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Forest edges in the Amazon are very dynamic with ongoing deforestation adding new edges as older edges are eroded. Rates of edge erosion and the composition of edge ages, together with distance from edges, are very important factors in determining the magnitude of forest degradation such as biomass collapse and carbon flux. However, we lack an understanding of how these factors change through time and over the different stages of deforestation. In this study, we quantify the spatial and temporal structures of forest edge in Rondônia, southwestern Amazon, by analyses of 22 years of annual satellite imagery, and discuss the implications for biomass dynamics and forest degradation caused by edges. Our results from three different stages of deforestation (early, intermediate and advanced) reveal that more than 50% of forest edges were eliminated in the first four years after edge creation and only 20% of edges survived more than 10 years. High edge erosion rates in the first year imply that many edges disappear before going through the process of edge-induced biomass collapse. At the early stage of deforestation, young forest edges are predominant, while at the advanced deforestation stage more than 50% of total edges are >10 years old. Rapid erosion is more prevalent in early stages, when young forest edges dominate the landscape. Edge-related biomass collapse is substantially more advanced in heavily deforested regions where forests are mostly surrounded mostly by older edges, but relatively few edges remain at this point.  相似文献   

We investigated factors limiting the recovery of natural forest in former large-scale conifer plantations abandoned after clear-cutting in southwestern Japan. We analyzed forest recovery status (“recovered” sites covered by evergreen broad-leaved trees, and “unrecovered” sites covered by pioneer community or nonvegetated sites) using aerial photographs and field survey. We applied logistic regression analyses to evaluate the effects of topography, construction of harvesting roads, distance from remnant forest, stand condition before clear-cutting, and prior land-use history on forest recovery. Human factors, i.e., land use and clear-cutting age, were found to affect to forest recovery more than environmental factors such as topography. Harvesting roads had the strongest negative impact on forest recovery. Forest recovery after clear-cutting of young sugi plantations also took longer than after clear-cutting of old sugi plantations or evergreen broad-leaved forests. Furthermore, areas formerly utilized as meadows recovered less successfully than those that had been managed as coppices. The influences of these factors were thought to be promoted by the advance reproduction as the regeneration sources for forest recovery. The influence of stand age before logging suggested an effect of thinning, which might alter the abundance of advanced reproduction in the understory. However, distance from remnant forest appeared to be less important. An influence of topography was also detected, but this could be partly explained by the existence of advance reproduction in the understory in certain topographic positions. Thus, our analysis suggests that regeneration sources originating from advanced reproduction in plantations play a significant role for the recovery of natural forest after clear-cutting.  相似文献   

Roads and topography can determine patterns of land use and distribution of forest cover, particularly in tropical regions. We evaluated how road density, land use, and topography affected forest fragmentation, deforestation and forest regrowth in a Brazilian Atlantic Forest region near the city of São Paulo. We mapped roads and land use/land cover for three years (1962, 1981 and 2000) from historical aerial photographs, and summarized the distribution of roads, land use/land cover and topography within a grid of 94 non-overlapping 100 ha squares. We used generalized least squares regression models for data analysis. Our models showed that forest fragmentation and deforestation depended on topography, land use and road density, whereas forest regrowth depended primarily on land use. However, the relationships between these variables and forest dynamics changed in the two studied periods; land use and slope were the strongest predictors from 1962 to 1981, and past (1962) road density and land use were the strongest predictors for the following period (1981–2000). Roads had the strongest relationship with deforestation and forest fragmentation when the expansions of agriculture and buildings were limited to already deforested areas, and when there was a rapid expansion of development, under influence of São Paulo city. Furthermore, the past (1962) road network was more important than the recent road network (1981) when explaining forest dynamics between 1981 and 2000, suggesting a long-term effect of roads. Roads are permanent scars on the landscape and facilitate deforestation and forest fragmentation due to increased accessibility and land valorization, which control land-use and land-cover dynamics. Topography directly affected deforestation, agriculture and road expansion, mainly between 1962 and 1981. Forest are thus in peril where there are more roads, and long-term conservation strategies should consider ways to mitigate roads as permanent landscape features and drivers facilitators of deforestation and forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

Numerous efforts have been invested in designing and configuring residual forest stands in Canadian boreal forest to preserve their overall biodiversity. Now that several landscapes have been partially logged, the next issue in forest management involves the planning of residual forest stand harvesting without compromising wildlife populations. Residual stands can be cut when adjacent regeneration reaches 3 m in height according to current regulations in several Canadian provinces (e.g., Québec, Ontario, Alberta, and British-Columbia). However, little is known on whether such regenerating habitat (RE-3m) can maintain wildlife communities similar to those found in unharvested mature forest (CO). We estimated the relative abundance of small mammals and forest birds in RE-3m and CO habitats and characterized landscape and stand structures. These variables were then compared between the two contrasting successional stages and were used to build habitat use models (HUMs) for 21 species. CO and RE-3m differed with regard to several landscape characteristics and stand structure variables as a result of logging. Snowshoe Hare, Northern Flicker, Alder Flycatcher, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, White-throated Sparrow and Magnolia Warbler were more abundant in RE-3m than CO, while Red-backed Vole, Brown Creeper and Golden-crowned Kinglet exhibited lower abundances in RE-3m. No significant differences in abundance were observed for the 12 other species. Species HUMs were highly significant and explained between 64.3 and 99.1% of the total variability in abundance. Following variance partitioning, stand structure variables accounted for most of the explained variability (54.2%) while landscape characteristics accounted for only 28.7%. No difference in species richness was observed but community evenness was greater in CO than RE-3m. Our results suggest that current regulations may threaten the maintenance of 3 out of 21 censused species for which abundances were significantly lower in regenerating 3 m tall stands. As stand structure explained a large amount of variability in abundance, it should be considered during timber harvest planning in both mature and regenerating stands. Until we know more on whether the current regulations are suitable for maintaining overall biodiversity, our results suggest that some mature forest stands should be maintained within managed landscapes for a complete logging rotation period.  相似文献   


Altered forest landscape structure has been suggested as a possible cause for the decline of some specialized forest species in Fennoscandia. Here, we present a time series of boreal landscape changes in 1954–2005 in 16 5×5 km sub-areas in Sweden, based on aerial photo interpretation. We explored how coniferous forest vegetation types, known to be important to some specialized forest species, have been fragmented and also declined in mean patch size and their proportion of the landscape. We divided the studied area into a western (inland) and eastern (coastal) part based on different timing of landscape changes. The mean patch area of forest >50 yrs declined from ~90 ha in 1954 to 10 ha in 2005 in the inland and from 30 ha to only ~5 ha patches in the coastal area. Common vegetation types, such as mesic and moist forest >50 yrs showed a similar declining trend. In our study area, the long-term decline 1971–2005 of the specialized forest species grey-sided vole (Myodes rufocanus) coincided with the decline of mean focal patch size of forest >50 yrs. The data presented here can be used in further analyses of species–landscape interactions along spatiotemporal gradients.  相似文献   

An increase in edge area reduces the effective size of habitat fragments and thus the area available for habitat-interior specialists. However, it is unclear how edge effects compare at different ecotones in the same system. We investigated the response of a small mammal community associated with Afromontane forests to edge effects at three different habitat transitions: natural forest to grassland (natural edge, structurally different vegetation types), natural forest to mature plantation (human-altered edge, structurally similar vegetation types) and natural forest to harvested plantation (human-altered edge, structurally different vegetation types). We predicted that edge effects should be less severe at natural ecotones and at similarly structured contiguous vegetation types than human-altered ecotones and differently structured contiguous vegetation types, respectively. We found that forest species seemed to avoid all habitat edges in our study area. Surprisingly, natural edges supported a less diverse small mammal community than human-altered forest edges. However, edge effects were observed deeper into native forests surrounded by mature alien plantations (and more so at harvested plantations) than into native forests surrounded by native grasslands. The net effect of mature plantations was therefore to reduce the functional size of the natural forest by creating a larger edge. We suggest that when plantations are established a buffer zone of natural vegetation be left between natural forests and newly established plantations to mitigate the negative effects of plantation forestry.  相似文献   

公路沿线森林景观评价及更新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文章以浙江省庆元县54省道黄田镇区段杉木林景观改造设计为例,尝试建立公路沿线森林景观敏感度评价标准体系,为森林景观更新方案的设计建立相对客观的判别依据,并基于三维虚拟现实技术模拟不同的方案效果以供对比和检验,提出了符合实际的公路沿线森林景观更新设计方法。    相似文献   

Large tree species have a disproportional influence on the structure and functioning of tropical forests, but the forces affecting their long-term persistence in human-dominated landscapes remain poorly understood. Here we test the hypothesis that aging forest edges and small fragments (3.4–295.7 ha) are greatly impoverished in terms of species richness and abundance of large trees in comparison to core areas of forest interior. The study was conducted in a hyper-fragmented landscape of the Atlantic forest, northeast Brazil. Large tree species were quantified by recording all trees (DBH ≥ 10 cm) within fifty-eight 0.1-ha plots distributed in three forest habitats: small forest fragments (n = 28), forest edges (n = 10), and primary forest interior areas within an exceptional large forest remnant (n = 20). Large tree species and their stems ≥10 cm DBH were reduced by half in forest edges and fragments. Moreover, these edge-affected habitats almost lacked large-stemmed trees altogether (0.24 ± 0.27% of all stems sampled), and very tall trees were completely absent from forest edges. In contrast, large trees contributed to over 1.5% of the whole stand in forest interior plots (2.9 ± 2.8%). Habitats also differed in terms of tree architecture: relative to their DBH trees were on average 30% shorter in small fragments and forest edges. Finally, an indicator species analysis yielded an ecological group of 12 large tree species that were significantly associated with forest interior plots, but were completely missing from edge-affected habitats. Our results suggest a persistent and substantial impoverishment of the large-tree stand, including the structural collapse of forest emergent layer, in aging, hyper-fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Many wood-inhabiting fungi are today threatened as modern forestry practices drastically reduce the amount of dead wood available in various forest ecosystems. We investigated whether the occurrence of red-listed wood-inhabiting fungi differed between natural and managed forest landscapes adjacent to the timberline in the middle part of Sweden. We assessed whether environmental variables such as the degree of human impact, length of forest roads, dead wood volume and quality affected species richness and abundance. The effects of forestry on wood-inhabiting fungi have been assessed in several studies in lowland Swedish forests. Few studies have, however, been conducted in forest landscapes adjacent to the timberline in Sweden. This is potentially important since forests close to the Swedish mountains have been pointed out as one of few intact forest landscapes in Fennoscandia and they are subjected to increasing logging pressure. Similar to other studies, species numbers and abundances were positively correlated with larger volumes of logs in various decay stages. However, never shown previously, the length of forest roads was negatively correlated with species abundance and occurrence of red-listed species. We suggest that a low amount of forest roads can be used as a conservation indicator to localize still-intact forest landscapes.  相似文献   

Habitat alteration caused by forest harvesting seems to contribute to the decline of forest-dwelling caribou, an ecotype of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) inhabiting the boreal ecosystem. To serve as basework to the establishment of conservation measures for the species, we have studied the hierarchical habitat selection of forest-dwelling caribou in a boreal landscape of Québec strongly impacted by logging. Fifteen females were surveyed by GPS telemetry between April 2004 and March 2006. Home ranges showed a high proportion of 90–120 year-old forests, a low proportion of regenerating forests (20–40 years old) and a tendency to include a greater proportion of 6–20 year-old clearcuts in relation to their availability in the study area. At the home range scale, selection patterns differed between periods, possibly reflecting specific requirements linked to caribou life cycle. Caribou selected open lichen woodlands throughout the year while mature closed forests (≥50 years) were selected uniquely during summer. The 6–20 year-old clearcuts were avoided during calving, in summer and during the rutting period but were selected during spring. Our results indicate that mature forest and open lichen woodlands are highly selected forest cover types by caribou at both spatial scales. Although clearcuts were generally avoided at the home range scale, such avoidance was not observed at the larger scale, the search for 90–120 year-old forests being hampered by a uniform distribution of clearcuts. An a posteriori landscape analysis highlighted the spatial association between 6–20 year-old clearcuts and 90–120 year-old forests, an association that can be explained by the current regulations used in Québec. Our results underline the importance of pursuing research concerning the impact of such an exploitation regime on the long-term maintenance of the forest caribou in the boreal landscape.  相似文献   

The interactions among different components of detrital food webs are likely to influence carbon processing and linkages between C and nutrient cycling. Our objective was to identify potentially important interactions in detrital food webs at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH, USA, by exploring relationships among C resources, microbial biomass, microarthropod abundance and nitrogen availability as they vary across the landscape. We found significant spatial variation in microarthropod abundance in the forest floor across elevation zones in two watersheds, with consistently higher abundance in low-elevation hardwoods and upper conifer zones and lower abundance in mid- and high-elevation hardwoods. The same pattern was observed in the Oe horizon for microbial biomass C and respiration but not for N transformations; however, no patterns were observed in the Oa horizon. Microarthropod abundance and microbial biomass C were significantly positively correlated, but neither were related to forest floor mass or to annual aboveground fine litterfall flux. Instead, a positive correlation with fine root biomass suggests that C supply from roots plays a key role in the fungal channel of the detrital food web of these forests. The lack of relationship between patterns of microarthropod abundance and net N mineralization leads us to hypothesize that spatial patterns of nitrogen availability are not closely linked to variation in carbon flow through the detrital food web, within this forested landscape. In contrast, microarthropod abundance and net N mineralization did exhibit similar interannual variation and may respond to the same temporal controls.  相似文献   

大兴安岭北坡火烧迹地森林郁闭度恢复及其影响因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1987年发生在大兴安岭北坡的特大火灾造成了森林资源的巨大损失,其森林景观恢复一直是人们关注的热点.本研究选取与森林生产力具有密切联系的郁闭度因子作为研究对象,以 ArcView、ArcGIS等地理信息系统软件为研究平台,采用1987年和2000年两期森林资源二类调查数据,对郁闭度、火烧强度、抚育类型、地形因子等进行分级,通过数据叠加,探讨了森林郁闭度格局的恢复状况以及火烧强度、更新类型、地形因子对郁闭度恢复的影响.结果显示:2000年郁闭度等级构成与1987年火前相比发生了明显变化,无林地以及高郁闭度等级比重明显下降,较低郁闭度等级比重显著上升;火烧强度是影响火后恢复的初始因子,火烧强度与郁闭度等级呈负相关;更新措施短期内对郁闭度恢复影响不显著,但可以缩短森林演替的周期,对未来针叶林群落生产力恢复具有重要促进作用;地形因子中坡度对郁闭度恢复影响最为明显,其次为坡位,坡向影响最弱.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to classify current forest cover types,and to investigate stand development patterns for natural forests in six areas in northern Baekdudaegan,South Korea.Twenty-eight independent forest communities were aggregated into eight forest cover types by species composition in the overstory of each forest community.The forest cover types were of mixed mesophytic,‘‘others’ ’ deciduous,Quercus mongolica dominant,Q.mongolica pure,Pinus densiflora–Q.mongolica,P.densiflora,Betula ermanii,and Q.mongolica–P.koraiensis.The ecological information was organized by importance value and species diversity for each forest type.Based on the correlation between species diversity index and the abundance of Q.mongolica plus P.densiflora for corresponding forest cover types,we compared the developmental process and approximate successional pathway between each cover type.The P.densiflora forest cover type changes into the P.densiflora–Q.mongolica cover type,followed by the Q.mongolica dominant cover type through continuous invasion of the oak trees.Furthermore,the Q.mongolica pure cover type would spread toward the Q.mongolica dominant cover type with a mixture of various deciduous tree species.The Q.mongolica dominant cover type progresses through the other deciduous cover types to the mixed mesophytic cover type with diversified composition and structure.On the mid to lower slopes,with loamy soils and good moisture conditions,various deciduous forest types should progress,by ecological succession,toward the mixed mesophytic cover type without any further disturbance.  相似文献   

The restoration of forest landscape has drawn much attention since the catastrophic fire took place on the northern slope of Great Xing‘an Mountains in 1987. Forest canopy density, which has close relation to forest productivity, was selected as a key factor to find how much the forest quality was changed 13 years after fire, and how fire severity, regeneration way and terrain factors influenced the restoration of forest canopy density, based on forest inventory data in China, and using Kendall Bivariate Correlation Analysis, and Distances Correlation Analysis. The results showed that fire severity which was inversely correlated with forest canopy density grade was an initial factor among all that selected. Regeneration way which did not remarkably affect forest canopy density restoration in short period, may shorten the cycle of forest succession and promote the forest productivity of conophorium in the future, Among the three terrain factors, the effect of slope was the strongest, the position on slope was the second and the aspect was the last.  相似文献   

Boreal forest ecosystems are generally highly sensitive to logging and other forestry activities. Thus, commercial forestry has had major effects on the forests and landscape structure in northern Sweden since the middle of the 19th Century, when it rapidly extended across the region. Lichens (which constitute up to 80% of reindeer forage in winter and early spring) have often been amongst the most severely affected ecosystem components. The overall aim of the present study was to analyze how forestry has influenced the potential supply of ground-growing lichens as winter forage for the reindeer in this region over the past ca. 100 years. For this purpose, we analysed changes in forest and stand structure in Scots pine-dominated (Pinus sylvestris L.) reindeer wintering areas in the southern part of the county Norrbotten (covering ca. 58,000 ha) using detailed historical forest inventories and management plans. We found that the amount of the forest types considered potentially good pasture (mainly middle-aged and old pine forests) decreased during the first part of the 20th Century. However, the quality of grazing grounds was improved by forestry during this time mainly because selective logging made the forests more open which benefits lichen growth. During the last part of the 20th century forestry impaired the quality of grazing grounds in several ways, e.g. by clear-cutting and intensified use of various silvicultural measures. We conclude that ca. 30–50% of the winter grazing grounds have been lost in the study area because of intensive forest management during the last century. The spatially precise historical information about the affects of forestry on lichen pasture provided in this study can be used to direct forest management which will facilitate and promote reindeer herding in the future.  相似文献   


In this study, 236 regeneration areas (mostly clear-cuts) in southern Norway were selected by random stratified selection: 118 of the study units were cut before and 118 after the introduction of forest certification in 1998. The degree of compliance with biodiversity measures established in the prevailing certification standard (ISO 14001 and the Norwegian standard “Living Forests”) was compared in a field study, and the differences were analysed. In some aspects, a clear difference could be seen, most clearly in an increasing number of green retention trees and an increasing mean width of buffer-strips left along rivers, bogs and lakes in the postcertification units compared with the precertification units. Even though there was a significant increase in the mean number of retention trees, as much as 21% of the postcertification regeneration areas still did not have sufficient retention trees to comply with the certification standard and 41% had either too few retention trees or too few spruce trees according to the standard. Concerning the management of small swamp forests, and the damage done to terrain and prelogging coarse dead wood by off-road transport, little improvement was seen. The discussion examines whether it is probable that the changes seen are a result of forest certification in Norway.  相似文献   

Wood-decaying fungi are essential for the functioning of forest ecosystems. They provide habitat for many other organisms and enable the regeneration of forests throughout the world. Since wood decomposition is a decisive process in nutrient recycling, soil formation and the carbon budget of forest ecosystems, it is receiving increasing attention from forest ecologists, pathologists and managers. Research has focussed on the factors driving the species-richness of wood-decomposing organisms and is moving on to analyse the effects of this species-richness on ecosystem functioning. Coarse woody debris (CWD) and its associated wood-decaying organisms have been drastically reduced in abundance and diversity by forestry and so these features often have potential as conservation indicators. Protective measures at a landscape level are needed for threatened wood-inhabiting fungi. These include restricting salvage operations in windthrow stands, actively encouraging the accumulation of deadwood in forests, and facilitating decay in standing trees by inoculating them with fungi. Here, we aim to collect and summarize recently produced work on deadwood ecology, pointing out research gaps and perspectives.  相似文献   

The extensive recovery from agricultural clearing of Puerto Rican forests over the past half-century provides a good opportunity to study tropical forest recovery on a landscape scale. Using ordination and regression techniques, we analyzed forest inventory data from across Puerto Rico’s moist and wet secondary forests to evaluate their species composition and whether the landscape structure of older forest affected tree species composition of recovering forests at this scale. Our results support conclusions from studies conducted in Puerto Rico at smaller scales and temperate forests at larger scales that timing of abandonment and land use history are of overwhelming importance in determining the species composition of recovering forests. Forest recovery is recent enough in Puerto Rico that previous land use is clearly evident in current species composition, and creates new forest communities. As demonstrated in other work, physical factors such as elevation and substrate co-vary with land use history, so that the species composition of the forest landscape results from the interplay between biophysical and socioeconomic forces over time. Our results also indicate that increasing the distance to the largest forest patches occurring in the landscape 12 years previous had a small negative impact on species richness but not species diversity or community composition. We conclude that land use history has as much influence in species composition as biophysical variables and that, at the scale of this study, there is no large influence of forest landscape structure on species diversity or composition.  相似文献   

In boreal forests, historical variations in the area disturbed by natural disturbances or harvesting have rarely been compared. We measured temporal and spatial variations in areas affected by severe fires and clearcutting throughout the 20th century in a 57, 332 km2 section of the eastern Canadian boreal forest. We examined the effects of these disturbances on spatio-temporal variations in the abundance of forests >60 years. Natural variability for the abundance of forests >60 years was estimated from simulations of natural disturbance regimes. We also measured compositional and structural differences between three categories of stands originating from relatively recent disturbances (∼50 years; clearcutting, fires, and clearcutting followed by fires), and one category of stands that were undisturbed for at least 200 years. At the regional level, we observed that forests >60 years gradually became scarcer throughout the 20th century due to a gradual expansion of harvested areas, an effect most pronounced in the southern part of the region, where mature and old forest abundance was clearly outside the range of natural variability at the end of the studied period. At the stand level, forest composition and structure differed between stand-origin categories: clearcutting-origin stands contained more balsam fir (Abies balsamea), fire-origin stands more black spruce (Picea mariana), and fire/clearcutting-origin stands more hardwoods (Betula papyrifera and Populus tremuloides). Overall, we estimate that strict forest management targets based on natural disturbance regimes will be difficult to achieve in eastern North-American boreal forests, most notably because contemporary disturbance rates, including both clearcutting and fire, have gradually become higher than the fire rates observed during the preindustrial period.  相似文献   

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