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实验旨在研究不同采精频率对3个品种成年种公猪精液质量及精液产能的影响。选用杜洛克、长白和大白3个品种的成年公猪,共54头,每个品种各18头,设置3个采精频率,分别为2 d 1次(A)、3 d 1次(B)、4d1次(C),每个品种每个频率6头公猪,共分为9组。试验时间持续60d,试验开始后从第2次采精开始测定精液质量。频率A共采精198次,其中杜洛克猪90次/组,长白猪48次/组,大白猪60次/组;频率B共采精348次,其中杜洛克猪132次/组,长白猪102次/组,大白猪114次/组;频率C共采精306次,每个品种各102次/组。结果表明:杜洛克猪和大白猪采精频率A的精子活力低于采精频率B和C(P<0.01),长白猪采精频率A的精子活力低于采精频率B和C(P<0.05);3个品种公猪采精频率A的精子畸形率均高于采精频率B和C(P<0.05);杜洛克猪采精频率A的采精量低于采精频率B、C(P<0.01),长白猪采精频率A的采精量低于采精频率B、C(P<0.05),大白猪无组间差异;杜洛克猪采精频率A的精液密度及精液产能均低于采精频率B、C(P<0.01)...  相似文献   

皖系粗毛兔超数排卵及胚胎移植的研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
采用国产激素,以FSH+ LH、FSH+ HCG、PMSG+ LH、PMSG+ HCG 4种不同的处理方法对32 只皖系粗毛兔进行超排处理,旨在筛选确立皖系粗毛兔最有效的超排方法及胚胎移植的最佳时期。结果表明:4种超排方法处理后的排卵数分别为42.50枚、46.25 枚、30.63 枚、33.38 枚;回收胚胎数分别为27.63 枚、31.25 枚、22.37 枚、20.75 枚;有效胚胎数分别为20.50 枚、24.13枚、17.63枚、15.25枚。这3 项指标均以FSH+ HCG组最高。将收集到的237枚胚胎移植给24只受体,每只受体移植胚胎10枚左右。结果表明:2- ,4- ,8- 16 细胞期及桑椹胚移植后的妊娠率、产仔率及窝产活仔数分别为50% 、16.6% 和3.3 只,66.7% 、20.6% 和3只,60% 、24.5% 和4.3 只,71% 、40.9% 和5.4只。其中以桑椹胚组指标最高  相似文献   

人工授精自20多年前应用于兔场以来(Paufler-等,1979;Battaglini等,1986;Theau-Clement和Roustan,1992),已经被证实在兔场的经营管理和利润提高,兔的遗传改良和保健等方面具有优势的一项有益的技术。应用人工授精的一个最直接的好处在于减少了公兔的数量,因此,对种用公兔更应精心筛选。种用公兔应拥有良好的遗传品质并能够提供  相似文献   

皖系粗毛兔血浆酶活性及其与产毛量相关的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对49只1岁龄皖系粗毛兔进行产毛量和血浆中碱性磷酸酶、谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶活性的测定.结果表明,皖系粗毛兔1岁时血浆碱性磷酸酶活性与产毛量之间呈显著的正相关(P<0.05);血浆中谷丙转氨酶和谷草转氨酶活性与产毛量之间的相关均不显著(P>0.05).  相似文献   

选择42日龄皖系粗毛兔幼兔42只,根据体重、性别,随机分成3组,分别饲喂含1‰、2‰生沛素日粮和对照组日粮.结果表明,添加1‰、2‰生沛素组产毛量比对照组分别提高17.5%(P<0.01)和19.1%(P<0.01);增重提高11.2%(P<0.05)和12.5%(P<0.05);每只兔一次产毛的经济效益比对照组分别提高2.96元和1.13元.另外,添加生沛素的试验组兔毛品质也比对照组有所提高和改善.  相似文献   

为探讨采精频率对种公猪精液品质造成的影响,本试验采用计算机辅助精液分析仪检测了四川某种猪繁育场的10头长白种公猪在不同采精频率下(1、2、3、4、5次/周)的精液,分别其对精子活力、密度、精液量、精子结构变化和精子运动性能等指标的影响。结果表明:采精频率为3次/周时,精子密度最高,与采精频率为4次/周的精子密度差异不显著(P> 0.05),与采精频率为1、2和5次/周时的差异显著(P> 0.05);采精频率为3次/周时精子活力和活率最高,与采精频率为5次/周时的活力与活率差异显著(P> 0.05);精子总数在采精频率为3次/周时最多,精液量未呈现出规律性变化,但在采精频率为1次/周时最多,与采精频率为5次/周时的差异显著(P> 0.05)。综上所述,采精频率为3次/周时精液品质最佳;采精频率为4次/周和2次/周时精液品质次之。  相似文献   

采精频率对长白种公猪精液品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究采精频率对成年长白种公猪精液品质的影响。试验通过对6头成年长白种公猪进行五个不同阶段的采精试验,分别为A阶段(采精1次/2 d),B阶段(采精1次/3 d),C阶段(采精1次/4 d),D阶段(采精1次/5 d),E阶段(采精1次/6 d)。研究结果表明:(1)采精频率为A组时,其精液采精量显著低于B组、C组、D组、E组(P0.05),而B组采精量虽低于C组、D组,但差异不显著(P0.05),所以成年种公猪精液采精量的最佳采精频率为B组;(2)采精频率为D组时,其精液精子密度与E组差异不显著(P0.05),但显著高于A组、B组、C组(P0.05);(3)采精频率为C组时,C组精液的精子活率与D组、E组差异不显著(P0.05),但与A组、B组差异显著(P0.05);(4)当采精频率为A组、B组时,其精液中精子畸形率均达到20%以上,而E组、D组的精子畸形率均在5%左右,且E组、D组间差异不显著(P0.05),而C组精子畸形率在15%左右,虽低于20%,但与E组、D组差异显著(P0.05);(5)采精频率与总精液量、活率、密度之间都呈现极显著的负相关性(P0.01),与精子畸形率呈现极显著的正相关(P0.01)。  相似文献   

兔精液的液态保存对受胎率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

为了探讨采精频率对杜洛克、大白、长白种公猪精液品质的影响,并确定不同品种种公猪的最佳采精频率,试验选取12月龄体重相近的健康杜洛克、大白、长白种公猪各6头,分5个不同采精频率阶段采精,即第1阶段(A组)为1次/1 d,第2阶段(B组)为1次/2 d,第3阶段(C组)为1次/3 d,第4阶段(D组)为1次/4 d,第5阶段(E组)为1次/5 d,每个阶段采精3次,一个阶段采精完成后,公猪休息一周,然后开始下一个阶段采精,采精完成后对每份精液的精液量及精子密度、活率和畸形率指标进行统计分析。结果表明:三个品种种公猪精液量及精子密度和活率随采精频率的降低均总体呈升高趋势,精子畸形率随着采精频率的降低呈现下降趋势;杜洛克种公猪C组的精液量、精子密度、精子活率较佳,E组精子畸形率最低,但与B、C、D三组精子畸形率差异不显著(P>0.05);大白种公猪B组精液量较佳,D组精子密度较佳,C组精子活率较佳,E组精子畸形率最低,与D组精子畸形率差异不显著(P>0.05);长白种公猪C组精液量较佳,D组精子密度较佳,C组精子活率较佳,E组精子畸形率最低,与D组精子畸形率差异不显著(P>0...  相似文献   

1. Seven 35-week-old Hubbard broiler breeder males were subjected to three semen collection frequencies either once every 2 d (48 h), daily (24 h) or twice daily (12 h). 2. Semen characteristics including motility, volume, concentration and sperm numbers per ejaculate were determined for each ejaculate. 3. Sperm motility was unaffected by collection interval, but semen volume was lower at 12 than 24h intervals. Sperm concentration was lower at 12 than 48h intervals. 4. At 24 and 48 h number of sperm per collection (1.7+/-0.2, 1.8+/-0.2 x 10(9)) were higher than at 12 h (1.2+/-0.1 x 10(9)). 5. The number of semen doses over a 6-d period increased linearly as the frequency of collection increased from once every 2 d to twice daily. 6. It is concluded that output was theoretically maximal at twice daily collection, but in practice not all cockerels may be able to maintain full performance with such a demanding regime.  相似文献   

通过对皖系粗毛兔又四个世代的系统选育及对其配套技术的研究。结果:(1)皖系粗毛兔育种兔群,11月龄刀剪毛的产量及粗毛率分别为294.28g(折年产毛量1177.12g)和15.94%,分别较“八五”成绩提高16.23%和5.28%,较基础群提高了13.63%和4.94%;11月龄毛纤维的长度、细度、强度及伸度,粗毛分别为11.55cm,47.04μm,24.33CN和47.33%,细毛分别为7.36cm、15.64μm,4.73CN和45.37%,与“八五”成绩差异不大;11月龄体重、体长、胸围分别为4,258.26g,51.85cm和33.47cm,分别较“八五”成绩提高了3.42%,2.13%和1.45%;繁殖性能稳中有升,其头胎产仔7.21只,产活仔6.82只,初生、21日龄及42日龄断乳窝重分别为362.72g,2243.71g和5027.23g,断奶成活率达91.72%。(2)筛选出同期发情、超排处理的最佳激素及其有效剂量,确定了最适宜的取卵及胚胎移植的时期。(3)筛选确定了法国先进的agodendron植物脱毛技术的最佳剂量及其使用方法。  相似文献   

粗毛型长毛兔新品系毛质分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高长毛兔兔毛纤维中的粗毛率和毛品质,在德系安哥拉兔群中导入了高粗毛率的基因,以新西兰兔、法系安哥拉兔、SAB德系兔的血液参入。从88年开始,经过三代杂交所产生的杂交粗毛型兔群中选出粗毛率高、产毛量高的兔进行横交,然后进行世代选育。目前已进入四世代。11月龄的粗毛兔选育群,平均粗毛率达15.55%,少部分核心群兔粗毛率达21.45%,参加繁殖1-2胎的周岁成年母兔粗毛率平均达17.72%,年产毛量达850~870克(9-11月龄的估测产量)。8月龄的平均体重达4065克,成年兔体重达4506克。8月龄的绒毛细度12.80微米,粗毛细度40.49微米,强力2.81克,伸长率为50.41%,兔毛的吸湿率达16.96%。  相似文献   

Eight mature Angora wethers (average BW 47.2 kg) were used in a 4 x 4 replicated Latin square design to evaluate responses to intraperitoneal (IP) administration of amino acids. The IP treatments consisted of saline (Control), methionine 1 g/d (Met), lysine 2 g/d (Lys), and methionine + lysine (Met + Lys). The amino acids dissolved in Control were infused continuously for the first 14 d of each 28-d period using peristaltic infusion pumps. Average d-28 grease and clean mohair yields (grams/100 square centimeters), and fiber diameter (micrometers) and length (centimeters) measurements during Control administration were 8.8, 7.6, 40, and 2.3, respectively. Mean clean mohair yield and fiber diameter increased by 5.3% (P less than .039) and 2.5% (P less than .067), respectively, with Met administration but were decreased by 9.2% (P less than .033) and 3.8% (P less than .001), respectively, by Lys administration; however, mean fiber length was increased (P less than .014) 21.7% by Lys infusion. The goats did not exhibit increased grease (P greater than .939) and clean (P greater than .477) mohair yields and fiber diameter (P greater than .619) when treated with Met+Lys. A N balance trial was conducted during d 10 through 14 of each period. Total retained N (grams per day) during Control administration was 18.4 and 24% greater than Met (P greater than .281) and Lys (P less than .061), respectively. When expressed as a proportion of N intake, retained N was lowest (P less than .127) in the Lys infusion group. Jugular blood ammonia N and plasma glucose and total protein concentrations were not affected (P greater than .10) by treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Duck meat consumption is low but steady in the United States (US), while rapidly expanding in other countries. The duck industry is moving from a traditional whole carcass product towards deboned breast fillets and other portions, which has prompted strain selection for breast weight and yield. The effect of bird strain was therefore evaluated for fillet weight, yield, and breast meat quality characteristics. Eighty butterflied paired fillets were obtained from each of 4 Pekin duck strains after carcasses were sized by weight at the processing plant (n = 640). All fillets were weighed and then half of the fillets were evaluated for color. One fillet from each carcass-pair was either frozen or kept fresh for cooking, reweighing, and subsequent color analysis (Commission Internationale de I'Eclairage (CIE) lightness L*, redness a*, and yellowness b*). Both fillets in each carcass-pair were evaluated using Allo–Kramer (AK) and Warner–Bratzler (WB) shear. Strain affected (P < 0.05) raw and cooked fillet weight. Strain C, with the largest BW and selected for both breast yield and growth rate, had higher raw and cooked breast weight. Cooked yield was not affected by strain and averaged 64.4%. Neither AK nor WB shear values were affected by strain, and averaged 4.8 kg/g and 4.2 kg, respectively. Strain had a slight but significant effect on color, affecting lightness (L*) values of all categories, and redness (a*) values of raw and cooked meat. Freezing and thawing produced large and significant thaw losses ranging from 10.4 to 13.6%; differing losses depended on the strain of duck. Duck strain affected breast fillet weights and lightness to a slight extent, but not cook yield or shear values.  相似文献   

1 材料和方法 1.1 皮样采自景泰县条山农场安哥拉山羊改良中卫山羊试验羊群,安中杂交F1、F2发育正常健康的3日龄母羔各5只. 1.2 毛样采自该羊群安中F1、安中F2发育正常健康的母羔各20只.分别从体侧取毛样供分析用. 1.3 取样方法用手术刀在羔羊体侧采取1 cm2皮肤样品,立即置于10%福尔马林溶液中固定. 1.4 制片固定好的皮样经软化、脱水、透明、浸蜡、包埋、切片,H*E染色制成连续横切片,横切片厚度为6~8μm. 1.5 观察和测量在纤维投影仪放大120倍下进行观察和测定.依据毛囊侧旁是否有发达的皮脂腺和汗腺,把毛囊分为初级毛囊和次级毛囊,然后按初级毛囊的位置和直径大小分为中心初级毛囊和外周初级毛囊.测定毛囊数、毛囊直径和壁厚. 1.6 采用常规方法分析被毛纤维类型(数量法)、伸直长度和细度(选用纤维投影仪测量短纤维).  相似文献   

微卫星标记位点对长毛兔产毛性状的效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究测定了200只长毛兔4个微卫星座位的基因型及粗毛率、细毛长度、粗毛长度、细毛直径和粗毛直径等5个兔毛质量的表型性状。经单因子方差分析,结果表明:SAT7座位的不同基因型对粗毛直径与细毛直径有显著的影响(P<0.05)。其余微卫星座位的不同基因型对各性状的影响都不显著。  相似文献   

The aim was to estimate the optimal frequency of semen collection from pigeons in relation to ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, total spermatozoa in ejaculate and percentage of live morphologically normal cells. The study was carried out on 455 ejaculates collected from two groups of pigeons, each of 10 males (group I: meat-type breed; group II: fancy pigeon). The birds were selected and kept individually in cages under a natural photoperiod. A two-person technique was used for semen collection (lumbo-sacral and cloacal region massage). Semen was collected once, twice or three times per week. Colour, consistency and volume of ejaculates were evaluated macroscopically immediately after collection. Sperm concentration and total number of cells in the ejaculate were estimated after dilution with Ringer's solution. A live-dead stain technique (nigrosin-eosin) was used to determine the percentage of live and normal spermatozoa. Semen collected 3x/week was of high quality. The average volume of a single ejaculate was small (21 microl in group I and 19 microl in group II), but sperm concentration was high--1.58 x 10(9)/ml and 1.96 x 10(9)/ml, respectively. The mean number of spermatozoa per ejaculate was 30.48 x 10(6) in group I and 39.49 x 10(6) in group II. An increased percentage of live and normal spermatozoa in semen collected more frequently was also observed. Collecting pigeon semen 3x/week provides spermatozoa in larger amounts and of better quality than less frequent collections (1x/week or 2x/week) and is recommended for obtaining more insemination doses.  相似文献   

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