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Pigeon circovirus (PiCV) infection and young pigeon disease syndrome (YPDS), associated with high morbidity and mortality, have been recognized in young racing pigeons from large portions of Central Europe. There exist a number of data indicating that YPDS is a consequence of PiCV infection and subsequent immunosuppression. In order to prove PiCV to be one of the crucial factors of YPDS, an experimental infection with PiCV was performed under controlled conditions. Twenty-four domestic pigeons (Columba livia forma domestica) were divided into two groups with 12 pigeons each; an infection group and a control group. All birds were between their fourth to eighth week of life. Pigeons in the infection group were infected both intramuscularly and orally with PiCV purified from naturally infected birds, while pigeons in the control group received a placebo. To test a possible influence of the PiCV infection on the immune system, the animals in both groups were vaccinated simultaneously, on the same day, against PMV-1 (Lasovac plus, IDT, Dessau-Tornau, Germany). Weekly virologic testing showed a viraemic period, and excretion of the infection virus, in pigeons in the infection group. Replication of PiCV could be proved on the basis of histologic findings of multiglobular inclusion bodies, mainly observed in macrophages of the bursa of Fabricius. A PiCV, genetically distinct from the experimental virus, was detected in the control group by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing, but any histologic findings comparable to the infection group were absent. None of the pigeons revealed clinical signs of illness, or hints that immunosuppression had occurred, regardless of their group. The absence of stressful conditions, considered as a trigger for the development of YPDS, may be responsible for the failure of disease reproduction in our infection model.  相似文献   

A total of 165 adult feral pigeons (Columba livia) were captured in 7 different parks of the municipality of Murcia, Southeastern Spain. Birds were evaluated clinically and subsequently necropsied. All birds appeared to be in good physical condition and no apparent signs of disease were observed. However, 17.6% of the pigeons were parasitized by Tetrameres (Petrowimeres) fissispina. The nematode burden in the proventriculus ranges from 5 to 64 specimens (median: 19); the median of female and male nematodes was 17 (range: 4–54) and 3 (range: 0–12), respectively. Despite the absence of detectable signs of disease, lesions induced by T. (P.) fissispina were evident. The histopathologic analysis revealed a pressure atrophy of the proventricular glands and a light inflammatory infiltrate surrounding the papillae. Pigeons captured in parks with soil had significantly higher T. (P.) fissispina prevalence compared with those captured in paved areas.  相似文献   

Feral pigeons (Columba livia domestica), which thrive in most European towns and cities, are commonly infected with the zoonotic bacterium Chlamydophila psittaci, the agent of psittacosis (also known as ornithosis) in humans. A number of surveys carried out over the last thirty years across Europe have detected high seropositivity values and high percentages of infection in feral pigeon populations. Overall, when considering data from 11 European countries, seropositivity values to C. psittaci in the sampled populations ranged from 19.4% to 95.6%. In most surveys, the complement fixation test was used, and antibodies were detected in 19.4-66.3% of the samples, with a median of 46.1%. Indirect immunofluorescence and ELISA tests were employed less frequently, but led to the detection of higher percentages of seropositivity (23.7-67.7% and 35.9-95.6%, respectively). Attempts to grow C. psittaci in cell culture or embryonated chicken eggs were successful in 2-42.3% and 0-57.1% of samples, respectively, antigen detection methods were positive in 2.3-40% of samples, while conventional PCR and real-time PCR using different genomic targets detected the organism in 3.4-50% of samples. Twenty-five C. psittaci isolates from pigeons were typed as ompA genotype B (n=14), E (n=10) and E/B (n=1). The huge increase of feral pigeon populations in Europe is a major cause of concern for the detrimental effect of pigeon droppings on environmental hygiene, in addition to the extensive damage due to the fouling of buildings and monuments. The most important pathogenic organism transmissible from feral pigeons to humans is C. psittaci, with 101 cases of disease reported in the literature. Exposure to C. psittaci-contaminated dust, direct contact with pigeons through handling and, to a lesser extent, through pigeon feeding have been identified as hazardous exposures in more than half of the human cases, while loose or transient contacts with feral pigeons have been mentioned in about 40% of the cases. Education initiatives as to the communication of a health risk resulting from contact with pigeons and pigeon excreta should primarily be targeted at individuals who may be exposed to C. psittaci-contaminated dust, such as demolition/construction workers. Recommendations to this category of workers include wearing protective clothes with hoods, boots, gloves and air filter face masks when removing pigeon faeces from roofs, garrets and buildings, especially if working indoors. Monitoring for C. psittaci infections in these workers over time should also be considered. Children should be warned not to handle sick or dead pigeons, and immunocompromised individuals should be advised to carefully limit their contact to feral pigeons. Culling of pigeons by shooting or poisoning is both unethical and ineffective as the place of the killed birds in the population is quickly filled by new juveniles or immigrating birds from neighbouring areas. Pigeon-deterring systems, such as nets and plastic or metal spikes applied to buildings and monuments will prevent their fouling, and the administration of contraceptive drugs may allow size regulation of the pigeon populations. Nevertheless, the measure that will ultimately lead to permanent reduction and will establish healthy sustainable populations is the restriction of indiscriminate feeding by pigeon lovers. The erection of dovecotes and artificial breeding facilities should be considered for providing shelter and a balanced diet to the birds, as well as a chance of interaction for pigeon lovers in a hygienically controlled environment.  相似文献   

Some public areas in Japan such as parks and gardens can be highly contaminated with pigeon feces. We examined levels of four bacterial contaminations in fecal samples from feral pigeons in 7 prefectures. We isolated Salmonella Typhimurium and S. Cerro from 17 (3.9%) of 436 samples, as well as Mycobacterium spp. including M. avium-intracellulare complex from 29 (19.0%) of 153 samples. The polymerase chain reaction detected Chlamydia psittaci and C. pecorum in 106 (22.9%) of 463 samples, but E. coli O-157 was not isolated from any of the samples. Our results indicate that pigeon feces are a source of several zoonotic agents for birds, animals and humans.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and dot blot hybridisation (DBH) tests for detecting pigeon circovirus (PiCV) DNA were developed and evaluated using tissue samples obtained from diseased and clinically normal pigeons, which originated in Belgium and Northern Ireland. When PCR product was visually detected, the limit of detection of the PCR test was 31 fg, while that of the DBH was 1.6p g. For evaluation purposes, the results of the PCR and DBH tests, performed with DNAs extracted from samples of bursa of Fabricius (BF), were compared with those of in situ hybridisation (ISH) and histology. In 32 samples tested by all four tests, 27 (84%) were positive by PCR, 24 (75%) were positive by ISH, 20 (63%) were positive by DBH, and 13 (41%) were positive by histology. Additional PCR testing showed that in some disease-affected birds, PiCV DNA could be detected in a range of tissues including thymus, spleen, liver, kidney and brain. The PCR detection of PiCV DNA in BF samples from clinically normal birds indicated that PCR can detect infections in the absence of disease, a finding that mitigates against its use as a disease diagnostic. In addition, nucleotide sequence determinations indicated that PCR test performance was adversely affected by the sequence diversity exhibited by selected PiCVs. The application of the DBH test to dilutions of test samples indicated that the BF from some diseased pigeons contained very large amounts of virus DNA, as much as 10(13)genome copies/g tissue, and suggested that this test may be a convenient method of providing a semi-quantitative estimate of virus load.  相似文献   

Subclinical pigeon circovirus infection was diagnosed in 1-day-old to 6-week-old birds from a loft with no history of clinical disease. Pigeons from other lofts presented with various illnesses and were found at necropsy to be concurrently infected with pigeon circovirus.  相似文献   

本文根据文献报道和临床经验,综述了家鸽(Columba livia domestica)主要病毒性疾病的最新研究进展。根据常见临床症状和感染的靶组织讨论了副粘病毒I型、腺病毒、轮状病毒、疱疹病毒I型、痘病毒和圆环病毒感染。由于鸽有时被认为是家禽,本文同时总结了鸽能够抵抗的家禽常见病毒性感染。希望能够通过本文对兽医及相关人员提供有用参考,并对鸽主要传染病的诊断、治疗和预防给予建议。  相似文献   

This review provides a current update on the major viral diseases of the domestic pigeon (Columba livia domestica), based on scientific reports and clinical experience. Paramyxovirus 1, adenovirus, rotavirus, herpesvirus 1, poxvirus and circovirus infections are described according to common clinical signs and target tissues. Since pigeons are sometimes treated as if they were poultry, the review also summarises the common viral infections of poultry for which pigeons are considered resistant. It is hoped that the review will provide a useful reference for veterinarians and others and offer advice on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the major infectious diseases of pigeons.  相似文献   

上期回顾:上期从疾病的临床病状、病变、诊断、预防和控制等角度介绍了鸽消化系统疾病中的副粘病毒、腺病毒和A群轮状病毒. 3 呼吸系统疾病 呼吸系统疾病是信鸽比赛性能低下的首要原因.早先,在鸽疱疹病毒Ⅰ型的重要作用被证实之前(Vindevogel等,1981b),鸽呼吸疾病的病因被错误地认为是白喉样细菌或衣原体(Chlamydial)感染(Volkert和Christensen,1954;Prip,1971).鸽的pAMPV-1感染病例临床呼吸道症状不明显或完全没有.  相似文献   

Nineteen racing pigeons aged from one to five years were examined postmortem. pcr tests showed that the spleens of 16 of them were positive for pigeon circovirus, the livers of six were positive, and blood from one of them was positive for the virus. Five of 44 embryos in embryonated eggs collected from three lofts were positive by pcr, but swabs taken from the crops of 64 adult birds which were feeding one- to 10-day-old squabs in these three lofts were negative for the viral dna.  相似文献   

Pigeon circovirus was identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in young pigeons belonging to 12 different lofts. Viral DNA was extracted from formalin-fed, paraffin-imbedded tissues containing primarily bursa and occasionally liver and spleen with a commercial kit. PCR primers were selected from a published sequence for columbid circovirus and evaluated in a PCR assay. The histopathologic examination of various tissues revealed basophilic globular intracytoplasmic inclusions in the mononuclear cells of the bursa of Fabricius and occasionally in the spleen characteristic for a circovirus. Transmission electron microscopy of a few bursas of Fabricius revealed virus particles measuring 18-21 nm. All the samples were negative by PCR for psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) virus and chicken infectious anemia virus. The primers for both pigeon circovirus and PBFD virus did not react in PCR with the chicken anemia virus DNA. Most of the circovirus-infected pigeons had concurrent infections of Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Pasteurella, Aspergillus, candidiasis, nematodiasis, or capillariasis.  相似文献   

Paramyxovirus-1 (PMV-1) infection was diagnosed in racing pigeons in Ontario during 1985, but it was not until January 1989, that the virus was isolated from feral pigeons (Columba livia) in this province. During an 18 month period beginning January 1988, a total of 43 feral pigeons was submitted to the Wildlife Diseases Laboratory, Pathology Department, Ontario Veterinary College. A history of neurological signs accompanied most of the birds. Tissues from 29 birds were submitted for PMV-1 isolation. Allantoic inoculation of embryonated chicken eggs yielded PMV-1 in 10 of the pigeons submitted. On the basis of histological criteria, we believe that 12 other birds were also infected with PMV-1.

Gross pathological changes were unremarkable. Lymphplasmacytic interstitial nephritis was observed histologically in all birds from which PMV-1 was isolated. Other lesions seen, in decreasing frequency of occurrence, were lymphoplasmacytic interstitial hepatitis and multifocal hepatic necrosis, lymphoplasmacytic interstitial pancreatitis, nonsuppurative encephalitis and myelitis.

The existence of PMV-1 in feral pigeons poses a potential threat to the poultry population since there is ample opportunity for mingling with poultry under open housing management. There is also a concern that pigeons may harbor the virus, perhaps in the kidney, and become chronic carriers and potential long-term disseminators of the disease.


Escherichia coli strains producing a variant of Shiga toxin 2 (Stx2), designated Stx2f, have been recently described in the stools of feral pigeons. During 1997-1998, 649 pigeons were trapped and examined in three different squares of Rome. Stool samples were collected from each bird and enrichment cultures were examined for the presence of Stx by the vero cell assay. Stx-producing E. coli (STEC) were isolated from the positive cultures and characterized by serotyping and PCR analysis of stx and other virulence-related genes. Stx was detected in 10.8% of the stool enrichment cultures. The percentage of positive birds did not differ significantly for the three flocks considered and the season of sample collection. Conversely, STEC carriage was significantly more frequent in young than in adult birds (17.9 versus 8.2%). None of the birds examined showed signs of disease. STEC strains were isolated from 30 of 42 Stx-positive cultures examined. All the strains produced Stx2f, and most of them possessed genes encoding for intimin and the cytolethal distending toxin (CLDT). Six serogroups were identified, but most of the isolates belonged to O45, O18ab, and O75. Molecular typing indicated that most of the isolates within a flock were clonally-related. This work confirms that pigeons represent a natural reservoir of STEC strains characterized by the production of the toxin variant Stx2f, and by the frequent presence of eae and cldt genes. Further work is needed to clarify whether these STEC may represent a cause of avian disease or even a potential health hazard for humans.  相似文献   

In the year 2000 an epidemiological research was undertaken on the health status of free-living pigeons in the city of Ljubljana, Slovenia. A total of 139 pigeons were captured and examined for the most common bacterial, viral, and parasitic diseases. Serum samples, oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs as well as samples of droppings and feathers were taken from the captured birds. Antibodies to paramyxovirus type 1 were found in 84.2% of the sera examined, and 23.7% of birds were serologically positive to Chlamydophila psittaci. Antibodies to avian influenza virus were not detected. Salmonella spp. were isolated from 5.7% of the cloacal swabs. Trichomonas gallinae was clinically suspected and then microscopically confirmed using oropharyngeal swabs in 7.9% of examined birds. Eimeria spp. was identified in 71.9%, Capillaria sp. in 26.6% and Ascaridia columbae in 4.3% of droppings samples examined. Of the ectoparasites, Columbicola columbae and Campanulotes bidentatus compar were found.  相似文献   

Felis catus, the domestic cat, is the definitive host for parasites that may result in adverse health outcomes in humans. Prevalence data of zoonotic parasites in feral cats, which are free‐roaming domestic cats that are born and live in the wild, are limited. The objective of this study was to assess seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and copro‐prevalence of potentially zoonotic parasites in feral cats and to evaluate risk factors for seropositivity and faecal excretion of parasites. In this cross‐sectional survey, 275 feral cats at Trap‐Neuter‐Release clinics in Central Virginia were tested for parasites via faecal flotation, direct immunofluorescence assay (faeces) and modified agglutination testing (serum). Toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence was 22.35% (95% CI: 17.47–27.86). Faecal prevalence of T. gondii‐like oocysts was 1.04% (95% CI: 0.13–3.71), Toxocara cati 58.85% (95% CI: 51.54–65.89), Ancylostoma spp. 18.75% (95% CI: 13.49–25.00), Giardia duodenalis 5.73% (95% CI: 2.89–10.02) and Cryptosporidium spp. 3.33% (95% CI: 1.37–7.24). Female cats were more likely than males to excrete faecal Ancylostoma spp. eggs (OR 2.88; 95% CI 1.34–6.17). Adults were more likely than immature cats to be seropositive (OR 2.10; 95% CI: 1.11–3.97) and to excrete faecal Ancylostoma spp. eggs (OR 2.57; 95% CI: 1.10–5.99). However, immature cats were more likely than adults to excrete T. cati eggs (OR 6.79; 95% CI: 3.31–13.90) and to excrete one or more potentially zoonotic species (OR 4.67; 95% CI: 2.28–9.55) in faeces. Results of this study have implications for human and animal health and highlight the importance of collaboration between public health, medical and veterinary communities in preventive efforts.  相似文献   


The prevalence of S. bovis in the intestinal tract of healthy racing pigeons was determined. Crop and cloaca swab samples obtained from 810 pigeons from 14 different lofts and from 122 pigeons that were presented for routine health control were examined for the presence of S. bovis. Pooled faecal samples were also obtained from pigeons in 82 different pigeon lofts. S. bovis was isolated from crop or cloaca samples of approximately 40 % of pigeons of all ages by direct culture and from 80 % of the pooled faecal samples by enrichment culture.

In a longitudinal study, crop and cloaca samples were collected every 3 months from pigeons in seven different pigeon lofts. The prevalence of S. bovis in these pigeons ranged from 0 to 100 %. The carriage rate was not related to the season or to the age of the pigeons.

The prevalence of S. bovis in organ lesions of pigeons examined at necropsy was investigated over a 35‐month period. S. bovis was isolated from 10 % of the birds examined. The incidence of S. bovis septicaemia was significantly higher in January to August than in September to December. It was concluded that S. bovis is an opportunistic pathogenic agent in pigeons.  相似文献   

Pigeon circovirus (picv) was detected in cloacal swab samples by means of a newly-developed, sensitive pcr. An initial investigation of 17 Belgian racing pigeons aged up to eight months showed that rates of detection of 88 per cent and above were achieved using samples of cloacal swab, blood and bursa of Fabricius. The sampling of 15 caged pigeons six times when they were from three to 31 weeks of age indicated that picv infections were more readily detected in cloacal swabs than in blood, and that the virus could be detected in cloacal swabs for longer periods after infection than in blood. picv infections were detected in cloacal swabs from 38 of 47 young pigeons aged from two to 31 weeks, from 12 racing lofts, which had clinical signs including diarrhoea and weight loss, regurgitation and respiratory signs. Samples from birds from two infected lofts indicated that picv could be detected in some birds for at least 27 weeks. Although nine of 14 pigeons aged from 32 to 45 weeks were virus-positive, picv was detected in only one of 18 adult pigeons that originated from four infected lofts.  相似文献   

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