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In this paper, forty-three folk medicinal plants from ile (Turkey) have been reported. Among them 35 species were wild and eight species were cultivated plants. The folk medicinal plants have been mostly used for the treatment of eczema, stomach and kidney ailments, asthma, cough, diabetes, and wounds.  相似文献   

To quantify the nitrogen (N) use by Pinus densiflora trees growing on an infertile lava surface, N pools, N requirement and N uptake through fine roots and N deposition from the atmosphere were estimated. The N requirement and the N uptake of fine roots were 55.5kgNha–1year–1 and 39.7kgNha–1, respectively. Thus, the ratio of N uptake to N requirement of the fine roots was 71.5%. Including fine-root contribution, the total N requirement of the P. densiflora trees was 98.6kgNha–1year–1, and the total N uptake was 64.2kgNha–1year–1. Thus, the N uptake of the P. densiflora trees was 64.1% of the N requirement, indicating that P. densiflora trees growing on an infertile lava surface obtain some of their N from below-ground organic material layers every year and the contribution of N storage in trees for their growth is not any higher than indicated in previous reports that excluded fine-roots contribution. The wet N deposition of our research forest was only 5.8% of the N requirement of the P. densiflora trees and only 8.9% of the N uptake. Movement of the below-ground organic material layer N concentrations in the F- and L-layers coincides with needle development and fine-root growth, suggesting the possibility that P. densiflora trees extract N from the organic N of those layers for growth.  相似文献   

Soil temperature is one of the most important factors governing biological activity in the soil. This study was conducted to investigate how forest clear-cutting changes soil temperature. Soil temperatures at 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0m depths were measured in two neighboring forest watersheds (35°12N, 140°06E) in Chiba Prefecture, Japan, from 1994 to 2000. One watershed was clear-cut 5 years after the observations began. After clear-cutting, the annual mean soil temperature at 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0m depths rose by about 2.2, 2.0, 1.7, and 1.4°C, respectively. The maximum respective soil temperatures rose by about 3.2, 3.0, 2.2, and 1.8°C. The minimum soil temperature rose slightly (1°C). The range of temperatures increased by 3.0, 2.4, 1.6, and 1.4°C, respectively. In our study, forest clear-cutting raised maximum and average soil temperatures but hardly changed minimum soil temperature. This is probably because solar radiation dominated in the summer season and increased soil temperature; on the other hand, net long-wave radiation, and releases of latent and sensible heat from the soil surface, were predominant in the cool season.  相似文献   

刺槐次生种源遗传差异及其选择评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文

The study was conducted with the objective of studying tree species diversity and dominance and the associated changes in soil characteristics in a man-made forest established on formerly barren sodic land at Banthra Research Station (National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India) (80° 45–53E, 26° 40–45N) over three decades. The results revealed that the forest has a moderate value for the tree species diversity index (H). The tree species Derris indica, Dalbergia sissoo, Azadirachta indica, Cassia siamea, Terminalia arjuna, Syzygium cumini, and Tectona grandis were found to be the major dominant species which may be considered suitable for planting on such degraded wastelands. There was a perceptible reduction in soil pH and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) and an increase in organic C and Ca2++Mg2+ cation contents over the past three decades, indicating that the sodicity has declined in the surface soil.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung DurchRickettsiella melolonthae (Krieg) PHILIP infizierte Maikäfer-Engerlinge wandern während des Spätherbstes und Winters im Freiland absterbend auf die Erdoberfläche. Als Begleitarten inMelolontha Larvenpopulationen kamen im Gebiet vor:Amphimallon solstitiale (L.),Anomala dubia aenea (DeG.) undMaladera brunnea (L.). MitR. melolonthae künstlich infiziert, zeigten sie im Orientierungsversuch die gleiche Aufwanderungstendenz wie kranke Maikäferengerlinge, am deutlichsten die vonM. brunnea. Auf dem Waldboden fanden sich kranke Larven dieser Art in einigen Fällen.
Summary Larvae ofMelolontha spp. infested withRickettsiella melolonthae (Krieg) PHILIP move during October– January to the top of the soil where they eventually die. Larvae ofAmphimallon solstitiale (L.),Anomala dubia aenea (DeG.) andMaladera brunnea (L.) are susceptible forR. melolonthae, too. In experiments, artificially infested individuals showed a similar tendency to move upward. This was most pronounced inM. brunnea, of which some infested larvae were found on the forest floor.

Résumé Larves du hanneton, infectées parRickettsiella melolonthae (Krieg) PHILIP, se rendent à la surface de la terre au fin de l'automme et dans l'hivers. Comme espèces accompagnant les populations larvaires deMelolontha nous avons trouvés:Amphimallon solstitiale (L.),Anomala dubia aenea (DeG.) etMaladera brunnea (L.). Ils out démonstré, après une infection artificielle avecR. melolonthae, la mème tendence dans les essais d'orientation comme les vers blancs malades deMelolontha. Le phé nomène etait le plus prononcé parmi les larves deMaladera. De cette espèce nous avons trouvés plusieurs larves malades à la surface de la terre en plein champs.

Rickettsiella melolonthae (Krieg) Philip Melolontha- . . Melolontha- :Amphimallon solstitiale (L.),Anomala dubia aenea (De G.) Maladera brunnea (L.). R. melolonthae , Melolontha-, M. brunnea. .

Zusammenfassung In Freiland- und Laborversuchen wurde die Wirkung des Pflanzenschutzmittels Sevin auf Regenwürmer untersucht. Dieser Stoff ist in Pulverform und als Suspension für diese Organismen außerordentlich gefährlich. Schon der Kontakt mit sehr geringen Mengen bewirkt schwere Lähmungserscheinungen und irreversible histopathologische Schäden.
Summary Experiments in the field as well as in the laboratory showed up the effect of the pesticide Sevin on rainworms. In the form of powder as well as a suspension this material is extremely toxic for them. Contact with smallest quantities even causes severe paralysis and irreversible histopathologic damages.

Résumé Aussi bien dans la nature que au laboratoire nous avons étudié l'activité de l'insecticide Sevin sur les vers de terre. Ce produit est en poudre ou en suspension extrémement dangereux pour ces organismes. Le seul contact avec des quantités minimes de ce produit provoquent des phénomènes de paralysie et des troubles histopathologiques irreversibles.

SEVIN . . .

Summary For protection of agricultural crops, archards, forests and stored products a system of institutes for vegetative protection have been gradually built in Bulgaria within the last fifteen years. Now a leading part in the study of pests and diseases of plants are taking the Academy of Rural Economy Sciences and the Institutes for Plant Protection, for Forest Protection, the Zoological Institute by the Bulgarian Academy of Science, the Higher Rural Economy Institute and the Higher Forest Institute. Specialists of all ranks are working at these institutes: academicians, member correspondents, professors, senior and junior scientific collaborators and a great number of experts and assistants. Parallel with the studies of specific composition of pestilent insects, their biology is being explored and experiments are being made with insecticides. An inquiry is also being undertaken for utilization biologic combat against noxious insects. In aid of scientific institutes a dense network of services for heading the research work and combat on the terrain has been organized.
Résumé Pour la défense des cultures agricoles, des vergers, des forêts et des produits récoltés, un système d'instituts pour la défense végétale a été successivement dé veloppé en Bulgarie pendant les dernières quinze années. Actuellement l'Academie des sciences de l'economie rurale et les Instituts pour la défense végétale ont le rôle dirigeant dans les recherches de la nocivité et des maladies sur les plantes. Dans ces instituts travaillent des spécialistes de toutes les catégories scientifiques: des académiciens, des membres-correspondants, des professeurs, des travailleurs scientifiques supérieurs et plus jeunes, avec un grand nombre d'aides-spécialistes. Parallèllement à l'étude de composition specifique des insectes nuisibles on étudie sa biologie, de même on fait des expériences avec des insecticides. Aussi on cherche à utiliser la lutte biologique contre les insectes nuisibles. Pour faciliter les instituts scientifiques dans cette lutte et leur recherche sur le terrain, un immense service est organisé dans tous les plus grands emplacements peuplés du pays.

. , 15 , , , . . - , , , . - , , - . : , , , . , . . , . - , . .

Summary Plastic stress arising in wood during drying is calculated according to the theoretical model developed earlier. The mechanism of stress reversal and the type of resudual stress corresponding to different values of material constants are shown. The results are in qualitative agreement with experimental evidence.List of symbols A coefficient of swelling below the fibre saturation point - C concentration of moisture in wood; weight of moisture per weight of dry wood - C 0 uniform concentration of moisture in wood at the beginning of drying - C 1 equilibrium concentration of moisture at the boundary during drying - C =C-C 1 - non-dimensional concentration - D diffusivity - D 0 first term in the expansion of diffusivity as function of concentration: D=D 0(1+D 1 C+...) - D 1 secondterm in the expansion (see D 0) - E Young's modulus - e ij deviator of tensor of strain: - e ij P deviator of plastic strain: - e ij E deviator of elastic strain - F fibre saturation point (concentration at which the function (c) changes slope) - F =F-C 1 - g(x,t) function which assumes the value 1 in the elastic zone and 0 in the plastic zone - k von Mises' yield stress - L half width of the sample - M total moisture content - P plastic power - S ij deviator of stress - S kk =S 11+S 22+S 33 - S ij E =2 e ij - T ij tensor of stress - T kk =T 11+T 22+T 33 - T non-zero component of stress in a beam or plate - non-dimensional stress - actual stress rate in an elastic zone, fictitious stress rate in a plastic zone - t time - t increment of time - x y z spatial coordinates - X increment of spatial coordinate - Y - Y 0, Y 1 terms in the expansion of Y(C): Y(C)=Y 0(1+Y 1 C+...) - non-dimensional Y - , (c) coefficient of osmotic expansion (dependent on concentration) - ij tensor of strain - kk =11+22+33 - =yy=zz non-zero component of strain in the case of a plate or beam - modified strain - elastic constants of an isotropic body - non-dimensional spatial coordinate - Poisson's ratio - non-dimensional time  相似文献   

Summary During the years 1959–1961 the number of generations was followed in Spinach Leaf Miner (Pegomyia hyoscyami betae Curt.) in central Bohemia at 310 m above sea level and in the year 1961 in southern Bohemia at 450 m. The larvae and the eggs were studied on the leaves at regular 10–14 days' intervals by controlling each plant and images by means of a sweeping method. There have been acertained two generations in the year 1959 and three generations in the year 1961 in central Bohemia and two generations in the year 1961 in southern Bohemia. The occurence of every generation of larvae on the suggar-beet was separate and the previous and the consecutive generation did not overlop.The origin of the erroneous date on 6–7 generations of this species (Rambousek, Neuwirth, 1931) has been also cleared up in this article. This statement has been taken over by Sorauer (1953) from the Review of Applied Entomology (1931) and has been lately mentioned by many authors. F. Neuwirth gave a personal information, that the statement on 6–7 generations occurence of Spinach Leaf Miner has been found on the basis of theoretical calculation (from the lenght of one generation in spring and not on the basis of the facts found in natural conditions).
Résumé En 1959–1961 le nombre des générations de la mouche de la betterave a été observé dans la Bohème Centrale á l'altitude de 310 m audessus de la mer et en 1961 dans le Sud de la Bohème á l'altitude de 450 m. Les larves et les oeufs ont été observé sur les feuilles dans les intervalles de 10–14 jours regulierement effectués sur chaque plante et imagines en particulier par le filet fauchior. En 1959 deux générations et en 1960 et 1961 trios géné rations dans la Bohéme Centrale, ainsi que en 1961 deux générations dans le Sud de la Boheme ont été constates. La prence de chaque génération des larves sur la betterave aété separée et les générations consecutives ne malaient pas presque jamais avec les précedents.Dans cet travail l'auteur a clarifié comment une donnée fautive sur 6–7 générations de cette espéce est survenu (Rambousek et Neuwirth, 1931). Cette donnée orginante de Review of Applied Entomology [1931] a été reprise par Sorauer (1953) et elle a été ensuite récemment mentionée par d'autres auteurs. Selon une déclaration personelle de Mr. F. Neuwirth les donées des 6–7 générations de la mouche de la betterave en Tschécoslovaquie ent été acquis par une évaluation théoretique (se basant sur la durée de la génération du printemps et non sur les resultats des observations réelles dans les conditions naturelles.

1959–61 . (310 . ) 1961 . (450 . ). 10–14 , . 1959 . 2 , 1960 . — 3, 1961 . — 2 . , . , 6–7 (Rambousek, Neuwirth 1931). . . 6–7 , , .

Zusammenfassung Die Altlarven 2. Generation der AmpferblattwespeAmetastegia glabrata Fall. sind im Obstbau als Schädling bekannt. Die Schäden entstehen bei dem Versuch der Larven, in Früchten Puppenkammern anzulegen.Üblicherweise verpuppen sich die Larven in den trockenen Stengeln der Nährpflanzen(Polygonaceae) oder anderem trockenem oder verholzten Pflanzenmaterial.Es wird über einen gesicherten Fall berichtet, in demAmetastegia glabrata-Larven in verarbeitetem Nutzholz (Plakattafel) schädlich geworden sind. Ein weiterer Fall konnte nicht völlig geklärt werden; jedoch waren auch hier Blaltwespen-Larven in einer Wohnung in verarbeitetes Nutzholz (Türrahmen) eingedrungen.Nach dem geringen Umfang der Schäden, die nur durch die Anlage kurzer Puppenkammern in weichen Holzteilen entstehen, istAmetastegia glabrata in die Gruppe der gelegentlichen Holzzerstörer einzureihen. Allerdings kann durch diese Art völlig gesundes Holz im Freiland angegriffen werden.Holzschutzsalze vom U-Typ genügen zur Vorbeugung nicht. Vorbeugungs- und Bekämpfungsmaßnahmen werden besprochen.
Summary Attack on wood by larvae of the dock sawfly Ametastegia glabiata Fall. (Hym., Tenthiedinidae) Normally the mature larvae of the last brood of the dock sawfly bore themselves for pupation into dry stems of plants.By the gnawing efforts in certain years of appearance in masses, however, they may attack fruit too, especially apples, and cause considerable damage by numerous gnawing spots.Besides these known injuries on fruitA. glabrata has now been stated in two cases as an occasionally dangerous animal to dry timber too.The damage caused is described by word and picture; preventive and curative measures are discussed.

Résumé Attaque du bois par des larves de la Tenthrenidé Ametastegia glabrata Fall. (Hym., Tenthredinidae) Normalment les larves adultes de l'A. glabrata se forent dans les tiges sèches des plantes pour la mé tamorphose.Cependant aussi des fruits, surtout des pommes, sont attaqués par le ronger pendant les anées quand ces insectes paraîssent en masse. Des dommages considérables sont provoqués aux points d'attaque nombreux.A côté de ces dommages connus aux fruits l'A. glabrata a été constaté en deux cas comme causeur de dommage par occasion en bois sec de construction.Les dommages sont décrits et figurés; des methodes preventives et curatives sont discutées.

? Ametastegia glabrata Fall. (Hym., Tenthredinidae) . , , , . Ametastegia glabrata Fall. ( ) . , .

Mitteilung aus dem Holzschutzlaboratorium der Farbenfabriken Bayer AG., Werb Uerdingen  相似文献   

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