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A total of 24 newborn pigs were used to determine 1) the relationship between the quantity of colostrum consumed and the capacity for gluconeogenesis and fatty acid oxidation and 2) whether fatty acid oxidation limits gluconeogenesis in isolated hepatocytes. Neonatal pigs were obtained prior to nursing and allotted to one of three treatment groups; fed (ad libitum), limit-fed (25% of fed group), or fasted. Hepatocytes were isolated when pigs were 24 h old. Colostrum intake altered the metabolic status of neonates such that the capacity for glucose synthesis and oxidation of octanoate increased with intake. Glucose synthesis with lactate as the substrate was greater (P less than .01) for fed pigs (10.79 mumol glucose.h-1.mg DNA-1) than for either limit-fed (6.56) or fasted counterparts (4.78), which were similar (P greater than .10). Colostrum intake failed to stimulate synthesis from alanine. The oxidation rate for octanoate was similar for fed and limit-fed pigs (.62 and .61 nmol CO2.h-1.mg DNA-1, respectively) but greater (P less than .05) than that observed for fasted counterparts (.36). Oxidation of octanoate (2 mM) was approximately 30-fold greater than for oleate (1 mM); oxidation of the latter was not affected by either colostrum intake or the addition of carnitine (1 mM). The increase in octanoate oxidation, however, did not elicit an increase in glucose synthesis by fasting pigs with either lactate or alanine as precursors. Thus, we conclude that gluconeogenesis is a function of colostrum intake and that reducing equivalents and(or) ATP may not be primary factors limiting glucose synthesis in pigs fasted from birth.  相似文献   

The effects of meal frequency and fasting on selected plasma free amino acids (PFAA) was studied in horses. Six 22-mo-old Quarter Horses were used in a replicated 3 X 3 Latin-square design in which each horse received one meal per day (1M), two meals per day (2M) or six meals per day (6M) for 2 wk. A complete pelleted ration was fed at a rate of 1.75% of body weight daily. The consumption of a meal by the horses fed 1M and 2M daily was followed by an increase (P less than .05) in plasma methionine. The highest levels were observed at 5 h and 3 h in the 1M and 2M treatments, respectively. The horses receiving the larger meal (1M) also had higher methionine levels. There were no significant changes in plasma methionine levels in the 6M group. Feed was withheld from the 1M group for 48 h and blood samples were obtained for alanine, glutamine, glutamate, lysine and leucine levels. These amino acids also peaked at 5 h, then declined through 19 to 25 h. During the last 24 h PFAA levels increased (P less than .05). Although glutamine and lysine appeared to level off at 49 h after the meal, alanine, glutamate and leucine were still increasing.  相似文献   

1. Two experiments were designed to study the influence of free fatty acid content and degree of saturation of free fatty acids and neutral fat on digestibility of added fats and fatty acids. Sunflower oil and tallow were used as neutral fats, and palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acids as free fatty acids. Fat inclusion was 80 g/kg and mixtures of each fat and each free fatty acid were prepared in the proportions 100:0, 70:30 and 40:60.

2. Experimental diets were evaluated for fat and fatty acid digestibilities with broiler chickens at 21 d of age. The metabolisable energy of fat was calculated from the product of digestibility and gross energy. Increasing concentrations of saturated free fatty acids decreased the ME of added fat, whereas unsaturated free fatty acids did not significantly affect the ME value of added fat.

3. Digestibilities of individual fatty acids were analysed by linear regression with rate of inclusion of free fatty acid in the fat blend: palmitic and stearic acids gave a negative slope, whereas oleic and linoleic acids gave a slope not statistically different from zero. Because slopes for saturated fatty acids did not differ between the sunflower oil and tallow treatments, synergism between unsaturated and saturated fatty acids was not detected.  相似文献   

A total of 48 neonatal pigs were used to determine whether intubation with colostrum or medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) would enhance glucose homeostasis and survival. Pigs were removed from the sow prior to nursing and alloted to three treatment groups. Fasted pigs received only water for 30 h, whereas those allotted to supplemented groups received either 30 ml of colostrum or 15 ml of MCT at 6 and 16 h after birth (t6 and t16). Supplementation with MCT (t6) resulted in a 2.4-fold elevation in plasma non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentration compared with fasted pigs (260 vs 109 microEq/liter at t8; P less than .05). This difference increased following the second MCT dose (436 vs 117 microEq/liter at t18; P less than .05). Colostrum supplementation also elevated plasma NEFA (201 and 259 microEq/liter at t8 and t18, respectively); however, less triglyceride fatty acid was presented via colostrum compared with MCT. Supplementation with MCT resulted in a greater increase in plasma glucose concentration, relative to fasting levels (75 vs 56 mg/ml at t8; 76 vs 62 mg/ml at t18), than was obtained with colostrum (68 and 65 mg/ml at t8 and t18, respectively). Residual effects of supplementation to t30 were evident for both MCT and colostrum pigs in NEFA levels, but only the MCT group had a greater (P less than .05) concentration of plasma glucose at t30 compared with the fasted group (63 vs 49; P less than .05). This regimen of MCT supplementation was employed in an experiment with nursing pigs to determine whether MCT would improve glucose status and survival of less-competitive pigs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine how cytosolic triacylglycerols (TAG) are stored in mammary cells and whether this depends on the individual chemical configuration of fatty acids (FA). This objective was accomplished by addition of different FA to a FA-free medium used to culture mammary alveolar cells-large T antigen cells (MAC-T). Treatments consisted of adding FA (palmitate, stearate, oleate, linoleate, rumenic acid [CLA], elaidate and vaccinate) solutions to the medium at 100, 200, 300 and 400 mmol/L concentrations for a 24-h incubation period. At the end of each incubation period, cytosolic TAG, DNA and protein contents were measured. Palmitate, vaccenate, linoleate and CLA increased (P < 0.05) cytosolic TAG (μg/mg protein). Palmitate and CLA increased (P < 0.05) cytosolic TAG adjusted for DNA content. Overall, effects on cytosolic TAG accumulation depended on individual FA structure (chain length, degree of saturation, and number and orientation of FA double bonds). In addition, the long-chain FA used in this study did not have a detrimental effect on MAC-T cells as indicated by cytosolic protein and DNA contents reflecting their biological role in lipid accumulation.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of rancidity and FFA in choice white grease (CWG) on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in nursery pigs. In Exp. 1,150 crossbred pigs (average initial BW of 6.8 kg and average initial age of 21 d) were used. Treatments (as-fed basis) were a corn-soybean meal-based control with no added fat, 6% CWG, and 6% CWG heated at 80 degrees C, with oxygen gas bubbled through it at 849 mL/min for 5, 7, 9, or 11 d. Peroxide value for the CWG increased as oxidative exposure was increased from 0 to 7 d (i.e., peroxide values of 1, 40, and 105 mEq/kg for d 0, 5, and 7, respectively), but decreased to 1 mEq/kg as the hydroperoxides decomposed after 9 and 11 d of oxidation. Pigs fed the control diet (no added fat) had the same (P = 0.91) overall ADG (d 0 to 35) but lower G:F (P < 0.04) than pigs fed diets with added fat. As for the effects of fat quality, ADG (linear effect, P < 0.01) and ADFI (linear effect, P < 0.001) decreased as the fat was made more rancid. However, there were no changes in digestibility of fatty acids as the rancidity of the fat was increased (P = 0.16), suggesting that the negative effects of rancidity were from decreased food intake and not decreased nutrient utilization. In Exp. 2, 125 crossbred pigs (average initial BW of 6.2 kg and average initial age of 21 d) were used to determine the effects of FFA in CWG on the growth performance and nutrient digestibility in nursery pigs. Treatments (as-fed basis) were a corn-soybean meal-based control with no added fat, 6% CWG, and 6% CWG that had been treated with 872, 1,752 or 2,248 lipase units/g of fat. The FFA concentrations in the CWG were increased from 2% with no lipase added to 18, 35, and 53% as lipase additions were increased. Pigs fed the control diet (no added fat) had the same (P = 0.30) overall ADG (d 0 to 33) but lower G:F (P < 0.01) than pigs fed diets with added fat. There were no effects of FFA concentration on ADG (P = 0.18), and ADFI increased (linear effect, P < 0.04) as FFA concentration in the CWG increased. Fatty acid digestibility was not affected (P = 0.17) by FFA in the diet. In conclusion, our data suggest that as fat is oxidized (especially to peroxide values greater than 40 mEq/kg), ADG and ADFI in nursery pigs will decrease; however, FFA concentrations of at least 53% do not adversely affect utilization of CWG in nursery pigs.  相似文献   

The direct influence of intracaecal infusion of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and lactic acids (LA) on already established Oesophagostomum dentatum infection in cannulated pigs was investigated. We tested the hypothesis that the previously discovered anti-parasitic effect of inulin is mediated through its metabolic products SCFA and LA by infusing into cannulated pigs these compounds in amounts approximating to those produced in the pigs large intestine and caecum during the metabolism of inulin. The experiment comprised of 18 pigs--2 groups of 9 pigs in each. The normal diet used in the experiment was based on barley flour with insoluble fibre from oat husk with added soybean meal, vitamins and minerals. After 2 weeks of adaptation to the diet all the pigs were inoculated with 6,000 infective larvae of O. dentatum. Six weeks later, surgery on all pigs was performed to install cannulas into caeci. At 7 weeks post-infection (p.i.) the SCFA and LA infusion was initiated in Group 1 (experimental) pigs; at the same time pigs in Group 2 (controls) were infused with saline. At week 10 p.i., all pigs were killed and their worm burdens determined. SCFA and LA infused pigs exhibited markedly reduced fecal egg counts and worm recoveries (98 and 92% reduction, respectively, compared to saline controls). The results from this study demonstrate that SCFA and LA have a significant negative influence on established O. dentatum infection in growing pigs. The results also show that the type of dietary carbohydrates fed and its intestinal degradation can yield metabolic by products that profoundly influence helminth survival.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary n-3 fatty acids on the fatty acid composition and lipid peroxidation of different tissues in pigs were studied. 20 castrated male pigs were included in this investigation, one half was fed daily a diet containing 1.3 g n-3 fatty acids/kg diet (control) and 10 pigs were fed a diet containing 14 g n-3 fatty acids/kg diet (n-3 diet) at the growing-finishing period. The intake of dietary n-3 fatty acids increased the concentration of these fatty acids in backfat, and the neutral and polar fractions of skeletal muscle and heart homogenates. The polar fraction showed an increased relative concentration of n-3 fatty acids in comparison to control, while the n-6 fatty acid content was reduced. In heart homogenates there was an enlargement of n-3 fatty acids both in polar lipids and in neutral lipids whilst n-6 fatty acids were decreased. Feeding n-3 fatty acid enriched diet had no influence on meat quality parameters drip loss, meat colour or pH value. The lipid peroxidation (measured as malondialdehyde equivalents) was in the order liver > heart > skeletal muscle with higher values in the n-3 group. However, by stimulation of oxidation by Fe2+/ascorbate for 3 hours the order of oxidative products in the n-3 group was muscle > liver > heart, whereas in the control group the order was liver > heart = muscle. Summarized, feeding a highly n-3 fatty acid enriched diet caused an incorporation of these fatty acids and increased the susceptibility to peroxidation in all investigated tissues.  相似文献   

The effect of intraileally infused short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and saline as control on the exocrine pancreatic secretions during the interdigestive phase was studied using three 8-weeks-old piglets. Pigs were surgically fitted with a pancreatic duct catheter, re-entrant duodenal T-cannula for collection and subsequent return of pancreatic juice, and with an infusion T-cannula at the distal ileum. Saline as control, 5.0 and 10.0 mm butyrate, 7.5 and 15.0 mm propionate and 85.0 and 170.0 mm acetate were infused at 2 ml/kg body weight (BW) for 30 min into the ileum of overnight fasted piglets via ileal T-cannula. The calculated volume of infusates was administrated in five equal bolus at 6 min intervals over a period of 30 min. The pancreatic juice was collected 60 and 30 min before and 30, 60, 90 and 120 min after the start of infusion. The trypsin (p = 0.07, p > 0.15 respectively) and protein (p > 0.15, p = 0.05 respectively) outputs immediately decreased after the infusion of acetate at the dose of 85.0 and 170.0 mm, respectively, whereas pancreatic juice outflow (p > 0.15) was not significantly affected when compared with levels 30 min before infusion. After the infusion of butyrate at the dose of 5.0 mm, trypsin (p = 0.01) and protein (p = 0.12) outputs increased immediately whereas pancreatic juice outflow was not affected (p > 0.15) in comparison with levels 30 min before infusion. No significant differences were observed after infusion of butyrate at the dose of 10 mm for the pancreatic juice outflow, trypsin and protein outputs when compared with the level before infusion, although these values were numerically lower immediately after the infusion. The pancreatic juice outflow increased (p = 0.03) after the infusion of propionate at the dose of 7.5 mm and decreased (p = 0.005) immediately after the infusion of propionate at the dose of 15.0 mm when compared with the levels 30 min before the infusions. After the infusion of propionate at the dose of 7.5 or 15.0 mm for the output of protein and trypsin, no significant differences (p > 0.15) were observed when compared with levels 30 min before infusion. In summary, the intraileal infusion of SCFA at different doses exerts a short-term and moderate effect on the interdigestive exocrine pancreatic secretions in pigs.  相似文献   

The effect of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on blood lipids [total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and triacylglycerols (TAG)] and the fatty acid distribution of the lipoprotein fractions, backfat, muscle fat, and liver lipids were examined in an experiment with two groups of 40 pigs [Pietrain x (Landrace x Large White)] each. The 20 female and 20 male castrated pigs of each group were fed with isoenergetic and isonitrogenous diets supplemented with either 20 g/kg rapeseed oil (control) or 20 g/kg CLA-TAG. The CLA preparation contained 54.2% pure CLA consisting of approximately two-thirds cis,trans/trans,cis-isomers and one-third trans,trans-isomers. The fatty acids of lipoproteins, backfat, muscle lipids and liver lipids were analysed by gas chromatograph (GC). CLA supplementation did not significantly influence blood lipids and the LDL to HDL ratio. In the CLA-fed pigs the very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) contained higher saturated fatty acid (SFA) concentrations at the cost of the monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). The percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) remained unchanged. The highest CLA content was analysed in VLDL (4.00%) followed by LDL (2.78%) and HDL (1.45%). The ratio of cis,cis to trans,trans isomers increased from VLDL over LDL to HDL. The content of SFA, probably in backfat and muscle lipids, increased whereas the part of MUFA decreased as a result of reduced Delta9-desaturase activity. The percentage of PUFA (without CLA) was higher in backfat of the control group in accordance with the dietary PUFA supply. This shift in the fatty acid distribution was not observed in the liver lipids. In all the three tissues analysed, the CLA-fed pigs had a significantly increased CLA content: the highest increase was in the backfat (5.65%), followed by liver lipids (2.41%), and muscle lipids (1.47%). An isomer-specific accumulation was observed for cis,cis-CLA isomers in muscle, and for trans,trans-CLA isomers in backfat. We conclude that CLA supplementation results in a higher SFA content in backfat and muscle lipids but not in liver lipids. There is a discrimination of the trans-10, cis-12 isomer and the trans,trans isomers in the formation of the cell membranes.  相似文献   

Three commercial trials were conducted to evaluate the use of dexamethasone (Dex) and/ or isoflupredone (Predef) in improving preweaning growth performance of neonatal pigs. The objectives of the commercial trials were threefold: 1) to evaluate Predef in comparison with Dex; 2) to address the sexual dimorphic growth response observed in a previous commercial trial; and 3) to determine whether there is any benefit of providing Dex treatment to pigs being fed supplemental milk. In Exp. 1, 276 pigs (Triumph 4 x PIC Camborough 22) were assigned according to birth weight and sex to three treatments. Treatments included saline (Control), Dex (2 mg/kg BW i.m. injection of Dex), or Predef (2 mg/kg BW i.m. injection of Predef 2X) within 24 h after birth. A treatment effect was observed for BW at weaning (P < 0.001), with pigs injected with Predef being 0.51 kg lighter than Control and Dex-treated pigs. The lower BW of Predef-treated pigs at weaning were a result of a lower ADG (P < 0.001) during the preweaning period compared with Control and Dex pigs. In Exp. 2, 703 pigs (Triumph 4 x PIC Camborough 22) were assigned according to birth weight and sex to three treatments. Treatments included either an i.m. injection of saline (Control), Dexl (1 mg/kg BW of Dex), or Dex2 (2 mg/kg BW of Dex) within 24 h after birth. No treatment effects were observed for BW at weaning (P = 0.24) or ADG (P = 0.19). In Exp. 3, 342 pigs (Genetiporc) were assigned according to birth weight and sex to two treatments. Treatments included either an i.m. injection of saline or Dex (2 mg/kg BW) within 24 h after birth. All pigs were provided supplemental milk from the time of treatment until weaning age. No treatment effects were observed for BW at weaning (P = 0.13) or ADG (P = 0.11). The negative response to Predef was similar to the growth-suppressive effects observed by others using chronic glucocorticoid treatment. In contrast to our previous findings, Dex did not improve preweaning growth performance regardless of dose or supplemental milk.  相似文献   

Three levels (0, 1 and 2%) of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) were combined with two levels (low and high) of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) for pig feeding. Productive, carcass and meat quality traits were studied. Large White ♂ × Landrace × Large White ♀ gilts (= 288) weighting 70 kg were randomly allotted to 6 different feeding treatments and fed to a final average weight of 107 kg. Loins were taken from 48 animals (8 animals randomly selected from each treatment). No differences due to dietary CLA, MUFA or CLA × MUFA interaction were found on average daily gain, average daily consumption, feed conversion ratio, carcass yield, backfat thickness, loin weight, loin pH and loin colour. A significant increase in intramuscular fat content (= 0.010) and in saturated fatty acids (SFA) (< 0.001), and a decrease in MUFA (= 0.001) and desaturase indices were found as consequence of dietary CLA, regardless the MUFA level. Therefore, dietary CLA, MUFA and their interaction did not influence productive and carcass traits of pigs. However, the use of CLA for swine feeding increased the intramuscular fat content and modified the fatty acid profile, regardless the MUFA level of the diets.  相似文献   

采用驱赶法使乳猪产生应激,探讨金属硫蛋白对应激猪血清与肌肉中非酯化脂肪酸及肌乳酸含量的影响.结果表明:在应激状态下,金属硫蛋白可使血清和运动初期肌肉中的非酯化脂肪酸含量升高,肌乳酸的生成降低,因而可增强有氧代谢,改善机体对运动负荷的压力,提高动物的抗应激能力,因此金属硫蛋白对乳猪具有一定的应激保护作用.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of potato starch, a source of resistant starch (RS), in diets for newly weaned pigs on production of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and intestinal morphology. At weaning, at 4 weeks of age, 24 pigs were divided into 3 groups and fed diets containing 0 (C), 80 (P80) or 160 (P160) g raw potato starch per kg feed for 12 days. Pigs fed P160 had the longest villi whereas pigs fed P80 had the deepest crypts. Villous height at the mid-small intestine and average daily gain were positively correlated (r = 0.59, P < 0.01). The daily gain tended to be lower (P = 0.08) for pigs fed P80 than for pigs fed C or P160. The colon weight increased in pigs fed RS which coincided with an increased crypt depth in the colon. The concentration of SCFA increased in the large intestine with increasing amount of RS. The proportion of acetic acid decreased and the proportion of butyric acid increased in pigs fed P80 and P160. The increased SCFA production, especially of butyrate, may explain the colonic growth.  相似文献   

Effect of vitamin E and selenium on iron utilization in neonatal pigs.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Supplying adequate iron (Fe) to neonatal pigs to support normal growth and hematological and antioxidant status, while preventing iron toxicity, is a challenge for producers. Three experiments were conducted to determine the effect of frequency and route of Fe administration with or without vitamin E (E) and selenium (Se) on growth, Fe, and antioxidant status of neonatal pigs. In Exp. 1, 12 pigs from dams with reduced E status were fed a semipurified diet without added Fe from d 3 to d 14 of age. At d 6 of age, pigs received the following i.m. injections: 1) FE, 1 mL containing 200 mg of Fe (iron dextran); 2) FEE, treatment FE plus 1 mL containing 300 IU of vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol); or 3) FESEE, 1.03 mL containing 200 mg of Fe (iron dextran), .15 mg of Se (sodium selenite), and 15 IU of vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol). Pigs were weighed daily and blood was collected at 3, 7, and 14 d of age. From d 8 to 14, growth was depressed (P < .05) in pigs injected with FESEE. At 14 d of age, pigs injected with FE or FEE had increased (P < .05) hemoglobin (Hb) concentration. Ceruloplasmin activity (CP) was greater (P < .05) at d 7 of age than at d 3 or 14 regardless of treatment. In Exp. 2, 3-d-old pigs (n = 94) received the following: 1) FE, 200 mg Fe (iron dextran) i.m.; (2) FEE, treatment FE plus 300 IU vitamin E i.m.; 3) EFE, 300 IU vitamin E i.m. followed by 200 mg Fe (iron dextran) i.m. 24 h later; or 4) OFE, 100 mg Fe and 10 mg Cu orally. On d 21 of age, one-half of the pigs in each treatment received a second dose of their respective treatment. Blood samples (n = 60) were obtained on d 3 and 21 of age. Pigs injected with FE, FEE, or EFE had greater (P < .05) Hb at d 21 than pigs given OFE. Copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu/ZnSOD) activity was greater (P < .05) at d 21 with OFE than with the other treatments. At 65 d of age, ADG did not differ among treatments. In Exp. 3, pigs (n = 150, in three farrowing groups) were injected with 200 mg of Fe (iron dextran) on d 1 or d 1 and 14. Blood samples were obtained on d 7 and 21 of age. Hemoglobin concentration on d 21 was improved equally by both treatments. Catalase and Cu/ZnSOD activities were increased (P < .05) on d 21 of the experiment compared with d 7 regardless of treatment. Growth was not affected by injection frequency. Results from these experiments indicate that one Fe injection (200 mg) for pigs from sows fed adequate vitamin E will result in adequate growth and hemoglobin concentration with today's improved genetics.  相似文献   

Trials were conducted with twelve piglets of the German Large White breed, intended for fattening. Their age was 56 +/- 2 days and their average weight was 21 +/- 3.7 kg. The piglets were studied for the effect of short fasting on the time and nature of sleep. After 18 hours of fasting (skipping the morning feeding), the piglets were fixed to obtain a combined record, including the electroencephalogram (EOG). This record was used for analyzing the time of waking and sleep, both the NREM stage and REM episodes. The same observations were performed in the piglets after feeding. The differences in the obtained data between the groups of animals were subjected to statistical evaluation. The fasting animals slept for about 15% of all the time under study and their sleep included short NREM periods interrupted by waking. No REM sleep was observed in the fasting piglets. After feeding the piglets slept significantly longer (p less than 0.01), more than half the period of study. Episodes of REM sleep occurred repeatedly in four animals. It is indicated by the results that fasting reduces the length of sleep and the nature of sleep.  相似文献   

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