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毛白杨优良无性系抗旱性研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用13个与抗旱性胶在的性状,应用数据极差标准化的方法,对30个毛白杨无性系的抗旱性进行综合评定,排出抗旱位次。无性系7号、25号、98号、30号、85号和14号的抗旱性较强,多性状综合评定树木的抗性可靠性高,蒸腾效率,气孔阻力和单位面积干重等性状和毛白杨的抗旱性关系较大。 相似文献
毛白杨抗寒无性系选育 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
利用全国毛白杨优树基因资源进行抗寒无性系选育,国内尚属首次。经8年系统研究,选育出17个抗寒无性系,其中Lx、1171等7个无性系的材积超过小黑杨23%以上,病虫害少,树干通直,无冻害。苗期复测和区域中试表明,这些抗寒无性系在北纬40°左右,年均气温6℃以上,年平均极端最低温-27.8℃和极值-32.4℃的生态条件下,能正常发育生长并保持毛白杨特有的速生性,适宜在北方平川寒冷地区推广。而目前推广的三倍体毛白杨抗寒性差,冻害严重,只宜在热量条件较好的晋南推广。 相似文献
为选择适合平原农区的优良品种,进行了毛白杨优良无性系选育试验。经过8a造要测定,筛选出3119、5057、0084、3882、5073、5048等6个优良无性系,均为雄株,其材积生长量分别超对照(易县毛白杨雌株)的69.1%、53.3%、15.4%、9.8%、4.4%、7.2%;形质指标均优于对照。 相似文献
国外对杨树湿心材的研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
杨树是我国主要速生造林树种之一。杨树的利用对我国林业和林产工业的发展有重要影响。湿心材是树木生长中的一种反常现象,在杨树中表现甚为突出,是杨树加工利用中的一大难题。国外对湿心材的研究于上世纪初即已开始,已取得许多研究成果。本文扼要介绍国外研究的进展和一些重要观点,涉及湿心材的形成,湿心材中的细菌、气体和水分,湿心材的酸度、材色、力学强度、渗透性和湿心材对干燥、人造板生产和刨削等工艺过程的影响。 相似文献
毛白杨优良无性系选育研究报告高万斌(烟台市林业勘察设计队,264000)为选择适于烟台市生长的优良毛白杨品种,我们从1974年开始,在省林业厅组织两次大规模选优的基础上,汇集部分省选及本市选择的毛白杨优树作为试验材料,嫁接繁育成无性系苗木,并从198... 相似文献
经苗期对比试验,从国10省种源的1047株毛白杨优良基因资源中初先同了34个无性系进行中试,以比较速生的天然三倍体毛白杨雌株做对照。9年测定结果表明,鲁毛50、5314、1414、5015和南*毛新五个无性系的材积增益高达30%-58.2%,且干形直,形态变异明显,易识别,有较高的推广利用价值。 相似文献
毛白杨优良无性系抗寒性的研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
用电导仪测定了10个毛白杨无性系1年生休眠苗经不同低温处理后的电解质渗出率,用原子吸收分光光度计测定外渗K^+浓度予以验证,并结合观察低温处理过的插穗在田间的展叶,生根和成活情况,评价了10个毛白杨无性系的相对抗寒能力,确定了其适生范围。 相似文献
【目的】研究不同田间持水量和纯氮施用量对毛白杨人工林单位面积上林分蓄积量的影响,确定毛白杨无性系最佳水氮组合方案。【方法】采用裂区试验设计在河北威县林地研究不同水氮耦合处理对不同无性系(BT17,B331,S86,1316)毛白杨林分蓄积量影响。【结果】1)无性系在不同纯氮施用量和田间持水量灌溉条件下单位面积上林分生长量有差异,S86无性系对高水肥处理响应较好,1316无性系响应较差。2)对杨树人工林进行水分灌溉管理措施时,应该设置田间持水量75%以上作为灌溉临界值同时灌溉临界值应考虑造林地区的环境条件、造林密度、林龄等因素。3)杨树人工林单位面积上纯氮施肥量范围是在100~400kg·hm^-2,且施肥量应当根据实验地区肥力等级状况进行酌量加减。【结论】在河北威县S86无性系是在田间持水量75%以上和每株施氮量160g的管理措施下能实现速生丰产的毛白杨无性系,建议在相近地区进行杨树人工林速生丰产林培育时候优先考虑。 相似文献
对引进11个毛白杨新无性系,在造林试验获取各无性系生长、形质指标,以及抗病性状等数据基础上,进行了多性状选择。结果BT17、51L-7、193、175、196、BT18、BT85等7个新无性系生长快、不蹲苗、破腹病率低,适应性强,材积生长比对照增益180.35%,是大连地区造林优良新品种,其中193、BT17、BT18为雄性不飞絮无性系,又是城镇绿化的好品种。 相似文献
毛白杨无性系纤维特性及微纤丝角的遗传分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)是我国特有的白杨派珍贵乡土树种,早期的研究多集中在以生长量为改良目标的育种工作上(朱之悌,1992).由于造纸原料的短缺,发展杨树速生丰产纸浆林刻不容缓,对毛白杨木材性状的研究也日益增多(赵勇刚等,1996;顾万春等,1998;宋婉等,2000;邢新婷等,2000;2004).毛白杨的重要用途之一就是作为制浆造纸的原料.影响纸浆性能的性状很多,这些性状的表型变异受遗传因素和环境因素2方面影响,遗传因子有时能造成木材材性在无性系间的差异,有时则不然,环境和竞争的共同影响常常掩盖真实遗传差异,所以需要对影响木材材性的遗传因子进行更深入地研究. 相似文献
ZhangZihui ZhangZhiyit LinShanzhi LiXinguo 《中国林学(英文版)》2003,5(2):23-29
Effects of seven planting densities on the growth and tree form of nine 5-year-old new clones in Populus tomentosa were studied. The plantations, arranged with completely random block design, were located in Wuzhi County, Henan Province.Results indicated that effects of planting density on the diameter at breast height (DBH), individual volume and growing stock increment of all new clones in P. tomentosa were significant at the 1% level of probability, effects of planting density on the tree height increment of new clones B2 and B31 and on the live branches height (LBH) increment of new clones B5 and B30 were significant at the 5% level of probability, while the interaction between planting density and clone was not significant at the 5% level of probability. It was concluded that the degree of differences among new clones within the same planting density was different with different planting densities and traits. For short rotation industrial timber, clones B 1, B3, B4, B5, B7, B9, B31 were suitable with the density of 1 000-2 500 trees per hectare, while for bigger diameter timber, clones B1, B3, B4, B7, B9, B31 could be used with the planting density of 660-833 trees per hectare. Clonal repeatability was also different in different planting densities. 相似文献
在田间试验条件下,采用裂区设计,以三倍体毛白杨无性系S1、S6、S8、S11为试验材料,以二倍体毛白杨S10为对照,采用7种种植密度A1(2 m×2 m)、A2(2 m×3 m)、A3(2 m×3.5 m)、A4(3 m×4 m)、A5(2 m×4 m)、A6(2 m×5 m)、A7(3 m×3 m),研究了不同品种和种植密度对三倍体毛白杨叶片营养元素含量的影响。结果表明:不同的无性系对三倍体毛白杨叶片中N、P、K、Ca、Mg的含量均有极显著的影响。叶片中N含量最高的是S6(27.41 g/kg),P含量最高的是S1(1.88 g/kg),K含量最高的是S8(3.59 g/kg),Ca、Mg含量最高的分别是S10(10.48 g/kg)、S11(4.61 g/kg)。不同种植密度对叶片中N元素的含量有显著的影响,其中叶片含N量最多的是A6,达26.97 g/kg。而不同种植密度的无性系叶片中P、K、Ca、Mg的含量无显著差异。相关性分析表明,各元素之间存在一定的相关性,Mg与Ca之间呈显著正相关,与K之间呈显著负相关。 相似文献
In our study, two experimental plantations, respectively, with 24 and 32 new clones of P. tomentosa, were established in Weixian County, Hebei Province and Wuzhi County, Henan Province using a completely randomized block design. A comparative study was conducted on the continuous 5-year-old height and diameter at breast height (DBH) of new clones in the two plantations. As well, based on genetic correlation over the years of testing of these clones, a preliminary study of early selection was carried out. Results indicate that the growth traits of the new clones in Weixian were better than those in Wuzhi The traits show weak correlation between the two plantations. In some stands, the height, DBH and seedling volume of 5-year-old clones presented statistically sig-nificant differences among clones. In both plantations, the new clones showed over 0.6 repeatability of beight, DBH and volume, as well as larger coefficients of variation (CV). The fact that these clones achieved the largest repeatability and CV in the second year suggests that these traits are highly controlled by heredity. Thus, based on the growth traits of the second year, the new clones B305, B307, B303, H75, BT18, BTI7 and 21J-1 were considered suitable in Weixian. hi Wuzhi, the new clones had variable repeatability and CVs in various years and their correlation of growth traits among different years was not high. We conclude that early selection of new clones was not feasible in Wuzhi. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(7):621-630
To better understand the genetic control of fiber properties (fiber length [FL], fiber width [FW] and coarseness [C]) and growth traits (tree height [H], diameter at breast height [DBH] and stem volume [SV]) in triploid hybrid clones of Populus tomentosa carr., genetic relationships among selected fiber properties with growth traits were examined in five-year-old clonal field trials located in Yanzhou, Gaotang and Xiangfen, China. In total, 180 trees from 10 clones were sampled from the three sites. The site had a moderate effect on FW, C and tree growth, and a highly significant (P<0.001) effect on FL and fiber length/width (FL/W). Clonal effects were also significant (P<0.05) for all studied traits except for the DBH and SV. Clone×site interactions were significant for all studied traits (except for FL). The estimated repeatability of clonal mean for FL (0.91) was higher than for FW (0.88), C (0.77), FL/W (0.74), H (0.62), DBH (0.61) and SV (0.55). Intersite genetic correlation estimates indicated that fiber properties were more stable than growth traits. Positively insignificant genetic correlation estimates between FL and growth trait and negatively insignificant genetic correlation estimates between C and growth traits were observed. This suggests that in the triploid hybrid poplar, clones selection for growth traits will not result in a significant increase or reduction in the fiber properties. 相似文献