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A major challenge in conservation biology is to understand species’ responses to habitat loss. In Fennoscandia, the ongoing decline in aspen in forests is of particular concern, since aspen is the boreal forest tree species that supports the most host-specific species of cryptogams and invertebrates. In order to predict the potential effects of aspen decline we compared the occurrence of three epiphytic cyanolichens in old-growth stands of the same habitat quality, in four aspen-rich and four aspen-poor landscapes. Collemacurtisporum and Collemafurfuraceum were, on average, five and six times more frequent, respectively, in the aspen-rich than in the aspen-poor landscapes. Leptogiumsaturninum was not affected by the abundance of aspen stands at the landscape level. Our data suggests that lichen species with poor dispersal abilities may be more sensitive to habitat loss than more easily dispersed species and that species with broader habitat amplitude may be less sensitive to habitat loss than more specialized species, even if they have inferior dispersal ability. We conclude that (i) predictions of species occurrences at the stand level have to take account of the amount of suitable habitat at the landscape level, and (ii) predicting the responses of individual species based on life-history traits can be crucial, but cannot be based on single traits. Thus our study shows that biological value cannot be assessed on the basis of habitat quality alone and that a landscape perspective is needed for the sustainable management of specialist species.  相似文献   

How can conservation planners optimally and effectively allocate limited resources between imminently threatened and presently secure areas? Such choices must be made at multiple spatial scales involving a variety of conservation targets. Allocation strategies range from a “fire-fighting” approach, which gives priority to heavily developed areas at high risk of further habitat loss, to a “pre-emptive” approach giving priority to intact habitat tracts before they become threatened. We determined optimal dynamic reserve selection strategies when selections are made in imminently threatened and presently secure areas that will become threatened at uncertain times in the future. The objective was to maximize the expected number of endemic species conserved, predicted with species-area curves. The model was solved for three forms of species-area curve proposed in theoretical studies of habitat loss. Alternative scenarios were considered on the relationship between land prices and development risk. For the most commonly proposed form of the species-area relationship, the fire-fighting approach is optimal even if land prices rise substantially when presently secure areas become threatened. This reflects the assumption that species decline accelerates only after a large proportion of original habitat has been lost. The possibility of large species losses at lower levels of habitat loss justifies at least some pre-emptive conservation, even if land prices are not correlated with threat. If species decline is proportional with habitat loss, the optimal conservation strategy depends strongly on land price dynamics.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that Madagascar is classified a biological `hotspot' due to having both high levels of species endemism and high forest loss, there has been no published research on how Madagascan bird species respond to the creation of a forest edge or to degradation of their habitat. In this study, we examined how forest bird communities and different foraging guilds were affected by patch habitat quality and landscape context (forest core, forest edge and matrix habitat) in the threatened littoral forests of coastal southeastern Madagascar. We quantified habitat use and community composition of birds by conducting 20 point counts in each landscape contextual element in October and November 2002. We found that littoral forest core habitats had significantly (p<0.01) more bird species than forest edge and matrix habitats. Thirty-one (68%) forest dependent species were found to be edge-sensitive. Forest edge sites had fewer species, and a higher representation of common species than forest interior sites. Twenty-nine species were found in the matrix habitat, and the majority of matrix-tolerant forest species had their greatest abundance within littoral forest edge habitats. Guild composition also changed with landscape context. Unlike other tropical studies with which we are familiar, we found that frugivorous species were edge-sensitive while sallying insectivores were edge-preferring. The majority of canopy insectivores (n=15, 88%), including all six endemic vanga species, were edge-sensitive. When habitat quality was assessed, the distributions of nine edge-sensitive species were significantly (p<0.01) affected by changes in habitat complexity and vegetation vertical structure in core or edge point counts. Therefore, we believe that changes in vegetation structure at the edge of littoral forest remnants may be a key indicator of mechanisms involved in edge sensitivity of forest dependent species in these forests. Our findings indicate that habitat fragmentation and degradation affect Madagascan bird communities and that these processes threaten many species. With continued deforestation and habitat degradation in Madagascar, we predict the further decline of many bird species.  相似文献   

Whether or not a species is threatened by habitat change is influenced by its life-history traits as well as by the nature and severity of the threatening process. Detailed studies of declining taxa can clarify reasons for their vulnerability, both in proximate terms (e.g., taxa with slow growth, delayed maturation, low fecundity and infrequent reproduction will be poorly suited to withstand increases in adult mortality rates) and in an evolutionary perspective (i.e., what attributes of the environment have favoured the evolution of certain life history traits?). We obtained data on life history traits during an intensive radio-tracking study on the threatened arboreal elapid snake Hoplocephalus stephensii from forest habitats of eastern Australia. Based on 39 field-collected specimens, these long, slender snakes (mean adult snout-vent length 73 cm, mass 114 g) feed predominantly on mammalian prey such as Bush Rats (Rattus fuscipes) and Pygmy-possums (Cercartetus nanus); but juveniles also take lizards. Foraging modes are diverse, from active searching through to ambush. Gape-limitation prevents snakes from ingesting adults of the most abundant local rodent (R. fuscipes), limiting the snakes to specialise on sub-adult rats which are only seasonally available. Rates of feeding, growth and reproduction are low; for example, none of 21 wild-caught females was reproductive. However, snakes given access to abundant prey in captivity, rapidly gained in body condition, grew significantly, and subsequently reproduced. Litters consisted of a few (1-9), relatively large (25 cm snout-vent length, 7.5 g) offspring. The “slow” life-history traits that have contributed to endangerment of this taxon may include proximate as well as evolutionary responses to the low temperatures and limited prey availability in the forest habitat of H. stephensii.  相似文献   

Rapid land-use and climate changes are projected to cause broad-scale global land-cover transformation that will increase species extinction rates. We assessed the exposure of globally threatened plant biodiversity to future habitat loss over the first half of this century by testing country-level associations between threatened plant species richness and future habitat loss owing to land-use and climate changes, separately. In countries overlapping Biodiversity Hotspots, plant species endangerment increases with climate change-driven habitat loss. This association suggests that many currently threatened plant species will become extinct owing to anthropogenic climate change in the absence of potentially mitigating factors such as natural and assisted range shift, and physiological and genetic adaptations. Countries rich in threatened species, which are also projected to have relatively high total future habitat loss, are concentrated around the equator. Because poverty and poor governance can compromise conservation, we considered the economic condition and quality of governance with the degree of plant species endangerment and future habitat loss to prioritize countries based on conservation need. We identified Angola, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Laos, Madagascar, Myanmar, Nepal, Tajikistan, and Tanzania as the countries in greatest need of conservation assistance. For conservation endeavors to be effective, the conservation capacity of these high-need countries needs to be improved by assisting political stability and economic sustainability. We make policy recommendations that aim to mitigate climate change, promote plant species conservation, and improve the economic conditions and quality of governance in countries with high conservation need.  相似文献   

The trade-off between survival and reproduction by individuals is central to understanding life-history parameters of a species. Few mammal species have life-history information from long-term research. Instead, demographic models are commonly utilized to investigate an individual’s life-history strategy, species dynamics, and population trends. This research investigates age-related survival and reproductive performance of adult female New Zealand (NZ) sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri), using multi-state mark-recapture data from known-age branded individuals over five years. The mark-recapture analysis was integrated with a population model to predict the lifetime reproductive output of female NZ sea lions. The integration of an analysis of short-term datasets with population modeling allows for the prediction of life-history parameters of long lived animals when long-term information is not available. While such approaches involve some caveats, it provides a framework for investigating population dynamics and is preferential to unsubstantiated assumptions. This technique can lead to better design and implementation of conservation management for long lived species.  相似文献   

In the Argentine Chaco, the three species of peccaries (Artiodactyla) are likely affected by habitat destruction and hunting, yet basic information on peccary distribution and status in this region is poorly known. This study identifies human factors associated with relative abundance and distribution of each species. Estimation of relative abundance was based on interviews with local hunters, and variables potentially related to distribution and relative abundance of peccaries were estimated for 153 circular sample sites of 10 km diameter in the Argentine Chaco. Peccaries were found in sites of high forest cover, low human density, far from towns and with low density of roads. After accounting for forest cover and other variables, number of settlements was identified as the main variable negatively associated with relative abundance of the three species, which may be a result of local hunting. Density of roads was also negatively associated with presence of chacoan peccaries. Collared peccary seems to be the least susceptible to human perturbations. It was the most widely distributed and found in a wider range of conditions than the other species. Chacoan peccary was relatively rare. Because colonization and development programs are increasing in the region, areas still uninhabited should be protected, construction of roads controlled, and hunting managed.  相似文献   

The landscape context is crucial for forest conservation in regions where the natural forest is fragmented. The focus of practical conservation is currently shifting from local stands to a landscape perspective, but few studies have tested the relative effect of different spatial and temporal scales for occurrence and persistence of species of conservation concern. We studied Red Data Book and Indicator species (the latter proposed to indicate presence of Red Data Book species) of vascular plants, lichens, bryophytes and wood-inhabiting fungi in 22 old temperate broadleaved forests in southern Sweden. We analysed at which scales these species respond to habitat proportion in surrounding landscape. The proportion of suitable habitat was measured at two temporal scales (present-day and historic) and at two spatial scales (about 0-1 km and 1-5 km of study sites). Local density of Red Data Book species increased with increasing proportion of suitable habitat in the current landscape (within 1-5 km of study sites) while Indicator species were unaffected. The response to landscape differed between organism groups. Vascular plants (near significantly) and wood-inhabiting fungi showed a time delay of 120 years in their response, indicating a possible regional extinction debt. An appropriate minimum landscape scale for conservation of Red Data Book species in temperate broadleaved forests in Sweden seems to be about 5 km (radius), but smaller landscapes may be important for vascular plants and wood-inhabiting fungi of conservation concern. In addition, restoration is urgent to counteract the effect of time delays in species responses to recent habitat loss.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation are recognized as major threats to biodiversity. Their respective effects, however, are sometimes not well distinguished, even though habitat loss is recognized as the most important source of variation affecting species abundance and richness at the landscape scale. As ‘habitat’ is a species-specific concept (based on species perception of its environment), habitat loss and fragmentation studies should be conducted on a species-specific basis. We here assessed the influence of habitat loss and fragmentation in the context of a boreal forest considering forest clearcutting as an anthropogenic disturbance inducing mature forest loss and fragmentation that has a potential impact on wildlife. Using 16 simulated patterns of mature forest loss and fragmentation and three natural landscapes as replicates, we assessed the respective influence of forest loss and fragmentation on the abundance of 10 bird species common in the boreal forest of eastern Canada. Species–habitat relationships were modeled through habitat use models that were utilized to predict abundance of the 10 species within each combination of loss and fragmentation patterns (3 landscapes × 16 patterns). We used three-way ANOVAs to assess the effects of mature forest loss, fragmentation and replicates (random effect) on species abundance. Our results indicated that: (1) variation in species abundance mostly depended on mature forest loss, followed by static landscape attributes other than cutovers (e.g. streams, lakes, roads) and finally by fragmentation and (2) responses to mature forest loss and fragmentation differed among species, not necessary in relation to the successional status but in relation to their perception of their environment. Decreasing detrimental effects of mature forest loss through conservation of large continuous patches of forest may be suitable to maintain abundances of mature forest bird species. Our results highlight that studies aiming to quantify effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on wildlife should be conducted on a species-specific basis and use several landscape replicates to avoid potentially biased results.  相似文献   

Knowledge of habitat and feeding ecology is essential for developing an effective conservation management plan for threatened primates. Despite having been rediscovered nearly a decade ago, very little is known of the critically endangered cao vit gibbon (Nomascus nasutus) or its habitat. We analysed forest cover, made direct observations and conducted interviews of local elders to better understand forest changes and to determine the forest characters and species important to the survival of the gibbon. Interviews indicated human-induced forest resource exploitation focused on species-specific and larger trees most easily accessed. Gibbon forest habitat comprised four primary forest types. The mean canopy height over the whole site was 10.52 m. Gibbons consumed 81, or nearly half of the tree and liana species recorded in the site; however, only 19 species provide 77.8% of the diet. Six of the 19 food species were logged for different reasons throughout the history of the site. We conclude that effective conservation management of primates with highly limited distributions, focused dietary needs, and in degraded ecosystems will require active forest restoration, such as planting important food species in degraded sites.  相似文献   

Madagascar is a global biodiversity hotspot threatened by forest loss, degradation and fragmentation, all of which are detrimental to the future survival of forest-dwelling organisms. For conservation purposes it is essential to determine how species respond to habitat disturbance, specifically deforestation. In this study we investigated the impacts of deforestation on three vertebrate communities, lizards, small mammals and birds, in an area of spiny forest subjected to anthropogenic forest clearance. Spiny forest has high levels of endemism, but conservation in this unique ecosystem is hindered by the lack of research. We undertook standardised trapping, time-constrained and timed species searches to assess species richness, species abundance and community composition of lizards, small mammals and birds in six areas of ‘forest’ and six ‘cleared’ areas. From surveys and opportunistic sightings we recorded a total of 70 species of birds, 14 species of mammals and 38 species of reptiles and amphibians. We found forest clearing to have a negative effect on species richness and community structure of all groups and identified loss of canopy cover as a driving factor behind this. However, the response and sensitivity to clearing varied between groups and species. Lizards (50%) and small mammals (40%) had the greatest decline in species richness in response to clearing as compared to birds (26%), although birds showed the greatest shift in community structure. The community in cleared areas contained more generalist and introduced species that have wider geographic ranges and habitat preferences, than those unique to the spiny forest. We found the first suite of species to suffer from forest clearance were those of high conservation priority due to their restricted geographic range. Our findings are discussed in relation to future spiny forest conservation and management.  相似文献   

Destruction and fragmentation of (semi-) natural habitats are considered the main causes of biodiversity loss worldwide. Plant species may exhibit a slow response to fragmentation, resulting in the development of an extinction debt in fragmented plant communities. The detection of extinction debt is of primary importance in habitat conservation strategies. We applied two different approaches proposed in the literature to identify extinction debt in South-East Belgium calcareous grasslands. The first method compared species richness between stable and fragmented habitat patches. The second explored correlations between current species richness and current and past landscape configurations using multiple regression analyses. We subsequently examined results generated by both methods. In addition, we proposed techniques to identify species that are more likely to support extinction debt and associated functional traits. We estimated a respective extinction debt of approximately 28% and 35% of the total and specialist species richness. Similar results were obtained from both methods. We identified 15 threatened specialist species under the current landscape configuration. It is likely the landscape configuration no longer supports the species habitat requirements. We demonstrated that non-clonal species are most threatened, as well as taxa that cannot persist in degraded habitats and form only sparsely distributed populations. We discussed our results in light of other studies in similar habitats, and the overall implications for habitat conservation.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation promote relatively predicable shifts in the functional signature of tropical forest tree assemblages, but the full extent of cascading effects to biodiversity persistence remains poorly understood. Here we test the hypotheses that habitat fragmentation (a) alters the relative contribution of tree species exhibiting different reproductive traits; (b) reduces the diversity of pollination systems; and (c) facilitates the functional convergence of reproductive traits between edge-affected and early-secondary forest habitats (5-32 years old). This study was carried out in a severely fragmented 670-km2 forest landscape of the Atlantic forest of northeastern Brazil. We assigned 35 categories of reproductive traits to 3552 trees (DBH ? 10 cm) belonging to 179 species, which described their pollination system, floral biology, and sexual system. Trait abundance was calculated for 55 plots of 0.1 ha across four habitats: forest edges, small forest fragments (3.4-83.6 ha), second-growth patches, and core tracts of forest interior within the largest available primary forest fragment (3500 ha) in the region. Edge-affected and secondary habitats showed a species-poor assemblage of trees exhibiting particular pollination systems, a reduced diversity of pollination systems, a higher abundance of reproductive traits associated with pollination by generalist diurnal vectors, and an elevated abundance of hermaphroditic trees. As expected, the reproductive signature of tree assemblages in forest edges and small fragments (edge-affected habitats), which was very similar to that of early second-growth patches, was greatly affected by both habitat type and plot distance to the nearest forest edge. In hyper-fragmented Atlantic forest landscapes, we predict that narrow forest corridors and small fragments will become increasingly dominated by edge-affected habitats that can no longer retain the full complement of tree life-history diversity and its attendant mutualists.  相似文献   

Quantifying the degree to which natural or protected areas are representative of a specified baseline provides critical information to conservation prioritization schemes. We report results on southeastern Vancouver Island, Canada, where we compared environmental conditions represented across the entire landscape, in oak savanna habitats prior to European settlement (<1850), and in both protected and unprotected oak savannas in the present-day. In this region, oak savannas represent a rare habitat type, harboring many threatened species. Before European settlement, oak savannas occurred in a distinctly different subset of environmental conditions than they do today. Compared to the entire landscape, oak savannas were historically found predominantly in warm, dry, flat, and low-lying areas, but habitat destruction has left oak savannas in largely the exact opposite set of conditions at present. Thus, the range of conditions in both protected and unprotected oak savannas at present are highly unrepresentative of historical conditions. It appears that fire management by indigenous peoples maintained oak savannas historically across large areas of flat low-lying conditions with deep soils, where succession otherwise produces closed coniferous forest. These areas have since been almost entirely converted to agricultural and urban areas, leaving remnant oak savannas largely on steep, rocky hilltops, where the habitat is maintained by shallow soils. Our results provide quantitative guidance for setting conservation priorities for oak savannas in this region, while highlighting the important general issue of the major role traditional land-use practices can play in shaping landscapes, and therefore in influencing the baselines used to set conservation priorities.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》2005,121(1):117-126
The cloud forest is one of the rarest and most threatened ecosystems in Mexico, although it contributes highly to the country's biological diversity and provides important ecological services. It is a naturally fragmented ecosystem, but anthropogenic deforestation and fragmentation has been severe. Consequently, it is essential to identify landscape patterns critical for the conservation of cloud forest. In order to understand how landscape patterns affect diversity in this ecosystem, this study explores the consequences of cloud forest fragmentation on bird diversity in eastern Mexico. I analysed the response of bird species richness and abundance as a function of forest fragment size, shape, topographical complexity, altitudinal range, connectivity, and proportion of landscape forested area in a system of 13 cloud forest fragments. Fragment shape was the main characteristic positively related to species richness in the bird community, but a differential response to landscape patterns was also detected. Fragment size was the main characteristic influencing the segment of the bird community depending mostly on forest, that is to say, forest interior and generalist species. In contrast, the extent of forest edge, expressed as fragment shape, produced a positive response of forest border species. Both, forest dependent and border dependent species positively responded to the extent of their suitable habitat. The immediate and most effective ecologically oriented conservation strategy for the region is the conservation of the largest cloud forest fragments.  相似文献   

The loss and fragmentation of forest habitats by human land use are recognised as important factors influencing the decline of forest-dependent fauna. Mammal species that are dependent upon forest habitats are particularly sensitive to habitat loss and fragmentation because they have highly specific habitat requirements, and in many cases have limited ability to move through and utilise the land use matrix. We addressed this problem using a case study of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) surveyed in a fragmented rural-urban landscape in southeast Queensland, Australia. We applied a logistic modelling and hierarchical partitioning analysis to determine the importance of forest area and its configuration relative to site (local) and patch-level habitat variables. After taking into account spatial autocorrelation and the year of survey, we found koala occurrence increased with the area of all forest habitats, habitat patch size and the proportion of primary Eucalyptus tree species; and decreased with mean nearest neighbour distance between forest patches, the density of forest patches, and the density of sealed roads. The difference between the effect of habitat area and configuration was not as strong as theory predicts, with the configuration of remnant forest becoming increasingly important as the area of forest habitat declines. We conclude that the area of forest, its configuration across the landscape, as well as the land use matrix, are important determinants of koala occurrence, and that habitat configuration should not be overlooked in the conservation of forest-dependent mammals, such as the koala. We highlight the implications of these findings for koala conservation.  相似文献   

Deforestation is a major threat to the conservation of biodiversity, especially within global centers of endemism for plants and animals. Elevation, the major environmental gradient in mountain regions of the world, produces a rapid turnover of species, where some species may exist only in narrow elevational ranges. We use newly compiled datasets to assess the conservation impact of deforestation on threatened trees across an elevational gradient within the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania. The Eastern Arc has suffered an estimated 80% total loss in historical forest area and has lost 25% of forest area since 1955. Forest loss has not been even across all elevations. The upper montane zone (>1800 m) has lost 52% of its paleoecological forest area, 6% since 1955. Conversely, the submontane habitat (800–1200 m) has lost close to 93% of its paleoecological extent, 57% since 1955. A list of 123 narrowly endemic Tanzanian Eastern Arc tree taxa with defined and restricted elevational ranges was compiled and analyzed in regard to mountain block locations, elevational range, and area of forest within each 100 m elevational band. Half of these taxa have lost more than 90% of paleoecological forest habitat in their elevational range. When elevational range is considered, 98 (80%) of these endemic forest trees should have their level of extinction threat elevated on the IUCN Red List. Conservation efforts in montane hotspots need to consider the extent of habitat changes both within and across elevations and target conservation and restoration efforts throughout these ecosystems’ entire elevational ranges.  相似文献   

Whereas the range size of endangered species is undoubtfuly useful to predict risk of extinction, the role of their life-history characteristics is much less clear, and their effects may depend on the nature of the threatening factors. Such factors, for instance, are known to be different on islands and on the mainland. We used phylogenetically based statistical analyses to study the relationships among conservation status, insularity, range size, and life-history traits in a clade of Western Palaearctic lacertids including insular and continental species. These lizards are ecologically similar, but they show wide variation in life-history traits and vulnerability to extinction. Insular species of a given size had smaller clutches than mainland ones. Degree of threat was best predicted by a logistic regression including range size, insularity, clutch size, and the insularity × clutch size interaction. On the mainland, but not on islands, threatened species had smaller clutches than non-threatened ones. On islands, small clutch size is probably an adaptive trait, and it might predispose certain species to extinction, but the intrinsic characteristics of such species remain unclear. However, small clutch size was a good predictor of extinction risk on the mainland, having evolved most frequently in late maturing species from montane habitats in which climatic conditions limit their reproductive output and increase their vulnerability to stochastic hazards or habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

While conservation management is increasingly turning towards an ecosystem-level framework, the focus on a small subset of surrogate species has recognised merit given insufficient time, resources, and expertise. The kaka (Nestor meridionalis), a large threatened New Zealand parrot, is an iconic, visible species in lowland forests. As kaka populations are sensitive to mustelid predation and habitat loss, kaka can act as both a flagship and indicator species for healthy lowland forest ecosystems in New Zealand. To ensure the sustained protection of kaka over a sufficient area, this research aims to estimate the minimum viable population (MVP) size of kaka in the Eglinton Valley, Fiordland, and the management required for population persistence. A post-breeding census, stochastic, age structured Leslie matrix model was developed to estimate the population size having a 95% probability of persistence over 100 years. Scenarios modeling current and alternate management regimes, uncertain life-history traits, and environmental unpredictability were run. The most ‘realistic’ scenario resulted in an MVP size of 258 kaka (155 adults). Maintaining current levels of predator control appears essential to ensure kaka population persistence. An area of >500 km2 is proposed to maintain the MVP of kaka based on detailed information on home range size and territory overlap derived from radio-tracking studies. As one of a group of surrogate species in lowland forest ecosystems, kaka may be used to guide management decisions regarding large-scale mustelid trapping and the delineation of habitat area requiring protection in the face of proposed human developments in the region.  相似文献   

Species conservation largely depends on knowledge of habitat needs of target species. GIS-models are increasingly used to assess habitat preferences and distribution of target species, but their accuracy is constrained by availability of digital data layers. We developed a two-steps approach aiming at showing pros and cons of landscape (GIS)- and site-level habitat models, identifying key habitat factors for conservation of a threatened bird species, the red-backed shrike Lanius collurio. A spatially explicit GIS-model was generated using landscape variables, and a second model at site level was developed using fine-scale variables measured on the ground. The GIS-based model was then extrapolated to the entire region to obtain a map of distribution of suitable habitats. Positive associations between shrike occurrence and both hedgerow length and partial shrub cover were detected at both scales. Shrikes were also positively associated with grassland cover at landscape level and with partial cover of untilled herbaceous vegetation at the finer scale, and negatively affected by lucerne cover. The GIS-model led to an affordable map of predicted habitat suitability which should help conservationists to focus on different local priorities, but was unable to identify effects of untilled and lucerne cover. Site-level model gave fine details for habitat management, but its application elsewhere requires ground-measurements of factors. Combining the multiscale models could indicate more urgent actions at large scales (e.g. maintaining suitable habitats, or improving connectivity among isolated patches) and draw a detailed figure of the most suitable habitat for the species. Shrike occurrence was associated with a higher number of shrub and tree species: the indicator value of the species should ensure general benefits for biodiversity from dedicated management.  相似文献   

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