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林改使红河州山区农民重新找回了曾经失落的希望,广大群众植树造林的热情高涨了,管护山林的意识增强了,依靠山林致富的愿望强烈了。  相似文献   

林权管理制度改革破解了制约集体林业发展的体制性障碍,林业发展活力明显增强。一是充分激发了农民造林、育林、护林的积极性,推动了生态建设和保护;二是解放和发展了林业生产力,发挥了林地资源的潜力,促进了农民的增收致富;  相似文献   

指出了在很长的一段时间内,我国以破坏生态环境做为代价,虽然促进了我国经济的快速发展。但是导致了我国的环境受到了严重的污染。从大气污染治理形势及问题进行了详细探讨,分析了在治理大气污染时存在的问题,根据原因,提出了科学合理的解决方案。  相似文献   

森林生态效益补偿是国家为了巩固生态建设成效,对林权所有者和使用者进行适当补助的惠民政策,自实施以来得到了林区广大群众的拥护和支持,生态得到了保护和发展,林农得到了实惠。本文在对黔南州公益林管理现状进行了深入调研的基础上,分析了黔南州公益林管理存在的问题,并提出了解决问题的办法及建议,促进了公益林管护水平的提高。  相似文献   

树活百千年而无语,默默地装点着群山、河流、田野、村庄与城市。树多就成林,林大即为森,巍巍群山有了茂密的树木,才会有长流不息的清清溪水滋润着的田野、村庄与城镇。有了树就有了水,有了水就有了田,有了田就有了粮,有了粮就有了人。可见,树与人类的生存有着密切的关系。森林,对于人类的重要性不言而喻,我们的城市也需要树木来装点。  相似文献   

园林树木养护的措施与方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
指出了园林树木养护工作的重要性,分析了园林树木养护存在的问题,提出了相关理论指导,探讨了园林树木养护的具体措施.  相似文献   

鄂赣地区竹林土壤与植物营养特性及其信息化管理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了作者近年来在鄂赣地区进行的竹林土壤与植物营养特性及其信息化管理技术研究的成果:初步摸清了湖北、江西2省竹类主产区竹林生长和养分管理现状,明确了存在的问题;系统研究了湖北、江西2省竹类主产区土壤营养状况;建立了毛竹林土壤养分丰缺指标和叶片营养诊断指标;摸清了毛竹主产区土壤养分限制因子;提出了较适宜的毛竹叶片营养诊断技术;系统开展了毛竹林土壤养分空间变异特性的研究,提出了湖北、江西2省竹类主产区竹林全营养优化施肥配方和配套施肥技术;建立了毛竹林优化施肥的计算机管理系统。  相似文献   

陕西省林学会第十次会员代表大会2月23日在西安召开。中国林学会、省科协、省民间组织管理局领导参加了会议并作了讲话。会议听取并通过了上届理事会代理事长高永民作的题为《深化改革开拓刨新努力开刨学会工作的新局面》的工作报告;表决通过了《陕西省林学会章程》部分条文修正案;选举产生了新一届理事会理事、理事长、副理事长、秘书长,新当选的理事长郝福财即席作了就职答谢发言。张社年厅长参加了会议并作了重要讲话。  相似文献   

从2001年到2007年,北京市政府大力加强城市园林绿化工作。城市园林绿地增加了1万公顷,树木增加了2271万株,草坪增加了4653万平方米,大大改善了市区的生态环境,使市民亲身感受到了绿色奥运带来的实惠。城市增添了绿色,市民增加了氧吧。  相似文献   

为了准确反映城市生态系统的基本状况,设计了评估指标体系,利用数据仓库技术,构建了采集指标数据的网络系统,确定了数据仓库的体系结构,规划了数据维表和事实表;在此基础上形成了数据仓库的星形模型,搭建了评估平台,应用结果令人满意。  相似文献   


This study used data on project management from 70 recent product development projects in the wood industry. The objective was to test the influence of some project management factors, known from cross-industry research to be keys to product development project success, on product development project success in the context of the wood industry. Through the use of hierarchical multiple regression analysis, it was found that both the sharpness of the product concept definition and the strength of the project leader had significant positive influences on the success of product development projects. Conversely, product advantage, team cross-functionality and customer involvement did not have a significant positive influence on the success of these projects. The latter even indicated a negative influence on product development project success. Project uncertainty, as manifested in the degree of newness of the technology and the marketing strategies of the product to the innovating strategic business unit, did not influence the relationship between project management factors and product development project success. Some of the findings were unexpected and may be explained by the industry's unaccustomedness to customer co-operation and the fact that product development in the wood industry takes place within conventional technology and market bounds.  相似文献   

21世纪我国木材工业展望   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
就面向21世纪我国木材工业发展前景的一系列重要问题,如正确认识木材和木材工业,我国木材工业的原料结构、工业布局、产品结构、生产技术、环境保护和企业管理,以及加入WTO后的影响等进行了分析,表明应坚持走可持续发展的道路。  相似文献   

We analyse which management to choose in order to increase the carbon benefit from the 1.342 million ha forest area in Hedmark County, Norway, and the cost of doing this compared to traditional profit maximising behaviour. The model used in the analysis is a dynamic forest management optimisation model which includes the main carbon flows and benefits from the forest area: tree growth and mortality, litter accumulation, decomposition of dead wood and harvest residues, soil processes, end-use of wood products, and saved greenhouse gas emissions from using wood products instead of more energy intensive materials and fossil fuels.  相似文献   

2005年以来在国际林产品贸易中木材来源问题受到越来越多的关注,重要林产品进口国纷纷出台相关法规以确保进口林产品木材来源的可靠性。作为林产品国际贸易链重要组成部分的中国林业产业,有必要充分了解这些市场新要求,提升企业管理水平,以确保在林产品国际市场上的综合竞争优势。文中比较分析了近些年新出台的主要林产品国际贸易规则及对中国的潜在影响。  相似文献   

加入WTO对我国林业发展的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我国林业在国际竞争中既有优势,也有劣势,加入WTO将对我国工业产生重大的影响,森林资源将得到保护和发展,木材市场将更加活跃,林产工业虽将受到冲击,但也存在着发展机遇,可分为直接机遇和间接机遇,就直接机遇来说,加入WTO将会使我国林产工业企业在利用国际资源、国际市场,发展对外贸易方面获得更加有利的条件和优惠待遇,间接或潜在的机遇在于,加入WTO将使我国林产工业企业的技术水平和管理水平得到提高,同时,也将使产业部门的管理体制和企业的经营机制得到进一步改革。  相似文献   

A simple stand model is developed to assess the influence of management activities in old growth Douglas-fir forests on atmospheric CO, levels. Two natural disturbance regimes (450- and 240-year stand replacement fire cycles) are compared with four management regimes (45, 6 5 , 90-year plantation rotations, and conversion to non-forest use). Conversion of old growth Douglas-fir stands to plantations may actually decrease atmospheric C 4 for the fist few decades, but then increase it. The short term and long term changes are negligible compared to the atmospheric C02 produced by burning fossil fuels. Using wood as a substitute product for other materials (brick, aluminum, and plastic) dramatically reduces CO, released to the atmosphere; however, where wood is used as a luxury product, large quantities of C02 are released to the atmosphere under harvest regimes.  相似文献   

We review the management of Eucalyptus species under a coppice-with-standards (CWS) silvicultural system. CWS management results in product diversification, permitting production of small and large scale timber from the same stand. Eucalyptus species are suitable candidates for CWS management because: there are large worldwide plantation areas, sprouting capacity is high, and eucalypts are multipur- pose species. We discuss (1) short rotation Eucalyptus coppice manage- ment for energy and pulping and (2) Eucalyptus seedling management for solid wood products. We review the literature and discuss experi- ences with Eucalyptus managed under the CWS system. We also assess projects dealing with Eucalyptus coppice management, stand density regulation, pruning, and stand and wood quality. The growth environ- ment of the standard trees (heavy competition up to the first harvest, free growth afterwards) coupled with long rotations (〉20 years) results in high quality logs for solid wood products. Early pruning should be ap- plied to enhance wood quality. We propose a system for the silvicultural management of Eucalyptus under the CWS system, elaborating on the consequences of initial planting density, site productivity, and standard tree densities as well as timing of basic silvicultural applications.  相似文献   


Although sustainable forest management is accepted worldwide in concept, challenges in the methods of implementation remain. Using local data sets from Alberta, Canada, we show that a simulation approach can assist the implementation of sustainable forest management by improved understanding of product potential and other forest ecosystem goods and services that forests can provide for a given forest inventory. This will assist facilitating trade-offs among them for an optimal wood utilization strategy to achieve sustainable forest management. In this example, effects of wood utilization standard on merchantable volume, lumber volume, and number of trees that can produce at least one piece of lumber are quantified, and a conversion method for wood volumes under different wood utilization standards is presented. Wood utilization standard is the combination of stump height and diameter inside bark at merchantable height, which considerably influences available volume quantity of forest resource. However, such influences have not been quantified for sustainable forest management implementation. Our results not only confirmed that merchantable and lumber volumes increased with decreasing stump height and diameter inside bark at merchantable height, but also revealed that this trend will not hold when diameter inside bark at merchantable height is less than 7 cm.  相似文献   

系统介绍了树木特征因子与林木材性、品质、等级以及经济价值之间的关系, 以期为实现我国森林资源的高效、合理利用提供新的思路。  相似文献   

根据传统木家具制造车间产品种类复杂、信息处理不够流畅、生产过程不够规范的现状,提出利用MES系统对木家具制造车间进行数字化计划排产。利用MES系统的应用优势,在信息互通流畅、合理安排生产、充分提高产能等方面对传统家具制造车间进行改造,达到提高企业的生产效率,降低生产成本的目的。通过一系列的技术应用,MES系统将有效地对传统木家具制造车间进行管理优化,为企业的产业升级作出巨大贡献。  相似文献   

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