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Abstract  The efficiencies of three different techniques for 0+ fish point abundance sampling by electric fishing were tested on a sandy beach of the Morava River, Czech Republic. During direct electric fishing (DE), the operator immerses an anode fastened on an extension pole. During thrown anode electric fishing (TE), the anode is thrown at a distance from the bank. During remote electric fishing (RE), a pre-positioned anode is activated after allowing sufficient time for fish to recolonise the area. The DE technique was found to disturb fish and that fish tend to escape, thereby reducing its efficiency (30% of efficiency of RE). There was no significant difference in relative abundance estimates or size structure of assemblages between DE and RE, but TE seemed to be a species selective technique on sandy river beaches, significantly overestimating relative abundance of bleak. Of the three techniques tested, RE was the most efficient and if time required for deployment could be reduced, it would be also the most suitable for monitoring 0+ fish assemblages on sandy river beaches.  相似文献   

根据2010年2月、5月、9月和11月对舟山渔场禁渔线以外海域渔业资源底拖网调查数据,对该海域鱼类群落结构的季节变化进行了分析。调查中共捕获鱼类80种,隶属于13目,49科,59属,其中以鲈形目最多(30种)。Simpson多样性指数(C)、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')和Pielou均匀度指数(J')均呈现出9月以后逐渐升高、随后下降、5月基本达到最低点的趋势,而Margalef丰富度指数(D)在5月较高,表明5月鱼类种类丰富度较高。资源生物量曲线(ABC)的结果受优势种影响较大,2月质量优势度曲线位于数量优势度曲线之上;5月质量优势度曲线与数量优势度曲线相交;9月和11月数量优势度曲线位于质量优势度曲线之上。营养级-平均体质量关系曲线斜率的绝对值5月最小,9月最大,表明经过伏季休渔以后,9月鱼类平均体质量有所增加,特别是高营养级鱼类,而经过持续捕捞以后,至5月鱼类平均体质量整体降到较低水平。  相似文献   

Fish stocking and regulation of fishing activities are widely implemented by freshwater fisheries authorities who have to protect aquatic communities. The effects of fish management on fish communities have not received sufficient attention. As a result of two datasets, one from EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) monitoring surveys, and one from a French survey targeting angler's associations, this study investigated the impacts of both fishing intensity and fish stocking on fish communities in French lakes. Both co-inertia analysis and community size spectra analysis, showed that: (i) stocking does not contribute to the standing stocks for five of the six most stocked fish species in France; and (ii) neither fishing intensity nor fish stocking lead to a change in the proportion of large and small fish. The results support alternative methods being promoted to enhance native fish populations.  相似文献   

The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) obligates authorities to assess the ecological status of rivers. The sampling of the fish assemblage must be based on a reliable and cost‐effective monitoring programme, and it should be optimised to measure the ecological quality cost‐effectively. The efficiency of single‐pass versus three‐pass backpack electric fishing was measured to assess ecological status. The data included 295 electric fishing samplings from 137 rivers in Finland and a 5‐year data series from six small forest streams in mid‐eastern Finland. Compared with three‐pass electric fishing, single‐pass electric fishing in the same area increased the risk of missing rare fish species and species with low catchability. The concordance of the calculated fish metrics (e.g. proportion of tolerant and intolerant species) between one‐ and three‐pass measurements was, however, high, suggesting that single‐pass electric fishing was a suitable sampling procedure to evaluate ecological status. Increasing the area sampled by single‐pass removals stabilised the variances in the fish metrics and similarity indexes. It was concluded that in small streams electric fishing an area 24–27 times the stream width and in general a minimum of 300 m2, but preferably more than 450 m2, was adequate to estimate fish assemblage attributes reliably in boreal streams.  相似文献   

  • 1. Stream classification systems are widely used in stream management and restoration. Whereas the principal morphological types of these classification systems are increasingly recognized for their ecological connections, the roles of intermediate and mixed morphologies are still poorly understood, yet may be biologically significant.
  • 2. Twenty‐five stream reaches in north‐western Vermont were classified by channel morphology to determine whether fish community diversity differed among pool‐riffle, mixed (i.e. pool‐riffle/cascade, pool‐riffle/other) and forced pool‐riffle stream morphological groups. Stream reach surveys included cross‐sectional surveys, longitudinal profiles, bed substrate characterization, and fish surveys.
  • 3. Three fish community diversity measures were calculated: (1) species richness (S); (2) Shannon–Weaver Index (H′); and (3) Simpson's Index (1/D). Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) followed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to explore potential differences in fish diversity among stream morphological groups. Fish diversity was significantly different for all three community diversity measures (P?0.05), with pool‐riffle/cascade morphology consistently exhibiting the greatest fish diversity and forced pool‐riffle the lowest.
  • 4. These results suggest that fish community diversity is significantly associated with distinct channel morphologies. Generally, pool‐riffle/cascade and pool‐riffle/other stream morphological groups supported habitats that fostered greater species diversity than more homogeneous and uniform pool‐riffle reaches. The observed patterns of diversity are likely to be the result of habitat patches created by variations in flow and other physical characteristics in reaches of mixed morphologies.
  • 5. These results support fish sampling schemes that incorporate morphological heterogeneity, such as proportional‐distance designation. Sampling strategies that focus on homogeneous reaches may underestimate diversity, and misrepresent stream condition when fish community data are used in indices of biological integrity (IBIs). Reaches of mixed stream morphologies should be recognized as areas of biological importance in stream and catchment management and in conservation efforts.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract Quantitative electric fishing and multiple mesh-size gillnetting of fish communities in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River system, near Sydney, were carried out upstream of, within and well below each of three major points of treated sewage effluent discharge. Approximately half of the fish sampled were caught by electric fishing, comprising 515 individuals in 3 h of electric fishing (172 fish per hour). The remaining 439 fish were caught in 72 h of gillnetting (six fish per hour). In total, 16 fish species were collected by electric fishing and only seven species by the gill nets. Differences were found in the total abundances and numbers of species collected by each method in relation to points of treated sewage effluent discharge, but neither community variable showed consistent differences between the areas above, within and well below points of treated sewage effluent discharge in all three river regions. However, classification and ordination of electric fishing catch data produced distinct fish community groups in relation to sewage discharge, while similar analyses of the gillnetting data failed to reveal such differences in community structure. It was suggested that the increased sampling efficiency of electric fishing, both in terms of the number of fish sampled per unit effort and number of species collected, allowed for significant increases in the power of univariate and multivariate analysis methods in detecting such environmental disturbances in large rivers.  相似文献   

珠江首次禁渔西江段鱼类资源声学跟踪监测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年珠江开始实行禁渔期制度。该研究采用 Simrad EY60鱼探仪,分别于2010年5月19日和2011年5月22日对珠江西江段进行了走航式探测。结果显示,珠江禁渔期期间西江段鱼类资源密度增加,2010年和2011年鱼类平均密度分别为0.0513尾·m -3和0.1068尾·m -3,根据渔获物调查数据,推算增幅分别为广东鲂(Megalo-brama terminalis)47.85%、赤眼鳟(Squaliobarbus curriculus)18.54%、鲮(Cirrhina moitorella)10.87%和鳊(Parabra-mis pekinensis)6.25%;两年西江段深水区域鱼类密度均较大,尤其是水底结构为凹形区域,鱼类有明显的聚集现象;浅水区域且底部较平整的水域,鱼类分布分散且密度较低;垂直分布方面,鱼类主要分布4--10 m 中下层水层。珠江禁渔期的实施,在一定程度上保护了鱼类的产卵亲体繁殖,对鱼类资源数量的补充起到了增殖作用,同时在很大程度上护养了鱼类的自然生长,起到了资源增重作用。  相似文献   

灯光围网渔船采用电力推进系统论证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决柴油机推进船舶存在装机功率大、体积笨重、造价高、节能环保性能差等问题,研究了电力推进装置在渔船上的应用,阐述了船舶电力推进的发展现状以及推进系统特点,论证了一条灯光围网船渔船营运过程中航行、作业以及停泊等情况下,电力推进装置渔船可以根据用电需求选择发电机运行台数,使发电机组一直运行于高效工作区。通过与常规柴油机在装机功率、发电机负载、燃油消耗的比较和推进系统的分析选择,证明了电力推进装置具有较高的节能性和经济性,体现了其在灯光围网渔船上应用的优越性。  相似文献   

Abstract Standardised fishing methods using gillnets (EN 14575), electric fishing (EN 14011) and hydroacoustics (WI 00230244 CEN enquiry) to estimate species composition, abundance, biomass and size distribution were compared in 14 alpine lakes >50 ha. More fish species were detected using benthic gillnets (mean = 72.7%) than electric fishing (mean = 59.5%) and pelagic gillnets (mean = 29.6%). For all but two lakes, additional information from a local fisheries manager was required to obtain a complete list of species. Biomass data generated by standardised gillnetting and hydroacoustic surveys were not fully comparable, but a positive correlation was found. Gill netting and hydroacoustics both indicated a nearly fishless habitat below 75 m, which confirmed the maximum required fishing depth according to the European Standard EN 14757. Size distributions obtained from gillnet and hydroacoustic surveys differed statistically for large fish (>40 cm). Each standardised method reflected typical shortcomings. The European standard (EN 14757) should be amended for pelagic fish habitat in deep alpine lakes to include sampling effort corresponding to water volume, and additional gillnets with larger mesh sizes (e.g. 70 mm). Furthermore, the electric fishing standard (EN 14011) should be extended to incorporate requirements of lake fish sampling.  相似文献   

养殖池底层鱼类电脉冲捕捞装置设计与试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许明昌  徐皓 《南方水产》2011,7(3):62-67
为了减轻土池养殖底层鱼类的捕捞劳动强度,提高捕捞效率,研制了具有脉冲宽度和脉冲频率可调、工作状态指示、报警等功能,以及操作简单、使用方便的助渔仪器。文章主要介绍鱼类电行为特性、水中脉冲放电产生的电场对鱼类行为作用的机理、系统电气性能参数和系统功能的确定、硬件实施及效果等。  相似文献   

The Convention on Biological Diversity calls for networks of ‘representative’ MPAs, the effectiveness of which requires that the protected ecosystems be independent of external anthropogenic pressures. One principal pressure, fishing, severely depletes the oldest age classes of the target fish even if optimally managed. As many fishery resource species had high natural abundance and large individual sizes, while most fish show indeterminate growth and ascend the trophic pyramid as they grow, elimination of older age classes equates to removal of once‐dominant top predators. Because archetypal resource species are also migratory, that loss is transported throughout the range of the exploited populations, including into MPAs, through a lack of large migrants. The ecological implications remain uncertain in marine ecosystems, which are typically under ‘bottom‐up’ control. ‘Top‐down’ effects, such as mesopredator release, species replacement and trophic cascades, have been observed, however, meaning that elimination of top predators may affect ecosystem structure. It follows that, while exceptions doubtless exist, in general ‘representative’ MPAs should not be expected to fulfil their declared purposes, unless they are made so large as to encompass the whole migratory circuits of principal resource species – implying indefinite closure of the fisheries affected. Some compromise may be possible if MPAs were combined with fishing mortality rates far below current ‘optimal’ levels or where fishing can be concentrated on younger adults, while older fish are protected from exploitation. In any case, societies must choose between seafood production and recovery of selected marine areas to near‐pristine conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract  Electric fishing depletion systematically underestimates fish abundance in streams. Electric fishing mark-recapture estimates are unbiased, but only when performed over several days to allow marked fish to recover from electric fishing. A mark-recapture procedure that can be performed in 1 day and produces unbiased population estimates is described. It involves minnow trapping, marking and releasing juvenile salmonids in a stop-netted reach, followed by electric fishing the reach 1 h after release of marked fish. Recapture of marked fish during electric fishing can form the basis of a dual-gear mark-recapture population estimate, or an unbiased estimate of electric fishing capture efficiency. The marking technique did not affect short-term catchability of the target species ( P  =   0.823), and provided unbiased estimates of capture efficiency (0.38–0.40) that were similar to those documented by other researchers. However, local validation to confirm equal catchability of marked and unmarked fish, as described in this study, is recommended.  相似文献   

为解决传统柴油机推进系统难以满足多用途拖网渔船工况多且复杂以及特殊水域噪音控制要求高的问题,本研究从安全节能环保的角度出发,研究团队研发设计出多用途渔船柴电混合动力推进系统.船舶采用柴油机和轴带异步发电/电动机结合的推进形式,采用双输入单输出齿轮箱,轴带异步电机既可由柴油发电机组供电,也可由锂电池组供电.常规航行工况时...  相似文献   

Abstract  The empirical relationship between different sizes of electric fishing anodes, water conductivity and equivalent resistance was modelled for a range of electric fishing ring anode designs currently in use. In addition, equivalent resistance values were measured for several cathode designs. Knowledge of the equivalent electrode resistance allowed determination of the input power required to energise an electric fishing system for a range of water conductivities, circuit voltages and electrical waveforms. The values of equivalent electrode resistance did not correspond well with values obtained from previously published theoretical methods for calculating equivalent electrode resistance.  相似文献   

Recreational fishing is increasingly recognised as an important source of mortality for marine fish populations. In the United States, estimates of marine recreational catch and effort were recently revised for the time period 1981 and beyond, and for many species, the revised estimates were substantially higher than the original values. Here, the proportion of total landings that came from the recreational sector in the Southeast US Atlantic was quantified. The proportions for 22 oceanic species and for all species combined were computed, using a full time series of landings (1981–2016) and a more recent time series (1999–2016). For the full and recent time series, landings of most species (15/22 and 17/22, respectively) were dominated by the recreational sector. For all species combined, 71% of landings in the full time series were from the recreational sector, and 76% in the recent time series. Trend analysis indicated that most species had a stable or increasing proportion of landings from the recreational sector. In addition, stock assessments were conducted on four species, and the catch revisions increased the estimated scale of abundance and, in some cases, affected stock or fishery status. This work underscores the importance of recreational fishing for marine resource management.  相似文献   

Abstract  The relationship between applied anode voltage, ring anode diameter and distance to specific voltage gradient values was modelled from empirical measurements. The model allowed distance to specific voltage gradients to be predicted. Varying the anode to cathode resistance ratios had a significant effect on the electrical potential of the anode and thus the voltage gradient projected from it. The voltage gradient profile of twin anodes was reduced when they were held in close proximity (<5 m).  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that territorial stream fish populations exhibit some degree of self-thinning. Four size-limit strategies were examined, under which a size-structured model population exhibiting self-thinning was exploited. The effects of: (1) increased minimum-size limits; (2) protection of spawners; (3) decreasing maximum-size limits; and (4) slot limits (prescribe lower and upper size limits of fish that must be released) were analysed in terms of population size and mean body size in the population after harvest. Biomass and numbers harvested, mean size of fish taken and proportions of different sizes in the population after harvesting were also analysed. Combinations of high exploitation rates and high minimum-size limits maximized both the number and biomass harvested while it favoured post-harvest abundance and the proportion of larger sizes in the population. When harvest rates and minimum-sizes were increased, the combinations of these that maintained or increased yield were successively narrowed. Protection of spawners and slot limits did not come close to reaching the levels of post-harvest abundance, yield, positive size structure and endpoints of harvest rates that were obtained with a high minimum size applied to the fishery. Maximum-size limits favoured the abundance of smaller size-classes. The results emphasize the advantages of setting the largest sizes of fish in the population as a minimum size that can legally be retained.  相似文献   

闽南_台湾浅滩渔场六种主要中上层鱼类的脂肪酸研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
吴志强 《水产学报》2000,24(1):61-64,65,66
研究了蓝圆Shen、金色小沙丁鱼、颌圆Shen、鲐鱼、竹Jia鱼、羽鳃鲐肌油中的脂肪酸组成及含量变化。结果表明:鱼油中都含有C12-C22系列脂肪酸。饱和脂肪酸(SFA)占总脂肪酸(TFA)的35.24% ̄38.60%,单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)占23.59% ̄30.07%,多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)占33.06% ̄40.33%,EPA占2.35% ̄3.62%,DHA占17.95% ̄24.49%。  相似文献   

Abstract  The fish fauna and habitat characteristics in five reaches of a small lowland stream were studied through the summer and winter of one year. All species densities, except Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were correlated with either instream or outstream cover, reaffirming the importance of cover to maintain the local abundance of fish populations. There were significant differences between reaches in the density of all the fish species studied, with the exception of the larger size group of dace. Leuciscus leuciscus (L.), and between sampling times for salmon, dace and eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.). There were significant differences between reaches for all the measured habitat variables apart from instream cover, and between sampling times for velocity. instream cover, and substrate particle size, but not depth, width:depth ratio and outstream cover. The implications of these variations for fish stock assessment and predictive fish habitat models such as PHABSIM and habitat suitability indices are discussed.  相似文献   

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