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本研究利用HE染色方法结合图像分析软件和数据统计软件,观察雏鸡不同生长发育阶段盲肠扁桃体的组织学发育过程和结构特征。结果显示:随着日龄的增长,盲肠扁桃体特征结构不断发育成熟,并在21日龄时基本达到成熟水平。21日龄时,盲肠扁桃体粘膜层中下部形成生发中心,其数目在35日龄时达到稳定。证实,鸡出壳后初期,盲肠扁桃体免疫功能迅速增强,并在35日龄时达到成熟水平。  相似文献   

It is well known that chicken B cells develop in the bursa of Fabricius (BF), which is categorized as gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). Chicken GALT also includes Peyer's patch (PP) and cecal tonsil (CT). The relationship between these tissues in GALT during B cell development is currently unknown. In this study, we conducted comparative examination of PP, CT and BF development during embryogenesis using immunohistochemical staining. On day 13 of embryogenesis (E13), accumulation of MHC class II(+) cells was observed in the intestine. Thereafter, Bu-1(+) cells and IgM(+) cells appeared, and their number continuously increased at the same sites where MHC class II(+) cells were present. Similar results were obtained in the CT. The locations of embryonic PP were limited to two sites; near the Meckel's diverticulum and the ileocecal junction. Anlage of bursal follicles first appeared at E13 and developed thereafter. Immigration of Bu-1(+) cells to bursal follicles began at E13, and the number of Bu-1(+) cell subsequently increased. When the follicle of BF was eliminated from the embryo by treatment with testosterone, development of PP and CT were observed. We concluded therefore that the development of PP and CT start during late embryogenesis at the same time as the follicle of BF, and that appearance of surface IgM(+) cells in PP and CT is independent form the development of the follicle of BF.  相似文献   

Oesophageal carcinoma in the dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two cases of undiflerentiated carcinoma of the canine oesophagus are described. Both cases presented with symptoms of dysphagia and vomiting and both were initially diagnosed by oesophagoscopy. Barium swallow radiographs in both cases revealed definite filling defects. Because of its size, surgical excision was attempted in Case 1, but the dog died soon after surgery. In Case 2, the tumour was inoperable because of its extensive involvement of the entire anterior portion of the thoracic oesophagus and diffuse metastasis to the lungs. Résumé. On décrit deux cas de carcinome non-différencié de l'?sophage canin. Ces deux cas, présentant des symptómes de dysphagie et de vomissements, ont été tous deux initialement diagnostiqués au moyen d'une ?sophagoscopie. Dans les deux cas, des radiographies du baryum avalé ont révélé des images lacunaires bien définies. A cause de son volume, on a tenté une excision chirurgicale dans le premier cas mais le chien est mort peu après l'intervention chirurgicale. Dans le second cas, la tumeur était inopérable à cause de l'implication extensive de l'entière portion antérieure de l'?sophage thoracique et à cause d'une métastase diffusée aux poumons. Zusammenfassung. Zwei Fälle von nichtdifferenziertem Karzinom der Hundespeiseröhre sind beschrieben. Beide Fälle zeigten Symptome von Dysphagia und Erbrechen und beide Diagnosen waren anfangs durch Speiseröhrenbetrachtung festgestellt. Barium-Schluck Röntgenaufnahmen zeigten deutliche Füllungsdefekte. Wegen seiner Grösse versuchte man in dem einen Fall chirurgische Excision, doch der Hund starb bald nach der Operation. In dem zweiten Fall war der Tumor nicht operierbar, wegen seiner ausgedehnten Verwicklung im gesamten vorderen Teil der thorakal Oesophagus und verbreiteter Metastase in der Lunge.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews previously recorded cases of (epiphrenic) oesophageal diverticula in the dog and describes the clinical and radiological findings in, nine further cases. Four of the nine cases also had a broncho–oesophageal fistula; clinical and histological evidence is presented to suggest that the lesions were congenital in at least five animals.  相似文献   

为探讨ChIL-17及其受体在抗柔嫩艾美耳球虫(E.tenella)感染中的作用,本研究用E.tenella RC株孢子化卵囊口服感染14日龄非免疫蛋公鸡,于感染后0,2,4,6,12,24,3,5,7d共9个不同时间点同时提取对照组和试验组雏鸡盲肠扁桃体RNA,采用实时荧光定量PCR方法检测ChIL-17A、ChIL-17F和ChIL-17RA基因的表达动态。结果显示,ChIL-17A表达水平在感染后持续下调,感染后4h为感染前(0h)的0.13倍(P0.01),感染后3d达最低表达水平,仅为感染前(0h)的0.009 7倍。而ChIL-17F的表达水平则呈现相反的变化,在感染早期明显上调,感染后2h上调3.07倍(P0.05),感染后4h上调6.49倍(P0.01),其后时间点与感染前相比表达水平则无显著性差异。ChIL-17RA与感染前相比表达上调,于感染后24h和7d分别上调1.73倍和2.21倍(P0.01)。结果表明,ChIL-17及其受体基因的表达水平在感染后均呈现显著变化,说明它们在E.tenella感染中具有重要的宿主-寄生虫免疫生物学意义。特别是ChIL-17A和ChIL-17F在感染早期(感染后2~4h)表现出显著的相反表达动态说明两者在宿主防御E.tenella感染的早期具有不同的免疫调节功能,而这一具体调节机制还有待于进一步的研究加以阐明。  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: In human medicine, oesophageal electrocardiography (ECG) is a well‐established technique that magnifies P waves with respect to the QRS complex. Objectives: To investigate the feasibility of oesophageal ECG recording in horses and its ability to produce larger P waves compared with base‐apex and unipolar recordings. Methods: Bipolar and unipolar ECG were performed using oesophageal and surface electrodes. Oesophageal ECG was obtained from 6 different recording configurations at different oesophageal depths. Amplitudes of P, Q, R, S and T waves were measured from 3 different cardiac cycles for each recording configuration and depth. Results: Oesophageal ECG was feasible in all horses. For all oesophageal recording configurations, significantly larger P waves were recorded from a depth that equalled ‘height of the withers + 10 cm’ (HW+10) than from any other depth. P/QRSmagn, the ratio between the P wave and QRS complex magnitudes, was largest for intraoesophageal recordings with an interelectrode distance of 10 cm, at HW+10, where it was significantly larger than base‐apex and unipolar recordings. Base‐apex recording resulted in significantly smaller P waves than all other recording configurations and significantly smaller P/QRSmagn ratios than all other recording configurations except one combined oesophageal‐surface recording (E/Slow). Conclusions: Oesophageal ECG recording is feasible in horses and effective in magnifying P wave amplitude. Potential relevance: The procedure is promising for diagnosis of supraventricular tachydysrhythmias and might be used in electrophysiological studies and for cardiac pacing.  相似文献   

The localization of the bovine lingual tonsil is described as a prerequisite for the removal of specified risk material from the tongue meat in order to restrict the risk arising from bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) to public health. The major part of this tonsil can be located macroscopically by the openings of its follicular crypts at the root of tongue. This part consists of organized aggregations of lymph nodules. Additional solitary primary lymph nodules and diffuse accumulations of lymphocytes are macroscopically invisible but are bilaterally present in the area extending 2 cm caudal to 3 cm rostral to the last vallate papillae. By sectioning the tongue 3 cm rostral to the last vallate papillae, undermining the lingual mucosa to the level of these papillae and making a transverse cut towards the lingual process of the basihyoid bone, the greater part of the lingual tonsil can efficiently be removed. Finally, immunohistochemical staining demonstrated the presence of T and B lymphocytes, suggesting that the bovine lingual tonsil can be considered as a site where an immune response can be induced.  相似文献   

Summary Since no figures were available on the frequency of occurrence of oesophageal papillomata in cattle, the prevalence in cattle in Kenya was determined by a random survey at the largest abattoir in the country. Interest was stimulated by the report of Plowright (1955) and by the author's observations that oesophageal papillomata were present in cattle with rumenal carcinoma in the Nasampolai valley, Kenya. Oesophageal papillomata were found in46 of752 oesophagi examined (6·1 per cent). The cattle originated from various geographical areas of Kenya with varying climatic conditions and vegetation.
Sumario Desde que no hubieron datos sobre la ocurrencia de papilomas en el esófago en ganado vacuno, su incidencia en el ganado bovino en Kenya fue determinada mediante una encuesta en el matadero mas grande del pais. El interés fue estimulado por el reporte de Plowright (1955) y por las observaciones de los autores de que papilomas en el esófago estaban presentes en ganado con carcinoma ruminal en el valle de Nasampolai en Kenya. Papilomas en el esófago fueron encontrados en 46 de 752 esófagos examinados (6·1 por ciento). El ganado se originaba de diversas areas de Kenya de diversas condiciones climáticas y de diversa vegetación.

Résumé Comme il n'existe aucune donnée disponible sur la fréquence de la papillomatose oesophagienne du bétail au Kenya, l'importance de cette affection a été déterminée par une enquête au hasard dans le plus grand abattoir du pays. L'intérêt de cette enquête découlait grandement du rapport de Plowright (1955) et des observations des auteurs qui avaient montré que la papillomatose oesophagienne se trouvait associée au carcinome du rumen chez le bétail de la Vallée de Nasampolai au Kenya. Cette papillomatose fut trouvée sur 46 des 752 oesophages examinés (6,1 p. 100). Ces animaux venaient des régions très diverses du Kenya, dans lesquelles les conditions climatiques et la végétation étaient différentes.

On secondment from the A.R.C. Institute for Research on Animal Diseases Compton, Berkshire, England.

This work was carried out during a period of secondment to the University of Nairobi Medical School, Nairobi, Kenya.  相似文献   

Sliding oesophageal hiatal hernia was diagnosed radiographically in two domestic short-haired cats. The hernias were corrected by hiatal tightening, modified Nissen fundoplication and permanent gastropexy. One cat recovered without complication, and the other developed severe necrotic gastritis following surgery. Both cats were asymptomatic and had normal radiographic studies nine months and one year after surgery.  相似文献   

The infectivity in tissues from cattle exposed orally to the agent of BSE was assayed by the intracerebral inoculation of cattle. In addition to the infectivity in the central nervous system and distal ileum at stages of pathogenesis previously indicated by mouse bioassay, traces of infectivity were found in the palatine tonsil of cattle killed 10 months after exposure. Because the infectivity may therefore be present throughout the tonsils in cattle infected with BSE, observations were made of the anatomical and histological distribution of lingual tonsil in the root of the tongue of cattle. Examinations of tongues derived from abattoirs in Britain and intended for human consumption showed that macroscopically identifiable tonsillar tissue was present in more than 75 per cent of them, and even in the tongues in which no visible tonsillar tissue remained, histological examination revealed lymphoid tissue in more than 90 per cent. Variations in the distribution of the lingual tonsil suggested that even after the most rigorous trimming of the root of the tongue, traces of tonsillar tissue may remain.  相似文献   

The palatine tonsils of five young horses formed 10-12 cm elongated follicular structures extending from the root of the tongue on either side to the base of the epiglottis and lateral to the glossoepiglottic fold. The stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium of the outer surface was modified into crypts as reticular epithelium by heavy infiltration of lymphoid cells from underlying lymphoid follicles. In places, lymphoid tissue reaching almost to the surface and with only one to two cell layers intact was identified as the lymphoepithelium. Langerhans cells with Birbeck granules were interspersed between epithelial cells. Lymphoid tissue organized in lymphoid follicles constituted the parenchyma of the palatine tonsil. CD4-positive cells were more numerous and CD8-positive lymphocytes less numerous compared with their distribution in the lingual tonsil. B cells and macrophages were also more numerous than in the lingual tonsil and lectins showed a different pattern of attachment. M cells were not observed. High endothelial venules with well-developed vesiculo-vacuolar organelle had structural evidence of transendothelial and interendothelial migration of lymphocytes. Striated muscles as seen in the deeper lamina propria mucosae of the lingual tonsil were absent. The immunohistological and ultrastructural characteristics of the equine palatine tonsil are similar to those of humans but differ from those of the lingual tonsil and are consistent with a role as an effector and inductor immunological organ.  相似文献   

The tubal tonsil of the horse surrounds the pharyngeal opening of the eustachian tube and is lined by pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium interspersed with areas of follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) heavily infiltrated by lymphocytes but devoid of goblet and ciliated cells. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed microvillous cells and cells with features characteristic of M cells such as reduced microvilli or depressed bare surface, more numerous mitochondria, small vesicles and lysosomes, as well as vimentin filaments and epitopes specific for GS 1-B4 as previously seen in the nasopharyngeal tonsil. M cells were also identified in areas of respiratory epithelium not associated with lymphoid follicles and appeared to be the nasal mucosal counterparts of recently described intestinal villous M cells in the mouse. The underlying lymphoid tissue of the FAE was generally organized as solitary lymphoid follicles without germinal centres in contrast to the diffuse and large amount of organized lymphoid follicles with germinal centres that characterize the nasopharyngeal tonsil. CD8+ T and B-lymphocytes were much fewer than in the nasopharyngeal tonsil. High endothelial venules were mainly oriented towards the parafollicular area and contained much fewer endothelial pores and vesiculo-vacuolar organelles. Finally, scattered small clusters of mucus acini and striated muscles were other features that differentiated the tubal and nasopharyngeal tonsils.  相似文献   

Tonsils are secondary lymphoid organs that play an important role in host defense. The aim of our study was to develop reliable procedures for isolation and culture of pig tonsil cells, and to validate their possible use in functional immunoassays. Using our isolation procedure, we recovered on average 238.7±107.1×10(6) cells per tonsil couple with a mean vitality of 89.8±2.7%. These values significantly decreased 8 months after freezing at -80°C along with the subsequent spontaneous release of both IgA and IgG in culture. These results suggest to use pig tonsil cells within 2 months from thawing to maintain suitable conditions in terms of recovery, vitality and release of antibody in vitro. Tonsil mononuclear cells also showed the ability to secrete antimicrobial peptides and to respond in vitro to immunological stimuli. On the whole, our study has defined operating conditions for tonsil processing, control of bacterial contaminations, time limits of storage at -80°C, as well as for evaluating polyclonal Ig production in vitro. Such procedures are likely to be of some importance in studies on regional immunity and in the development of large animal models for biomedical sciences.  相似文献   

Two cases of feline oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma are described. In both cases, diagnosis was achieved by radiography, endoscopy and cytology, and later confirmed by histology. One cat underwent oesophagectomy followed by end-to-end anastomosis, but died three days postsurgery; the second cat was euthanased after diagnosis.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The passive blomechanical property of oesophageal compliance (OC) was measured in 8 naturally occurring cases of canine megaoesophagus, 8 matched control and 7 vagotomised control dogs. Of the 8 dogs with megaoesophagus, 6 had congenital Idiopathic megaoesophagus and 2 had secondary megaoesophagus attributable to generalised skeletal muscle disease. Stepwise distension of the whole oesophagus was employed for measurement of OC at the 4.0 and 8.0 mL/kg Injected volume steps within the control volume range (0 to 12.0 mL/kg). At both Injected volume steps OC was higher In megaoesophagus dogs than in either matched control or vagotomised control dogs (P / 0.01 In both cases), and no significant difference was observed In OC between matched control and vagotomised control dogs. No correlation was demonstrated between OC and the estimated duration of clinical signs of dogs with megaoesophagus. These findings suggest that In most cases of canine megaoesophagus the viscoelastic properties of the oesophageal wall are significantly altered, that In such cases the disorder is unlikely to be purely dynamic and that processes other than the duration of oesophageal dilatation are responsible for the alteration in oesophageal wall blomechanical properties. The relevance of these findings to current concepts on pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the evolution and resolution of various forms of canine megaoesophagus Is discussed.  相似文献   

在饲养过程中有很多难以鉴别的疾病,鸡腿病就是其中的一种。鸡腿病主要是由遗传、营养、传染和环境等因素所致。轻者造成鸡生长受阻,影响增重,型者则终身残疾,造成较大的经济损失。  相似文献   

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