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本试验探讨间作物小麦、甘薯对定植当年红富士苹果幼树生长的影响 ,为指导生产提供依据。1 材料和方法 试验在唐山市滦南县国营林场1998年春新栽苹果密植园内进行。该园土壤为砂壤土 ,有机质含量 0 7% ,平均年降雨量 682 5mm ,苹果品种为短枝红富士、新红星 ,栽植密度 2m× 4m ,树盘宽度 1 7m ,试验园面积为 2hm2 ,土壤条件基本相同 ,栽植经过分级的同级苹果苗 (接口直径 0 9~1 1cm)。试验采用随机区组设计 ,分间作冬茬小麦 (1997年秋已播好 ,夏茬为大豆 )、间作甘薯和间作花生 3个处理 ,其中间作花生为对照。每个处理面积 0…  相似文献   

红富士/M26/海棠、乔纳金/M26/海棠和乔纳金/Mark/海棠3个组合的脱毒树与未脱毒树的对比试验结果表明:脱毒的矮化苹果树,树体生长量大,扩冠快,化形成多,产量高,叶片的光合作用强,用于果实生长的养分分配比率高,但在早果性、花序座果率及果实品质方面,与未脱毒的短短对明显差异。  相似文献   

多效唑对苹果幼树生长和开花结果的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
<正> 多效唑(PP333)是近年来研制出的一种新的植物生长调节剂,它抑制果树枝梢生长的作用比B9(丁酰肼)强,持续时间亦较长。为了探索多效唑在不同类型苹果树上的应用可能性,我们从1985年开始进行试验,现将结果简报如下。  相似文献   

姜林  刘元勤 《落叶果树》1997,29(4):12-13
三种苹果矮化砧对红富士幼树生长结果的影响*姜林刘元勤(青岛市农业科学研究所266100)我国栽植的矮化红富士苹果基本上是用M26作中间砧,表现干性差,亲和性也差。为了选出优于M26的新矮砧,于1988年从荷兰引进了新M26和Mark,希望通过对比观察...  相似文献   

李岩 《山西果树》2001,(2):9-10
苹果矮化栽培的主要途径之一是利用矮化砧木。苹果矮化砧木利用最早的是英国,目前欧洲普及率已达100%;在亚洲的日本为30.4%,韩为80%,我国仅为2%,为了探明不同中间砧对苹果幼树生长的影响。我们于1997-1998年进行了不同中间砧对苹果幼树生长状况的试验调查。  相似文献   

CG系矮化中间砧对红富士苹果幼树生育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 继M系和MM系矮化砧之后,我国于80年代初又引进了CG系苹果矮化砧,为了探明其生产效应,我所于1986-1991年,以CG系的不同砧号与M26、MM106矮化中间砧的青富13苹果树进行了栽培比较试验,现将初步结果简结如下。1 试材和方法试材均以平邑甜茶为基砧;参试的中间砧有CG23、CG24、CG55、CG57、CG80,对照中间砧为M26和MM106,中间砧砧段长度均为25cm;嫁接品种均为青富13。参试的中间砧苹果苗均于1986年春定植,行株距为3m×2m,折合每公顷栽植1666.7株。试验园为平地,粘壤土,0-40cm土层含有机质  相似文献   

陈涛 《北方果树》2024,(2):24-26
重茬栽培存在重茬障碍问题,严重影响苹果幼树的生长发育。作者研究不同土壤处理对重茬地苹果幼树生长结果的影响。结果表明,不同土壤处理均有较好效果,明显提高果树成活率、促进树体生长发育、提高果实产量和品质。其中,多菌灵+菌肥、棉隆熏蒸+菌肥、客土3个处理的效果最好,可在实际生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

苹果幼树对无机肥料的利用率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄显淦  刘文革 《果树科学》1996,13(4):247-248
利用盆栽差值法测定了短枝型红星苹果幼树对无机肥料的利用率,结果表明,对当年追施的无机化肥,氮肥吸收利用率为红为30%,磷肥红为21%,钾肥红为50%。  相似文献   

砂土1/4根域施用有机肥对苹果幼树生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
以2 a生有机玻璃箱栽植的分根苹果幼树为材料,研究1/4根域施用不同水平有机肥对苹果幼树新梢和根系生长的影响。结果表明,6月中旬以后,10%和30%有机肥处理的新梢二次生长旺盛;20%有机肥处理春梢段节数、占总新梢节数比例、叶面积、比叶重和春梢生长量均显著大于10%和30%处理,10%有机肥处理秋梢长度、节数、叶面积和比叶重均显著大于20%处理,秋梢补偿生长旺盛;不同比例有机肥处理调控梢类组成,10%和30%处理的长梢比例分别占总新梢22.2%和25.0%,而20%处理的仅占11.8%;除6月份外,20%有机肥处理根系总长度在果树整个生长季节内均显著大于10%和30%处理。砂性土壤局部施用适量有机肥可以调控新梢生长和根系的发育,为果园土壤局部改良、集中营养供应等提供理论依据。  相似文献   

<正>君袖苹果种植后有一个相对较长的不结果期,降低了其经济效益。加拿大奎尔夫大学的研究人员研究了乙烯利对君袖苹果幼树开花、早期产量和营养生长的影响。结果表明,早夏施用乙烯利显著促进了施用后次年苹果树的开花量,供试高浓度或重复施用效果更显著。乙烯利处理后君袖苹果(嫁接于M9砧木上)每株树上的花簇数量提高到  相似文献   


In two trials in the Huon Valley of Tasmania, a mixture of GA4+7 and B A (Cytolin®) was applied to one year old spur-bearing and non-spur-bearing apple trees cv. Red Delicious at concentrations of 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 ppm in an effort to increase branching. No effects were evident on the non spur-bearing trees, and therefore Cytolin cannot be recommended. Spur-bearing trees had quantifiable responses to Cytolin, with a higher branching percentage, and reduced branch and leader length. Average branch angle was significantly increased using 100 ppm Cytolin, thereafter decreasing with higher Cytolin concentrations. Present evidence concludes that Cytolin should be used at 100 ppm on spur-bearing ‘Red Delicious’ to promote branches of adequate length, wider angles and sufficiently above the grafting union.  相似文献   

栽培技术对沙漠边缘地区苹果幼树越冬的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘肃省白银市地处我国西北沙漠边缘地区,光照充足,生长期积温高、温差大、空气干燥、降雨少,有一定的灌溉条件,适宜大部分温带果树生长,生产的瓜果品质好,综合品质均居同类果品之首.  相似文献   

苹果的幼树整形,对于保证苹果树整个生长周期内的稳产优质,从而获得最佳经济效益是至关重要的。但笔者发现,很多果树生产者技术应用不当,虽然也是按照最先进的生产模式进行宽行密植,并试图通过拉枝、抹芽等技术培养细长纺锤形、主干形等,但在具体应用上问题不少,很难达到预期效果。  相似文献   


Precocity is particularly important for the economic production of intensively planted apple trees. Unfortunately some cultivars show a propensity for barewood on young trees, which limits early production on 2 year-old spur sites. The new cultivar, ‘Scifresh’ (Jazz?) has shown serious problems of barewood under New Zealand conditions on M.9 and M.26 rootstocks. Barewood has been associated with excessive flowering on feathers and 1 year-old wood. Weak flower clusters develop towards the base of the shoots which do not set fruit and drop off, leaving blind buds. Although there are larger, more well-developed flower clusters on the distal parts of the 1 year-old shoots, cropping these can result in spur extinction. Therefore, in both cases, there is a lack of spur development for the following season resulting in barewood. Experimental treatments have focused on: 1) the effect of timing (January-May) and concentration (400 and 133 mg l–1 gibberellic acid GA3) sprays in the nursery to reduce flowering on 1 year-old wood; and 2) the effect of concentration and timing of localised cytokinin applications in the Spring to re-invigorate blind buds. Two applications of 400 mg l–1 GA3 in late January and late February in the first year in the nursery were effective in eliminating flowering on “knip boom” trees in the following Spring after cutting back. Two applications of 400 mg l–1 GA3, in early and late January, to “knip boom” trees in their second year in the nursery reduced flowering by over 40% when the trees were planted in the orchard. Twelve months later these trees showed an increased density of spur flowers on the original feathers. Aqueous solutions of the cytokinins benzyladenine and thidiazuron, at 500 mg l–1 or 2500 mg l–1 respectively, were applied by brush, prior to, during and post-budbreak, to sections of barewood on 2 year-old or 3 year-old wood on main branches of ‘Scifresh’/M.9 trees. Thidiazuron (at 2500 mg l–1) was far more effective than benzyladenine at inducing growth of dormant buds, even resulting in multiple bud-breaks at individual sites.  相似文献   

以海棠为基砧,以SH40、冀砧1号、冀砧2号和2号作中间砧的鲁丽苹果幼树为试材,研究了4种中间砧对其生长、产量、果实品质和抗寒性的影响。结果表明:不同砧穗组合的树高、干径、枝展随着树龄的增长而升高,其中冀砧2号中间砧树高增长量、中间砧干径最大;SH40中间砧树高增长量次之,枝展较大。冀砧2号中间砧树主枝数最多,为28.3个;2号中间砧树短枝比率最高,为75%。4个砧穗组合均是2020年开始有一定产量,其中冀砧2号中间砧树产量最高,单果重最高,苹果酸含量也最大。SH40中间砧树产量、单果重次之,固酸比最大。由低温半致死温度推断,树体抗寒性按中间砧排序,由强到弱依次为冀砧1号>SH40>冀砧2号>2号。综合分析认为,以SH40和冀砧2号作中间砧,鲁丽树体生长较好,结果初期产量高,果实品质优良,抗寒性较强。  相似文献   


Effects of root damage during the transplant process on growth and nitrogen (N) uptake were studied with one-year-old bench-grafted Malus domestica Borkh ‘Fuji’ on M.26 rootstock apple nursery plants. Plants were potted after grafting and grown outside for one season. At the end of the season uniform trees were selected and randomly divided into four groups. One group of plants were moved into a 2°C cold room with soil and container intact (IR Treatment). Plants in other groups were removed from pots and stored as bareroot in the same cold room for three months. In the spring, bareroot plants were either: (1) transplanted with about 10% of the root system damaged during transplant (TP Treatment and Control-CK); or (2) root pruned by 25% (by volume) prior to transplant (RP treatment). Five trees from each treatment received 1 g of 15NH415NO3 at 12, 41 and 76 d after repotting. Control (CK) trees received no N. Trees were harvested 10 d after each N application, and plant growth and total N and 15N content of different tissues were determined. Root pruning reduced plant total biomass and root biomass at the first two harvests, but the plants from the RP treatment had highest total plant biomass and root biomass at the third harvest. There was no significant difference in the new stem and leaf growth among IR, RP and CK treatments at harvests but the TP treatment reduced new shoot biomass. Plants with intact roots (IR) had the higher total N content while control plants (CK) had the lowest. Root pruning reduced 15N uptake rate at the first two harvests but promoted it at the third harvest. Our results suggest that plant growth and nutrient uptake was suppressed by root pruning/damage during transplanting only in the early season, and the negative effects on growth and N uptake were offset later in the season by compensative root regeneration.  相似文献   

对矮砧苹果新植苗木和2~5年生幼树死亡的原因进行研究,表明苗木失水与轮纹病菌协同危害是主要原因;冻害、根部与主干病害、肥害及苗木质量差是重要原因。生产上及时发现问题,根据不同症状,进行准确的病因诊断,有针对性地采用不同的防控措施:培育不潜带轮纹病菌的苗木;苗木贮运、栽植和管理过程防止失水;栽植前用杀菌剂铲除部分病菌;防止冻害;2~5年生幼树合理肥水管理;防止贪绿徒长;有效地预防根部和枝干病虫害发生。  相似文献   

自制营养土盆栽观赏苹果树体培育试验结果表明:用田土45%、菇渣(充分发酵)40%、炉渣13%、烘干鸡粪1.5%和其他营养素0.5%(按体积计)配制的营养土栽培冬红果、舞美、惠民短枝富士苹果,干径生长量大,长、中、短枝比例好,树冠紧凑,集中于根颈的细根稠密.  相似文献   

低接换头对苹果树体生长及叶片光合特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对果园郁闭、腐烂病严重的苹果树体进行低接换头是果园改造和品种更新的新技术。以1995年定植2006年低接换头的苹果树为试验对象,调查了树体生长和叶片光合特性。结果表明,矮砧苹果低接换头的红富士、嘎拉树,低接后前3 a生长速度较高接换头慢;4~5 a生长速度加快,赶上甚至超过高接换头苹果树。低接换头第5年,树高2.8~3...  相似文献   

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