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用PCR法检测东北虎感染猫细小病毒的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据GenBank中已发表的猫细小病毒基因组中的保守序列 ,利用Goldkey软件设计了一对能扩增 750bp片段大小的引物 ,对某动物园 1只病死东北虎的脾脏样品进行了PCR检测。结果得到了与设计大小完全相符且与标准猫细小病毒扩增产物大小一致的特异核酸带 ,同时对犬瘟热、犬腺病毒、轮状病毒的核酸扩增结果均为阴性。敏感性试验表明 ,此法可检出血凝价为 1 2 8×脾脏匀浆液上清 1 0 - 5倍稀释的模板 ,远高于血凝试验的敏感性 ,为虎、狮、熊猫等野生动物细小病毒病的快速诊断提供了一个有效的方法  相似文献   

根据GenBank中鸭瘟病毒UL6和UL7基因的序列,设计了一对特异性引物及TaqMan探针,扩增位于UL6和UL7基因第891 ̄991位长度为101bp片段。以DPV标准强株DNA为模板,建立了实时荧光定量PCR检测鸭瘟病毒的方法。该方法只能在鸭瘟病毒DNA样本中检出荧光信号,最小检出量为1.57×102copies(23.7fg);线性范围达8个数量级;平行复管检测,组内变异系数为0.84%(n=20),同一组样本(n=6)间隔30d重复检测,结果无显著性差异;对试验感染鸭肝脏和脑组织中鸭瘟病毒的检出率为100%(40/40),对临床病例的检测结果与病毒分离鉴定结果一致;从核酸提取到报告检测结果仅需3h;对鸭正常组织、鸡传染性喉气管炎病毒、鸭病毒性肝炎病毒、鸡源大肠杆菌、鸭源多杀性巴氏杆菌、鸭副伤寒沙门氏菌等非鸭瘟病毒DNA检测,不出现非特异性荧光信号。  相似文献   

鸡传染性喉气管炎病毒TaqMan real-time PCR检测方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为建立鸡传染性喉气管炎病毒(ILTV)TaqMan Real-time PCR检测方法,本研究根据GenBank中登录的ILTV gB基因序列设计了2对引物与一条特异性TaqMan探针,通过对反应体系和反应条件的优化,特异性、敏感性以及重复性试验,证明该方法在核酸含量108拷贝/μL~101拷贝/μL范围内具有良好的线性关系;能够检测初始模板中10-3EID50的病毒核酸及16拷贝的标准品;与其它相关的鸡源病毒均无交叉反应,并且批内、批间变异系数均小于2%,具有良好的重复性。该检测方法的建立为ILTV的临床检测和定量分析提供了一种快速、准确的技术手段。  相似文献   

Objective To determine prevalences of feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infections in ‘healthy’ cats that, through acute misadventure or other circumstance, were presented to veterinary practitioners. Prevalences of FeLV and FIV in this population were compared to those in a population of predominantly sick cats. Design and procedures Serum specimens were obtained over a 2-year period from 200 cats oldeer than 1 year of age presented to veterinary clinics for routine procedures, including cat fight injuries or abscesses, vehicular trauma, neutering, dental scaling, vaccination, grooming or boarding. An additional 894 sera were obtained over approximately the same period from specimens submitted by veterinarians to a private clinical pathology laboratory, mainly from sick cats suspected of having immune dysfunction, but including some sera from healthy cats being screened prior to FeLV vaccination. FIV antibody and FeLV antigen were detected in samples using commercial enzyme immunoassays. Results Amongst 200 ‘healthy’ cats, the prevalence of FeLV infection was 0 to 2%, and the prevalence of FIV was 6.5 to 7.5%, depending on the stringency of the criteria used to define positivity. FIV infection was significantly more prevalent in cats which resided in an inner city environment (P = 0.013). Of the 894 serum specimens submitted to the laboratory by practitioners, 11/761 (1.4%) were FeLV positive, while 148/711 (20.8%) were FIV positive. The prevalence of FIV was significantly higher in these predominantly ‘sick’ cats than in cats seen for routine veterinary procedures (P < 0.00001), while there was no difference in the prevalence of FeLV (P = 0.75) Conclusions The prevalence of FeLV and FIV in healthy cats may have been substantially overestimated in some previous Australian surveys. FeLV infection would appear to be a rare cause of disease in Australian cats. The higher prevalence of FIV positivity in sick as opposed to healthy cats infers that FIV infection contributes to the development of disease.  相似文献   

We previously described replication-competent feline leukemia virus (FeLV) vectors with high-level and stable expression of a green fluorescent protein (GFP) or a suicide transgene in cell cultures in vitro. Considering that FeLV might potentially be used to deliver therapeutic genes in vivo, we first evaluated the expression of the GFP gene introduced in cats by the FeLV, Rickard subgroup A (FRA) construct. Eight newborn kittens were either inoculated with pFRA-GFP plasmid DNA intradermally, or challenged intraperitoneally with FRA-GFP-infected feline fibroblasts. During a 12-week observation period, five cats were shown to be progressively viremic. Quantitative PCR and RT-PCR analyses of plasma and tissue samples from these cats showed that GFP was retained in FeLV DNA or RNA to a variable degree, ranging from 0.002 to 27.890%. Tissue DNA samples were analyzed by PCR for the status of GFP and the env-transgene complex. While the proviruses carrying the GFP transgene were shown to be minor species, all tissues, however, retained the full-length GFP transgene. Despite the occurrence of predominant species with various deletions in the viral genome, approximately 1–3% of the total cell population was GFP-positive in the lymphoid tissues as visualized by laser confocal microscopy. Co-localization of immunofluorescent cells indicated that CD3-positive T cells, dendritic cells and macrophages were the major targets for GFP expression. These findings on the detectable in vivo expression of GFP for as long as a period of 3 months could be viewed positively for contemplating a therapeutic strategy for control of FeLV infection in the cats.  相似文献   

Ocular sarcoma was diagnosed by light microscopic examination in enucleated globes ( n  = 4), orbital tissue biopsy ( n  = 1) and ocular evisceration contents ( n  = 1) from six cats. To determine if feline leukemia virus (FeLV) or a replication-defective FeLV, feline sarcoma virus (FeSV), was present in these ocular sarcomas, immunohistochemistry (IHC) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for FeLV were utilized. Immunohistochemical staining for FeLV glycoprotein 70 (gp70) was performed on all six formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumors using an avidin–biotin complex technique. DNA was extracted from each specimen and a 166 bp region of the FeLV long-terminal repeat (LTR) was amplified by PCR. All tumors were composed primarily of spindle cells; two neoplasms had PAS-positive basement membrane enveloping areas of spindle cells. All tumors involved the uvea and five of six tumors showed transcleral extension, one of which invaded the optic nerve. Immunohistochemical staining for FeLV gp 70 was negative. PCR to amplify a portion of the FeLV LTR was negative. Based on these findings of these limited number of cases, FeLV/FeSV may not play a role in the tumorigenesis of feline ocular sarcomas. However, additional tumors representing all morphological subtypes should be investigated for the presence of viral antigen and DNA. It is important to determine the etiology and pathogenesis of these malignant ocular sarcomas. If the cell of origin and pathogenesis involve ocular and lenticular injury, and FeLV/FeSV is not present, then the clinical management of cases of feline ocular trauma, uveitis and glaucoma may prevent the development of this tumor.  相似文献   



To estimate the prevalence of cats testing positive for antibodies to feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) antigens in domestic cats entering a New Zealand animal shelter, based on a commercial point-of-care ELISA, to identify risk factors associated with cats testing positive, and to compare the results obtained from the ELISA with those obtained using PCR-based testing.  相似文献   

Testing platforms that leverage automation, require minimal sample volume, and enable various tests to be performed simultaneously on a single sample have the potential to improve workflow and efficiency in veterinary diagnostic laboratories. We evaluated a barcoded magnetic bead (BMB) technology using established immunoassays for detection of feline leukemia virus (FeLV) p27 antigen and antibody against feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). Analytical sensitivity, limit of blank, and limit of detection were used to establish a functional sensitivity of 1.00 ng/mL of inactivated FeLV antigen and 35.7 ng/mL of anti-FIV monoclonal antibody. Common interferents, such as hemoglobin, lipid, and bilirubin, were not found to interfere with the performance of the assay. Intra- and inter-assay CVs were <13% for both assays using manufactured samples. Using a set of 116 feline samples, the diagnostic accuracy of our multiplex assay was 100% compared to reference assays. Performance in a convenience set of 1,000 feline samples submitted to a commercial diagnostic laboratory revealed a proportion of positive results of 1.3% for FeLV and 3.7% for FIV. BMB technology should enable rapid screening of samples for various markers in a single immunoassay well.  相似文献   

为建立同时快速定量检测猪博卡病毒(PBoV)G1基因群和猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)的方法,本研究参照GenBank登录的PBoV的NP1基因和PEDV的M基因保守序列,设计了引物和探针,经优化反应条件后,建立了能够同时检测PBoVG1基因群和PEDV的双重TaqMan荧光定量PCR方法。特异性试验结果显示该方法与PCV2、PRV、PDCoV、PRoV和TGEV无交叉反应,敏感性试验结果显示该方法对PBoV、PEDV的质粒标准品检测下限分别为21.8拷贝/μL和31.7拷贝/μL;且组内、组间变异系数均小于4%,重复性好。应用本实验建立的方法对2017年5月~2018年8月,河北省部分地区采集的142份仔猪腹泻样品检测结果显示,PBoVG1阳性率为18.3%(26/142),PEDV阳性率为62.7%(89/142),其中PBoVG1与PEDV共感染率为10.6%(15/142),该方法优于常规PCR方法。本研究建立的双重TaqMan荧光定量PCR方法对PBoV和PEDV的准确检测、病原监测、流行病学调查等均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

由白斑综合征病毒引起的虾白斑综合征是国际兽医局(OIE)规定的必须上报的水生动物二类疫病。本研究首先通过设计新的PCR引物,提高了PCR检测白斑综合征病毒的阳性检出率。为进一步提高白斑综合征病毒检测的灵敏度,本研究采用TaqMan探针技术建立了快速检测白斑综合征病毒的real-time PCR方法,通过与常规PCR方法比较,证实其检测灵敏度显著提高。  相似文献   

The clinical efficacy of a recombinant feline interferon, rFeIFN-omega, was evaluated for the treatment of cats presented with clinical signs associated with feline leukemia virus (FeLV) infection and FeLV/feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) coinfection in the field. In this multicentric, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 81 cats meeting the inclusion criteria were randomly placed into 2 groups and treated subcutaneously with rFelFN-omega (1 million [M]U/kg per day) or placebo once daily for 5 consecutive days in 3 series (day 0, 14, 60). The cats were monitored for up to 1 year for clinical signs and mortality. During the initial 4-month period, interferon (IFN)-treated cats (n = 39) had significantly reduced clinical scores compared with placebo (n = 42), with all cats having received concomitant supportive therapies. Compared with the control, the IFN-treated group showed significantly lower rates of mortality: 39% versus 59% (1.7-fold higher risk of death for controls) at the 9-month time point and 47% versus 59% (1.4-fold higher risk of death for controls) at the 12-month time point. The IFN treatment was associated with minor but consistent improvement in abnormal hematologic parameters (red blood cell count, packed cell volume, and white blood cell count), apparently underlying the positive effects of IFN on clinical parameters. These data demonstrate that rFeIFN-omega initially has statistically significant therapeutic effects on clinical signs and later on survival of cats with clinical signs associated with FeLV infection and FeLV/FIV coinfection.  相似文献   

Newcastle disease (ND), infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) and avian metapneumovirus (aMPV) can be similar making it critical to quickly differentiate them. Herein, we adapted pre-existing molecular-based diagnostic assays for NDV and ILTV, and developed new assays for aMPV A and B, for use under synchronized thermocycling conditions. All assays performed equivalently with linearity over a 5 log10 dynamic range, a reproducible (R2 > 0.99) limit of detection of ≥ 10 target copies, and amplification efficiencies between 86.8%–98.2%. Using biological specimens for NDV and ILTV showed 100% specificity. Identical amplification conditions will simplify procedures for detection in diagnostic laboratories.  相似文献   

根据GenBank中注册的AJ272108等序列,参考有关文献,利用引物设计相关软件在HEV ORF2片段的保守区设计并合成1对引物及探针,采用TaqMan探针建立了荧光定量PCR法。以鉴定正确的质粒为模板建立标准曲线,Ct值线性范围为14.89~27.02,相关系数为0.996。本试验建立的猪戊型肝炎病毒ORF2片段基因实时荧光定量PCR方法扩增效率高、线性范围广,为快速检测猪戊型肝炎病毒的绝对定量分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   

选取H5亚型禽流感病毒血凝素(Hemagglutinin,HA)基因保守序列,使用Primer Express 2.0软件设计出特异性引物和TaqMan MGB探针,利用实时荧光PCR技术来定量检测禽流感病毒。使用含有选定检测序列的RNA标准品做标准曲线,结果表明该方法的灵敏度为10拷贝/反应,标准曲线的相关系数为0.998003,对H9亚型禽流感病毒和其他禽病病毒无交叉反应,特异性好、重复性佳。为禽流感病毒检测提供了一种特异、敏感、快速的定量检测方法。  相似文献   

根据GenBank登陆的IBRV保守基因gB序列,利用分子生物学软件Primer Express3.0分别设计2对特异引物及其相应的TaqMan探针,优化反应体系后,建立牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒TaqMan探针荧光定量PCR检测方法。本方法利用10倍稀释的标准品进行扩增确定该方法的灵敏性,通过对伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)、马立克病病毒(MDV)等检测验证特异性,并进行临床检验。结果显示,建立的IBRVgB基因TaqMan探针荧光定量PCR检测方法的灵敏度为11个拷贝/μL,而且与PRV等非IBRV无交叉反应。本研究所建立的TaqMan探针荧光定量PCR检测方法具有快速、灵敏、准确、等优点,可用于IBRV的检测。  相似文献   

建立以TaqMan荧光探针为特点的PCR,检测白藜芦醇体外抗鸭瘟病毒活性。本研究针对鸭瘟病毒UL30基因序列设计特异性引物和TaqMan荧光探针,建立鸭瘟病毒TaqMan探针实时荧光定量PCR检测方法,并验证方法的特异度、敏感度和稳定性及对临床样品进行检测;运用该方法检测白藜芦醇对鸭胚成纤维细胞接种鸭瘟病毒后细胞中病毒增殖情况的影响,用以评价该药物体外抗鸭瘟病毒效果。结果显示,该方法建立的定量标准曲线阈值循环数(Threshold cycle,Ct)与模板拷贝数呈良好线性关系(R2=0.997),斜率为-3.328,扩增效率(E)为99.7%,具有良好的特异度、敏感度和稳定性并能对临床样本进行准确的检测。运用该方法检测白藜芦醇体外抗鸭瘟病毒结果显示:经白藜芦醇处理后,染毒细胞中病毒拷贝数为(7.71±0.37)×10^4,与病毒对照组比较(5.63±0.26)×10^6明显减少(P〈0.01)。结果表明,TaqMan探针实时荧光定量PCR方法建立并成功用于体外药物抗鸭瘟病毒的检测;白藜芦醇具有良好的体外抗鸭瘟病毒活性。  相似文献   

实时荧光定量PCR快速检测鸭病毒性肠炎标准方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据GenBank(登录号:EF417996)中鸭病毒性肠炎病毒U31基因的序列,设计了1对特异性引物及TaqMan探针,扩增片段长度为76 bp.以鸭病毒性肠炎弱毒疫苗株DNA为阳性标准品模板,建立了实时荧光定量PCR检测鸭病毒性肠炎病毒的方法.该方法能在鸭病毒性肠炎病毒DNA样本中检出荧光信号,定量范围为:2.1×109~2.1×100个拷贝数,最小检出量为2.1×100个拷贝;用该方法对人工感染试验的4只鸭组织器官、粪便、血液等样品重复测定3次,病毒模板DNA的检出率为100%,对鸭正常组织、巴氏杆菌、大肠杆菌、沙门菌和鸭病毒性肝炎、鹅源禽流感H5毒株、新城疫、小鹅瘟病毒等DNA检测不出现特异性荧光信号.经过重复性和实际临床样本检验证实,该方法真实可靠,而且从核酸提取到报告检测结果耗时不超过4 h,不仅实现了对鸭病毒性肠炎的快速诊断,也实现了对该病毒DNA由定性到定量的检测.  相似文献   

为建立了一种可检测血清1型鸭甲型肝炎病毒(DHAV-1)的实时定量PCR方法,根据GenBank中DHAV-1 5,非编码区的保守区,设计合成1对引物和1条TaqMan探针,以构建的重组质粒作为标准品,绘制标准曲线,并对所建立方法进行了特异性、敏感性和可重复性试验以及临床病料检测初步应用。结果,该方法与血清3型鸭甲型肝炎病毒、鸭瘟病毒、新城疫病毒、禽流感病毒、呼肠孤病毒、传染性支气管炎病毒等无交叉反应性;最低可以检测到10copies/μL;组内和组间变异系数均小于3%;临床病料的检测结果与测序检测结果一致。结果表明,所建立的实时定量检测方法具有特异、敏感、稳定等优点,可用于DHAV-1的快速检测与定量分析。  相似文献   

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