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Among the Dayak people in East Kalimantan, simpukng (“forest gardens”) are an important component of their traditional farming systems. Simpukng is managed secondary forests in which selected species of fruits, rattan, bamboo, timber and other plants are planted. While most are owned by families and passed down from one generation to the next, some are managed on a communal basis. Complex customary Dayak rules exist that control the use and inheritance of these forests that help to avoid over-exploitation of resources. There is clear gender division of labour among Dayak in the management of simpukng that provide a range of products – for household consumption and sale and for customary rituals – fruits, vegetables, medicines, fire wood, honey, rattan, bamboos, and timber. Local knowledge about the more highly valued species are discussed. These indigenous forest garden systems are currently under threat from large-scale mining and logging activities; conflicts between local and external agencies are unfortunately frequent. This paper examines the development and management of simpukng in four Dayak villages in East Kalimantan and their implications on sustainable management of natural resources, with particular emphasis on the role of local knowledge of some of the more highly valued species and the current challenges faced by these communities in maintaining their traditional agroforest management practices.  相似文献   

Traditionally Land Use Cover Change (LUCC) studies have focused on processes of negative land-cover change, primarily deforestation, partially because examples of positive land-cover change were not common. During the last two decades an outstanding tropical dry forest restoration process had taken place in the province of Guanacaste, Costa Rica, which has given us a unique opportunity to study how and why tropical dry forest regrowth occurs. The purpose of this paper is to undertake a retrospective analysis of the social dynamics of forest deforestation and restoration in Guanacaste from 1960 to 2005. Hence we investigate how structural drivers shape patterns of forest-cover change and examine how the role that Costa Rica's conservation policies had played in promoting forest restoration. Our study combined analyses of socioeconomic data and satellite images of forest cover. We showed that forest regrowth observed in Guanacaste after the 1980s was the result of multiple socioeconomic factors. Our results indicate that the degree of incentive provided by conservation policies such as Payment for Environmental Services are not enough to ensure that Guanacaste's forest will be protected against the potentially negative impacts of future socioeconomic changes. The findings from our analysis can assist decision-makers and managers in other regions to understand how social, economic and political dynamics impact the effectiveness of forest conservation efforts.  相似文献   

随着森林认证工作在我国的陆续开展,高保护价值森林越来越受到人们的重视。高保护价值森林是可持续经营的重要内容,应对其进行合理的保护与科学的经营。在综述高保护价值森林的内涵的基础上,分别阐述了6种类型高保护价值森林的判定标准以及部分可评定区域。根据高保护价值森林的实际情况,从规划、国家政策、地方法规、科技支撑等宏观层面提出了保护建议。分析了6种类型高保护价值森林存在的经营管护问题,并提出相应的经营管理建议,为高保护价值森林经营提供参考。  相似文献   

随着油茶栽培面积的不断扩大,水土保持工作已成为重要的研究课题。本文阐述了水土流失的原因以及水土保持的重要性,提出了生物措施和工程措施相结合的油茶林地水土保持经营技术措施。  相似文献   

吉林省森林生态建设面临的问题和对策(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省是我国重要林业省份,本文分析了吉林省生态建设现状和趋势,揭示了所面临的生态与经济问题。将吉林省划分为三个经济区:中西部农牧区、东部低山丘陵多种经营区和长白山国有林区。讨论了每个区的生态建设、发展方向和任务,并对该省的林业生态可持续发展提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

The combination of forest inventory and satellite-derived landscape composition and structure provides otherwise unavailable information on regional forest conditions and enables investigation of the cumulative effects of forest management over time. Forest pattern results from a range of both natural and anthropogenic factors. This study characterizes the forest pattern of Vancouver Island, British Columbia (>32,000 km2) at the watershed scale, using new national datasets of Canadian forest composition and fragmentation, and relating these to forest inventory-derived age structure. Vancouver Island is extensively forested, possessing highly valuable and productive forests, and is managed to meet a range of stakeholder interests. Forest fragmentation metrics were derived from a satellite-derived, 25-m spatial resolution land cover map (i.e., grain) to represent patterns within 1 km analysis units (i.e., extent) for the entire forested area of Canada. We summarized forest fragmentation island-wide and compared trends between forest-dominated (>85% forest) and less-forested (<85% forest) watersheds. We also explored these patterns with partial canonical correspondence analyses to determine the independent and shared relationships of landscape composition, forest fragmentation, and spatial variables with forest age structure.  相似文献   

采用野外调查与长期定位监测相结合的方法,整体系统地研究了资兴市为恢复雪灾受损森林资源构建的不同森林经营模式水源涵养功能,旨在定量分析不同森林恢复与发展模式水源涵养功能大小,为其可持续发展提供数据支撑。研究结果表明:监测期间,各林分不同雨强条件下林冠层截留量各不相同,差异明显,最大的是M8,达54.8 mm,最小的是M6,仅48.59 mm;各林分灌草层持水量存在差异,M6(3.168 mm)最大;枯落物层持水量差异明显,M8(31.838 mm)最大,M6(23.13 mm)最小;林地土壤贮水能力M8与M6、M7之间差异显著,M6与M7之间差异不大。各林分水源涵养总能力大小为M8(1 123.624 mm)CK8(1 068.543 mm)M7(1 047.623 mm)CK7(1 039.983 mm)M6(1 001.815 mm)CK6(965.779mm),以M8水源涵养能力最大,达到1 123.624 mm,约占年降雨量的84%,各模式林分引用了适生树种,具有完整的林冠层、灌草层和枯落物层,形成了多功能复层混交林,改变了林分对降雨的再分配,水源涵养总能力较强。各模式水源涵养能力略强于对照,但由于项目执行时间不长差异较小。  相似文献   

生态美学、森林生态美学以当代生态存在论哲学为其理论基础,将生态学的重要观点吸收到美学之中,以人与自然的关系为题材,强调了人与自然的协调和谐、共生共存。将森林生态美学理论应用到城市森林建设与管理实践中,在城市环境向森林化方向发展的进程中,实现城市森林从绿化层面向生态层面的提升,是城市森林建设与管理的新课题,是实现人与自然和谐的新要求。    相似文献   

西藏天然林资源保护与可持续经营   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张敏 《森林工程》2002,18(6):1-2
探讨了西藏天然林资源的现状、特点、问题,提出了天然林资源的可持续经营措施。  相似文献   

本文综述了我国森林害虫治理的发展进程,并从分子生物学、化学生态学和系统生态学三个方面简述了害虫治理的研究方向。  相似文献   

Tropical forests provide a variety of goods and services to humanity. Although efforts to protect and manage these forests have increased in recent decades, forest loss continues. The last decade and a half has seen considerable research on reforestation with native species in Mesoamerica, including both biophysical and social aspects. Advances in knowledge have led to increasingly sophisticated reforestation treatments as well as novel ways of deriving forest goods and services from human dominated landscapes.This Special Issue includes articles produced as the result of a conference held in Panama City, Panama in January 2010 with the goal to summarize the state of knowledge of native species reforestation and associated ecosystems services in Mesoamerica. The introduction concludes with a call for continued research, including a mechanistic understanding of tree interactions with the biophysical environment in order to advance or knowledge of ecosystem services and their interactions. Results from these and other studies aimed at socioeconomic aspects of reforestation are critical to land use planning.  相似文献   

长沙县生态公益林经营管理的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对长沙县生态公益林的经营现状及存在的问题进行了分析,提出了解决问题的思路与方法,为促进长沙县生态公益林的可持续发展提供参考.  相似文献   

Single tree’s sapwood scattering style and diurnal water consumption rhythm for different diameter classes were studied in a 48-year-old Quercus variabilis stand, water protection forest in Beijing. Results showed that the tree’s sapwood area was closely related to diameter at breast height (DBH). Single tree’s daily water consumption ascended as DBH and sapwood area increased. Daily water consumption of different diameter classes in September ascended steeply in the early morning and reached the peak around 11:00, and then descended slowly to the valley at 18:00. The course of daily accumulated water consumption was in accordance with a typical Richards model (R=0.985,8). Parameters of diameter-time equation for scaling-up can be achieved by parameter-recovering method in the gradient of all diameter classes and at any time of a day, characteristic parameters of the course of daily stand water consumption were calculated from a modulated Richards equation derivative:
. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2004, 40(6): 170–175 [译自: 林业科学, 2004, 40(6): 170–175]  相似文献   

新疆塔城老风口生态工程企业化运作的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆塔城老风口风线区生态状况极其脆弱,风灾雪害危害严重,直接影响塔城盆地社会经济的可持续发展。塔城老风口生态工程是新疆重点生态工程项目之一,生态工程建设取得了显著的生态效果,要使生态工程持续不断地为地区经济发展和社会进步提供优良的生态服务,就必须建立以生态产业建设为内容的企业化运作模式,形成多元化投资体制,以公司治理方式创新生态工程持续发展的运行机制。  相似文献   

引进林木繁殖材料及观赏植的检疫管理信息系统由两个子系统构成,即数据输入子系统和智能查询子系统。系统收集了分布于314个国家和地区的434条有关进境林木繁殖材料及观赏植物的检疫性有害生物信息、1363条寄主植物记录和50种有害生物图谱。可按寄主植物的中文名或学名查询该寄主植物上可能会携带的危险性有害生物;也可按国家或地区查询当地分布的检疫性有害生物种类;同时也可检索来自某一国家或地区的某一检疫物可能会携带的危险性有害生物。系统操作简便、查询快速、易于扩充,实现了植检信息、检疫审批和检疫证发放的智能化管理,可为我国相关的检疫机构引进林木繁殖材料及观赏植物提供检疫信息快速查询服务,提高检疫审批效率。  相似文献   

Environmental education (EE) is a vital dimension of modern day acumen that portends a great promise in solving the myriad environmental resource management challenges at global, regional and local levels. A study was carried out in 18 locations in the Nandi North, Nandi South and Nandi Hills districts of Kenya, which cover the Nandi Hills and Nandi Forests in Nandi County, major water catchments for Lake Victoria. A mixed methodological approach, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative data obtained from focus group discussions, key informant interviews, household survey and observations was embraced in data collection and analysis. The study reveals that there are several strategies that have been adopted by the local population and institutions involved in the management of the Nandi Hills Forests (NHFs) and that these strategies have contributed to an improvement in the perceptions of the local population in terms of the importance of environmental management of the forests. This paper highlights EE as a vehicle for ensuring a sustainable management of the Nandi Hills Forests. As such, it illuminates the great potential that lies in sustainably managing the NHFs by integrating formal and informal EE approaches. It further points out the functional gaps in the management of NHFs and proposes best-practices that could be adopted and/or domesticated in NHFs management regimes.  相似文献   

陈小波 《湖南林业科技》2011,38(5):72-74,80
简述了祁阳县生态公益林建设与管理的现状,剖析了新时期发挥生态公益林的生态、社会效益与提高林农收入的矛盾,分析了生态公益林建设与管理中存在的问题,提出了实现生态公益林生态、社会效益与提高林农经营收入的措施.  相似文献   

姚敏  李锡泉  林坚 《湖南林业科技》2011,38(5):30-33,57
以湖南省洞口县月溪国有林场生态公益林为研究对象,对其成熟林优材更替前后水土保持效益进行了研究.结果表明:1#更替模式(新造杉木纯林)和2#更替模式(新造杉木+樟树混交林)的地表径流量、泥沙流失量都比3#更替模式(CK,未砍伐杉木过熟林)大2~3倍;前者实施了挖穴造林,破坏了地表土壤结构,但水土流失系数没有超出允许浸蚀量...  相似文献   


Global efforts to combat climate change has led to the establishment of the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation program (REDD+). This study concerns the implementation of REDD+ among local landscapes and communities in Vietnam. How do affected forest-dependent households perceive their roles in sustainable forest management and REDD+ and how do these perceptions and attitudes influence the (potential) socio-ecological performance of REDD+? Two communes consisting of forest-dependent and indigenous communities in Central Vietnam were selected for this study–the former involved in the UN-REDD program and the latter involved in a REDD+ program of Fauna and Flora International (FFI). Here, we differentiated between a ‘do no harm’ and pro-carbon (UN-REDD), and pro-poor (FFI-REDD+) approach to REDD+. Employing an applied socio-ecological systems framework, we conducted household surveys (n = 102) and we adopted qualitative research methods. This study identified the importance of traditional ecological knowledge systems in sustainable forest management. While pro-poor REDD+ was more inclusive, both REDD+ programs in our study were implemented in a top down manner. Lastly, households’ attitudes and perceptions towards rulemaking, sanctioning, monitoring, cultural capital (beliefs and worldviews) and forest protection technology were identified as (potential) local drivers for successful REDD+ implementation in both communes.  相似文献   

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