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Transient hypersensitivity to soybean meal in the early-weaned pig   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
An experiment was conducted to determine whether baby pigs develop hypersensitivity to dietary soybean proteins. Thirty-two pigs were orally infused with either dried skim milk (5 g/d; control) or soybean meal (48% CP; 5 g/d) from d 7 to 14 after birth. Sows were fed a corn-corn gluten meal-based diet supplemented with lysine and tryptophan to avoid exposure of pigs to soybean proteins. Pigs were weaned at 21 d of age and fed diets containing either soybean meal or milk proteins until d 56. One half of the pigs were killed at 28 d of age and the rest at 56 d of age. Segments of small intestine were collected, and intraepithelial lymphocytes were isolated. At 28 d of age, pigs fed diets containing soybean meal had lower (P less than .05) villus height (221 vs 298 microns) and rate of gain (86 vs 204 g/d) than control pigs did. Pigs fed a diet containing soybean meal had higher (P less than .05) immunoglobulin G (IgG) titers to soybean protein than did pigs fed a milk protein-based diet. Blood and intestinal lymphocytes collected on d 28 and 56 did not exhibit any proliferative response when cultured with purified soy proteins (2.5 or 5 microns/ml). Phytohemagglutinin- and pokeweed mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferations were higher (P less than .05) at d 56 than at d 28, but there were no differences attributable to protein source. There were no differences (P greater than .05) in skin-fold thickness measurements following intradermal injection with soy or milk proteins. Decreased villus height and increased serum IgG titers to soybean proteins coinciding with inferior performance of early weaned pigs fed diets containing soybean meal indicate that conventionally processed, commercial soybean meal may retain some antigens that can cause transient hypersensitivity in piglets.  相似文献   

发酵棉粕替代豆粕饲喂猪试验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
应用发酵棉粕、棉粕在猪的全价饲料中替代50%的豆粕,对仔猪、生长猪和育肥猪进行饲养试验,其结果表明发酵棉粕各试验组与豆粕对照组相比,对猪的生长、健康和饲料利用率无明显差异,而未经发酵的棉粕以同样的量替代豆粕,猪的生长速度和饲料利用率明显低于发酵棉粕组和豆粕组。  相似文献   

Four mature pony geldings weighing an average of 134 kg and fitted with ileal cannulas were used in a 4×4 Latin square experiment to determine the digestibility of soybean meal (SBM) protein in different segments of the equine digestive tract at various levels of protein intake. A complete basal corn-based diet was supplemented with SBM to formulate four diets with increasing crude protein. The diets, labeled A (basal), B, C and D, contained 4.9%, 9.5%, 14% and 16.5% crude protein (as fed), and provided nitrogen, per feeding, at approximately 44.8, 84.3, 123.9 and 146.3 mg/kg of body weight, respectively. Chromic oxide was fed to measure ileal flow and fecal excretion. Digestion and absorption of nitrogen was determined from changes in nitrogen: chromium ratios, and true digestion of nitrogen was computed by regression analysis. True total tract digestion of nitrogen was 95.7%. True digestibility of nitrogen in the small intestine over the range of linearity was 72.2%, while true digestibility of nitrogen reaching the large intestine was 89.8%. These data indicate that the protein in SBM was almost completely digested in the equine digestive tract. Furthermore, approximately 75% of the digestible protein was digested prececally when nitrogen intake was less than approximately 125 mg/kg of body weight per feeding.  相似文献   

The value of soybean meal (SBM), corn gluten meal (CGM), blood meal (BM) and fish meal (FM) in supplying N and amino acids (AA) escaping ruminal microbial degradation and disappearing from the small intestine (SI) was studied in steers using a regression approach. Replacement of corn starch in diets with protein sources resulted in decreases (P less than .05) in efficiency of microbial protein synthesis. Ruminal ammonia-N (NH3-N) had the greatest increase (P less than .05) when SBM was fed; BM supplementation resulted in only nonsignificant increases in ruminal NH3-N (P greater than .05). Soybean meal had the lowest proportion of N escaping ruminal degradation (.21). Corn gluten meal-N (.86) and BM-N (.92) escaped ruminal degradation to the greatest extent, and FM-N was intermediate (.68). Protein sources followed similar trends in providing absorbable nonbacterial N to the SI. Thirteen (+/- 6.2) percent of SBM-N was absorbed from the SI; 69 (+/- 6.2), 68 (+/- 9.1) and 50 (+/- 10.1)% of CGM-N, BM-N and FM-N, respectively, were absorbed from the SI. Values for ruminal escape and SI availability for individual and total AA are presented. Of the essential AA (EAA), threonine, valine and isoleucine were more resistant to ruminal degradation; methionine, cysteine, histidine and arginine were more extensively degraded than the total AA supply. Of the EAA escaping ruminal degradation, cysteine, histidine and threonine tended to be less digestible, whereas arginine was more digestible in the SI than the total AA supply.  相似文献   

A mass was located in the small intestine of a slaughtered 6-month-old male Landrace-cross pig that had no clinical abnormalities. This egg-shaped well-circumscribed mass was situated in the submucosal and muscular tissue layers and protruded into the lumen. Histopathologically, the tumor comprised discrete or aggregated ganglion and schwannian cells in neuropil-like tissue. Some ganglion cells contained Nissl substance in their cytoplasm. The ganglion cells stained positive for neuron-specific enolase, class III β-tubulin, neurofilament, and synaptophysin; the schwannian cells stained positive for vimentin, S-100 protein, and glial fibrillary acidic protein. The tumor was diagnosed as a ganglioneuroma in accordance with these findings. Here, we have reported detailed immunohistochemical findings in addition to the histopathological features of a swine ganglioneuroma.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted with piglets to determine the effect of dietary phytic acid supplementation on performance, electrophysiological properties of jejunum mounted in Ussing chambers, sodium-dependent glucose transporter 1 (SGLT1) protein expression in jejunum, and plasma glucose and Na concentrations. Sixteen piglets with an average initial BW of 7.40 ± 0.36 kg were randomly assigned to 2 experimental diets with 8 piglets per diet. The diets were casein-cornstarch-based and were either unsupplemented or supplemented with 2% phytic acid (as Na phytate). The basal diet was formulated to meet the recommendation of NRC (1998) for energy, AA, minerals, and vitamins for piglets. The experiment lasted for 21 d, and at the end, BW gain and feed consumption were determined, and blood samples were collected for determination of plasma glucose and Na concentrations. The piglets were then euthanized to determine jejunal electrophysiological properties (transmural potential difference and short-circuit current) and SGLT1 protein expression. Phytic acid supplementation reduced ADG (P = 0.002), ADFI (P = 0.017), and G:F (P = 0.001) from 316.1 to 198.2 g, 437.4 to 360.3 g, and 0.721 to 0.539 g/g, respectively. Phytic acid supplementation also tended to reduce (P = 0.088) potential difference (-3.80 vs. -2.23 mV) and reduced (P = 0.023) short-circuit current from 8.07 to 0.1 μA/cm(2). However, phytic acid supplementation did not affect SGLT1 protein, and blood plasma glucose and Na concentrations. In conclusion, dietary phytic acid reduced growth performance and transmural short-circuit current in the jejunum of piglets. The reduced transmural short-circuit current in the jejunum by phytic acid implies reduced active Na transport in the jejunum by the phytic acid. Therefore, it seems that dietary phytic acid reduces growth performance of pigs partly through reduced capacity of the small intestine to absorb Na.  相似文献   

发酵血粉代替豆粕对育肥猪的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验采用单因子试验设计,选用40kg左右的肥育猪40头,随机分成4组,每组5个重复,每个重复2头,分别饲喂基础日粮(对照组)和用发酵血粉分别替代基础日粮中的豆粕50%(试验Ⅰ组)、75%(试验Ⅱ组)和100%(试验Ⅲ组)等4种试粮,进行60d试验。结果表明:与对照组相比,试验Ⅱ组和试验Ⅲ组的末重与日增重均有显著提高(P<0.05),其中日增重分别提高11.33%和14.34%;与对照组相比,试验Ⅱ组料重比显著降低(P<0.05),其它各组差异不显著(P>0.05)。代谢试验表明:与对照组相比,蛋白质的消化率,氮沉积量(g/d)、氮沉积率(g/kgBW0.75)都显著提高(P<0.05)。随着替代的比例增加,经济效益改善呈上升趋势,试验Ⅱ组和试验Ⅲ组分别比对照组多赢利23.11%和28.29%。  相似文献   

本试验采用3×3双因素试验设计研究豆粕替代鱼粉并补充精氨酸对点带石斑鱼消化能力及肠道组织结构的影响。设计20%、30%、40%3个豆粕替代水平和0%、0.5%、1%3个精氨酸添加水平,配置9种等氮等能(蛋白质为50%,能量为20 kJ/g)的试验饲料。选取1350尾初始体重为(47.91±3.54)g的点带石斑鱼随机分为9组,每组3个重复,每天两次饱食投喂,试验期为70 d。结果表明:双因素的交互作用显著影响了点带石斑鱼前肠和后肠的蛋白酶活性、中肠的淀粉酶活性、后肠的脂肪酶活性、前肠和中肠的肌层厚度及皱襞高度(P <0.05),对肠道的上皮细胞宽度和黏膜下层厚度无显著影响(P> 0.05)。随着豆粕替代水平的提高,后肠的蛋白酶活性、皱襞高度先上升后下降,肌层厚度则显著降低;随精氨酸添加水平升高,前肠和中肠蛋白酶活性先升高后降低,在精氨酸添加量为0%时,后肠蛋白酶活性随着替代水平的升高呈现先上升后下降的趋势,30%豆粕替代组比20%替代组提高了85.1%,比40%豆粕替代组提高了174%;后肠黏膜下层厚度、肌层厚度、皱襞高度随着精氨酸添加量水平升高均显著上升,最高值均发生在1%精氨酸添加组,与0.5%添加组无明显差异(P> 0.05),较0%添加组分别提高29.4%、16.4%、6.8%(P <0.05)。综上所述,当豆粕替代水平不超过30%,精氨酸添加量为0.5%~1%时,对点带石斑鱼较为有利。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the quantitative and qualitative changes in dietary and endogenous protein components along the small intestine of calves. They were fed milk replacers in which protein was provided either by skim milk powder alone, as control diet, or by skim milk powder and a soy concentrate, a partially hydrolyzed soy protein isolate, or a potato protein concentrate (1:1 on a CP basis). The calves were continuously infused with the liquid milk substitute diets into the abomasum. Duodenal, jejunal, and ileal digesta were collected through T-piece cannulas. Digestibility (corrected for total endogenous protein) of dietary protein and the concentration of dietary, host endogenous, and bacterial proteins were estimated from the AA composition of digesta using multiple linear regression. The apparent digestibility of feed components increased linearly between the duodenum and the ileum. It was lower with the diets containing plant protein than with the control, especially at the ileum (85% for CP with soy concentrate, 73% with soy isolate, and 81% with potato concentrate vs 91% with skim milk powder). The real digestibility of dietary protein at the ileum was estimated to be 96, 95, 94, and 99%, respectively, for each of the dietary components. The partition of protein components in digesta between dietary, nonspecific endogenous, specific host endogenous, and(or) specific bacterial proteins varied along the small intestine and between diets at a given site. Intestinal apparent reabsorption of host endogenous protein was estimated to be equivalent to at least 86% of the jejunum flow. To conclude, the lower apparent digestibility of the plant protein sources studied resulted more from an enhanced loss of host and bacterial endogenous proteins than from decreased hydrolysis of dietary protein and absorption of their AA.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the influence of dietary fibres on small intestine histomorphology and lipid metabolism in broilers from 1 to 21 day of age. In experiment 1, diets containing insoluble [cellulose (CEL); 2% and 4%] or soluble [carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC); 2% and 4%] fibre were fed to broilers from day 1 to 21 post‐hatch and ileal tissue was collected at day 21 of age for histological evaluation. In experiment 2, broilers diet was supplemented with 0%, 1% or 2% insoluble fibre (Arbocel) during day 7 to 21 post‐hatch and plasma and liver lipid metabolism were evaluated at day 21. In experiment 1, inclusion of CMC reduced body weight gain (BWG) and feed intake (FI) and increased feed conversion ratio (FCR) compared with others. Intestinal histomorphology was unaffected by CEL, but CMC led to an increase in crypt depth (CD) and serosa thickness and a decrease in villus height (VH), villus width (VW), VH:CD ratio and villus surface area (VSA), rather than control and CEL groups. Treatment did not affect goblet cell type. Moreover, the CMC‐fed birds had greater total goblet cell count (GCC) as compared with others. In experiment 2, fibre inclusion was associated with increases in BWG from 7 to 14 day of age and an improvement in FCR, whereas FI was not influenced by treatments. Inclusion of fibre in the diet decreased the weight of the abdominal fat and cholesterol concentrations of liver and plasma. No significant effects on fatty acid composition of liver lipid were observed by fibre supplementation. These findings suggest dietary fibre affects performance, intestinal histomorphology and lipid metabolism in young chicks, which may directly affect poultry feeding strategies.  相似文献   

Introduction Proline is widely found in all types of mammalian tissue, and accounts for about 20% of the amino acids that constitute collagen (A dams 1970). Proline is nutritionally nonessential but biologically it is an important amino acid and consequently mammalian organisms synthesize the required amounts of proline even in the absence of sufficient proline consumption via food. The metabolism of higher animals is unique, and amino acid metabolism differs from one tissue to the next. Some organs are capable of synthesizing nonessential amino acids for use throughout the body. For example, arginine is primarily synthesized in the kidney and then released and distributed throughout the body. Pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase is the enzyme responsible for the final stage of proline synthesis, and its activity has been confirmed in many important organs and tissue such as the cartilage, liver, small intestine, kidney and thymus gland (H erzfeld et al. 1977; S mith and P hang 1978). However, the different levels of pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase activity among these organs has led to the belief that different amounts of proline are synthesized in these organs. In order to ascertain biological responses to dietary proline deficiency, it is important to identify the organs that release and distribute proline throughout the body when insufficient proline is consumed through the diet, thus reducing the blood proline concentration. Few studies have investigated this issue, but when ascertaining biological responses to dietary proline deficiency, it is more important to elucidate the effect of dietary proline deficiency on the metabolism of proline and other amino acids that are closely related metabolically to proline, in proline synthesizing organs. One of the most effective ways to assess amino acid metabolism in a target tissue of higher animals is to measure the difference between the arterial and venous concentrations of amino acids. I shikawa (1974) measured arteriovenous differences in order to examine the release of proline from the kidney and small intestine of fasted rats and the uptake of proline by the liver. In a previous study, it was found that when the plasma proline concentration was reduced to the fasting level by the consumption of a proline-deficient diet, proline was released from the kidney (W atanabe et al. 1995, 1997). In the present study, to ensure the induction of dietary proline deficiency, a completely purified diet containing all amino acids except for proline was prepared and fed to rats under experimental conditions. To investigate the role of the small intestine and liver in supplying and ingesting proline when the uptake of proline through food is restricted, the release and uptake of amino acids in the small intestine and liver were assessed by measuring carotid artery–portal vein and portal–hepatic vein differences in proline in rats.  相似文献   

试验选用60头21d断奶、体重均一的杜长大仔猪。按单因素完全随机化设计随机分为2组,一组为对照组,饲喂基础日粮;一组为试验组,基础日粮添加0.5%的谷氨酰胺,研究谷氨酰胺处理对断奶仔猪小肠黏膜形态变化的影响。在断奶当天及断奶后7d和14d每个处理随机选取3头仔猪屠宰,取小肠组织,测定肠黏膜的形态结构变化。结果表明:日粮中添加谷氨酰胺提高了小肠绒毛高度和固有层厚度及皱褶深度。  相似文献   

不同酶解条件对豆粕降解的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用中性蛋白酶处理豆粕,在不同pH值、固液比、酶用量条件下,测定氨基氮的产生量。研究结果表明:中性蛋白酶的适宜反应条件为pH值7.5、固液比1:9和酶用量1.5%,并极显著提高了氨基氮的释放量(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

Early-weaned pigs appear to be highly motivated to engage in motor patterns associated with nursing, which is thought to lead to the development of abnormal ingestive behaviors. If performance of these behaviors is related to sucking motivation, then the normal stimuli associated with nursing should stimulate pigs to perform these abnormal behaviors, specifically belly nosing. The goal of this study was to determine whether belly nosing could be affected by sow nursing vocalizations and whether the style of the drinker device influenced early-weaned pig behavior. Over six trials, 352 Yorkshire pigs were weaned at 15 d and assigned to pens (n = 44) of eight pigs based on litter, weight, and sex. Four pens in each of two rooms were outfitted with either a water nipple drinker or a drinker bowl. Rooms either had recorded sow vocalizations broadcast at hourly intervals or no sound (control). Pig behaviors were videotaped in a sample of pens (n = 32) on d 0, 1, 2, 5, 9, 11, 13, 16, and 18 after weaning. On d 0 to 2, pigs were observed continuously for feeding and drinking behaviors. On d 5 to 18, pigs were observed by scan sampling every 5 min for time budgets. Pigs with drinker bowls had higher apparent feed intakes during the first 2 d after weaning (P = 0.024), whereas they spent less time engaged in drinking behavior (P = 0.001). This coincided with an overall lower water use (P = 0.001) than that of pigs with nipple drinkers. Pigs with bowl drinkers also spent less time belly nosing than those with access to a nipple drinker (P = 0.012). Pigs in the sow vocalization treatment tended to have a higher ADG (P = 0.075), whereas they spent less time performing feeding behavior (P = 0.064). However, there was no effect of sow nursing grunts on belly nosing. These results suggest that there is a complex relationship between feeding, drinking and sucking, and belly nosing is not controlled by the same external stimuli as sucking. Because drinker type and the motor patterns that it accommodates affect belly nosing, it may be that the internal stimuli associated with nursing, such as the actual act of sucking, play a large role in the development of abnormal oral-nasal behaviors.  相似文献   

全脂大豆富含能量和蛋白质,是一种理想的仔猪饲粮原料。但是,生全脂大豆含有许多抗营养因子(Liener等,1980),因此在饲喂前需要进行适当的加工处理。关于全脂大豆饲喂仔猪已有很多研究(Li等,1989;Schulze等,1993;徐良梅等,2001),但是研究全脂大豆的抗营养因子对两种猪种小肠和大肠组织学参数的影响尚未见报道。本试验旨在对小肠和大肠组织学观察,研究在消化能力不同的两猪品种间对全脂大豆抗营养因子反应是否存在差异,为全脂大豆在不同猪种饲粮中合理的加工利用提供科学依据。1材料与方法1.1试验动物及饲养管理试验选用健康的平均体重为22.…  相似文献   

将160只1日龄的罗斯肉仔鸡公母混合雏随机分为2个处理组,每组设4个重复,每个重复20只雏鸡,研究Aspergillusoryzae发酵豆粕(FSBM)替代普通豆粕(SBM)对肉仔鸡相关消化酶活性的影响。研究结果表明:与对照组相比,21日龄时,试验组肉仔鸡胰腺的胰蛋白酶活性提高了11.99%(P<0.05),十二指肠的胰蛋白酶、脂肪酶活性分别提高了93.02%(P<0.01)和8.21%(P<0.05),空肠脂肪酶活性提高了12.31%(P<0.05),回肠各种酶活性差异不显著;42日龄时,试验组肉仔鸡胰腺的脂肪酶和淀粉酶的酶活性分别降低了28.33%(P<0.01)和12.59%(P<0.05),十二指肠、空肠、回肠中各相关消化酶活性稍有变化,但差异不显著。  相似文献   

用金泰素预混剂拌料可有效防治早期断奶仔猪腹泻的发生,在100kg日粮中添加金泰素预混剂200g组的发病率为3.13%,有效率为100%;日粮中不添加任何药物的对照组的发病率为42.86%。  相似文献   

研究采用豆粕制备2~3个氨基酸组成的小肽,为豆粕小肽的深加工和综合利用提供科学的方法和依据。试验采用三因素三水平的正交试验设计,在110℃温度下对盐酸浓度、水解时间、料液比对豆粕制备小肽的水解工艺条件进行研究。通过平均肽链长度和氮回收率,确定最佳的盐酸水解豆粕小肽的工艺条件。结果表明,显著分析可以得出三种因素对氨基态氮、总氮、水解度、氮回收率等指标的影响是显著的(P<0.05),通过极差分析可以得出盐酸浓度是影响游离氮、总氮、水解度、氮回收率等指标的主要因素。豆粕水解小肽水解时间为5 h、盐酸浓度为3 mol/l、料液比为15时水解度在30%~50%,达到试验目的2~3个氨基酸残基的大豆小肽,氮回收率达到79.59%。  相似文献   

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