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余礼明  饶必 《农业工程学报》1997,12(A00):249-251
分析了我国农业工程学科专业发展的现状,提出了农业工程学科专业改革的必要性。文章指出,到21世纪,我国的农业要实现从传统农业到现代化农业的转变,农业工程将出现以自动化、信息化、与生物技术及经济管理学科渗透为重要特色的发展趋势。农业工程类本科专业以设置机电工程和农业工程两个专业为宜。最后强调,农业工程本科人才要适应21世纪农业生产和科技发展的需要,应该加强科研能力的培养。  相似文献   

中国循环农业评价体系研究进展   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
循环农业的研究与实践是当前中国农业领域的热点, 如何构建一套合理的循环农业评价体系是促进循环农业发展关键问题之一。本文梳理了近年来中国循环农业评价研究的概况, 重点分析了中国循环农业评价的内容与指标体系、评价方法等。现有循环农业评价研究主要有两类: 一是宏观层面针对国家和地区循环农业发展的综合评价, 从经济与社会发展、资源减量投入、资源循环利用和资源环境安全4个方面构建指标体系评价该区域循环农业所带来的社会、经济和生态效益, 或循环农业的有效性, 此类研究占绝大部分; 另一类是针对工业园区和企业或具体产业模式、农场, 采用系统动力学、能值、生命周期评价等系统分析方法评价不同模式的物质循环与能量流动及其对环境影响, 目前这类研究的内容和方法存在较大差异, 需要进一步探讨和深化。综合分析认为, 要构建评价指标体系, 需要在进一步明确循环农业的内涵和原理的基础上, 选择有针对性的评价指标。不同的循环农业评价指标体系因为其服务的对象及目标不同, 其构成也有所不同。针对评价对象, 在国家、区域层面和园区/企业层面的评价重点应该有所区别, 同时对于微观的循环农业发展模式/技术层面, 其评价的内容和指标也应该区别于宏观层面的评价。有针对性地构建适于不同层面的循环农业评价体系, 才能为制定科学合理循环农业发展规划提供参考。  相似文献   

中国绿色农业指标体系建设指导原则和构架   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文论述了食品安全法的落实要建立在农产品质量安全法基础上, 而农产品质量安全法的实施要建立在绿色农业(食品)安全法基础上。绿色农业应该成为未来现代农业发展的主流方向, 绿色食品应该成为替代无公害食品和有机食品的主流食品。随着绿色农业(食品)国际联盟的建立, 加快中国绿色农业和绿色食品的国际化发展成为当前和未来中国农业发展的重要任务。本文提出了加快中国绿色农业指标体系建设的指导原则和构架, 为绿色农业(食品)基地的建设和评估提供理论依据, 进一步提出了绿色农业(食品)标准体系制定的指导原则和构架, 为各部门和各专业人员制定食品安全标准提供建设性指导意见, 以加快我国食品安全标准的制定。  相似文献   

罗成 《当代生态农业》2013,(Z2):129-138
汪清县在农业机械化发展中存在的问题:农机服务体系建设虽初见规模但还需要进一步提高,同时政策扶植力度还需要进一步扩大;基础设施建设还不完善;还存在农机服务工作中存在人员缺乏、技术不到位的问题、农机品种比较单一、农业机械使用率低等问题,本文提出汪清县农业机械化发展的主要对策:在保证农业机械化水平的稳步和进一步快速发展的前提下,继续扩大政府政策落实的深度和广度,同时更应该注重农业机械化的服务组织的体系建设,以及更大力度的培养符合农机现代化的技术人才。  相似文献   

《测量学》在高等农业院校是一门专业基础课,它是一门应用技术学科,实践性很强。在教学时数的分配上,实验课和教学实习的学时数是课堂讲授时数的1—4倍。因此,如何搞好这个实践性教学环节就显得特别重要了。首先,我认为《农业测量学》应该有自己的特点:要突出一个“农”字,着重一个“用”字,既要重视测量本学科的科学性,也要结合各个专业的需要,为农业现代化服务。然而教学是双边活动,要提高实验课和教学实习的质量,在充分发挥教师的主导作用的同时,必要调动广大学生学习的主动性和积极性。在这个思想指导下,我在测量实  相似文献   

工程技术与经济管理的紧密结合是现代化科学技术发展的必然趋势。农业工程的发展应当充分体现它的经济性。1981年以来,农业工程经济与管理专业委员会开展了以下几方面的工作,主要有:有关农业区域开发的研讨会;讨论和制订农业工程经济效果评价方法;有关农业项目可行性研究的特别讨论会和沿海地区农业工程发展战略及规划学术讨论会。上述各项活动均取得积极成果而且大部分已体现在国家农业发展规划之中。今后我们计划要推动分期分批地制订农业工程发展规划,加强农业工程经济与管理的学科建设,编辑有关培训材料,并与地方学会配合进一步开展本专业工作为我国农业工程事业作出更多的贡献。  相似文献   

本文概括了农村改革以来,浙江省农业工程建设发展的现状和特点,提出了制定一个省区农业工程发展规划的指导思想、方法和基本思路,并对农业工程学内涵和农业工程分层分类理论提出了见解;认为应该把系统工程原理融合到农业工程学和农业工程发展规划理论中去。制定农业工程发展规划不仅要突出系统性、层次性、综合性,还要综合运用发展农业的政策、科技、投入和工程措施。文章还概述了浙江省农业工程发展规划的初步设想和推进现代农业工程建设的对策措施。  相似文献   

针对国家开展农业大规模建设的需要,提出了制订农业工程规划及农业工程项目的问题;阐述了地区经济发展战略与农业工程规划、农业工程项目的关系,农业工程规划与项目的内容和特点以及规划、计划与项目的联系和区别;最后讨论了几种系统工程方法在制订规划工作中的应用问题。  相似文献   

农业工程教育改革的审视与思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
对农业工程教育改革与发展的社会经济背景和教育发展背景进行了深入的分析,在讨论农业工程学科性质基础上总结了农业工程师工作的特点,指出要在专业设置和课程体系两个层次上深化教育改革,培养复合型人才,全面提高人才质量  相似文献   

对发展农业工程教育的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业工程学科要适应传统农业向现代农业发展的需要,适应农业以高新技术改造传统农业的的需要,缩小传统农业工程的规模,发展农业生物系统工程与农业信息技术;农业机械的自动化技术;精细农业生产体系;农业生产的产前、产后生产体系;设施农业工程技术;园艺业作物生产机械与技术;农业生产的现代化管理等等.各院校应结合自己的条件,办出自己的农业工程学科特色,加大教材建设的力度,加大国际交流.  相似文献   

基础土壤学研究的方法论思考:基于土壤化学的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李航  杨刚 《土壤学报》2017,54(4):819-826
长期以来,不少人片面地认为,土壤学在学科属性上仅是应用型的,在研究手段上仅是实验型的,在研究方法上必须是整体综合的。本文系统地分析了这些片面认识对土壤学发展的危害,提出土壤学发展应特别强调"分析"的方法,并在深入分析的基础上实现自然而系统的综合。阐述了土壤学研究的三个基本观点:一是充分认识土壤系统的特殊性根基在于其对物质亚原子结构的重大影响。与普通水溶液中的情况相比,土壤中的离子、原子和分子在本质上已发生了很大变化。所以,如果土壤确实从亚原子尺度上改变了物质的结构与性质,开展土壤学中独特的量子效应研究将是重要的。其次,充分考虑土壤系统的特殊性,在方法上应从宏观尺度、介观尺度、分子尺度至亚原子尺度对土壤进行逐级分解简化,并借助于量子力学原理和方法,最终,在亚原子尺度上彻底剖析土壤,以获得土壤学自己的科学基础。第三,以土壤中独特的量子效应为基础的研究,可构建"亚原子结构—土壤微观机制—宏观效应"三者间的直接关联,由此实现土壤中不同尺度间科学原理的自然转换,最终构建独立的土壤学知识体系。  相似文献   

农村建设用地整理时空布局与模式选择的决策方法   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
农村建设用地整理的时空布局应该考虑一个地区适宜的农业人口规模。该文通过遗传算法,将人口流动理论引入农村建设用地整理研究;并根据农村建设用地整理优势度评价结果,提出劳动力流动转折点出现时农村建设用地整理最优时空布局方案优选办法,同时进一步明确农村建设用地整理模式选择和时序安排思路。研究表明,城市化进程中将会保留一定的劳动力人口为农业服务,而农村建设用地整理的时空布局安排及整理模式选择应该与之相协调,保障地区产业发展对土地资源的合理需求。该决策方法可为今后农村建设用地整理的相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Five different colored carrots were analyzed for their carotenoid profile and underwent sensory evaluation to determine consumer acceptance (n = 96). Four major carotenoids were identified and quantified by use of HPLC methods. High beta-carotene orange carrots were found to contain the greatest concentration of total carotenoids. Except for the white, all the carrots are a significant source of bioavailable carotenoids. Sensory evaluation showed the high beta-carotene orange and white carrots to be favored over the yellow, red, and purple carrots in both blind and nonblind treatments (P < 0.01). However, all the carrots were well accepted by the consumer panel. With this information, carrot growers should be encouraged to cultivate specialty carrots to provide sources of both vitamin A precursors and phytochemicals.  相似文献   

基因工程是生物技术和生物工程专业的主干课程,其课程教学必须适应当今教育要求,以培养学生综合素质.促进学生跟上学科的发展及提高学生实践能力。为此,开展了运用现代化多媒体为辅助手段的教学改革,文章就多媒体教学过程中几个问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Soil phosphorus (P) fertility needs for alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in the intermountain western United States have been a concern since the inception of irrigation during the late 19th century. Soil potassium (K) fertility needs have received much less attention because K deficiencies, related to long term use of high quality, low‐K irrigation water, have developed only in recent years. The objectives of this research were to compare the responses of five commercial alfalfa cultivars (CVs) to phosphorus (P) and K deficiency and to examine the interactions between CVs and P and K soil fertility. An experiment was established on a highly calcareous Redfield silt loam soil (Fine‐silty carbonatic, mesic Xeric Torrifluvents) that was low in both P and K. The CVs, planted in 1988, were studied through 1993. A 3x3 complete factorial combination of P and K fertilizer rates was established in a split plot design where CV was the whole plot. There was a significant CV x year interaction in biomass production that was not related to diseases or insects. There was also a significant CV x P interaction within and among years. Response to K fertility, though significant, was not prominent in this trial. Alfalfa CV performance trials should segregate CVs best adapted to short term (2–3 year) rotations from those best adapted to long term (4–5 year) rotations. Fertilizer effects on low‐K calcareous soils are short lived; moderate rates of K fertilizer should be applied each spring. Soil P requirements of alfalfa can be met by applying small rates annually or by applying enough for a 4‐ to 5‐year rotation. Phosphorus‐use efficiency by alfalfa may be improved by plant breeding and selection for this trait.  相似文献   

One challenge for statisticians and epidemiologists in projecting the future health risks of climate change is how to estimate exposure-response relationships when temperatures are higher than at present. Low dose extrapolation has been an area of rich study, resulting in well-defined methods and best practices. A primary difference between high dose and low dose extrapolation of exposure-response relationships is that low dose extrapolation is bounded at no exposure and no (or a baseline) response. With climate change altering weather variables and their variability beyond historical values, the highest future exposures in a region are projected to be higher than current experience. Modelers of the health risks of high temperatures are making assumptions about human responses associated with exposures outside the range of their data; these assumptions significantly affect the magnitude of projected future risks. Further, projections are affected by adaptation assumptions; we explore no adaptation (extrapolated response); individual (physiological) adaptation; and community adaptation. We present an example suggesting that linear models can make poor predictions of observations when no adaptation is assumed. Assumptions of the effects of weather above what has been observed needs to be more transparent in future studies. Statistical simulation studies could guide public health researchers in identifying best practices and reducing bias in projecting risks associated with extreme temperatures. Epidemiological studies should evaluate the extent and time required for adaptation, as well as the benefits of public health interventions.  相似文献   


During and after the application of a pesticide in agriculture, a substantial fraction of the dosage may enter the atmosphere and be transported over varying distances downwind of the target. The rate and extent of the emission during application, predominantly as spray particle drift, depends primarily on the application method (equipment and technique), the formulation and environmental conditions, whereas the emission after application depends primarily on the properties of the pesticide, soils, crops and environmental conditions. The fraction of the dosage that misses the target area may be high in some cases and more experimental data on this loss term are needed for various application types and weather conditions. Such data are necessary to test spray drift models, and for further model development and verification as well. Following application, the emission of soil fumigants and soil incorporated pesticides into the air can be measured and computed with reasonable accuracy, but further model development is needed to improve the reliability of the model predictions. For soil surface applied pesticides reliable measurement methods are available, but there is not yet a reliable model. Further model development is required which must be verified by field experiments. Few data are available on pesticide volatilization from plants and more field experiments are also needed to study the fate processes on the plants. Once this information is available, a model needs to be developed to predict the volatilization of pesticides from plants, which, again, should be verified with field measurements. For regional emission estimates, a link between data on the temporal and spatial pesticide use and a geographical information system for crops and soils with their characteristics is needed.



A soil sample taken for chemical analysis should be representative of the growing medium of the plant. Turfgrasses often have thatch layers between the zone of green vegetation and the soil surface, and this thatch layer is generally discarded in the process of soil analysis. These thatch layers contain both roots and nutrient elements. If turfgrass roots are actively involved in removing nutrignts from the thatch, there may be advantages to including it with the soil for testing purposes. In the present investigation, two radioactive isotopes of phosphorus (32P and 33P) were used to separately label the thatch layer and the underlying soil of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds. ‘Penncross'). The roots of creeping bentgrass were found to simultaneously remove phosphorus from the thatch and from the underlying soil.

If the soil samples taken from turfgrass areas are to be truly representative of the soils capacity to supply nutrients, the thatch should be retained with the samples. Further investigations should be conducted to determine the feasibility of including the thatch in the chemical analysis process.  相似文献   

高职电子商务专业结合人才培养目标及专业实践条件等优势,通过"工学并行"人才培养模式的实施,实现职业教育与企业需求零距离对接,提高了教学效果和教学质量。  相似文献   

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