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犬马拉色菌病的诊断与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>马拉色菌属于黑粉菌亚门外担子菌纲马拉色菌目马拉色菌科马拉色菌属~([1]),是一种常见的酵母菌,一般认为马拉色菌是一种条件致病菌,正常时少量存在于外耳道、口和肛门周围以及潮湿的皮褶内。当患犬皮肤长期处于疾病状态时会造成马拉色菌的过度增殖而引起感染,即发生皮肤病~([2])。目前将马拉色菌分为7个种:厚皮马拉色菌、糠秕马拉色菌、限制性马色拉菌、球形马拉色菌、合轴马拉色菌、斯洛菲马拉色菌和钝形马拉色菌[3]。马拉色菌是具有厚壁的单  相似文献   

外耳炎在犬中发生率约为5%~20%,往往还继发有其他微生物感染.主要包括以葡萄球菌感染为主的细菌性耳炎和马拉色霉菌感染为主的真菌性耳炎.  相似文献   

外耳炎在犬中发生率约为5%-20%,往往继发其他微生物感染。主要包括以葡萄球菌为主的细菌性耳炎和马拉色霉菌为主的真菌性耳炎。  相似文献   

马拉色菌性外耳炎是一类由马拉色菌大量繁殖引起的犬猫耳道皮肤病,该病往往造成犬猫耳部红肿瘙痒并分泌大量黑褐色油性分泌物。马拉色菌属于人畜共患病原微生物,在伴侣动物越来越多地与人类亲密接触时,马拉色菌也在人和宠物之间交互传播,为马拉色菌的传播、感染、流行创造了条件。文章拟对犬猫马拉色菌性外耳炎病原学、流行病学、致病机制、临床表现及诊疗现状等方面进行综述,旨在为犬猫马拉色菌性外耳炎诊断及治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

马拉色菌(Malassezia)为一种嗜脂性酵母,是动物皮肤上的正常菌群之一。马拉色菌属于条件致病菌,当患犬皮肤长期处于疾病状态时会造成马拉色菌的过度增殖而引起感染。马拉色菌的致病机制主要是分解脂质,导致角质形成细胞形态学改变和细胞凋亡。使用耳特净、酮康唑等药物治疗可以得以康复。  相似文献   

马拉色菌属为人类及温血动物体表正常菌群之一,也是条件致病菌.该菌分为7种,对于人类来说糠秕马拉色是花斑癣、脂溢性皮炎的主要病原.犬马拉色菌性外耳炎是犬临床常见的一种外耳道疾病,由于犬外耳道的特殊构造、耳毛多、外耳道耵聍腺、脂肪腺分泌的异常,加之内外环境的改变而使原本是常驻菌的马拉色菌发生过度生长,造成马拉色菌性外耳炎.  相似文献   

犬马拉色菌性皮炎的诊断与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犬猫马拉色菌性皮炎通常是马拉色菌过度增殖引起的,经常由其他潜在疾病引起或与其它皮肤病共存。马拉色菌是与哺乳动物和鸟类共生酵母菌一个属。马拉色菌是具有厚壁的单细胞酵母菌,呈椭圆形、圆形、或圆筒形,细胞在出芽时呈"花生"样。一般认为马拉色菌是一种条件致病菌,健康犬的肛门、耳道、指间经常能分离到马拉色菌,而当宿主的皮肤防御屏障遭到破坏,有适合其生长的环境就会引起马拉色菌的过度繁殖,引发皮肤瘙痒和炎症。笔者接诊了多例马拉色菌性皮肤病,现通过一例典型病例谈谈自己的治疗体会。  相似文献   

马拉色菌(Malassezia)为一种嗜脂性酵母,自然存在于人和动物的皮肤上,是人类及温血动物皮肤上的正常菌群之一。犬猫马拉色菌性皮炎通常是马拉色菌过度增殖引起,在临床上很常见,经常由其他潜在疾病引起,或者与其他皮肤病并发。  相似文献   

真菌是一类真核微生物,有细胞核和细胞器,不含叶绿素,仅少数类群为单细胞,多数为多细胞,大多数呈分支或不分支的丝状体,能进行有性和无形繁殖,一般有菌丝和孢子构成。广泛存在于自然界,已知的10余万种真菌中,文献记载能感染动物的约1400余种,可感染犬、猫的仅占几十种。引起犬感染的浅表真菌主要有犬小孢子菌、石膏样小孢子菌、毛癣菌和马拉色菌,深部感染的真菌主要有念珠菌、组织胞浆菌、芽生菌和隐球菌等。  相似文献   

<正>马拉色菌属由一组亲脂性酵母菌组成,这些酵母菌在多种哺乳动物和鸟类中进化为皮肤共生菌和条件性皮肤致病菌。从共生菌转变为致病菌在犬上尤其频繁,而在猫身上则较低。马拉色菌是一种条件致病菌,宿主免疫力降低和毒力增强都会导致马拉色菌过度增殖,因此,只能依靠局部或全身抗菌药物治疗和排除易感因素。通常易感因素包括并发过敏性或内分泌性皮肤病、角质化缺陷或皮肤皱褶及耳道狭窄等。  相似文献   

为了解兰州地区宠物犬弓形虫病的感染情况以及不同弓形虫检测方法检测结果的差异,本研究对兰州地区272例宠物诊所受检犬进行弓形虫阳性检出率的统计分析;对66份犬血样进行间接血凝试验(IHA)与酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测,并将2种方法进行比较。结果表明,弓形虫的感染率与年龄有关,随着年龄的增长感染率增加,犬小于1岁感染率最低,为3.77%,1~3岁感染率为10.59%,3~5岁感染率为15.28%,大于5岁时感染率最高,为22.58%,不同性别之间感染无显著差异(P>0.05);IHA与ELISA检测结果经t检验比较差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

Significant numbers of humans with atopic dermatitis develop Malassezia-specific IgE. Immediate skin-test reactivity to Malassezia has been demonstrated in atopic dogs. The aim of this study was to compare the serum IgG and IgE response to Malassezia in atopic dogs with and without clinical evidence of Malassezia dermatitis and/or otitis, nonatopic dogs with clinical evidence of Malassezia dermatitis and/or otitis and healthy dogs. Cytology was used to diagnose clinically significant Malassezia dermatitis and otitis. Contact plate cultures confirmed the validity of this technique. Reproducible enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for Malassezia-specific IgG and IgE in canine serum were established. Atopic dogs had significantly higher serum IgG and IgE levels than either healthy dogs or nonatopic dogs with clinical evidence of Malassezia dermatitis and/or otitis. There was no significant difference in IgG and IgE levels between atopic dogs with and without clinical evidence of Malassezia dermatitis and/or otitis. The implications of these findings in the pathogenesis and management of canine atopic dermatitis are discussed.  相似文献   

The bacterial and fungal flora of the external ear canal of dogs with otitis externa and of healthy dogs were studied. The most frequently isolated microorganism from otitic ears was Staphylococcus intermedius (58.8%), followed by Malassezia pachydermatis (30.9%), Streptococcus canis (29.9%), Proteus spp. (14.4%) and Escherichia coli (10.3%). A statistical analysis of our results showed that the prevalence of these microorganisms is significant in dogs with otitis externa. Furthermore, the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of isolated strains were determined. Majority of all bacterial isolates were most susceptible to gentamicin. Malassezia pachydermatis, the most prevalent yeast in this study, showed an excellent level of susceptibility to all antifungal agents tested.  相似文献   

按标准方法提取制备了猪的转移因子(transfer factor, TF),用吞噬杀伤试验MTT法检测了供试杂种牧羊犬肌肉注射猪TF后外周血中性粒细胞吞噬杀伤活性的变化。试验摸索出MTT法测定犬外周血中性粒细胞吞噬杀伤大肠杆菌的最佳条件为:中性粒细胞浓度1.3×106个/ml、大肠杆菌浓度6×105个/ml 时,大肠杆菌和中性粒细胞混合培养2 h,加入MTT后继续培养4 h。体外试验结果表明,猪TF浓度在0.052~1.56 mg/ml范围内,能够明显促进中性粒细胞吞噬杀菌作用,当猪TF浓度为1.56 mg/ml时,对中性粒细胞杀菌活性的影响最大。体内试验结果表明,注射猪TF后第2 d,外周血中性粒细胞数量最高,中性粒细胞吞噬杀菌能力最强。  相似文献   

To investigate the role of Malassezia pachydermatis as a pathogenic agent in canine otitis, a comparative analysis of isolates from normal and diseased external ear canals in dogs was undertaken. Specimens were collected from the ears of dogs with unilateral or bilateral otitis and from healthy dogs. Mycological analysis was by direct microscopy and fungal culture on Sabouraud's dextrose agar and Dixon's agar. Of the otitis specimens, 63.7% showed typical Malassezia cells on cytological examination. In samples taken from the healthy ears of dogs with unilateral otitis, only 21.43% (P<0.05) showed evidence of Malassezia. M. pachydermatis was identified cytologically and culturally in 57.53% (P<0.05), 14.29% and 30.0% of samples from the ears of dogs with otitis, from the healthy ears of dogs with unilateral otitis and from the ears of healthy dogs with no otitis. In the group with otitis associated with M. pachydermatis, the poodle was the most common breed (39.29%; P<0.05), whereas in the group without otitis, the German Shepherd breed was prominent (although this observation was not statistically significant). In both groups, the majority of dogs with M. pachydermatis were aged between 1 and 3 years (P<0.05). The higher incidence of M. pachydermatis isolated from the ears of dogs with otitis externa suggests a putative pathogenic role of this yeast in this condition.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the potential cell-mediated immune response of atopic dogs to the yeast Malassezia pachydermatis and to correlate it with the type-1 hypersensitivity (humoral) response of the same population of dogs. ANIMALS: 16 clinically normal dogs, 15 atopic dogs with Malassezia dermatitis, 5 atopic dogs with Malassezia otitis, and 7 atopic control (ie, without Malassezia dermatitis or otitis) dogs. PROCEDURE: A crude extract of M pachydermatis was extracted for use as an intradermal allergy testing reagent and for stimulation of isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro. Flow cytometry was also used to assess cell surface antigenic determinants (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD14, CD21, CD45RA, surface immunoglobulin) on peripheral blood mononuclear cells. RESULTS: Atopic dogs with cytologic evidence of Malassezia dermatitis had an increased lymphocyte blastogenic response to crude M pachydermatis extract, compared with clinically normal dogs and dogs with Malassezia otitis. Atopic control dogs did not differ significantly in their responses from atopic dogs with Malassezia dermatitis or otitis. A significant correlation was not found between the lymphocyte blastogenic response and the type-1 hypersensitivity response to M pachydermatis within any of the groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Cell-mediated and humoral reactivities to M pachydermatis contribute to the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis in dogs but are not directly correlated. Modification of the dysregulated immune response toward M pachydermatis may assist in the reduction of pathologic changes associated with an atopic dermatitis phenotype in dogs.  相似文献   

用犬贾第虫包囊人工感染幼犬后排虫规律研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用大量犬贾第虫包囊人工感染幼犬后进行粪便检测,结果表明其排虫呈周期性,接虫后第8天检测到贾第虫包囊。接虫后第18天出现第一个排虫高峰,高峰期持续1~2 d。高峰期过后2~3 d再次出现一个高峰期,但高峰期持续的时间都不超过2 d。  相似文献   

为调查鸭源致病性大肠杆菌氟苯尼考耐药基因floR的存在情况,利用PCR对20株临床分离的耐氟苯尼考的致病性大肠杆菌进行floR分子检测,分子检测结果显示,全部菌株floR基因阳性;对其中2株大肠杆菌的氟苯尼考耐药基因floR进行了克隆和测序,结果表明,鸭源大肠杆菌floR基因片段的克隆测序结果与预期所得片段结果相符,长度为753 bp,2株鸭源大肠杆菌floR基因的同源性为99.6%,与牛源、鸡源等floR基因的同源性为84.8%~99.9%。系统发育分析发现,2株鸭源大肠杆菌floR基因不在同一支上,亲缘关系较远,表明floR基因的亲缘关系与该基因的来源动物无关。  相似文献   

This study was conducted on 32 dogs with Malassezia otitis externa to determine the effect of heat-fixing otic exudate on cytological analysis. Malassezia infection was confirmed by cytological examination of otic exudate. Otic discharge collected with cotton swabs was then rolled onto glass slides. One slide per dog was heat-fixed prior to staining; the other slide was not heat-fixed. The number of yeast in 10 oil-immersion fields (1000 x magnification) was counted for both slides from each dog. Heat-fixing did not systematically cause either increased or decreased numbers of Malassezia on cytology of otic exudate.  相似文献   

牛巴贝斯虫PCR检测及体外培养试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本试验通过PCR方法检测出牛巴贝斯虫单一感染的牛全血样本,并探讨了牛巴贝斯虫病患牛全血体外培养方法及培养条件。试验结果表明,PCR检测结果显示检测方法效果较好,单一感染样本的新鲜血液中虫体在含40%牛血清的完全培养液和37 ℃、5% CO2的条件下能建立起牛巴贝斯虫的体外培养,虫体可以连续培养14 d,传代13次,最高染虫率可以达到12.5%,平均染虫率为4%。  相似文献   

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