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通过试验研究,建立了秦研211在陕西汉中山区高产制种技术体系,提出了一整套高产保优技术措施.其要点是:在严格隔离条件下,稀播育苗,规格移栽;对父本偏施氮肥,控制母本中后期施肥量;用自主研发的新型ESP辅助化学杀雄,以有效地控制早期微粉;根据山区气候特点,针对性地提出了病虫草害的防除技术以及提高制种质量的相关措施.  相似文献   

杂交中籼稻丰优559高产制种特点与技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据丰优559多年大面积制种实践,提出丰优559高产制种策略是父母本保足穗、争大穗、主攻提高异交结实率.相应的制种技术是合理安排播差期,确保花期相遇;培育壮秧,合理密植;加强肥水管理,培育高产群体;采取辅助措施,早喷重喷"920",提高异交结实率.  相似文献   

杂交水稻制种在印度尼西亚的初步试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结在印度尼西亚杂交水稻制种试验的情况,分析了在当地制种的条件和影响制种高产的原因,提出了相应的措施.  相似文献   

对杂交棉新品种当杂04-4的生物学特性、抗病性以及产量表现等方面进行了论述,在制种技术上提出小瓶授粉、全株制种;在高产栽培上提出合理密植、加强田间管理等一系列配套技术措施。  相似文献   

<正>1.试验目的本试验研究水稻在不同栽培模式下的高产制种技术,包括高产直播制种技术、高产抛秧制种技术和高产移栽制种技术。供试组合为江西省超级水稻研究发展中心选育的晚稻新组合吉丰优航1573。本试验为江西省农业产业化体系岗位专家繁殖制种项目。  相似文献   

化学杀雄剂对三系杂交油菜制种母本微粉控制效果试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油菜三系杂交制种母本微粉的产生是影响F1种子纯度的关键。秋播油菜三系制种通过"旱、薄、迟、密"等农艺措施控制母本微粉的产生不但效果甚微,而且制种单产低而不稳。微粉的产生量与油菜初花期天气好坏有着极为密切的关系。笔者通过多年系统试验,探明了化学杀雄剂对陕2 A微粉控制效果;利用化杀灵WP1在母本现蕾前10~15天以0.14 g/L浓度喷雾,控制微粉效果均在90%以上;F1代种子纯度较CK均能提高10个百分点以上,超过93%;并通过增加母本行数、培育壮苗等措施,可使单产在原有制种技术的基础上提高60%以上,从而实现了油菜胞质雄性不育系(CMS)微粉控制由"天控"向"人控"、制种单产由"双低"向"双高"(纯度高、单产高)的历史性转变。  相似文献   

莫志军 《种子》2005,24(8):121-122
阐述两优培九亲本制种的不利特性,找出制种低产的原因,提出了高产制种的技术对策.  相似文献   

介绍了桃优香占及亲本特征特性及其高产制种技术.2015年,在永州市零陵区进行桃优香占春季制种,其高产制种关键技术是选好基地,确定好扬花授粉期;定准播差确保花期相遇;科学管理创建高产群体;适时喷施“920”;综合防治病虫害;严格隔离除杂,确保种子质量;及时收割等.  相似文献   

宜香1577的高产制种及纯度控制技术研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了宜香1577亲本的特征特性,并据此开展了宜香1577的制种技术研究和纯度控制技术研究,内容包括如何合理安排好父母本的播差期,并据父母本对“九二O”的敏感程度不同而确立各自用量及使用时期,从而为香1577的高产制种和纯度控制提出了一套有效的技术措施。  相似文献   

核不育两系杂交油菜常规制种,必须及时、测底拔出母本行50%可育株,以确保杂交种的质量。由此带来劳动力需求量大、制种成本增加、农户制种积极性低等问题,是限制核不育两系杂交种大面积转化应用的主要技术难题。利用贵州省威宁县海拔高,夏秋昼夜温差大的气候特点,通过在该县多年的化学杀雄制种技术试验示范的基础上,集成熟化优质早熟杂交油菜品种黔油早2号保优高产夏播化学杀雄制种技术,为威宁县黔油早2号以及类似品种大面积高效制种提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Hybrid dwarfness is the phenomenon that after crossing of normal genotypes dwarfs are obtained in the F1 or not before the F2-generation. The literature on hybrid dwarfness in wheat is critically discussed. A new hypothesis on its genetic basis is given, taking McMillan's (1937) as a starting point. Dwarfness is assumed to be determined by the additive interaction of three genes D 1, D 2 and D 3, differing in dominance relations and in quantitative contribution to the dwarf phenotype.Three dwarf types are described. Type 1-dwarfs are dwarf during their whole life cycle and normally do not produce seeds. Type 2-dwarfs start as normal seedlings, become dwarfs while tillering and die dwarfs; some produce seeds, others do not. Type 3-dwarfs emerge as normal seedlings, become dwarfs during the tillering stage, but after some time they start to shoot and develop into nearly or even completely normal plants; in the F2 the proportion of dwarfs decreases during the growing season. The occurrence and genetic basis of the three dwarf types is discussed.On the basis of their genotype 315 varieties and lines are divided into six genotypeclasses. Over 1000 intra- and inter-class crosses were made and F1, F2, F3, and BC studied. Also some triple crosses and crosses with pure breeding dwarfs were investigated. In general the results obtained fit the hypothesis. Unstable ratios involving type 3-dwarfs are discussed separately.Linkage of the dwarf gene D 2 and the necrosis gene Ne 2 (both on chromosome 2B (XIII) was apparent from F2-data and from results of a triple cross in which both forms of hybrid weakness occurred. Crossing-over between D 2 and Ne 2 is calculated to be 34%.Methods are outlined to use hybrid dwarfness in a wheat breeding programme. The possible incompleteness of the three-gene hypothesis and the variability of dwarfness are discussed and finally some suggestions are made for future research.  相似文献   

栗蘑菌种制作技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栗蘑又称灰树花,是美味食用菌。幼嫩时肉质柔软,昧如鸡丝,脆似玉兰,有松口蘑香味,富含多种氨基酸和维生素,尤以富含维生素B、维生素E。同时具有强烈抗肿瘤活性,还可治小便不利、水肿、脚气病、肝硬化腹水及糖尿病等,不论在食用或药用方面,都有很高的价值。但是,栽培栗蘑需要大量菌种,而菌种的质量又直接影响着栗蘑的产量,为此,制作优质菌种显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

西葫芦(Cucurbita pepo L)是重要的蔬菜作物,我国各地普遍栽培,生产上迫切需要优质、丰产、抗病、商品性状适合市场需求的新品种。西葫芦具有明显的杂种优势,采用生物技术与杂优利用相结合的育种方法,以地方品种和国外优良杂种为种质,于春、秋露地和保护地内1a 3代进行选育,缩短育种年限,提高选择效果,是培育西葫芦新品种行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

平杂8号是平凉农科所用高粱雄性不育系永1762作母本、恢复系平恢8号作父本测配组合选育而成的一个高产、优质、粮饲兼用、适宜范围广的高粱杂优利用新品种。2003年、2004年参加了国家高粱区域试验、生产试验、品质分析、抗性鉴定,2005年2月通过由农业部委托的良繁处、国家高粱品种改良中心组织的高粱品种鉴定委员会鉴定、认定,定名为平杂8号,2005年9月由农业部颁发鉴定、认定证书。  相似文献   

平杂8号是平凉农科所用高粱雄性不育系永1762作母本、恢复系平恢8号作父本测配组合选育而成的一个高产、优质、粮饲兼用、适宜范围广的高粱杂优利用新品种。2003年、2004年参加了国家高粱区域  相似文献   

Summary The production of seed of the maize single cross hybrid F68*NE2 is uneconomic because of the low grain yield of the maternal line. Therefore the aim was to produce it from newly developed inbred lines obtained by reshuffling the genes in the hybrid, accompanied by selection. Thus in open pollinating generations derived from this hybrid, i.e. in C0, C1, C2, C3 and C4, honeycomb selection for grain yield improvement was applied. Selfing of one ear and open pollination of another ear of selected prolific C4 plants yielded 20 pairs of S1/half sib progenies. Plants grown from remnant S1 seed corresponding to superior progeny pairs were selfed. In each S2-line a single plant was selected and selfed. The S3-lines were evaluated for yield. Two S3-lines, i.e. 6D and 2B, attracted attention because they yielded two and a half times as much as the best commercial inbred line B73.The S1-and S2-lines were tested for combining ability with the related inbred lines NE2 and F68 by means of honeycomb design experiments and for combining ability with unrelated, freely available inbred lines by means of randomized complete block designs. Two S2-lines, i.e. 5C and 6E, were selected for their good combining ability. The six single cross hybrids produced by crossing the four S3-lines 6D, 2B, 5C, and 6E were compared with the original hybrid F68*NE2 in a honeycomb design at two sites. The grain yields of the single cross hybrids 6D*6E and 5C*6E were similar to that of F68*NE2. However, these two reconstructed hybrids can be produced in a cheaper way because the new maternal inbred lines yield as good as B73 (line 5C) or much better (line 6D).  相似文献   

D. P. De Vries 《Euphytica》1976,25(1):321-328
Summary In Hybrid Tea-roses relations between growth and juvenile period (J.P. = number of days from seed germination to flower bud appearance) were studied for three years.Plants showing a flower bud for the first time are significantly longer than those without a bud. In comparison with plants with long J.P.'s, plants with short J.P.'s have shorter shoots both at bud appearance and at first flowering, flower sooner, are significantly longer when measured on one date, and yield about three times more cut flowers in 6 months. It was shown that the J.P. depends on plant development and does not govern this process.Also presented at the Juvenility Symposium held at West-Berlin, November 1976.  相似文献   

浅述杂交玉米制种技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭善维  郑芳 《种子科技》2004,22(3):173-174
玉米杂种优势的充分利用,关键取决于种子的质量.高质量的种子,一是要由遗传传递力强,具有高配合力的亲本自交系组配,二是制种技术的严格控制.玉米制种技术内含提高种子质量技术和提高种子产量技术两个方面.  相似文献   

茄子具有很强的杂种优势。人工杂交制种是目前茄子杂交种生产的唯一适用方法。一方面,这是因为茄子花器较大,花粉量多,人工杂交技术容易掌握。另一方面,茄子单果结籽量大,从而使得人工杂交生产一代杂种的种子成本相对较低。现今,我国推广的茄子品种绝大多数为杂种一代。茄子杂交种种子的生产  相似文献   

曾卓华 《种子》2008,27(3):40-43
杂交水稻和杂交玉米是种子行业中的“黄金”产业,也最易出现种子质量问题。本文对“两杂”种子真实性和纯度鉴定技术作一阶段性总结,并对未来检验技术发展的方向进行展望,以利于“两杂”种子纯度检验技术的发展提高。  相似文献   

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