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Summary Removing the leaves from single node potato cuttings in vitro allows propagules to be placed in culture vessels at increased densities with the intent of saving resources and space. Under light intensities of 22 wattsm−2, the removal of the subtending leaf resulted in fewer nodes, shorter plantlets, smaller leaf area, and lower fresh and dry weights of 4-week-old plantlets of cvs Atlantic, Kennebec, Russet Burbank and Shepody. Fewer nodes and reduced plantlet height may result in inefficient multiplication protocols because fewer propagules are available and shorter internodes make dissection more difficult. The coefficient of variation for the various growth parameters was greater when propagules lacked leaves, indicating that the variability of the plant material for propagation was increased. A reduction of vigour and growth was still evident when plantlets of cv. Shepody were grown for 6–8 weeks.  相似文献   

Summary Potato stock plants of five commercially propagated varieties, which derived from tissue culture, were grown at a low light irradiance in non-aseptic conditions. The plants produced tiny-leaved etiolated stems, which were a good source of cuttings for further propagation. The method was tested by growing micropropagated and cutting propagated plants as three lines of stock plants, based on different clonal generations, and which were repeatedly harvested for cuttings. There was wide variation in the multiplication capacity among the varieties used. The most productive variety produced more cloned potato plants than when micropropagated in vitro. Stock plants derived from single-leaf cuttings produced more new cuttings than when derived from tissue culture. The growing facilities used were simple and inexpensive and could be set up anywhere. The method is economically competitive due to the need of only very simple and inexpensive growing rooms, and would be worth using particularly in developing countries and also in advanced potato production. All the cuttings of different harvests rooted well and the last propagated cuttings of the lines were still free of prevalent viruses although using simple growing facilities.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of nitrogen nutrition, main stem number and degree of defoliation of potato mother plants on stem-cutting production were investigated in glasshouse experiments with the cultivars Désirée, Record and Sutton's Foremost. Defoliation of the mother plants increased the number of cuttings produced, the total axillary growth, and the rate of cutting production. An increase in the number of main stems on the mother plant from one to three increased the number of cuttings obtained from defoliated plants of Désirée but decreased the number obtained from defoliated plants of Record and from undefoliated plants of both Désirée and Record. Nitrogen nutrition did not influence cutting production. The results are considered in relation to the role of leaves, endogenous plant hormones and competition within plants in controlling the axillary growth which was removed as stem cuttings. Suggestions for improving the efficiency of stem-cutting production are made.
Zusammenfassung In Gew?chshausversuchen wurde der Einfluss der Stickstoffern?hrung, der Zahl der Haupttriebe und des Grades der Entbl?tterung bei in T?pfen gewachsenen Mutterpflanzen der Sorten Désirée, Record und Sutton's Foremost auf die Zahl der produzierten Stengelabschnitte (stem cuttings) untersucht. In einem ersten Versuch wurden alle Triebe auf 30 cm zurückgeschnitten, wenn der l?ngste 40–45 cm erreichte. Die Mutterpflanzen erhielten vier unterschiedliche Stickstoffgaben (als NH4NO3), die entbl?tterten und nicht-entbl?tterten Pflanzen erhielten zwei Gaben (Tab. 1). Im zweiten Experiment wurden alle Pflanzen bis auf acht Nodien zurückgeschnitten, wenn der l?ngste Trieb 40–45 cm erreichte, deshalb auch die Bl?tter oberhalb der Kompostebene; die Entbl?tterungs-Behandlungen zur Zeit der Stengel-Dekapitation waren: keine Defoliation, komplette Defoliation, obere vier Bl?tter entfernt, alternierend Bl?tter entfernt und die unteren vier Bl?tter entfernt (Tab. 2, 3 und 4). In beiden Versuchen wurde die Zahl der Haupttriebe pro Pflanze auf ein Maximum von drei begrenzt. Die Stengelabschnitte (axillare Schosse) wurden bei 7,5 bis 12,5 cm L?nge entfernt. Die Zahl der Stengelabschnitte bei Désirée und Record wurde durch die Applikation von NH4NO3 nicht beeinflusst (Tab. 1). Komplette Entbl?tterung war dagegen hocheffektiv, durch die Erh?hung der Zahl der Abschnitte bei beiden Sorten, signifikant bei Désirée. Entbl?tterte Pflanzen von Désirée produzierten mit steigender Triebzahl mehr Abschnitte (Abb. 1, B), w?hrend nichtentbl?tterte Pflanzen von Désirée und sowohl entbl?tterte als auch nicht-entbl?tterte Pflanzen von Record mit steigender Triebzahl weniger Abschnitte produzierten (Abb. 1, A, C, D). Bei beiden Sorten bildeten entbl?tterte Pflanzen mehr Abschnitte als nicht-entbl?tterte Pflanzen. Im zweiten Experiment war komplette Entbl?tterung die effektivste Behandlung zur Erh?hung der Zahl der Abschnitte von Désirée, Record und Sutton's Foremost; signifikant war der Anstieg, relativ zu nicht-entbl?tterten Pflanzen, bei Désirée (Tab. 2). Messung des gesamten axill?ren Wachstums, ob Stengelabschnitt oder nicht, ergab signifikante Unterschiede im gesamten axill?ren Wachstum zwischen den Entbl?tterungs-Behandlungen bei allen drei Sorten (Tab. 3). Bei Désirée und Sutton's Foremost war komplette Entbl?tterung effektiver als alle anderen Behandlungen hinsichtlich des axill?ren Wachstums. Entbl?tterung steigerte auch die Quote der Produktion von Abschnitten (Prozentsatz Abschnitte, die in der ersten H?lfte der Untersuchungsperiode produziert wurden) (Tab. 4). Kombiniert für alle drei Sorten war die Rangordnung der Effektivit?t der Entbl?tterungs-Behandlungen bei der Stimulierung der Abschnitte-Produktion (Tab. 2), gesamten axill?rem Wachstum (Tab. 3) und der Produktionsrate für Abschnitte (Tab. 4) im Vergleich zu nicht-entbl?tterten Pflanzen dieselbe. Komplette Entbl?tterung war am effektivsten, es folgte Entfernung der oberen vier Bl?tter, Entfernung alternierender Bl?tter und die Entfernung der unteren vier Bl?tter. Die Zahl Stengelabschnitte von Kartoffelpflanzen k?nnte deshalb durch (1) komplette Entbl?tterung (die auch die Rate der Stengelabschnitt-Produktion erh?ht) und (2) Reduzierung der Zahl der Haupttriebe in Sorten wie Record erh?ht werden.

Résumé L'influence de l'azote, du nombre de tiges principales et du degré de défoliation sur le nombre de boutures a été étudiée sous serre en mettant en pots des tubercules de semence des variétés Désirée, Record et Sutton's Foremost. Dans la première expérimentation, toutes les tiges de chaque plante ont été sectionnées à 30 cm lorsque la tige la plus longue avait atteint 40 à 45 cm. Les tubercules ont re?u 4 doses d'azote (NH4NO3) dont 2 sur plantes entières et sur plantes totalement défoliées (tabl. 1). Dans la deuxième expérimentation, toutes les tiges de chaque plante ont été également coupées lorsque la plus longue des tiges avait atteint 40–45 cm, en laissant toutefois 8 noeuds avec ainsi, certaines feuilles au dessus des pots. Au moment du sectionnement des tiges, différents traitements furent appliqués: aucune défoliation, une défoliation totale, la suppression des 4 feuilles supérieures, ou en alternance sur l'ensemble du feuillage ou des 4 feuilles inférieures (tabl. 2, 3 et 4). Dans les deux experiences, le nombre de tiges principales par plante a été limité à trois. Les boutures (tiges axillaires) d'une longueur comprise entre 7,5 et 12,5 cm ont été sectionnées. Le nombre de boutures par plante n'a pas varié avec les applications d'azote pour les variétés Désirée et Record (tabl. 1). Par contre, la défoliation complète a entra?né une nette augmentation du nombre de boutures pour ces deux variétés, la différence étant significative pour Désirée. L'augmentation du nombre de tiges entra?ne une augmentation de boutures dans le cas de la variété Désirée lorsque celle-ci est défoliée (fig. 1, B) tandis qu'une diminution du nombre de boutures est constatée lorsque cette variété est entière; pour la variété Record, le nombre de boutures est diminué dans les deux cas (fig. 1, A, C, D). Pour ces deux variétés, les plantes défoliées ont donné davantage de boutures que les plantes entières. Dans la deuxième expérimentation, la défoliation complète appara?t comme étant le traitement le plus efficace pour augmenter le nombre de boutures des variétés Désirée, Record et Sutton's Foremost, l'augmentation, par rapport au témoin non défolié, étant significative pour la variété Désirée (tabl. 2). L'analyse de la croissance axillaire, quelle que soit la longueur, montre des différences significatives de croissance totale entre les traitements de défoliation sur les trois variétés (tabl. 3). La défoliation complète de Désirée et Sutton's Foremost s'est avérée nettement plus productive en terme de croissance axillaire totale. Les traitements de défoliation ont augmenté également le taux de production de bouture (pourcentage de tiges obtenues dans la première moitié de la période d'observation) (tabl. 4). Le classement par efficacité des traitements de défoliation sur la production stimulée de boutures (tabl. 2), la croissance totale axillaire (tabl. 3) et le taux de production de boutures (tabl. 4), par rapport aux plantes entières, fut identique pour les trois variétés combinées. La défoliation complète fut la plus efficace, suivie de la suppression des quatres feuilles supérieures, puis de la suppression en alternance de celle des quatres feuilles inférieures. Le nombre de boutures obtenues à partir de planis de pomme de terre peut être par conséquent augmenté (1) par défoliation complète (ce qui augmente aussi le taux de production de boutures) et (2) par réduction du nombre de tiges principales avec des variétés comme Record par example.

Seedling populations segregating for the critical photoperiod that controls tuberization may be screened by a cutting technique. Plants are grown under daily photoperiods which are at first long (e.g., 20 hours) and which are shortened at two-week intervals. Apical cuttings and single-node, sub-apical cuttings are taken at the end of each two-week period. The cuttings are maintained in a mist chamber under a 20-hour photoperiod for 10–14 days. The photoperiod that first promotes tuberization on cuttings may be considered as the critical photoperiod.  相似文献   

Summary The formation of above-ground tubers on stem cuttings of eight potato cultivars was studied over three seasons. To promote tuber formation in the leaf axils, stems grown from single node cuttings were exposed to short day conditions. Tuber formation underground was reduced by covering the soil with a plastic sheet and by using single node cuttings planted with the leaf axils several centimetres above the soil surface. With all cultivars except Alpha, which produced mis-shapen tubers in all experiments, an average of 11 (maximum 40) tubers per cutting were harvested. Significant cultivar × year interactions were observed.  相似文献   

Ten diverse potato genotypes from apical cuttings were screened for drought tolerance in raised beds of 3:1 v/v volcanic soil:burnt rice hull medium. The object was to test whether this method could replace field evaluation. Growth analyses were done periodically on potatoes from apical cuttings grown in beds. Correlations were made with those from seed tubers concurrently grown in the field. Total and tuber dry matter yield of plants grown from apical cuttings in beds and from seed tubers in the field were significantly correlated (r=.80*). Drought stress sensitivity based on % reduction in tuber and total dry matter at maturity in beds was similar to the results found in the field at maturity. Consistency of the method necessitates the standardization of the age, quality and source of apical cuttings and the growing conditions particularly drought stress imposition.  相似文献   

Stem cuttings from potato plants are frequently used in multiplication programs for disease-free cultivars. The survival of these leafy cuttings is often very poor, and thus various techniques were investigated which were designed to increase rooting and cutting survival. Stock plants of cultivars “Caribe,” “Jemseg,” “Keswick,” “Russet Burbank,” “Sable,” “Sebago” and “Shepody” were grown in the greenhouse under long days. Promoting growth of the axillary shoots was successfully achieved by shading the shoot apex with aluminum foil. Trimming the outer leaves of the cuttings was deleterious to both survival and rooting. A rooting hormone improved root initiation and development, and the use of shade cloth or intermittent mist increased survival by reducing wilting. A rooting substrate of vermiculite: perlite (1:1) provided sufficient aeration, support and drainage for the cuttings. Antitranspirants sprayed on the stock plants prior to the excision of cuttings and also on the excised cuttings did not improve rooting or survival. The addition of activated charcoal (1% w:w) increased rooting of the cuttings and improved vigor of potted plants obtained from the cuttings.  相似文献   

Summary Two methods are described for rooting potato shoots produced in culture. In the first, the shoots are floated on stationary liquid medium containing 1% sucrose and 0.1 mg/l 3-indolylacetic acid, at a photon flux density of 48 μE m−2s−1. In the second, the shoots are placed directly in potting mix in containers sealed with thin polyvinylchloride film. Plantlets produced by both techniques have been successfully transferred to the field and grown to maturity.
Zusammenfassung Es werden zwei Methoden zur Bewurzelung von Kartoffeltrieben, die auf N?hrboden nach Goodwin et al. (1980) vermehrt wurden, beschrieben. Zuerst wurden die Triebe auf das Medium nach Murashige & Skoog (1962) (MS) mit Kaseinhydrolysat und Indolylessigs?ure bei 21/16°C, 16 Studen t?glich bei einer Lichtintensit?t von 48 μE m−2s−1 w?hrend 14–16 Tagen aufgelegt, dann in ein Topfgemisch gebracht und unter Sprühnebel abgeh?rtet. Saccharose. (1%) gab optimale Pfl?nzchenbildung (Abb. 1). Zweitens wurden Triebe in feuchtem, aber nicht nassem Topfgemisch in Beh?lter gepflanzt, mit klarem Plastik verschlossen und in einem Glashaus mit 80 %iger Schattierung w?hrend 10 bis 14 Tagen gehalten. Sie wurden dann abgeh?rtet, indem sie nach Entfernung des Plastiks mit flüssigem Dünger begossen wurden. Nachher liess man ihnen weitere 2–4 Wochen Zeit zur Entwicklung. Die beste Bewurzelung wurde an Trieben erreicht, die einer hohen Lichtintensit?t (120 μE m−2s−1) w?hrend der station?ren Kulturphase ausgesetzt waren (Tabelle 1). Niedrige Temperatur (18/13 °C) w?hrend der Bewurzelung war ebenfalls vorteilhaft. Feldversuche wurden mit Trieben, die nach der ersten Methode bewurzelt wurden, durchgeführt (Tabelle 2, Abb. 2). Alle Pfl?nzchen wurden ohne Verlust auf das Feld gebracht. Die fortgeschritteneren Pontiac-Pfl?nzchen entwickelten sich auf ?hnliche Weise wie die Pflanzen aus Knollen. Exton- und Kennebec-Pfl?nzchen hatten beim Transfer nur rudiment?re Bl?tter. Sie entwickelten sich anfangs im Feld langsam. Doch zur Zeit der Ernte waren starkes Triebwachstum und eine grosse Anzahl von Knollen erzeugt worden.

Résumé Deux méthodes sont décrites par Goodwin (1980) pour obtenir l’enracinement des pousses de pommes de terre issues de culture in-vitro. La première est basée sur la culture des pousses en milieu liquide de Murashige & Skoog (1962), avec hydrolysat de caséine (MS) et contenant 0,1 mg/litre d’acide indol acétique dans les conditions suivantes: température 21/16 °C, éclairement de 16 h/jour à l’intensité de 48 μE m−2s−1 pendant 14 à 16 jours. L’opération est suivie d’un transfert en compost et les pousses sont placées ensuite sous humidificateur. Le saccharose à 1 % permet le développement optimal des plantules (figure 1). Dans la seconde méthode, les pousses sont plantées en compost humide mais non mouillé dans des conteneurs recouverts d’un film plastique transparent et placées en serre ombragée à 80% pendant 10 à 14 jours. Le film plastique est ensuite enlevé et les plantules sont arrosées avec une solution nutritive, elles se développent après 2 à 4 semaines de culture. Le meilleur enracinement a été obtenu à partir de pousses exposées à une haute intensité lumineuse (120 μE m−2s−1) pendant la phase sans agitation de la culture (tableau 1). Les basses températures (18/13°C) durant la période d’enracinement ont été également favorables. Des essais en champs ont été effectués avec des pousses en racinées obtenues à l’aide de la première méthode (tableau 2, figure 2). Toutes les plantules ont pu être cultivées en champs sans perte. Les plantules de la variété Pontiac les plus développées ont eu une croissance analogue aux plantes issues de tubercules. Les plantules des variétés Exton et Kennebec présentaient seulement des feuilles peu développées au moment de la plantation. Elles ont poussé lentement au début, puis, passé le temps de levée, les extrémités se sont développées et un grand nombre de tubercule a été produit.

Some of the factors that affected ring rot development in potato plants grown from stem cuttings and root-inoculated withCoryncbacterium sepedonicum were investigated. Isolates ofC. sepedonicum cultured and stored for a, year on agar media were as virulent as those that had been cultured for almost 5 months. Isolates cultured for periods over 2 years gradually lost their virulence; however, decline in virulence was not as rapid as had been previously reported. One isolate became more virulent by inoculating and recovering it from a susceptible potato plant. Ring rot symptoms developed more rapidly in the cultivar Red Pontiac than in the cultivar Netted Gem; however, disease severity eventually reached the same level in both cultivars. The more mature the plants were when inoculated, the greater was the rate of ring rot development. Duration of exposure of wounded roots to inoculum of the pathogen did not affect disease development. No ring rot bacteria were recovered from plants originating from apical cuttings of ring-rot-infected potato plants that exhibited partial wilting. By this technique, plants infected withC. sepedonicum were freed from this pathogen quickly and effectively.  相似文献   

A. Sletten 《Potato Research》1980,23(1):111-113
Summary Potato stem cuttings dipped in high concentrations ofCorynebacterium sepedonicum developed into plants which showed ring rot symptoms on leaves, stems and tubers after 13 weeks. Stem cuttings dipped in very low concentrations of the bacterium developed into plants which visually could not be distinguished from non-infected plants, but latent infection was detected in leaves, stems and tubers.  相似文献   

The use of leaf-bud cuttings as a tool for rapid clonal increase was studied in 6 cultivars. Small tubers were obtained directly from leaf-bud cuttings maintained for 7 weeks in sand-filled pots or benches. The tubers ranged in size up to 1 1/4 inches (3cm) in diameter. The number of leaf-bud cuttings ranged from 37 to 288, depending on size of mother plant. They averaged 114 cuttings. Almost all of the leaf-bud cuttings produced tubers. The procedure is fast, simple, and provides for rapid increase of selected stocks.  相似文献   

Summary Potato stem cuttings, cv. Désitrée, were treated with a powder formulation of 4-indol-3-ylbutyric acid (IBA), a gel formulation of 1-naphthylacetic acid (NAA), or a powder formulation of NAA. Both the IBA powder and the NAA gel stimulated significantly more roots per rooted cutting than were produced by the untreated controls but the NAA gel also significantly reduced the number of root branches per rooted cutting (Table 1). Untreated cuttings of cvs. Désirée and Recond were more likely to form only roots when the basal internode was long and more likely to form only tubers when the basal internode was short (Table 2). We suggest that the number of stem cuttings forming roots would be increased if, where necessary, the cuttings were trimmed to leave a long basal internode.  相似文献   

Katahdin potato plants were grown in a growth chamber undernoninducing conditions and treated with three anti-gibberellin growth retardants. Other plants were sprayed with gibberellic acid and placed in aninducing growth chamber adjusted to promote tuber induction. Treatments were repeated the following week. After final treatment, apical, sub-apical, medial and basal leaf-bud cuttings were taken from each plant and placed in a mist chamber. After two weeks, cuttings were examined for tuberization. Two of the retardants were associated with approximately 3 and 2 fold increases in tuberization over the non-induced control. Although induced control cuttings exhibited almost complete tuberization, application of gibberellic acid to plants grown under identical conditions, reduced tuberization 14 fold. Tuberization response of induced control cuttings was unaffected by stem location. In non-induced control and quaternary ammonium compound-treated cuttings, basal cuttings tuberized significantly better than those taken from higher on the stem. This pattern was eliminated for plants treated with the triazole compound. Below-ground portions of donor plants were also examined and showed a significant increase in average rhizome number and total rhizome length associated with inducing conditions. Tuber number of donor plants was also increased for those plants grown under inducing conditions or treated with the triazole compound under noninducing conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Application of 6-benzylaminopurine or its riboside to potato cuttings on four successive days was very effective if the treatment started on day 4 after cutting. These cytokinis caused cuttings that were well induced to express a lower level of induction than they actually had received. There was a shift from sessile tuberization of the central bud to non-sessile tuberization of the central bud or to tuberization of ancillary buds, or a shift from ancillary-bud tuberization to swollen shoots. Effects were largest after a moderate induction. If rooting occurred, cytokinin reduced the proportion of rooted cuttings significantly. Cytokinin increased the levels of fructose and glucose in the tubers if it was applied after day 3. Dry weight of the buds was reduced by cytokinin in those cases where it caused suppression of ancillary-bud development. Paper No 836, Department of Vegetable Crops, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853, USA.  相似文献   

D. Poder 《Potato Research》1990,33(4):465-468
Summary Single-node leaf cuttings, from plants originated from apical cuttings on sprouted potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.), were used to study phosphate transport following hormone (IAA) and calcium treatments. Phosphate accumulation in tubers was significantly enhanced by axillary bud pretreatment with calcium followed by a subsequent treatment of the tuber formed with IAA. The results suggest that calcium may be necessary for the regulatory action of auxin on phosphate transport into the tuber.  相似文献   

Summary Microtubers of potato cultivar Kennebec were stored for two months at 2 or 8°C and sampled at selected intervals for the determination of glucose, fructose, sucrose and sprout weight. The aim of this experiment was to determine whether these microtubers show the same response to storage temperature with respect to sweetening as field grown tubers. During storage at 2 °C, reducing sugars and sucrose increased rapidly to a concentration of over 1.0 and 0.7 g/100 g fresh weight, respectively. In contrast, in tubers kept at 8°C, only a relatively slight increase in reducing sugar concentration to 0.3 g/100 g fresh weight was observed and sucrose concentration remained virtually the same.  相似文献   

Summary Stem cuttings with variable number and position of leaves and variable number and age of buds were used to study the preference of tuberization at certain buds when several potential tuber sites were present. These cuttings were exposed to different orientations of the cuttings themselves and/or their light source. Inverting the cuttings did not affect overall tuberization, but had significant effects on individual buds, probably by the interaction between the original basipetal patterns in the cuttings and gravity effects. A smaller angle to the horizontal and lighting from below increased the overall expression of the tuberization stimulus. Leaf and bud position or age affected expression in a complicated manner, but the distance between screened bud and light-exposed leaf was crucial; buds most distant from illuminated leaves showed the strongest induction. The basic pattern of tuberization was basipetal.  相似文献   

常用促根生长调节剂对闽楠高空压条生根的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闽楠(Phoebe bournei)是我国乡土珍贵用材造林树种。本研究以6年生闽楠幼树的枝条为试材,采用随机区组试验设计,分别开展单种促根生长调节剂和混合促根生长调节剂高空压条试验,研究不同浓度植物生长调节剂对其高空压条生根的影响。结果表明,在吲哚乙酸、吲哚丁酸和萘乙酸3种促根生长调节剂中,萘乙酸为压条最适生长素,1000 mg/L萘乙酸处理组生根效果最佳,生根率为54.67%;对吲哚丁酸和萘乙酸混合的ABT1#生根粉而言,1000 mg/L为最适处理浓度,该处理浓度下压条的最大一级根长和根生物量皆优于对照。可见,闽楠幼树高空压条宜施用1000 mg/L的萘乙酸或ABT1#生根粉。  相似文献   

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