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糯米糍荔枝裂果与内源激素变化的关系 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
以易裂荔枝品种糯米糍为材料,了果实发育前期(即果皮发育期)裂果与正常果、裂果多与裂果少的植株果实内源激素变化,结果表明,在果帝发育前期果皮中的细胞分鲜明素(CTK)、生长素(IAA)含量较高,说明果帝发育前期果皮主要以细胞分裂、加厚生长为主。比较裂果多与裂果少植株上的正常果实,裂果多的树生长促进类物质(IAA+GAs+CTK)含量较高,果肉尤为如何,初步认为,裂果与内源激素变化密切相关。还讨论了的 相似文献
糯米糍荔枝裂果与内源激素变化的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以易裂荔枝品种糯米糍为材料,研究了果实发育前期( 即果皮发育期) 裂果与正常果、裂果多与裂果少的植株果实内源激素变化,结果表明,在果实发育前期果皮中的细胞分裂素(CTK) 、生长素(IAA) 含量较高,说明果实发育前期果皮主要以细胞分裂、加厚生长为主。比较裂果多与裂果少植株上的正常果实,裂果多的树生长促进类物质(IAA+ GAS+ CTK) 含量较高,果肉尤为如此。初步认为,裂果与内源激素变化密切相关。还讨论了内源激素比例与裂果的关系。 相似文献
糯米糍荔枝坐果与内源激素的关系 总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14
授 粉爱精是糯米糍荔枝花后子房正常坐果的刺激因子,授粉后子房ABA从开花当天的最高水平急剧下降,而IAA、GAa和CTK水平都升高,并在花后12天达最。地果期内源ABA水平有3次明显高峰,分别出现在3次生理落果高峰前1周左右;内源1AA和GAs则有2次明显较高水平,分别与果皮和假种皮的迅速生长有关;而CTK在胚败育前 保持高水平,胚败育后才降至较低水平。荔枝果实中GAs类有GA3、GA4+7、GA 相似文献
糯米糍荔枝果实内源激素与落果的关系 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以糯米糍荔枝生理落果期的田间调查和胚胎发育研究为基础,探讨了内源激素与生理落果的关系。结果表明,糯米糍生理落果高峰的主要原因是:第1次因授粉受精不良导致的生长促进类激素尤其是CTK水平过低;第2次与胚乳为胚的发育所利用而消失,IAA和GAs急剧降低有关。 相似文献
荔枝叶片细胞结构紧密度与耐寒性的关系 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
荔枝叶片细胞结构紧密度与耐寒性的关系佘文琴,刘星辉(福建农业大学园艺系,福州350002)关键词荔枝;叶片细胞结构;耐寒性TheRelationshipbetweenLeafCellStructureinLitchianditsColdToleran... 相似文献
糯米糍荔枝叶片绿度值与全氮含量的关系初探 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在大田作物生产中,为及时掌握作物生长情况,人们除根据经验观察进行外观诊断之外,往往采用作物生长季节内直接或间接分析植物组织来作为作物快速营养诊断的依据。而传统的分析方法由于植株取样无论整株或叶片采样,均需要将样品完全破损后才能进行室内分析,而且养分测定消耗时间长,以至于分析结果不具有适时性。植物叶片营养状况与光谱特性密切相关[1],因此,利用植物在不同生长状态下的光谱差异来诊断植物生长状况,采用非破坏性、快速、简易的植物营养状况田间诊断已成为可能。本研究以糯米糍荔枝为试材,研究不同施肥处理之间叶片绿度值(DG… 相似文献
【目的】为了探明不同发育时期的荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn.)花芽的冷敏感性差异,【方法】以发生在2008年1月下旬至2月下旬的极端低温作为低温处理的条件,研究了低温对‘妃子笑’与‘糯米糍’2个品种的"白点"(一级侧花序原基)和初生花序(花序轴伸长的一级侧花序,长1~2 cm)2种不同发育时期的花芽相对电导率、过氧化氢(H2O2)含量、花芽表面茸毛以及细胞超微结构的影响。【结果】结果表明,低温使花芽的H2O2含量升高,相对电导率增大,无论是低温期间还是温度回升后,‘妃子笑’"白点"的相对电导率低而且变化幅度小。受冷害的初生花序的茸毛较杂乱,表面有裂痕和碎片,但‘糯米糍’的裂痕和碎片相对较多。受冷害的"白点"茸毛排列较初生花序有序,表面也有裂痕,但‘糯米糍’的"白点"表面裂痕较多。而未受冷害的花芽茸毛致密而有条理,没有裂痕。2个品种受害细胞的细胞壁变得模糊,液泡膜出现破损,细胞质渗漏到液泡中,而没有受害的初生花序或"白点"上的细胞壁、液泡膜清晰。【结论】研究结果显示花序比"白点"对低温更敏感。 相似文献
龙海市九湖镇现有荔枝800hm^2,年产量0.4万t,产值1200万元,主栽品种为兰竹和乌叶,成熟期比较集中(6月底至7月初),销售压力大。为了解决此问题,我们经过多年的引种观察,筛选出适应当地种植的晚熟品种糯米糍,推广种植130多公顷。该品种种植3~5年可投产, 相似文献
水分胁迫对成年糯米糍荔枝末次秋梢发育和成花的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以16年生糯米糍荔枝为试材,研究了水分胁迫对其末次秋梢发育和成花的影响。结果表明,干旱处理的末次秋梢萌芽抽梢期主要集中在8月下旬到9月上旬,保湿处理抽梢时期集中在9月上中旬,10月上旬干旱处理没有新梢抽出而保湿处理还有少量新梢抽生;9月份各旬抽生的末次秋梢从萌芽至老熟所需的时间均表现为保湿处理比干旱处理多11~13d,但末次秋梢从老熟到白点出现所需时间,保湿处理平均为39d,比干旱处理缩短17d;说明中度水分胁迫使末次秋梢的萌芽期提前,并缩短了秋梢的老熟时间,但是大大地延长了白点出现所需的时间。此外,干旱和保湿处理的植株枝梢成花率单株间差异较大,但总的来看中度水分胁迫对糯米糍荔枝成花没有促进作用。 相似文献
【目的】荔枝特异性、一致性和稳定性(DUS)测试指南中的数量性状是极易受环境条件影响的性状。通过对荔枝测试指南中数量性状的分级研究,以期为荔枝品种数量性状客观准确的描述提供技术依据,以确保荔枝品种DUS测试工作顺利开展。【方法】以74个具有广泛代表性的荔枝品种为研究对象,对荔枝测试指南中9个数量性状进行观测,并依据各性状的特点选择最适的分级方法,对各数量性状的表达状态进行分级范围划分。【结果】9个数量性状变异范围为12.35%~33.09%,性状间相关系数分布在-0.14~0.75之间;正态性分析(K-S检验)结果表明,9个数量性状中有7个数量性状符合正态分布,采用最小显著差法分级,其他性状用极差法分级。【结论】对9个数量性状进行的分级范围研究结果可作为今后荔枝DUS测试数量性状描述分级的依据。 相似文献
采后处理对荔枝果皮花色素苷含量和花色素苷酶活性的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
研究了冷藏、ABA、1-MCP、热处理及HCl护色等采后处理对桂味荔枝果皮花色素苷含量和花色素苷酶活性变化的影响。结果表明,与冷藏适温(3℃)相比,0℃下果实遭受了冷害,果皮花色素苷酶活性急剧增强,峰值提前出现,花色素苷含量迅速减少。ABA、1-MCP处理能暂时延缓花色素苷酶活性的上升。热水处理不同程度地诱导了果实花色素苷酶活性的升高,果皮褪色,而适当浓度的酸处理能显著抑制花色素苷酶活性,对果皮具有较好的护色效果。 相似文献
荔枝果皮褐变程度的数学模型研究(英文) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了明确荔枝采后果皮褐变的程度,为生产上的分级和研究中定量果皮的褐变程度提供依据,以淮枝、糯米糍、桂味为材料,研究了采后其果皮颜色变化过程中亮度(L*)、色饱和度(C*)、色度角(h)值及a*值和b*值的变化规律,探讨这些指标与褐变程度的关系,并推导出褐变与这些指标变化相关的方程式。结果表明,色度指标L*,a*,b*和C*值的变化均可用于衡量荔枝果皮的褐变程度,其中以C*值的相关性最高,并确定了3个品种荔枝C*值与褐变程度的对应关系,将荔枝果皮褐变程度数量化,建立荔枝果皮褐变程度的数学模型。 相似文献
Flower color, an important feature biologically and commercially, is based on four natural pigments – flavonoids, carotenoids, betalains and chlorophylls. Temperature, light, nutrition – as well as additions of sugar, salt, or metals to the conservation water – have an effect on pigmentation. We investigated the effects of K-sulphate and/or sucrose on flower color in leaf treatments applied 30–10 days before harvest to four Asiatic lily (Lilium × elegans Thunb.) cultivars during the winter and summer. Colors of tepals were evaluated by a portable spectrocolorimeter that calculates the standard CIE L*a*b* coordinates and the color differences (E). After leaf treatments during both seasons, cultivars with flowers with high red components (e.g. the purple ‘Fangio’ and the pink ‘Brindisi’) showed significant improvements in color quality. The orange-flowered ‘Tresor’ showed improvement only if K-sulphate and Mix (K-sulphate and sucrose) solution treatments were applied during the summer. The yellow-flowered ‘Menorca’ was not affected by treatments during either summer or winter forcing season. Especially in the winter, a significant reduction in flower abortion was observed for cut flowers of all cultivars. In summer only ‘Fangio’ and ‘Tresor’ showed a reduction in flower abortion. Also, flower size and longevity were improved by the leaf treatment. The results, obtained from a commercial nursery operation, demonstrate that lily growers can adopt a very simple and inexpensive treatment to improve important qualitative traits of their product. 相似文献
荔枝龙眼细胞悬浮培养和转基因研究(英文) 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
应用正交设计研究了IBA、6-BA、GA3和CM等植物生长调节剂在龙眼(Dimocarpus longana Lour.)与荔枝 (Litchi chinensis Sonn.)细胞悬浮培养中的作用,并就悬浮培养细胞对Km的敏感性以及用金刚沙对胚性愈伤组织在 液体状态下进行创伤和用分别带有AP1和APBD基因的农杆菌对创伤的愈伤组织进行遗传转化进行了探讨。结果 表明:IBA、6-BA、GA3和CM均可显著地提高悬浮培养系的产量,但GA3导致细胞的快速生长和褐变。悬浮培养系 细胞在液体培养基中比在固体培养基中对Km较敏感。用金刚沙对胚性愈伤组织在液体状态下进行创伤后进行农 杆菌介导转化可以得到更多的Km抗性胚状体。PCR检测结果显示,AP1及AP-D基因均已转入龙眼的胚状体中。 相似文献
锦橙叶片氮含量可见近红外光谱模型研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
以单系枳砧蓬安100号锦橙为试材,采用田间试验的方法开展利用鲜叶可见近红外光谱估测叶片氮素营养状况的研究。运用偏最小二乘法(PLS)分析叶片反射光谱与氮含量之间的关系。结果表明,在可见光350~700nm,随着氮肥用量的增加,叶片光谱反射率呈下降趋势;而在750~1075nm范围内,叶片光谱反射率随着氮肥用量增加而增加。通过对叶片反射光谱、一阶微分、二阶微分和倒数对数光谱进行变量标准化(SNV)处理,运用偏最小二乘法(PLS)与内部交叉验证建立的氮含量预测回归模型,其中反射光谱的一阶微分光谱氮含量定标模型具有最好的预测能力,其建模与预测均方根误差和标准差都较低且接近,偏差绝对值最小。因此,可以利用叶片反射光谱的一阶微分值来预测蓬安100号锦橙叶片氮含量。 相似文献
Mokhtar Guerfel Olfa Baccouri Dalenda Boujnah Wided Chaïbi Mokhtar Zarrouk 《Scientia Horticulturae》2009
Leaf structural adaptations for the reduction of water loss were examined in two olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars (Chemlali and Chétoui) growing under water stress conditions. Leaf measurements included leaf tissue thickness, stomatal density, trichome density, specific leaf area, leaf density, water relations, and gas exchange. We found considerable genotypic differences between the two cultivars. Chemlali exhibited more tolerance to water stress, with a thicker palisade parenchyma, and a higher stomatal and trichome density. Chemlali leaves also revealed lower specific leaf area and had higher density of foliar tissue and lower reduction in net CO2 assimilation rate. The mechanisms employed by these two cultivars to cope with water deficit are discussed at the morpho-structural level. The morphological and structural characteristics of the leaves are in accordance with physiological observations and contribute to the interpretation of why the olive cv. Chemlali is more drought-tolerant than cv. Chetoui. Furthermore, from the behaviour of Chemlali plants we consider this cultivar very promising for cultivation in semi-arid areas. 相似文献
Floral bud of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) is a mixed bud that consists of leaf primordia, rudimentary leaves and panicle primordia. According to field observation, the fate of rudimentary leaves depends upon the environment and development of the panicle primordia. Vigorous development of panicle results in abortion of rudimentary leaves. In this study, three types of rudimentary leaves, the upper leaves (UL) which subtended a developing panicle primordium and were bound to abscise after a period of panicle development, the abscising lower leaves (AL) which had an emerging axillary panicle and would abscise under a light external force, and the non-abscising lower leaves (NAL) which subtended a vegetative bud and would develop normally, were sampled from the terminal shoots of cvs. ‘Nuomici’ and ‘Feizixiao’. Ultra-structure of the petiole base in the three types of rudimentary leaves in ‘Nuomici’ was observed. Signs of cell autolysis, e.g., tonoplast disruption and fusion of vacuole and cytoplasm, were found in localized cells in UL, while massive cell death was observed in AL, suggesting that the two types of rudimentary leaves were at different stages of abortion. The UL was at an early stage of abortion, whereas AL at a late stage of abortion. Cell autolysis was not observed in the nonvascular tissues in NAL. In ‘Nuomici’, AL had a significantly lower superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity compared to the UL and the NAL, while the latter two had no significant difference in the enzyme activity. In ‘Feizixiao’, however, no significant difference was found among the three types of rudimentary leaves, although AL had the lowest SOD activity. Peroxidase (POD) activity in AL in both cultivars was significantly higher than that in NAL. The UL had a lower POD activity in ‘Nuomici’, but a higher activity in ‘Feizixiao’ compared to NAL. Ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity was the highest in NAL, and there was no significant difference between the UL and AL. H2O2 concentration was the highest in AL in the two cultivars. The NAL had higher levels of zeatin plus zeatin riboside (ZRs), auxin (IAA) and gibberellin (GA4+7), and lower levels of abscisic acid (ABA) than AL. Total concentration of IAA, GA4+7 and ZRs (TC) and the ratio of (IAA+GA4+7 + ZRs)/ABA (RTC) in NAL were higher than those in UL and AL in the two cultivars. The RTC in UL was higher than that in AL. The results suggested that abortion of the rudimentary leaves caused by panicle development may involve programmed cell death, reduced antioxidant activity and increased H2O2 and share similar hormonal control (reduced ZRs, IAA and GA4+7 and increased ABA) to the senescence and abscission of mature leaves. 相似文献
荔枝树体N素分布及累积特点 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用整株枝解法,在采果后把9a生成年妃子笑和黑叶、3a生幼年妃子笑荔枝的根、木质部、皮部、叶、复叶柄5个器官分成14~16个部位,测定各个部位各个器官的N含量。结果表明,1)N在不同器官和不同部位含量是不同的。N含量在叶片最高,在根颈、主茎木质部、主根含量较低;在同级枝根中,皮部N含量显著高于木质部;荔枝枝干和根系,随着其粗度增加,其N含量基本上呈下降趋势,但成年树下降幅度比幼年树的大。2)成龄妃子笑与黑叶各部位各器官N含量没有显著差异,但成年树叶、复叶柄、末级侧枝皮部、木质部N含量高于幼年树相应部位相应器官N含量。3)荔枝N素累积在叶片最多,其次为枝干,根系N累积量较少,末级侧枝N素累积量占整株树N素累积量50%以上。 相似文献