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Senecio jacobaea is a poisonous weed in grasslands of various countries (e.g. Great Britain, New Zealand, Central European states) and the further spread of the species into farmland must be prevented. To assess the influence of management practice and site conditions on the occurrence of S. jacobaea, we conducted a survey in the northern and central part of Switzerland. Botanical assessments were carried out on grassland plots with S. jacobaea occurrence and on neighbour plots without S. jacobaea. For these plots, we analysed the soil nutrients and the details of management practice, such as type and intensity of management and fertiliser application. The most important factors influencing the occurrence of S. jacobaea were related to management: There was a high risk for the occurrence of the species on parcels with low nitrogen fertilisation, continuous‐extensive grazing (set stocking) and a very open sward. Senecio jacobaea was not present in intensively managed meadows cut more than twice per year. As an exception, with a high propagule pressure from the vicinity, S. jacobaea was also found in intensively grazed pastures and in meadows of moderate management intensity (two cuts). We conclude that long‐term control of S. jacobaea can best be achieved by avoiding sward damage and by preventing the species’ seed formation in the pasture and local vicinity.  相似文献   

T. A. WATT 《Weed Research》1987,27(4):267-274
The effects of a high or a low level of nitrogen fertilizer and the presence or absence of a grass-suppressing herbicide (propyzamide) upon the establishment of Senecio jacobaea L. (common ragwort) in three sizes of bare soil patch in a perennial ryegrass sward (Lolium perenne L.) were investigated both in boxed swards and in the field.  相似文献   

Senecio jacobaea L. and Medicago sativa L. plants grown in a glasshouse were treated with foliar applications of aqueous solutions of asulam. Retention on foliage, uptake and translocation were measured in both species. Retention was greater in S. jacobaea than in M. sativa when no surfactant was added and similar when surfactant was added. Addition of surfactant modified spray distribution and increased asulam uptake in M. saliva but did not in S. jacobaea. S. jacobaea translocated over twice as much asulam from the treated area as M. sativa. These data suggest that surfactant should not be added for maximum selectivity. Differences in species response to asulam treatments are partially, but not entirely, explained by differences in retention, uptake and translocation.  相似文献   

Growth, development and nutrient accumula tion in Chenopodium album and Senecio vulgaris grown in pure and mixed stands were investi gated through several experiments conducted under glasshouse conditions. Results showed that the two weeds were different in their growth, development and tissue concentration and accu mulation of mineral elements. The mean concen trations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium in shoots of C. album were higher than those of S. vulgaris, while root concentrations of nitrogen, potassium and mag nesium were lower for C. album. Marked dif ferences between the two weed species in their responses to different potassium levels were found. C. album had a high specific requirement for potassium while the reverse was true for S. vulgaris. The competitive ability and accumula tion of nutrients by C. album appeared to be greatly dependent on the availability of high potassium levels in the media.  相似文献   

Actuarial data on the progress through the life-cycle and the death of individual plants of Senecio jacobaea in permanent pasture were obtained over a period of one year by repeated mapping of all the plants in twenty permanent quadrats. The data were used to construct a model of population flux and mortality in a hypothetical population in which germination, maturation and death were constant from year to year and equal to those in the real population in the year of study. In the hypothetical population 57% of all plants died as seedlings. 35% as vegetative rosettes and 8% immediately after flowering. Of plants which flowered in the first 2 years or survived into a third year 8% were annuals or winter annuals, 39% were biennials and 53% were perennials.  相似文献   

J. C. FORBES 《Weed Research》1984,24(6):431-438
A roadside survey of 4749 fields in eight areas of NE Scotland was conducted annually from 1979 to 1982. The proportion of grass fields infested with ragwort remained steady at 18–19% from 1979 to 1981 but fell to 13·5% in 1982. This fall resulted from fewer fields becoming newly infested and from more fields that had remained in grass ceasing to be infested. The proportion of infested fields remaining in grass that showed a reduction of two or more points on a 0–5 logarithmic scale of ragwort density (a possible indication of the frequency of control measures) was 24·0% in 1979–1980, 21·7% in 1980–1981 and 36·3% in 1981–1982. The incidence of ragwort infestation was consistently higher in some areas than in others and was not related to the proportion of arable crops. The change in incidence of infestation varied greatly between different areas, as did the proportion of infested fields whose score on the 0–5 scale fell by two or more points. In 1979–1980 and 1980–1981 this proportion had to exceed 22% to effect a net decrease in the incidence of infestation in an area, but in 1981–1982 no relationship was evident between these two measures of change. The incidence of infestation in all areas increased with increasing sward age but one area (Moray and Nairn) had a much higher proportion of young grass infested than any of the others. Over 99% of ragwort infestations consisted of Senecio jacobaea, infestations of S. aquatints Huds. being rare.  相似文献   

Classical biocontrol of Senecio jacobaea (ragwort) has generally utilised herbivorous insects, although the nisi Puccinia expansa has also been considered. Although this rust is specific and damaging in the glasshouse. It has not been used in the field. Research into the ecophysiology of Senecio vulgaris (groundsel) infected by the rust Puccinia lagenophorae has revealed the extent to which the effects of infection are dependent on environmental factors. The damage caused by rust is enhanced under mild drought conditions, during periods of frost in winter and by competition between groundsel and neighbouring plants, bui is reduced by nutrient deficiency. Rust injury is also greatly increased by secondary infection of pustules by necrotrophic fungi. Such secondary infection can be achieved artificially with a range of opportunistic necrolrophs and can selectively kill groundsel: the effective inoculum dose of both fungi is significantly reduced. Attempts to apply our understanding of rust-necrotroph injury to ragwort have been partially successful but we have not succeeded in causing significant mortality of this host. This paper discusses these, and other weed—pathogen—environment interactions, and their possible application to biocontrol.  相似文献   

The relative importance of increasing nutrient availability with regard to the growth and level of infestation of Senecio madagascariensis Poir. (fireweed) in pastures was assessed. In a ‘replacement series’ experiment with Avena strigosa Schreb. cv. Saia (oats), representing a vigorous annual competitor, total shoot dry weight of S. madagascariensis (when grown in pots alone or with oats) increased significantly (P<0.001) with increasing levels of nitrogen and phosphorus, but was unaffected by potassium levels. The relative growth of S. madagascariensis in mixtures of the two species, and hence the competitive advantage of the weed, generally increased at higher nitrogen and phosphorus levels. A greater percentage of dry matter was also partitioned into stems and flowering capitula, thereby raising its relative reproductive effort, and hence its invasive potential. Raising soil fertility through the use of nitrogen- or phosphorus-based fertilizers, or pasture legumes, is unliely in itself to suppress the growth of S. madagascariensis. Rather, fertilizer use may preferentially benefit the weed. Croissance et compétitivité de Senecio madagas-cariensis Pair, en relation avec la fertilisation et l'augmentation de la fertilité du sol L'importance relative de la disponibilité de nutriments croissants a été estimée sur la croissance et le taux d'infestation de Senecio madagascariensis dans les prairies. Dans une expérimentation de type ‘séries de remplacement’ avec Avena strigosa (Schreb) cv Saia (avoines), représentant un fort compétiteur annuel, le poids total de matière sèche de S. madagascariensis (cultivées en pots seuls ou avec avoines) a augmenté significativement (P< 0,001) avec une élévation des taux d'azote et de phosphore, mais n'a pas été affecté par le taux de potasse. La croissance relative de S. madagascariensis en mélange avec les deux espèces, et donc l'avantage dans la compétition de l'adventice, a en général augmenté avec des taux plus élevés en azote et phosphore. Un plus grand pourcentage de matière sèche était aussi réparti dans les tiges et les capitules foliaires, augmentant ainsi sa capacité reproductive et delà son potentiel d'envahissement. Augmenter la fertilité du sol à travers des engrais azotes et phosphores, ou des engrais verts est en soi-même non envisageable pour entraver la croissance de S. madagascariensis. L'utilisation d'engrais peut plutôt être profitable à l'adventice. Wachstum und Konkurrenzkraft von Senecio madagascariensis Poir. in Bezug auf Döngung und Zunahme der Bodenfruchtbarkeit Die Bedeutung steigender NährstoffVerfüg-barkeit für das Wachstum von Senecio madagascariensis und die Verunkrautung von Weideland mit dieser Pflanzenart wurde bestimmt. In einem Substitutionsversuch mit Sand-Hafer (Avena strigosa Schreb., ‘Saia’) als konkurrenzstarke einjährige Art nahmen die oberirdische Trockenmasse und damit der Konkurrenzvorteil von Senecio madagascariensis mit steigender Stickstoff- und Phosphorversorgung signifikant zu (P<0,001); Kalium blieb ohne Einfluß. Ein größerer Anteil der Trockenmasse wurde auch in die Stengel und die Blütenköpfchen, also die Reproduktion fördernd, eingelagert, wodurch das Invasionspotential wuchs. Durch Verbesserung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit durch Stickstoff-und Phosphordüngung oder Leguminosen kann das Wachstum von Senecio madagascariensis nicht unterdrückt werden. Düngung kommt in erster Linie dem Unkraut zugute.  相似文献   

Summary. Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea L.) was introduced to Victoria between 1880 and 1890 and is now firmly established, and a great problem, in the southern, high-rainfall areas of the State. In this region the warm, moist conditions of late autumn and the high winter and spring rainfall provide excellent conditions for seed germination and plant establishment, while the relatively dry late summer and early autumn favour seed formation and dispersal. Nearly 400000 ha are affected, ranging from high-fertility dairy pastures to forest and abandoned farm land. Ragwort is not readily eaten by cattle and thus its development and spread are encouraged where grazing is mainly by cattle. Temporary control can be obtained by grazing with sheep. Intensive cultivation, cropping and sowing to pastures gives good control. On non-arable areas control by chemicals such as 2,4-D, picloram and sodium chlorate has been attempted. Several insects attack ragwort and attempts have been made to establish Callimorpha jacobaeae (L.) for the biological control of this weed. Biologie et destruction du sAieçon, Senecio jacobaea L., dans l'Etat de Victoria, Australie Résumé. Le séneçon (Senecio jacobaea L.) a été introduit dans I'Etat de Victoria entre 1880 et 1890. Il est maintenant solidement établi et constitueun important probléme dans les régions méridionales, a pluviositéélevée, de I'Etat. Dans ces régions, la chaleur et l'humidité de la fin de l'automne et les pluies abondantes de I'hiver et du printemps réunissent des conditions trté favorables à la germination et à l'installation des plantes, cependant que la période l'elativement séche de la fin de l'été et du début de l'automne favorise la formation des semences et leur dispersion. Prés de 400 000 ha sont infestés, allant de prairies d'élevage à grande fertilité, jusqu'aux forêts et aux terres agricoles abandonnées. Le séneçon n'est pas consommé volontiers par les bovins ce qui favorise son développement et son extension dans les régions où les bovins prédominent. Une limitation temporaire peut être obtenue en faisant pâturer des moutons. Les façons culturales intensives, la fauche et le semis des pâtures constituent des moyens de lutte efficaces. Sur les terres non cultivées, le déherbage chimique avec des produits tels que le 2,4-D, le piclorame et le chlorate de sodium ont été essayéo. Plusieurs insectes s'attaquent au séneçon et des tentatives ont été faites pour implanter Callimorpha jacobaeae (L.) en vue de la lutte biologique contre cette mauvaise herbe. Biologie und Bekämpfung des Jakobskreuzkrautes, Senecio jacobaea L., in Victoria, Australien Zusammenfassung. Das Jakobskreuzkraut (Senecio jacobaea L.) wurde zwischen 1880 und 1890 nach Victoria cingeschleppt, wo es jetzt fest etabliert ist und besonders in den südlichen niederschlagsreichen Teilen des Staates ein grosses Problem darstellt. In diesem Gebiet schaffen die feuchtwarmen Verhältnisse des Spätherbstes und die hohen Niederschläge im Winter und Frühling beste Bedingungen für Samenkeimung und weitere Entwicklung der Pflanzen, der relativ trockene Spätsommer und Frühherbst begunstigen die Samenbildung und -ausbreitung. Fast 400 000 ha sind betroffen, von fruchtbarem Weideland für Milchvieh bis hin zu Forsten und aufgegebeneni Ackerland. Das Jakobskreuzkraut wird von Rindern nur ungern gefressen und brcitet sich daher begünstigt auf Rinderweiden aus. Eine temporäre Bekämpfung kann durch Beweidung mit Schafen erfolgen. Ebenso lässt sich durch intensive Kultivierung, Nutzung und Einsaat eine gute Bekämpfung erzielen. Auf nicht ackerbaulich genutzten Flächen wurde auch eine Bekämpfung mit chemischen Mitteln, wie 2,4-D, Picloram und Natriumchlorat versucht. Das Jakobskreuzkraut wird von mehreren Insekten befressen, und es wurden daher Versuche unternommen, Callimorpha jacobaeae (L.) zur biologischen Bekämpfung dieses Unkrauts einzuführen.  相似文献   

Nineteen species of the genus Senecio, 18 species of cultivated Compositae and seven of the most common crop plants were tested in the glasshouse for susceptibility to Puccinia expansa Link (=P. glomerata Grev.), collected from Senecio alpinus (L.) Scop. in Switzerland. In the genus Senecio certain species groups only were attacked. Within these species groups the degree of infection of the different species was similar. All collections of the problem weeds S. alpinus and S. jacobaea L. were severely attacked whereas only one collection of S. vulgaris L. was slightly infected. Two cultivars of S. cineraria DC., an ornamental plant, were slightly susceptible if inoculated at the stage of two to four fully developed leaves. Older plants were not attacked. The low teliospore germination of P. expansa (6%) could be increased by storing the spores for 21 days on water agar at 2° or 8°C under continuous darkness, after which 30 and 70% germination could be obtained. These results show that P. expanses is specialized enough to be used in biocontrol of S. alpinus and S. jacobaea. La gamme des hôtes de Puccinia expansa Link (= P. glomerata Grev.), champignon éventuellement utilisable dans la lutte biologique contre Senecio spp. Dix-neuf espèces du genre Senecio, 18 Composées cultivées et sept espèces des cultures les plus répandues ont subi en serre des épreuves de sensibilité envers Puccinia expansa Link (=P. glomerata Grev.), récoltée sur Senceio alpinus (L.) Scop. en Suisse. Dans le genre Senecio, seuls certains groupes d'espèces ont été attaqués. A l'intérieur de ces groupes, le niveau d'infection était semblable chez les différentes espèces. Toutes les collections de S. alpinus et S. jacobaea L., espèces adventices difficiles à maîtriser, ont subi des attaques sévères tandis qu'une seule collection de S. vulgaris L. a fait preuve d'une infection légère. Deux variétés de S. cineraria DC., plante d'ornement, se sont montrées légèrement sensibles lorsque l'inoculation a eu lieu au stade deux à quatre feuilles en plein développement. Les plantes plus mûres n'ont pas subi d'attaque. La faible germination des téliospores de P. expansa (6%) s'est améliorée après stockage des spores pendant 21 jours sur de la gélose à 2 ou 8 Cen obscurité permanente; alors une germination de 30 et 70% a été réalisée. Ces résultats font voir que P. expansa est suffisamment spécifique pour servir dans la lutte biologique contre S. alpinus et S. jacobaea. Das Wirtsspektrum von Puccinia expansa Link (=P. glomerata Grev), eines möglicherweise zur Bekämpfung von Unkräutern aus der Gattung Senecio geeigneten Pilzes Neunzehn Arten der Gattung Senecio, 18 Arten kukivierter Compositen und 7 der verbreitetsten Kulturpflanzen wurden im Gewäehshaus auf ihre Anfälligkeit gegenüber Puccinia expansa Link (=P. glomerata Grev.) gepiüft. Der für die Versuche verwendete Pilzstamm wurde in der Schweiz von befallenen Senecio alpinus (L.) Scop. isoliert. In der Gattung Senecio erwiesen sich nur gewisse Artengruppen als anfällig. Innerhalb dieser Gruppen war der Infektionsgrad bei den einzelnen Arten ähnlieh. Alle Sammelmuster der Problemunkräuter S. alpinus und S. jacohaea L. wurden stark befallen, während nur ein Muster von S. vulgaris L. leicht infiziert wurde. Zwei Sorten von S. cineraria DC, cincr Zierpflanze, zeigten sich leicht anfällig, wenn sie im Stadium von 2–4 voll ausgebildeten Blättern infiziert worden waren. Aeltere Ptlanzen wurden nicht befallen. Die niedrige Keimungsrate (6%) der Teliosporen von P. expansa konnte durch Lagerung auf Wasseragar bei 2 oder 8°C während 21 Tagen in dauernder Dunkelheit auf 30 und 70% gesteigert werden. Diese Resultate zeigen, dass P. expansa einen genügend hohen Spezialisationsgrad aufweist, dass ein Einsatz zur biologischen Konrolle von S. alpinus und S. jacobaea möglich erscheint.  相似文献   

The responses of Chenopodium album L. and Senecio vulgaris L. to inter- and intra-specific competition were investigated in both additive and replacement series experiments under glasshouse conditions. When grown with tomato the two weed species had similar effects on shoot dry weight at low densities but 5. vulgaris showed more competitive effect at higher densities. Weed density did not affect the concentrations of N, P, K, Ca or Mg in tomato shoots but dry matter and total amounts of nutrients were reduced increasingly with the increase in density of both weeds. The concentration of nutrients in the shoots of the weeds was not affected by density but dry matter yield and total nutrient accumulation per plant fell as the density increased. The concentrations of N, P, K and Mg in the shoots were higher in C. album than S. vulgaris but that of Ca was lower. In a replacement series experiment the two weed species behaved differently. With C. album, both dry matter yield and total nutrient per plant were reduced as its proportion in the mixture increased but, with S. vulgaris, dry matter per plant increased with its proportion in the mixture. One plant of C. album grown with five S. vulgaris gave a higher shoot dry weight than when present in higher proportions or in a pure stand. In a pure stand of six plants the shoot dry weight per plant of C. album was 26% of that of one plant grown with five S. vulgaris. In comparison, the shoot dry weight of one S. vulgaris in pure stand was 120% of that of one plant grown with five C. album. The reduction in growth of C. album was associated with a greater reduction in its ability to accumulate K than other elements. The competition index (CI) of C. album in terms of dry weight decreased with its proportion in the mixture but the reverse was true for S. vulgaris. The relative competitive ability index (RCAI) of C. album was almost 3–5 times that of S. vulgaris. The results showed that differences between the weeds in inter- and intraspecific competition were closely related to the growth of their root systems. Compétition inter- et intraspécifique du chénopode (Chenopodium album L.) et du senecon (Senecio vulgaris L.) Les réponses du chénopode (Chenopodium album L.) et du sénecon (Senecio vulgaris L.) à la compétition inter- et intra-spécifique ont étéétudiées en serre lors d'expériences à séries additives ainsi qu'à séries de remplacement. Quand elles étaient cultivées avec des tomates, les deux mauvaises herbes avaient des effets similaires sur la matière sèche des parties aériennes à faibles densités, mais S. vulgaris se montrait plus compétitif à fortes densités. La densité des mauvaises herbes n'affectait pas les concentrations en N, P, K, Ca et Mg dans les parties aériennes de la to-mate. Par contre, la matière séche et les quantités totales de nutriments étaient d'autant plus réduites que la densité des deux mauvaises herbes était élevée. La concentration en nutriments dans les parties aeriennes des mauvaises herbes n'était pas affectée par leur densité mais le rendement en matière sèche et l'accumulation totale de nutriments par plante décroissaient lorsque la densité augmentait. Les concentrations en N, P, K et Mg dans les parties aériennes étaient plus élevées chez C. album que chez S. vulgaris mais celle de Ca était plus basse. Dans une expérience à séries de remplacement, les deux espèces de mauvaises herbes se comportaient différemment. Chez C. album, le rendement en matière sèche ainsi que la quantité totale de nutriments par plante diminuaient lorsque sa proportion dans le mélange augmentait mais, chez S. vulgaris, la matière sèche par plante augmentait avec sa proportion dans le mélange. Un pied de C. album cultivé avec 5 pieds de S. vulgaris produisait davantage de matière sèche aérienne que lorsqu'il était présent en proportions plus importantes ou en culture pure. Dans une culture pure de 6 plantes, la matière sèche aérienne par pied de C. album représentait 26% de celle d'une plante cultivée avec 5 pieds de S. vulgaris. En comparaison, la matière sèche aérienne par pied de S. vulgaris en culture pure représentait 120% de celle d'une plante cultivée avec 5 pieds de C. album. La réduction de croissance de C. albumétait associée à une réduction de sa capacitéà accumuler K, qui était plus marquée que pour les autres éléments. L'Indice de Compétition de C. album en terme de matière sèche diminuait avec sa proportion dans le mélange, mais l'inverse était vrai pour S. vulgaris. L'Indice Relatif d'Aptitude à la Compétion de C albumétait presque 3,5 fois plus élevé que celui de S. vulgaris. Les résultats montraient que les différences entre les mauvaises herbes en ce qui concerne la compétition inter- et intra-spécifique étaient étroitement liées à la croissance de leur système racinaire. Inter- und intraspezifische Konkurrenz des Weißen Gänsefußes (Chenopodium album L.) und des Gemeinen Greiskrauls (Senecio vulgaris L.) Die inter- und intraspezifische Konkurrenz von Chenopodium album und Senecio vulgaris wurde sowohl in additivem als auch substitutivem Versuchsansatz im Gewächshaus untersucht. In Mischbeständen mit Tomate hatten beide Unkrautarten bei geringer Pflanzendichte eine ähnliche Wirkung auf die Sproß-Trockenmasse, doch Senecio vulgaris war bei hohen Dichten konkurrenzstärker. Die Unkrautdichte hatte keinen Einfluß auf den N-, P-, K-, Ca- oder Mg-Gehalt der Tomatensprosse, aber die Trockenmasse und der gesamte Nährstoffgehalt nahm mit zunehmender Dichte der beiden Unkräuter ab. Der Nährstoffgehalt in den Sprossen der Unkräuter wurde durch die Pflanzendichte nicht beeinflußt, aber die Trockenmasse und der gesamte Nährstoffgehalt nahm mit zunehmender Dichte der beiden Unkräuter ab. Der N-, P-, K-und Mg-Gehalt war bei Chenopodium album höher als bei Senecio vulgaris, doch der Ca-Gehalt war niedriger. In einem substitutiven Versuchsansatz verhielten sich die beiden Unkrautarten verschieden. Bei Chenopodium album wurden sowohl die Trockenmasse als auch der gesamte Nährstoffgehalt pro Pflanze im selben Maße reduziert, wie sein Verhältnis im Mischbestand zunahm; bei Senecio vulgaris stieg die Trockenmasse pro Pflanze mit seinem Anteil im Mischbestand an. Chenopodium album entwickelte bei einem Mischungsverhältnis von l Pflanze zu 5 Senecio-vulgaris-Pflanzen eine höhere Sproß-Trockenmasse als bei höheren Verhältnissen oder im Reinbestand. In einem Reinbestand von 6 Pflanzen war bei Chenopodium album die Sproß-Trockenmasse pro Pflanze 26 % der Masse einer Pflanze, die mit 5 Senecio-vulgaris-Pflanzen wuchs. Bei Senecio vulgaris dagegen war die Sproß-Trockenmasse pro Pflanze im Reinbestand 120 % der Masse einer Pflanze, die mit 5 Chenopodium-album-Pflanzen wuchs. Mit der Wuchshemmung ging bei Chenopodium album eine Abnahme seiner Fähigkeit, K und andere Nährstoffe aufzunehmen, einher. Der Konkurrenzindex von Chenopodium album, bezogen auf die Trocken-masse, nahm mit seinem Anteil in den Mischbeständen ab, während bei Senecio vulgaris das Gegenteil der Fall war. Die relative Konkurrenzfähigkeit von Chenopodium album war fast 3.5mal so groß wie die von Senecio vulgaris. Die Unterschiede der inter- und intraspezifischen Konkurrenz der beiden Unkrautarten stand in enger Beziehung zur Entwicklung ihres Wurzelsystems.  相似文献   

A comparative study of differential growth, time to flowering and resource allocation was made on three triazine-resistant and five susceptible populations of Senecio vulgaris grown in the absence of herbicides under spaced non-competitive conditions. The results show that: (1) the vegetative and total biomass production of all susceptible populations was greater than that of the resistant populations and (2) that many, but not all, of the susceptible populations showed greater seedling dry weight, earlier flowering, greater reproductive dry weight and greater reproductive effort as compared with the resistant populations. Estimates of between-population differences within a given biotype indicated that the resistant populations from all three widely separated locations were homogeneous in their growth response. The five susceptible populations were more dissimilar, exhibiting a broader range of response in growth parameters. Differences de croissance entre les biotypes de Senecio vulgaris L. sensibles ou résistants aux triazines Une étude comparative des differences en ce qui concerne la croissance, l'époque de floraison et le potentiel de ressources a été réalisée sur trois populations de Senecio vulgaris résistantes aux triazines et cinq populations sensibles, cultivées en l'absence d'herbicides, dans des conditions d'espacement non compétitives. Les résultats montrent que: (1) la production végétative et la biomasse totale de toutes les populations sensibles ont été plus élevées que celles des populations résistantes; (2) beaucoup des populations sensibles, mais non la totalité, avaient un poids sec de plantules plus élevé, une floraison plus précoce, un poids sec reproductif plus grand et manifestaient une meilleure aptitude à la reproduction que les populations résistantes. Les estimations des differences entre populations à l'intérieur d'un même biotype ont montré que les trois populations résistantes, qui provenaient de trois stations fort éloignées les unes des autres, étaient homogénes quant a leur croissance. Les cinq populations sensibles étaient plus disparates: elles ont donné un éventail de réponses plus large entre les paramétres de croissance. Unterschiedliches Wachstum zwischen und innerhalb Triazin-resistenten und Triazin-empfindiichen Biotypen von Senecio vulgaris L. Vergleichende Untersuchungen über unterschiedliches Wachstum, über den Blühzeitpunkt und die Herkunft wurden mit drei Triazin-resistenten und fünf empfindlichen Populationen von Senecio vulgaris, die in Abwesenheit von Herbiziden und ohne Konkurrenz gewachsen waren, durchgeführt. Die Resultate zeigen. dass I. die oberirdische und die Gesamt-Biomassepro-duktion bei alten empfindlichen Populationen grösser war als diejenige der resistenten Populationen und 2., dass viele, aber nicht alle der empfindlichen Populationen, ein höheres Keimlingstrockengewicht, früheren Blühzeitpunkt, grösseres Trockengewicht der Vermehrungsorgane und höhere Repro-duktionsraten aufwiesen als die resistenten Populationen. Schätzungen von Unterschieden zwischen den Populationen innerhalb eines gegebenen Biotyps deuten darauf hin, dass die resistenten Populationen, alle drei von weit auseinander-liegenden Orten stammend, bezüglich ihres Wachstums homogener reagierten. Die fünf empfindlichen Populationen wiesen eine grössere Variabilität in ihren Wachstumsparametern auf.  相似文献   

Metabolism of 14C asulam applied with surfactant was studied in Senecio Jacobaea L. and Medicago saliva L. Plants were harvested 48, 96 and 144 h after treatment and extracted with acetone. The aqueous residue of the acetone extract was partitioned with ethyl acetate and the 14C activity in the ethyl-acetate phase, the aqueous phase and the plant residue was determined. A significant amount of 14C activity was not extracted by acetone from either species. This amount increased with time in M. sativa but remained relatively constant in S. jacobaea. More 14C activity was found in the aqueous phase than in the ethyl-acetate phase in M. sativa while the reverse was true in S. jacobaea. Significantly lower amounts of free asulam were identified in M. sativa than in S. jacnbaea. Still, results of these and previous studies on retention, uptake and translocation do not completely account for differences in sensitivity found in greenhouse and field applications. Other possible explanations for selectivity are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were undertaken to define the conditions under which seeds and seedlings of Agropyron repens and Agrostis gigantea may start infestations in cereal crops. When seedlings were planted early or late in spring wheat and spring barley, most growth of shoots and rhizomes was produced by Agropyron planted early in wheat. Late planting halved the amount of shoot growth and severely inhibited rhizome formation. In winter wheat given a moderate or zero amount of nitrogen fertilizer in spring, growth of the weed seedlings was slow. Rhizomes were not produced during the time the crop was growing but only after harvest. Agrostis made more growth than Agropyron in most treatments throughout most of the experiment. Late planting decreased growth more than in the spring cereals. Nitrogen fertilizer, although it had little effect on the amount of growth made by winter wheat, increased the growth of the early-planted seedlings but decreased that of the late-planted ones of both weed species. When planted into plots given nitrogen, more seedlings of both species died after late than after early planting. Clearly, the amount of growth and rhizome produced by seedlings of these two species will depend on the type of cereal, the time of emergence of the seedlings in relation to the cereal, and on other factors affecting the relative vigour of cereal and weed. Evidently, where the weed seedlings emerge early in weakly or moderately competitive cereal crops or when growth is unchecked in the cereal stubble, seedlings could give rise to infestations.  相似文献   

Summary. The allelopathic effect of Chenopodium album L. (fat-hen) and Senecio vulgaris L. (groundsel) on tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill cv. Ailsa Craig) plants was investigated under glasshouse conditions. A new technology was used to separate competitive from allelopathic effects. These experiments suggested that C. album had an effect on tomato through allelopathy. C. album leach-ates significantly reduced shoot fresh and dry weights and the accumulation of N, P, K, Ca and Mg of tomato shoots. No effect was found on the quantities of these elements in tomato roots. Leachate of five plants of C. album per pot was sufficient to reduce tomato growth. Addition of 10 or 20 g kg−1 of C. album dried shoots to the soil mixture significantly decreased the fresh and dry weights of tomato plants. S. vulgaris leachates did not show significant effects on the growth or nutrient accumulation of tomato plants.  相似文献   

A cultivar of Lolium perenne L. (Causeway) selected for tolerance to foliar-applied paraquat was shown also to be tolerant at seed germination and establishment. When seeds were germinated in paraquat solutions (1, 3, 9, 27 ppm), Causeway was more than ten times as tolerant as a normal cultivar of L. perenne. When germination and survival were studied in a soil which had been sprayed with paraquat (0.0, 0.3, 0.9, 2.7 kg/ha) before sowing, Causeway was nearly three times as tolerant as a normal cultivar. Holcus lanatus L. was about equal to normal L. perenne, but Poa trivialis L. was less tolerant. Phytotoxicity was greater in a 10.5% organic than a 4.8% organic soil. It is concluded that the mechanism of paraquat tolerance operates in the non-photosynthetic tissues of germinating seedlings as well as in the photosynthetic tissues of older plants, although the degree of tolerance varies according to the mode and stage of application of the herbicide. There might be advantages in using a paraquat tolerant cultivar of L. perenne when direct drilling grass after sward destruction by paraquat.  相似文献   

Summary Dijkstra (1933) demonstrated thatSolanum dulcamara (Bittersweet, Woody Nightshade) can be a host plant of potato leaf-roll virus. It was, however, not known whether this wild growing plant in nature contains the virus. AsS. dulcamara is the only common perennial Solanacea in the Netherlands its role as a virus reseroir was investigated.At 25 localities plants ofS. dulcamara were collected, and tested for the presence of leaf-roll virus by transferring virus-freeMyzus persicae (Sulz.) after 24 hrs feeding to groups ofPhysalis floridana, where they fed for 24 hrs before being killed. All plants ofS. dulcamara appeared to contain leafroll virus, though they did not show symptoms. Also seedlings ofS. dulcamara from seed of a leafroll infested plant showed no symptoms before or after infection with leafroll bij transmission withMyzus persicae (Sulz.).The virus could be transmitted fromS. dulcamara to potato (var. Bintje) byMyzus persicae (Sulz.) and by graftingS. dulcamara on potato.Seedlings, grown from seed obtained from a plant which was shown to have leaf-roll, all appeared to be infected with leaf-roll. As so far no plants were found or obtained which had no leaf-roll virus, it is possible that inS. dulcamara leaf-roll virus is invariably transmitted with seed. But as the virus does not appear to be pathogenic inS. dulcamara, one might assume that what in potatoes and other plants is called leaf-roll virus, inS. dulcamara is an integral, natural component of the organism.  相似文献   

A range of herbicides was sprayed in October 1976 or May 1977 on grassland infested with S. jacobaea. Control, measured by reduction in the number of flowering stems in July 1977, was extremely good with all herbicides, October spraying gave 99% control of 5. jacohaea and is provisionally recommended for grassland which is to be cut for silage. Lutte contre Senecio jacobaea L. (séneçonjacobée) parun traitement herbicide d'automne ou de printemps Une série d'herbicides ont été appliqués en octobre 1976 ou en mai 1977 sur des herbages infestés de séneçon jacobée. L'éfficacité, mesurée par la réduction du nombre de tiges fleuries en juillet 1977, a été extrêmement bonne avec tous les herbicides. Le traitement d'octobre a détruit 99% de S. jacobaea; il est provisoirement recommande pour les prairies de fauche dont la recolte doit etre ensilee. Bekümpfung von Senecio jacobaea L. (Jakohs-Kreuzkraut) durch Herbizidanwendung im Herbst oder Frühjahr Auf Grünland, das mit Jakobs-Kreuzkraut verseucht war, wurde eine Reihe von Herbiziden im Oktober 1976 oder im Mai 1977 eingesetzt. Die Bekämpfung, gemessen am Rückgang blühender Pflanzen im Juli 1977, war mit alien Herbiziden äusserst zufriedenstellend. Die Spritzung im Oktober ergab für S. jaco baea einen Bekämpfungsgrad von 99% und wird für Grünland, das für Silagegewinnung genutzt wird, vorläufig empfohlen.  相似文献   

Leaves of Senecio jacobaea plants sprayed with 2,4-D had a higher water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) content than unsprayed leaves 9–14 days after spraying. Insofar as WSC is a measure of palatability, this implies an increased risk of Senecio poisoning in grazing cattle for more than 14 days after spraying with growth regulator herbicides. Total unsaturated pyrrolizidine alkaloid content may also be increased by 2,4-D, making the plant more toxic.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogen fertilizer on the growth and density of natural weed populations in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were investigated in the absence of herbicide. An increased level of applied nitrogen did not enhance: weed germination, tended to decrease the total weed biomass and had a differential effect upon the biomass of individual weed species in both wheat and barky. In competition with barley, Chenopodium album L. and Lamium spp. had lower nitrogen optima than the crop, while Urtica urens L. had a higher nitrogen optimum. In competition with wheat, Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Lamium spp. and Veronica spp. had lower nitrogen optima than the crop. The systematic changes in nitrogen effect with time were analysed by fitting orthogonal polynomials to the growth and density curves. The methodology could be recommended for other studies in which time or other systematic factors are included, as it supplies information which a traditional analysis of variance cannot provide. Since seed production is positively correlated with biomass, so nitrogen level affects seed production and, hence, the seed pool and future weed population, suggesting that fertilizer usage can be exploited in an integrated programme of crop: weed management. A trend towards lower N fertilizer application owing to concerns about the environment willfavour most of the weed species investigated in these experiments and change the composition of weed populations.  相似文献   

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