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Although intensively managed pine forests are common in the southeastern US, few studies describe how combinations of mechanical (MSP) and chemical site preparation (CSP) and herbaceous weed control (HWC) techniques affect bird communities that use early successional habitats within young pine forests. Therefore, we examined effects of six treatments of increasing management intensity via combinations of MSP (strip-shear and wide spacing or roller chop and narrow spacing) and CSP (application or no application) treatments with banded or broadcast HWC on bird communities in six loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantations in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina, USA, for 8 years following site preparation. Wide pine spacing and strip-shear MSP increased bird abundance and species richness over narrow spacing and chopped MSP for 6 years after planting. Chemical SP reduced bird abundance in year 2, increased bird abundance in year 6, had no effect on abundance after year 7, and did not affect species richness in any year. Total bird abundance and species richness were similar between banded and broadcast HWC. Site preparation and HWC had no effect on bird diversity and bird communities were most similar in treatments of similar intensity. Site preparation and HWC had few or no effects on birds based upon migratory status, habitat association, or conservation value. The addition of chemical site preparation or HWC had little effect on birds beyond pine spacing, and bird abundance was not proportional to management intensity. Although we observed treatment effects, all treatments provided habitat used by a variety of bird species, and pine plantations may play an increasingly important role in bird conservation as forests become fragmented and converted to other land uses and as natural processes that create early successional habitat, such as fire, are suppressed.  相似文献   

We assessed shrew (soricids) response to coarse woody debris (CWD) manipulations in managed upland loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) stands in the upper Coastal Plain of South Carolina over multiple years and seasons. Using a completely randomized block design, we assigned one of the following treatments to 12, 9.3-ha plots: removal (n = 3; all CWD ≥ 10 cm in diameter and ≥60 cm long removed), downed (n = 3; 5-fold increase in volume of down CWD), snag (n = 3; 12-fold increase in standing dead CWD), and control (n = 3; unmanipulated). Therein, we sampled shrews during winter, spring, and summer seasons, 2003–2005, using drift-fence pitfall arrays. During 1680 drift-fence plot nights we captured 253 Blarina carolinensis, 154 Sorex longirostris, and 51 Cryptotis parva. Blarina carolinensis capture rate was greater in control than in snag treatments. Sorex longirostris capture rate was lower in removal than downed and control plots in 2005 whereas C. parva capture rate did not differ among treatments. Overall, the CWD input treatments failed to elicit the positive soricid response we had expected. Lack of a positive response by soricid populations to our downed treatments may be attributable to the early CWD decay stage within these plots or an indication that within fire-adapted pine-dominated systems of the Southeast, reliance on CWD is less than in other forest types.  相似文献   

The effects of varying forest floor and slash retention at time of regeneration were evaluated 10 years after the establishment of a loblolly pine plantation near Millport, Alabama. Treatments included removing, leaving unaltered, or doubling the forest floor and slash material. Forest floor and litterfall mass and nutrient concentrations, available soil N, foliar nutrient concentrations and stand yield were all impacted by the treatments. Forest floor mass and nutrient contents in the doubled treatment were significantly greater than the other two treatments. The doubled treatment accumulated 25, 45 and 350% more forest floor mass and 56, 56, and 310% more N than the control treatment in the Oi, Oe, and Oa layers, respectively. The other nutrients followed similar patterns. Potentially mineralized NO3-N in the mineral soil was also significantly higher in the doubled treatment. The positive effect of doubling the forest floor on soil N availability was reflected in greater foliage production, 30% more litterfall and 25% more stand yield for this treatment. This study shows that increasing the forest floor retention has resulted in increased nutrient availability and improved tree growth.  相似文献   

Early age competition control has been reported to significantly improve the growth and yield of plantation grown loblolly pine. The objective of this paper is to understand the changes in wood properties: basal area weighted whole disk SG, earlywood SG (EWSG), latewood SG (LWSG) and latewood percent (LWP) of 14 year-old trees which received early age herbaceous and hardwood competition control, using data collected from 13-sites across 4-physiographic regions in the southeastern USA. The study was laid out in a randomized complete block design and had four levels of weed control (no weed control; woody vegetation control; herbaceous vegetation control; and woody and herbaceous vegetation control), with four blocks at each site. Increment cores 12 mm in diameter were collected at breast height (1.37 m) from 9-trees in each plot and ring-by-ring SG, EWSG, LWSG and LWP measured using a X-ray densitometer. Whole disk basal area weighted SG and LWP were determined for each tree and used for analysis. A reduction in whole disk SG of 0.039 and 0.0014 and LWP of 7.38% and 3.62% was observed for trees which received total weed control compared to no weed control, for lower and upper Coastal Plain sites, respectively. For trees receiving total weed control compared to no weed control, it was observed that the diameter of the juvenile core increased by 20% on average across all physiographic regions. However, no change in the length of the juvenile period was observed among treatments other than the regional differences.  相似文献   

A theory-influenced dynamical stand growth model formulation described well the behavior of thinned and unthinned loblolly pine plantations. A simplification containing few free parameters performed as well as a fully parametrized version. It seems particularly well suited to situations where available data is scarce. The stand model can be interfaced to additional climate, nutrition and carbon cycling modules for studying the effects of a changing environment.  相似文献   

The aim was to study the potential for using natural regeneration as a basis for transformation of simply structured conifer plantations into mixed Mediterranean forests. We studied the variation along a rainfall gradient, in the natural regeneration of tree species in the understory of planted 40- to 50-year-old Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) forests. The study was conducted within the Mediterranean zone of Israel, which extends from the semiarid northern Negev desert (rainfall ca. 300 mm yr−1) in the south to the humid Upper Galilee in the north (ca 900 mm yr−1). Cover and height, density, and species composition of regenerating trees were measured on south- and north-facing slopes in forest sites of comparable silvicultural history (site preparation methodology, planting density and thinning regime) distributed along the rainfall gradient. Altogether, 12 species of regenerating native broadleaved trees were found in the understory of the various forest sites. Surface cover, density and species richness increased linearly along the entire rainfall gradient, on both north- and south-facing slopes, ranging from zero in the driest forest sites up to 85% cover, 7980 trees ha−1 and 4.5 species per 200 m2, respectively, in the most humid ones. Species composition of regenerating trees was also related to rainfall amount, through changes in the relative importance of species along the rainfall gradient. The effect of topographic aspect on tree regeneration was inconsistent, i.e., the interaction Rainfall × Aspect was significant. Nevertheless, the general trend showed better regeneration on north-facing slopes. Most of the regenerating trees in the understory were small, i.e., less than 100 cm in height, with no clear effect of rainfall amount and topographic aspect on the relative abundance of height classes. Regeneration by Aleppo pine was highly variable among and within the different forest sites and ranged from 0 to 1565 trees ha−1, with no clear relationships with rainfall amount and topographic aspect. In light of our results we propose that the future structure of forests should vary with respect to annual rainfall amount within possible silvicultural scenarios.  相似文献   

One of the most serious problems facing Andean nations today is population growth and the resultant pressures placed on limited natural resources. Currently,thousands of hectares of pine plantations in the central highlands of Ecuador are left unmanaged and unutilized, while at the same time local agriculturalists lack grazing land,firewood and other basic necessities which could be provided by appropriate forest management. This paper evaluates ten pine plantations in central Ecuador for their potential as silvopastoral systems, and discusses the possibilities of integrating local farmers into the appropriate management and use of them.
Resúmen Uno de los problemas mas graves afrontando a los paises Andinos es el crecimiento de la población y las presiones que resultan sobre los recursos naturales. Al momento, miles de hectáreas de plantaciones de pino en la Sierra central del Ecuador se quedan sin que nadie les maneje ni les utilize; mientras tanto los agricultores cercanos sufren por falta de pastoreo, leña y otras necesidades que se podría conseguir a través del manejo forestal. Este documento examine diez rodales de pino en el Ecuador por su potencial como sistemas silvopastoriles, y discute las posibilidades de integrar agricultores pequeños dentro del manejo y uso apropriado de ellos.

火炬松(Pinus taeda L.)原产美国东南部,为美国东南部的主要造林树种,具有生长快、适应性强、材质好、抗病虫害强的特点,是美国南方松中分布最广、蓄积量最多的树种,也是工业原料林和薪炭林树种[1].  相似文献   

Because soil CO2 efflux or soil respiration (RS) is the major component of forest carbon fluxes, the effects of forest management on RS and microbial biomass carbon (C), microbial respiration (RH), microbial activity and fine root biomass were studied over two years in a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation located near Aiken, SC. Stands were six-years-old at the beginning of the study and were subjected to irrigation (no irrigation versus irrigation) and fertilization (no fertilization versus fertilization) treatments since planting. Soil respiration ranged from 2 to 6 μmol m−2 s−1 and was strongly and linearly related to soil temperature. Soil moisture and C inputs to the soil (coarse woody debris and litter mass) which may influence RH were significantly but only weakly related to RS. No interaction effects between irrigation and fertilization were observed for RS and microbial variables. Irrigation increased RS, fine root mass and microbial biomass C. In contrast, fertilization increased RH, microbial biomass C and microbial activity but reduced fine root biomass and had no influence on RS. Predicted annual soil C efflux ranged from 8.8 to 10.7 Mg C ha−1 year−1 and was lower than net primary productivity (NPP) in all stands except the non-fertilized treatment. The influence of forest management on RS was small or insignificant relative to biomass accumulation suggesting that NPP controls the transition between a carbon source and sink in rapidly growing pine systems.  相似文献   

Pine plantations in the southeastern United States are often created using site preparation treatments to alleviate site conditions that may limit survival or growth of planted seedlings. However, little is understood about how site preparations affect longleaf pine (Pinus palustris P. Miller) seedlings planted on wet sites. In a 2-year study (2004 and 2005) on poorly drained, sandy soils of Onslow County, North Carolina, we examined the effects of common site preparation treatments on microsite conditions and quantified relationships between microsite conditions and longleaf pine seedling survival and growth. Treatments used in the study included site preparations designed to control competing vegetation (chopping and herbicide) combined with those that alter soil conditions (mounding and bedding). During both years, mounding and bedding treatments reduced the amount of moisture within the top 6 cm of soil and increased soil temperatures when compared to flat planting (p < 0.001). Soil moisture was inversely related to seedling mortality in 2004 (r2 = 0.405) and inversely related to root collar diameter in 2005 (r2 = 0.334), while light was positively related to root collar diameter in 2005 (r2 = 0.262). Light availability at the seedling level was highest on treatments that effectively reduced surrounding vegetation. Herbicides were more effective than chopping at controlling vegetation in 2004 (p < 0.001) and 2005 (p = 0.036). Controlling competing vegetation, especially shrubs, was critical for increasing early longleaf pine seedling growth.  相似文献   

Coarse woody debris (CWD) is thought to benefit herpetofauna in a variety of ways including serving as feeding sites, providing a moist environment, and providing protection from temperature extremes. We investigated the importance of CWD to amphibian and reptile communities in managed upland pine stands in the southeastern United States Coastal Plain during years 6 and 7 of a long-term study. Using a randomized complete block design, 1 of the following treatments was assigned to 9.3-ha plots: removal (n = 3; all downed CWD ≥10 cm in diameter and ≥60 cm long removed), downed addition (n = 3; five-fold increase in volume of down CWD), snag (n = 3; 10-fold increase in volume of standing dead CWD), and control (n = 3; unmanipulated). Herpetofauna were captured seasonally using drift-fence pitfall trapping arrays within treatment plots. We compared abundance, diversity, and richness of anurans, salamanders, lizards, and snakes using analysis of covariance with topographic variables (slope, elevation, aspect, and distance to nearest stream) included as covariates. We captured 355 amphibians and 668 reptiles seasonally from January 2007 to August 2008. Abundance, species richness, and species diversity were similar among treatments for anurans, salamanders, and lizards. Snake abundance, species richness, and diversity were higher in removal than downed addition plots. Anuran abundance increased as distance to nearest stream decreased. The majority of species captured during this study are adept at burrowing into the sandy soils of the region. Lack of reliance on CWD may be the result of herpetofaunal adaptation to the longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ecosystem that historically dominated the upland areas of the study area.  相似文献   

Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) forests of the Gulf Coastal Plain historically burned every 2–4 years with low intensity fires, which maintained open stands with herbaceous dominated understories. During the early and mid 20th century however, reduced fire frequency allowed fuel to accumulate and hardwoods to increase in the midstory and overstory layers, while woody shrubs gained understory dominance. In 2001, a research study was installed in southern Alabama to develop management options that could be used to reduce fuel loads and restore the ecosystem. As part of a nationwide fire and fire surrogates study, treatments included a control (no fire or other disturbance), prescribed burning only, thinning of selected trees, thinning plus prescribed burning, and herbicide plus prescribed burning. After two cycles of prescribed burning, applied biennially during the growing season, there were positive changes in ecosystem composition. Although thinning treatments produced revenue, while reducing midstory hardwoods and encouraging growth of a grassy understory, burning was needed to discourage regrowth of the hardwood midstory and woody understory. Herbicide application followed by burning gave the quickest changes in understory composition, but repeated applications of fire eventually produced the same results at the end of this 8-year study. Burning was found to be a critical component of any restoration treatment for longleaf communities of this region with positive changes in overstory, midstory and understory layers after just three or four burns applied every 2 or 3 years.  相似文献   

Tree diversity is an important component of biodiversity. Management intensification is hypothesized to affect tree diversity. However, evidence to support the relationship between management intensity and tree diversity in northern forests is lacking. This study examined the effects of fertilization, site preparation, and brush control on tree species diversity, shade tolerance diversity and size diversity of jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.), black spruce (Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.), white pine (Pinus strobus L.) and white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss) plantations, 15 years after planting in Ontario, Canada. Species diversity and shade tolerance diversity were highly correlated, so were diameter size diversity and height size diversity. Fertilization did not affect the tree diversity indices of any plantations. Species diversity and shade tolerance diversity was interactively influenced by site preparation and brush control in the black spruce, white pine, and white spruce plantations, showing that the highest diversity occurred on sites with intensive site preparation without brush control, whereas on sites with brush control, diversity was higher with least intensity of site preparation. However, in the jack pine plantation, neither species diversity nor shade tolerance diversity differed with management intensification, and is attributed to the fast capture of site resources by the planted crop trees of jack pine which minimized establishment of non-crop species. Tree size diversity increased with site preparation intensity in the jack pine and black spruce plantations, while it decreased with brush control in the white pine and white spruce plantations. We concluded that (1) the effects of management intensification on diversity of northern plantations differ with growth habit of planted crop tree species and (2) species diversity and tree size diversity tend to be highest at intermediate levels of silvicultural intensification during the stand establishment phase, supporting the intermediate disturbance hypothesis.  相似文献   

Diversity of understory vegetation was compared among four intensities of site preparation and an adjacent 50-year-old pine-hardwood forest. The study site was a six-year-old loblolly pine (Pines taeda) plantation in the lower Piedmont of Georgia. Species richness and Shannon diversity indices were used to evaluate vine and woody (trees and shrubs) species diversity. Biomass distribution was compared among four plant categories: vines, forbs, grasses, and woody. Moderate intensity treatments (chainsaw and shear and chop) consistently ranked highest overall in diversity, with the mature pine-hardwood forest ranking lowest. Distribution of the four plant categories was not significantly affected by intensity of site preparation.Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Series No. 9-892325P.  相似文献   

The survival of bare-root and container-grown loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings exceeded 90% when outplanted in March at two sites in Lee County, Alabama. At both sites, soil moisture and seedling survival were greater in March than in May. A March herbicide application reduced weed biomass by 75–80% at both sites. At the moist site, herbicide application did not affect survival. However, at the drier site, a reduction in weed biomass increased both the percent soil moisture and the survival of May-planted bare-root seedlings. When soil moisture at planting time was less than 13% on a dry weight basis container-grown seedlings survived better than bare-root seedlings. At both sites, reduced weed competition resulted in greater seedling heights and diameters.Alabama Experiment Station Journal Series No. 9-85802.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of herbaceous and woody vegetation control on the survival and growth of planted eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) seedlings through six growing seasons. Herbaceous vegetation control involved the suppression of grasses, forbs, ferns, and low-shrubs, and was maintained for 0, 2, or 4 years after white pine seedlings were planted. Woody control involved the removal of all tall-shrub and deciduous trees, and was conducted at the time of planting, at the end of the second or fifth growing seasons, or not at all. Seedling height and basal diameter responded positively and proportionally to duration of herbaceous vegetation control. Gains associated with woody control were generally not significant unless some degree of herbaceous vegetation control was also conducted. Only herbaceous control increased pine crown closure and rate of crown closure. Herbaceous control and the presence of 5000–15,000 stems per ha of young overtopping aspen were associated with reduced weevil (Pissodes strobi Peck.) injury and increased pine height growth. The study suggests that white pine restoration strategies on clearcut sites should focus on the proactive, early management of understory vegetation and the gradual reduction of overtopping cover from woody vegetation to create a seedling light environment that supports acceptable growth with minimal weevil damage.  相似文献   

Pine wilt disease (PWD) represents a major threat to forest ecosystems worldwide. Although PWD is now better understood, effective control measures for this disease have still not been devised. Here, we report several years of field studies on preventative silvicultural control of PWD. Silvicultural control through preventative clear-cutting and the manual removal of logs was implemented between 2005 and 2009 in 16 Korean districts that had newly PWD-infected stands. Preventative clear-cutting of neighboring asymptomatic pine trees (within a 10-50-m radius of wilt trees) and the removal of felled logs or branches suppressed spread of PWD. Occurrences of PWD wilt pines in districts (city or county) subjected to this silvicultural control method were significantly reduced compared with those in districts using conventional controls (physical or chemical treatment of wilt pine trees). Through silvicultural control, PWD was successfully suppressed in 11 of 16 districts investigated. In contrast, successful control was achieved in only 1 among 18 districts subjected to conventional control. Our results will be of considerable interest to those engaged in the very difficult battle against the global spread of PWD.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the competing regeneration and expansion patterns of two co-occurring pine species (Pinus brutia, Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana), in a transitional montane Mediterranean zone. We measured the regeneration density of all woody species in 102 randomly located stands along an altitudinal gradient on the island of Lesbos, Greece. Individuals of pines were assigned to different size classes. Topographic factors (altitude, aspect, and soil depth) and light availability (through hemispherical photographs) were measured for each stand. Statistical analyses were applied to explore the effect of each factor on recruitment density of the competing pine species, and to elucidate patterns of interaction. Canopy openness was the most important parameter controlling the recruitment of P. brutia, while the regeneration density of P. nigra was mainly related to canopy openness and heat load. An idiosyncratic response of the recruitment vigour of the two species was identified along gradients of shade and drought stress. The decline in P. nigra recruitment density with drought conditions underlines threats to its population maintenance even in the absence of fire. On the other hand P. brutia seems to be a stronger invader in transitional zones. The studied species could be considered typical representatives of the two most widely distributed pine functional types across the Mediterranean basin, and our results agree with the theoretical ability of such species to maintain and expand their populations.  相似文献   

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