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我国海洋渔业捕捞限额制度实施试点评析与完善建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐议  赵丽华 《水产学报》2021,45(4):613-620
2017—2018年我国沿海5省开展了捕捞限额制度实施试点,在实地调查的基础上,对试点渔业的捕捞限额制度实施情况进行了回顾和比较分析。试点渔业在利用专项捕捞许可制度限制捕捞准入、加强渔捞日志管理、试行观察员制度、吸纳基层渔民组织参与监管等方面进行了有益的探索。不同试点之间在实施捕捞限额管理的渔业资源种类选择、渔场和渔船及作业方式的特定性、配套制度等方面具有共性;在捕捞对象种类的单一性、渔场进入的排他性、捕捞限额分配方式、渔获量监测措施方面存在差异。目前我国实施捕捞限额制度仍存在多鱼种渔业问题、捕捞生产监测制度尚未建立、针对性资源调查监测不足、捕捞限制性措施未能有效执行、管理能力和体制不适应需求、违反管理要求的法律责任缺失等问题。建议修改《渔业法》以完善捕捞限额制度体系,加强和完善渔业资源调查、监测,建立综合性渔业数据信息系统,进一步完善基于捕捞许可制度的捕捞作业限制,建立多方参与和跨区域联合的监管机制,根据渔业特点分类设置捕捞限额及其管理机制。  相似文献   

船旗国对管制IUU捕捞的责任、现状、问题及对策   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
IUU捕捞成为困扰国际渔业资源养护与管理的现实威胁。国际社会为维护渔业可持续发展的能力,积极应对IUU捕捞。船旗国可以通过渔船注册制、渔船登记簿、渔船许可证等措施执行防范、遏制与消除IUU捕捞的渔业政策。  相似文献   

南海区海洋捕捞渔业发展迅猛,拖网捕辊南海渔业的主要渔法。但是,近年下南海捕捞渔业的渔获率和渔获质量日趋下降,捕捞渔业前景并不乐观。本文从渔业资源、捕捞努力量、渔具渔法、捕捞产量等方面叙述了南海区海洋捕捞渔业的现状,预测了21世纪初南海捕捞渔业的发展趋势,并提出实现南海渔业可持续发展的实施条件和保障措施。  相似文献   

正捕捞渔具是开发利用渔业资源的基本工具之一。规范和加强捕捞渔具管理,有助于发展"负责任捕捞"、实现资源永续利用,有助于加快构建渔业现代治理体系和治理能力,有助于促进渔业文明繁荣进步。基层是捕捞渔具管理的最前沿。在全面推进依法治国背景下,如何进一步健全和完善基层捕捞渔具管理的体制、机制、政策和措施,是各级监管部门面临的共同课题。笔者就此展开刍议,不妥之处,敬请指正。一、违规捕捞渔具的类别  相似文献   

正渔业管理者和利益相关者越来越有兴趣采用捕捞份额来进行渔业管理。为便于渔业管理者和利益相关者更好地理解捕捞份额,本文作者总结出捕捞份额的几大主要特征,基于这些特征,作者又从参与者、管理目标、专属权、管理制度等方面分析了捕捞份额的设计流程。渔业管理者和利益相关者越来越有兴趣采用捕捞份额(Catch Share)进行渔业管理。美国环保协会借鉴  相似文献   

(本刊讯)为贯彻实施《渔业法》和《渔业捕捞许可管理规定》(2002年农业部令第19号),农业部决定自今年10月1日开展换发新版《内陆渔业捕捞许可证》工作。现将有关事项通知如下:换证时间自2003年10月1日起,内陆水域捕捞渔船全面换发新版《内陆渔业捕捞许可证》,原版《内陆渔业捕捞许可证》自2004年12月31日起作废。换证范围2003年10月1日前依法取得合法有效内陆渔业捕捞许可证的捕捞渔船。三、 有关要求(一)换发新版《内陆渔业捕捞许可证》是贯彻实施《渔业法》和《渔业捕捞许可管理规定》,规范内陆捕捞渔船管理,控制内陆捕捞强度的重要措施。…  相似文献   

东海区海洋捕捞产量的时间序列分析研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
利用东海区1956-1995年计40年的海洋捕捞产量统计数据,研究东海区小黄鱼等10个主要种类渔业的发展过程。结果表明:东海区主要种类渔业发展过程符合渔业发展的一般规律,即经历未开放、开发中、成熟和衰退4个阶段,且主要种类如带鱼、大黄鱼、马面Tun等渔业大多处于成熟期或衰退期,从而预测其发展趋势,并提出必须加强渔业管理、控制捕捞强度等使渔业实现可持续发展的管理措施。  相似文献   

探讨我国海洋捕捞总量管理制度的科学实现路径,对于促进海洋捕捞渔业可持续发展具有重要意义.首先,对世界主要国家产出管理制度进行分析,并梳理了管理措施出台背景和总可捕量(total allowable catch,TAC)制度鱼种.其次,分析我国海洋捕捞总量管理制度实施情况,整理了制定捕捞总量的方法和海洋捕捞总量管理推进工...  相似文献   

我国近海捕捞渔业发展现状、问题与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近海渔业资源衰退及海洋生态环境恶化日趋严重已引起社会各方面广泛关注,控制近海捕捞强度,科学养护渔业资源与生态环境成为重要发展方向。本文分析了近海捕捞渔业发展现状与存在问题,梳理了渔业发达国家或国际组织主要管理制度措施及对我国的启示,在此基础上,从完善法律法规、加强渔船渔具管理监督及优化渔业支持政策创设等方面,提出促进近海捕捞渔业可持续发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

国家通过对海洋捕捞业实行渔业许可制度,对从事捕捞业的渔业生产者发放捕捞许可证,采取控制马力指标,核定作业类型,限定网具种类等措施,有效地控制了近海捕捞程度,促进了渔业资源的补充和再生,为捕捞业的持续稳定发展奠定了基础。但是从近几年我市渔政执法实践来看,在对小型渔船的管理上,捕捞许可证无论在形式上还是内容上,已渐渐暴露出其自身的局限性。而由此派生出来的诸多问题给渔政管理带来了一定的难度,笔者针对我市实际,对捕捞许可证管理提出以下粗浅意见,与大家共同探讨。”  相似文献   

China is the world’s biggest fishing nation and a major player in the global seafood trade. Its fisheries development can decisively influence the global seafood trade, food security and marine conservation. In recent years, significant changes have taken place in China’s fisheries management priorities, policies and regulations. In this paper, we review the evolving fisheries management practices in China to delineate changes in the management policies, methods and their performances from 1949 to 2019. We determined that the following issues impede the development, implementation and enforcement of fisheries policies and regulations, namely the large size of the fishing fleet, large and poorly organized fisheries population, the “hidden” fishing capacity, uniform management approaches that sometimes fail to account for local conditions, lack of clearly defined and allocated fishing rights, limited data quality and availability, insufficient fisheries monitoring programmes, absence of a robust scientific input framework and insufficient stakeholder involvement. Combining those problems with China’s current management initiatives, we propose recommendations for China’s future fisheries reforms. We hope this paper can inform China’s marine fisheries policies and provide valuable references for further researches related to China’s sustainable fisheries management.  相似文献   

Abstract  Discarding practices from 110 fishing operations in a Mediterranean small-scale fishing fleet (Patraikos Gulf, western Greece) from August 2004 to July 2005 were analysed. On average, 1 kg of fish was discarded per fishing operation (10% of the catch). The reasons for discarding were: low commercial value (78% of discards), damage at sea before retrieval of the gear (5%), and bad handling on-board (17%). More than half of discards belonged to Spicara flexuosa (L.), Lepidopus caudatus (Euphrasen), Sardinella aurita Valenciennes and Merluccius merluccius (L.). The bulk of discards of each species were associated with a single fishing method (metier). A Generalized Linear Model (Delta-X – error-model) indicated that, when discards were present, significant differences existed in the discard ratio among different métier groups (groups comprising métiers with similar characteristics). Longlines and trammel nets with small mesh-sizes had the highest discard ratios. Discarding practices for the species Diplodus annularis (L.), S. aurita , Squilla mantis (L.), S. flexuosa and Scorpaena scrofa (L.) did not follow a consistent pattern (these species were either fully discarded or fully retained during a fishing operation). The decision seemed to be dependent on market demands rather than fish size. Significant correlation was found between discarded and catch weight, but the presence of many outliers indicated deviance from a case where discards are high when there is an abundant catch. The findings of the study imply that monitoring and management should be carried out preferably on the métier level. Discards could be reduced by technical measures, controlling effort regulations and by improving working conditions on-board fishing vessels.  相似文献   

Gear-based management for coral reef fisheries is often overlooked in the scientific literature. Empirical studies have demonstrated the conservation benefits of gear-restricted areas (i.e. prohibiting fishing gears), which can support greater biomass than unrestricted areas and protect species that play key functional roles. However, population dynamics of functional feeding groups of reef fishes under specific gear-restriction regimes remains uncertain. Here, we constructed a multi-species, length-based fisheries model to observe relative biomass and catch of reef fishes under various gear-restriction management scenarios. We used fishery-dependent and fishery-independent data to determine the catchability of functional groups and selectivity of size classes for hook-and-line, net and spear fishing, which are widely used gear types on coral reefs globally. Our model revealed trade-offs involved with gear-restriction management such that no single management strategy was able to maximize biomass or catch of all functional groups simultaneously. Also, we found that spear fishing (i.e. prohibiting hook-and-line and net fishing) maintained the highest total biomass summed across functional groups, whilst hook-and-line fishing (i.e. prohibiting net and spear fishing) and a ban on spears maintained the lowest biomass. However, hook-and-line fishing generated the highest catch-per-unit-effort. Our model results were primarily driven by differential growth rates, maximum per capita production of recruits, and catchability of functional groups targeted by each fishing gear. We demonstrate that gear restrictions can be a critical management tool for maintaining biomass and catch of certain functional groups but will likely require additional management to protect all key functional feeding groups of coral reef fishes.  相似文献   

Abstract An in‐depth explanation of selected content of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission’s ‘Code of Practice for Recreational Fisheries’ (CoP) is presented. The focus is on core areas that were intensely debated in the drafting the CoP. These include definition of recreational fishing, recreational fishing practices, fish welfare, recreational fisheries management and research. It is anticipated that the CoP for recreational fisheries promotes best practice and management principles for sustainable recreational fisheries, within the recreational fisheries sector and ancillary industries/sectors regionally, nationally, and ultimately globally. To be viable, the CoP for recreational fisheries must be adopted by the international community complementing the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.  相似文献   

The Negombo estuary brush park fishery in Sri Lanka was investigated from June 1998 to March 1999. The mean fish yield (all species) in the fishery was 12.46 t ha−1 yr−1. Fin fish species formed about 91% of the yield and the rest was formed by penaeid shrimps and crabs. Fish yield and the twig density in the brush park exhibited a second order polynomial relationship indicating a minimum yield at an intermediate value of twig density in the brush parks. The relationship between fish yield and duration of implantation of brush parks showed an optimal period of 30–40 days for high fish yields. Income levels of fishermen, availability of construction material and suitable sites for implantation of brush parks are some of the factors determining size and number of brush parks per fisherman and duration of installation. Indigenous knowledge within the fishing community about the effect of salinity variations, twig density and mangrove species used on the harvests greatly contribute to effective operation of this fishing practice. Cultivation of mangroves to obtain twigs and branches is a unique feature in this estuary. Indigenous knowledge on mangroves has led to the adoption of sound silvicultural practices. Although cultivating mono-specific mangrove stands may not increase diversity of mangrove forests, it reduces denudation of naturally occurring mangrove forests because of brush park construction, and retains habitats for other organisms. Mangrove management plans in the Negombo estuary should therefore be viewed and treated in an integrated manner that takes into account both resource and social components.  相似文献   

The common dentex, Dentex dentex (L.), is an iconic marine coastal fish in the Mediterranean Sea. This study was performed in the Bonifacio Strait Natural Reserve (BSNR), (NW Mediterranean Sea). The aims were to: (1) evaluate temporal variation of the artisanal fishing of common dentex (2000–2012); (2) compare and quantify catch rates, fishing techniques and catch composition for artisanal and recreational fisheries, and determine the influence of management measures by both activities; and (3) estimate the production of both artisanal and recreational fisheries. Fishery data were collected from different artisanal fishing surveys (onboard fishing vessels and landings) and recreational fishing surveys (roving). The gears with the highest rates of exploitation were longline (3554 g per 100 hooks) and Trolling (351 g boat?1 h?1 ±SE), respectively, for artisanal and recreational fishing. This study showed that catches by both activities were quantitatively higher in partially protected areas than outside them. Production estimations suggest that the recreational fishery contributes significantly to fishing mortality and that it can magnify the negative effects of artisanal fisheries. Specific measures are needed for the sustainable fishery management of common dentex.  相似文献   

In this study we show how substantial gains towards the goals of ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) can be achieved by different single-species management. We show that fishing has much less impact on stocks if fish are caught after they have reached the size (Lopt) where growth rate and cohort biomass are maximum. To demonstrate our point we compare the impact of three fishing scenarios on 9 stocks from the North Sea and the Baltic. Scenario (1) is the current fishing regime, scenario (2) is a new management regime proposed by the European Commission, aiming for maximum sustainable yield obtained from all stocks, and scenario (3) is set so that it achieves the same yield as scenario (2), albeit with fishing on sizes beyond Lopt. Results show that scenarios (2) and (3) are significant improvements compared to current fishing practice. However, scenario (3) consistently shows least impact on the stocks, with seven-fold higher biomass of demersal fishes and an age structure similar to an unfished stock. This allows juveniles and adults to better fulfil their ecological roles, a major step towards the goals of ecosystem-based fisheries management. We give examples where scenario (3) is practiced in successful fisheries. We present a new interpretation of the relative yield per recruit isopleth diagram with indication of a new target area for fisheries operating within the context of EBFM. We present a new expression of the relative biomass per recruit isopleth diagram, which supports our analysis. We conclude that size matters for precautionary and ecosystem-based fisheries management and present a list of additional advantages associated with fishing at Lopt.  相似文献   

Scientists hold different views about environmental management. These views may drive their interest in the subject and help them to address a wide range of research issues, but they can also affect the ways in which research results are interpreted and reported. Studies that mix science and perspective can compromise public and scientific understanding of fishing effects, as perceived differences in evidence may actually reflect differences in interpretation. To improve the rigour of ‘fishing effects’ science, it would help if the benchmarks used to assess whether fishing effects ‘matter’ were always made explicit. These benchmarks might be the objectives set by the management authorities and/or a series of alternate objectives proposed and stated by the scientist. To demonstrate how the reported significance of fishing effects can depend on objectives, I use a simple model to predict the response of fish populations and communities to fishing. Fishing effects that would be reported as negative in relation to preservation or biodiversity objectives, such as declines in size, abundance and trophic level, occur at lower fishing intensities than those associated with meeting sustainability objectives for target species. When fishing pressure is so high that both conservation and fisheries objectives are not being met, the initial management actions to meet a range of objectives are likely to be compatible (e.g. reduce capacity, support alternate livelihoods).  相似文献   

Following implementation in a range of other resource sectors, a number of credit‐like systems have been proposed for fisheries. But confusion exists over what constitutes these nascent ‘fisheries credit’ systems and how they operate. Based on a review of credit systems in other sectors, this study fills this gap by defining how credit systems function and what credits add to prevailing fisheries management. In doing so, we distinguish ‘mitigation’ and ‘behavioural’ fishery credits. Mitigation credits require resource users to compensate for unsustainable catches of target species, by‐catch species or damaging practices on the marine environment by investing in conservation in a biologically equivalent habitat or resource. Behavioural credit systems incentivize fishers to gradually change their fishing behaviour to more sustainable fishing methods by rewarding them with, for instance, extra fishing effort to compensate for less efficient but more sustainable fishing methods. The choice of credit system largely depends on the characteristics of specific fisheries and the management goals agreed upon by managers, scientists and the fishing industry. The study concludes that fisheries credit systems are different but complimentary to other forms of management by focusing on ‘catchability’ or gear efficiency in addition to effort or catch quota, affecting overall economic efficiency by setting specific goals as to how fish are caught. Credit systems therefore incentivize specific management interventions that can directly improve stock sustainability, conserve habitat and endangered species, or decrease by‐catch.  相似文献   

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