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Herpesvirus of turkeys, a highly effective vaccine against Marek's disease (MD) in chickens, was ineffective in protecting turkeys against MD. Another tissue-culture attenuated vaccine virus also protected chickens, but not turkeys, from MD. Intact and immunosuppressed turkey poults inoculated with herpesvirus of turkey developed a persistent viremia, but did not have detectable gross or microscopic lesions.  相似文献   

Marek's disease virus (MDV) vaccines of serotypes 1 and 2 administered in 18-day-old embryonated eggs induced better protection against post-hatch challenge at 3 days with virulent MDV than vaccines given at hatch. Embryonal vaccination with a polyvalent vaccine containing equal quantities of serotypes 1 and 2 of MDV and serotype 3 virus (turkey herpesvirus, HVT) was also significantly more effective than post-hatch vaccination. These and earlier results indicate that protective efficacy of single or combined Marek's disease vaccine serotypes against post-hatch challenge at 3 days can be substantially improved if the vaccines are injected into 18-day embryos rather than at hatch. Injection of vaccines of serotypes 1 or 2 into embryonated eggs or hatched chicks did not cause detectable gross or microscopic lesions in chickens. Vaccine viruses of serotypes 1 and 2 could be isolated from spleen cells of chickens 1 week post-vaccination, and the titer of recoverable viruses was higher in chickens that received the vaccines at the 18th day of embryonation than in chickens vaccinated at hatch. Although embryo vaccination with HVT usually provided better protection than post-hatch vaccination against early post-hatch challenge with variant pathotypes of MDV, the protection was poor regardless of vaccination protocol. If challenge with variant pathotypes of MDV was delayed until embryonally or post-hatch HVT-vaccinated chickens were 21 days of age, protection of chickens by HVT was not enhanced. Thus, resistance induced by embryonal vaccination with HVT was qualitatively similar to that induced by post-hatch vaccination with this virus.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine the effects of varying the doses of turkey herpesvirus (HVT) vaccine and Marek's disease virus (MDV) challenge at two intervals after vaccination on the protection of chickens against challenge with MDV. DESIGN AND PROCEDURE: Experiment 1, a dose response study, consisted of 11 doses of HVT vaccine administered at hatch followed by challenge with 100 plaque forming units (pfu) of MDV 5 days post vaccination. Experiment 2, a 2 x 6 x 2 factorial design, included two HVT vaccine types, six different doses of HVT vaccine and 50 pfu and 200 pfu of MDV challenge 2 days post vaccination. All chickens were reared up to day 56 post challenge when all survivors were killed humanely. Dead and killed chickens were examined for gross MD tumours. RESULTS: Experiment 1 showed a significant positive linear relationship between dose of HVT vaccine and protective index in chickens challenged 5 days post vaccination. However the range of protective index observed was limited. In Experiment 2 neither HVT vaccine provided significant protection at any dose. There was no significant effect of vaccine type or MDV challenge dose on overall protection against challenge. Chickens challenged with 200 pfu of MDV had significantly higher mortality and MD incidence than those with 50 pfu. CONCLUSIONS: HVT vaccine dose had a significant impact on protective index, but vaccination to challenge interval appeared to have greater impact on the protective efficacy of vaccination. A fourfold increase in challenge dose increased mortality rate and incidence of MD.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have shown that the B haplotype has a significant influence on the protective efficacy of vaccines against Marek's disease (MD) and that the level of protection varies dependent on the serotype of MD virus (MDV) used in the vaccine. To determine if the protective glycoprotein gene gB is a basis for this association, we compared recombinant fowlpox virus (rFPV) containing a single gB gene from three serotypes of MDV. The rFPV were used to vaccinate 15.B congenic lines. Nonvaccinated chickens from all three haplotypes had 84%-97% MD after challenge. The rFPV containing gB1 provides better protection than rFPV containing gB2 or gB3 in all three B genotypes. Moreover, the gB proteins were critical, since the B*21/*21 chickens had better protection than chickens with B*13/*13 or B*5/*5 using rFPV with gB1, gB2, or gB3. A newly described combined rFPV/gB1gEgIUL32 + HVT vaccine was analyzed in chickens of lines 15 x 7 (B*2/*15) and N (B*21/*21) challenged with two vv+ strains of MDV. There were line differences in protection by the vaccines and line N had better protection with the rFPV/gB1gEgIUL32 + HVT vaccines (92%-100%) following either MDV challenge, but protection was significantly lower in 15 X 7 chickens (35%) when compared with the vaccine CVI988/Rispens (94%) and 301B1 + HVT (65%). Another experiment used four lines of chickens receiving the new rFPV + HVT vaccine or CVI988/Rispens and challenge with 648A MDV. The CVI 988/Rispens generally provided better protection in lines P and 15 X 7 and in one replicate with line TK. The combined rFPV/gB1gEgIUL32 + HVT vaccines protected line N chickens (90%) better than did CVI988/Rispens (73%). These data indicate that rFPV + HVT vaccines may provide protection against MD that is equivalent to or superior to CVI988/ Rispens in some chicken strains. It is not clear whether the rFPV/gB1gEgIUL32 + HVT vaccine will offer high levels of protection to commercial strains, but this vaccine, when used in line N chickens, may be a useful model to study interactions between vaccines and chicken genotypes and may thereby improve future MD vaccines.  相似文献   

Comparison of blood and feather pulp (FP) samples for the diagnosis of Marek's disease (MD) and for monitoring Marek's diseases vaccination in chickens (serotypes 2 and 3 vaccines) by real time-PCR was evaluated. For diagnosis of MD, quantification of serotype 1 Marek's disease virus (MDV) DNA load was evaluated in 21 chickens suffering from MD. For each chicken, samples of blood and FP were collected and MDV DNA load was quantified. Solid tumors are the sample of choice for MD diagnosis by real time-PCR and, hence, 14 solid tumors were included in the study as positive controls. Load of MDV DNA in FP was equivalent to that detected in solid tumors (threshold cycle [Ct] ratio above 1.7). MDV DNA load in blood samples was lower than in solid tumors and FP samples. Nonetheless, there was a statistically significant correlation of the results obtained from FP and blood (r = 0.92). Results of the Pearson correlation test showed that Ct ratio values of 1.7 in FP correspond to Ct ratio values of 1.2 in peripheral blood. For monitoring vaccines, serotypes 2 and 3 MDV DNA load was evaluated in blood and FP samples of vaccinated chickens. Serotype 2 MDV DNA load was evaluated in samples of blood and FP from 34 chickens vaccinated with SB-1 strain. Serotype 3 MDV DNA load was evaluated in blood and FP samples from 53 chickens vaccinated with HVT strain. For both serotypes, frequency of positive samples and load of vaccine DNA was higher in FP than in blood samples. There was not a statistically significant correlation between the load of SB-1 DNA (r = 0.17) or HVT DNA (r = -0.04) in FP and blood. Our results show that the load of serotypes 1, 2, and 3 DNA is higher in FP than in blood. Diagnosis of MD could be done using both FP and blood samples. Monitoring of MD vaccination by real time-PCR required the use of FP samples. There were a high percentage of false negative samples when using blood to detect serotypes 2 and 3 MDV by real time-PCR.  相似文献   

An ELISA was developed for the detection of Fasciola hepatica antibody in serum of cattle. The assay was applied to sera from 258 naturally infected cattle, 256 non-infected cattle and six calves experimentally infected with F. hepatica. The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA test was 98% (95% confidence intervals, 96-100%) and 96% (95% confidence intervals, 93-98%) respectively at a cut-off value of 15% positivity. The results using sera from the experimentally infected calves showed that antibodies were first detected 2-4 weeks after infection. The ELISA test was also compared to the commercially available Bio-X bovine F. hepatica ELISA kit. A subset of 39 positive sera and 47 negative sera were selected from the samples used to evaluate the in-house test. The results indicated that the agreement between the two tests was almost perfect (k statistic=0.82).  相似文献   

The current belief is that the humoral immune response plays the principal role in defense against virulent infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV). In this study we used a model, in which chickens were compromised in functional T cells by neonatal thymectomy and Cyclosporin A (TxCsA) treatment, to demonstrate the role of T cells in protective immunity against IBDV. We demonstrated that T cells were necessary to achieve full protection against virulent IBDV. When T cell compromised TxCsA-treated chickens were vaccinated with an inactivated IBDV (iIBDV) vaccine, 91% were not protected against IBDV challenge in comparison to T cell-intact chickens, which had a protection rate of 91%. The iIBDV vaccine induced virus neutralizing (VN) and ELISA antibodies, respectively, in 65 and 5% of TxCsA-treated, and in 100 and 58% of T cell-intact birds. These observations provide evidence that the stimulation of T helper cells is needed for the production of protective antibody levels in iIBDV-vaccinated chickens. Passive administration of VN anti-IBDV antibodies inducing a circulating antibody level of log(2)8 in chickens revealed that the levels of antibodies that protected T cell-intact chickens against virulent IBDV challenge were not protective for TxCsA chickens. These results indicated that antibody alone was not adequate in inducing protection against IBDV in chickens and that T cell-involvement was critical for protection. We propose that the inability of iIBDV to protect TxCsA chickens was due to compromised T cell immunity, functional T helper cells and most likely also cytotoxic T cells are needed in iIBDV vaccine protection.  相似文献   

During 3 foaling seasons around 150 Lipizzaner foals were vaccinated against ERP with commercial vaccines and groups thereof were serotested in CF and SN for their humoral immune response. In addition, 6 horses of cheaper common breeds were vaccinated on the University premises, were continuously serologically screened and subjected to virulent nasal test infection. The live-virus vaccine Prevaccinol interfered so profoundly and up to the 20th week of life with maternal antibodies that its further use was discontinued. The inactivated vaccine Pneumabort-K proved to be of impressive immunogenicity, but without any doubt must be used 4 times instead of 3 times only during the first year of life as recommended by its manufacturer. Proofs that the vaccination intervals as recommended on the packing slips are too far-spaced and that 3 basic doses of vaccine induce unsatisfactory protection became apparent under two aspects. Firstly, yearling mares experienced an enzootic field infection by subtype 1 of EHV 1 while on summer pasture. Secondly, experimental nasal infection of horses of the University herd gave takes certified clinically, virologically, and serologically. Data as well as arguments are brought forward which shed doubt on the merits of CF-titers as indicators of immunity as recommended by other authors; SN-titers were shown to be more dependable parameters. With regard to the frequently needed revaccinations there is an absolute "must" for the producer of Pneumabort-K to purify this product before marketing it.  相似文献   

Laboratory trials were conducted to compare the efficiency of two vaccines against Marek's disease (MD) on the basis of the dynamics of post-vaccination viraemia and by means of a challenge test. Two groups of the HX-SL hybrid layers, each containing 40 birds, were vaccinated with the MARVAK cellular vaccine manufactured in Czechoslovakia (100 PFU per chick) or with the Insel Riems vaccine manufactured in the GDR (1000 PFU per chick). In weekly intervals, half the birds of each group were tested for post-vaccination viraemia and the other half, including 20 non-vaccinated birds, were infected by contact with the pathogenic virus of MD from the second day of age. The viraemia in the birds vaccinated with MARVAK culminated in the third week of age when it reached the average value of 25 PFU/10(7) leucocytes; later on, by the eighth week of age, it decreased to 0.62 PFU/10(7) leucocytes. The maximum number of viraemic chicks was found in the third and fourth week of age (80%); on an average it ranged from 60%. The average viraemia in the chickens treated with the vaccine from the GDR ranged from 1.6 to 3.6 PFU/10(7) leucocytes in the second to eighth week of age. A 100% positivity of the tested birds was found in the sixth week of age; it ranged around 70% on an average. In all the challenged groups of birds the precipitation antigen of Marek's disease was detected in feather follicles already 14 weeks from contact infection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A multivalent in ovo vaccine (MIV) was tested for safety and efficacy in a commercial broiler complex. The MIV comprised five replicating live viruses including serotypes 1, 2, and 3 of Marek's disease virus (MDV), an intermediate infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and a recombinant fowl poxvirus (FPV) vector vaccine containing HN and F genes of Newcastle disease virus (NDV). The performance of MIV-vaccinated broilers was compared with that of hatchmates that received turkey herpesvirus (HVT) alone (routinely used in ovo vaccine in the broiler complex). The chickens that hatched from the MIV-injected and HVT-injected eggs were raised under commercial conditions in six barns. Barn 1 housed 17,853 MIV-vaccinated chickens and each of the barns 2-6 housed 18,472-22,798 HVT-vaccinated chickens. The HVT-vaccinated chickens were given infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) and NDV vaccines at hatch and at 2 wk of age. The MIV-vaccinated chickens received IBV vaccine at hatch and IBV + NDV at 2 wk of age. The relative values of hatchability of eggs, livability and weight gain of chickens, and condemnation rates at processing were comparable between the MIV and the HVT groups (P > 0.05). Chickens from the MIV- and the HVT-vaccinated groups were challenged with virulent viruses under laboratory conditions. The resistance of vaccinated chickens against Marek's disease could not be assessed because of high natural resistance of unvaccinated commercial broilers to virulent MDV. The relative resistances of the MIV- and the HVT-vaccinated groups, respectively, against other virulent viruses were as follows: IBDV, 100% for both groups; NDV, 81% vs. 19%; FPV, 86% vs. 0%. The successful use of MIV under field conditions expands the usefulness of the in ovo technology for poultry.  相似文献   

J M Sharma 《Avian diseases》1986,30(4):776-780
Vaccination of specific-pathogen-free chickens as 18-day embryos with the BVM isolate of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) resulted in extensive replication of the vaccine virus in the embryonic tissues. The virus was recovered from lung, thymus, proventriculus, liver, kidney, and spleen of embryos 1 day postvaccination, and recoverable virus persisted for at least 7 days. Replication and spread of the vaccine virus in chickens vaccinated as 18-day embryos was compared with that in chickens vaccinated at hatch. Distribution of the virus in tissues was more extensive, virus levels in tissues were generally higher, and detectable virus persisted longer in chickens vaccinated as 18-day embryos than in those vaccinated at hatch. Effective vaccine response could be initiated with 6.2 median embryo lethal doses, the lowest dose tested. Chickens immunized as embryos developed neutralizing antibody against IBDV and resisted challenge with pathogenic IBDV at 4, 6, 8, and 10 weeks of age.  相似文献   

Effective vaccinations against swine influenza reduce the economic loss of pig industries, and also may minimize the possibility of emergence of new pandemic viruses, since pigs are intermediate hosts to generate reassortant viruses among avian and mammalian influenza viruses. In this study, we showed that intranasal immunization of pigs with formalin-inactivated or ether-split influenza vaccine (A/Aichi/2/68) induced virus-specific IgG, IgM, and IgA antibodies in their nasal secretions and sera, resulting in complete protection from virus challenge. Antibody response to the challenge virus was not observed in the immunized pigs, suggesting that the replication of the virus in the primary targets, respiratory epithelial cells, was inhibited. The present results indicate that intranasal immunization of pigs with inactivated vaccines is effective to control swine influenza, and also provide a good model, as well as a mouse model, to evaluate an intranasal application of influenza vaccine for humans.  相似文献   

One-day-old White Leghorn and broiler chicks with maternal antibody to turkey herpesvirus (HVT) were vaccinated with 300 or 1,000 plaque-forming units (PFU) of cell-free or cell-associated HVT vaccine and challenged with virulent Marek's disease virus (MDV) by contact exposure. Broiler chicks receiving 300 PFU of cell-associated HVT had a 3.3% incidence of MD lesions, whereas only 2.0% of those receiving 1,000 PFU had macroscopic lesions. Broiler chicks vaccinated with 300 PFU of cell-free vaccine had 6.8% gross lesions, and 0.67% of the birds receiving 1,000 PFU had MD lesions. Unvaccinated broiler chickens had a 28.3% incidence of MD lesions. Unvaccinated White Leghorn chickens had a 48.9% incidence of macroscopic lesions, whereas 5.4% of the birds receiving 300 PFU of cell-associated HVT had gross lesions, and 8.3% of the birds vaccinated with 1,000 PFU had lesions. In contrast, 6.7% of the chicks vaccinated with 300 PFU of cell-free HVT had MD lesions, and only 4.0% of those receiving 1,000 PFU of cell-free HVT had macroscopic lesions.  相似文献   

The effects of an inactivated strain of Aujeszky's disease vaccine in cattle were investigated. It has not been possible to use vaccines licensed for use in pigs successfully in cattle even though cattle develop neutralizing antibodies to these vaccines. The addition of zinc compounds to the vaccines resulted in protection in cattle. The basis for the use of zinc is discussed. A mutant based vaccine was effective following local administration, but was not when administered parenterally. Anti-prostaglandin was not effective either, despite its successful use in sheep when administered with BHV1. The vaccine presents a prospect for immunising dogs and cats, and the addition of zinc compounds to other drugs and inducers is discussed.  相似文献   

In April 2009 a new influenza A/H1N1 strain, currently named "pandemic (H1N1) influenza 2009" (H1N1v), started the first official pandemic in humans since 1968. Several incursions of this virus in pig herds have also been reported from all over the world. Vaccination of pigs may be an option to reduce exposure of human contacts with infected pigs, thereby preventing cross-species transfer, but also to protect pigs themselves, should this virus cause damage in the pig population. Three swine influenza vaccines, two of them commercially available and one experimental, were therefore tested and compared for their efficacy against an H1N1v challenge. One of the commercial vaccines is based on an American classical H1N1 influenza strain, the other is based on a European avian H1N1 influenza strain. The experimental vaccine is based on reassortant virus NYMC X179A (containing the hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes of A/California/7/2009 (H1N1v) and the internal genes of A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1)). Excretion of infectious virus was reduced by 0.5-3 log(10) by the commercial vaccines, depending on vaccine and sample type. Both vaccines were able to reduce virus replication especially in the lower respiratory tract, with less pathological lesions in vaccinated and subsequently challenged pigs than in unvaccinated controls. In pigs vaccinated with the experimental vaccine, excretion levels of infectious virus in nasal and oropharyngeal swabs, were at or below 1 log(10)TCID(50) per swab and lasted for only 1 or 2 days. An inactivated vaccine containing the HA and NA of an H1N1v is able to protect pigs from an infection with H1N1v, whereas swine influenza vaccines that are currently available are of limited efficaciousness. Whether vaccination of pigs against H1N1v will become opportune remains to be seen and will depend on future evolution of this strain in the pig population. Close monitoring of the pig population, focussing on presence and evolution of influenza strains on a cross-border level would therefore be advisable.  相似文献   

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