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Anatomical dissections of fresh canine fore-limb specimens were carried out on the brachium and antebrachium and cross sections of the antebrachium to identify the location of safe corridors for external skeletal fixator pin insertion. Those areas and lines for safe, hazardous and unsafe corridors were defined and measured along the canine forelimb. Recommendations are made on the safe and effective use of fixator frames in the canine humerus and radius. The canine humerus was considered a concentric bone and no safe corridors could be identified. However, safe areas and lines are described. The distal two-thirds of the medial aspect of the canine radius represents a safe corridor.  相似文献   

Objective: To report pullout force to failure at the acrylic–pin interface for variably treated 3.2 mm external skeletal fixator pins. Study Design: In vitro biomechanical evaluation. Sample Population: 3.2 mm external skeletal fixator pins in polymethylmethacrylate bars. Methods: 3.2 mm external skeletal fixator pins were used for each of 5 treatment groups: polished, unpolished, 3 notched, 5 notched, and machine knurled. Each pin was seated into a 2‐cm‐diameter acrylic connecting bar and tested in pullout force to failure. Each group consisted of 6 pins. The force required to remove the pins from the acrylic bar was measured and compared between groups. Results: Significant differences between treatment groups were determined (P<.05). Within a construct group failure mode was consistent. Fracture of the acrylic bar was only seen with knurled pin ends. Conclusions: When using 2 cm acrylic bars in external skeletal fixation (ESF), a knurled pin shaft or a pin surface with 5 notches should be considered to improve the overall stability of the ESF construct.  相似文献   

Arthrodesis of the right stifle was performed in a 21 kg German shepherd dog that had sustained a comminuted fracture of the lateral femoral condyle as a result of a gunshot wound. The arthrodesis was stabilised with a circular external skeletal fixator. A simplified technique to facilitate creation of the osteotomies of the femur and tibia, and positioning of the stifle at the desired angle, is described. Compression of the subchondral bone surfaces of the distal femur and proximal tibia was achieved using tensioned coiled transarticular Kirschner wires. Arthrodesis of the stifle was confirmed radiographically 21 weeks following surgery, and the fixator was removed. After union of the arthrodesis and removal of the fixator, the dog was fully weightbearing when standing or walking, and intermittently weightbearing or non-weightbearing at faster gaits.  相似文献   

A nine-year-old, spayed female crossbred dog sustained a traumatic skin lesion to the right proximal pelvic limb, extending to the extensor surface of the stifle. Surgical management of the wound included primary closure using a body skin flap fashioned from the right caudolateral abdominal wall. To achieve closure and prevent tension on the wound, the coxofemoral and stifle joints on the affected side needed to be immobilised in flexion. Flexion immobilisation of the stifle was achieved using the anatomical principle of muscle reciprocation. The ipsilateral tarsal joint was immobilised in flexion using a uniplanar-bilateral (type II) transarticular external skeletal fixator and this resulted in the automatic flexion of the stifle. The fixator was removed six weeks postoperatively when the wound had healed. There were no apparent complications associated with the fixator either during its use or in the longer term following its removal.  相似文献   

An aiming device was used to guide insertion of fixation pins in a type-II (bilateral) external fixator stabilizing an open canine tibial fracture. This device, designed by the Swiss AO group, has multiple applications in orthopedic surgery, because it accurately locates the exit point of a pin or drill hole on the far side of a bone or fractured bone fragment. When used with the type-II external fixator, it greatly facilitates pin placement by ensuring that, as a pin emerges from the bone, it is in line with the second clamp on the opposite connecting bar.  相似文献   

The splenius muscle in the dog is a triangular muscle extending from the third thoracic vertebra to the skull. It inserts on the nuchal line of the occipital bone and the mastoid part of the temporal bone and occasionally it also sends a strong serration to the transverse process of the axis. Here we describe a new, anomalous insertion of both the left and right splenius muscles in one young adult dog routinely prepared for anatomical dissection. In this dog, a group of muscle fibres diverged ventrolaterally from both the right and left splenial muscles to be inserted at the end of the transverse processes of the third cervical vertebra. This anomalous insertion of the splenius muscle corresponds to the splenius cervicis muscle present in other species.  相似文献   

The results of 12 dogs with antebrachial deformity treated by ulnar ostectomy, radial osteotomy and external skeletal fixation are presented. Postoperative complications were seen in only one dog; a delayed union requiring placement of autogenous cancellous bone graft at a second surgery to achieve healing. Postoperatively, owners reported limb function was good in almost all cases, although they were less pleased with the cosmetic appearance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the mechanical properties of articulations and diagonals in an 8-pin type 1b external skeletal fixator (ESF). STUDY DESIGN: Finite element method-computer simulation. METHODS: The control type 1b ESF was supplemented with different articulations and diagonals. The parameters of frame angle, articulation diameter, and pin- or connector-based fastening were altered. The configurations were loaded for axial compression, torsion, and craniocaudal and mediolateral bending as single loads and as a combination. Three-dimensional linear and rotational gap strain and Von Mises stress maxima were determined. RESULTS: For 90 degrees , 60 degrees , and 30 degrees frame angles and 0.48-cm-diameter articulations and diagonals, the best configurations, based on lower gap strain combined with decreased or minimally increased stress maxima for the combined load, were single or double diagonals or four horizontal articulations. Combining double diagonals with double wide horizontal articulations further lowered gap strain. For a 90 degrees frame angle and 0.32-cm-diameter articulations and diagonals, the superior configurations, showing the lowest gap strain combined with decreased or minimally increased stress maxima for the combined load, were double diagonals, four horizontal, or wide double horizontal articulations. The 0.48-cm articulations and diagonals provided lower or similar gap strain than 0.32-cm articulations and diagonals. The connector-to-connector version of these superior configurations provided slightly lower or similar gap strain and stress maxima than the pin-to-pin version. Only pin-to-pin-fastened double diagonals provided better stress maxima than the corresponding connector-to-connector version. CONCLUSIONS: Supplementing a type 1b ESF with double diagonals and wide double articulations results in the greatest increase in stability at the fracture gap for complex fractures or in the initial phase of bone healing.  相似文献   

Summary: A 3 year old, female great Dane with atresia of the right external ear canal had recurrent episodes of ear pain. Radiography revealed absence of air in the right external acoustic meatus, thickened bone of the right tympanic bulla and increased radiodensity of the chamber of the bulla. Total ear canal ablation and lateral bulla osteotomy were performed. The superficial portion of the external ear canal was absent and the deeper segment of the vertical ear canal began as a blunt ended cartilage tube. A patent lumen in the existent portion of the external ear canal and the tympanic bulla contained wax, hair and exfoliated squames. The tympanic membrane was not intact. No bacteria were cultured from the contents of the external and middle ear. The dog responded well to surgery and was free of pain 11 months later. Failure to surgically correct atresia of the ear canal in young dogs may allow the accumulation of cellular and sebaceous debris with subsequent involvement of the middle ear in an inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Complex long-bone fractures with short juxta-articular fracture segments can be difficult to manage. Recently, IMEX Veterinary, Inc., began producing titanium hybrid rods that can be secured to ring components of the IMEX circular external skeletal fixation system to create SK-circular hybrids. In this case series, SK-circular hybrids were used to stabilize long-bone fractures (two femoral, one humeral, and three tibial fractures) with short distal bone segments in three dogs and three cats with body weights ranging from 1.9 to 15 kg (mean, 6.7 kg; median, 5.4 kg). Although three cases required surgical revision, animals ambulated well and all fractures obtained union. Time to radiographic union ranged from 62 to 137 days (mean, 90 days; median, 84 days). The functional outcome was considered excellent in all six cases.  相似文献   

The repair of seven tibiotarsal fractures, three humeral fractures, three tarsometatarsal fractures, two femoral fractures and 13 radial and ulnar fractures with a tubular external fixator system was evaluated prospectively in 10 common pigeons (Columba livia), 11 psittacine birds, six birds of prey and one Bali starling (Leucopsar rothschildii). The fixations included type 1, type 2 and intramedullary tie-in methods, and the fractures healed in all but three cases. A comparison of the weight of different connecting bars showed that the external fixation system and polymethylmethacrylate are the lightest available systems and that there was no clinically relevant difference between them.  相似文献   

Wry nose is a rare condition. The resultant deviation of the nasal septum and maxilla/premaxilla often complicates deglutition and respiration. Traditional treatment consists of internal fixation with pins after an osteotomy and a rib graft. A 17‐month‐old Arab yearling was presented for evaluation of deviation of the maxilla and nasal septum. This deviation was managed using an external fixation device after bilateral osteotomy of the maxilla/premaxilla and reduction of the deviation. Partial resection of the nasal septum by a dorsal approach was also performed. The dental malocclusion and respiratory noise were corrected.  相似文献   

Numerous techniques for surgical correction of angular limb deformities in horses involving an osteotomy of the affected bone and stabilization with an internal fixation device have been described. However, because the osteotomy typically has to be performed at the level of the physis, leaving little bone between the physis and the nearest joint, stabilizing the osteotomy by use of internal fixation devices may be difficult. In horses with severe chronic angular limb deformities, the amount of soft-tissue contracture may make it impossible to correct the deformity during a single procedure without causing stretch injuries to the adjacent tendons and neurovascular structures. Adjustable external ring fixators incorporating hinged rods on 1 side of the limb and an angular motor assembly on the other may be useful for treatment of severe chronic angular limb deformities in younger equids, because they allow for gradual correction of the deformity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a supplemental plate on the stiffness of a six-pin unilateral external skeletal fixator. STUDY DESIGN: Mechanical testing performed on models. METHODS: Wooden (birch) dowels were used to create five models of a fracture. A commercially available external fixation system was applied to the model with a uniform unilateral six-pin fixator design. The models were mechanically tested with and without a supplemental plate attached to the 2 clamps adjacent to the fracture gap. Testing was conducted in axial loading, medial to lateral bending, and cranial to caudal bending. RESULTS: Results showed a 4.42-fold increase in stiffness in axial load, a 4.23-fold increase in stiffness in medial to lateral bending, and a 1.94-fold increase in stiffness in cranial to caudal bending with the addition of the plate. CONCLUSIONS: The addition of a supplemental plate increases the mechanical stiffness of unilateral fixators. This was especially true in axial load and medial to lateral bending. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A supplemental plate can be used with unilateral fixators to increase stiffness of the fixator. Conversely, the plate can be removed to decrease stiffness without the removal of fixation pins.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old sexually intact female Yorkshire Terrier was referred with a history of fecal incontinence of at least 2 years and chronic intermittent colitis. The external anal sphincter to the left of the anus was intact; the external anal sphincter was not detectable to the right of the anus. To repair the defect, the semitendinosus muscle was isolated and severed 2 cm proximal to its insertion on the tibia. Care was taken to preserve the integrity of the vasculature and nerve supply in the proximal third of the muscle body. The body of the muscle was passed around the ventral and right aspects of the rectum; the cut end was secured with simple interrupted sutures dorsal to the levator ani and coccygeus muscles to simulate the external anal sphincter. After surgery, the dog could defecate normally. Absence of a portion of the external anal sphincter may be congenital or the result of anorectal trauma, rectal prolapse, severe perineal disease, or surgical resection. The use of a semitendinosus muscle flap for treatment of fecal incontinence secondary to sphincter incompetence in dogs may be a viable alternative to euthanasia.  相似文献   

This study was carried out on 19 dogs of different breed, age and sex. 10 different types of radius-ulna and 9 tibia fractures were treated by circular external skeletal fixator. The cases were followed by clinical and radiological controls in the postoperative period. It was observed that the cases tolerated the apparatus well. There was no looseness of fixator stability and configuration during the 15-day interval examination. Complications like pin track, serous drainage and pin loosening were observed postoperatively. It was concluded that radiographic, clinical and anatomical data together with good preoperative planning, the Ilizarov Method and circular external skeletal fixator was successful for the treatment of open or closed fragmented radius-ulna and tibia fractures in dogs.  相似文献   

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