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掌握流域源头泥石流流动形态的信息对实施措施至关重要。然而,由于监控困难而鲜有对荒废溪流源头泥石流进行观测。为监测其流动形态,在日本中部的大谷滑坡内的"一泽"流域上游建立了监控系统。通过实地监测获取的视频图像分析,将其流动形态分为两种:一种以石砾为主,另一种以泥水为主。以石砾为主的泥石流因有更大的流阻而不能用曼宁公式计算;后者的流速可用曼宁公式计算。在泥石流流动中,石砾在前,泥水在后。在典型的泥石流波动中,石砾流流经时,流深最大;在泥石流流经时,流速最大。某些波动仅包含一种流动形态。在流动中,石砾的颗粒大小不同。在"一泽"流域上游泥石流颗粒大小分布不清晰。  相似文献   

基于InVEST模型评估土地整治对生境质量的影响   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10  
土地整治通过对土地资源及其利用方式再组织和再优化影响生境斑块之间物质流、能量流的循环过程,从而改变区域生境质量和分布格局。该文以大安市土地整治重大项目为例,采用InVEST模型分析了土地整治对生境质量的影响。研究表明:1)土地整治前(2008年)、整治中(2011年)、整治后(2014年),耕地、草地和盐碱地均为项目区的主要土地利用类型;2)土地整治后,大量的盐碱地和草地转变为耕地,耕地面积由整治前的14.43%上升到71.19%;3)土地整治中,项目区的生境质量得分由整治前的0.194下降到0.189,整治后又上升到0.214;4)土地整治工程改善了项目区的生境质量,但整治完成后生境质量改善效果经历了先下降后上升的过程,在整治完成3~4 a时,生境质量仅比整治前提高了0.06左右,整治完成4 a之后,生境质量开始逐渐好转。研究结果可为土地整治工作中的生境及生物多样性保护工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

红河干热河谷林草地红壤中优先流的形态分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]在红河干热河谷地区开展优先流形态分布特征及与红壤特性关系的研究,为区域水资源管理和防治水土流失等工作提供理论依据.[方法]以干热河谷地区典型植被林地和荒草地为研究对象,采用野外染色示踪法并结合图像处理技术研究优先流的形态分布特征及对红壤特性响应.[结果]①林草地上层剖面平均染色面积分别为87.20%和91.97...  相似文献   

三峡库区高砾石含量紫色土优先流形态特征   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
以三峡库区王家桥小流域林地、耕地和园地为研究对象,结合染色示踪技术,利用图像处理软件技术,通过计算优先流形态特征参数,分析3种土地利用类型下高砾石含量紫色土的优先流形态发育特征。结果表明:砾石平均含量表现为园地林地耕地,土壤大孔隙平均半径随着深度的增加而减小。林地优先流运动深度可达60cm,剖面染色区域呈现明显的不规则性,耕地染色深度集中在0—15cm土层,染色区域分布均匀,但染色面积小,且存在大量的侧向流,园地染色范围广,优先路径连通性好。染色路径数表现为园地林地耕地,说明园地优先流发育较活跃,优先路径分化程度较高,染色路径宽度20mm的染色路径数量分布特征与染色路径总数分布特征相近,是紫色土壤中流染色路径的主要组成部分,壤中流类型主要为低相互作用大孔隙流。砾石和大孔隙特征共同影响土壤水分运动过程。  相似文献   

耕地是保证国家粮食安全的先决条件,也是保障社会安全及社会可持续发展的物质基础。中国耕地总体数量基数大,但整体的质量水平却很低。为明确耕地整治方向,针对不同地区进行不同重点的耕地整治,本文基于秦皇岛卢龙县农用地分等定级,构建耕地质量评价指标体系,运用得分因子标识法,确定限制因子组合类型,引入障碍度模型对限制因子组合进行修正,对卢龙县进行限制因子重点区域划定。结果显示,卢龙县15 981个耕地地块都存在高限制因子,汇总95种限制因子组合类型,共计43 909.71 hm~2。引入障碍度模型修正后卢龙县耕地可划分为5个主导限制因子重点区域:道路通达度限制因子主导区、地形坡度限制因子主导区、灌溉保证率限制因子主导区、农田防护林比率限制因子主导区和有效土层厚度限制因子主导区;其中农田防护林比率限制因子主导区整治面积最大,为37 680.91 hm~2,占耕地总面积的85.81%,主要分布在卢龙镇、燕河营镇和双望镇;其次为有效土层厚度限制因子主导区,面积为3 861.32 hm~2,主要分布在印庄乡;道路通达度限制因子主导区整治面积为1 876.16 hm~2,主要分布在双望镇;灌溉保证率限制因子主导区整治面积为319.44 hm~2,主要分布在燕河营镇;地形坡度限制因子主导区整治面积最小,为171.87 hm~2,占耕地总面积的0.39%,主要分布在刘田各庄镇。结合重点区域内限制因子可知,卢龙县主要限制因子以农田防护林比率和有效土层厚度为主,灌溉保证率和道路通达度为辅;在进行耕地整治时,可重点加强防护林建设,增加有效土层厚度,改良土壤,提高土壤肥力,加强农田设施及田间道路建设,确保粮食稳中增产,保障区域内粮食安全。研究结果可为丘陵山区整治规划、划定耕地质量提升重点区域提供技术支持,为今后耕地整治提供科学依据。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨土地整治规划的重要内容——土地整治分区,为确定土地整治重点区域和土地整治规划提供参考依据。[方法]以西北部生态脆弱区典型区域甘肃省兰州市为研究区域,基于生态保护视角,在充分考虑区域自然地理特征、土地利用特点及区域主要生态问题的基础上,从地形地貌、降雨、土壤类型、植被类型、水土流失、土地利用等5方面选取指标因子初步构建分区指标体系,并从水资源供给、水系分布及行政区划等方面进一步完善。同时运用ArcGIS空间叠加分析功能,使用综合分析法进行土地综合整治分区。[结果]形成了"方位+地貌+土地利用类型"命名的土地整治两级分区体系,二级分区较为详细。兰州市划分为7个一级区和15个二级区。[结论]中国西北部生态脆弱区域在土地综合整理过程中应该通过选择合理的指标体系分区进行整治。各分区应该针对其土地资源、水资源、生态环境状况等具体特征,基于生态保护视角采取有效措施进行土地综合整治。  相似文献   

采取改变陡槽底坡的系列模型试验,对宽浅急流特性及其对下游消能流态的影响进行分析研究,探讨影响宽浅陡槽泄水消能流态稳定的主要原因。研究表明,宽浅急流能量损耗远大于一般明渠急流,且动量横向分布存在两种不同形态:"椭圆型"与"马鞍型",前者水流稳定性差,有可能产生立轴漩涡,降低消能率;后者水流稳定性好,消能比较充分。同时研究发现,相同流量下,随着弗劳德数Fr的增大,水流的抗扰动能力相应增强。提出宽浅急流是否稳定主要取决于跃前断面宽深比B/h和弗劳德数Fr两个要素,并拟合出用于流态判别的临界曲线,该曲线可为实际工程设计提供帮助。  相似文献   

面向乡村振兴的湘南宅基地整治潜力分区及发展路径   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
基于宅基地空间分布形态、整治需求、外部环境和整治成本等维度构建宅基地整治理论潜力评估系统,结合景观分析法和改进的TOPSIS方法等对湘南地区典型乡镇的宅基地整治单元潜力值进行测算排序,并运用优化后的热点分析探究研究区各类型村庄宅基地整治潜力的空间分布特征以及其未来转型发展路径。结果表明:1)地形条件、人均宅基地面积挖潜系数和宅基地平均最邻近距离是影响宅基地整治潜力的主要因素;宅基地斑块密度越高的区域,其景观破碎度也高;2)研究区宅基地整治潜力热点区集中在东北丘陵区和东南山地区两处,冷点区集聚在中西部的镇中心平原地区;3)综合宅基地整治潜力评价和村庄分类结果可将各类型村庄划分为若干宅基地整治梯度级,其中村庄整治潜力值总体呈现出生态环境脆弱型>集聚提升型>传统村落和均衡发展型>农业生产主导型;4)通过打破村级行政区划壁垒可将全域划分为7个典型的国土综合整治模式区,并可通过挖掘典型片区的优势资源与特色元素确立"宅基地整治+N"的多元化发展路径。村庄宅基地的整治潜力差异受到自身禀赋和地理区位等多重影响,未来需加强整治潜力评估的微观尺度研究以引导乡镇科学开展全域土地综合整治工作。  相似文献   

牡丹江市退耕还林对区域土壤侵蚀的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
将GIS与通用水土流失方程(USLE)相结合进行牡丹江市退耕还林前后土壤侵蚀状况分析,评价退耕还林对区域水土流失的影响。研究结果表明:轻度侵蚀面积由退耕前的1 600.12km2减小到退耕后的1 296.41km2,主要分布在西南部宁安地区;剧烈侵蚀由退耕前的3 161.52km2减少到退耕后的672.38km2,主要被极强度侵蚀代替,且集中分布在海拔较高的穆棱北部及林口南部、低山丘陵地带25°以下的旱田及林地上。总体而言,退耕还林工程缓解了区域严峻的水土流失态势,但仍需采取相关配套措施以期彻底改善区域水土流失状况,包括修筑梯田、水平等高耕作及深耕翻作业等,但根本措施在于发展区域经济,调整农业生产结构,保护退耕还林成果,从而实现区域生态经济协调发展。  相似文献   

黑河水库非点源污染时空分布研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]对黑河水库上游流域进行非点源污染模拟与分析,为水库水环境质量改善提供科学支撑。[方法]采用非点源污染—SWAT模型对流域内水文站2002—2008年的实测降雨、逐月径流以及泥沙及水质数据进行率定与验证,并对流域的非点源污染进行分析。[结果](1)非点源污染的产出主要集中在汛期(6—10月)且与降雨成正相关关系;(2)流域内降雨量分布从南向北、从山区向平原递减,径流深与降雨量成正相关,泥沙、非点源负荷的空间分布与降雨量相反;(3)不同土地利用类型单位面积的非点源污染产出不同,耕地最大,草地次之,林地最小;(4)面积耕地减少,污染负荷显著减少,耕地转换为林地的效果优于耕地转换为灌木林,退耕还林还草可有效减少流域内非点源污染负荷。[结论]黑河水库非点源污染主要发生在下游汛期6—10月,退耕还林、减少施肥可有效控制区域非点源污染。  相似文献   

G. L. Heritage  D. J. Milan   《CATENA》2004,58(3):235-257
There is much debate over the role of hydraulic ‘reversal’ in the maintenance of riffle–pool sequences in gravel-bed channels. It is, however, generally acknowledged that the pool has the greatest maximum energy during flood flows allowing scour and pool maintenance. Little emphasis has been placed on the reversal period in many previous studies despite its potential importance being noted in the seminal study of Keller [Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 82 (1971) 753]. This is potentially significant, as reversal may only occur for short periods at the peak of flood hydrographs; hence, the hydraulic argument behind riffle–pool maintenance is based around what is often a marginal energy excess in the pool for a very short period of time. This study uses the magnitude frequency concept of Wolman and Miller [J. Geol. 68 (1960) 54] and applies it to an investigation of the temporal dominance in morphologic unit stream power between a series of four pools and three riffles derived from measured flow and calculated energy slopes on the upland gravel-bed River Rede, Northumberland. The geomorphologically effective flow regime is used to define temporal balances between riffle and pool energy levels. The geomorphic work carried out by riffles and pools, as described by the excess stream power (ΩΩc) capable of transporting the bed sediments, displayed a broad balance for the upstream four units before reducing significantly at pool 3 and rising again for the subsequent two units which appear particularly energetic. These findings contrast with hydraulic theories of riffle–pool maintenance, e.g., Keller [Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 82 (1971) 753]. For sediments to be transferred through a riffle–pool sequence whilst maintaining a quasi-equilibrium form, the pools should carry out the same amount of work as the riffle upstream in order for it not to fill with sediment. Although stream power reversal did occur for some riffle–pool units, the magnitude and longevity of the reversal did not balance the energy exerted at riffle locations. Armouring and shallow gravel depth at riffle 3 appear to indicate scouring in response to high excess stream power found in this area. However, there was no evidence of sub-dominant pools 3 and 4 filling in response to low stream power.  相似文献   

Agrochemicals are a major source of nonpoint pollution. Forested corridors along stream channels (riparian zones) are thought to be potential sites for removal of agricultural contaminants from ground and surface waters. First-order riparian wetlands are reputed to be especially effective at groundwater remediation. The study site is a fairly typical (for eastern Maryland) small, first-order stream in an agricultural watershed. Preferential flow supplies most of the stream water within the riparian headwater wetland. This upstream area also contains the highest average stream N and pesticide loads in the entire first-order riparian system. Zones of active groundwater emergence onto the surface display high concentrations of nitrate throughout the soil profile and in the exfiltrating water, whereas inactive areas (where there is no visible upwelling) show rapid attenuation of nitrate with decreasing depths. Atrazine degradation products appear to penetrate more readily through the most active upwelling zones, and there is a correlation between zones of high nitrate and high atrazine metabolite levels. Deethylatrazine/atrazine ratios (DAR) seem to indicate that stream flow is dominated by ground water and that much of the ground water may have reached the stream via preferential flow. Remediative processes appear to be very complex, heterogeneous, and variable in these systems, so additional research is needed before effective formulation and application of riparian zone initiatives and guidelines can be accomplished.  相似文献   

岩溶区典型根系地下生境类型中土壤酶活性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
符裕红  黄宗胜  喻理飞 《土壤学报》2012,49(6):1202-1209
本文选择了岩溶区三种不同的典型地下根系生境类型土壤为研究对象(类型I-白云岩水平产状多层空间类型、类型II-白云岩倾斜产状多层空间类型及类型III-白云岩直立产状多层空间类型),分析了不同类型和不同层次的土壤酶活性,以及土壤酶与土壤养分的相关性。结果表明:1)不同植物地下根系生境类型和不同空间土壤层次的土壤酶活性差异极显著;2)类型I有利于土壤的碳素循环,类型II有利于土壤含氮化合物的转化,类型III有利于土壤有机物质的氧化;且三种类型的土壤酶活性均呈现出随土壤深度的增加而逐渐降低的趋势;3)土壤酶活性与土壤养分含量关系显著,可以作为评价土壤质量/肥力的指标。本文揭示了不同地下根系生境土壤酶活性差异,对岩溶石漠化区的土壤质量评价、植被恢复技术研究和生态修复治理均有积极的作用。  相似文献   

盐地碱蓬浮床对海水养殖水体原位修复的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]研究盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)由陆地生境转移到浮床盐水生环境后的生长情况及其对海水养殖池塘水体原位修复的效果,为利用盐生植物原位修复海水养殖池塘提供方法。[方法]测定修复期间盐水浮床和陆地两种生境下盐地碱蓬的生长及生理生化指标,并监测海水养殖池塘水体水质。[结果]试验期内浮床生境中盐地碱蓬适应良好,生物量显著增加,其中浮床生境盐地碱蓬根系活力、叶片含氮量分别显著高于同期陆地生境中的盐地碱蓬。水质检测表明,修复后浮床区水体中总氮、总磷、氨氮和化学需氧量分别为3.34,0.20,0.47,0.35mg/L,均明显低于对照区,去除效果良好。[结论]盐地碱蓬从陆地生境转移到浮床盐水生境后可以适应水生环境,并通过根系吸收部分去除水中的氮、磷等污染元素。盐地碱蓬原位修复海水养殖池塘水体具有较好的潜力。  相似文献   

The amounts of P forms transported in surface, accelerated subsurface, and subsurface runoff, and the stream draining a 20 ha area of a pasture watershed were measured for 3 yr. Stream-bank erosion and resuspension of stream sediment contributed the major proportion of the particulate P (PP), total P, and sediment transported annually in stream flow (86, 77, and 74%, respectively, in 1977). In addition, 29% of the annual dissolved inorganic P (DIP) loading of the stream in 1977 was attributed to the release of P from suspended in situ particulate material. Remarkably similar proportions of water, P forms, and sediment were contributed by the runoff types in each of the 3 yr of study. Subsurface runoff contributed the major proportion (67% in 1977) of stream flow. Although surface runoff contributed only a minor proportion of stream flow (11% in 1977), it contributed the major proportion of both DIP (32% in 1977) and PP loading (90% in 1977) compared with the other runoff types. Differences in the amounts of P forms transported in the three runoff types can be attributed to several factors, one of the most important being the time of contact between soluble P in runoff waters and soil components.  相似文献   

Tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima) is an introduced shrub or small tree associated with the loss of biological diversity in riparian habitat throughout much of western North America. Control measures are often expensive and ineffective, so land managers need site-specific information to guide cost-effective integrated management strategies. We sampled 12 randomly selected tamarisk-infested inlets on Fort Peck Reservoir on the C.M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge stratified by stream basin size. At each site we sampled 2-5 stands of riparian vegetation, recording plot elevation, canopy cover of vascular plants, density of woody species and age estimates for representative woody plants. Tamarisk plants 1-3 years old were abundant in the drawdown zone along the shore of Fort Peck Reservoir. The lack of plants older than three years indicates that tamarisk in the drawdown zone were destroyed during a recent two summers of inundation and suggests that three months of inundation will kill tamarisk plants. The oldest (17-22 years) and largest tamarisk plants in the study area were found in the full-pool zone and were recruited in periods of significant drawdown following high-water years. Tamarisk was uncommon in cottonwood and silver sagebrush stands on stream terraces above full pool. Only the largest streams in our study area appeared capable of supporting tamarisk and significant native riparian vegetation. Tamarisk plants at or above full pool level should be removed in these drainages to prevent upstream invasion and loss of native species. The level of the reservoir should be raised to the level of full pool for three consecutive months during the growing season every 3-5 years to prevent development of extensive stands of tamarisk in the drawdown zone capable of producing large quantities of seed.  相似文献   

Chlorosis is rarely seen in natural vegetation. It occurs mainly in modern intensive agriculture, which also demands high crop yield. The search for an inexpensive and efficient way of correcting chlorosis and for alternative remedy practices such as organic composts, natural chelates, and synthetic chelates is an ongoing process. Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) plants grow rapidly, and develop chlorosis when grown in soils with high lime levels. An appropriate treatment can achieve their full remediation, therefore, they are suitable for testing for Fe deficiency. In the present study we tested different cultivars; different soil types; and the remediation of the plants using two levels of FeEDDHA. The remediation process is essential for a comprehensive setup of the bioassay since fully green plants serve as a “positive,” healthy plant, control. The study showed that among the cultivars tested for use in a bioassay for the remediation of Fe induced chlorosis, cv. David served best the purpose of the bioassay. When fertilizers are absent, severe chlorosis develops after 5 weeks; the chlorosis is remediable with FeEDDHA, with full recovery 10 to 12 d after treatment. Since Shulamit has been the cultivar on which the bioassays of many chelates, cultivars and soils was used and recommended by our group in the early 1980's, and in many tests conducted for chelate producers ever since, the possibility of upgrading the resolution and sensitivity of the bioassay by selecting a more suitable cultivar is greatly desired. The bioassay test suggested here can be used to screen plant cultivars for Fe efficiency (based on the soil chosen), to evaluate the effectiveness of fertilizers in the remediation of Fe deficiency, and to grade soil types as a cause for Fe deficiency in plants.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSince 1996,relevant sectors of different level had madeenormous efforts on investigating and promoting theEcological Engineering Method(E.E.M.)in Taiwan.Meanwhile,a project entitled“Establishment of EvaluationIndices and Design Reference Bo…  相似文献   

We demonstrate how home range and habitat use analysis can inform landscape-scale conservation planning for the bobcat, Lynx rufus, in Vermont USA. From 2005 to 2008, we outfitted fourteen bobcats with GPS collars that collected spatially explicit locations from individuals every 4 h for 3–4 months. Kernel home range techniques were used to estimate home range size and boundaries, and to quantify the utilization distribution (UD), which is a spatially explicit, topographic mapping of how different areas within the home range are used. We then used GIS methods to quantify both biotic (e.g. habitat types, stream density) and abiotic (e.g. slope) resources within each bobcat’s home range. Across bobcats, upper 20th UD percentiles (core areas) had 18% less agriculture, 42% less development, 26% more bobcat habitat (shrub, deciduous, coniferous forest, and wetland cover types), and 33% lower road density than lower UD percentiles (UD valleys). For each bobcat, we used Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) to evaluate and compare 24 alternative Resource Utilization Functions (hypotheses) that could explain the topology of the individual’s UD. A model-averaged population-level Resource Utilization Function suggested positive responses to shrub, deciduous, coniferous forest, and wetland cover types within 1 km of a location, and negative responses to roads and mixed forest cover types within 1 km of a location. Applying this model-averaged function to each pixel in the study area revealed habitat suitability for bobcats across the entire study area, with suitability scores ranging between ?1.69 and 1.44, where higher values were assumed to represent higher quality habitat. The southern Champlain Valley, which contained ample wetland and shrub habitat, was a concentrated area of highly suitable habitat, while areas at higher elevation areas were less suitable. Female bobcat home ranges, on average, had an average habitat suitability score of near 0, indicating that home ranges consisted of both beneficial and detrimental habitat types. We discuss the application of habitat suitability mapping and home range requirements for bobcat conservation and landscape scale management.  相似文献   

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