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Data are presented on the 26 species of Anthocoridae of Israel, five of which are new to this country. Five species are abundant; two of them (both monophagous) reduce significantly the populations of their preys —Elatophilus hebraicus Per. feeding onMatsucoccus josephi (Coccoidea: Margarodidae), a destructive pest of Aleppo pine, andMontandoniola moraguesi (Put.) feeding onGynaikothrips ficorum (Thysanoptera), deforming the leaves ofFicus microcarpa; the three other abundant species areAnthocoris nemoralis (F.) — preying mostly on psyllids and aphids,Scoloposcelis pulchella (Zett.) — destroying the young stages of pine bark beetles, andCardiastethus nazarenas Reut. — feeding on many groups of small arthropods. Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization. No. 2621-E, 1989 series.  相似文献   

A study was carried out at the Natural Park of Montesinho, NE Portugal, in order to evaluate the effect of different pine species (Pinus pinaster Ait.,P. nigra Arn. andP. sylvestris L.) onThaumetopoea pityocampa populations. The structure of the egg batches, the impact of the egg parasitoids on natural mortality of the pest and the species of parasitoids present, as well as their emergence dynamics, were analyzed. The length of the egg batches varied among pine species with the longest ones onP. nigra. The mean number of eggs per batch differed betweenP. sylvestris and the two other hosts studied, with fewer eggs per batch on the first. No differences were found in the size of eggs among pine species. The egg mortality varied between 25.8% and 33.0%, with no differences among hosts. Parasitism was the main cause of death.Baryscapus servadeii (Mercet.) was the most abundant parasitoid species, followed byOoencyrtus pityocampae (Dom.) andTrichogramma embryophagum Htg.B. servadeii dominated in the egg batches collected fromP. pinaster andP. nigra, whereasO. pityocampae was most frequent onP. sylvestris. The emergence ofB. servadeii started in the middle of March and continued until August, with the emergence peak at the end of May. The emergence ofO. pityocampae started at the end of April and continued throughout September, with maximum values in June. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Sept. 20, 2006.  相似文献   

The loreyi leaf worm,Mythimna (Acantholeucania) loreyi Duponchel (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), is a pest of gramineous crops and causes significant economic damage to maize. In field surveys on maize to determine the parasitoid community and its impact on the pest in the eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey, nine parasitoid species were found associated with immature stages ofM. loreyi: The hymenopteran (Braconidae and Ichneumonidae) parasitoidsCotesia (=Apanteles) ruficrus (Haliday),Chelonus oculator Panzer,Meteorus ictericus Nees,Hyposoter didymator (Thunberg),Sinophorus sp.; and the dipteran (Tachinidae) parasitoidsPseudogonia rufifrons Wiedeman,Exorista rossica Mesnil,Gonia picea (Robineau-Desvoidy) andLinnaemya vulpina (Fallen) — the last three recorded for the first time as parasitoids ofM. loreyi in Turkey.C. ruficrus was the dominant parasitoid species, being recovered from 38.5% of the larvae collected and was also the most prevalent species, existing in 91.0% of the fields in whichM. loreyi was found. Total parasitism levels achieved by braconid species was 41.4%, by ichneumonid parasitoids 4.8%, and by tachinid parasitoids 1.9%. In a separate field experiment, seasonal population fluctuations and natural efficiency ofC. ruficrus onM. loreyi were found to be 35.1% and 42.4%, respectively. Population levels ofC. ruficrus were closely related to fluctuations in the population ofM. loreyi, with parasitism ranging between 0 and 77.3% during the study. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Aug. 28, 2005.  相似文献   

In the present study,Cnaemidophorus rhododactyla (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepo Pterophoridae) was noted for the first time as a pest ofRosa spp. in Turkey. The larva ofC. rhododactyla makes a cavity by feeding in the flower-bud and destroys at least 60% of the mass of the flower-bud. There are approximately 12 species ofRosa in Erzurum and Kars provinces, butRosa dumalis Bechst. andR. subcanina L. suffered more damage than the otherRosa species. One species of Tachinidae (Diptera) —Pseudoperichaeta palesoidea (Robineau-Desvoidy), and two species of Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) —Sinophorus turionus (Ratz.) andScambus brevicornis Gravenhorst, were reared as larval parasitoids ofC. rhododactyla. C. rhododactyla is a new host record for these parasitoids. Additionally,S. turionus is a new record for the Turkish fauna.  相似文献   

Studies on the species composition and structure of parasitoid complex of poplar twig borer,Gypsonoma aceriana (Dup.), on poplar ornamental trees in Sofia and their role in reducing the number of this pest have been conducted during the period 1990–1997. Six larval parasitoids—Bracon variator Nees,Orgilus obscurator (Nees),Microdus tumidulus Nees,Apanteles erevanicus Tob. (Braconidae),Pristomerus rufiabdominalis Ucida andPristomerus vulnerator (Panz.) (Ichneumonidae) were identified. Most numerous wereM. tumidulus (41.0%),A. erevanicus (30.6%) andP. rufiabdominalis (19.1%).A. erevanicus andM. tumidulus were dominating during the different years. The parasitoids ofG. aceriana were solitary, asB. variator is an ektoparasite, and the rest—endoparasites. They attack young host larvae and emerge at the end of the pupal stage. The life cycle of parasitoids, that have double generation, are well synchronised with the pest development. This was expressed in the high levels of parasitism, which in some cases reached 61.5%, and as a whole for the different generations they were 5.9–44.4%.A. erevanicus andM. tumidulus were the most important in reducing the number of the pest.  相似文献   

In Bulgaria near Marikostino, in a forest ofPinus nigra Arn. 239 egg batches were sampled over four generations ofThaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. & Schiff.) (Lep., Thaumetopoeidae) in various seasons. Directly after collection the batches were singled in test tubes, closed with cotton stoppers and stored under laboratory conditions at 20–22°C. Oviposition always started from the base towards the tip of the needles. The emergence of egg parasitoids was observed daily, and the parasitoids were counted and identified. The eggs from which parasitoids emerged were marked for further studies. After removing the adults and opening the eggs, the impact of the species of parasitoids was evaluated by identifying the meconia and other rests (left overs). Ooencyrtus pityocampae (Mercet) was the most abundant egg parasitoid, followed byAnastatus bifasciatus (Fonsc.). Only few individuals ofBaryscapus servadeii (Dom.) were collected. The hyperparasitoidBaryscapus servadeii (Dom.) were collected. The hyperparasitoidBaryscapus transversalis Graham, was found at low densities. Only a few eggs were parasitised byTrichogramma embryophagum Htg. Total mortality of the host eggs varied from 34.7 to 79.7% depending on the period of parasitism and on the numbers of sterile eggs. The impact of the parasitoids was calculated to be 9.3–38.9%, depending on the period when parasitism had taken place. The mean number of eggs per batch varied from 203 to 253. The rate of parasitism was reduced by early sampling of the egg batches. In some cases, a very high percentage (up to 29.2%) of undeveloped eggs was found. In all samples a small percentage of empty eggs was always observed.
Untersuchungen zum Eiparasitismus von Thaumetopoea pityocampa bei Marikostino/Bulgarien w?hrend einer Vierjahresperiode (1991–1994)
Zusammenfassung  In Bulgarien, in der N?he von Marikostino, wurden 239 Eigelege des PinienprozessionsspinnersThaumetopoea pityocampa (Den.& Schiff.) (Lep., Thaumetopoeidae) in einemPinus nigra Forst über 4 Generationen zu verschiedenen Jahreszeiten gesammelt. Die Gelge wurden sogleich einzeln in Reagensgl?ser gegeben, die mit Wattestopfen verschlossen wurden, und unter Laborbedingungen bei 20–22°C aufbewahrt. Die Eiablage fand stets von der Nadelbasis zur Spitze hin statt. Der Schlupf der Parasitoiden wurde t?glich registriert. Nach Entfernen der Gelegeschuppen wurde jedes Ei markiert, aus dem ein Parasitoid schlüpfte. Alle adulten Parasitoide wurden sogleich nach dem Schlupf entfernt und zur Determination vorbereitet. Nach Ende der Schlupfperiode (mindestens 1 Jahr nach dem Raupenschlupf) wurden alle Eier ge?ffnet. Der Einflu? der cinzelnen Parasitoiden-Arten auf die Eimortalit?t wurde anhand der Mekonien und Rückst?nde in den Eiern bewertet. Ooencyrtus pityocampae (Mercet) war in den Eiern die h?ufigste Art, gefolgt vonAnastatus bifasciatus (Fonsc.) VonBaryscapus servadeii (Dom.) wurden nur wenige Individuen gefunden. Auch der Hyperparasitoid,Baryscapus transversalis Graham, war nur in geringer Populationsdichte vertreten. Nur wenige Eier waren vonTrichogramma embryophagum Htg. parasitiert. Die Gesamtmortatit?t der Wirtstiere variierte von 34,7% bis 79,7%; sie war abh?ngig von der Parasitierungsperiode und der Menge an sterilen Eiern. Der Einflu? der Eiparasitoide betrug 32,7–38,9%, wenn sie die gesamte Embryonalentwicklung des Wirtes zur Parasitierung nutzen konnten. Die mittlere Anzahl der Eier pro Gelege variierte in den Sammelproben von 203 bis 253. Die Parasitierungsrate war nach frühem Einsammeln der Gelege (nach Oviposition des Wirtes) stark reduziert. In einigen F?llen war ein sehr hoher Prozensatz (bis zu 29,2%) an nicht entwickelten Eiern zu finden. In allen Eigelegen waren einige Eier vorhanden, die total leer waren.

The research conducted was supported by the Government of Lower Saxony, Hannover, Germany.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out during the period 1997-1999 on lepidopteran entomofauna deleterious to poplars (Populus spp.) in Bulgaria. The phytophages were collected in larval and pupal stage and were reared under laboratory con-ditions to the adult stage. In two regions of Bulgaria, Sofia and Montana, 18 new and little-known phytophages in seven families were established on the trees in Populus genus: Limenitis populi (L.) (Nymphalidae); Anacampsis populefia (Cl.), Gelechia turpella (Den. & Schiff.) (Gelechiidae); Synanthedon melliniformis (Lasp.) (Sesiidae); Euproctis similis (Fuessl.) (Lymantriidae); Drymonia velitaris (Hufn.), Notodonta tritophus (Den. & Schiff.) (Notodontidae); Amphipyra pyramidea (L.), Catocala nupta (L.), Cosmia trapezina (L.), Enargia paleacea (Esp.), Eupsilia transversa (Hufn.), Ipomorpha subtusa (Den. & Schiff.), Parastichtis ypsilon (Den. & Schiff.), Scoliopteryx libatrix (L.) (Noctuidae); Gastropacha quercifolia (L.), Phyllodesma tremulifolia (Hb.) and Poecilocampa populi (L.) (Lasiocampidae). G. turpella and S. melliniformis are new records for Bulgaria and D. velitaris was found for the first time in Northern Bulgaria. Thirteen species (L. populi, E. similis, D. velltaris, N. tritophus, A. pyramidea, C. nupta, C. trapezina, E. transversa, I. subtusa, P. ypsilon, G. quercifolia, P. tremulifolia and P. populi) were established for the first time in Bulgaria to have a trophic relationship with poplars. G. turpella and L subtusa were occurred in the highest population densities – up to 1.6 larvae/m and up to 1.1 larvae/m respectively. The remaining species occurred in low population densities in the studied habitats and were not considered to be pests on the poplars.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out during the period 1997-1999 on lepidopteran entomofauna deleterious to poplars (Populus spp.) in Bulgaria. The phytophages were collected in larval and pupal stage and were reared under laboratory con-ditions to the adult stage. In two regions of Bulgaria, Sofia and Montana, 18 new and little-known phytophages in seven families were established on the trees in Populus genus: Limenitis populi (L.) (Nymphalidae); Anacampsis populefia (Cl.), Gelechia turpella (Den. & Schiff.) (Gelechiidae); Synanthedon melliniformis (Lasp.) (Sesiidae); Euproctis similis (Fuessl.) (Lymantriidae); Drymonia velitaris (Hufn.), Notodonta tritophus (Den. & Schiff.) (Notodontidae); Amphipyra pyramidea (L.), Catocala nupta (L.), Cosmia trapezina (L.), Enargia paleacea (Esp.), Eupsilia transversa (Hufn.), Ipomorpha subtusa (Den. & Schiff.), Parastichtis ypsilon (Den. & Schiff.), Scoliopteryx libatrix (L.) (Noctuidae); Gastropacha quercifolia (L.), Phyllodesma tremulifolia (Hb.) and Poecilocampa populi (L.) (Lasiocampidae). G. turpella and S. melliniformis are new records for Bulgaria and D. velitaris was found for the first time in Northern Bulgaria. Thirteen species (L. populi, E. similis, D. velltaris, N. tritophus, A. pyramidea, C. nupta, C. trapezina, E. transversa, I. subtusa, P. ypsilon, G. quercifolia, P. tremulifolia and P. populi) were established for the first time in Bulgaria to have a trophic relationship with poplars. G. turpella and L subtusa were occurred in the highest population densities – up to 1.6 larvae/m and up to 1.1 larvae/m respectively. The remaining species occurred in low population densities in the studied habitats and were not considered to be pests on the poplars.  相似文献   

Studies were performed on 25 egg batches ofThaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. & Schiff.) collected onPinus pinaster Ait. on 29. XI. 1995, in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco near Marrakech at 1400-1800 m above sea level. All the egg masses had been deposited in the autumn of 1995 and were exposed to the parasitoids throughout the developmental period of the host. In 1996, the egg batches, kept singly in test tubes, were observed almost daily. Emerged parasitoids were recorded and separated. The final analyses were made in November 1996 based on the meconia and remains of the emerged or the dead parasitoids in the eggs. In all cases, oviposition occurred from the base to the tip of the needles, distances varying up to 62 mm from the base. The mean number of eggs per batch was 175 (range 34-245), the number of egg-rows varied between 6 and 11, and a 1-cm egg-row contained a mean of 9 eggs. Caterpillars hatched from 72. 7% of the eggs; total mortality of the eggs was thus 27. 3%. The impact of egg parasitoids was 21. 4%. Most of the parasitized eggs were attacked byBaryscapus servadeii (Dom.) followed byOoencyrtus pityocampae (Mercet). Males (1. 5%) were found only in B. servadeii. The emergence rate ofO. pityocampae was much higher in the year of host oviposition than in the following year. B. servadeii emerged in equal numbers before and after hibernation, and in the subsequent year in equal numbers in spring and autumn. The high rate of emergence ofB. servadeii in April-May is discussed in relation to the embryonic development ofThaumetopoea bonjeani (Powel) until the end of winter, as an alternative host ofB. servadeii in the Atlas region.  相似文献   

Infestation levels and parasitism of lepidopteran stemborers on maize were assessed in four agroecological zones (AEZ) in Uganda. The indigenous noctuidBusseola fusca Fuller (Noctuidae) and the invasiveChilo partellus Swinhoe (Crambidae) were the most important stemborers recorded.C. partellus represented 77% of the stemborers in the Eastern AEZ whileB. fusca was dominant in the other AEZs, accounting for 60–79%. The proportion of infested plants was between 16% and 45% and borer density between 0.2 and 1.0 borers per plant. There was no clear relationship between damage and stem tunneling, which is often used to estimate yield loss.Telenomus busseolae Gahan (Scelionidae), the only egg parasitoid recovered, caused parasitism of up to 46% onB. fusca eggs. Several larval and pupal parasitoid species were recorded. The most common were the indigenous braconidCotesia sesamiae and the introducedCotesia flavipes, which are larval parasitoids ofB. fusca andC. partellus, respectively. Mean parasitism by the indigenousC. sesamiae ranged between 2.0% and 29.4% onB. fusca and from 0 to 13% onC. partellus. C. flavipes was recovered at most locations with parasitism of 0–30.5% onC. partellus and 0–12% onB. fusca; the latter was probably the result of multiparasitism as laboratory studies have shown that it was not a suitable host forC. partellus. Results indicated further that the parasitoid has not attained equilibrium 5 years after its introduction. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Nov. 20, 2006. Teddy Matama-Kauma died suddenly in an accident on Dec. 10, 2006, while this paper was in press.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on the egg material ofTraumatocampa ispartaensis Doganlar & Avcı (Lep.: Notodontidae) collected onCedrus libani A. Rich. A total of 95 egg-batches were sampled over two annual generations ofTr. ispartaensis. The number of eggs in each egg-batch varied between 39 and 245 and the length of the batches varied between 7 and 36 mm. The mean number of eggs per batch was found to be 119 and 122 in 1999 and 2000, respectively. Based on field data the oviposition period continued from mid August to mid September. The mean hatching rate of the host was found to be 85.8% and 88.9%, whereas the impact of egg parasitoids accounted for 11.3% and 7.4%, respectively in the 2 years.Ooencyrtus pityocampae (Mercet) was observed as the most abundant egg parasitoid, followed byOoencyrtus sp. nearmasii (Mercet) andTrichogramma brassicae Bezdenko. Based on the emergence dynamics of the egg parasitoids in the laboratory, it seems thatO. pityocampae emerged mainly in June whereasO. sp. nearmasii andT. brassicae emerged mainly in May. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Feb. 3, 2003.  相似文献   

Samples were collected from southern Greece during 1996–2000 in order to investigate the presence of parasitoids onAphis gossypii Glover infesting several citrus species. The species of aphidiines found to have a significantly different preference forA. gossypii wereAphidius colemani Viereck,Aphidius matricariae Haliday,Diaeretiella rapae (M’Intosh),Ephedrus persicae Froggat,Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson),Binodoxys acalephae (Marshall) andBinodoxys angelicae (Haliday). In another sampling experiment, the relative abundance of aphidiine parasitoids on aphids infesting orange and tangerine trees was studied in southern Greece (Nea Kios) in 1996 and 1997.A. gossypii constituted the largest part of the aphid population and was the only species parasitized.B. angelicae andA. colemani were the most abundant parasitoid species. The parasitization rate differed among the parasitoid species.B. angelicae had the highest colonization rate in centrally located and large host (A. gossypii) groups, whereasA. colemani was found in more isolated and relatively small host groups. The percentage of parasitism byB. angelicae was high mainly in large host groups, whenB. angelicae was the only parasitoid present. However, in cases of coexistence ofB. angelicae withA. colemani with hyperparasitoids, in the same sampling unit, the percentage of parasitism was relatively low. http://www.phytoparasitica.org  相似文献   

A field study onKaltenbachiola strobi (Winnertz) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), was carried out between 1987 and 1993 in the highest mountain range in the Western Carpathians located within the Tatra National Park, in southern Poland. Rearing and analysis of 5 780 cones ofPicea abies (L.)Karst., collected from trees growing at different altitudes, yielded 30,478 individuals ofKaltenbachiola strobi, which infested 89.10% of the cones. In case of 29.81% of cones there were more than 20 larvae ofK. strobi per cone. It was shown thatK. strobi in the Tatra Mts. is more abundant in spruce stands of the upper mountain forest zone. Significant connections between the time of cone infestation byK. strobi and its parasitoids and characteristic phenophases in spruce foliage and cone development, and also the development of selected vegetation of the forest floor at different heights above sea level were determined. It was shown that the population dynamics ofK. strobi had tendency to alternate the increase and decrease in numbers every two years. It was also discovered that every two years spruce cones were inhabited by the population ofK. strobi with increased percentage of individuals having prolonged diapause. In total, the parasitoids reduced the population ofK. strobi by about 16–22.63%. Parasitism ofK. strobi in the lower mountain forest zone was higher than in the upper zone.Triplatygaster contorticornis Ratz. (Hymenoptera: Platygasteridae),Torymus azureus Boheman (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) andTetrastichus strobilanae Ratz. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) were most effiecient in reduction of the population ofK. strobi, and in the lower mountain forest zoneT. azureus was the dominant parasitoid species, while in the upper zoneT. contorticornis andT. strobilanae. It was shown that a considerable part of the populations ofT. azureus, T. contorticornis andT. strobilanae have their diapause prolonged and highly synchronized with the diapause of their host.  相似文献   

The infestation intensity of the ectoparasiteErythraeus ankaraicus Saboori, Cobanoglu and Bayram (Acari: Erythraeidae) onAsymmetrasca (=Empoasca) decedens (Paoli) (Homoptera: cicadellidae),Aphis gossypii Glov. (Homoptera: Aphididae) andThrips tabaci Lind. (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in cotton was investigated during the 2004 and 2005 growing seasons in Aydin Province, TurkeyE. ankaraicus was recorded for the first time onA. decedens leafhopper nymphs during the early growth stage of cotton. Parasitism ofE. ankaraicus on leafhopper nymphs during the first week of July 2004 was 68.9%, whereas in the middle of July 2005 — when mite populations peaked — it reached only 15.1%. Parasitism of the leafhopper was not observed from the middle of the season onward (August to October).  相似文献   

The development time and parasitization rate ofDiaeretiella rapae (M’Intosh) onBrevicoryne brassicae (L.) feeding on differentBrassica cultivars was studied in the laboratory at 20°C. The shortest development time from egg to adult parasitoid was 11.6 days on cabbage cv. ‘Yalova 1’ and the longest was 12.1 days on turnip cv. ‘Antep’ and rapeseed cv. local variety. Females lived significantly longer than males on the host plants used in the study. Females and males had the shortest longevity on rapeseed at 11.1 and 5.1 days, respectively. The highest percent parasitism ofB. brassicae byD. rapae was found on cabbage (40.20%), and the lowest was recorded on turnip (32.64%). Our results demonstrate that parasitism rate could be influenced by the plant quality, probably due to the nutritional status of the aphids or to toxic compounds ingested through the plant. Cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli were found to be suitable plants for the parasitoid, considering the development time of pre-adults, and the parasitization rate ofD. rapae onB. brassicae. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Jan. 23, 2007.  相似文献   

The parasitoid fauna of Coccoidea in cultivated and noncultivated areas was studied in the east Mediterranean region of Turkey in 1994–1997. In total, 25 parasitoid species belonging to Aphelinidae, Encyrtidae, and Eulophidae (Hymenoptera) were reared from 21 different scale hosts. On crop plants, mainly citrus and peach, 13 parasitoids from eleven Coccoidea hosts were determined while 14 parasitoid species were obtained from twelve scale insects on non-cultivated plants. Seven parasitoid species are new records for the Turkish insect fauna. Only one of them was found on citrus, while the other six species were sampled in non-cultivated areas. The most common parasitoids encountered wereAphytis melinus DeBach,Encarsia berlesei (Howard) (Aphelinidae),comperiella bifasciata Howard (Encyrtidae), andMetaphycus flavus (Howard) (Eulophidae) in cultivated areas andCoccophagus lycimnia (Walker) (Aphelinidae) in non-cultivated areas. All other parasitoids species were obtained only from a few scale insects hosts.
Erste Untersuchungen zur Parasitoiden-Fauna der Coccoidea in landwirtschaftlich genutzten und nicht genutzten Gebieten der ?stlichen Mittelmeer-Region der Türkei
Zusammenfassung  In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Parasitoiden-Fauna der Coccoidea in landwirtschaftlich genutzten und nicht genutzten Gebieten der ?stlichen Mittelmeer-Region der Türkei in der Zeit von 1994–1997 untersucht. Insgesamt konnten 25 Parasitoiden-Arten aus den Familien Aphelinidae, Encyrtidae und Eulophidae (Hymenoptera) aus 21 verschiedenen Schildlaus-Wirten gezogen werden. Von den Kulturpflanzen, vor allem von Zitrus und Pfirsich, wurden 13 Parasitoide aus 11 Coccoidea-Wirten gewonnen, w?hrend 14 Parasitoiden-Arten aus 12 Schildlaus-Wirten von den Wildpflanzen stammten. Bei sieben Parasitoiden-Arten handelt es sich um Neubeschreibungen der türkischen Insektenfauna. Nur eine von diesen wurde auf Zitrus beobachtet, w?hrend die anderen sechs Arten aus nicht bewirtschafteten Gebieten stammten. Die gel?ufigsten der ermittelten Parasitoiden-Arten warenAphytis melinus DeBach,Encarsia berlesei (Howard) (Aphelinidae),Comperiella bifasciata Howard (Encyrtidae) sowieMetaphycus flavus (Howard) (Eulophidae) auf den bewirtschafteten undCoccophagus lycimnia (Walker) (Aphelinidae) auf den nicht bewirtschafteten Fl?chen. Alle anderen Parasitoiden-Arten wurden auf nur wenigen Schildlaus-Wirten beobachtet.

The paper was gratefully dedicated to Prof. Dr. Niyazi Lodos.  相似文献   

A survey of common and uncommon weed species usually showing Verticillium wilt symptoms was carried out during 1992–2000 in Crete, Greece.Verticillium dahliae was isolated in 48 out of 182 sampled fields, in which several weed species were grown, from several locations in Oropedio, Lasithi. Altogether, 124 isolates ofV. dahliae were recovered from the vascular stem-tissue of 19 weed species, belonging to ten botanical families. Pathogenicity trials with 13 out of 19 weed species that have never been reported as hosts of the fungus, using for inoculation isolates which originated from the same weed species, resulted in infection of all of them, showing various disease symptoms. Seven weed species (Anthemis melanolepis, Cardaria draba, Convolvulus arvensis, Erodium sp.,Euphorbia helioscopia, Helminthotheca echioides andSinapis alba) are new hosts worldwide, and six additional species (Euphorbia sp.,Lactuca serriola, Raphanus raphanistrum, Sinapis arvensis, Sonchus oleraceus andTrifolium sp.) are new hosts for Greece. The most susceptible (isolation frequency: 27.9–52.8%, moderate disease severity) species were:Capsella bursa-pastoris, C. draba, Chenopodium album, Senecio vulgaris andSolanum nigrum. Less susceptible (isolation frequency: 4.8–17.8%, slight disease severity) were:Amaranthus sp.,A. melanolepis, C. arvensis, Erodium sp.,Euphorbia sp.,E. helioscopia, H. echioides, L. serriola, Malva sylvestris, R. raphanistrum, S. alba, S. arvensis, S. oleraceus andTrifolium sp. Some species —C. draba, C. album, L. serriola andS. nigrum L. — that usually showed external and vascular wilt symptoms, occasionally exhibited only reduced growth. Visible symptoms under natural field conditions in all 13 weed species that had never been reported as hosts ofV. dahliae were similar to those observed after their artificial inoculation. The fungus was not isolated fromFoeniculum vulgare ssp.piperitum, Oxalis corniculata andStellaria media, among other species. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Sept. 18, 2002.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of buprofezin (aqueous suspensions from 25% wettable powder) on cumulative nymph mortality and reproduction of two homopterous pests,Icerya purchasi Maskell (Margarodidae) andPlanococcus citri (Risso) (Pseudococcidae), was investigated under laboratory conditions. Buprofezin was very effective against crawlers of both species. Dipping in concentrations of 0.002%, 0.01% and 0.05% (a. i.) resulted in 91–99% nymph mortality ofP. citri, whereas 100% mortality was recorded whenI. purchasi was treated at 0.05% (a. i.); the 3rd-instar nymphs ofI. purchasi were less susceptible to the chemical. Death of the larval stages occurred mainly during the molting process to the 2nd-instar nymphs. At 0.05%, buprofezin sprayed on adults slightly reduced fecundity and decreased egg hatch to 31% forI. purchasi and, depending on the exposure period of the females, to 49-7% forP. citri. Buprofezin at 0.05% exhibited strong ovicidal activity onP. citri, resulting in inhibition of over 80% egg hatch.  相似文献   

Tachinid parasitoids ofTraumatocampa ispartaensis Doğanlar & Avcı (Lepidoptera, Thaumetopoeidae), which was found to be a new species, were collected from the cedar forests around Isparta-Kapıdağ. The species found wereBlondelia nigripes (Fall.),Compsilura concinnata (Meig.),Pales processioneae (Ratz.),Phryxe caudata (Rond.),Exorista segregata (Rond.) andCarcelia iliaca (Ratz.). Within the six species of Tachinidae,B. nigripes was the most common one, parasitizing up to 4.6% ofT. ispartaensis pupae. http://www.phytoparasitica.org  相似文献   

Populations of pear psylla,Cacopsylla pyri (L.) (Rhynchota: Psyllidae), and its natural enemies were sampled on pears in Antalya province during the years 2000–2002. Thirty-two species of predators and three species of parasitoids were detected to be associated withC. pyri in Antalya province. The heteropterans (especially anthocorid species) were the most abundant predator group. Among the anthocorids,Anthocoris nemoralis (Fabricius) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae), whose population was closely related to the dynamics of the pear psylla population, was generally the principal antagonist ofC. pyri. Other species recorded during the study were the miridDeraeocoris spp., the chrysopidChrysoperla carnea L., and many coccinellid species. Although these predators are polyphagous, as are theOrius species, their populations were related to the psylla fluctuations. Among the parasitoid complex belonging to the order Hymenoptera, the encyrtidTrechnites psyllae (Ruschka) was the only primary parasitoid. Two hyperparasites,viz., Syrphophagus mamitus (Walker) andPachyneuron aphidis (Bouché) (Encyrtidae and Pteromalidae, respectively), were detected in the surveys. Also, this study revealed new information concerning the pear psylla parasitoid complex in Turkey. WhileT. psyllae andS. mamitus are new records to Turkish parasitoid fauna,C. pyri is a new host record forP. aphidis. The population development and abundance of pear psylla and its natural enemies, as well as the parasitization rates in treated and untreated pear orchards, are presented here. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 6, 2004.  相似文献   

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