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Reforestation in the tropics takes place across a wide variety of edaphic and climatic conditions. Reforestation trials have demonstrated that edaphic conditions may have a strong effect on species growth and survival. However it is unclear how the relative importance of soil conditions influences species survival and growth under varying amounts of rainfall and lengths of dry season.Two-year growth and mortality of 49 tree species were evaluated in four sites across Panama, representing a soil fertility-rainfall matrix. Despite strong contrasts in environmental conditions, 65% of individual species did not show consistent differences in growth between high- and low-fertility sites or between wet and dry sites. However, early growth and survival were more strongly affected by soil fertility than by rainfall patterns for the second-largest group; 30% of the species grew significantly better in both high-fertility sites than in both low-fertility sites, compared to 6% in both wet sites vs. both dry sites. In the two high-fertility sites, growth of 47% and 69% of the species was better than their across-site means. On the other hand, 55% and 73% of the species grew significantly slower than their across-site averages in the two low-fertility sites.Survival did not appear to be associated to either soil fertility or rainfall. In each site, only a few species had a significantly higher or lower within-site survival than across-site survival.Diversifying the choice of tree species increases the options for reforestation strategies that match species characteristics to local site conditions and to the objectives and management possibilities of landholders. Testing the performance of potential species under different site conditions in screening trials is paramount, both to inform selection from among the vast diversity of tree species in the tropics that show good growth and survival under different local site conditions and to filter out unsuitable species and avoid early failure of the reforestation effort.  相似文献   

Reforestation of woodlands with native species in the Erzgebirge, where large-scale deforestation has been caused by severe air pollution, was investigated. In an experiment, three tree species (Norway spruce, rowanberry, and birch) were studied with regard to fencing (no protection versus protection against game browsing) and site preparation techniques with eight levels: a control and seven amelioration techniques (soil cultivation, weed control, liming, and their combinations). Four criteria, survival, growth, production, and vitality, were used in assessing the success of the plantings. Repeated-measures analyses were performed to examine the development of the young plantations over an observation period of 7 years, and to determine whether this development was dependent on the experimental factors. Spruce showed high survival rates, reasonable growth and production, and good individual vitality. With the exception of survival, birch responded similarly to spruce. The low survival rate of birch resulted from the initial small size of the seedlings. By providing appropriate seedling material, both species could be used for reforestation. Seedlings of rowanberry were unsuccessful due to severe mouse damage, confirming the necessity of rodent control when planting cleared areas with this species is undertaken. Game browsing was not significant. None of the amelioration techniques had a major effect on the studied criteria of the three tree species. Slightly positive effects occurred only when spruce was limed and when birch received soil cultivation. Weed control by scything showed undesirable results, particularly for birch. For reasons of financial thriftiness, none of the amelioration techniques could be justified for the study area.  相似文献   

The impact of selective logging on genetic diversity of two tropical tree species with contrasting breeding systems was examined using direct comparison and simulation methods. Shorea leprosula is a diploid and predominantly outcrossed species, whereas Shorea ovalis ssp. sericea is an autotetraploid species with apomictic mode of reproduction. Direct comparison of adjacent natural and logged-over stands showed reduction of genetic diversity of S. leprosula, but not of S. ovalis ssp. sericea. These results clearly demonstrated that a single logging event would cause the genetic erosion of S. leprosula. However, the apomictic mechanisms and the effects of tetrasomic inheritance of S. ovalis ssp. sericea might be a way of maintaining the level of genetic diversity. These results clearly implied that outcrossing species might be more susceptible to the negative impact of logging on genetic diversity than apomictic species. Simulation studies were conducted using three approaches: (1) simulated-removal of individuals based on diameter size classes; (2) simulated-removal of individuals at random; and (3) simulated-removal of individuals in clump. The simulation study based on the first approach showed that the loss of genetic diversity was higher for the Malayan Uniform System (MUS) compared with the Selective Management System (SMS). This might suggest that SMS is more orientated towards the conservation of genetic diversity. In addition, the simulation study showed that to conserve 100% of the total number of alleles, the tolerable cutting limits of S. leprosula in the 50-ha plot of Pasoh FR should be >85 cm diameter at breast height (dbh). Comparison of simulation studies based on the second and third approaches showed that the loss of genetic diversity was more rigorous if logging activities were anticipated through extraction of trees in clump rather than to extract trees at random. Implications of the studies for conserving and managing the tropical forests are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to assess the relationship of the status of nodulation (i.e., the number of nodules, their shape and size) in root and biomass production of plant growth parameters (i.e., number of leaves, root and shoot lengths, root biomass and shoot biomass) in Albizia saman and Leucaena leucocephala. The assessment started 60 days after seeding. The study revealed that nodulation response and biomass production in both species showed significant dif- ferences over time (p 〈 0.05) in all variables except in the root-shoot ratio (oven-dry) of L. leucocephala. The study also showed significant differences (p 〈 0.05) in nodule formation and biomass production at the end of the study period be- tween the two species except in the number of nodules and leaves and the green root-shoot ratio. There were strong pos- itive correlations between nodule formation and biomass production, i.e., the number of nodules and the age of plants, the number of nodules and leaves, as well as the number of nodules and biomass (root biomass and shoot biomass) in both species. The results obtained using principal component analysis (PCA) and correlation coefficients of the different characteristics of nodulation and biomass production were similar in both species. The PCA showed that shoot biomass (shoot green weight and shoot oven-dry weight) is positively correlated with PC1 (with an eigenvalue of 7.50) and root length is positively correlated with PC2 (with an eigenvalue of 0.19) in the case of A. saman. In the case of L. leucocephala, the PCA revealed that root biomass (root green weight and root oven-dry weight), shoot biomass and shoot length are also positively correlated with PC1, while nodule formation and the number of leaves are positively correlated with PC2 (with an eigenvalue PC1 of 6.92 and PC2 of 0.49).  相似文献   

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