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Soil hydrological properties like infiltration capacity and hydraulic conductivity have important consequences for hydrological properties of soils in river catchments and for flood risk prevention. They are dynamic properties due to varying land use management practices. The objective of this study was to characterize the variation of infiltration capacity, hydraulic conductivity and soil organoprofile development on forest sites with comparable geological substrate, soil type and climatic conditions, but different stand ages and tree species in terms of the effects of forest transformation upon soil hydrological properties. The Kahlenberg forest area (50 km northeast of Berlin in the German northeastern lowlands) under investigation contains stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica) of different age structures forming a transformation chronosequence from pure Scots pine stands towards pure European beech stands. The water infiltration capacity and hydraulic conductivity (K) of the investigated sandy-textured soils are low and very few macropores exist. Additionally these pores are marked by poor connectivity and therefore do not have any significant effect on water infiltration rate. Moreover, water infiltration in these soils is impeded by their hydrophobic properties. Along the experimental chronosequence of forest transformation, the thickness of the forest floor layer decreases due to enhanced decomposition and humification intensities. By contrast, the thickness of the humous topsoil increases. Presumably, changes in soil organic matter storage and quality caused by the management practice of forest transformation affect the persistence and degree of water repellency in the soil, which in turn influences the hydraulic properties of the experimental soils. The results indicate clearly that soils play a crucial role for water retention and therefore, in overland flow prevention. There is a need to have more awareness on the intimate link between the land use and soil properties and their possible effects on flooding.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on agricultural diversity, a key property of agroforestry systems, and examines the influences of household asset endowments. The analysis addresses a debate between ‘differential motivation’ and ‘ differential capacity’ arguments concerning the importance of asset inequality for agricultural diversification among rural households in developing regions. I draw on data from a survey of small farm colonists in the Brazilian Amazon to assess components and measures of agricultural diversity, and to model those diversity measures using indicators of household asset endowments. The results indicate that agricultural diversification is modest in the study site, but varies among households, as do asset endowments. Models of agricultural production and income diversity indicate that agricultural diversity primarily reflects labor endowments, though certain types of capital are also important. These findings bear implications for research on agricultural diversity in other contexts, and for policies aiming to promote ‘productive conservation’ by compatibilizing poverty reduction, economic development and environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

Tropical montane cloud forests deliver important goods and services to society, such as timber, the supply and purification of fresh water, and carbon sequestration. In spite of their relevance, current deforestation rates are very high, at the expense of affecting the provision of ecosystem services. We explore the impact of land use change in terms of provision of ecosystem services by following two approaches, one very detailed (focused on hydrological services – water quality) and another one with a broader perspective (at a large scale and considering the ecosystem service value (ESV) of several ecosystems and their ecosystem services at the same time). In the highlands of the State of Veracruz, previously forested lands were converted into coffee plantations and cattle ranches. To evaluate the role of species composition and community structure on water quality, we studied nine small watersheds (<15 ha) covered by pristine cloud forest, coffee plantations and cultivated grassland (three each). Species richness of the three land use types was similar, although species composition was as different as 90%. Overall species diversity as well as that of woody species, and growth form diversities decreased in the transformed land uses. Water quality of streams flowing through these watersheds declined: nutrients (nitrate), conductivity, cations, chloride and suspended solids were lowest in the forest streams and highest in streams from coffee watersheds, whereas grasslands were intermediate. We also calculated ecosystem service values (using the transfer value method) and estimated economic market–non-market gains and losses owing to land transformation. Loss of natural ecosystems may imply a significant economic loss to society in terms of ecosystem services, although market gains may still lead land owners to land conversion because revenues are higher. Adequate Payment for Ecosystem Services may be a good option to prevent deforestation, but the compensation should be at least equal to the opportunity cost of the promoted land use. Our estimates are indicative of the urgent need to go beyond water quantity as the most relevant ecosystem service considered in PES schemes.  相似文献   

While slash-and burn farmers convert forest to agriculture, they also regenerate significant areas of secondary fallow forests on their farms. Under what conditions does secondary forest cover persist on slash-and-burn farms? Survey data from Pará, Brazil show that secondary forests occupy 20% of farm area even after a century of settlement. In addition to restoring soil fertility, secondary forests contribute over 20% of farmers' income through products such as charcoal, fruit, game animals and firewood for on-farm processing. Econometric analysis shows that slow rates of population growth and increases in agricultural incomes through on-farm processing of agricultural products enable farmers to maintain long fallows and result in diversified systems compatible with secondary forest cover in the study area. On the other hand, declining agricultural productivity, subsidized credit, declines in the growth rate of secondary forests and policies favoring speculative land acquisition threaten secondary forest persistence. In older settlement areas, secondary forests are often the only forest resource available to the rural poor. Fallow areas should therefore be managed not only for agricultural productivity, but also for conserving forest resources.  相似文献   

The extensive recovery from agricultural clearing of Puerto Rican forests over the past half-century provides a good opportunity to study tropical forest recovery on a landscape scale. Using ordination and regression techniques, we analyzed forest inventory data from across Puerto Rico’s moist and wet secondary forests to evaluate their species composition and whether the landscape structure of older forest affected tree species composition of recovering forests at this scale. Our results support conclusions from studies conducted in Puerto Rico at smaller scales and temperate forests at larger scales that timing of abandonment and land use history are of overwhelming importance in determining the species composition of recovering forests. Forest recovery is recent enough in Puerto Rico that previous land use is clearly evident in current species composition, and creates new forest communities. As demonstrated in other work, physical factors such as elevation and substrate co-vary with land use history, so that the species composition of the forest landscape results from the interplay between biophysical and socioeconomic forces over time. Our results also indicate that increasing the distance to the largest forest patches occurring in the landscape 12 years previous had a small negative impact on species richness but not species diversity or community composition. We conclude that land use history has as much influence in species composition as biophysical variables and that, at the scale of this study, there is no large influence of forest landscape structure on species diversity or composition.  相似文献   

Land use/land cover change is an important driver of global change and changes in carbon stocks. Estimating the changes in carbon stocks due to tropical deforestation has been difficult, mainly because of uncertainties in estimating deforestation rates and the biomass in the forest that have been cut. In this study, we combined detailed land-use change over a 27-year period based on satellite images and forest inventory data to estimate changes in biomass carbon stocks in the Xishuangbanna prefecture (1.9 million ha) of China. Xishuangbanna is located in southwestern China in the upper watershed of the Mekong River, and the major forest types are tropical seasonal rain forest, mountain rain forest, and subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest. In the past when the region was completely forested the total biomass carbon would have been approximately 212.65 ± 8.75 Tg C. By 1976 forest cover had been reduced to 70%, and in addition many forests had been degraded resulting in a large decrease in the total biomass carbon stocks (86.97 ± 3.70 Tg C). From 1976 to 2003, the mean deforestation rate was 13 722 ha year−1 (1.12%), and this resulted in the loss of 370,494 ha of forest, and by 2003 total biomass carbon stocks had been reduced to 80.85 ± 2.64 Tg C. The annual carbon emissions due to land-use change, mainly forest conversion to agriculture and rubber plantations, were 0.37 ± 0.03 Tg C year−1 between 1976 and 1988 and 0.13 ± 0.04 Tg C year−1 between 1988 and 2003. During the next 20 years, if rubber plantations expand into forests outside of reserves, shrublands, grasslands, and shifting cultivation below 1500 m the total biomass carbon stocks of Xishuangbanna will decrease to 76.45 ± 1.49 Tg C in 2023. This would reflect a loss of 4.13 ± 1.14 Tg C between 2003 and 2023, or an annual loss of 0.21 ± 0.06 Tg C year−1. Alternatively, if rubber plantations only expand into areas of shifting cultivation below 1500 m, and all areas presently in shrublands and grasslands are allowed to recover into secondary forests, total biomass carbon stock of the region would increase to 92.65 ± 3.80 Tg C in 2023. Under this scenario, the growth of existing forests and the expansion of new forests would result in a net sequestration of 0.60 ± 0.06 Tg C year−1. This study demonstrates that the uncertainty of biomass estimates can be greatly reduced if detailed land-use analyses are combined with forest inventory data, and that slight changes in future land-use practices can have large implications for carbon fluxes.  相似文献   

Changing land uses and cover types influence vegetation composition and health, so understanding the effects of these changes on net primary production (NPP) provides an important tool for monitoring ecosystem responses to environmental change. Using remote-sensing images and precipitation, temperature, and total solar radiation data from 1978, 1987, 2000, and 2005, and a light utilization efficiency model, we studied the effects of changes in these parameters and land use and cover types on NPP in China's Yongding River basin. We determined the NDVI of vegetation in the basin, and used these results to estimate the NPP of vegetation in the basin and the influence of land use and cover type changes on NPP under two climate scenarios: one in which the precipitation and temperature of the previous period remain unchanged into the following period, that is, use the climate in 1978, 1987 and 2000 to analyze NPP data in 1987, 2000 and 2005 respectively, and another in which both parameters remain constant at their 1978 values throughout the study period. With the climate unchanged from the former period, NPP in 1987 decreased compared with the 1978 value by 20–50 gC/m2, and then increased by more than 40 gC/m2 in western and central parts of the basin from 1987 to 2000. From 2000 to 2005, NPP decreased in the northwestern, northern, and eastern parts of the basin. With climate unchanged from 1978 to 2005, NPP increased from 1987 to 2000 by from 10 to 30 gC/m2 in most areas. From 2000 to 2005, some farmland in western and northwestern parts of the basin and some forest land were converted into grassland, decreasing NPP by 40–50 gC/m2.  相似文献   

Changes in land use on the eastern slope of the Cofre de Perote Volcano (Mexico) appear to have a negative effect on soil quality. In this study, we use a multivariate data set to research whether the change in land use has affected soil quality and to identify the indicators that best represent variability of the original data set. An elevation transect was identified as follows: upper segment (US), middle segment (MS) and lower segment (LS). The following nondisturbed areas and farm fields were sampled: US: pinus forest (PF), corn cropland (CP), and abandoned cropland (AC); MS: tropical cloud forest (TF), corn cropland (CC), and grassland (GL); LS: oak forest (OF) and sugarcane (SG). Sixteen soil chemical, physical, and biological attributes were measured on each site of interest. It was shown that the change in land use caused a reduction in organic material content, especially on MS and LS. The highest acidity was recorded in nondisturbed soils and abandoned cropland. Microbial biomass-C (Cm) and the microbial quotient (Cm/C) were altered the most on MS and LS. Cm and mineralized N (Nm) decreased from US to LS. Bulk density (BD) increased with the change in land use, especially on LS. Principal component analysis was used to analyze soil quality overall. The first principal component (PC1) explained 46% of the total variance of the data set, and seven soil attributes had significant loadings. C, N, and total porosity (TP) were negatively weighted and were contrasted with Mg, ECEC, BD, and Cm/C. The second principal component (PC2) explained 16% and had significant positive loadings on Ca, inorganic nitrogen (Ni), and Cm. LS soils had the highest PC1 scores and US soils the lowest. The positively high PC1 scores recorded for LS soils revealed a greater sensitivity to changes in land use. In US, there were no significant effects on PC1 caused by land use change, while in the MS, positively high PC1 scores obtained in the CC soil were related to greater microbial activity and a decrease in C and N. In LS, SG soil had significantly higher PC1 scores than OF soil, indicating an increase in microbial activity.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies two important native forest ecosystem services in southern Chile: water supply and recreational fishing opportunities. We analyzed streamflow in relation to forest cover in six watersheds located in the Valdivian Coastal Range (39°50′–40°05′S), the effect of forest management on streamflow in two watersheds in the Valdivian Andes (600–650 m of elevation; 39°37′S), and fish abundance as a function of forest cover in 17 watersheds located in the Coastal Range and the Central Depression (39°50′–42°30′S). We found that the annual direct runoff coefficient (quickflow/precipitation) and total streamflow/precipitation in the dry summer season were positively correlated with native forest cover in the watershed (R2 = 0.67 and 0.76; *P = 0.045 and 0.027, respectively) during four years of observations. Conversely, a negative correlation was found between summer runoff coefficients (total streamflow/precipitation) and cover of Eucalyptus spp. and Pinusradiata plantations (R2 = 0.84; *P = 0.010). We estimated a mean increase of 14.1% in total summer streamflow for every 10% increase in native forest cover in the watershed. The analysis of streamflow changes between two paired watersheds dominated by native secondary Nothofagus stands, one thinned with 35% of basal area removal and a control, showed that the former had a 40% increase during summer (four years of observations). The best correlation between fish abundance and forest cover was found between trout abundance (%) and secondary native forest area in 1000 m × 60 m stream buffers (R2 = 0.65, ***P < 0.0001). We estimated a 14.6% increase in trout abundance for every 10% increase of native forest cover in these buffers. Similar approaches to quantify forest ecosystem services could be used elsewhere and provide useful information for policy and decision-making regarding forest conservation and management.  相似文献   

The impact of forest management activities on the ability of forest ecosystems to sequester and store atmospheric carbon is of increasing scientific and social concern. The nature of these impacts varies among forest ecosystems, and spatially and temporally explicit ecosystem models are useful for quantifying the impacts of a number of alternative management regimes for the same forest landscape. The LANDIS-II forest dynamics simulation model is used to quantify changes to the live overstory and coarse woody debris pools under several forest management scenarios in a high-latitude South American forest landscape dominated by two species of southern beech, Nothofagus betuloides and N. pumilio. Both harvest type (clearcutting vs. partial overstory retention) and rotation length (100 years vs. 200 years) were significant predictors of carbon storage in the simulation models. The prompt regeneration of harvest units greatly enhanced carbon storage in clearcutting scenarios. The woody debris pool was particularly sensitive to both harvest type and rotation length, with large decreases noted under short rotation clearcutting. The roles of extended rotations and partial overstory retention are noted for enhancing net carbon storage on the forest landscape.  相似文献   

Understanding long-term changes in forest ecosystem carbon stocks under forest management practices such as timber harvesting is important for assessing the contribution of forests to the global carbon cycle. Harvesting effects are complicated by the amount, type, and condition of residue left on-site, the decomposition rate of this residue, the incorporation of residue into soil organic matter and the rate of new detritus input to the forest floor from regrowing vegetation. In an attempt to address these complexities, the forest succession model LINKAGES was used to assess the production of aboveground biomass, detritus, and soil carbon stocks in native Eucalyptus forests as influenced by five harvest management practices in New South Wales, Australia. The original decomposition sub-routines of LINKAGES were modified by adding components of the Rothamsted (RothC) soil organic matter turnover model. Simulation results using the new model were compared to data from long-term forest inventory plots. Good agreement was observed between simulated and measured above-ground biomass, but mixed results were obtained for basal area. Harvesting operations examined included removing trees for quota sawlogs (QSL, DBH >80 cm), integrated sawlogs (ISL, DBH >20 cm) and whole-tree harvesting in integrated sawlogs (WTH). We also examined the impact of different cutting cycles (20, 50 or 80 years) and intensities (removing 20, 50 or 80 m3). Generally medium and high intensities of shorter cutting cycles in sawlog harvesting systems produced considerably higher soil carbon values compared to no harvesting. On average, soil carbon was 2–9% lower in whole-tree harvest simulations whereas in sawlog harvest simulations soil carbon was 5–17% higher than in no harvesting.  相似文献   

Large-scale vegetation restoration in China's Loess Plateau has been initiated by the central government for controlling soil and water losses in the past three decades. However, there is virtually no guidance for plant species selection for the restoration purpose. We investigated the effects of planting trees and shrubs, land-use conversions from croplands to pastures and native grasslands on soil water dynamics and water stresses by using long-term field measurements from 1986 to 1999 in the semi-arid loess hilly area. Our research has led to the following three major findings. Firstly, the amount of soil water storage within a 100 cm depth decreased as measured at both the beginning and the ending point of growing seasons regardless land cover types. The soil water replenishment by rainfall during rainy seasons was not sufficient to fully recharge the soil water storage. Landscape restoration through shrub planting may help retain more soil water than other land cover types. Secondly, the ratio of actual evapotranspiration (ET) and pan evaporation (PET) generally declined for all land cover types during the study period. Shrub lands had the largest ET/PET ratio, followed by native grassland, cropland/alfalfa, and pine woodland. The ET/PET ratio of native grasslands declined fastest, followed by pine woodlands, shrub lands, alfalfa, and croplands. Pine woodland's low ET/PET ratios were mainly caused by its higher runoff due to soil compaction resulted from soil desiccation. Lastly, we found that the soil water storage at the beginning of growing season was important in determining the ET/PET ratios. This study suggested that pine plantations may not be appropriate for landscape restoration in such a semi-arid loess hilly area while shrubs may be highly recommended.  相似文献   

The Upper Parana Atlantic Forest, as with other areas, has been modified due to anthropogenic activities, generating a mosaic of agricultural fields and forests of varying ages and levels of conservation. The objective of this study was to identify structural and floristic patterns in secondary forests generated in abandoned fields with varying historic uses. Changes in vegetation were surveyed using chronosequences from 2 to 70 years. Stands with different land use histories in three areas of northern Misiones, Argentina, were considered. Adults (DBH ≥ 10 cm), saplings (3 ≥ DBH < 10 cm), seedlings (DBH < 3 cm and height ≥ 50 cm) and non-arboreous vegetation (herbaceous plants and shrubs) were surveyed. Data was analyzed using multivariate techniques (TWINSPAN, Detrended Correspondence Analysis, Cluster Analysis, and Kruskal–Wallis test). In the floristic analysis, two main forest groups were identified: one made up of primary forest and oldest secondary forest (>20 years), and another of the youngest secondary forests (<20 years). Basal area and density of individuals (seedlings, saplings, and adults) rapidly increased during the first two decades, and subsequently the adult category reached values comparable to those of mature forests (32 m2/ha and 850 individuals/ha). During the early years of succession, the forests showed floristic and structural differences related to history of use previous to abandonment; abandoned annual crops showed the greatest densities of saplings and seedlings, while abandoned pastures presented only individuals in the seedling category, and at very low densities. In stands analyzed since the beginning of succession, species of several ecological groups were present (pioneer, initial secondary, late secondary), while climax species appeared only in the seedling category, and in abandoned pastures no species of the later groups were recorded. Our results suggest that differences recorded during the early years of regeneration in sites with varying historic uses may be generated mainly by remnant vegetation at the time of abandonment of the fields (grasses and remnant monoculture plants). After 20 years of succession, it was no longer possible to differentiate the forests structurally or floristically, regardless of age or historic use of each stand. Due to their rapid regeneration capacity, the forests studied play an important role from the start of the successional process in heterogeneous anthropogenic landscapes such as that of Misiones, and contribute to maintaining biodiversity while providing numerous environmental services.  相似文献   

Dense Rhododendron ponticum (L.) understories of eastern beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) stands in the Black Sea Region (BSR) of Turkey create challenging forest vegetation management problems relative to beech regeneration. Rhododendron traditionally is controlled in Turkish forests with grubbing and bulldozing. The effects of these practices on nutrient removal and natural beech regeneration have not been quantitatively studied. Two woody vegetation control treatments (bulldozing and hand-grubbing) were installed during late summer, 2002 in three mature beech stands with dense rhododendron understories in the Düzce Forest Management Directorate, in the Turkish western BSR. Aboveground biomass of each vegetation component, total aboveground vegetation biomass, nutrient concentrations, organic matter (OM) removal, and total amount of OM nutrients were determined for each woody vegetation control treatment. Soil bulk density and nutrient content, and beech seedling biomass, nutrient content, and natural regeneration also were studied. One year after treatment, the machine site preparation by bulldozing (MSP) that removed understory vegetation and attached roots, reduced mean forest floor OM content by about 84%, when compared to hand-grubbing. Mean soil C, N, K and Mg concentrations on the bulldozed sites were 36, 27, 50 and 55% less, respectively, than those on the grubbed sites. Total C and Mg amounts at the 5–10 cm soil depth were 24 and 47% lower, respectively, for mechanical site preparation (MSP) sites, when compared to grubbed sites. Overall, soil bulk density did not differ significantly between the grubbing and MSP treatments. Frequent passes on designated transects on MSP sites resulted in a significant (P < 0.01) one-third increase in bulk density of the first 20 cm soil depth, when compared to grubbed sites. No natural beech regeneration occurred on untreated control sites. Mineral soil exposure on the MSP sites increased beech seedling germination substantially. One year after treatment, the mean number of naturally regenerated seedlings for MSP sites was 2.5 times greater than for grubbed sites. Woody control treatments had significant effects upon beech seedling chemistry, with N, P, K, Ca and Mg concentrations averaging 35, 47, 12, 33 and 25% lower, respectively, for MSP sites, when compared to grubbed sites. However, mean seedling biomass and nutrient content were significantly greater (P < 0.05) on MSP sites. Long-term effects from windrowing on MSP site residues, associated topsoil and nutrients need to be evaluated.  相似文献   

Persistence of neem-based products against sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) was tested in air conditioned rearing rooms and tropical netted greenhouses (GHs). Two commercial neem products, NeemAzal®-T/S (1% azadirachtin) and NeemAzal®-U (17% azadirachtin), were used. Foliar application, under room conditions at dose-rates of 7 and 10 ml NeemAzal®-T/S, induced an immature mortality of 32 and 44%, respectively, whereas 7 days post-application, under GH conditions, mortality rates declined to 5 and 7%, respectively. This result indicated rapid dissipation of the active ingredients. However, systemic application by soil drenching resulted in more stable effects under both laboratory and GH conditions. After soil drenching with solutions of 3.0 g NeemAzal®-U until 7-day, immature mortality declined from 88% for the first day to almost half (45%) by day-7 in the GH, and from 90% on first day to 64% by day-7 under laboratory condition. Similar response trends for B. tabaci were obtained for other parameters such as adult colonisation, egg deposition, and egg hatch. The loss of efficiency of the neem products was clearly related to dose-rate, methods of application, and environment (temperature and UV). Soil application is therefore, a convenient approach to achieve high efficiency and persistence with neem products under the conditions in tropical GH environments for whitefly management.  相似文献   

Land use plays a much more important role than other factors, such as climate, soil properties, topographic features, vegetation coverage, human activities and others, in affecting soil erosion and sediment discharge. In order to understand the effects of changes in land use on sediment discharge and to provide a theoretical basis for land use planning, management and ecological restoration, we used the controlled Qiaozidong watershed and the uncontrolled Qiaozixi watershed in the third sub-region of the Loess Plateau as examples and analyzed the effects of land use and land cover on the discharge of sediments. The results show that the impact of land use and land cover on the annual amount of sediment discharge is significant. Compared with the uncontrolled watershed during similar periods, the amount of sediment discharged from the controlled watershed was reduced by 44%, 75% and 86%, respectively, in wet, normal and dry years. In the controlled watershed, compared with the period from 1986 to 1994, the amount of sediments discharged was less during the period from 1995 to 2004. The impact of land use and land cover on sediment discharge demonstrated characteristics of seasonal fluctuation. The effects of sediment reduction in the controlled watershed were greater than those in the uncontrolled watershed in May and September. In the controlled watershed, the reduction effect coincided with the distribution of rainfall. The amount of discharged flood sediments is closely correlated with rainfall, rainfall intensity in a 60 min period and the volume of flood. The rainstorm-runoff process and the rainstorm-sediment discharge process demonstrate that land cover has a strong regulatory and control function in the flood process and sediment discharge in rainstorms. For the controlled watershed, given the same precipitation frequency distribution, the average amount of sediment discharged during the land use period from 1995 to 2004 was less than that during the earlier land use period from 1986 to 1994 under every recurrent period. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2007, 29(6): 115–122 [译自: 北京林业大学学报]  相似文献   

This paper analyses the changes in spatial patterns of agricultural land use during the period 1976–2000 along the altitudinal gradients in a watershed in Nepal. Land change patterns during this period were examined using information on land use derived from satellite images from 1976, 1990 and 2000. During the 24-year period from 1976 to 2000 agricultural land use increased by 35% at a cost of loss of forestland. Agricultural expansion was most conspicuous at higher elevations (1150–2000-m). About 36%, 18% and 6% of forestland was converted into agricultural activities from higher, middle and lower elevations respectively in the period from 1990 to 2000. Spatial distribution of living standard parameters, including farm family income and, food availability obtained from family surveys, shows a decreasing trend as the elevation increases whereas percentage of food bought shows an increasing trend. In this way it was found that, lost forest areas were smaller when located around high-income areas with good quality agricultural land and near an administrative centre as compared to areas located around low-income areas with low quality agricultural land and far from an administrative centre. Additionally, a regression model is constructed, to link the socioeconomic variables with the conversion of forestland into agricultural activities, breaking the study area into smaller zones. The spatial trajectories of these zones are then contrasted, paying particular attention to the socioeconomic conditions and institutional arrangements governing access to land resources. The study finds that while overall land change patterns in the region are largely explained by elevation and the socioeconomic conditions of people living adjacent to the forestland, more specifically, in sub-regional areas, trajectories reflect the signatures of institutions governing access to land. As sustainability of the watershed is dependent on forests, continued depletion of forest resources will result in poor economic returns from agriculture for local people together with loss of ecosystem services.  相似文献   

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