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Sardinella aurita is the most abundant small pelagic fish in the Senegalese–Mauritanian region. The success of its reproduction crucially depends on the local circulation as this determines whether larvae reach coastal nursery areas favorable to their survival or are dispersed into the open ocean. As a first step towards evaluating sardinella vulnerability to climate‐driven hydrodynamical changes, this study aims at underpinning how transport pathways drive optimal spatial and seasonal patterns for sardinella reproduction. We have used two estimates of the Senegalese–Mauritanian coastal seasonal circulation simulated by two hydrodynamical model configurations that differ in their forcing and topography. Nursery areas are determined by evaluating coastal retention with a Lagrangian individual‐based model that accounts for processes such as diel vertical migration and mortality as a result of lethal temperature exposure. Our results suggest that the shelf zones located at the Arguin Bank (19.5°N–21°N) and south of Senegal (12°N–14.75°N) are highly retentive. We find maximum retention rates in July–August and November–December over the Arguin Bank; from February–July and November–December over the southern Senegalese shelf; and lower retention rates over the central region (14.75°N–19.5°N) that are locally maximum in June–July when the upwelling weakens. These retention areas and their seasonality are in agreement with previously reported spawning patterns, suggesting that the Sardinella aurita spawning strategy may result from a trade‐off between retention patterns associated with the seasonal circulation and food availability. Exposure to lethal temperatures, although not well studied, could be a further limiting factor for spawning. The Lagrangian analysis reveals important connectivity between sub‐regions within and south of the system and hence underlines the importance for joint management of the Sardinella aurita stock.  相似文献   

Using path analyses, we investigated relationships between size at release from hatcheries, the early marine growth of juveniles, and adult return rates for chum salmon from five river stocks of Hokkaido, Japan, in relation to sea surface temperature during ocean residence. Marine growth was estimated using scales collected from 11 760 adults of age 0.3 (1980–2004). The growth and survival of each stock appeared to have a different suite of regulatory processes. Interannual variability in return rates was mainly regulated by size at release in two stocks from the Sea of Okhotsk. A similar relationship was found in one stock from the Sea of Japan, but growth during coastal residency also affected their return rates. In two stocks from the Pacific coast of Hokkaido, variability in return rates was not related to size at release or to the coastal growth of juveniles, but with offshore growth in the Sea of Okhotsk, the nursery area for juveniles after leaving Japanese coastal waters. Whereas coastal growth tended to be negatively correlated with size at release in some stocks, offshore growth was positively associated with the August–November sea surface temperature in all stocks. This study confirmed that mortality of juvenile salmon occurred in two phases, during the coastal residency and the late period of the growing season, but the relative importance of both phases varied by stock and region, which probably regulated year‐class strength of Hokkaido chum salmon.  相似文献   

Microbial mineralization rates in sinking particles, bottom sediments and seawater were determined in a coastal fish (red sea bream Pagrus major) culturing area to clarify the mineralization process of organic matter (OM) in the entire water column. The mineralization rates of 14C‐labelled glutamate and glucose per unit volume were highest in the sinking particles and were 131–572 and 7–49 times higher than those of the seawater and bottom sediments respectively. The turnover time of glutamate tended to be shorter than that of glucose at all three sites of the water column. Bacteria appeared to prefer amino acids to monosaccharides because amino acids could be utilized as both energy and nitrogen sources. The sedimentation rate of particulate organic carbon (POC) derived from phytoplankton accounted for 9–61% of the total POC, and it was particularly high in early summer (61% and 50% at fish cage and non‐cage stations respectively). The present study clearly shows that sinking particles serve as an important site of microbial mineralization process of OM within the water column, and that phytoplankton production was another serious cause of organic pollution of the seafloor in addition to the organic wastes directly discharged from fish farms.  相似文献   

Mature Brazilian flounders Paralichthys orbignyanus were captured in coastal southern Brazil and their reproduction in captivity was studied. Brazilian flounder will spawn naturally in captivity when the water temperature is around 23 °C and 14 h of light is provided daily. Females were induced for ovulation and hand stripping using human chorionic gonadotropin, luteinizing hormone‐releasing hormone analogue or carp pituitary extract. There was no need to inject males, as running milt was observed during the spawning season. Fertilization and hatching rates were above 80% independent of the hormone used. Notochord length at hatching was 2.18±0.07 mm for larvae hatching from naturally spawned eggs. Larvae were reared in salt water (30–35 g L?1) at 24 °C and under continuous illumination. Larviculture was with green water (Tetraselmis tetrathele 50 × 104 cells mL?1). Rotifers (10–20 ind mL?1) were offered as first food 3 days after hatching and gradually replaced by Artemia nauplii (0.5–10 ind mL?1). Larvae settled to the bottom 20 days after hatching and completed metamorphosis within a week after that. The total length for newly metamorphosed juveniles was 12.9±2.2 mm and the mean survival was 44.8%. The results demonstrate the feasibility of producing Brazilian flounder fingerlings for stock enhancement or grow‐out purposes.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of Todarodes pacificus in and near the Kuroshio/Oyashio Transition Zone during its northward migration was examined by comparative surveys using two types of mid‐water trawl net and supplementary squid jigging from June to July 2000. The vertical and horizontal distribution patterns varied for different body sizes in relation to the oceanographic structure. Todarodes pacificus of 1–20 cm dorsal mantle length (ML) were widely distributed from the coastal waters of Japan to near 162°E longitude, probably due to transport by the Kuroshio Extension (KE). Todarodes pacificus smaller than 10 cm ML were mainly distributed in temperate surface layers at sea surface temperatures (SSTs) >15°C near the KE meander probably because of their poor tolerance to lower temperatures and limited swimming ability. Squid of 10–15 cm ML were distributed in the offshore waters of 10–15°C SST and in the coastal waters of northern Honshu, and underwent diel vertical migrations between the sea surface at night and deeper layers during the daytime. Squid larger than 15 cm ML were distributed in the coastal feeding grounds of northern Honshu and Hokkaido until they began their southward spawning migration. They also underwent diel vertical migrations, but remained deeper at night than the squid of 10–15 cm ML; this migration pattern closely matched that of their main prey such as euphausiids. We concluded that as T. pacificus grow, they shift their distribution range from the temperate surface layer around the KE toward the colder deeper layers, above 5°C, in the Oyashio and coastal areas.  相似文献   

Seamounts are common topographic features in the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge (MAR) including the Azores. However, the knowledge on the ecology of seamounts in this region remains scarce despite needs for assessment and management of seamount resources such as the developing fisheries for deep‐water crabs. We described here for the first time the biological characteristics of an unexploited virgin deep‐water red crab Chaceon affinis population on seamount areas of the MAR to test the hypothesis that its general life history characteristics are similar in different ecosystem types (coastal areas and seamounts) across Macaronesia. We used a randomly stratified design to prospect a layer between 600 and 900 m depth around the summit of two isolated seamounts off the Azores. Results were consistent with the literature information in relation to the patterns of depth distribution, size and sex structure, and reproductive aspects. On the other hand, seamounts showed higher abundances when compared to previously studied coastal areas. Abundance may be also different between seamount areas as a function of the suitable bottom type available and presence of hydrothermal vents. We recommend that the essential habitat of the species should be better mapped identifying vulnerable areas before the development of any fishery.  相似文献   

We examined conditions under which white shrimp (Litopenaeus setiferus) post‐larvae enter an estuarine channel receiving high freshwater discharge and one receiving negligible discharge in the Ossabaw Sound system of Georgia, USA, during 1997 and 1998. We used surface nets to collect plankton over several 14‐day periods, during which consecutive tows were made at night against the flooding current at stations in the inlet channels. During these sampling periods, additional intensive periods of around‐the‐clock surface and near‐bottom (using a bottom sled) plankton tows were made. Data on oceanographic conditions were obtained from moored instrument arrays and shipboard sampling. We identified three key factors that influenced the densities of post‐larval white shrimp in time and space within the Ossabaw inlet system. The first factor was a critical minimum temperature of coastal waters of 27–28°C. Once the threshold temperature was reached, lunar tidal stage became a key factor when the full duration of the flood tide coincided with darkness during peak ingress. This peak also coincided with an increase in water level within the system by more than 0.2 m, which induced an additional influx of water that reinforces the flood current over the ingress period. Our results suggest that the direction of subtidal currents (into or out of the system) becomes a significant factor in post‐larval ingress when influx of water coincides with the time of favorable temperature conditions and nighttime flood tides.  相似文献   

Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to investigate the relationships between annual recruitment of natural coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) from Oregon coastal rivers and indices of the physical ocean environment. Nine indices were examined, ranging from large‐scale ocean indicators, e.g., Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), to indicators of the local ecosystem (e.g., coastal water temperature near Charleston, OR). Generalized additive models with two and three predictor variables were evaluated using a set of performance metrics aimed at quantifying model skill in short‐term (approximately 1 yr) forecasting. High explanatory power and promising forecast skill resulted when the spring/summer PDO averaged over the 4 yr prior to the return year was used to explain a low‐frequency (multi‐year) pattern in recruitment and one or two additional variables accounted for year‐to‐year deviations from the low‐frequency pattern. More variance was explained when averaging the predictions from a set of models (i.e., taking the ensemble mean) than by any single model. Making multiple forecasts from a set of models also provided a range of possible outcomes that reflected, to some degree, the uncertainty in our understanding of how salmon productivity is driven by physical ocean conditions.  相似文献   

Brook charr inhabit a wide variety of habitats and exhibit considerable growth variation within and among populations. We used biannual mark–recapture electrofishing surveys and PIT tags at two streams in coastal Maine to examine spatial and temporal variability in brook charr growth. We documented considerable stream‐to‐stream and year‐to‐year variation in the growth of coastal brook charr. Based on 2892 recaptures between 2006 and 2010, we developed a suite of linear mixed models to examine variation in individual growth rates at Stanley Brook as a function of environmental variables. We distilled physical habitat data from surveys in 2010 into principle components for entry into the growth model. Growth was related primarily to an interaction between season and body length, mean water temperature, and instream location. Growth rates were highest in the summer, and smaller individuals grew more rapidly than larger conspecifics in the same stream. Individuals using habitats closer to the head of tide grew faster than those in upstream locations. Physical habitat variation was not an important control of individual growth variation within Stanley Brook. We suggest local variability in growth rates should be considered when developing management strategies for coastal populations.  相似文献   

Attempts at artificial propagation and rearing of juvenile galaxiids (‘whitebait’) have been hindered by low fecundities and survival. To circumvent these issues, we subjected wild and captivity‐acclimated giant kokopu (Galaxias argenteus), a hitherto unexplored galaxiid, to captive breeding protocols and evaluated the effects of salinity and temperature on egg fertilisation, incubation duration and hatching. Eggs sourced over several spawning seasons were subjected to different salinity (0, 9, 15, 20 and 30–35 PSU) and temperature (4, 10, 15 and 17°C) combinations. Average fertilisation rates were highest (95%) when gametes were activated in fresh water (0 PSU) and declined as salinity increased. Average hatch rates were highest (71–68%) when eggs were incubated in fresh water (0 PSU) at 10°C and decreased as salinity and temperature increased. Sequential stages of embryonic development were documented and several year classes of offspring were produced to form a captive breeding colony. We conclude that the giant kokopu has notable reproduction‐related qualities that may be useful for future aquaculture exploitation of this species.  相似文献   

The spatial extent of small pelagic fish spawning habitat is influenced by environmental factors and by the state of the adult population. In return, the configuration of spawning habitat affects recruitment and therefore the future structure of the adult population. Interannual changes in spatial patterns of spawning reflect variations in adult population structures and their environment. The present study describes the historical changes in the spatial distribution of spawning of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) in the Bay of Biscay during two periods: 1967–72 and 2000–2004. Using data from egg surveys conducted in spring, the spatial distributions of anchovy and sardine eggs are characterized by means of geostatistics. For each survey, a map of probability of egg presence is constructed. The maps are then compared to define (1) recurrent spawning areas, (2) occasional spawning areas and (3) unfavourable spawning areas during each period. Sardine spawning habitat is generally fragmented and appears spatially limited by the presence of cold bottom water. It is confined to coastal or shelf break refuge areas in years of restricted spawning extent. For anchovy, recurrent spawning sites are found in Gironde and Adour estuaries whilst spawning can extend further offshore in years of more intense spawning. For both species, the mean pattern of spawning has changed between 1967–72 and 2000–2004. Noticeably, the spatial distribution of anchovy eggs in spring has expanded northward. This trend possibly results from changes in environmental conditions during the last four decades.  相似文献   

Variation in seasonal survival rates, densities and growth rates of coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii) were assessed across a size gradient of small, forested streams in the Pacific Northwest. We used a robust, mark-recapture study, stratified seasonally to estimate monthly survival rates of trout in coastal British Columbia (not including young-of-the-year). Survival estimates showed that the summer season had the lowest monthly survival rates (0.907) across all streams in our study (0.927 remainder of year). Within the size range of the seven small streams studied, low-flow habitat availability (defined by residual pool depth in summer) was the best predictor of mean monthly survival rates, supporting the hypothesis that trout survival increases with the quantity of aquatic habitat, particularly depths of residual pools. In addition, there was an asymptotic relation between water depth and survival rates, where beyond ~20 cm of residual pool depth, greater depth did not confer greater rates of trout survival. Growth rates in all but the largest stream were also lowest during summer. While densities tended to be higher in streams with greater residual depth, this was not significant. Body mass in a given season was a good predictor of survival to the next sampling period. The distribution and success of resident cutthroat trout populations in small streams appear to be constrained by summer low-flow periods and specific geomorphologies that support deeper pools.  相似文献   

Ocean acidification, resulted from high level of carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in seawater, may disturb the physiology of fish in many ways. However, it is unclear how acidification may impact the growth rate and/or growth hormones of marine fish. In this study, we exposed juvenile orange‐spotted groupers (Epinephelus coioides) to seawater of different levels of acidification: a condition predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (pH 7.8–8.0), and a more extreme condition (pH 7.4–7.6) that may occur in coastal waters in the near future. After 6 weeks of exposure, the growth rates of fish in pH 7.4–7.6 were less than those raised in control water (pH 8.1–8.3). Furthermore, exposure at pH 7.4–7.6 increased blood pCO2 and HCO3? significantly; exposure at pH 7.8–8.0, meanwhile, did not affect acid–base chemistry. Moreover, exposure to pH 7.4–7.6 resulted in lower levels of hepatic igf1 (insulin‐like growth factor I) mRNA, but did not affect levels of pituitary gh (growth hormone) or hypothalamus psst2 and psst3 (prepro‐somatostatin II and III). The results show that highly acidified seawater suppresses growth of juvenile grouper, which may be a consequence of reduced levels of IGF‐1, but not due to diminished growth hormone release.  相似文献   

Floating hapas (fine mesh net enclosures) are a cost‐effective ocean nursery system to culture post‐metamorphic Holothuria scabra to release size. The growth of periphyton biofilm on hapas is a natural food source for early juveniles. This study investigated the effects of periphyton quality (i.e. chlorophyll‐a, phaeopigment, total biomass, autotrophic index or AI), water quality (nutrients, chlorophyll‐a) and environmental parameters (temperature, rainfall) on the temporal variation in the growth and survival of early juvenile (~3 mm) H. scabra reared in floating hapas. Five trials where the juveniles were reared for 60 days each in the eutrophic coastal waters of Bolinao, the Philippines were conducted during different months over 2 years. Significant differences in the growth and survival of juveniles among trials were found. Absolute growth rates (AGR) ranged widely (0.01–0.09 g/day). Trials with high AGR of juveniles (0.07–0.09 g/day) during the first 30 days of rearing had significantly higher chlorophyll‐a (chl‐a) in biofilm (15.9–27.5 mg/m2) and lower AI. Conversely, during the subsequent 30 days, trials with high AGR of juveniles (0.06–0.11 g/day) had significantly lower chl‐a and higher AI. Multivariate analyses showed that chl‐a in biofilm, AI and nutrients in the water column are good indicators of periphyton quality and juvenile growth rates in floating hapas. Further, this study validates the expansion of the feeding mode of juveniles from primarily grazing on microalgae, to feeding on detritus and heterotrophs as they grow. These results are important in optimizing ocean nursery systems.  相似文献   

To examine the efficacy of juvenile salmon research as a tool for forecasting adult returns, the results from a study on the early marine life stage of juvenile chum salmon, conducted in the Nemuro Strait during 1999–2002 (i.e., 1998–2001 brood years), were compared with the return rates of adult salmon. Among the four brood years, the 2000 brood year (i.e., salmon migrating to the sea in 2001) was previously reported as showing higher abundance, higher growth rate and better somatic condition during the coastal residency period. Consequently, we expected it to have the highest return rate, under a hypothesis that juvenile survival in coastal residency regulates brood-year strength. Contrary to this expectation, the 2000 brood year had almost the lowest return rate. Alternatively, a statistical model in which sea surface temperature during the first year of marine life and size at release were utilized as explanatory variables reconstructed the actual variability in return rates more accurately than that based on the early marine life stage. Possible reasons for the discrepancy between the results of the juvenile salmon research and adult returns are discussed, and we suggest improvements for future research on juvenile salmon.  相似文献   

We evaluated the reproductive cycle of Aulacomya ater at Caleta Punta Arenas (Antofagasta, Chile), finding two important spawning periods (August–September and October–November) associated with declining water temperatures. Mytilid collectors were installed at Caleta Punta Arenas and Caleta Errázuriz (250 km further south) in November and then extracted in consecutive time periods. The results showed settlements of A. ater along with Choromytilus chorus (Molina) and Semimytilus algosus (Gould). An analysis of the spat size structure from each period revealed different micro‐cohorts for each species; the micro‐cohorts of C. chorus were predominant. Daily growth rates were estimated using the average sizes of the micro‐cohorts on two consecutive dates. Although the daily growth rates did not vary significantly between sites for a given species, these rates were lowest for A. ater and highest for S. algosus. The abundance and greater growth of C. chorus caused interspecific competition with A. ater that was detrimental to the survival of the latter. We hypothesize the existence of a metapopulation of A. ater in northern Chile that would explain the settlement of four micro‐cohorts on collectors after 28 days at Caleta Punta Arenas, and the settlement recorded after 80 days at Caleta Errázuriz.  相似文献   

During periods when the population size of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus is large, the abundance of 1‐yr olds has been considered to be dependent on the growth and survival processes in the late larval and early juvenile stages in the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition region off northern Japan. Recent growth rates for 10 days before capture of larval and early juvenile E. japonicus were estimated and examined in relation to the surface water temperature and the available copepod density in 1997, 1998 and 1999. Late larval and early juvenile E. japonicus were distributed in the waters with temperature from 15 to 19°C and available prey density from 10 to 1000 mg dry weight (DW) m?2 in the transition region. The late larval growth rates were found to be regulated more strongly by water temperature than by copepod density in the waters <16°C, and more strongly by copepod density than water temperature in the waters <100 mg DW m?2 in the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition region. The recent growth rates decreased from the western waters to the eastern waters in the survey area 140–170°E in 1998, correlating with decreases of food availability to 50–100 mg DW m?2. While in 1999, the recent growth rates were faster in the waters east of 150°E, resulting from eastward expansion of warm water ranges and high available prey density 100–400 mg DW m?2. The key environmental factors regulating late larval growth rate of E. japonicus in the transition region seem to be spatially different between years.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth and survival of pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus, larvae reared in different salinities and to determine the Artemia nauplii life span in freshwater and in saline water. First feeding 5‐d‐old pacu larvae were reared in freshwater or at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 ppt salinities. The larvae were reared in 1.5‐L aquaria at a density of 10 larvae/L with three replicates per treatment. After 10 d of rearing, significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed for growth and survival. Larval growth was higher at 2 and 4 ppt, and survival at 2 ppt was 100%. In freshwater and at 4, 6 and 8 ppt, the survival was 91.1, 93.3, 73.3, and 39.9%, respectively. At higher salinities, there was 100% mortality after 2 h (12 and 14 ppt) and 8 h (10 ppt) of exposure. The slightly saline water of at least 2 ppt increased the Artemia nauplii life span compared to the life span in freshwater. Later, in a second trial, 5‐d‐old pacu larvae were reared in freshwater and at 2 and 4 ppt salinities during the first 5 or 10 d of active feeding, and then the fish were transferred to freshwater. At the end of 15 d, larval growth was lower in freshwater (42 mg) than in treatments 2 and 4 ppt (59–63 mg). The abrupt transfer of fish from freshwater to slightly saline water and the return to freshwater did not affect the survival rates (89–97%). The larvae were able to adapt to these saline environments and handle abrupt changes in salt concentration. We concluded that salinity concentration of 2 ppt can be used for pacu larval rearing, allowing the Artemia nauplii lifetime to last longer and cause faster fish growth.  相似文献   

Meal duration and feed ingestion rate were measured in sea cage-reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata and red sea bream Pagrus major fed dry extruded feed in discrete meals. At the population level, satiation times in yellowtail, salmon and trout were typically about 15–25 min, but time to satiation was longer (60–90 min) in red sea bream. In all species, feed ingestion rate declined progressively during the course of the meal as the fish became satiated. Initial feed ingestion rates in salmon were ≈ 0.3–0.5 kg feed tonne fish–1 min–1 and in trout 0.5–0.9 kg feed tonne fish–1 min–1, although the capacity to deliver feed may have restricted ingestion. Water temperature had little effect on ingestion rates, possibly because the number of meals per day (1–3) was varied with water temperature, and this may have standardized hunger level at the start of meals. Yellowtail ingested feed at ≈ 3.5 kg feed tonne fish–1 min–1 at water temperatures of 18 °C and 28 °C, whereas red sea bream ingested feed at initial rates of 0.6 and 1.4 kg feed tonne fish–1 min–1at 26.5 °C and 18 °C respectively. The findings are discussed in relation to feeding strategies to minimize interfish competition for feed and to improve the ability of fish farmers to detect the point at which fish are satiated.  相似文献   

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