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Forest cover and pattern changes in the Carpathians over the last decades   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study aims at developing a satellite-based methodology for the implementation of two Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe indicators for the European Alpine Bio-geographic region, and their changes over time: (1) area of forest cover and (2) forest spatial pattern. The northern Carpathians were selected as a study area due to the documented recent increase of forest cover. Changes of forest cover were quantified using Landsat images for the years 1987 and 2000. Single-date forest–non-forest maps were derived by image segmentation and supervised classification, including the use of ancillary data (CORINE Land Cover and a digital elevation model). These maps were an input for the post-classification change detection. The forest spatial pattern maps with four classes (core, patch, edge and perforated forest) were derived with morphological image processing. A simple method to mask uncertainty areas on forest maps and related products was also developed. The accuracy of the resulting forest–non-forest map was assessed with orthophotos and amounts to 93.9%. Uncertainty areas, for which change assessment was judged more difficult and less reliable, were not considered for assessing forest cover change. The annual forest cover change rate of 0.38% was found over the 1987–2000 period. For the 13-year time period, we found a decrease of core forest and an increase of patch and perforated forest. We conclude that the proposed methodology allows to quantify changes of forest cover and forest spatial pattern at ∼1 ha minimum mapping unit.
C. Estreguil

A vegetation survey of semi-permanent plots was conducted between years 1955–1962 and 2005–2009, and aimed to determine floristic changes occurring in beech forests located on a scarcely populated, dense forest area. The survey encompassed all natural beech forest types within the Polish part of the “Eastern Carpathians” International Reserve of Biosphere. A comparison of trends in changes between unmanaged (Bieszczady National Park) and managed (the remaining part of the Biosphere Reserve) forests was attempted. DCA analysis was used for the determination of changes on the community level. The density of vegetation, species richness, frequency of occurrence and cover, and functional groups of species were determined. Much more profound community changes were determined to have occurred in managed beech forests. However, a similar direction in vegetation changes within both managed and unmanaged forests verifies the existence of a regional pattern of changes in beech forests. This regional pattern involves (1) a decrease in the shares of arborescent species within the shrub layer, (2) disturbance of the canopy layer, (3) acidification of the top layer of the soil, (4) change of light conditions, (5) increase in shares of generalist species and decrease in shares of specialist species. A decreasing anthropogenic pressure, aging of forest stands, functioning of large, dense forest areas and sustainable forest management strategies forestry management system mimicking natural deciduous forest disturbance regime constitute factors shaping the regional changes of the forest vegetation. The undergoing changes can lead to biotic and spatial homogenization of the Eastern Carpathian beech forests.  相似文献   

Status of organic carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), available potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) in three different depths (0-5 cm, 5-15 cm and 15-30 cm) on two hill slopes of 35% and 55% in orange orchard cultivated by the Mro tribe of Chittagong Hill. Tracts (CHTs) were evaluated and compared with those in degraded bush forests, through digging three profiles in each land use. The content of all the five nutrients was found to be higher in the soil of orange orchard than in the soil of forest. But the variation was not consistent for both the slopes. The content varied depth wise also, having the highest value in surface soil in case of both the land uses on both the slopes. A mean available K content was significantly higher in orange orchard than in forest on 55% slope, while it was lower on 35% slope. Surface soil contained the nutrients of K and Ca with the amount of 0.2905-mg·g^-1 soil and 3.025-mg·g^-1 soil respectively in the orchard, while 0.1934-mg·g^-1 soil and 1.6083-mg·g^-1 soil were respectively in the forest. Organic carbon and total nitrogen were found more or less similar in surface soil on both the land uses showing a slight difference. Available P was found only in orange orchard, and in forest it was too little in amount to detect by the spectrophotometer. The degraded forests were poor in nutrient content due to high rate of soil erosion, which would be possible to be improved by bringing it under tree cover as proved by the adaptation of orange orchard there.  相似文献   

采用烘干法和环刀法对土壤物理性质进行了测定,目的是为了重点了解岷江上游山地森林/干旱河谷交错带的不同植被类型下0~40cm土壤含水量的变化。经过2007年4月、7月、9月、11月四个不同时期的测定,结果表明:同一植被类型下(除灌木林地)土壤含水量9月份的最大,与当地的雨季呈现同增同减的关系,而灌木林地下的呈现从4月到1...  相似文献   

Large areas of northern coniferous forests once naturally maintained by stand-replacing wildfires have shifted to an anthropogenic disturbance regime of clearcut harvesting followed by natural or artificial regeneration, with unknown consequences for soil biogeochemical processes. We used a comparative approach to investigate the effects of whole-tree harvesting (WTH) vs. stand-replacing wildfire (WF) on soil C and nutrient availability, and nutrition and growth of the succeeding stand, in jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forests of northern Lower Michigan. We compared total carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), potential N mineralization, and extractable phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) among stands regenerated via WTH or WF in two age classes (4–7 years and 12–18 years). We also measured jack pine foliar nutrition and height growth in these same stands, as well as estimating the contribution of legacy dead wood to ecosystem nutrient capital in young stands. We found some evidence in support of our hypothesis that WTH would leave behind greater pools of soil C and N, but lower pools of P and base cations. However, the differences we observed were confined entirely to surface organic horizons, with the two disturbance regimes indistinguishable when viewed cumulatively to our maximum sampling depth of 30 cm. Estimates of nutrient pools in legacy wood inherited by young jack pine stands were also small in comparison to total soil pools (ranging from 1 to 9% depending on the element), suggesting that decomposition and nutrient release from this material is not likely to result in noticeable differences in soil fertility later in stand development. Similar levels of soil nutrients between WTH- and WF-origin stands were reflected in our measures of jack pine foliar nutrition and height growth, which were both unaffected by mode of stand origin. Results from this study suggest that soil nutrient levels following WTH fall within the natural range of variation produced by WF in these jack pine forests; however, comparison with a similar study on boreal jack pine suggests that latitudinal effects on O-horizon nutrient capital may influence the degree to which WTH matches the effects of WF on soil nutrient availability.  相似文献   

The relationship between soil properties and spatial distribution of native woody species was studied in three Taita Hills forest fragments which, although degraded, are ranked among 34 biodiversity hotspots of the world due to their high biodiversity of both plant and animal species. This relationship was assessed by using Spearman correlation and principal component analyses (PCA). The results of these analyses should be useful in instituting forest restoration programs that are crucial for the forests. Both the soil and vegetation studied were sampled from 17 subplots in the natural forest fragments of Ngangao (120 ha), Chawia (86 ha) and Mbololo (185 ha). The soil variables measured were: pH, texture, soil nutrients of C, N, Ca, P, K, Mg and Na. In total 36 native tree species from 13 families were identified from the three forest fragments. Ordination results show that axis 1 accounted for 35% and axis 2 for 25% of the total variation in species composition, indicating that the structure of vegetation is related to two major environmental gradients. The correlation analyses of species and soil properties showed that Na and clay particles were the most important determinants of species distribution; pH and soil variables such as C, N, Ca and P also played minor roles. Unexpectedly, some species (e.g. Psychotria petitii) showed positive relationships with Na attributed to possible substitution for K. Relationships with P were both positive (e.g. Craibia zimmermannii) and negative (e.g. Albizia gummifera) with some species, attributable to pH levels. An ANOVA for soil variables showed that there were differences in the Ca content in Mbololo (due to the parent material) and P in Ngangao where a special relationship was observed between some of the species. The presence of gaps accounted for the distribution of seedlings but not for the saplings, whose distribution responded more to factors similar to those to which mature trees respond. Soil-species relationships that were established may be utilized along with soil analyses when choosing native species for restoration.  相似文献   

论干热河谷植被恢复过程中的适度造林技术   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:11  
本文分析了攀枝花市干热河谷区自然条件和自然植被的特征,针对攀枝花干热河谷植被恢复过程中存在的问题,结合我国干旱地区植被恢复技术的问题,提出植被恢复与重建应遵守植被分布规律,根据区内环境空间异质性和多样性,参照自然植被的空间结构确定人工植被的空间结构,为加快植被恢复进程,提出干热河谷“适度”造林技术;并从生态、经济和生态经济角度,讨论了“适度”的内涵和“适度”造林的概念与含义。  相似文献   

选择四川省沐川县凉风坳亚热带次生常绿阔叶林为研究对象,在2004年5月、2004年12月和2005年5月对其林下土壤种子库、种子雨以及种子天然萌发状况等方面进行系统调查及分析研究。结果显示,种子下落前后土壤种子库储量,变动为643.2~889.2粒.m-2,物种和种子密度多年生草本物种均占优势。天然林土壤种子库Shannon-Wiener指数均在2004年5月最大,2004年12月次之,2005年5月最小;Simpson指数却和Shannon-Wiener指数H'的变化趋势相反;Pielou均匀度指数在2004年12月有所降低,此后又升高。种子均呈明显垂直分布,其中0~2 cm土层种子数量最多,其次是枯枝落叶层,其数量随着土层加深而降低。土壤种子库年输入活力种子142.3粒.m-2,年输出活力种子268.9粒.m-2,动物取食是造成种子损失的主要原因。对照人工林土壤种子库物种和密度均低于天然林地;种子库与地上植被物种相似性系数,人工林较高,而天然次生常绿阔叶林较低。  相似文献   

Both climate and land-use changes, including the introduction and spread of allochthonous species, are forecast to affect forest ecosystems. Accordingly, forests will be affected in terms of species composition as well as their soil chemical and biological characteristics. The possible changes in both tree cover and soil system might impact the amount of carbon that is stored in living plants and dead biomass and within the soil itself. Additionally, such alterations can have a strong impact on ...  相似文献   

Soil moisture content (0–90 cm depth) and nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) concentrations in soil solution (90 cm depth) were monitored after gap formation (diameter 15–18 m) in three Danish beech-dominated forests on nutrient-rich till soils. NO3-N drainage losses were estimated by the water balance model WATBAL for one of the sites. Two forests were non-intervention forests (semi-natural and unmanaged), the third was subject to nature-based management. The study was intended to assess the range of effects of gap formation in forests of low management intensity. In the unmanaged and the nature-based managed forest, soil solution was collected for 5 years and soil moisture measured in the fourth year after gap formation. Average NO3-N concentrations were significantly higher in the gaps (9.9 and 8.1 mg NO3-N l−1, respectively) than under closed canopy (0.2 mg l−1). In the semi-natural forest, measurements were carried out up to 29 months after gap formation. Average NO3-N concentrations in the gap were 19.3 mg NO3-N l−1. Gap formation alone did not account for this high level, as concentrations were high also under closed canopy (average 12.4 mg NO3-N l−1). However, the gap had significantly higher N concentrations when trees were in full leaf, and NO3-N drainage losses were significantly increased in the gap. No losses occurred under closed canopy in growing seasons. Soil moisture was close to field capacity in all three gaps, but decreased under closed canopy in growing seasons. In the semi-natural forest, advanced regeneration and lateral closure of the gap affected soil moisture levels in the gap in the last year of the study.  相似文献   

Ten forest sites with a tree layer of almost pure beech in southern-central Scania, south Sweden, were studied. They were all located in the interior of large forest stands. Five of the stands were developed on mor Podzols with scanty or almost no ground layer vegetation. The other five sites were located on mull Cambisols with a rich ground layer of many vascular plant species and a shrub layer of varying density. In total, 42 carabid beetle species and 9260 individuals were captured with pitfall traps (15 per site, diameter 87 mm) during 12 weeks in April, July and September 2007. Composition of the carabid fauna differed considerably between the two types of sites. In the Cambisol sites 39 carabid species were found, compared to only 21 species in the Cambisol sites. Mean carabid species richness per site differed significantly between Cambisol and Podzol sites (n = 20.4 and 13.2, respectively). The difference was wholly due to a lower number of small carabid species (mean body length <12 mm) in the Podzol sites. Of four variables (pH-KCl, Clay, Organic matter, and Sum of plant cover percentages below tree canopy) the sum of plant cover variable usually accounted for more (>50%) of the carabid beetle variability compared to the three other variables. Carabus glabratus and Pterostichus oblongopunctatus were almost exclusively found on Podzol. Carabus coriaceus, Pterostichus melanarius and in particular Carabus nemoralis were more abundant on Cambisol, whereas Carabus hortensis and Pterostichus niger were almost ubiquitous and attained the highest total numbers. There was no significant difference between Podzol and Cambisol sites in the total number of carabid individuals captured. C. coriaceus, C. hortensis, and Carabus violaceus, species that were abundant enough in all sites for a comparison, had significantly larger mean body sizes in the Podzol than in the Cambisol sites, a finding valid for both sexes. There were more males than females of C. coriaceus, C. violaceus, and C. nemoralis in the catches, whereas sex distribution of C. hortensis was equal. Possible explanations for the findings are differences in microclimate and food web characteristics related to differences between Podzols and Cambisols in understorey vegetation and soil or litter properties.  相似文献   

This study determined existing quantitative stand structure and its implication on silvicultural management of homestead forestry. The results showed that fruit and timber species have importance values of 57% and 43%, respectively, in the study area, which is in contrast to the commonly held view of absolute domination of fruit species. The fruit species were only moderately dominant over timber species in relation to the quantitative stand structure of homestead forests. Two fruit species, Mangifera indica and Artocarpus heterophyllus, contribute about one third of the stand structure, while amongst the timber species Samanea saman and Albizia spp. are the most important species. A simulated evaluation of soil expectation value of homestead forest showed that the existing stand structure would not maximize the financial gain perpetually, in contrast, the quantitative stand structure could be effectively regulated to maximize grower benefit without compromising the existing biodiversity. Optimization of the quantitative stand structure of homestead forests could be achieved by changing the species composition, specifically by increasing the percentage of commercially valuable species like Michelia champaca, Tectona grandis, Artocarpus chapalasha, Gmelina arborea, Litchi chinensis, Citrus grandis, Psidium guajava, Lagerstroemia speciosa, Swietenia mahogany, etc., reducing the percentage of species like Mangifera indica, Artocarpus heterophyllus, Cocos nucifera, Samanea saman, Spondias pinnata, Phoenix sylvestris, etc., and eradicating species like Lannea coromandelica and Ficus benghalensis. It was estimated that the optimal relative density of fruit and timber species that would generate optimal financial benefit would be 40.4% and 59.6%, respectively.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyse the degree to which the variation in soil conditions corresponds to the occurrence of specific plant species at micro-scale. The investigation was performed in beech forests with seven plant species growing on three sites with different geological substrates of the Triassic period (Muschelkalk, Oberer and Mittlerer Buntsandstein). At each site three to five plant species of ca. 20 individuals each were selected by stratified random sampling. The growth location of a plant individual was considered to be a potential microsite. At the gowth locations, soil solution was exctracted in situ by low tension lysimetry from the rooted topsoil exactly beneath the selected plant individuals. A soil sample was taken from the same spot and analysed for pH(H2O) and exchangeable cations. In addition, the vegetation was recorded around each target individual and species composition was related to chemical soil properties by multivariate analyses.

The three sites were found to form a gradient with respect to most analysed soil parameters. Variation coefficients of soil properties increased in the sequence pH, exchangeable Ca, K, Mg, Al, Fe, Mn. Concentrations of cations in the soil solution varied to a higher degree than those of exchangeable cations with the sole exception of Fe that showed a lower variation in the soil solution. Averaged over all sites, the microsite values for pH and exchangeable Ca exhibited a distinct sequence for the investigated species with decreasing values in the root horizon in the sequence Mercurialis perennis, Arum maculatum, Lamiastrum galeobdolon, Galium odoratum, Viola reichenbachiana, Oxalis acetosella and Luzula luzuloides. Within sites, only few significant differences were found between the potential microsites of specific species. The microsites of species on Muschelkalk differed in pH, concentrations of exchangeable Ca and K and of Ca in the soil solution. The microsites on Mittlerer Buntsandstein differed in pH and concentration of exchangeable Fe. No significant differences between species were found on Oberer Buntsandstein. Species composition in a area of 3.14 m2 around the sample locations varied only to a minor degree as was revealed by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). In addition, the low level of encountered variation could only be explained to a small degree by the soil variables.

It is concluded that the analysed environmental factors are of minor importance for fine-scale species occurrences. At a scale of meters or less, biotic parameters might exert a greater influence than soil parameters.  相似文献   

Regional conservation planning frequently relies on general assumptions about historical disturbance regimes to inform decisions about landscape restoration, reserve allocations, and landscape management. Spatially explicit simulations of landscape dynamics provide quantitative estimates of landscape structure and allow for the testing of alternative scenarios. We used a landscape fire succession model to estimate the historical range of variability of vegetation and fire in a dry forest landscape (size ca. 7900 km2) where the present-day risk of high severity fire threatens the persistence of older closed canopy forest which may serve as Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) habitat. Our results indicated that historically, older forest may have comprised the largest percentage of the landscape (∼35%), followed by early successional forest (∼25%), with about 9% of the landscape in a closed canopy older forest condition. The amount and condition of older forest varied by potential vegetation type and land use allocation type. Vegetation successional stages had fine-grained spatial heterogeneity in patch characteristics, with older forest tending to have the largest patch sizes among the successional stages. Increasing fire severities posed a greater risk to Northern Spotted Owl habitat than increasing fire sizes or frequencies under historical fire regimes. Improved understanding of historical landscape-specific fire and vegetation conditions and their variability can assist forest managers to promote landscape resilience and increases of older forest, in dry forests with restricted amounts of habitat for sensitive species.  相似文献   

Forests have conventionally been seen as a source of products for sustaining resource-poor households. Nonetheless, forest management strategies have often not been designed to meet these pressing needs. The objectives of this research were to examine the contribution of forest products to household income and determine the level of forest dependence among poor households in four sectors selected from the Musanze and Nyabihu districts of Rwanda. A multistage sampling process was used to select 165 households in a questionnaire-based survey. Data analysis was mainly based on a binary probit regression model checked for multicollinearity, hetero- scedasticity and specification bias. Forest products accounted for 31% of annual household income. Household location, number of cattle owned, and household size had a positive and significant effect on dependence on forest resources (p < 0.05). However, gender was significant at the 10% level (p < 0.1). Forests have a plural role for the rural poor and this justifies the implementation of sustainable forest management strategies. There is a need to improve the use of agroforestry innovations to enhance the contribution of forests to rural incomes. This can be achieved through a multisectoral approach involving training of rural farmers in appropriate technologies.  相似文献   

Nothofagus dombeyi is distributed on very diverse sites in the temperate forests of Chile and Argentina. In Chile, studies on its dynamics and productivity in forests, where it is the dominant species, have been carried out mainly in the foothills of the Andes, but the productivity and growth of these forests in the Coastal Range are almost unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate the construction of a single dominant height/age growth model for two homogeneous edaphoclimatic zones (ZEH 2 and 5) previously defined for this species in the Coastal Range of south­central Chile. The results showed that the Chapman-Richards model was the best candidate function, in terms of goodness of fit and predictive capabilities. Using this function, specific parameters (a, b and c) were obtained for each zone, from which site models were constructed by the Algebraic Difference Approach method for a base age of 35 years. This model is intended to contribute to better estimations of site productivity for N. dombeyi forests in the Coastal Range of south-central Chile, and thus facilitate private and public decisions regarding their management.  相似文献   

Soil carbon (C) stocks in forest ecosystems have been widely estimated to a fixed soil depth (i.e., 0-30 cm) to clarify temporal changes in the C pool. However, surface elevations change as a result of compaction or expansion of the soil under forest management and land use. On the other hand, the calculation of soil C stocks based on “equivalent soil mass” is not affected by compaction or expansion of forest soil. To contribute to the development of a forest C accounting methodology, we compared changes in soil C stocks over 4 years between depth- and mass-based approaches using original soil data collected at 0-30 cm depths in young plantations and secondary forests in West Java, Indonesia. Our methodology expanded on the mass-based approach; rather than using one representative value for the mass-based calculation of soil C stocks, we adjusted individual values, maintaining the coefficient of variance in soil mass. We also considered the effect of an increase or decrease in soil organic matter on equivalent soil mass. Both increasing and decreasing trends in soil C stocks became clearer when the mass-based approach was used rather than the depth-based approach. The trends in soil C stocks based on equivalent soil mass were particularly evident in the surface soil layers (0-5 cm) and in plantation sites, compared with those for soil profiles including subsurface soil layers (0-30 cm) and in secondary forests. These trends in soil C stocks corresponded with temporal trends in litter stocks. We suggest that equivalent mass-basis soil C stock for the upper 30 cm of soil be calculated based on multiple soil layers to reduce estimation errors. Changes in soil organic matter mass had little effect on the estimation of soil C stock on an equivalent mass basis. For the development of a forest C accounting system, the mass-based approach should be used to characterize temporal trends in soil C stocks and to improve C cycle models, rather than simpler methods of calculating soil C stocks. These improvements will help to increase the tier level of country-specific forest C accounting systems.  相似文献   

The conversion of forests to agroecosystems or agroforests comes with many changes in biological and chemical processes. Agroforestry, a tree based agroecosystem, has shown promise with respect to enhanced system nutrient accumulation after land conversion as compared to sole cropping systems. Previous research on tropical agroforestry systems has revealed increases in soil organic matter and total organic nitrogen in the short term. However, research is lacking on long-term system level sustainability of nutrient cycles and storage, specifically in traditional multi-strata agroforestry systems, as data on both the scope and duration of nutrient instability are inconclusive and often conflicting. This study, conducted in Ghana, West Africa, focused on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a twenty-five year chronosequence of cacao (Theobroma cacao Linn.) plantations. Three treatments were selected as on-farm research sites: 2, 15 and 25-year-old plantations. Soil carbon (C, to a depth of 15 cm) varied between treatments (2 years: 22.6 Mg C ha−1; 15 years: 17.6 Mg C ha−1; 25 years: 18.2 Mg C ha−1) with a significant difference between the 2- and 15- and the 2- and 25-year-old treatments (p < 0.05). Total soil nitrogen in the top 15 cm varied between 1.09 and 1.25 Mg N ha−1 but no significant differences were noted between treatments. Soil nitrification rates and litter fall increased significantly with treatment age. However, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and soil temperature showed a significant decrease with age. No difference was found between decay rates of litter at each treatment age. By 25 years, system carbon sequestration rates were 3 Mg C ha−1 y−1, although results suggest that even by 15 years, system-level attributes were progressing towards those of a natural system.  相似文献   

Large-scale vegetation restoration in China's Loess Plateau has been initiated by the central government for controlling soil and water losses in the past three decades. However, there is virtually no guidance for plant species selection for the restoration purpose. We investigated the effects of planting trees and shrubs, land-use conversions from croplands to pastures and native grasslands on soil water dynamics and water stresses by using long-term field measurements from 1986 to 1999 in the semi-arid loess hilly area. Our research has led to the following three major findings. Firstly, the amount of soil water storage within a 100 cm depth decreased as measured at both the beginning and the ending point of growing seasons regardless land cover types. The soil water replenishment by rainfall during rainy seasons was not sufficient to fully recharge the soil water storage. Landscape restoration through shrub planting may help retain more soil water than other land cover types. Secondly, the ratio of actual evapotranspiration (ET) and pan evaporation (PET) generally declined for all land cover types during the study period. Shrub lands had the largest ET/PET ratio, followed by native grassland, cropland/alfalfa, and pine woodland. The ET/PET ratio of native grasslands declined fastest, followed by pine woodlands, shrub lands, alfalfa, and croplands. Pine woodland's low ET/PET ratios were mainly caused by its higher runoff due to soil compaction resulted from soil desiccation. Lastly, we found that the soil water storage at the beginning of growing season was important in determining the ET/PET ratios. This study suggested that pine plantations may not be appropriate for landscape restoration in such a semi-arid loess hilly area while shrubs may be highly recommended.  相似文献   

Understanding long-term changes in forest ecosystem carbon stocks under forest management practices such as timber harvesting is important for assessing the contribution of forests to the global carbon cycle. Harvesting effects are complicated by the amount, type, and condition of residue left on-site, the decomposition rate of this residue, the incorporation of residue into soil organic matter and the rate of new detritus input to the forest floor from regrowing vegetation. In an attempt to address these complexities, the forest succession model LINKAGES was used to assess the production of aboveground biomass, detritus, and soil carbon stocks in native Eucalyptus forests as influenced by five harvest management practices in New South Wales, Australia. The original decomposition sub-routines of LINKAGES were modified by adding components of the Rothamsted (RothC) soil organic matter turnover model. Simulation results using the new model were compared to data from long-term forest inventory plots. Good agreement was observed between simulated and measured above-ground biomass, but mixed results were obtained for basal area. Harvesting operations examined included removing trees for quota sawlogs (QSL, DBH >80 cm), integrated sawlogs (ISL, DBH >20 cm) and whole-tree harvesting in integrated sawlogs (WTH). We also examined the impact of different cutting cycles (20, 50 or 80 years) and intensities (removing 20, 50 or 80 m3). Generally medium and high intensities of shorter cutting cycles in sawlog harvesting systems produced considerably higher soil carbon values compared to no harvesting. On average, soil carbon was 2–9% lower in whole-tree harvest simulations whereas in sawlog harvest simulations soil carbon was 5–17% higher than in no harvesting.  相似文献   

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