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采用改进的离体消化法研究草鱼(Ctenopharyngodonidellus)对俄罗斯鱼粉、国产鱼粉1、国产鱼粉2、罗非鱼鱼粉1和罗非鱼鱼粉2的消化能力,结果显示,2种国产鱼粉粗蛋白质含量(72.14%、68.26%)、蛋白质消化率(49.78%、49.41%)均显着高于俄罗斯鱼粉(65.41%、47.82%),且0h时水解液中氨基酸总量显着高于俄罗斯鱼粉;2种罗非鱼鱼粉虽然粗蛋白质含量(56.03%、52.69%)相对较低,但它们的氨基酸生成量与俄罗斯鱼粉相近。研究表明:两种国产鱼粉中掺入了可以溶解的高含氮物质;罗非鱼鱼粉可以作为饲料原料被较好的利用;此方法可以对鱼粉真伪和蛋白质有效利用效果进行鉴定。  相似文献   

草鱼对膨化和未膨化的菜籽、大豆离体消化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验采用体外消化法研究了草鱼对菜籽、膨化菜籽、菜麦(菜籽 小麦1∶1)、膨化菜麦(膨化菜籽 小麦1∶1)、豆麦(大豆 小麦1∶1)、膨化豆麦(膨化大豆 小麦1∶1)6种饲料原料的消化能力。试验结果,1)草鱼对6种饲料原料的离体消化率为:膨化菜籽(23.46%)>菜籽(22.21%),膨化菜麦(26.95%)>菜麦(15.74%),膨化豆麦(32.79%)>豆麦(19.36%);对粗蛋白的离体消化率为:菜籽(46.36%)>膨化菜籽(38.51%)、膨化菜麦(39.24%)>菜麦(28.34%)、膨化豆麦(52.43%)>豆麦(46.16%);对粗脂肪的离体消化率为:膨化菜籽(44.71%)>菜籽(44.24%)、膨化菜麦(36.59%)>菜麦(29.00%)、膨化豆麦(43.54%)>豆麦(30.04%)。2)膨化对氨基酸生成速度产生不利的影响,但添加小麦的饲料原料组中(菜麦和豆麦)降低了膨化对氨基酸生成速度的不利影响。上述结果表明了草鱼对膨化饲料原料的消化要好于未膨化饲料原料,尤其是淀粉含量较高的饲料原料;由于膨化加工对饲料中氨基酸的破坏,导致了膨化饲料原料中蛋白质的有效性降低,但添加小麦可减少膨化对蛋白有效性的降低。  相似文献   

本试验采用体外消化法研究了膨化对饲料原料鱼体离体消化率的影响,本试验选取菜籽、菜麦(菜籽∶小麦,1∶1)、豆麦(大豆∶小麦,1∶1)3种饲料原料。试验结果表明,草鱼对膨化饲料原料干物质离体消化率高于未膨化饲料原料离体消化率,即膨化菜籽(23.46%)>未膨化菜籽(22.21%),膨化菜麦(26.95%)>未膨化菜麦(15.74%),膨化豆麦(32.79%)>未膨化豆麦(19.36%);对粗蛋白质的离体消化率为:未膨化菜籽(46.36%)>膨化菜籽(38.51%)、膨化菜麦(39.24%)>未膨化菜麦(28.34%)、膨化豆麦(52.43%)>未膨化豆麦(46.16%);对粗脂肪的离体消化率为:膨化菜籽(44.71%)>未膨化菜籽(44.24%)、膨化菜麦(36.59%)>未膨化菜麦(29.00%)、膨化豆麦(43.54%)>未膨化豆麦为(30.04%)。这表明,草鱼对膨化饲料原料的消化要好于未膨化饲料原料,尤其是淀粉含量较高的饲料原料。  相似文献   

戴业岭 《饲料研究》2007,(11):52-53
近年来,由于我国养殖业迅猛发展,饲料资源(尤其是动物性蛋白质饲料)非常缺乏。在水产饲料中,菜粕和棉粕是我国的优势蛋白饲料原料,在饲料中使用量较大,是水产饲料的主要蛋白质原料。目前,我国从加拿大和印度进口了很多油菜子,在国内加工成食用菜子油,同时也带来较多的菜粕蛋白质原料。这些进口菜粕主要消耗在各类饲料中,而水产饲料(尤其是淡水鱼饲料)消耗量大。  相似文献   

铜鱼对4种饲料原料的离体酶解动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验旨在研究铜鱼对4种常用饲料原料中蛋白质的离体消化和酶解能力.选用体重146.81g左右的野生铜鱼200尾,暂养24 h排出其消化道内容物后解剖,取出其肠道和肝胰脏制备成消化酶液,在离体条件下对鱼粉、豆粕、菜粕和棉粕进行消化酶解.试验结果表明:在离体条件下铜龟对饲料原料中蛋白质的酶解能力为肝胰脏强于肠道,而在肠道中则以中肠最大,后肠最小.在0~4 h铜鱼肠道对鱼粉、豆粕、菜粕和棉粕酶解时的氨基酸生成速度以鱼粉最大,为8.551 mg/h(P<0.05);胰脏酶解液的氨基酸生成速度则以豆粕最大,为13.110 mg/h(P<0.05);铜鱼对4种饲料原料酶解的平均速度分别为:鱼粉10.75 mg/h、豆粕10.03 mg/h、菜粕9.05 mg/h、棉粕7.36 mg/h.由此可知,铜鱼对鱼粉和豆粕具有较好的消化酶解能力.  相似文献   

草鱼对血球蛋白粉离体消化的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验采用体外消化法研究草鱼(Ctenopharyngodonidella)对血球蛋白粉、普通血粉、红鱼粉和白鱼粉的消化能力。草鱼对4种饲料原料的离体消化率为:血球蛋白粉88.00%、白鱼粉77.48%、红鱼粉70.56%、普通血粉35.42%。结果表明,血球蛋白粉部分替代鱼粉在水产饲料中作为饲用蛋白是可行的。  相似文献   

泥鳅又名鳅,属鲤形目鲤亚目鳅科,味道鲜美,营养丰富,蛋白质含量较高而脂肪含量较低;且具有一定的医疗保健作用,素有天上斑鸠、地下的泥鳅及水中人参的美誉。泥鳅食性杂、饲料来源广泛、病害较少、养殖成本较低,越来越受到养殖户们的青  相似文献   

采用离体消化率方法测定草鱼肠道对鱼粉、豆粕、菜粕、棉粕的蛋白质消化率分别为 66%、 56%、 37%、 50%.在酶水解过程中氨基酸的生成量逐渐增加;以生成的氨基酸量占饲料量的百分比表示氨基酸生成效率,以鱼粉最高,其次为豆粕 (为鱼粉的 92% )、棉粕 (为鱼粉的 80% )和菜粕 (为鱼粉的 62% ),在水解 7h时鱼粉、豆粕、菜粕、棉粕的氨基酸生成效率分别为 54.08%、 49.91%、 33.76%、 43.52%.采用肠道离体灌注试验系统和方法测定了草鱼肠道对 4种饲料蛋白质酶水解液中氨基酸的吸收转运速度,以鱼粉最高,为 0.45mg/min,其次为豆粕 0.36mg/min、棉粕 0.30mg/min,最低为菜粕 0.26mg/min.如果以单位时间内肠道对氨基酸的吸收转运量占流过肠道内的氨基酸量的比例表示肠道对氨基酸吸收效率,结果为草鱼肠道对 4种蛋白质饲料水解液氨基酸的吸收转运效率无显著性的差异.上述结果初步表明草鱼肠道对 4种饲料蛋白质的氨基酸消化效率有较大差异,但对其蛋白质水解产物--氨基酸的吸收效率并无显著性差异,肠道对氨基酸的吸收效率可能不受饲料种类的影响.  相似文献   

猪离体消化试验方法的重演性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几十年来,国内外学者在模拟动物的消化生理机制的基础上,提出了种种离体消化试验方案,中国农业科学院畜牧研究所在引进国外技术的基础上,研究了用骨蛋白酶—猪小肠液(PIF,下同)冻干粉处理饲料的离体消化试验方法,获得了与全收粪法近似的结果。为验证这套方法的可行性与重演性,黑龙江省畜牧研究所用21种已知全收粪法干物质和能量消化率的饲料进行了离体消化试验。又随机抽取其中10种饲料用PIF冻干制剂与鲜PIF做对比试验。  相似文献   

在厌氧、适宜温度,恒定的PH值条件下模拟饲料在瘤胃、皱胃和部分小肠的消化,第1阶段为瘤胃液的消化,第2阶段为酸性胃蛋白酶的消化,即二级离体消化试验,对6个氨化、生物发酵稻草样品进行了离体消化试验。  相似文献   

Six tests were applied to 39 strains of Yersinia enterocolitica of various serotypes and from several sources in an attempt to relate the test to pathogenicity of the strains. The tests that were used were the pig gut loop test and the infant mouse test for heat stable enterotoxin, the Sereny and HeLa cell tests for invasiveness, inhibition of growth on magnesium oxalate agar, and the ability to cause diarrhea in infant mice. The pig gut loop test was found to be unsuitable for detection of heat stable enterotoxin but 20 strains produced heat stable enterotoxin that was detected in infant mice. None of the strains was positive in the Sereny test but 21 invaded HeLa cells. The growth of 20 strains was inhibited at 37 degrees C on magnesium oxalate agar and, in the orally-infected mice, 23 strains caused diarrhea or death. These findings indicate a discrepancy between the infant mouse test and the ligated intestine test in pigs for heat stable enterotoxin and a significant difference in Y. enterocolitica heat stable enterotoxin compared with Escherichia coli heat stable enterotoxin because the former failed to elicit a significant response in pig intestine.  相似文献   

为明确不同来源澳洲坚果种质资源品质性状间的差异,以澳洲坚果种质资源圃中不同地理来源的38份资源为材料,用NIRS DS 2500近红外光谱分析仪测定22项品质性状指标,用变异分析、主成分分析和聚类分析方法分析其多样性。结果表明:澳洲坚果种质资源的品质性状存在丰富的变异,变异系数在0.51%-28.08%;其硬脂酸的变异幅度最大,油酸的变异最小;前3个主成分累计贡献率达到94.56%,其中脂肪、总糖、蛋白、棕榈酸、油酸、二十碳烯酸6个性状是构成品质性状差异的主要因素;聚类分析将38份材料分为3类,第Ⅰ类为高脂肪、高蛋白、高棕榈酸及高精氨类群,第Ⅱ类为高总糖、高二十碳烯酸类群,第Ⅲ类为高油酸类群。根据育种目标在群体间选配亲本,以提高品质育种的效率。  相似文献   

The chemical composition and protein quality of 11 alternative protein sources (chicken products, blood products, enzyme-hydrolyzed fish protein concentrate, soybean meal, and spray-dried pork liver) were determined, and an experiment was conducted to determine palatability and digestibility of processed red blood cell-containing diets. Chicken protein sources differed in concentrations of CP, acid-hydrolyzed fat, and total AA (TAA) by 20, 31, and 24%, respectively, and GE by 1.7 kcal/g. Blood protein sources varied little in acid-hydrolyzed fat and GE concentrations, but concentrations of CP and TAA differed by 11 and 8%, respectively. Protein solubility of chicken and blood protein source categories averaged 57 and 69%, respectively. Protein solubility of enzyme-hydrolyzed fish protein concentrate, soybean meal, and spray-dried pork liver was 53, 67, and 26%, respectively. Based on calculations from immobilized digestive enzyme assay values, lysine digestibility averaged approximately 80.4 and 81.7% for blood and chicken protein sources, respectively. Lysine digestibility values for soybean meal and spray-dried pork liver were 89 and 77%, respectively. A chick protein efficiency ratio (PER) assay showed that chicken protein sources had high protein quality values, as the PER ranged from 2.7 to 5.3, whereas blood protein sources had poor protein quality (PER values less than 1.5). Enzyme-hydrolyzed fish protein concentrate, spray-dried pork liver, and soybean meal had high protein quality (PER values greater than 2.8). In the dog palatability and digestibility experiments, a corn and chicken-based diet supplemented with either 0 or 3% processed red blood cells was tested. The palatability test showed that dogs consumed more of the diet that contained 0% vs. 3% processed red blood cells. The intake ratio for the 3% processed red blood cells diet was 0.34. Nutrient digestibilities did not differ, except for CP, where the digestibility was greater (P = 0.01) for dogs consuming the 0% processed red blood cells diet. These data suggest that chemical composition and quality of alternative protein sources differ greatly among ingredients within the same category. Palatability data suggest that a processed red blood cells-containing diet is not highly palatable but, when this diet was offered as only one food, dogs demonstrated no aversion response but some decrease in protein digestion.  相似文献   

跨越计划“优质蛋白玉米(QPM)新组合-中单9409高产高效技术体系的组装、试验和示范”项目,已经完成猪鸡代谢试验、猪鸡平衡试验及猪鸡精细试验。通过代谢试验和平衡试验研究表明,QPM和普通玉米在能量的可利用上无显著差异(高俊,2002);QPM的赖氨酸含量(测定值,0.39%)比普通玉米(  相似文献   

Four rumen-cannulated, mature crossbred wethers were used in a 4 x 4 latin square experiment designed to examine the effects on protein metabolism of protein sources with various solubilities fed with low quality roughages. Four diets were used: (1) grass hay plus oat straw (control), (2) control plus urea, (3) control plus soybean oil meal (SBOM) and (4) control plus sunflower oil mean (SFOM). The diets were isocaloric, isofibrous and isonitrogenous (1.60% except for the control, which contained 1.09% N). The protein solubility means determined by three solvents (Burroughs' mineral mixture, McDougal's artificial saliva and sodium chloride) were 23.7, 50.5, 18.2 and 24.2% for the respective diets. The average protein solubilities of SBOM and SFOM were 20.5 and 35.4%, respectively. Apparent crude protein digestibilites were higher (P less than .05) for diets with higher protein solubility. The Urea diet (highest protein solubility) resulted in higher urinary N excretion (P less than .05) and lower N retention than the SBOM and SFOM diets. N retention was similar for the animals fed the SBOM and SFOM diets. Ruminal NH3-N and plasma urea N levels were higher (P less than .05) in animals fed the urea diet. The protein source altered VFA concentrations but not C2 to C3 ratios of VFA. The SBOM and SFOM produced more branched chain fatty acids. These data illustrate that protein sources of higher solubility result in higher crude protein digestion and higher N loss in the urine. N balance was similar with SFOM and SBOM. SFOM and SBOM can be used interchangeably on an equal protein basis for sheep fed high roughage diets.  相似文献   

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