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渔业生态系统是整个长江流域生态系统的重要组成部分,对于维持该流域经济、社会的可持续发展和生态战略安全具有重要意义.本文在分析长江流域渔业生态系统变化趋势基础上指出,渔业生态补偿制度是遏制该流域渔业生态系统继续恶化的客观需求及重要制度安排;对于渔业生态系统多功能性及其价值、补偿主体及客体等理论认识的不足、利益相关者众多、制度建设不完善等是在该流域实施渔业生态补偿制度的主要障碍因素.鉴于此,提出了应加强长江流域渔业生态补偿的主体、补偿的客体、补偿的标准、补偿的方式、补偿的资金来源等相关问题的理论研究,并充分关注长江流域渔业生态补偿的特殊要求、确立全局及系统观点,将渔业生态补偿纳入长江流域生态补偿大框架,最终建立以纵向宏观调控为主、以横向市场机制为辅的长江流域渔业生态补偿机制.  相似文献   

渔业生态经济学是研究渔业生态系统与渔业经济系统相互作用和协调关系的一门边缘综合科学。它以渔业生态系统与渔业经济系统作用构成的渔业生态经济系统作为研究对象,以渔业生态系统的运转为基础,研究渔业经济系统与渔业生态系统的协调、制约关系,以获得最大的综合生态经济整体效益,从而达到对自然渔业生态经济资源的最优生态经济配置。  相似文献   

论中国生态渔业的发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从理论与实践的结合上论述生态渔业的概念及其在我国的发展,发展生态渔业的必要性与可行性,生态渔业的类型与模式,提高渔业生态经济效益的措施,并提出了面临的问题与建议,以促进我国生态渔业的发展,实现渔业可持续发展战略目标。  相似文献   

生态渔业是一种可持续发展的渔业生产方式,它是根据生态系统内物质循环和能量转换规律建立起来的渔业生产结构。建设生态渔业可促进我县渔业的可持续发展,对调整渔业经济结构,提高水产品的质量安全将起到积极的推动作用。一、必要性和可行性1、生态渔业是发展我县农业战略的重要举措。为适应现代农业发展新趋势,全面实施可持续发展战略,推进  相似文献   

本刊讯:山东大学荣成分校海洋学院王亚民、黄增金撰文探索以生态系统为基础的渔业管理方式。在以生态系统为基础的管理原则下的渔业管理,建立可持续发展的渔业,他们认为应注意以下六个要素:  相似文献   

陈琦  韩立民  钟美希 《水产学报》2017,41(11):1806-1816
由Ostrom提出的社会—生态系统(social-ecological system,SES)分析框架是当前国际上用于分析公共池塘资源管理问题的一个前沿理论工具。本文综览当前SES分析框架在国外渔业管理领域的大量研究文献,在归纳、整理研究尺度和对象的基础上,从系统变量识别、变量相互作用分析、系统结果识别、适应性管理设计和适应性管理执行与监督5个层面对SES分析框架在国外渔业管理领域的应用研究进行了系统梳理和评述。虽然当前SES分析框架在渔业管理领域的应用研究在变量识别、数理实证和研究尺度拓展等方面尚有待进一步完善和发展,但现有国外研究成果对于新形势下我国渔业管理理论研究和渔业管理制度改革均具有十分重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

一、现代渔业概念自传统渔业之后,已先后出现了“设施渔业”、“都市渔业”、“休闲渔业”、“生态渔业”、“可持续发展渔业”以及“无公害渔业”等,它们在一定程度或某些方面均体现了渔业发展的方向,也体现了从传统渔业向现代渔业的过渡。简而言之,现代渔业应有以下几个含义:1.它应是生态的渔业通俗地讲是应用生态学、经济学的理论和系统科学的方法,营造、建立和发展起来的具有生态合理、生态平衡、功能协调、综合开发利用、资源再生、经济高效、良性循环、集约经营的渔业发展模式。2.它应是可持续发展的渔业是管理、保护和合理…  相似文献   

关于渔业可持续发展的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
渔业可持续发展,就是使渔业与环境、人类的需求与产业的发展之间的关系相适应,保持渔业经济与生态、环境、社会的协调发展。本文在讨论可持续发展的基本理论的基础上,对渔业可持续发展的主要制约因素,推进渔业可持续发展应把握的几个问题进行初步论述。  相似文献   

生态渔业是实现渔业可持续发展,落实渔业科学发展观的重要内容.本文在追溯我国传统的朴素生态渔业思想的基础上,对金湖县生态渔业发展进行实证分析,并对生态渔业若干问题进行理论探讨和分析.  相似文献   

水利渔业健康发展问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水利渔业在产品提供、环境净化、生态支持、生物多样性的产生与维持、休闲娱乐与文化功能等方面有特殊的生态系统服务功能;在水利综合经营、水资源优化利用、水管单位生存发展及社会稳定等方面有特殊的作用.发展水利渔业,应以科学发展观为指导,将资源节约、环境友好及可持续发展等理念落实到水利渔业健康发展之中去,强化行业管理部门的宏观指导,畅通水利渔业资金投入渠道,以市场需求为导向,以质量和效益为中心,以生态保育为前提,实现水资源和生物资源的可持续利用,以水利渔业的健康发展支持水资源的持续利用.  相似文献   

Managing fisheries resources to maintain healthy ecosystems is one of the main goals of the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF). While a number of international treaties call for the implementation of EAF, there are still gaps in the underlying methodology. One aspect that has received substantial scientific attention recently is fisheries‐induced evolution (FIE). Increasing evidence indicates that intensive fishing has the potential to exert strong directional selection on life‐history traits, behaviour, physiology, and morphology of exploited fish. Of particular concern is that reversing evolutionary responses to fishing can be much more difficult than reversing demographic or phenotypically plastic responses. Furthermore, like climate change, multiple agents cause FIE, with effects accumulating over time. Consequently, FIE may alter the utility derived from fish stocks, which in turn can modify the monetary value living aquatic resources provide to society. Quantifying and predicting the evolutionary effects of fishing is therefore important for both ecological and economic reasons. An important reason this is not happening is the lack of an appropriate assessment framework. We therefore describe the evolutionary impact assessment (EvoIA) as a structured approach for assessing the evolutionary consequences of fishing and evaluating the predicted evolutionary outcomes of alternative management options. EvoIA can contribute to EAF by clarifying how evolution may alter stock properties and ecological relations, support the precautionary approach to fisheries management by addressing a previously overlooked source of uncertainty and risk, and thus contribute to sustainable fisheries.  相似文献   

The tenets of ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) now occupy centre stage in our efforts to maintain the sustainability of fisheries and rebuild marine ecosystems. The paper discusses how an EAF can be adopted for data limited fisheries and uses the northern South China Sea fishery as an example to demonstrate the selection and use of indicators for determining the states of the fishery and its relevant ecosystem to provide advice on management. Implementing EAF management requires indicators and models that address the impact of fishing across entire ecological communities and determine management actions to be taken to achieve the preset objectives according to decision rules. Data limited fisheries necessarily have limited resources for data collection and scientific studies and therefore could not support complex models. To overcome the data limitation and absence of modelling support, simple indicators have to be used to assess the current state and monitor changes of the fishery and its ecosystem. Such indicators should: (1) be observable and understandable by all stakeholders, (2) be based on easily obtainable and reliable data, (3) adequately reflect the condition of the resource, and (4) have associated reference values and responsive management measures. The paper also reviews the recent development and use of indicators and harvest strategies in both conventional and EAF management to better understand the differences and to shed light on the challenges of EAF, in particular for data limited fisheries.  相似文献   

Indicators to support an ecosystem approach to fisheries   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Indicators are needed to support the implementation of an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF), by providing information on the state of the ecosystem, the extent and intensity of effort or mortality and the progress of management in relation to objectives. Here, I review recent work on the development, selection and application of indicators and consider how indicators might support an EAF. Indicators should guide the management of fishing activities that have led to, or are most likely to lead to, unsustainable impacts on ecosystem components or attributes. The numbers and types of indicators used to support an EAF will vary among management regions, depending on resources available for monitoring and enforcement, and actual and potential fishing impacts. State indicators provide feedback on the state of ecosystem components or attributes and the extent to which management objectives, which usually relate to state, are met. State can only be managed if the relationships with fishing (pressure) and management (response) are known. Predicting such relationships is fundamental to developing a management system that supports the achievement of objectives. In a management framework supported by pressure, state and response indicators, the relationship between the value of an indicator and a target or limit reference point, reference trajectory or direction provides guidance on the management action to take. Values of pressure, state and response indicators may be affected by measurement, process, model and estimation error and thus different indicators, and the same indicators measured at different scales and in different ways, will detect true trends on different timescales. Managers can use several methods to estimate the effects of error on the probability of detecting true trends and/or to account for error when setting reference points, trajectories and directions. Given the high noise to signal ratio in many state indicators, pressure and response indicators would often guide short‐term management decision making more effectively, with state indicators providing longer‐term policy‐focused feedback on the effects of management action.  相似文献   

Most small‐scale fisheries of large floodplain rivers are still managed under conventional top‐down regulations that limit the application of an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) due to inappropriate legal frameworks. Using the Parana–Paraguay River fisheries (Argentina) as an example, this study examines the extent to which existing provincial legislations can be prepared for the adoption of an EAF. An Ecosystem Fishing Legal Approach (EFLA) framework is proposed based on different criteria across an environmental–ecological, fishing, social, economic and institutional template. Policy Component Scores (PCS) and an Integrated Policy Legal Index (IPLI) were applied to assess the degree of compliance by current provincial legislations to EAF implementation. Cluster analysis was used to recognise the potential for articulating a legal framework at a basin scale. The EFLA framework, which provided an accurate picture of how provinces were poorly prepared to adopt an EAF for the Paraguay–Parana fisheries, and represents a suitable tool that can be adapted and extended to other basins around the world.  相似文献   

While there has been a growing concern for the adverse ecological impacts of fishing, progress on incorporating these into operational fisheries management has been slow. Many fisheries management organizations have addressed the problem of overharvesting and over‐capitalization first. In this domain, the question of access regulation has gained growing recognition as a key dimension of fisheries sustainability, leading to recommendation and progressive implementation of rights‐based systems, in particular Individual Transferrable Quotas (ITQs). While adjustments in fishing capacity resulting from the implementation of these systems may entail a reduction in some unwanted ecosystem impacts of fishing, it is also recognized that they will not be sufficient to achieve the ecological outcomes increasingly demanded by the global community. There is thus a need to examine the possibilities for a common management framework for dealing with both over‐capitalization of fisheries and adverse ecological effects of fishing. In this paper, we examine the feasibility of incorporating greater ecosystem goods and services into ITQ policy instruments initially designed with a narrow focus on commercial target species. We consider the advantages and limitations of alternative approaches in this respect and identify some of the practical issues associated with the different alternatives, in particular the underpinning knowledge requirements. We argue that given the need for increasingly streamlined management processes, further investigation into practical ways forward in this domain is crucial if management of fisheries is to achieve economic efficiency while fully encompassing the ecologically sustainable development objectives of ecosystem‐based fisheries management.  相似文献   

Model uncertainty in the ecosystem approach to fisheries   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fisheries scientists habitually consider uncertainty in parameter values, but often neglect uncertainty about model structure, an issue of increasing importance as ecosystem models are devised to support the move to an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF). This paper sets out pragmatic approaches with which to account for uncertainties in model structure and we review current ways of dealing with this issue in fisheries and other disciplines. All involve considering a set of alternative models representing different structural assumptions, but differ in how those models are used. The models can be asked to identify bounds on possible outcomes, find management actions that will perform adequately irrespective of the true model, find management actions that best achieve one or more objectives given weights assigned to each model, or formalize hypotheses for evaluation through experimentation. Data availability is likely to limit the use of approaches that involve weighting alternative models in an ecosystem setting, and the cost of experimentation is likely to limit its use. Practical implementation of an EAF should therefore be based on management approaches that acknowledge the uncertainty inherent in model predictions and are robust to it. Model results must be presented in ways that represent the risks and trade‐offs associated with alternative actions and the degree of uncertainty in predictions. This presentation should not disguise the fact that, in many cases, estimates of model uncertainty may be based on subjective criteria. The problem of model uncertainty is far from unique to fisheries, and a dialogue among fisheries modellers and modellers from other scientific communities will therefore be helpful.  相似文献   

Fisheries have had major negative impacts on marine ecosystems, and effective fisheries management and governance are needed to achieve sustainable fisheries, biodiversity conservation goals and thus good ecosystem status. To date, the IndiSeas programme (Indicators for the Seas) has focussed on assessing the ecological impacts of fishing at the ecosystem scale using ecological indicators. Here, we explore fisheries ‘Management Effectiveness’ and ‘Governance Quality’ and relate this to ecosystem health and status. We developed a dedicated expert survey, focused at the ecosystem level, with a series of questions addressing aspects of management and governance, from an ecosystem‐based perspective, using objective and evidence‐based criteria. The survey was completed by ecosystem experts (managers and scientists) and results analysed using ranking and multivariate methods. Results were further examined for selected ecosystems, using expert knowledge, to explore the overall findings in greater depth. Higher scores for ‘Management Effectiveness’ and ‘Governance Quality’ were significantly and positively related to ecosystems with better ecological status. Key factors that point to success in delivering fisheries and conservation objectives were as follows: the use of reference points for management, frequent review of stock assessments, whether Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) catches were being accounted for and addressed, and the inclusion of stakeholders. Additionally, we found that the implementation of a long‐term management plan, including economic and social dimensions of fisheries in exploited ecosystems, was a key factor in successful, sustainable fisheries management. Our results support the thesis that good ecosystem‐based management and governance, sustainable fisheries and healthy ecosystems go together.  相似文献   

In northern industrialized countries, the inland fisheries sector has long been dominated by recreational fisheries, which normally exploit fish for leisure or subsistence and provide many (poorly investigated) benefits to society. Various factors constrain the development and existence of inland fisheries, such as local user conflicts, low social priority and inadequate research and funding. In many cases, however, degradation of the environment and loss of aquatic habitat are the predominant concerns for the sustainability of inland fisheries. The need for concerted effort to prevent and reduce environmental degradation, as well as conservation of freshwater fish and fisheries as renewable common pool resources or entities in their own right is the greatest challenge facing sustainable development of inland waters. In inland fisheries management, the declining quality of the aquatic environment coupled with long‐term inadequate and often inappropriate fisheries management has led to an emphasis on enhancement practices, such as stocking, to mitigate anthropogenic stress. However, this is not always the most appropriate management approach. Therefore, there is an urgent need to alter many traditional inland fisheries management practices and systems to focus on sustainable development. This paper reviews the literature regarding the inputs needed for sustainability of inland fisheries in industrialized countries. To understand better the problems facing sustainable inland fisheries management, the inland fisheries environment, its benefits, negative impacts and constraints, as well as historical management, paradigms, trends and current practices are described. Major philosophical shifts, challenges and promising integrated management approaches are envisaged in a holistic framework. The following are considered key elements for sustainable development of inland fisheries: communication, information dissemination, education, institutional restructuring, marketing outreach, management plans, decision analysis, socioeconomic evaluation and research into the human dimension, in addition to traditional biological and ecological sciences. If these inputs are integrated with traditional fisheries management practices, the prospects for sustainability in the inland fisheries will be enhanced.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean European countries, 85% of the assessed stocks are currently overfished compared to a maximum sustainable yield reference value (MSY) while populations of many commercial species are characterized by truncated size‐ and age‐structures. Rebuilding the size‐ and age‐structure of exploited populations is a management objective that combines single species targets such as MSY with specific goals of the ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAF), preserving community size‐structure and the ecological role of different species. Here, we show that under the current fishing regime, stock productivity and fleet profitability are generally impaired by a combination of high fishing mortality and inadequate selectivity patterns. For most of the stocks analysed, a simple reduction in the current fishing mortality (Fcur) towards an MSY reference value (FMSY), without any change in the fishing selectivity, will allow neither stock biomass nor fisheries yield and revenue to be maximized. On the contrary, management targets can be achieved only through a radical change in fisheries selectivity. Shifting the size of first capture towards the size at which fish cohorts achieve their maximum biomass, the so‐called optimal length, would produce on average between two and three times higher economic yields and much higher biomass at sea for the exploited stocks. Moreover, it would contribute to restore marine ecosystem structure and resilience to enhance ecosystem services such as reservoirs of biodiversity and functioning food webs.  相似文献   

China is the world’s biggest fishing nation and a major player in the global seafood trade. Its fisheries development can decisively influence the global seafood trade, food security and marine conservation. In recent years, significant changes have taken place in China’s fisheries management priorities, policies and regulations. In this paper, we review the evolving fisheries management practices in China to delineate changes in the management policies, methods and their performances from 1949 to 2019. We determined that the following issues impede the development, implementation and enforcement of fisheries policies and regulations, namely the large size of the fishing fleet, large and poorly organized fisheries population, the “hidden” fishing capacity, uniform management approaches that sometimes fail to account for local conditions, lack of clearly defined and allocated fishing rights, limited data quality and availability, insufficient fisheries monitoring programmes, absence of a robust scientific input framework and insufficient stakeholder involvement. Combining those problems with China’s current management initiatives, we propose recommendations for China’s future fisheries reforms. We hope this paper can inform China’s marine fisheries policies and provide valuable references for further researches related to China’s sustainable fisheries management.  相似文献   

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