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To provide useful knowledge on goat breed origin and history, we studied the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of 69 goats from five different breeds, Camosciata delle Alpi, Maltese, Nubian, Saanen and Sarda, and one population, the Tunisian. All goats analysed displayed a moderate haplotype and nucleotide diversity. The highest was in the Sarda – the autochthonous breed reared in Sardinia. On the basis of mtDNA control region sequences, animals showed a high genetic haplotype diversity, 35 haplotypes were each represented by a single sequence and only a few haplotypes were shared among the animals. New haplotypes of goats reared in the Mediterranean area were identified and the majority of Italian goats belonged to haplogroup A. This result confirmed worldwide distribution and diversity of haplogroup A.  相似文献   

Anatolia has been an important region for civilizations and agricultural revolution as a major domestication centre for livestock species. Goats (Capra hircus) were among the earliest domesticated animals in this region. In this study, genetic diversity of Anatolian goat breeds was characterized by comparison of mitochondrial DNA hypervariable region 1. A total of 295 individuals, including 99 Anatolian Black goats, 96 Angora goats and 100 Kilis goats, were used. Haplogroup A was found to be the dominant haplogroup in all three breeds. The highest haplogroup diversity, including haplogroups A, B2, C and G, was observed in the Anatolian Black breed. Haplogroup D was only observed in Kilis and Angora goats. Haplogroup G was found in Angora and Anatolian Black breeds. The Anatolian goat breeds had high genetic diversity values and a weak phylogeographical structure. The nucleotide diversity values were found to be higher than those in previously studied goat breeds. The fact that Anatolia is a domestication centre and its geographical position as a junction of trade routes may have caused the higher genetic diversity of Anatolian goat breeds.  相似文献   


1. The aim of this study was to explore genetic diversity and possible origin of Bangladeshi (BD) native chickens. The complete mtDNA D-loop region was sequenced in 60 chickens representing five populations; naked neck, full feathered, Aseel, Hilly and autosomal dwarf. The 61 reference sequences representing different domestic chicken clades in China, India, Laos, Indonesia, Myanmar, and other Eurasian regions were included. The mtDNA D-loop sequence polymorphism and maternal origin of five BD populations were analysed.

2. A total of 35 polymorphic sites, and 21 haplotypes were detected in 60 mtDNA D-loop sequences. The haplotype and nucleotide diversity of the five populations were 0.921 ± 0.018 and 0.0061 ± 0.0019, respectively. Both mtDNA network and phylogenetic analysis indicated four clades (four haplogroups) in BD populations (21 haplotypes) along with 61 reference haplotypes. Clade E contained the most individuals (20) and haplotypes (11) of BD chickens, followed by clade D (17, 6), clade C (12, 2) and clade F (11, 2), respectively.

3. The higher number of unique haplotypes found in Yunnan, China, suggested that the origin of BD chickens was in this region. The haplotypes from different haplogroups were introduced in Bangladeshi chickens from India, China and Myanmar. The phylogenetic tree showed a close relationship of BD chickens with the clusters from India, China, Myanmar and Laos, and indicated the dispersion of BD chickens from these sources. The phylogenetic information revealed high genetic diversity of BD chickens because of their origin from different lineages with high genetic variation and distance, which was determined from four cluster and neighbour-joining trees.

4. In conclusion, BD populations had high genetic diversity. The mtDNA network profiles and phylogenetic trees showed multiple maternal origins of BD chickens from India, China, Myanmar and Laos.  相似文献   

我国6个绵(山)羊群体遗传分化的微卫星分析   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
为进一步了解我国绵(山)羊群体的品种特性及其遗传分化,本文利用微卫星标记对我国6个绵(山)羊群体遗传分化进行了分析。采用中心产区典型群随机抽样方法用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测乌珠穆沁羊7个微卫星位点,并引用同实验室小尾寒羊、滩羊、湖羊、同羊、长江三角洲白山羊(参照群体)的相关资料进行群体遗传分化水平分析。研究表明:7个微卫星位点在乌珠穆沁羊、小尾寒羊、滩羊、湖羊、同羊、山羊这6个品种中均存在遗传多态性,各座位等位基因均较丰富。根据标准遗传距离、DA遗传距离以及模糊相容关系进行聚类分析,湖羊与同羊首先聚为一类,乌珠穆沁羊和小尾寒羊聚为一类,然后与滩羊聚为一类,5个绵羊品种最后与山羊相聚。  相似文献   

利用6个微卫星标记对中西部7个山羊品种(陕南白山羊、陕北白绒山羊、西农萨能羊、关中奶山羊、太行山羊、黄淮山羊、伏牛山羊)共计322个个体进行了遗传多样性检测,并根据Nei氏遗传距离进行了聚类分析。结果表明:6个微卫星标记在这7个品种中存在高度多态性;陕北白绒山羊的遗传变异程度最大,平均杂合度和平均多态信息含量分别为:0.8401和0.8244;而关中奶山羊的遗传变异程度相对较小,平均杂合度和平均多态信息含量分别为:0.7990和0.7784。UPGMA聚类分析表明,黄淮山羊和伏牛山羊聚为一类,陕南白山羊,太行山羊,陕北白绒山羊依次加入,西农萨能羊和关中奶山羊作为一类最后加入。  相似文献   

1. The objective of this study was to determine the origin and evolution of chickens from 5 native breeds that are traditionally raised in Jiangsu Province.

2. To address this question, the complete mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequence of 149 chickens from 5 native breeds of Jiangsu Province was analysed.

3. Sequence read lengths of the native breeds were 1231 to 1232 bp, with a single-base deletion from the 859 bp site in the 1231 bp haplotype. A total of 33 variable sites that defined 19 haplotypes were identified. The average haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity were 0.862 ± 0.017 and 0.00591 ± 0.00135.

4. Phylogenetic analysis showed that genetic structure of the mtDNA haplotypes of Jiangsu chickens are distributed across 5 clades (haplogroups): Clades A, B, C, D, and E. However, most of the individuals characterised in this study belonged to clades A and B.

5. The results of this study indicate that Jiangsu chicken populations have relatively low nucleotide and haplotype diversity and likely share 5 common maternal lineages.  相似文献   

为了研究新批准的西南地区5个山羊遗传资源的遗传多样性及其与其他羊种的亲缘关系,试验利用设计的引物对山羊的mtDNA D-loop序列进行了PCR扩增和测序,对序列数据进行了核苷酸多样性、单倍型和亲缘关系分析。结果表明:在西南地区新批准的5个山羊遗传资源中,大足黑山羊、黔北麻羊和酉州乌羊平均多态位点数比较接近,均高于渝东黑山羊和贵州黑山羊;大足黑山羊、黔北麻羊和酉州乌羊遗传多样性高于贵州黑山羊和渝东黑山羊;从亲缘关系来看,渝东黑山羊与板角山羊和南江黄羊亲缘关系较近,酉州乌羊与板角山羊亲缘关系最近,贵州3个羊种(贵州白山羊、贵州黑山羊和黔北麻羊)遗传距离近,大足黑山羊与乐至黑山羊遗传距离较近。说明渝东黑山羊和贵州黑山羊遗传多样性较低,需要加强遗传资源的保护和提纯;新批准的5个山羊遗传资源的遗传距离和亲缘关系与其所处的地理位置存在密切关系。  相似文献   

甘南州蕨麻猪mtDNA D-环序列的起源及遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究甘南州蕨麻猪mtDNA D-环序列起源与遗传多样性,利用文献报道的1对引物对蕨麻猪mtDNA D-环序列进行PCR扩增及测序,对所得数据进行单倍型、遗传多样性、系统发育树和网络关系分析.分析结果显示,135头蕨麻猪mtDNA D-环序列表现出3种长度变异,其中4个序列长度为1 199 bp,3个序列长度是1 319 bp,127个序列长度为1 219 bp.对127个长度为1 219 bp的序列进行分析,发现83个单倍型.单倍型比例、单倍型多样度、核苷酸多样度和平均核苷酸差异数在卡加曼蕨麻猪最高,而在夏河蕨麻猪为最低.系统发育树和网络关系分析均将83个单倍型分为2个分支,说明蕨麻猪具有2个母系起源.与其他猪种mtDNA D-环序列比较,蕨麻猪与东南沿海野猪有较近的亲缘关系,没有发现东亚与东南亚野猪对蕨麻猪的起源有贡献的证据.  相似文献   

There are hump, humpless cattle and gayal distributed in Yunnan province, south‐west China, but their genetic background remains unclear. To determine the origin and genetic diversity of Yunnan gayal and cattle (Diqing, Nujiang and Wenshan cattle), we analysed mtDNA control region sequences of 71 samples and SRY gene sequences of 39 samples, together with the available sequences in GenBank. The neighbour‐joining phylogeny and the reduced median network analysis showed that Yunnan gayal originated from the hybridization between male Bos frontalis and female Bos taurus or Bos indicus, and that Yunnan cattle mostly originated from B. indicus, also containing some hybrids of male B. indicus and female B. taurus. The phylogenetic pattern of Yunnan cattle was consistent with the recently described cattle matrilineal pool from China and indicated more contribution to the Yunnan cattle from B. indicus than from B. taurus.  相似文献   

In the current study, a total of 65 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the intron region were developed in goat (Capra hircus) by utilizing genomic information of cattle and sheep due to poor available genomic information on goat. Using these markers, we carried out genetic diversity and structure analyses for 10 Asian goat populations. The phylogenetic tree and principal components analysis showed good correspondence between clustered populations and their geographic locations. The STRUCTURE software analysis illustrated six divergent genetic structures among 10 populations. Myanmar and Cambodia populations showed high admixture patterns with different ancestry, suggesting genetic introgression into native goat populations. We also investigated the correlation between genetic diversity and geographic distance from a domestication center. This result showed a decreasing trend of genetic diversity according to the distance (P = 0.014). This result supported common consensus that western Asia is one of the centers of origin for modern Asian domestic goat.  相似文献   

中国部分山羊品种线粒体DNA D-loop序列遗传多样性分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
分析了中国部分本地山羊品种(18个品种200个体)以及在中国饲养的引入品种(4个品种25个体)线粒体DNA控制区(D-loop)的全序列,结合已报道的世界其它地方的山羊(15个品种77个体)以及2只野山羊的线粒体DNA控制区(D-loop)全序列共304个体,研究结果表明:山羊线粒体DNA控制区约为1 212 bp,检测到228个变异位点,203种单倍型,单倍型多样度为0.993±0.001;核苷酸多样度0.018±0.001。中国部分山羊的变异类型主要为类型A和B,而在巴基斯坦山羊中还检测到类型C和D。比较分析结果表明中国山羊遗传多样性和基因交流比中国黄牛品种要高。  相似文献   

Although the spatial genetic differentiation that occurs in animal populations has been extensively studied, information on temporal variations in genetic structure and diversity is still lacking, especially for animals with oscillating populations. In the present study, we used the mtDNA D‐loop sequence to assess the temporal genetic variation in samples from six successive years for the greater long‐tailed hamster, Tscherskia triton. Sampling was carried out between 1998 and 2003 in cropland on the North China Plain, China. A total of 108 individuals were analyzed. The temporal samples showed a high level of genetic diversity. Substantial genetic changes in haplotype frequencies over time were detected for the hamster population. Random genetic drift and migration are likely to be the major factors responsible for the observed temporal pattern. The genetic diversity of the hamster population was higher in years with higher population density, and lower in years with lower population density. The result supports our hypothesis that genetic diversity decreases when population density declines in animals whose population oscillates greatly between years. The combined effects of inbreeding and genetic drift caused by reproduction, dispersal and population size might play important roles in the observed changes in genetic structure and diversity between years.  相似文献   

This study aims to estimate the mitochondrial genetic diversity and structure of Japanese Polled and Kuchinoshima feral cattle, which are maintained in small populations. We determined the mitochondrial DMA (mtDNA) displacement loop (D‐loop) sequences for both cattle populations and analyzed these in conjunction with previously published data from Northeast Asian cattle populations. Our findings showed that Japanese native cattle have a predominant, Asian‐specific mtDNA haplogroup T4 with high frequencies (0.43–0.81). This excluded Kuchinoshima cattle (32 animals), which had only one mtDNA haplotype belonging to the haplogroup T3. Japanese Polled showed relatively lower mtDNA diversity in the average sequence divergence (0.0020) than other Wagyu breeds (0.0036–0.0047). Japanese Polled have been maintained in a limited area of Yamaguchi, and the population size is now less than 200. Therefore, low mtDNA diversity in the Japanese Polled could be explained by the decreasing population size in the last three decades. We found low mtDNA diversity in both Japanese Polled and Kuchinoshima cattle. The genetic information obtained in this study will be useful for maintaining these populations and for understanding the origin of Japanese native cattle.  相似文献   

Seven microsatellite markers were used to study genetic diversity of three Egyptian (Egyptian Baladi, Barki and Zaraibi) and two Italian (Maltese and Montefalcone) goat breeds. The microsatellites showed a high polymorphic information content (PIC) of more than 0.5 in most of the locus-breed combinations and indicated that the loci were useful in assessing within- and between-breed variability of domestic goat (Capra hircus). The expected heterozygosity of the breeds varied from 0.670 to 0.792. In the geographically wider distributed Egyptian Baladi breed there were indications for deviations from random breeding. Analysis of genetic distances and population structure grouped the three Egyptian goat breeds together, and separated them from the two Italian breeds. The studied Mediterranean breeds sampled from African and European populations seem to have differentiated from each other with only little genetic exchange between the geographically isolated populations.  相似文献   

采用中心产区典型群随机抽样方法采集了67只洼地绵羊样品,并用PCR-PAGE电泳技术检测了其7个微卫星位点(oarFCB11,oarFCB128,oarFCB48,oarFCB304,MAF33,MAF70和oarAE101)的遗传多态性,同时引用了小尾寒羊、滩羊、湖羊、同羊及长江三角洲白山羊(参照群体)相同资料进行群体遗传关系分析。研究结果表明:7个微卫星标记在洼地绵羊、小尾寒羊、滩羊、湖羊、同羊及长江三角洲白山羊6个品种中均存在多态性,可以用于绵羊群体遗传多样性的评估;7个微卫星标记在6个群体中的多态信息含量、平均有效等位基因数和平均杂合度分别为0.9182、13.9839、0.9511、0.9250、14.5013、0.9579、0.9157、12.9416、0.9446、0.9249、15.1723、0.9639、0.8835、10.0377、0.9333、0.8880、12.5156、0.9550、0.9078、12.1543、0.9389,其中oarFCB304遗传变异最大,oarAE101最小;6个绵(山)羊群体中小尾寒羊和洼地羊的遗传变异较大,对照群体(山羊)最小。通过计算DA距离和DS标准遗传距离,采用非加权配对算术平均法(UPGMA)绘制聚类图,得出洼地羊先和小尾寒羊聚为一类,然后和滩羊合并为一类;同时湖羊和同羊聚为一类;绵羊五个品种为一类后与山羊合并为一类。  相似文献   

中国6个山羊群体微卫星标记的遗传多样性分析   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
利用30个微卫星座位,对中国6个群体山羊(阿尔巴斯、二狼山、乌珠穆沁、阿拉善、辽宁绒山羊和陕南白山羊),共计240个个体的遗传多样性进行了分析。计算了各群体的等位基因频率,并以其为基础获得了各群体的平均杂合度(He)、平均多态信息含量(PIC)和平均有效等位基因数(Ne),分别为0.367~0.467、0.533~0.639、2.571~4.915。分析了群体内和群体间的遗传变异,并根据遗传距离,进行了NJ聚类,结果将6个山羊群体分为两大类。为进一步对山羊品种的保存和利用提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

中国部分地方水牛品种mtDNA D-loop区遗传多样性与起源研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对我国10个地方水牛品种110个个体的mtDNA D-loop区序列(930 bp左右)进行分析,共检测到50种单倍型,107个核苷酸多态位点,其单倍型多样度(Haplotype diversity,Hd)为0.895 2±0.024 0,核苷酸多样度(Nucleotide diversity,π)为0.020 0±0.005 6,平均核苷酸差异(Average number of nucleotide differences,k)为18.445 0,表明我国水牛的遗传多态性丰富。构建的NJ进化树显示这10个品种的水牛主要有两个母系起源。  相似文献   

[目的]通过对蒙古牛线粒体DNA(mtDNA)的基因组进行测序,探究蒙古牛的mtDNA基因组遗传多样性与母系起源。[方法]采用DNA提取、三代测序及生物信息学方法。[结果]在36头蒙古牛mtDNA全基因组序列中,共检测到22种不同的单倍型,平均单倍型多样度(Hd)为0.970,平均核苷酸多样度(Pi)为0.00845,表明蒙古牛有丰富的母系遗传多样性。构建的IQ系统发育树发现,蒙古牛具有瘤牛和普通牛两个母系支系。[结论]蒙古牛有丰富的母系遗传多样性,拥有普通牛和瘤牛两个母系起源,以普通牛起源为主。  相似文献   

采用PCR产物直接测序技术对30只贵妃鸡样品的线粒体DNA控制区(mtDNA D-loop)第Ⅰ高变区序列进行了分析。结果表明,在所分析的D-loop区部分序列中(520 bp),A、G、C、T平均含量分别为26.8%、13.0%、31.1%和29.1%;共发现13个核苷酸多态位点,均为转换位点,未检测到插入/缺失和颠换,核苷酸多样度(Pi)为0.0059,单倍型变异度(Hd)为0.538,中性检验Tajima’s D值为-0.67065。通过群体构建的NJ聚类图分子系统树发现,贵妃鸡起源于红原鸡。  相似文献   

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