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An inoculation procedure was developed to obtain efficient and synchronous infection on detached tomato leaves by Botrytis cinerea. In spray-inoculated leaves incubated at 20 °C, the infection process consisted of three phases: the formation of primary necrotic lesions (until 20 hpi), a quiescent phase (20-72 hpi), and the expansion of a proportion of the primary lesions (from 72 hpi onwards), resulting in full tissue maceration. At 4 °C, the infection progressed slowly but steadily without inducing necrotic responses in the host. The actin and -tubulin genes of B. cinerea were cloned, characterized and used as probes on blots containing RNAs from leaves at various stages of the infection. The genes displayed a similar expression pattern throughout the infection and the hybridization signal reflected the amount of fungal biomass. The actin mRNA accumulated to higher levels than the -tubulin mRNA. Tomato PR protein mRNAs (chitinase, -1,3-glucanase and PR-1) were induced during the infection, albeit with different kinetics and to different levels. At 20 °C, -1,3-glucanase and PR-1 mRNAs were induced more rapidly than chitinase mRNAs. At 4 °C, mRNAs encoding extracellular -1,3-glucanase and intracellular, as well as extracellular chitinase were hardly induced.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of detached tomato leaves with o -hydroxyethylorutin reduced the percentage leaf area affected, and delayed the appearance of necrosis, following inoculation with conidial suspensions in droplets of the grey mould fungus Botrytis cinerea . o -Hydroxyethylorutin delayed, but did not inhibit, in vitro germination of conidia, although overall percentage germination was reduced compared with water controls. Both the reactive oxygen species (ROS) – superoxide anions and hydrogen peroxide – increased twice as much in o -hydroxyethylorutin-treated leaf tissue 2 and 6 h postinoculation with B. cinerea conidia in tissues under inoculation drops, as well as in surrounding tissues, whereas in plants not pretreated with the compound ROS generation was noticed later, and only in tissues under inoculation drops. Compared with these compounds, changes in the levels of hydroxyl radicals, lipid peroxidation and the activity of the enzymes superoxide dismutase, guaiacol peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase and catalase were largely unchanged. In stimulating ROS in inoculated tomato tissue, B. cinerea appeared to be affected directly pre- and postinfection, but indirect effects increasing host resistance cannot be excluded.  相似文献   


Botrytis aclada and Botrytis allii, associated with onion gray-mold neck rot and isolated in Hokkaido, were tested for sensitivity to benzimidazole. Of the B. aclada strains, 59% were highly resistant and the remaining 41% were sensitive; all strains of B. allii were sensitive. Resistant strains were widespread in Hokkaido. We analyzed the sequences of the β-tubulin gene of resistant strains and detected the replacement of glutamic acid (GAG) by lysine (AAG) at codon 198. This is the first report of benzimidazole resistance in B. aclada. This study revealed a difference in fungicide sensitivity between the two Botrytis species.


Ultrastructural examination of deposits of reaction material (RM) showed them to be composed of paramural granules (osmiophilic to varying degrees) lying within amorphous electron–dense material. Epidermal cell walls per se became increasingly electron–dense around the short infection hyphae produced by Botrytis allii. Fluorescence microscopy, histochemical tests and microautoradiography showed the accumulation of phenolic compounds at infection sites. Use of phenylalanine and cinnamate for E.M. autoradiography demonstrated the accumulation of phenolics within paramural granules, amorphous aggregates and within the penetrated cell wall, Paramural deposits were soluble in organic solvents and probably represented reservoirs of low MW phenolics which were progressively incorporated into insoluble polymers within the cell wall. Initial synthesis or accumulation of phenolics appeared to take place in rough endoplasmic reticulum during the first 2 h after cuticle penetration. Suppression of RM deposition and wall alterations was achieved by treatment of bulb scales with cycloheximide. Tissues treated with the protein synthesis inhibitor became susceptible to colonization by B. allii. Accumulation of phenolics at infection sites rendered the onion cell walls resistant to attack by a mixture of cell wall–degrading enzymes, Methanolic extracts of epidermal strips containing RM deposits contained very weakly active inhibitors of B. allii germ–tube growth. The role of RM deposits and wall alterations in the resistance of onion epidermis to colonization by Botrytis is discussed.  相似文献   

Crop loss of onion bulbs during storage carries an exceptionally high economic impact because a large portion of the production expenses has been expended before storage. Because of this, it is important to define practices that can reduce onion bulb losses caused by storage rots. This study investigates the impact of various curing parameters on disease development resulting from infection by Pantoea agglomerans, P. ananatis and P. allii on onion bulb cultivars Vaquero and Redwing, during storage. Overall, both the incidence and mean rot severity were similar amongst the bulbs under comparable conditions regardless of the species of Pantoea inoculated, although a significant difference was detected between the two onion bulb cultivars. In addition, a significant reduction of storage rot was observed when curing temperatures were ≤35°C. At temperatures >35°C, a shorter curing duration (2 days vs 14 days) decreased the severity of bulb rot due to Pantoea. This increased understanding of the inter‐relationships between the parameters used for curing, and the incidence and severity of bulb rot caused by Pantoea helps provide guidance towards using the curing process as a means to reduce the level of damage resulting from post‐harvest storage rot.  相似文献   

Production of sclerotia by isolates of three Botrytis spp. differing in resistance to benzimidazole and dicarboximide fungicides was compared in vitro. Sensitive isolates of B. cinerea and B. tulipae produced fewer sclerotia than benzimidazole-resistant isolates, but there were no differences in the size of sclerotia within each species. For B. elliptica, sclerotia of dicarboximide-resistant isolates were larger and less numerous than those of sensitive isolates. Sclerotia from fungicide-resistant and -sensitive isolates of B. elliptica. B. tulipae and B. cinerea were produced in vitro, placed in nylon bags, set in loam soil at soil depths of 0, 10 and 20 cm, and recovered periodically after 1-18 months. Sclerotial viability declined during the 18 months, and was lowest at the soil surface for sclerotia of B. cinerea and B. tulipae. For B. elliptica, sclerotial viability of fungicide-sensitive isolates was reduced to 50% after 18 months, compared to 21 % for dicarboximide-resistant isolates, when averaged over all depths. Sensitive isolates of B. tulipae maintained a trend of higher viability than benzimidazole-resistant ones, and fungicide-sensitive isolates showed greater viability at 18 months (49%) than did benzimidazole-resistant ones (27%). No differences in sclerotial viability were apparent between the fungicide-resistant and -sensitive isolates of B. cinerea, with an average viability of 77% after 18 months. After 18 months of field exposure, all isolates retained their original fungicide-resistance groupings, indicating the persistence of fungicide resistance in sclerotia.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - In the Lower Elbe region of Northern Germany, low levels of fungicide resistance were recorded among Botrytis isolates obtained from blossom-end rot...  相似文献   

A high nitrogen level in the soil stimulated vegetative development of tomato plants and decreased the incidence of infection byB. cinerea. Negative correlations were found between the nitrogen level in the soil on the one hand, and, on the other, the number of stem lesions and the proportion of fruits falling prematurely because of infection byB. cinerea at the stalk. In some experiments, similar negative correlations were found between soil nitrogen and the incidence of infected petioles and trusses. Except for two experiments, no correlation was found between the nitrogen level in the soil and the proportion of infected leaves.Deleafing by breaking off the petiole close to the stem resulted in the lowest incidence of stem lesions as compared with that resulting when the petiole was cut either about 3 cm or about 5 cm from the stem.  相似文献   

从植物根部土壤中分离到一株能够诱导黄瓜产生系统抗性的木霉Tr-92,通过形态观察和18SrDNA序列分析对其进行了分类学鉴定,并进行了诱导黄瓜产生系统抗性能力的初步研究.结果表明,菌株Tr-92的菌落形态和显微形态与木霉一致,18SrDNA序列与哈茨木霉的相似性为99%,初步鉴定为哈茨木霉.利用该菌株孢子悬浮液对5叶期黄瓜苗进行根部诱导接种,24 h后灰霉病菌挑战接种,对灰霉病的防效达56%,叶片中抗性相关酶过氧化物酶、多酚氧化酶、β-1,3葡聚糖酶、苯丙氨酸解氨酶、几丁质酶的酶活性显著上升.表明该菌在黄瓜根部灌施可以诱导叶部系统抗性相关酶的活性升高,可为植物病害的生物防治提供适宜的菌种资源.  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea causes gray mold disease and affects hundreds of plant species, including tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). The wild nightshade, Solanum lycopersicoides, is cross compatible with tomato and is more resistant to B. cinerea, thus representing a potential source for crop improvement. Tests involving droplet inoculation of detached leaves and spray inoculation of entire seedlings demonstrated that resistance to B. cinerea varies among S. lycopersicoides accessions, with S. lycopersicoides LA2951 being the most resistant accession tested. Expression of resistance in the intergeneric hybrid (L. esculentum cv. 'VF36' × S. lycopersicoides LA2951) suggested that resistance is at least partially dominant in tomato. A green fluorescent protein-tagged B. cinerea strain was used for confocal microscopic comparison of infection in leaves of S. lycopersicoides and tomato. Even though S. lycopersicoides supported spore germination, there was evidence for hyphal lysis and death 3 days after inoculation, at a time when lesions were expanding on susceptible tomato plants. The reduced frequency of B. cinerea lesion spread on S. lycopersicoides explains why this fungus produced fewer spores in this wild nightshade than in tomato.  相似文献   

In recent years in Finland, Fusarium infections in onions have increased, both in the field and in storage, and Fusarium species have taken the place of Botrytis as the worst pathogens causing post‐harvest rot of onion. To study Fusarium occurrence, samples were taken from onion sets, harvested onions and also from other plants grown in the onion fields. Isolates of five Fusarium species found in the survey were tested for pathogenicity on onion. Fusarium oxysporum was frequently found in onions and other plants, and, of the isolates tested, 31% caused disease symptoms and 15% caused growth stunting in onion seedlings. Fusarium proliferatum, a species previously not reported in Finland, was also identified. Over 50% of the diseased onion crop samples were infected with F. proliferatum, and all the F. proliferatum isolates tested were pathogenic to onion. Thus, compared to F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum seems to be more aggressive on onion. Also some of the F. redolens isolates were highly virulent, killing onion seedlings. Comparison of the translation elongation factor 1α gene sequences revealed that the majority of the aggressive isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. cepae group together and are distinct from the other isolates. Incidence and relative proportions of the different Fusarium species differed between the sets and the mature bulbs. More research is required to determine to what extent Fusarium infections spoiling onions originate from infected onion sets rather than the field soil.  相似文献   

We examined the response of adzuki bean leaves to infection by Phytophthora vignae f. sp. adzukicola and determined whether inoculated leaves can be used to evaluate cultivar resistance. Detached adzuki bean leaves were inoculated with zoospores, and the resulting symptoms were diagnosed. Resistant reactions were characterized by dark brown, speckled lesions or a lack of symptoms, while susceptible reactions were characterized by water-soaked spreading lesions. In an inoculation experiment using a combination of three differential cultivars and three races, the response of 10-day-old primary leaves accurately differentiate between race-specific resistance and susceptibility of adzuki cultivars.  相似文献   

Biological control of Botrytis spp. by the fungal antagonist Ulocladium atrum is based on their interaction in plant tissue. U. atrum is effective against B. cinerea in commercial cyclamen crops but not effective against B. elliptica in lily crops. Based on the necrotrophic nature of the Botrytis spp. and the saprophytic nature of U. atrum it is hypothesised, and experimentally confirmed, that the interaction between Botrytis spp. and U. atrum, resulting in a biocontrol effect, only takes place in necrotic plant tissue. The role of necrotic tissue in the epidemiology of B. cinerea in cyclamen and B. elliptica in lily was found to be different. Removal of symptomless senescing leaves resulted in a significant reduction of the area under the disease severity progress curve (AUDPC) for B. cinerea in cyclamen but had no effect on the disease severity in lily. U. atrum applications significantly reduced B. cinerea AUDPC values in cyclamen but were less efficient than the removal of senescing leaves. In lily, disease severity was not affected by applications of U. atrum. It is concluded that necrotic cyclamen tissue, not killed by B. cinerea, plays an important role in the onset of disease. Colonisation of this tissue by U. atrum prevents saprophytic colonisation of those leaves by B. cinerea. In contrast, conidia of B. elliptica directly infect healthy lily leaf tissue. U. atrum applications aimed at blocking the infection pathway from a saprophytic base are therefore not effective against B. elliptica. Control options based on competitive interactions in and around B. elliptica lesions resulted in a reduced production of conidia by B. elliptica but proved ineffective against disease development. The potential of U. atrum as a biocontrol agent against Botrytis spp. and possibly against other necrotrophs appears to be determined by the competitive saprophytic ability of the antagonist in mutual substrates of pathogen and antagonist and by the role of these substrates in disease epidemiology.  相似文献   

Effects of inoculum concentration, wetness duration and plant age on the development of tomato early blight were evaluated in relation to host susceptibility under controlled environmental conditions. The main effect of early blight was premature defoliation, which was linearly related to the percentage of leaf area showing symptoms. As ln(inoculum concentration, conidia mL−1) increased from 6·2 to 11·5, the percentages of leaf area affected and of defoliation increased linearly. Four h of leaf wetness after inoculation were sufficient to initiate the disease on plants of hybrid Skala RZ but not on those of cv. Rio Rojo, for which at least 6 h leaf wetness were needed. As wetness duration increased up to 24 h, there was an increase in the percentage leaf area showing symptoms and in the percentage of defoliation, but thereafter there was no significant increase in either parameter. Tomato plants were susceptible to Alternaria solani at all growth stages, but susceptibility increased as plants matured. There were no significant differences in susceptibility between tomato cultivars and hybrids.  相似文献   

Fungal colonisation of winter wheat cv. Cadenza by Fusarium culmorum, F. graminearum and Microdochium nivale was studied under conditions designed to avoid the splash dispersal of conidia from infested compost, to evaluate the possibility that systemic growth may transfer infection from the stem-base to the head. At decimal growth stages 33, 59, 77–87 and 95 the extent of fungal growth was assessed using a sample of 72 plants, by the recovery of fungal species from the stem-base, from each node and from the ear. Each of the fungi was recovered from stem tissues above soil level in some, apparently symptomless, plants. Symptoms of Fusarium foot rot were seen in an increasing proportion of plants during grain-fill and desiccation. There was an inverse relationship between recovery and the height above stem-base from which the stem tissue was excised. F. culmorum was the most frequently isolated fungus and it was also recovered from the highest position in plants. Only 3% of plants were colonised above the second node and none of the fungal species were recovered from either the fifth node or the ear. This suggests that colonisation and systemic growth from Fusarium infested compost is unlikely to contribute to the development of ear blight symptoms in winter wheat.  相似文献   

Incidence and severity of Pink root caused by Phoma terrestris and Fusarium basal rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae were field-tested on factorial combinations of different soil fumigation treatments in five different intermediate-day onion hybrids widely adapted at the Bola?os de Calatrava area (Ciudad Real, Spain). The effect of Dazomet and virulence of the local isolates were then tested in trays under greenhouse conditions. When compared to Electric, the other four onion hybrids showed a certain degree of tolerance to Pink root and Fusarium basal rot with little difference among them. The field trial carried out in 2006 showed significant but negligible beneficial effects in medium bulb weight and Pink root severity due to Dazomet. The field trial carried out in 2007 showed significant beneficial effects of Metham-sodium on plant growth and Pink root and Fusarium basal rot severities. Sodium tetrathiocarbonate performed worse than the control. Greenhouse test showed that Dazomet performed nearly as well as sterilization under controlled conditions. Virulence of local isolates was lower than that of reference isolates.  相似文献   

The triozid Bactericera tremblayi, or onion psyllid, is recorded for the first time from France, and is associated for the first time with important damage on leek crops in several regions of the country. We compare the morphology of this species with the two other species of the B. nigricornis‐group, in order to avoid misidentifications, and illustrate the different stages of B. tremblayi. The published distribution of the three species is summarised and updated based on collection data, and the presence of B. tremblayi and B. trigonica in Jordan and Spain (Canary Islands) respectively, is also recorded for the first time.  相似文献   

Heterotrophically cultured cell suspensions are used increasingly in agrochemical research for screening plant-growth retardants and herbicides which influence plant meristems. For this purpose, a large-scale microscreen has been devised, which permits the objective monitoring of cell division by measuring the conductivity in cell suspensions cultured in test tubes. Comparing the effects of a wide spectrum of growth retardants and herbicides with different primary modes of action, the test was most sensitive to nitrogen-geterocyclic retardants in wheat-cell suspensions and to sulfonylurea > imidazolinone > cyclohexanedione, oxy-phenoxypropionic acid, nitrile > glufosinate, phenoxy acid, bipyridylium and diphenyl ether herbicides in maize and oilseed rape cell cultures. As had been expected, inhibitors of photosynthetic processes were only slightly active. The results of the tests were compared with the effects of the compounds on germinating seeds of cress (Lepidium sativum L.) and on photoautotrophic systems using algal cell suspensions (Scenedesmus acutus) and duckweeds (Lemna paucicostata). It is suggested that heterotrophic cell suspensions, in combination with the series of biotests mentioned above, are a valuable complement to the whole-plant screens used routinely in industrial laboratories. They are particularly useful for identifying compounds whose biological activity is masked by limited penetration or translocation behaviour in whole plants.  相似文献   

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