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采用PCR扩增和核苷酸序列测定技术,对分别采自江西省大余县青龙镇郭屋坝果园和丰顺果园的各5份疑似柑橘黄龙病样品进行病原检测。结果表明:2个青龙郭屋坝果园样品中检测到柑橘黄龙病菌,分别命名为DY-LAS01和DY-LAS02,其他8份样品中则未检测到该病菌。此结果表明大余县已有柑橘黄龙病发生,希望引起当地有关部门的高度重视。  相似文献   

Whole-genome sequencing of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” (Las) indicated some polymorphic gene regions enabling the molecular characterization of this bacterium. Although the population diversity of Las in China has been previously studied, no reports have used a combination of a prophage region and short tandem repeat (STR) loci for phylogenetic relationship characterization. In this study, we investigated the genetic diversity and structure of 667 Las strains from nine provinces in southern China using multiple genetic loci including three type-specific prophage loci, two STR loci, and a miniature inverted-repeat transposable element (MITE) region. The results indicated that the genetic diversity varied according to the gene loci used. The prophage regions, including the MITEs, revealed significant genetic differences of Las populations in Yunnan and Guizhou from other provinces, while the STR loci only indicated a difference of Las population in Guizhou from those of other provinces. In particular, the Las population shown to be diverse in Jiangxi at the CLIBASIA_01215_STR locus was not diverse when measured using the other loci. Considering all loci, the Las populations from Yunnan and Guizhou were different, those from Guangdong and Guangxi were complex, while the Las population in Jiangxi was comparatively simple. Las populations from five neighbouring provinces, including Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Fujian, and Jiangxi were grouped in a big cluster. The Las population structure changed with age according to the prophage type. This study evaluated the method used for studying the molecular diversity of Las populations and provided more detailed information on the geographical origin and epidemic trend of Chinese Las populations.  相似文献   

田间柑橘植株不同部位黄龙病菌的PCR检测及发病原因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
[目的]了解黄龙病菌在柑橘植株不同部位的分布,为深入研究病菌在植株体内的扩散情况奠定基础;明确病害的发生原因为有效防控该病害提供借鉴。[方法] 调查浙江省台州市柑橘黄龙病(huanglongbing, HLB)的发生情况,通过常规和巢式PCR,检测了发病情形不同的两个果园内柑橘病株不同部位及不同植株中的黄龙病菌,并对其发病原因进行分析。[结果] 发现一果园内病株的无症状叶片、有症状叶片和枝条中均含有黄龙病菌,而其周围植株不含病菌;另一果园内病株的有症状叶片、枝条、主干和砧木中均含有黄龙病菌,而其周围植株也含菌。[结论]分析认为这两种果园内柑橘植株发病原因不同,一种可能为通过携带黄龙病菌的柑橘木虱所感染,另一种可能为嫁接过程中通过带菌的接穗感染。  相似文献   

三种PCR方法检测柑橘黄龙病菌的效果比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了比较常规PCR、巢式PCR和实时荧光定量PCR方法在大田检测中对柑橘黄龙病(Huanglongbing, HLB)的检测效果, 首先比较了3种检测方法对柑橘黄龙病菌检测的灵敏度, 结果发现:3种检测方法的灵敏度依次为常规PCR<巢式PCR<实时荧光定量PCR。运用3种检测方法对广东5个柑橘品种上的189个黄龙病疑似病样进行检测, 结果发现:黄龙病检出率依次为常规PCR<巢式PCR<实时荧光定量PCR。研究表明:常规PCR适合以较低成本大规模检测黄龙病; 实时荧光定量PCR具有最大的检测灵敏度; 巢式PCR检测技术同时具有前两者的一些优点, 但操作较复杂, 适合技术熟练的研究者使用。  相似文献   

Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum”, a phloem-limited and Gram-negative bacterium that is spread from infected to healthy plants by psyllid insect vectors, is an economically important pathogen of solanaceous and carrot crops in the Americas, New Zealand and Europe. Three haplotypes of “Ca. L. solanacearum” have previously been described, two (LsoA and LsoB) in relation to solanaceous crops in the Americas and New Zealand and the third (LsoC) to carrots in Finland. Herein, we describe a fourth haplotype of this ‘Candidatus Liberibacter’ species (LsoD), also associated with carrots, but from Spain and the Canary Islands and vectored by the psyllid Bactericera trigonica. In addition, LsoC was confirmed in carrot and psyllid samples recently collected from Sweden and Norway. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene suggests that two of the haplotypes, one in the Americas and the other in northern Europe are closer to each other in spite of a large geographic separation and host differences. Furthermore, during this study, potatoes with symptoms of zebra chip disease recently observed in potato crops in Idaho, Oregon and Washington states were analyzed for haplotype and were found to be positive for LsoA. This liberibacter haplotype was found in psyllids associated with the diseased potato crops as well. This finding contrasts with an earlier report of LsoB from psyllids in Washington which came from a laboratory colony originally collected in Texas.  相似文献   

柑橘黄龙病是对柑橘产业最具毁灭性的病害, 目前没有可用的有效药剂和抗病品种, 分子检测对黄龙病有效防控至关重要。本研究对国内外常用的常规PCR和巢式PCR检测引物进行评价, 针对多拷贝的nrdB和16S rDNA基因, 构建质粒标准品并筛选适用于绝对定量PCR的最佳质粒。结果表明, 使用Es Taq MasterMix对感染 Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas)的柑橘样品进行常规PCR检测时, 在评价的16对引物中, OI1/OI2c、Las606/LSS和HLBF468/R877灵敏度最高, 推荐同时使用检测黄龙病菌含量低的样品;各组巢式PCR检测引物有其适用扩增体系, 部分引物用Es Taq MasterMix扩增时出现非特异性扩增, F1/B1→F3/B3则适用Es Taq MasterMix体系, 且最高可稳定特异检出105倍稀释感染CLas柑橘总DNA样品(2×10-3 ng/μL), 是灵敏度最高的引物组, OI1/OI2c→S3/S4在Es Taq MasterMix和Ex Taq DNA聚合酶体系中均可稳定特异检出104倍稀释感染CLas柑橘总DNA样品(2×10-2 ng/μL), 是适用扩增体系最广的引物组;构建的5个绝对定量PCR质粒标准品中, pnrdB83扩增效率最接近100%, 且在2次重复试验中波动最小, 稳定性最强, 并且作为标准品对黄龙病待测样品进行绝对定量时, 各样品在2次重复试验中的拷贝数差值最小, 是本研究筛选的最佳质粒。本研究的结果将为柑橘黄龙病菌的定性和定量分子检测提供参考。  相似文献   

 韧皮部杆菌亚洲种(‘Candidatus Libriacter asiaticus’,‘Ca. L. asiaticus’)是目前流行范围最广、危害最严重的柑橘黄龙病致病菌。本研究利用‘Ca. L. asiaticus’基因组中全套串联重复基因(short tandem repeat, STR)开发了一套系统的方法用于‘Ca. L. asiaticus’遗传多样性和黄龙病分子流行学研究。PCR和PAGE分析筛选到的36个STR位点中,有33个获得了有效扩增。其中20对引物对不同来源的32个样品的扩增产物多态性较好,最多的可扩增出9种条带类型。采自我国6省的32个‘Ca. L. asiaticus’阳性样品之间的Shannon’s信息指数为0.14~1.90,平均为0.68;Nei’s基因多样性指数为0.06~0.81,平均为0.38,各省的菌株表现出较高的遗传多样性,特别是来自福建、广西和云南三省的。聚类分析发现可能为中国黄龙病发源地的广东省的黄龙病菌株具有一定的遗传特异性;其余邻省之间存在由木虱传播引起的菌株交流的可能性可以解释该病害在省际间传播。研究表明,开发的STR标记结合PAGE的方法可作为今后菌株遗传多样性和病害分子流行学分析的高效方法。  相似文献   

本文对国内外研究者设计的11对PCR引物检测柑桔黄龙病菌的特异性进行了比较。其中包括5对一步法PCR引物(A2/J5、GB1/GB3、MP1/MP2、CQULA03F/CQULA03R和CLA-F2/CLA-R2)和6对巢式PCR引物(P1/P2、P3/P4、LP1/LP2、LP3/LP4、DP1/DP2和DP3/DP4)。结果发现,MP1/MP2和CLA-F2/CLA-R2 2对引物具有非特异性,不能区分亚洲柑桔黄龙病菌和非洲柑桔黄龙病菌,其余的9对引物特异性较好。本文旨在为研究者选择柑桔黄龙病菌扩增引物提供参考。  相似文献   

Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum” (Lso), transmitted by the potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli), is the causal agent of potato zebra chip, but can also infect other solanaceous plants, including peppers. Studies were conducted to investigate whether Lso could be transmitted to the next generation of plants through seeds from infected pepper plants. In 2014, jalapeno pepper plants were infested with psyllids carrying a mixture of Lso A and B (AB) at the AgriLife Research Station at Bushland. The study was again conducted in 2019 and pepper plants were infested with psyllids carrying Lso B or Lso AB. In each of the studies, noninfested plants served as controls. At harvest, fruits were collected and tested for the presence of Lso using quantitative PCR. Seeds from infected fruits were then tested for Lso. Overall, the percentage of seeds that tested positive for Lso ranged from 33% to 70%. However, Lso detection in embryos ranged only from 0% to 8%. Seed samples from Lso-positive fruits were planted in the greenhouse to determine the impact of Lso on emergence and the incidence of Lso in emerged plants. Although plant emergence differed between some of the seeds obtained from Lso-positive and -negative fruits, the overall impact of Lso on plant emergence was not consistent. However, of the 182 plants that emerged from seeds collected from infected fruits, none was positive for Lso, suggesting that seeds are unlikely to serve as sources for new Lso infections and their impact on disease epidemiology is negligible.  相似文献   

柑橘黄龙病常规PCR检测技术研究与初步应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柑橘黄龙病是世界范围具有毁灭性危害的柑橘细菌性病害,在我国大部分柑橘产区发生,严重制约了我国柑橘产业的发展。本文根据黄龙病病原物亚洲韧皮杆菌核糖体16SrRNA基因设计了1对PCR引物HLBF468/HLBR877,并以此为基础建立了常规PCR反应体系,确定了检测体系的特异性和灵敏度。结果表明该体系的检测灵敏度比先前报道的常规PCR方法有了明显提高。利用建立的PCR体系完成了对广东和广西两省区果园柑橘黄龙病的抽样检测。本研究建立的常规PCR方法可以作为一种简便、准确、灵敏的检测技术应用于柑橘黄龙病的早期诊断。  相似文献   

广东不同地区柑橘黄龙病菌的遗传多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同基因型的黄龙病菌可能具有不同的致病模式,为了探明广东省不同基因型黄龙病菌的分布特点,为该病害的流行学研究提供重要依据,本研究利用PCR-RFLP的方法研究了广东省柑橘产区7个市县黄龙病菌外膜蛋白(outer membrane protein, OMP)基因的遗传多样性,并对各地黄龙病菌的omp基因进行克隆测序,构建了系统发育树。采用4种限制性内切酶消化各地区的柑橘黄龙病菌omp基因分别产生了不同的RFLP指纹图谱,每种限制性内切酶均产生了2种类型的酶切谱带;系统进化分析结果显示:广东地区的柑橘黄龙病菌属于韧皮部杆菌亚洲种,且亲缘关系非常近。广东地区黄龙病菌在omp基因水平上未见显著差异,未发现其他优势种类。  相似文献   

黄龙病菌在柑橘枝条上的分布和多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 柑橘黄龙病是由“Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus”(CLas)引起的毁灭性病害,在染病植株的叶片和果实上表现出不同症状。但目前还未见在同一植株或枝条上表现不同症状的叶片或果实中的CLas是否存在多样性的报道。本研究分析来自美国佛罗里达与中国广东两地染病柑橘样品,发现佛罗里达的CLas遗传多样性较低。以3对位于CLas短串联重复位点两端的序列为引物,对广东柑橘黄龙病病株的样品进行PCR扩增和PAGE检测,结果发现:同一植株上的CLas多样性高于同一枝条;同一病枝上显不同症状的叶片和果实中的CLas浓度分布不均匀,但成熟病果中CLas的浓度最高。以同一病枝条为一个组,PCR扩增和PAGE检测53个枝条的样品,发现不同组间CLas多样性不一:3对引物扩增条件下分别有4组(7.55%)、7组(13.21%)和11组(20.75%)样品存在组间多样性,推测同一枝条中含有不同的CLas菌株。以上结果说明了CLas在柑橘枝条上的分布规律,为监测我国CLas的多样性提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

2016年-2021年, 从广西各柑橘产区采集叶片斑驳?黄化等疑似黄龙病症状的柑橘样品, 利用黄龙病特异引物和基于原噬菌体类型的特异引物对样品进行鉴定及分析, 结果显示, 所采集的3 293份样品中有856份样品为黄龙病阳性样品, 阳性样品的检出率为25.99%, 阳性样品在广西的14个地市均有分布?基于原噬菌体类型的黄龙病菌种群分析发现, 广西存在7种类型的菌株, 分别是type 1菌株?type 2菌株?type 3菌株?type 1+type 2菌株?type 2+type 3菌株?type 1+type 2+type 3菌株及未检出任何类型菌株(none type), 其中, type 2类型原噬菌体菌株为优势种群?  相似文献   

基于原噬菌体类型的我国柑橘黄龙病菌种群遗传结构分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 柑橘黄龙病是柑橘生产上最严重的病害之一,由难培养的候选韧皮部杆菌亚洲种(“Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus”, CLas)引起。目前,已报道的与CLas相关的原噬菌体有3种,并且不同的CLas样品中可以检测到不同类型的原噬菌体或不同类型的组合。本研究基于原噬菌体类型特异引物对从我国南方8省收集的548个黄龙病样品进行原噬菌体类型的鉴定和分析。结果表明,基于原噬菌体类型,在548个样品中共鉴定了7种类型的菌株,分别为Type 1(7.12%)、Type 2(60.22%)、Type 3(3.83%)、Type 1+Type 2(3.28%)、Type 1+Type 3(17.34%)、Type 1+Type 2+Type 3(3.47%)和None类型(不含上述3种类型原噬菌体)(4.74%),其中只携带Type 2类型原噬菌体菌株为华南地区优势种群。此外,基于遗传多样性和遗传距离对我国南方地区的CLas种群进行种群结构分析发现,我国南方地区的CLas种群可以分为3个组,即I组(广东、江西、广西、福建)、II组(浙江和湖南)以及III组(云南和海南),其中I组和II组又可聚为一大组。该结果可为研究我国柑橘黄龙病流行规律提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

<正>柑橘褪绿矮缩病是一种新发生的危险性病害,自20世纪80年代在土耳其被发现以来,已成为该地区柑橘上最严重的病害(Loconsole et al.,2012)。近年来该病在我国云南省也有发生(Guo et al.,2015;Zhou et al.,2017)。该病可危害大多数柑橘种类,仅甜橙有一定耐病性,在敏感品种上可引起植株叶片变形、扭曲、花叶、节间变短等症状,造成果实变小,  相似文献   

We developed a detection method for “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus”, causal agent of citrus huanglongbing, using isothermal and chimeric primer-initiated amplification of nucleic acids combined with cycling probe technology (Cycleave ICAN). With Cycleave ICAN, the reaction was done in one tube in 1 h without the need for electrophoresis, and false positives were not generated. In addition, Cycleave ICAN method was more sensitive than the conventional PCR method. Cycleave ICAN helps shorten the time for the large-scale detection needed to manage huanglongbing.  相似文献   

Real-time PCR法定量检测柑橘绿霉病菌对抑霉唑的抗性频率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 抑霉唑被广泛用来防治由指状青霉菌(Penicillium digitatum)引起的柑橘绿霉病。已有研究表明,柑橘绿霉病菌对抑霉唑的抗性由CYP51基因启动子区5个126-bp转录增强子的简单串联重复和126-bp转录增强子上199-bp的特异性片段插入所引起。基于这2种抗性分子机制,通过设计特异引物和优化条件,建立real-time PCR高通量分子检测技术,用于快速检测柑橘包装贮藏库中绿霉病菌群体对抑霉唑的抗性频率FR,指导科学用药。  相似文献   

长期的观察发现,不同柑橘品种感染黄龙病后出现的病症也不尽相同,针对这种现象本文检测了浙江柑橘黄龙病病原β-操纵子核糖体蛋白基因并进行了序列比对,BLAST比对结果说明所扩增的基因序列之间差异性为0,与基因库(NCBI)中黄龙病亚洲韧皮杆菌DNA序列相似性为100%,由此说明浙江柑橘黄龙病病原β-操纵子核糖体蛋白基因并未发生变异,出现上述现象可能是其他基因发生变异或者与品种的抗病性有关。  相似文献   

 柑橘叶斑驳病毒(Citrus leaf blotch virus, CLBV)在陕西省栽培猕猴桃中发生普遍。为监测CLBV发生情况,本研究建立了CLBV的实时荧光定量PCR(Real-time fluorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction,RT-qPCR)检测方法。该方法特异性强,可准确检测目的病毒,标准曲线斜率为-3.378,决定系数R2=0.997 9,扩增效率为97.7%,比普通RT-PCR灵敏度高100倍,可用于猕猴桃植株CLBV的批量检测或低丰度病毒样本(如猕猴桃休眠枝条)的检测。为苗木携带CLBV病毒的早期诊断、果园病毒病预测预报和防控奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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