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Determining the physical and mechanical properties of soil and its behavior for engineering projects is essential for road construction operations. One of the most important principles in forest road construction, which is usually neglected, is to avoid mixing organic matter with road materials during excavation and embankment construction. The current study aimed to assess the influence of organic matter on the physical properties and mechanical behaviors of forest soil and to analyze the relation between the amount of organic matter and the behavior of forest soil as road material. A typical soil sample from the study area was collected beside a newly constructed roadbed. The soil was mixed with different percentages of organic matter(control treatment, 5, 10, and 15% by mass) and different tests including Atterberg limits, standard compaction, and California bearing ratio(CBR) tests were conducted on these different soil mixtures. The results showed that soil plasticity increased linearly with increasing organic matter.Increasing the organic matter from 0%(control) to 15%resulted in an increase of 11.64% of the plastic limit and 15.22% of the liquid limit after drying at 110 ℃. Also,increasing the organic matter content reduced the soil maximum dry density and increased the optimum moisture content. Increasing the organic matter from 0 to 15% resulted in an increase of 11.0% of the optimum moisture content and a decrease of 0.29 g/cm~3 of the maximum dry density. Organic matter decreased the CBR, which is used as the index of road strength. Adding 15% organic matter to the soil resulted in a decrease of the CBR from 15.72 to 4.75%. There was a significant difference between the two drying temperatures(60 and 110 ℃) for the same organic matter mixtures with lower water content values after drying at 60 ℃. The results revealed the adverse influence of organic matter on soil engineering properties and showed the importance of organic matter removal before excavation and fill construction.  相似文献   

This synthesis paper presents a model for estimating the buildup of soil organic matter in various types of coniferous forests. The knowledge used was obtained from a well‐studied forest with good Iitterfall data, decomposition information and validation measurements of the soil organic matter layer. By constructing a simple model for litterfall, and the information on maximum decomposition levels for litter, we could estimate the annual increase in soil organic matter and extend this to encompass stand age. The validation measurement and the estimated amount of soil organic matter differed by about 8 or 26% over a 120‐yr period, depending on the litterfall model. The estimated increased storage of soil organic matter as a consequence of climate change was found to be drastic. We thus found that the soil organic matter layer would grow about four times as fast as a result of the needle component only. This estimate was based on a comparison between latitudes with a difference of 17°.  相似文献   

Rainforest deforestation and subsequent reforestation not only alter above-ground vegetation, but also lead to significant changes in the physical and chemical characteristics of soil and in biochemical cycles, which in turn are likely to influence the growth of rainforest plants. However, little research has directly linked soil condition to seedling growth under different forms of rainforest restoration.  相似文献   

Boreal species that are dependent on old forests, such as many cavity-using birds and mammals, are at high risk from conventional harvest practices. These species may benefit from ecologically sustainable forest management practices that increase heterogeneity within stands and across landscapes. Structural retention within cutblocks and spatial aggregation of cutblocks into large (1000s ha) harvest units are two such management practices being implemented by forestry companies in the boreal plains of Alberta and Saskatchewan. However, little is known about the implications of these practices for old forest species. The goal of our study was to determine if the cavity-using assemblage associated with old upland forest in this region is retained within aggregated harvests with structural retention. We used a cavity web approach to describe and contrast interactions among cavity excavators (woodpeckers, chickadees, and nuthatches) and the secondary (i.e. non-excavating) species reusing their cavities. We described the cavity web for two intact landscapes of old upland forest and for two aggregated harvest landscapes. We identified four key excavators of intact forest: yellow-bellied sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius), hairy woodpecker (Picoides villosus), northern flicker (Colaptes auratus), and pileated woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus). These woodpeckers should be considered key excavators primarily of mature and old aspen forest, which dominated the study landscapes. Each woodpecker filled a unique role in the cavity web and all are important for conservation of two mammal and three bird species that used their cavities. In the short term (i.e. within four years post-harvest), the key cavity excavators and many secondary cavity-using species associated with intact forest were retained in the harvested landscapes. One secondary species (American kestrel (Falco sparverius)) was unique in the harvest cavity web. Compared to the intact cavity web, the harvest web had lower abundance of sapsuckers, greater abundance of flickers, and high reuse of flicker cavities by kestrels. These differences were associated with the shift from intact forest to a landscape characterized by patches of old forest surrounded by early-successional habitat. Abundances of hairy and pileated woodpeckers were too low to detect differences between intact and harvested landscapes. The key excavators primarily used trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) for cavity trees and thus aspen should be targeted for retention in harvested landscapes. A more detailed examination of the habitat requirements of the key excavators is needed to develop best practices for tree and patch retention and ensure conservation of the cavity-using assemblage in aggregated harvests.  相似文献   

The C-isotopic composition (δ13C) of leaf respiration (δ(LR)) has previously been shown to vary among functional groups, plant organs and times of day. We here investigated vertical and seasonal variation in δ(LR) through deep (~35 m) forest canopies. We measured δ(LR), δ13C of leaf bulk organic matter (δ(LB)), specific leaf area, net photosynthesis (A) and dark respiration in shade, middle and sun foliage in four conifer species from May to August. We used Keeling plots to estimate δ(LR); we developed a novel technique for ensuring that the respiratory substrate was not changing over the course of the measurement. Variables δ(LR) and δ(LB) displayed a vertical pattern in Abies grandis, Pseudotsuga menziesii and Thuja plicata, but were independent of canopy position in Larix occidentalis. Vertical gradients in δ(LB) (3.6‰) and δ(LR) (2.8‰) were similar. The respiratory enrichment (δ(LR)-δ(LB)) was smaller in expanding (3‰) than mature (4-8‰) foliage. There was a linear relationship between the respiratory enrichment and A. Our data support the hypothesis that δ(LR) values are related to patterns of C allocation among metabolic pathways. We demonstrated that considerable variation in δ(LR) occurs vertically through the canopy (3‰ gradient) and seasonally (3-7‰). Understanding sources of variation in respiratory signals is fundamental to comprehending C dynamics and for global model applications.  相似文献   

The interest intermediation system has always attracted the attention of forest policy scientists. However, research on this subject has focused on the national level, despite the fact that forest issues are increasingly prominent on international and European agendas, both in the EU and the Pan-European Process on the Protection of Forests in Europe. Accordingly, the impacts of the globalisation and Europeanisation of forest policy and the peculiarities of multi-level policy processes have not been sufficiently taken into account. This article examines how international forest politics and the integration of national actors in the EU multi-level system of joint decision-making affect national actor constellations. To this end, I draw on the advocacy coalition framework to depict the Austrian forest policy network and its actors’ dispute on forest certification, as well as on hypotheses and empirical results of multi-level governance scholars and on my own preliminary results to investigate the likely effects of the evolving EU forest policy. The discussion provides some hypotheses and indications that national forest policy networks might be subject to significant change.  相似文献   

An understanding of spatial patterns of plant species diversity and the factors that drive those patterns is critical for the development of appropriate biodiversity management in forest ecosystems. We studied the spatial organization of plant species in human-modified and managed oak forests (primarily, Quercus faginea) in the Central Pre-Pyrenees, Spain. To test whether plant community assemblages varied non-randomly across the spatial scales, we used multiplicative diversity partitioning based on a nested hierarchical design of three increasingly coarser spatial scales (transect, stand, region). To quantify the importance of the structural, spatial, and topographical characteristics of stands in patterning plant species assemblages and identify the determinants of plant diversity patterns, we used canonical ordination. We observed a high contribution of β-diversity to total γ-diversity and found β-diversity to be higher and α-diversity to be lower than expected by random distributions of individuals at different spatial scales. Results, however, partly depended on the weighting of rare and abundant species. Variables expressing the historical management intensities of the stand such as mean stand age, the abundance of the dominant tree species (Q. faginea), age structure of the stand, and stand size were the main factors that explained the compositional variation in plant communities. The results indicate that (1) the structural, spatial, and topographical characteristics of the forest stands have the greatest effect on diversity patterns, (2) forests in landscapes that have different land use histories are environmentally heterogeneous and, therefore, can experience high levels of compositional differentiation, even at local scales (e.g., within the same stand). Maintaining habitat heterogeneity at multiple spatial scales should be considered in the development of management plans for enhancing plant diversity and related functions in human-altered forests.  相似文献   

The selection criteria for the first generations in the Portuguese Pinus pinaster improvement program have been the growth rate and form traits. In this work we study the consequences of this selection on wood quality traits. This study assesses genetic and phenotypic correlation between growth, wood density components, lignin content and mechanical traits (radial modulus of elasticity and radial modulus of rupture) of 46 half sib families from a progeny trail located in Leiria, Portugal, originated from seed collected in a clonal seed orchard. A total of 552 seventeen-years-old trees (about half of full rotation age) were sampled at 2 m height. Height measured at 12 years old presented a higher genetic control (h2 = 0.34) relatively to DBH, measured at 12 and 17 years old respectively (h2 = 0.17 and h2 = 0.15). The results of this study also showed that DBH growth is more dependent on latewood components than earlywood components and that higher growth in Mediterranean regions can be due to an increase of the period of latewood formation. Further, we can conclude genetic selection based on growth will not result in a decrease of wood density, will not affect the occurrence of spiral grain, and is possible to obtain an increase in the radial modulus of elasticity. The present study also showed that it is possible to select for increased growth with lower lignin proportion. Results also suggest that selection for growth at 12 years will probably not affect negatively the wood properties at 17 years.  相似文献   

This work studied the effects of tree species composition on soil carbon storage in five mixed stands dominated by oriental beech and grown in the western Caspian region in Guilan province, called Astara, Asalem, Fuman, Chere and Shenrud. The thickness of the litter layer, soil characteristics, tree composition and percentage of canopy coverage were measured in each stand. Total soil organic carbon differed significantly by stand. Total (organic) carbon stores at Fuman, which had the lowest tree species richness with 2 species and least canopy coverage (75%), were significantly (p〈0.05) higher than at other locations. Carbon stor-age in topsoil (0-10 cm) was significantly lower in Shenrud, which had the highest tree species richness with 5 species and highest canopy cov-erage (95%). The high percentage of canopy coverage in Shenrud proba-bly limited the conversion of litter to humus. However, in the second soil layer (10-25 cm), Asalem, with high tree species richness and canopy coverage, had the highest carbon storage. This can be explained by the different rooting patterns of different tree species. In the Hyrcanian forest. According to the results, it can be concluded that not only tree composi-tion but also canopy coverage percentage should be taken under consid-eration to manage soil carbon retention and release.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to clarify the roles of researchers in forest policy development processes. Comparative case studies between Japan and Sweden were conducted. The research–integration–utilisation (RIU) model on scientific knowledge transfer was employed as a framework. Based on the RIU model, ‘scientist’, ‘integrator’, and ‘policy entrepreneur’ were defined as three hypothesised roles of researchers, discussed in conjunction with Pielke's ‘honest broker’ model. It was found that researchers played important roles, both as scientists and integrators in Japan. In Sweden, researchers played only the role of scientist. However, no researchers working as policy entrepreneurs were found in either country. These results indicate that the RIU model could work as a basis for the comparison between countries and the clarification of the roles of researchers in forest policy processes. The case study analysis also specified three additional topics for further discussion: (1) different types of science-based policy advice; (2) the relationship between power allies and consensus building; and (3) the reason why the roles of researchers differ between Japan and Sweden.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas emissions from managed peatlands are annually reported to the UNFCCC. For the estimation of greenhouse gas (GHG) balances on a country-wide basis, it is necessary to know how soil–atmosphere fluxes are associated with variables that are available for spatial upscaling. We measured momentary soil–atmosphere CO2 (heterotrophic and total soil respiration), CH4 and N2O fluxes at 68 forestry-drained peatland sites in Finland over two growing seasons. We estimated annual CO2 effluxes for the sites using site-specific temperature regressions and simulations in half-hourly time steps. Annual CH4 and N2O fluxes were interpolated from the measurements. We then tested how well climate and site variables derived from forest inventory results and weather statistics could be used to explain between-site variation in the annual fluxes. The estimated annual CO2 effluxes ranged from 1165 to 4437 g m−2 year−1 (total soil respiration) and from 534 to 2455 g m−2 year−1 (heterotrophic soil respiration). Means of 95% confidence intervals were ±12% of total and ±22% of heterotrophic soil respiration. Estimated annual CO2 efflux was strongly correlated with soil respiration at the reference temperature (10 °C) and with summer mean air temperature. Temperature sensitivity had little effect on the estimated annual fluxes. Models with tree stand stem volume, site type and summer mean air temperature as independent variables explained 56% of total and 57% of heterotrophic annual CO2 effluxes. Adding summer mean water table depth to the models raised the explanatory power to 66% and 64% respectively. Most of the sites were small CH4 sinks and N2O sources. The interpolated annual CH4 flux (range: −0.97 to 12.50 g m−2 year−1) was best explained by summer mean water table depth (r2 = 64%) and rather weakly by tree stand stem volume (r2 = 22%) and mire vegetation cover (r2 = 15%). N2O flux (range: −0.03 to 0.92 g m−2 year−1) was best explained by peat CN ratio (r2 = 35%). Site type explained 13% of annual N2O flux. We suggest that water table depth should be measured in national land-use inventories for improving the estimation of country-level GHG fluxes for peatlands.  相似文献   

Roads are recognised as having different ecological roles such as barrier, corridor or habitat, but the spatial extent of road effects on plant communities in forests remains unclear. We studied the effect of forest road distance on plant understory diversity at 20 sites in young and adult oak stands in a French lowland forest with a long history of management and road construction. All vascular and bryophyte species were collected at five distances ranging from the road verge to 100 m into the adjacent forest stand. We analysed species composition, individual species response, a priori life-history traits response – life form, habitat preference and dispersal mode – and environmental indicator values in relation to road distance and stand age. Plant composition strongly differed between road verge and forest interior habitats. The main road effect extended less than 5 m into the forest stand. A third habitat was detected at the forest-road edge resulting from the road effect on light and soil conditions, and from edge-specific topography. Non-forest species were almost absent from the forest interior. In contrast, many bryophytes and several vascular plants kept away from the road. We identified a posteriori six species groups that better explained the variability of plant response profiles than a priori life-history traits. Plant response to road distance was also dependent on stand age: some species colonised from the road into the forest interior in young stands following regeneration cutting, while other species displayed the reverse pattern in adult stands once canopy closed above the forest road. Even if the depth of forest road effect measured in lowland managed stands was narrow, building of a new forest road has non-negligible effects on plant population dynamics. Forest managers should take into account the impacts of roads on biodiversity, since the expected intensification of silviculture in response to global changes is set to accentuate the effect of forest roads. We recommend further study on the role of dispersal by vehicles (i.e. agestochory) in road effects.  相似文献   

Collaborative participatory policy approaches based on foresight methodology have recently been proposed as promising governance tools to achieve sustainability in general, and address and manage challenges of integrating competing demands on forest land use (e.g., timber production, nature protection, recreation) in particular. Their main argument is that participatory processes will bring policy actors together. Based on long- and short-term future-oriented thinking and actions, they will overcome their previous value-laden and interest-based conflicts through informed communication, deliberation, policy learning and mutual cooperation. But do policy actors learn when they are thinking, debating and shaping the ‘forest futures’ they want to achieve or avoid? To what extent are current beliefs, values, worldviews, and conflict structures projected onto the future? What are their impacts on policy learning today?This paper addresses these research questions from a knowledge-based perspective of relevant policy learning theories. We trace changes and stability in beliefs, values (perception) and behavior (cooperation/conflict) among the involved policy actors. We assess to what extent future-oriented thinking and discussions contribute to, or inhibit, policy learning today.Empirically, the paper is informed by three case studies of regional ‘forest futures’ processes in Germany. They include forest landscapes in Upper Palatinate and South of Munich in Bavaria, and the Black Forest National Park in Baden-Württemberg. They represent different cases in terms of levels of stakeholder conflicts, integrative/segregative forest land use approaches, and the rural/urban divide. The paper is based on a qualitative analysis of interviews and documents about past and future forest land use, and observation of participatory scenario-building and back-casting workshops during 2011–2014.In our analysis, we found that forest policy actors adhered to their pre-existing beliefs and remained divided in terms of present and future aspects of sustainable forest management. That is, we observed no substantial or only strategic policy learning among the involved policy actors. We explain these findings in terms of competing actors' belief systems and worldviews that lead to competing understandings and expectations of ‘forest futures’. We discuss our research against the theoretical propositions and in view of the state-of-the art. We draw conclusions relevant for scholars and policymakers interested in collaborative policy learning processes, and suggest possible topics for further research.  相似文献   

The competition–density (C–D) effect for non-self-thinning Populus deltoides and Populus × euramericana plantations from 3 to 9 years was analyzed using the reciprocal equation of the C–D effect. The C–D effect was well described by the reciprocal equation, and with the progress of time the C–D curve, on logarithmic coordinates, of the P. × euramericana plantations shifted upward faster than that of the P. deltoides plantations. With increasing physical time t, the biological time τ, i.e. the integral from zero to t of the coefficient of growth λ(t) in the general logistic curve with respect to t, increased rapidly during early growth stages and the increases in τ gradually became slow during later growth stages. This trend was more evident in the P. deltoides plantations than in the P. × euramericana plantations. The coefficients A and B included in the reciprocal equation were calculated at each growth stage. With increasing τ, the coefficient A, the reciprocal of which means the asymptote of yield (=) at a given growth stage, increased abruptly to a maximum value and then tended to decrease gradually to a constant level. On the other hand, the coefficient B, the reciprocal of which means the asymptote of mean stem volume at a given growth stage, decreased exponentially and tended to be close to zero with increasing τ. The λ(t) decreased with increasing stand age, whereas the final yield Y(t) defined as W(t) ρ, where W(t) is the asymptote of w in the general logistic growth curve, increased gradually with increasing stand age. The differences in coefficients A, B, and λ(t) between the two species were reported.  相似文献   

New Forests - Elms (Ulmus spp.) were once dominant trees in mixed broadleaf forests of many European territories, mainly distributed near rivers and streams or on floodplains. Since ancient times...  相似文献   

The importance of different fractions of coarse wood debris (cwd) for species diversity of wood-inhabiting fungi was investigated in near-natural Danish beech stands. Species number per tree increased significantly with increasing tree size, pointing out large trees to be most valuable for fungal diversity if single samples are compared. Rarefaction curves, evaluating the importance of different cwd fractions in a cumulative space, revealed a different and more complex picture. Rarefaction curves based on wood volume showed small trees and branches to host more species per volume unit than larger trees and logs, respectively, while snags were the most species-poor fraction. Surface-based curves showed species density to be rather similar among cwd types, though species density still decreased slightly with tree size. These results are interpreted to reflect a combination of two factors: firstly, small diameter cwd represent a larger surface area per volume and hence more space for fungal sporocarps, than large diameter cwd. This ‘surface area factor’ explains the high degree of similarity of the surface-based rarefaction curves. Secondly, a collection of small diameter cwd involves more separate units than an equal volume of large diameter cwd, and represents thereby more individual cases of fungal infection and, most likely, more variation in environmental conditions. The effect of this ‘number of item factor’ is reflected in the slightly increasing species density per surface area with decreasing tree size. Richness patterns of red-listed and non-red-listed species were found to be strikingly similar across cwd types, and a general preference for large logs among red-listed species was hence absent. An individual look at the most frequent encountered red-listed species revealed substrate preference patterns to occur in three of six species, of which one, the heart-rot agent Ischnoderma resinosum, preferred large logs. Based on these results, it would be obvious to conclude that local fungal species diversity is most efficiently increased in managed forests if small diameter cwd is prioritised for natural decay. However, small diameter wood appear to be unable to support heart-rot agents and other species depending on a long and diverse infection history and thus the integrity of saproxylic communities may be seriously undermined if only small diameter cwd is left for decay. Therefore, we strongly recommend that whole, naturally dead trees, representing the full range of cwd habitats, are prioritised for natural decay in managed forests whenever possible.  相似文献   

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