vapor transmission and dynamic capillary water absorption experiments. These data were used to calculate the moisture permeability over the entire range of capillary pressures using the diffusivity approach of Carmeliet et al. Moisture storage and transport properties were similar for the untreated and ACQ-treated southern pine, except for the permeability of the treated wood which was lower in the radial direction. The data presented here can be used to improve the accuracy of hygrothermal and combined hygrothermal–corrosion modeling simulations.  相似文献   

研究了4种染色剂对松材线虫的染色效果,结果表明,虎红和水溶性苯胺兰对松材线虫的染色效果好,虫体全身着色且着色较深,而亚甲基蓝和结晶紫对松材线虫的染色能力较弱,只在头部和尾部着色明显;初步研究了刀豆凝集素、麦胚凝集素和花生凝集素对松材线虫的作用,结果显示,植物凝集素处理后,松材线虫初期均表现出活动加强、幅度增大,部分线虫身体卷曲呈"S"状或"8"字状,部分线虫出现聚集现象,随着处理时间的延长,松材线虫的死亡率逐渐上升,4.0mg/mL的刀豆凝集素、麦胚凝集素和花生凝集素分别处理10min,松材线虫的死亡率分别为100%、80%和65%。该研究为松材线虫的形态观察及防治提供了参考。  相似文献   

微波处理松材线虫病疫木技术研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
该文对利用微波处理松材线虫病疫木技术进行了研究,结果表明:不论木材厚薄大小、含水量多少、在微波处理炉腔内怎样堆放,以及环境温度、微波功率等因素的如何变化,只要SWB-Ⅱ型隧道式微波除害处理设备显示的木材表面温度大于68℃,持续30min,就能有效地杀死松木中的松褐天牛和松材线虫。  相似文献   

阐述了松材线虫病发展和检疫现状,提出了检疫工作中存在的问题,并对如何进一步做好松材线虫病检疫工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

松材线虫病疫木安全利用新途径   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
该文在实地调查的基础上研究了利用松材线虫病疫木种植茯芩并杀死其中的松材线虫、松褐天牛达到安全利用的方法。研究表明:疫木种植茯苓第63天,样木中的松材线虫可全部死亡;第77天松褐天牛可全部死亡,种植240 d后,茯苓可采收,每立方米疫木可收益约1 100元。对利用疫木种植茯苓在种植技术、时间及安全性方面进行了可行性分析,并对经济效益和对生态环境的影响进行了评估。  相似文献   

In order to analyze the effects of the temperature gradient on moisture movement during the highly intensive microwave-vacuum drying, thermal diffusion of Masson pine wood was studied. Internal distribution of temperature and moisture in Masson pine samples sealed by epoxy resin and aluminum foil was measured, the magnitude of thermal diffusion was calculated and the influencing factors of thermal diffusion were discussed. Results showed that with the transfer of moisture toward the low temperature in wood, opposite temperature and moisture gradient occurred. The initial moisture content (MC), temperature and time are important factors affecting this process; the thermal diffusion is in proportion to wood temperature, its initial moisture and time. The temperature and distance from hot surface is strongly linearly correlated, and the relationship between MCs at different locations and distance from the hot end surface changes from logarithmically form to exponentially form with the increase in experimental time.  相似文献   

通过林间设置松褐天牛Monochamusalternatus引诱剂,对引诱到的松褐天牛进行分离,10分钟后就能检查出有无病原线虫的存在,50分钟后线虫全部游离到水中。该方法具有在病害传入早期及时发现和检测时间短等优点  相似文献   

松材线虫病是松树的一种毁灭性病害,具有传播途径多、发病速度快、潜伏侵染时间长、治理难度大等特点。滁州市沙河集林业总场自1992年染病以来,将全场作为一个治理区,并区别不同类型,系统地开展了松材线虫病的预防和除治工作,取得了良好的效果。1 疫情概况沙河集林业总场位于滁州市西部,东经117°54′~118°16′,北纬32°06′~32°28′30″。年平均气温15℃左右,降雨量900~1200mm。经营总面积163万hm2,其中有林地122万hm2,松林09万hm2,占738%。松林以马尾松、黑松为主,生长良好,是“关内第一人工林”的重要组成部分。境内交通发…  相似文献   

加工活性炭处理松材线虫病死木技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经3a的试验和实践结果表明,加工活性炭处理松材线虫病死木中松褐天牛成、幼虫等媒介昆虫是一项简单易行、灭害彻底、效益较高的处理松材线虫病死木的新技术,值得在疫区推广应用。  相似文献   

徐有明 《木材工业》1992,6(3):44-48
本文就中条山油松株内幼龄材与成熟材材性差异的比较研究,讨论对幼龄期划分的依据。根据木材解剖特征、物理力学性质的径向变异规律,确定其幼龄期为14年。随着树干高度的增加,油松木材幼龄期逐渐缩短、株内幼龄材范围及所占断面上的比例变小。株内幼龄材与成熟材材性差异显著。幼龄材管胞长度短、直径小,胞壁薄,微纤丝角度大,生长轮较宽,晚材率低,浸提物含量高,基本密度较大。幼龄材的力学强度远远小于成熟材。  相似文献   

苦楝提取物对松材线虫的致死活性   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
用苦楝树皮和苦楝果实的酒精提取物对松材线虫进行生物活性实验,发现两种提取物在100mg/kg时对松材线虫皆具很强的致死作用。这是应用植物提取物防治松材线虫病的一个初步探讨。  相似文献   

Predetermination of growth ring wood quality was a frontier. By the method of growth ring wood quality analysis, correlation ship of variation between the wood quality and ecological condition of forest growth is explained with the theory of quantification. According to index of quantification model, the variation of forests growth and wood quality is forecasted.This paper discribed the correlationship between branch wood and stem wood of growth ring wood quality, according to quantification index to infer the stemwood quality by the branchwood quality predeterminning stemwood quality, this lead to a new way for wood quality predetermination.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of radio frequency (RF) treatment in the control of wood decay fungi (Gloeophyllum trabeum, Ganoderma lucidum, and Irpex lacteus) and sapstain fungus (Ceratocystis fimbriata) in red oak (Quercus spp.), poplar (Populus alba), and southern yellow pine (Pinus spp.) was evaluated in the laboratory as an alternative to methyl bromide (MB) treatment. Wood samples (15.5 x 10 x 10 cm) were inoculated with fungi from a 7-day culture by dipping them to a depth of one face deep (2 cm) into inoculum and incubating them at 25°C for 14 days. Identical wood samples were left uninoculated as controls. Subsequent to incubation, the wood blocks were exposed to RF radiation in an industrial 40-kW dielectric oven at temperatures between 60° and 70°C for 2 min. The test fungi were recovered and reisolated from all of the control wood blocks but not from RF-treated wood blocks. RF treatment resulted in complete inhibition of the fungus in 98%-100% of the wood samples. Moisture content loss (≥1%) was noted after wood had been exposed to RF treatment. Moisture content may be an important factor to consider with RF treatments. RF treatment can, therefore, potentially provide an effective and rapid quarantine treatment as an alternative to MB fumigation for certain pathogen-wood combinations. This article reports the results of research only. Mention of a product does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by USDA for its use.  相似文献   

How long forest trees can sustain wood production with increasing age remains an open question, primarily because whole-crown structure and growth cannot be readily measured from the ground or on felled trees. We climbed and directly measured crown structures and growth rates of 43 un-suppressed individuals (site trees) of the two tallest species – Eucalyptus regnans and Sequoia sempervirens – representing a wide range of tree sizes and ages. In both species, ground-level measurements of annual growth, including height, ring width, and basal area increment, exhibited the oft-reported trend of decreasing growth (or no change in growth) with age, yet wood production of the entire main trunk and whole crown both increased with size and age up to and including the largest and oldest trees we measured. The balance between structural metrics of whole-crown respiratory demands (cambium area, inner bark volume, sapwood volume, and heartwood deposition area) and photosynthetic capacity (leaf area and green bark area) was statistically independent of size but not age. After accounting for the effect of size, trees with lower potential respiratory demands grew more than trees with higher potential respiratory demands per unit photosynthetic area. The strongest determinant of tree energy balance was the ratio of aboveground cambium area to leaf area. Among the site trees we examined, over 85% of the variation in annual wood production was explained by variation in size, and the proportion of total aboveground wood production in appendages (branches, limbs, and reiterated trunks) increased linearly with size. With increasing age in both species, the proportion of annual wood production converted to heartwood increased in main trunks and appendages. The oldest tree we measured produced more heartwood in its main trunk over 651 years (351 m3) than contained in any tree we measured <1500 years old. The two tallest tree species achieve similar stature despite divergent growth dynamics and ecologies. At one extreme, E. regnans attains great size quickly but dies relatively young because trees are susceptible to fire and fungi. At the other extreme, S. sempervirens attains great size more slowly but has a long lifespan because trees resist fire and prioritize investment in decay-resistant heartwood. Increasing wood production as trees age is a mechanism underlying the maintenance of biomass accumulation during forest development and the carbon-sink capacity of old-growth forests.  相似文献   

Transverse shrinkage in maritime pine juvenile wood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary This paper reports experimental results concerning the transverse shrinkage variability within and between trees of two samples composed of 17 eleven-year-old and 20 twenty-year-old maritime pine trees harvested in two stands at the Forest Research Centre of INRA Pierroton in Aquitaine. The within tree variations are divided into a height effect and a radial effect, both related to the occurrence of juvenile wood. It is shown that the tangential shrinkage and the anisotropic ratio between radial and tangential dimensional variations are increasing from the top to the base of the stems (+14.9% and +16.9%, respectively), and that this effect is independent of the tree. The variations from the pith outward are also significant for these parameters (+25.0% for at and –9.5% for the ratio) and for the radial shrinkage (+37.2% ), but in this case, the amplitude of the effect is depending on a tree effect. The relationship between shrinkage and density is also studied, showing poorly significant correlation when considering each sampling positions independently.  相似文献   

Chemistry and ecotoxicity of heat-treated pine wood extractives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pine (Pinus pinaster) wood was heat-treated in an autoclave for 2?C12?h at 190?C210°C. Hemicelluloses were the first compounds affected by the treatment. In general, the sugar decrease was higher for arabinose and galactose followed by xylose and mannose. Lignin started to degrade for small mass losses but at a slower rate than hemicelluloses, and cellulose only degraded significantly for severe treatments. Almost all of the original extractives disappeared, and new compounds arose such as anhydrosugars and phenolic compounds. The compounds that might leach from heat-treated wood were mainly those identified in the water and ethanol extracts, all of which were not harmful at the existing concentrations, thereby reinforcing the wood heat treatment as an environmental benign process.  相似文献   

松材线虫病检疫检验取样方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对24个样本分别采用木条(10g)和0.6cm钻头钻取的木屑(10g)作为分离材料进行线虫分离,利用方差分析的方法对线虫分离结果进行分析,其差异不显著,两种取样方法对线虫检验的结果没有影响,对19个样本分别采用木条(10g)和用1cm的钻头钻取的木屑(10g和5g)3种分离材料进行线虫分离,同样利用方差分析对虫分离结果进行分析,其差异也不显著,3种分离材料对线虫检验结果同样没有影响。因此,利用电钻取样是可行的,这种方法快速简便,易于推广应用。  相似文献   

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