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Objective To determine if pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy reduces post‐operative pain in dogs following ovariohysterectomy, and to evaluate PEMF interaction with post‐operative morphine analgesia. Study design Randomized controlled clinical trail. Animals Sixteen healthy dogs weighing 18 (10–32) kg [median (range)] and aged 13 (3–36) months. Materials and methods Anesthesia consisted of atropine (0.04 mg kg?1, SC), acepromazine (0.02 mg kg?1, SC), fentanyl (0.01 mg kg?1, SC), thiopental (10–15 mg kg?1, IV) and halothane in oxygen. Ovariohysterectomies were performed by senior veterinary students. Pain score (numeric rating scale, 0–28), pulse rate, respiratory rate, indirect mean arterial pressure (MAP), and body temperature were evaluated prior to anesthetic premedication, at extubation, 30 minutes after extubation, and then hourly for 6 hours. Following extubation, dogs were randomly divided into four groups: a control group that received 0.9% NaCl, IV, and no PEMF; a magnet group that received 0.9% NaCl, IV, and PEMF; a morphine group that received morphine 0.25 mg kg?1, IV, and no PEMF; and, a magnet/morphine group that received morphine 0.25 mg kg?1, IV, and PEMF. A single observer, blinded to treatment, obtained all behavioral observations and physiologic data. Data were analyzed using the Kruskal–Wallis statistical test with a significance of p < 0.05. Results Significant differences in MAP (mm Hg) [median (range)] occurred at 300 minutes [morphine 108 (83–114) and magnet/morphine 90 (83–97) < magnet 135 (113–117)], and at 360 minutes [magnet/morphine 93 (81–100) < control 127 (111–129) and magnet 126 (111–129)]. At 30 minutes the total pain score for the magnet/morphine group [1.5 (0–5)] was significantly less than control [8 (6–13)], but not different from magnet [5.5 (4–7)] or morphine [4.5 (2–9)]. Conclusions and clinical relevance Although no clear benefit was seen in this study, the results suggest that PEMF may augment morphine analgesia following ovariohysterectomy in dogs, and that further study of the analgesic effects of PEMF is warranted.  相似文献   

一、调适心态,投入工作现场工作与日常模拟训练不同,现场的紧张气氛、领导的期望、同事们肯定或怀疑的态度,都会给带犬民警带来较大的心理压力。在压力面前,首先应当树立自信心,充分相信  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to devise a method to facilitate catheter placement to perform brachial plexus block in the dog. Lidocaine plus epinephrine was injected through a 3.5 French feeding tube secured in proximity of the brachial plexus. Cutaneous areas for the nerves of the distal forelimb were tested for nociceptive sensation by pinching the skin with hemostats. Five out of the 7 dogs developed a full motor and sensory block. The onset time for a full block and duration of blockade were 54 min, s = 17.1 and 39 min, s = 37.6, respectively. A second blockade was successfully achieved in 2 dogs in which the catheter was not displaced. An indwelling feeding tube is an effective way to provide blockade of the brachial plexus in the dog. The placement and the fixation of the catheter were critical for the production of a full block.  相似文献   

(续10期)来自于美军太平洋西南战场的关于侦察犬和信使犬的使用报道,从整体情况来说是极为令人满意的。据在新几内亚的战场与犬生活在一起的一位观察员报  相似文献   

(续上期)当时的一些令人沮丧的情形,即在国防部军犬工作处的控制下,抑制了开展犬的获取和训练用于军事目的这一工作的活力。由于对警戒犬的要求已经开始超越了最初的极为有限的数量需求计划,这样一个  相似文献   

最初,美军对军犬的训练是1个训犬员训练8头警戒犬,然而不久发现最好的训教活动是人、犬比例为1∶4。这样的训练方式,在  相似文献   

一、训练前的准备工作 (一)烟酒搜查受训犬的选择考虑到云南边境的实际情况,一般应选择神经类型活泼、搜查欲望与持久性强烈、外界复杂环境适应能力好、胆量大、弹跳力强、体型中等偏上、嗅觉灵敏且注意力集中的犬只,我们建议将1岁左右的德国牧羊犬或拉布拉多犬作为受训犬的挑选对象.  相似文献   

Voiding urohydropropulsion and cystoscopy are routine procedures performed in the dog for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. These procedures are typically performed under general anesthesia. The purpose of this study was to describe the use of medetomidine-based sedation protocols to perform voiding urohydropropulsion and cystoscopy in cardiovascularly healthy, non-diabetic dogs without evidence of urinary obstruction, renal disease, or hepatic disease. Results of this study revealed significantly shorter procedure times and decreased cost in sedated dogs, with diagnostic and therapeutic outcomes equivalent to those of patients that underwent general anesthesia. Based on the results of this retrospective study, the authors recommend medetomidine-based sedation protocols for voiding urohydropropulsion and cystoscopy in appropriately selected patients.  相似文献   

The author reviews the pharmacological properties of digitalis glycosides and their clinical use in the control of congestive heart failure in the dog and cat. Methods of digitalization, dosage for each drug, toxic effects and drug interactions are described.  相似文献   

转基因技术是生命科学前沿技术之一.它是指将人工分离和修饰过的外源基因导入到生物体的基因组中,从而使生物体的遗传性状发生改变的技术,可分为转基因动物与转基因植物两大分支.  相似文献   

在新的形式下,军犬在监管工作中发挥着重要的作用,通常在人犯外出作业时,由2名~3名执勤人员带10名携带各种劳动工具的犯人,如果执勤人员疏忽,就极易发生伤人及逃跑事件.  相似文献   

Antagonistic effect of naloxone was tested in two kinds of total anesthesia. In one group the preparation was tested in ten experimental dogs with neuroleptanalgesia induced by the simultaneous intramuscular application of chlorpromazine (3 mg/kg) and piritramide (4 mg/kg). After 60 minutes naloxone was applied i. m. at a dose of 0.2-0.4 mg pro toto to reverse the anesthetic effect. In another group of 15 dogs - clinical patients - the effect of naloxone was evaluated in analgesia induced by i. m. application of piritramide at a dose of 3 mg per kg with atropine premedication (0.05 mg per kg). After a surgical operation, lasting in particular cases 20-45 minutes, the same dose of naloxone was applied i. m. as in the first group to reverse the anesthetic effect. In both groups of animals naloxone application caused a reverse of the anesthetic effect of piritramide and in the first group a statistically significant reverse of the inhibition of breathing and heart action.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to evaluate the possible effects of whole-body electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure on reproduction in growing male rats. Male albino Wistar rats (2 days old) were exposed to EMF 1800 and 900 MHz for 2 h continuously per day for 90 days. Sham control was kept under similar conditions except that the field was not applied for the same period. After blood samples were collected, the animals were sacrificed 24 h after the last exposure and the tissues of interest were harvested. The mean plasma total testosterone showed similarity among the two study groups and was significantly higher than the sham control rats. The percentage of epididymal sperm motility was significantly higher in the 1800 MHz group (P<0.05). The morphologically normal spermatozoa rates were higher and the tail abnormality and total percentage abnormalities were lower in the 900 MHz group (P<0.05). Histopathologic parameters in the 1800 MHz group were significantly higher (P<0.05). In conclusion, the present study indicated that exposure to electromagnetic wave caused an increase in testosterone level, epididymal sperm motility (forward), and normal sperm morphology of rats. As a consequences, 1800 and 900 MHz EMF could be considered to be a cause of precocious puberty in growing rats.  相似文献   

The quantitative aspects of equine cancellous bone graft incorporation and the possibility of influencing graft incorporation by daily exposure to a pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) was studied in eight yearling ponies. In order to be able to quantify formative aspects of graft remodelling, a double and treble tetracycline intravital labelling technique was used. Intravital radiographs were obtained at regular intervals throughout the trial, but were found to be of little assistance in assessing any differences between stimulated and non-stimulated grafts. The ponies were humanely destroyed at regular intervals between nine and 241 days after installation of the graft. Light microscopy and fluorescent light microscopy were used to evaluate quantitative aspects of graft incorporation and to compare PEMF-stimulated grafts with control grafts. There was a small but statistically significant effect of PEMF-stimulation on cancellous bone graft incorporation. In view of this, these observations can only be considered as indicative of a possible trend, but should encourage further studies using different signal modalities.  相似文献   

During the period from January 1969 to January 1975, twenty-five cases of malignant haemangioendothelioma were found in the course of routine post-mortem examinations. One case was observed in the period 1949–1952. The two periods are compared with respect to age, breed and sex of dogs examined.
The Alsatian was represented significantly more than other breeds (eleven out of twenty-five cases) and particularly in cases involving the right atrium (seven Alsatians in a total of eleven cases).
The post-mortem findings and histology are described. It is suggested that there are three groups of cases, namely, primary spleen, primary right atrium and primary at some other site.  相似文献   

2008年2月14日:爱就“咬”一口 嗨,大家好,又见面了。在此,我要向所有花时间给我写信的漂亮女士们说:情人节快乐!说到漂亮的女生,我很喜欢我们警犬队这周新来的那个女清洁工。尽管我仍然觉得我是个“小可爱”,但迈克说我现在已经可以“全嘴咬合”了,这正是他所期待的,因为这是我将来成为一头真正的警犬所必需的有力武器。  相似文献   

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