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The survival of fish eggs and larvae, and therefore recruitment success, can be critically affected by transport in ocean currents. Combining a model of early‐life stage dispersal with statistical stock–recruitment models, we investigated the role of larval transport for recruitment variability across spatial scales for the population complex of North Sea cod (Gadus morhua). By using a coupled physical–biological model, we estimated the egg and larval transport over a 44‐year period. The oceanographic component of the model, capable of capturing the interannual variability of temperature and ocean current patterns, was coupled to the biological component, an individual‐based model (IBM) that simulated the cod eggs and larvae development and mortality. This study proposes a novel method to account for larval transport and success in stock–recruitment models: weighting the spawning stock biomass by retention rate and, in the case of multiple populations, their connectivity. Our method provides an estimate of the stock biomass contributing to recruitment and the effect of larval transport on recruitment variability. Our results indicate an effect, albeit small, in some populations at the local level. Including transport anomaly as an environmental covariate in traditional stock–recruitment models in turn captures recruitment variability at larger scales. Our study aims to quantify the role of larval transport for recruitment across spatial scales, and disentangle the roles of temperature and larval transport on effective connectivity between populations, thus informing about the potential impacts of climate change on the cod population structure in the North Sea.  相似文献   

Escapes of cod (Gadus morhua) from sea cages represent an economic problem for farmers and a potential environmental problem. We estimate that 0–6% of cod held in sea‐cage farms in Norway were reported to have escaped each year from 2000 to 2005, which is a high proportion compared with salmon. We interviewed employees at 19 coastal sea‐cage cod farms in Norway to investigate both how and why cultured cod escape and to document cage handling and management strategies that were effective in minimizing escapes. Based on the interviews, we describe five working hypotheses that may explain why a greater proportion of cod than salmon escape: (1) cod are more willing to escape than salmon; (2) cod bite the net cage and create wear and tear; (3) net cages have insufficient technical standards for cod culture; (4) cod are placed in sea cages at considerably smaller sizes than salmon; and (5) cod are more popular feed for predators. Preliminary testing of the hypothesis that cod bite netting and create holes was done by placing pre‐damaged net panels with cut twines and control panels inside sea cages. Holes in the pre‐damaged net panels increased in size over a period of 3 months. The type of damage indicated that biting of netting twines was the likely cause.  相似文献   

Commercial farming of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) is now being developed in several countries. The ecological consequences of cod culture are poorly understood, but recent research suggests that Atlantic cod are more prone to escape from net pens than Atlantic salmon. Here, we describe the movements and the spatiotemporal distribution of farmed cod after escape relative to wild cod, both during and outside the natural spawning season. The experimental design included simulating escape incidents of farmed cod tagged with acoustic transmitters and using an array of automatic listening stations to monitor their dispersal and distribution. For comparison, local wild cod were monitored using the same array of receivers. The farmed cod dispersed rapidly after a simulated escape, they randomly distributed over large areas and their distribution overlapped with local wild cod. Moreover, escaped farmed fish were found at local cod spawning areas during the spawning season. The study also indicated that the recapture rate of escaped farmed cod was high compared with that of escaped farmed salmon. Thus, while our results showed that there is a considerable potential for ecosystem effects caused by escaped farmed cod, mitigating actions such as an efficient recapture fishery for escapees may be possible.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine fin erosion caused by social interactions between Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) juveniles, and to evaluate the repeatability of recorded fin length using digital image analysis (DIA). Fin length of 2100 juvenile Atlantic cod was analysed using DIA, during a 6 weeks experiment. The lengths of the three dorsal fins and the caudal fin were measured by three different assessors (M, K, B) three times during the experiment. Repeatability was based on a sub set of data from 42 randomly chosen fish. Assessor M measured the length of the fins of the 42 fish three times (M1, M2, M3). M1 and M2 were done on the same day, while M3 was conducted 2 weeks later. Assessor K measured two times with a 2‐year interval, and assessor B measured the fin length only once. The correlations between replicated measurements within assessor were highest for assessor M measured on the same day indicating an effect of memory. Repeatability of fin length ranged from 0.57 to 0.73 for the four fins. Social interaction with respect to fin erosion was studied using data on the four fins from all 2100 fish. ‘Relative fin length’ (fin length/total body length × 100) was calculated to assess fin erosion. Results indicated that all four fins were eroded due to social interactions, but the caudal fin was most severely eroded. In conclusion, DIA can be used to measured fin length but the method could be improved by using chromatic pictures.  相似文献   

Francisellosis, caused by the bacterium Francisella piscicida , has become one of the most serious diseases in Atlantic cod production in Norway. The major aim of this study was to determine the distribution of F. piscicida in farmed and wild fish in areas with cod farming along the Norwegian coast, and its occurrence in cod from areas without cod farming. Two real-time PCR assays, targeting the 16S rRNA gene and the FopA gene of F. piscicida , were developed since sensitive and specific diagnostic tools are required for detecting asymptomatic carriers of the bacterium. A total of 422 wild cod from 13 sampling areas and 955 farmed cod from 10 areas along the coast of Norway were examined. Using the real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays, F. piscicida was detected in wild populations of cod from all counties examined south of Sogn og Fjordane in southern Norway (overall prevalence 13%, n  = 221). Wild cod north of Sogn og Fjordane were negative for the bacterium ( n  = 201). Farmed cod from most parts of Norway were F. piscicida positive. The apparent absence of the bacterium in wild populations of cod in the northern parts of Norway and its widespread occurrence in wild cod from southern parts of Norway is believed to relate to differences in seawater temperatures.  相似文献   


Desalted cod products are already marketed, although still presenting some problems. Fresh raw materials and good manufacturing practices during salting, drying and desalting are essential to improve their quality and shelf life. The production of off-odor, hydrogen sulfide, trimethylamine, ornithine, putrescine, cadaverine, histamine, indole, hydrolyzed gelatin and ammonia was investigated in 127 bacterial strains isolated from dried/wet salted cod, later desalted either at 4 or 24°C. Desalting could either introduce or recover off-odor, sulfide hydrogen and/or ornithine producing strains. Cod desalting at 4°C is of great importance in order to improve the shelf life and safety of cod desalted products.  相似文献   

This study has investigated the muscle growth of diploid and triploid Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) juveniles raised in replicate tanks over a period of 29 weeks and analysed at three sampling points (February, June and September). Data for weight, length, condition factor (K), muscle fibre growth and myogenic progenitor cells (MPCs) number were collected and results were analysed in relation to body growth and ploidy status. Diploids were significantly heavier than triploids throughout the trial (~10–20%) and had K in June and September samplings. Over the whole period, the rate of muscle fibres' recruitment was 318 fibres per day and 252 fibres per day for diploid and triploid cod respectively. The larger body weight of diploids resulted in a total number of fast fibre number of 114 979 compared to 91 086 in triploids. The average diameter of the 2.5% of the smallest fibres (2.5th percentile) was higher in diploids than triploids at the start of the trial, with a reversed picture for the average of the upper 2.5% (97.5th percentile) at the end of the trial. The probability density function of the estimated muscle fibre diameters showed similar fibre size distribution between size‐matched diploids and triploids at all sample points. The peak fibre diameter was approximately 25 μm in February and increased to approximately 50 μm in June and September, irrespectively of ploidy. Pax 7 were used as molecular markers for MPCs. A positive correlation between Pax 7+ cells and total body length was observed only among triploid fish at the onset of the experiment.  相似文献   

Juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) were fed extruded feeds formulated to contain 360–660 g kg?1 protein, 80–280 g kg?1 lipid and 80–180 g kg?1 starch at feeding frequencies of either once per day or every second day to satiation. The trial was conducted at 8 °C and lasted for 28 weeks during which fish were weighed five times at regular intervals. Sampling for proximate analysis was performed at the start, after 12 weeks and at the end of the trial. Fish grew from an average weight of 192 g to between 750 and 866 g, with growth being negatively affected by low dietary protein concentration. High dietary starch concentrations had some negative effects on growth, whereas changes in dietary fat concentration had no significant effect on growth. Liver indices (at the end of the experiment) varied between 80 and 170 g kg?1, and there was a negative correlation between the ratio of protein to fat and liver index. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) ranged between 0.74 and 0.88, and feed utilization improved with increasing concentrations of dietary protein and fat. Increasing dietary starch concentrations resulted in poorer feed utilization. To achieve good growth and protein retention, and avoid excessive liver size in juvenile cod, feeds should contain 500–600 g kg?1 crude protein, 130–200 g kg?1 lipid and <150 g kg?1 starch.  相似文献   

A disease outbreak in farmed Atlantic cod caused by Yersinia ruckeri is reported. Mortality started following vaccination of cod reared in two tanks (A and B). The accumulated mortality reached 1.9% in A and 4.8% in B in the following 30 days when treatment with oxytetracycline was applied. Biochemical and molecular analysis of Y. ruckeri isolates from the cod and other fish species from fresh and marine waters in Iceland revealed a high salinity‐tolerant subgroup of Y. ruckeri serotype O1. Infected fish showed clinical signs comparable with those of Y. ruckeri ‐infected salmonids, with the exception of granuloma formations in infected cod tissues, which is a known response of cod to bacterial infections. Immunohistological examination showed Y. ruckeri antigens in the core of granulomas and the involvement of immune parameters that indicates a strong association between complement and lysozyme killing of bacteria. Experimental infection of cod with a cod isolate induced disease, and the calculated LD50 was 1.7 × 104 CFU per fish. The results suggest that yersiniosis can be spread between populations of freshwater and marine fish. Treatment of infected cod with antibiotic did not eliminate the infection, which can be explained by the immune response of cod producing prolonged granulomatous infection.  相似文献   

Coupled three-dimensional (3-D) physical oceanographic modelling and field sampling programmes were carried out in May 1988 and August 1991 to investigate the potential drift of larval cod ( Gadus morhua L.) in the Bornholm Basin of the Baltic Sea. The goals were to predict the transport of cod larvae, thus aiding the identification of physical processes influencing larval retention/dispersal. Numerical simulations were performed using a 3-D eddy-resolving baroclinic model based on the Bryan–Cox–Semtner code adapted for the Baltic Sea. Within the Bornholm Basin, the model was initialized with ground truth data of physical parameters obtained on the research cruises, and all simulations were forced with actual wind data. Outside the basin, generalized hydrographic features of the Baltic Sea were utilized by incorporation of simulated hydrographic fields from previous model runs typical for the time periods considered. Larval drift was simulated either by incorporation of passive drifters, or as the initial horizontal distribution of larvae implemented into the model. Drift model simulations of larval transport agreed relatively well with field observations. The influence of variations in the vertical distribution on a smaller scale, i.e. vertical deviations of ± 6 m from the observed mean centre of mass, on the drift was examined, revealing no significant differences in the drift of larvae depending on their vertical distribution. The different wind forcing during the investigated time periods was linked to a retention situation in May 1988 and to a dispersal situation in August 1991. Finally, observed spatial distribution patterns of 1-group cod based on Baltic Young Fish Surveys (BYFS) were compared with their predicted transport in the larval phase and examined with respect to recruitment.  相似文献   

Using Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, as a model for the stress response in gadoid fish, the changes in the expression of some stress and immune genes as well as the profiles of plasma cortisol were examined. Adult fish were kept at a density of ca. 100 kg m?3 by lowering the water level in the rearing tank for 1 h and this short‐term crowding stress was repeated thrice over a 12‐h interval period. Blood samples were collected before exposure and at 2, 24 and 72 h post crowding. Plasma cortisol level significantly increased at 2 h post crowding but returned to pre‐crowding levels 24 h after exposure. The relative expression of the stress response genes, glucose transporter‐3 and a putative heat shock protein 70 significantly increased at 2 and 24 h post crowding respectively. Significant up‐regulation of the pro‐inflammatory cytokines, interleukin (IL)‐1β and IL‐8, as well as anti‐bacterial genes, g‐type lysozyme and bactericidal permeability‐increasing protein/lipopolysaccharide‐binding protein (BPI/LBP) was also observed at 2 h and the levels were maintained until 72 h post exposure, except for BPI/LBP which had maximum up‐regulation at 24 h. The present observations have implications with respect to fish welfare and assessment of the health status of the farmed fish.  相似文献   

In order to clarify mechanisms influencing the reproductive success of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua L.), a modelling exercise was performed to examine the effects of the wind‐driven circulation on the transport of early life stages between the western and eastern Baltic. Because the different stocks spawn in different areas and environments at different times of the year, the occurrence of variable age/length distributions of juveniles within the different potential nursery areas can be explained by the circulation pattern. A three‐dimensional circulation model of the Baltic was utilized to investigate the temporal evolution of egg and larval distributions of the western Baltic cod stock, which spawns preferentially in the Danish Straits, in Kiel Bay as well as in Mecklenburg Bay. For different scenarios (1988 and 1993), within‐ and between‐year variability of egg and larval transport showed large differences, primarily due to variations in wind forcing. In 1988, relatively low and variable wind forcing prevailed, whereas, due to sustained strong, mainly westerly, winds, in January 1993, the recent major Baltic inflow to the Baltic Sea occurred. Differences in contributions of early life stages from the western to the eastern cod stocks, depending on the physical forcing conditions, suggest that this process can be controlled by variations of atmospheric forcing conditions. The potential for early life stages from the western Baltic cod stock to drift into the Arkona Basin and the Bornholm Basin, and to contribute there to the juvenile population, has been recognized as being mainly due to strong westerly winds. During cold winters, retention of eggs, larvae and juveniles within their original spawning grounds may predominate. Transport of cod early life stages from the Øresund, as well as from the Great Belt, can occur only during periods of strong westerly winds, but significant eastwards orientated drift from Kiel Bay and Mecklenburg Bay was also evident during periods of minor westerly wind influence.  相似文献   

In vitro cell culture methods are crucial for the isolation, purification and mass propagation of intracellular pathogens of aquatic organisms. Cell culture infection models can yield insights into infection mechanisms, aid in developing methods for disease mitigation and prevention, and inform commercial‐scale cultivation approaches. This study details the establishment of a larval cell line (GML‐5) from the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and its use in the study of microsporidia. GML‐5 has survived over 100 passages in 8 years of culture. The line remains active and viable between 8 and 21°C in Leibovitz‐15 (L‐15) media with 10% foetal bovine serum and exhibits a myofibroblast phenotype as indicated by immuno‐positive results for vimentin, α‐smooth muscle actin, collagen I and S‐100 proteins, while being desmin‐negative. GML‐5 supports the infection and development of two microsporidian parasites, an opportunistic generalist (Anncaliia algerae) and cod‐specific Loma morhua. Using GML‐5, spore germination and proliferation of L. morhua was found to require exposure to basic pH and cool incubation temperatures (8°C), in contrast to A. algerae, which required no cultural modifications. Loma morhua‐associated xenoma‐like structures were observed 2 weeks postexposure. This in vitro infection model may serve as a valuable tool for cod parasitology and aquaculture research.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to compare the growth and gut morphology of juvenile diploid and triploid Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) reared under similar conditions. Individually tagged 36‐week‐old diploid (mean weight 49.3 ± 13.8 g) and triploid (mean weight 43.6 ± 11.2) juvenile cod were measured at intervals during a 29‐week growth trial. Data for weight, length, condition factor (K), hepato‐somatic index (HSI), gonado‐somatic index (GSI), Relative Gut Length (RGL) and pyloric caeca number were collected and results were analysed in relation to ploidy status, gender and family contribution. At the end of the experiment, only one family (M2xF3) had many representatives with a relatively even distribution of sexes and ploidies. Diploid females were significantly heavier and had higher K than triploid females in the M2xF3 family (body weight 371.2 ± 120.2 vs. 298.4 ± 100.7 g; K 1.1 ± 0.1 vs. 0.93 ± 0.1), but no differences were found between diploid and triploid males. In the other families (pooled data), no differences in body weight were found between the ploidy groups. In general, triploids had a shorter intestine (RGL) and fewer pyloric caeca than their diploid siblings regardless of gender suggesting possible impairments in nutrient utilization and growth.  相似文献   

Environmental heterogeneity can create boundary conditions for the co-occurrence of marine predators and their prey. If one or both are spatially constrained by their tolerance to environmental variables, then spatial differences in the availability of possible habitats define the volume of distributional overlap. Cod ( Gadus morhua L.) and its prey, herring ( Clupea harengus L.), in the vertically stratified Bornholm Basin of the Baltic Sea are presented as an example. A non-linear model was used to estimate oxygen avoidance thresholds for both species. Herring avoided oxygen saturation levels below 50%, while cod tolerated oxygen saturation down to 16%. The threshold of 50% oxygen saturation, below which cod could not encounter its prey, herring, was applied to a time series of vertical oxygen profiles from the centre of the Bornholm Basin to estimate the size of the overlap volume during the winter period from 1958 to 1999. Dependent on the oxygenation of the deep-water, the overlap volume varied between 57 km3 and 250 km3.  相似文献   

Lipids and essential fatty acids, particularly the highly unsaturated fatty acids, 20:5n‐3 (eicosapentaenoic acid; EPA), 22:6n‐3 (docosahexaenoic acid; DHA) and 20:4n‐6 (arachidonic acid, AA) have been shown to be crucial determinants of marine fish reproduction directly affecting fecundity, egg quality, hatching success, larval malformation and pigmentation. In Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) culture, eggs from farmed broodstock can have much lower fertilization and hatching rates than eggs from wild broodstock. The present study aimed to test the hypothesis that potential quality and performance differences between eggs from different cod broodstock would be reflected in differences in lipid and fatty acid composition. Thus eggs were obtained from three broodstock, farmed, wild/fed and wild/unfed, and lipid content, lipid class composition, fatty acid composition and pigment content were determined and related to performance parameters including fertilization rate, symmetry of cell division and survival to hatching. Eggs from farmed broodstock showed significantly lower fertilization rates, cell symmetry and survival to hatching rates than eggs from wild broodstock. There were no differences in total lipid content or the proportions of the major lipid classes between eggs from the different broodstock. However, eggs from farmed broodstock were characterized by having significantly lower levels of some quantitatively minor phospholipid classes, particularly phosphatidylinositol. There were no differences between eggs from farmed and wild broodstock in the proportions of saturated, monounsaturated and total polyunsaturated fatty acids. The DHA content was also similar. However, eggs from farmed broodstock had significantly lower levels of AA, and consequently significantly higher EPA/AA ratios than eggs from wild broodstock. Total pigment and astaxanthin levels were significantly higher in eggs from wild broodstock. Therefore, the levels of AA and phosphatidylinositol, the predominant AA‐containing lipid class, and egg pigment content were positively related to egg quality or performance parameters such as fertilization and hatching success rates, and cell symmetry.  相似文献   

How climatic variability and anthropogenic pressures interact to influence recruitment is a key factor in achieving sustainable resource management. However, the combined effects of these pressures can make it difficult to detect non‐stationary interactions or shifts in the relationships with recruitment. Here we examine the links between climate and Irish Sea cod recruitment during a period of declining spawning stock biomass (SSB). Specifically, we test for a shift in the relationship between recruitment, SSB and climate by comparing an additive (generalized additive model, GAM) and non‐additive threshold model (TGAM). The relationship between recruitment success, SSB and the climatic driver, sea surface temperature, was best described by the TGAM, with a threshold identified between recruitment and SSB at approximately 7900 t. The analysis suggests a threshold shift in the relationship between recruitment and SSB in Irish Sea cod, with cod recruitment being more sensitive to climatic variability during the recent low SSB regime.  相似文献   

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