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To improve the silvicultural targets for ecologically sustainable forestry, we quantified functionally important structural features for the first time in a representative set of old-growth forests in hemiboreal Europe. Altogether, 23 old-growth stands of four site-type groups were compared with mature commercial stands nearby in the Estonian state forests that hold the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certificate of sustainable forestry. These two treatments did not differ significantly in terms of tree-species diversity, volumes of woody debris of <20 cm diameter (including fine woody debris) and its decay-stage composition. However, mature stands had many more early-successional trees and lacked late-successional deciduous species; they also had a higher overall density and volume of live trees, due to abundant individuals of 10–39 cm diameter at breast height. Old-growth stands had at least twice as many live trees ≥40 cm, standing dead trees ≥30 cm and lying wood ≥20 cm in diameter, any freshly fallen debris, and regeneration. For lying wood ≥20 cm in diameter, the treatment effect depended on site type: both treatments of Vaccinium-type dry boreal forests were remarkably deadwood-poor (indicating historical management of the old-growth stands), while mature eutrophic stands of Aegopodium-type were most impoverished relative to old-growth levels. We conclude that many functional characteristics of old growth were present in the FSC-certified, mostly naturally regenerated, commercial stands. The main problem is the lack of very large trees, particularly of late-successional deciduous species, which should be addressed by their well-planned retention in cut areas and reconsideration of salvage logging strategies. A dense regeneration in old-growth stands also indicated the potential of selection cuttings. The study highlighted the need for region- and site-type specific numerical targets for sustainable forest management, which in the hemiboreal region should address the characteristic occurrence of late-successional deciduous trees on fertile soils and higher natural deadwood volumes than in typical boreal forests. For certification, the issues of structural impoverishment revealed both the inadequacy of some silvicultural practices and some indicators set by the national FSC-standard in Estonia.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the question of which vegetation characteristics have the most influence on avian assemblages in late-successional forests, the habitat preferences of bird-guilds in old-growth endemic forests of Macedonian pine were studied over 3 years in the Pirin National Park, Bulgaria. Bird–habitat relationships were investigated by comparing vegetation characteristics, and bird species richness, diversity, abundance, and guild structure of birds (determined according to food type, foraging and nesting sites) between mature (60–100 years old) and over-mature (>120 years old) Macedonian pine forest stands. Studied forest age-classes differed mainly by the density, height and diameter of trees, and the amount of dead wood. The first one of these parameters decreased and the latter two parameters increased with the forest succession. The difference in the vegetation structure affected the abundance of bird-guilds and thus, the overall bird abundance and the structure of avian assemblages within Macedonian pine forests. There was no significant difference in bird diversity among studied forest age-classes, but the overall bird abundance increased with forest maturation. Analyzed by study plots, species richness was higher in over-mature forests, but at cluster level, there was no significant difference between mature and over-mature forest age-classes. Half of the studied (insectivorous, hole- and ground-nesters, bark- and canopy-foraging bird species) guilds were more abundant in over-mature forests, while there was no bird-guild exhibiting a preference for mature forest stands. The abundances of bird-guilds were correlated with tree height, diameter at breast height and the amount of dead wood between the studied forest age-classes and this might explain their preferences for over-mature pine forests. Therefore, for future sustainable management of these endemic forests and the conservation of their avifauna, efforts should focus on protecting the remaining native old-growth forest stands and the importance of the structure of Macedonian pine forests on their bird assemblages should be considered in forestry practices.  相似文献   

In the last decades, a large body of literature has grown to evaluate the impact of forest management on epiphytic lichens in boreal coniferous forests. However, information is still lacking on coniferous forests of the Alps. This study compares lichen diversity between spruce forest stands of four successional stages: (1) young, (2) intermediate, (3) mature forests managed for timber production with a rotation cycle of 120–180 years, and (4) old-growth protected forests. The emphasis was placed on the occurrence of nationally rare and calicioid species (lichens and fungi traditionally referred to as Caliciales, known to be indicative of forest age and continuity). For each forest successional stage, four plots were selected. In each plot, 7 spruce individuals were surveyed for epiphytic lichens according to a standardised sampling method. Species richness increased from young to mature stands, while no difference was detected between mature and old-growth stands. This pattern was also confirmed for rare and calicioid species which are, however, more frequent in old-growth stands. Differences in species composition were also found between the different forest successional stages. Mature and old-growth plots slightly overlap, indicating that to some extent comparable lichen assemblages could be found in these stands. A nested pattern of species assemblages was found, old-growth stands hosting most of the species which were also found in stands belonging to the previous forest successional stages. Our results support the hypothesis that the management regime applied to spruce forests of the Italian Alps renders mature stands managed for timber production somewhat similar to old-growth stands as lichen habitat. However, we found a higher complexity in old-growth forests, and many species of conservation concern clearly preferred old-growth stands. In this perspective, a further prolongation of the normal cycle it is likely to be a most favourable conservation-oriented management to be recommended at least within protected areas and Natura 2000 sites, where conservation purposes should receive a high priority.  相似文献   

The volume of deadwood was estimated in 24 stands within the temperate deciduous woodland of the Lower Wye Valley and the Forest of Dean. The stands were chosen to represent different forms of management and lack of management in woodland on predominantly well-drained sites within a single district. In mature stands which had not been managed for a century, total volumes and size class distributions had reached a level and variety comparable with long-unmanaged old-growth forests in Continental Europe and Eastern North America. In managed stands, including semi-natural mixtures which had formerly been neglected, volumes were generally no more than 30% of these natural levels and usually very much lower. Large well-rotted logs were extremely rare. This variation is reviewed in terms of the history of management in these woods.  相似文献   

Forest management practices have led to a reduction in the volume and a change in the composition of coarse woody debris (CWD) in many forest types. This study compared CWD volume and composition in reserves and two types of managed forest in the central boreal zone of Sweden. Ten areas were surveyed, each containing clear-cut, mature managed and old-growth stands, to determine the volume of standing and lying CWD in terms of species composition, decay class and size class. Volumes of CWD on clear-cuts and in mature managed forests were high compared with previous studies. Old-growth forests (72.6 m3 ha?1) contained a greater volume of CWD than mature managed forests (23.3 m3 ha?1) and clear-cuts (13.6 m3 ha?1). Differences were greatest for the larger size classes and intermediate decay stages. Despite stand ages being up to 144 years, CWD volume and composition in managed forests was more similar to clear-cuts than to old-growth forests.  相似文献   


In northern Europe, the biologically rich European aspen (Populus tremula) tends to disappear both from intensively managed and strictly protected forests, thus representing a biodiversity conservation challenge. This study describes the distribution of Aphyllophoroid fungi inhabiting aspen in a hemiboreal mixed-forest landscape where clear-cutting was usually followed by natural regeneration. In a 4-km2 area in Estonia, 181 individual forest stands and cut areas were surveyed. Sixty-one percent of the 2831 live aspen trees found were concentrated in 11% of the area. Thirty-six polypore species were recorded on aspen, with old stands and naturally created deadwood hosting most species. Among the records of 14 pre-defined aspen-specific basidiomycetes, Phellinus tremulae comprised about 95%. Six species (Ceriporiopsis aneirina, Clavicorona pyxidata, Funalia trogii, Phellinus populicola, Rigidoporus corticola, Steccherinum pseudozilingianum) were infrequent to rare, but widely distributed, inhabiting various stand-age classes, and mostly occurring outside “key habitats”. All the seven species absent are of conservation concern and frequent in Estonian old-growth forests. Thus, rotational management with natural aspen regeneration only provided habitat for some aspen-specific species. For sustaining all species, such landscapes should probably be complemented with stands managed using modified thinning and partial harvesting techniques in aspen-containing mixed stands.  相似文献   

The search for indicators to monitor management impact on biodiversity is a crucial question because management practices promote changes in community structure and composition of different animal groups. This study explores the effect of widely conducted management practices (forest logging and livestock) in Pinus uncinata forests in the Pyrenees range (NE Spain) on the structure and composition of ground ant communities compared to those of old-growth stands. Forest structure clearly differed in stands with different forest managements. These stands managed for different uses also showed marked differences in structure and composition of ground ant communities. There was a great dominance of a single species, Formica lugubris, which accounted for 99% of ants collected in pitfall traps. Rarefaction curves indicated that species richness was highest in old-growth stands and lowest in even-aged ones, with woodland pasture stands showing an intermediate value. Classification methods allowed us to identify two groups of species: six species related to old-growth plots and three species (including F. lugubris) associated to managed stands. Habitat structure played an important role in determining the structure of ant communities: forests with high tree density but low basal area were the most favourable forest type for F. lugubris, while the abundance of the remaining ant species was negatively affected by the abundance of F. lugubris and by tree cover.  相似文献   

We used an integrated approach to analyze the influence of silvopastoral management on the biotic and abiotic factors influencing on the natural recruitment of native forests in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). The probabilities of transition from flowers to seeds to seedlings were estimated in forests with silvopastoral management (i.e., stands that had been both grazed and thinned), secondary growth stands, and unmanaged old-growth areas. Pre-dispersal losses were caused by microclimate and insect predation acting on flowers and immature fruits. Post-dispersal losses resulted from the impact of reduced litterfall and microclimate. But the most critical stage of the overall cycle was seedling establishment. Silvopastoral practices and stand age modified the main drivers of regeneration. While flowering was unaffected by management, fruiting and seed production were more successful in unmanaged forests. Seedling establishment and survival were favored by canopy cover reduction in silvopastoral stands. The increase of solar radiation and soil moisture in managed forests positively influenced the seedling establishment and survival, while in second-growth forests it was limited by suitable micro-site availability. Thinning practices aimed at increasing the understory heterogeneity in mature forests and restoring canopy complexity of second-growth stands could be suitable for sustainable management of these temperate forests.  相似文献   

Alternative silvicultural approaches to timber management, such as regeneration treatments with different degrees of stand retention, may mitigate negative effects of clear-cutting or shelterwood cuts in forested ecosystems, including changes in old-growth forest bird communities. The aims of this work were: (a) to compare bird species richness and densities among different silvicultural designs with variable retention (dispersed and/or aggregated) and unmanaged primary forests, and (b) to assess temporal changes at community and species levels before and after treatments. A baseline avian survey was conducted prior to harvesting to evaluate canopy gap presence and forest stand site quality influences. Subsequent to harvesting, data on bird species richness and density were collected by point-count sampling during the summer season for 5 consecutive years (4 treatments × 5 years × 6 sampling points × 5 counts). Bird species richness and density (15 species and 9.2 individuals ha−1) did not change significantly with forest site quality of the stands and canopy gap presence in unmanaged forests. However, both variables were significantly modified in managed forests, increasing over time to 18 species and reaching to 39 individuals ha−1. Inside the aggregated retention, bird communities were more similar to unmanaged primary forests than those observed within the dispersed retention or in clear-cuts. Opting for a regeneration method with dispersed and aggregated retention has great potential for managing birds in Nothofagus pumilio forests. This method retained enough vegetation structure in a stand to permit the establishment of early successional birds (at least in dispersed retention), and to maintain the bird species of old-growth forests which could persisted in the retention aggregates.  相似文献   

In Japan, selective thinning is a common thinning method, though line thinning receives much attention because of its economic merits. In this study, we examined effects of the two thinning methods on bird communities in Todo fir (Abies sachalinensis) plantations in Hokkaido, Japan. We surveyed bird species in forests under four different management types — unthinned, selectively thinned, line-thinned plantation, and naturally regenerated forest (here after referred to as natural forest) stands — using a line-transect method. We also investigated vegetation structure (canopy tree and understory) of these stands. Bird species richness did not differ between natural forests and plantations, while bird total abundance was greater in plantations than in natural forests. Bird species richness and total abundance were comparable among the three management types for plantations. Abundances of 10 bird species were different among the four management types, and five species were more abundant in line-thinned plantations. However, two species were more abundant in selectively thinned stands than in line-thinned stands, and they frequently appeared in natural forests. There were no distinct differences in vegetation structure among the management types for plantations. Our results suggest that line thinning could be beneficial for some bird species in plantations.  相似文献   

Large uprooted trees are typical old-forest structures that provide distinct microsites for sessile organisms. While the habitat value of treefall pits for plants is relatively well known, the characteristic exposed root-plates of treefall mounds, which may require different management, have received less attention. The aim of the current study was to explore key factors of lichen incidence and their community characteristics on root-plates. We mapped and described treefall mounds in 24 stands (2 ha each) in a balanced design representing mixed stands of two site types (mesotrophic; drained swamp) and two management types (old growth, mature commercial forest) in hemiboreal Estonia. First, the occurrence of any lichens and of a specialized pin lichen, Chaenotheca furfuracea, was recorded on all 1207 mounds found. According to multi-level logistic regression models, their incidence depended on every mound-scale variable tested: there were independent positive effects of root-plate area and treefall age, spruce treefall, and the absence of exposed pit. In contrast, weak stand-scale effects only appeared when their interactions with mound-scale variables were included or some main effects were eliminated. C. furfuracea also occurred more frequently where other inhabited root-plates were nearby, and such dispersal limitation interacted with habitat quality. Secondly, full lichen communities were described in detail on a subsample of 84 root-plates of Norway spruce (Picea abies). Altogether 48 lichen species were recorded, including eight red-listed or nationally rare species. The communities on large fresh root-plates and in mature drained stands had distinct species composition, while communities of older mounds and in old-growth stands converged in species composition. We conclude that lichen incidence on root-plates is mostly determined by colonization probability, and commercial forests can support a diverse lichen biota when large treefall mounds, particularly of P. abies and of >10 years age are provided. However, given some differences of lichen communities in old growth, and because treefall issues conflict with other management objectives in commercial forests, optimised management of treefall areas there should be complemented by their strict protection in reserves.  相似文献   

In boreal black-spruce forests of Eastern Canada, a cohort model of ecosystem management has been proposed whereby a combination of both partial and more intensive cutting are used to emulate old-growth stands and the re-establishment of stands following severe wildfire. As with other approaches to coarse filter conservation, partial cutting is hypothesized to maintain and potentially recreate plant and animal assemblages consistent with a range of natural variability. In this study, we used ground-dwelling spiders (Araneae) to evaluate whether partial cutting and a cohort model of ecosystem management are sufficient to preserve biodiversity found in mature and over-mature boreal black spruce stands prone to paludification. We compared the spider fauna (11,628 individuals representing 136 species) in replicated partial cuts, clear cuts and uncut control stands with a chronosequence of mature and over-mature naturally regenerated stands (94-288 years since the last fire) [25 stands in total] in the same region of the northern Clay belt in Québec (Canada). In stands that were old-growth prior to cutting, harvesting had strong repercussions on spider assemblages that were not attenuated by less intensive, partial cutting. The most obvious changes in spider assemblages were related to increased recruitment of species that were nearly absent in uncut stands. Several cosmopolitan species that were widely distributed among stands prior to harvest increased in cut stands. Spider assemblages collected following either cutting methods were not consistent with assemblages found within the chronosequence and thus fell outside the observed range of natural variability. However we did not observe a similar recruitment effect for spider species in younger stands with relatively higher levels of retention. We demonstrate that the interaction between stand age prior to cutting, the degree of paludification as well as remnant basal area are important considerations when evaluating the efficacy of partial cutting to maintain forest spider assemblages and biodiversity at large in black-spruce stands. “We also suggest that retention levels in partial cuts will have to be substantially increased to maintain spider communities within their range of natural variation in managed forested landscapes.” However partial cutting with higher levels of retention, particularly in younger stands, may be useful in coarse filter management particularly for establishing or accelerating spider assemblages towards those found in old-growth stands.  相似文献   

Long-term studies in relatively undisturbed forest ecosystems, such as occur in many of the USFS’ Experimental Forests, provide valuable insight into bird population and community processes, information pertinent to forest management and bird conservation. Major findings from 40 years of research in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in north-central New Hampshire reviewed here show that the distributions and abundances of bird species are dynamic, even within well-developed and mature forests, and that species respond differently to habitat (vegetation) structure, food availability, and other features of the forest environment. At the local scale, bird population demography is most affected by factors that influence fecundity and recruitment, mainly food availability, weather, nest predators, and density dependent processes. Fecundity is strongly correlated with subsequent recruitment and is critical for maintaining breeding population size. Events in the non-breeding season, however, also influence the abundance and demography of breeding populations, indicating the need to assess factors operating throughout the species’ annual cycle. At the landscape scale, populations in temperate forests are spatially structured by each species’ response to habitat and environmental patterns, but also by social interactions such as competition and conspecific attraction. Settlement patterns and ultimately reproductive performance depend on habitat quality, based on vegetation structure, food availability and nest predator effects that vary across the landscape. Results from these long-term studies centered at Hubbard Brook provide a mechanistic understanding of avian population dynamics and community responses. The results provide a framework for predicting how future changes in habitat quality, climate, and other environmental threats may influence bird populations and communities in north-temperate forests.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine bird communities in regenerating (5–25 years) and mature (40–100 years) jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forest in boreal Ontario. The study area was located near White River in north central Ontario with an area of 187,800 ha. We explored the response of bird community structure to stand age, and the influence of stand age on the distribution of individual species. We were interested in two principal questions. The first was how unique are the bird communities to specific age classes. If bird communities are highly specific to age classes then alterations to the age class distribution of the forest can have important impacts on the overall bird community composition and structure. The second question was how specific are individual species to age classes. Species that are highly specific to a single age class are expected to be highly sensitive to the amount and potentially the configuration of that age class on the landscape. We sampled birds for three breeding seasons. The number of bird species increased with stand age. Tree species composition did not change as stands aged, but there were distinctive changes in vegetation structure through succession. For example, the total amount of vertical vegetation structure increased significantly with age. More than half of the bird species examined were significant indicators of individual age classes. Blue-headed vireo, brown creeper, black-throated green warbler, golden-crowned kinglet, ovenbird and red-breasted nuthatch were all significant indicators of the mature age class. The bird assemblage of mature stands was significantly different from that of regenerating forest and within regenerating forest, 3–5-year-old stands contained a significantly different bird assemblage to that of 8–25-year-old regenerating forest. These results suggest that the distribution of forest age classes on the landscape is a critical element in determining habitat availability and therefore the viability of boreal bird populations in managed forests.  相似文献   

The structure of modern forest landscapes is profoundly affected by human-caused disturbances, particularly forest management; however, the effects and prospects of individual silvicultural techniques are insufficiently understood. This study distinguishes the effects of clear-cutting, planting and thinning on species richness and community composition of polypore fungi. In 2008–2009, 181 forest compartments (ranging from naturally regenerated deciduous stands to planted Picea abies stands and 0–137 years post clear-cutting) were explored in a hemiboreal landscape subjected to even-aged management. Altogether 104 polypore species were recorded. For species richness, time since clear-cutting was the most influential factor at both stand and landscape scales, followed by thinning. Clear-cuts had distinct polypore communities (including several red-listed species) whose species richness declined in time. Following 20 years post clear-cutting, species richness started to increase along different community–composition pathways determined by regeneration type. The communities developed after planting were moderately species rich at stand scale but homogeneous over larger areas. Thus, at landscape scale, mature unmanaged naturally regenerated stands hosted most species; thinning reduced species richness by approximately 15%, and among thinned stands, planted areas had a further 9–22% fewer species than naturally regenerated areas. In such variably managed landscape, silviculture appeared to create particularly distinct communities in young stands on nutrient-rich soils, which naturally provide polypores with a rich supply of small deciduous snags absent from stands artificially planted with P. abies and intensively thinned.  相似文献   

In densely populated regions, forests can help protect communities and infrastructures from natural hazards such as avalanches and rockfall. To promote the protective function, substantial efforts are made to actively manage forest stands. In 2009 alone the Swiss government invested more than 60 million sfr for the maintenance of protection forests. However, to date there has been no comprehensive evaluation of how the structural development of actively managed stands differs from that of passively managed stands in the Alps. Over the past century the structure of Norway-spruce dominated subalpine forests of the Swiss Alps has been changing and it is not clear how these changes affect the potential protective function of these forests, as well as other forest functions such as wildlife habitat. Furthermore, it is not clear how stand dynamics and structural changes differ between stands that are actively managed and those that are passively managed, and thus to what degree active efforts of forest management are contributing to stands that actually have a greater protective function than passively managed forests.In this study, we analyzed the dynamics of subalpine forests using time series of forest inventory data and examined the influence of active vs. passive management, exposition, distance to treeline, elevation and slope steepness on stand structure and dynamics. We analyzed data from 395 plots in dense, subalpine, spruce-dominated forests in the Swiss Alps. Data were collected during three distinct periods (1983-1985, 1993-1995 and 2004-2006) as part of the Swiss National Forest Inventory (NFI). Using regression trees and multivariate statistics, we investigated which factors have the most important influence on tree growth and stand development.Overall, forest density increased significantly over the last 20 years and the predominance of dense forests increased at higher elevations. However, forest density has not increased in actively managed forests over the past 10 years. In passively managed stands, density was higher on south-facing slopes than on north-facing slopes. The volume and density of dead wood has increased over the last 20 years in both actively managed and passively managed forests. Active management over the last 20 years has maintained forest conditions that adequately maintain stands’ protection functions in the Swiss Alps. However, stand development, especially increasing density, in the passively managed stands of the Swiss Alps suggests that the majority of passively managed stands also provide adequate protective functions against rock and avalanche hazards without the high costs of active management.  相似文献   

Fire is a widespread natural disturbance agent in most conifer-dominated forests. In light of climate change and the effects of fire exclusion, single and repeated high-severity (stand-replacement) fires have become prominent land management issues. We studied bird communities using point counting in the Klamath-Siskiyou ecoregion of Oregon, USA at various points in time after one or two high-severity fires. Time points included 2 and 3 years after a single fire, 17 and 18 years after a single fire, 2 and 3 years after a repeat fire (15 year interval between fires), and >100 years since stand-replacement fire (mature/old-growth forest). Avian species richness did not differ significantly among habitats. Bird density was highest 17 and 18 years after fire, lowest 2 years after fire, and intermediate in repeat burns and unburned forest. Bird community composition varied significantly with habitat type (A = 0.24, P < 0.0001) with two distinct gradients in species composition relating to tree structure (live to dead) and shrub stature. Using indicator species analysis, repeat burns were characterized by shrub-nesting and ground-foraging bird species while unburned mature forests were characterized by conifer-nesting and foliage-gleaning species. Bird density was not related to snag basal area but was positively related to shrub height. Contrary to expectations, repeated high-severity fire did not reduce species richness, and bird densities were greater in repeat burns than in once-burned habitats. Broad-leaved hardwoods and shrubs appear to play a major role in structuring avian communities in the Klamath-Siskiyou region. In light of these results, extended periods of early seral broadleaf dominance and short-interval high-severity fires may be important to the conservation of avian biodiversity.  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between forest succession after severe logging forestry practices and the composition of avian communities, we investigated how forest bird composition and guild structure change as a function of structural properties along a successional gradient, including a climax mature forest (>400 years), a rehabilitated mixed forest (50-70 years), and a disturbed Masson pine forest (70 years) of the Dinghushan Nature Reserve, Guangdong Province, China. Of a total of 51 resident species recorded, mixed forests hosted the highest numbers of individuals and species, reflecting the high species richness of both forest and non-forest species. For forest-dependent species, however, mature stands had the highest observed and estimated species richness. Of 6 habitat-use guilds identified, vertical-profile generalists and understory-birds formed the two dominant guilds, accounting for 54.0% and 38.7% of all individuals respectively. The results of canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) clearly showed that most forest-dependent species were associated with high proportions of native canopy cover and the mean density of dead trees and large trees, which are characteristic of old-growth mature forests (horizontal heterogeneity) at stand level. Accordingly, conservation efforts should focus on the specialized requirements of the most habitat-restricted species in the future, especially for understory insectivores (Babblers) and large-tree users in mature subtropical monsoon forests of southern China. Moreover, since regenerating mixed forests are very similar to mature forests in both vegetation structure and bird community composition, we recommend that logging cycles (>50 years) be increased to a minimum of 50 years in southern China, so that a balance between economic and ecological interest can be reestablished.  相似文献   

Pinus sylvestris-dominated forests have been heavily utilized across all of boreal Fennoscandia and the remaining natural forests are generally highly fragmented. However, there are considerable local and regional differences in the intensity and duration of past forest utilization. We studied the impact of human forest use on the diversity of epiphytic and epixylic lichens in late-successional Pinus sylvestris-dominated forests by assessing species richness and composition along both local and regional gradients in forest utilization. The effects of local logging intensity were analysed by comparing three types of stands: (i) near-natural, (ii) selectively logged (in the early 20th century) and (iii) managed stands. The effects of regional differences in duration and intensity of past forest use were analysed by comparing stands in two contrasting regions (Häme and Kuhmo–Viena). The species richness of selectively logged stands was as high as that of near-natural stands and significantly higher in these two stand categories than in managed stands. Species richness increased with the density of small understorey Picea, which correlated strongly with decreasing intensity of local forest use and increasing structural complexity of selectively logged and near-natural stands. Stands in the Häme region hosted a lower number of species, and were less likely to host many old-growth indicator species than the Kuhmo–Viena region, suggesting that species have been lost from stands in the Häme region due to a longer history of intensive forest use. We conclude that selectively logged stands, along with near-natural stands, are valuable lichen habitats particularly for species confined to old-growth structures such as coarse trees and deadwood. In landscapes where natural forests have become fragmented, the management or restoration of the remaining late-successional Pinus-dominated forests, e.g. through the use of fire, should be carefully planned to avoid adverse effects on lichen species richness.  相似文献   

采伐方式对海南岛霸王岭热带山地雨林恢复的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比较3种采伐方式(重复采伐、径级择伐和采育择伐)对海南岛霸王岭热带山地雨林恢复群落中物种多样性、群落结构和功能群组成的影响。结果表明:3种方式采伐后(20~25年)的山地雨林恢复群落物种丰富度呈增加趋势,主要表现为小径级(胸径<10cm)的长寿命先锋种增加;与老龄林相比,径级采伐和采育择伐没有增加伐后林中成年树的物种丰富度;3种采伐恢复林中幼树和小树的物种累积速度低于老龄林;森林采伐后恢复群落中的个体密度显著高于老龄林,但胸高截面积显著低于老龄林;伐后林群落中胸高截面积减少最多的为采育择伐,其次为径级择伐和重复采伐;森林采伐恢复群落内长寿命先锋种的物种丰富度、个体密度和胸高截面积均增加,而后期耐荫种物种丰富度变化较小;采育择伐在短期降低了森林木材蓄积量,但没有显著改变群落中功能群组成,因而能够在相对较短的时间内恢复到干扰前的水平。  相似文献   

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