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Two winter feeding trials (1985-86; 1986-87) were conducted to evaluate the productivity of gestating ewes fed lasalocid (L) and two supplement levels while grazing Montana winter range. Five hundred range ewes were randomized within age and breed each year and allotted to .15 or .23 kg hd-1.d-1 of a 20% CP supplement and either no L or L at 70 mg hd-1.d-1. Feed treatments began on 18 Dec. approximately 100 d before the first expected lambing date and continued for 84 d. Ewes fed .23 kg of supplement per day gained more (P less than .01) total weight (4.9 vs 4.0 kg) during the 84-d experiment and had higher (P less than .05) grease fleece weights (4.2 vs 4.0 kg) than those fed .15 kg of supplement. Lasalocid had no effect (P greater than .05) on ewe weight change or grease fleece weights. Supplement level had no effect (P greater than .05) on reproduction, lamb mortality and lamb performance. Ewes fed L had a greater (P less than .05) percentage of lambs born per ewe than those not fed L (120.7 vs 112.1%); lamb performance was similar (P greater than .05) between treatments. However, because a greater percentage of lambs were born per ewe starting the experiment, ewes fed L produced more (P less than .05) kilograms of weaned lamb than those not fed L (25.9 vs 23.4 kg). In conclusion, ewes fed L and grazing winter range weaned more kg of lamb than did controls because of an improved lambing percentage.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A 2-yr grazing performance study was conducted in Eastern Colorado to evaluate the effects of feeding raw cull beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) or canola meal, compared to sunflower meal, to beef cows grazing dormant, native winter range on body weight and body condition score (BCS) change, reproductive performance, and calf performance. Ninety-five pregnant, spring-calving crossbred cows (541 +/- 51 kg) in 1995 to 1996 and 65 cows (602 +/- 60 kg) in 1996 to 1997 were randomly assigned to one of five treatments (19 and 13 cows per treatment in 1995 to 1996 and 1996 to 1997, respectively): 1) unprocessed Great Northern beans to supply 182 g/d of CP (GNB); 2) canola meal to supply 182 g/d of CP (CM); 3) a mixture of Great Northern beans and sunflower meal, each to supply 91 g/d of CP, for a total of 182 g/d of CP (MIX); 4) sunflower meal to supply 182 g/d of CP (SFM+); and 5) sunflower meal to supply 91 g/d of CP (SFM-). Cow weight and body condition performance were broken into a gestation and a lactation phase in 1995 to 1996; calves were weighed at birth, at the end of the lactation phase in April, and at weaning the following September. Only gestation performance was monitored in 1996 to 1997, and subsequent calf birth and weaning weight were recorded. The SFM- group lost more weight during the gestation phase than other treatments (P < .05), yet no differences were detected for gestation phase daily BCS change, calf birth weight, lactation phase daily weight change, lactation phase daily BCS change, first-service conception rate to AI, or overall pregnancy rate. Off-test calf weight was higher in April for calves from dams of the SFM+ and CM treatments than for calves from dams on the GNB or SFM- treatments (P < .05), and calves from cows on the CM treatment were heavier in April than calves from cows on the MIX treatment (P < .05). No differences in calf weight were present at weaning. Consumption of beans by cows on the GNB treatment was low because of palatability problems. Mixing the beans with sunflower meal in the MIX treatment eliminated this problem. Canola meal, Great Northern beans, or a combination of sunflower meal and Great Northern beans were comparable to sunflower meal as protein supplements for beef cows grazing native winter range, despite obvious palatability problems with the beans.  相似文献   

Two trials conducted in 1996-97 measured BW and body condition score changes of cows fed different sources of degradable intake protein, including dried poultry waste and soybean meal, while grazing low-quality winter forages. In Trial 1, 60 spring-calving cows (5 yr; 555 kg) were used in an individual supplementation trial. Cows were gathered three times a week, sorted into individual pens, and fed their respective supplement. Cows grazed dormant native Sandhills winter range (common pasture) and were assigned to one of six supplemental treatments: 1) no supplement, 2) urea, 3) 22% dried poultry waste + urea, 4) soybean meal, 5) 22% dried poultry waste + soybean meal, or 6) 44% dried poultry waste. All supplements were based on wheat middlings and soybean hulls and were formulated to contain 44% CP. Thirty-six cows were selected randomly (six per treatment) for a 5-d measurement of forage intake from December 16 through December 20, 1996. Cows receiving supplements gained more weight (P < 0.001) and maintained greater body condition (P < 0.001) than unsupplemented cows. Cows receiving urea gained less (P < 0.10) than cows receiving a source of natural protein, but body condition remained similar. No differences were found in daily forage or total organic matter intake (P > 0.10). In Trial 2, cows grazed corn residues. Forty-eight spring-calving cows were group-fed supplements in one of six 4-ha paddocks. Cows received supplements containing either soybean meal or dried poultry waste that were the same as the soybean meal and 44% dried poultry waste supplements fed in Trial 1; gains were not different (P > 0.10). Under the economic conditions that existed at the time of these experiments, the supplement containing dried poultry waste resulted in a savings of $.04 per cow per day and a total savings of $3.20 per cow over an 80-d period. Feeding a supplement containing dried poultry waste resulted in performance similar to that when feeding a more conventional supplement containing soybean meal.  相似文献   

In each of two experiments, 120 pregnant beef cows were stratified by body condition score, BW, breed, and age, randomly divided into six groups of 20, and assigned to one of six 5.1-ha bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon [L.] Pers.) pastures (two replicates/ treatment) in early January to evaluate the use of winter-annual pasture as a supplement. All cows in Exp. 1 and 2 had ad libitum access to bermudagrass/dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir.) hay plus three treatments: 1) a concentrate-based supplement fed 3 d/wk, 2) limit grazing on winter-annual pasture 2 d/wk (7 hr/ d; 0.04 ha x cow(-1) x grazing d(-1)), or 3) limit grazing on winter-annual pasture 3 d/wk (7 hr/d; 0.04 ha x cow(-1) x grazing d(-1)) sod-seeded into a portion of the pasture until mid-May. The seeded portion of pastures in Exp. 1 was planted with a mixture of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and rye (Secale cereale L.), but annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) was added to the seed mixture in Exp. 2. In mid-May, cows were blocked by treatment and the previous sorting factors, randomly assigned to six new groups of 20, and placed on the six perennial pastures until calves were weaned. Groups of cows were exposed to a bull for 60 d beginning in mid-May. In Exp. 1 and 2, limit-grazing winter-annual pasture compared to the concentrate-based supplement or limit grazing 2 vs 3 d/wk did not affect (P > 0.15) cow BW. In Exp. 1, cows limit grazed on winter-annual pasture had a lower (P = 0.05) body condition score than cows fed the concentrate-based supplement in the early spring. However, in Exp. 2, cows limit grazed on winter-annual pasture had higher (P < or = 0.07) body condition score than cows fed the concentrate-based supplement. The conception rate of cows in Exp. 1 and 2 did not differ (P > 0.22) between cows fed concentrate-based supplements and cows limit grazed on winter-annual pasture. In Exp. 2, cows limit grazed 2 d/wk tended to have a greater (P = 0.10) conception rate than cows limit grazed 3 d/wk. In Exp. 1 and 2, birth weight, total gain, BW, and ADG of calves were not affected (P > 0.15) by treatment. We conclude that wheat and rye pasture is a marginal supplement for lactating beef cows. However, cows limit grazed 2 d/wk on winter-annual pasture of wheat, rye, and annual ryegrass as a supplement maintained BW and body condition score as well as cows fed the concentrate-based supplement. But, grazing pasture 3 vs 2 d/wk did not seem to affect performance of cows.  相似文献   

Body condition score is used as a management tool to predict competency of reproduction in beef cows. Therefore, a retrospective study was performed to evaluate association of BCS at calving with subsequent pregnancy rate, days to first postpartum ovulation, nutrient status (assessed by blood metabolites), and calf BW change in 2- and 3-yr-old cows (n = 351) managed and selected to fit their environment of grazing native range over 6 yr at the Corona Range and Livestock Research Center, Corona, NM. Cows were managed similarly before calving, without manipulation of management, to achieve predetermined BCS at parturition. Palpable BCS (scale of 1 to 9) were determined by 2 experienced technicians before calving. Cows were classified to 1 of 3 BCS groups prior calving: BCS 4 (mean BCS = 4.3 ± 0.02), 5 (mean BCS = 5.0 ± 0.03), or 6 (mean BCS = 5.8 ± 0.06). Cows were weighed weekly after calving and serum was collected once weekly (1 yr) or twice weekly (5 yr) for progesterone analysis to estimate first postpartum ovulation beginning 35 d postpartum. Year effects also were evaluated, with years identified as either above or below average precipitation. Days to first postpartum ovulation did not differ among calving BCS groups (P = 0.93). Pregnancy rates were not influenced by calving BCS (P = 0.83; 92%, 91%, 90% for BCS 4, 5, and 6, respectively). Days to BW nadir was not influenced by BCS at calving (P = 0.95). Cow BW was different at all measuring points (P < 0.01) with BCS 6 cows having the heaviest BW and cows with BCS 4 the lightest. Cows with calving BCS 4 and 5 lost more (P = 0.06) BW from the initiation of the study to the end of breeding than cows with BCS 6. However, cow BW change at all other measurement periods was not different (P ≥ 0.49) among calving BCS groups. Serum glucose and NEFA concentrations were not influenced by calving BCS (P ≥ 0.51). Calf BW at birth (P = 0.60), branding (55-d BW; P = 0.76), and weaning (205-d BW; P = 0.60) were not impacted by cow calving BCS. Body condition score did not influence overall pregnancy rates, indicating that young cows can have a reduced BCS and still be reproductively punctual. Therefore, these results indicate that reproductive performance of young cows with reduced BCS may not be affected when managed in extensive range conditions.  相似文献   

Beef cattle grazing semiarid foothill rangeland of the Northern Rockies during winter may be exposed to cold temperatures and high winds while grazing pastures with low nutritional value. Cattle can physiologically and behaviorally respond to the changing environment to lower their metabolic requirements and reduce the effects of cold exposure. Requirements of grazing cattle may be overpredicted with models developed in controlled settings that do not account for energy-conserving behaviors. We refined a simple thermal balance equation to model heat exchange of free-ranging cattle. We accounted for the complex interactions between animal behavior and the changing natural environment by applying the insulation characteristics of the cattle's tissue and coat to a simple geometric shape of an asymmetric ellipsoid at different orientations to the sun and wind. We compared the model predictions with heat production measured in 3 studies, and in all cases the model predictions were similar to those reported. Model simulations indicate behaviors, such as lying and orientation to the sun, mitigated the effects of extreme weather. For many combinations of winter weather variables, metabolic requirements increased only slightly due to cold exposure of mature beef cattle in a near-maintenance state. The results indicate that solar radiation contributes strongly to the thermal balance of a cow. Thus, previous models that do not account for the irradiative environment may overestimate metabolic requirements of cattle acclimated to grazing winter range.  相似文献   

1. An experiment was conducted to study the possibility of replacing soybean meal (SBM) with sunflower seed meal (SFM) in broiler chick diets. The SBM in broiler starter (317.9 g/kg) and finisher (275.4 g/kg) diets was replaced with SFM at 33, 67 and 100% on an iso-caloric and iso-nitrogenous basis using sunflower oil to balance the energy content of the diets. The metabolisable energy levels used in the diet were considerably less than the recommended levels for broilers. Each experimental diet was fed ad libitum from 2 to 42 d of age to 8 replicates of 5 birds. Parameters studied included amino acid and apparent metabolisable energy contents in food ingredients, body weight, food intake, food efficiency, leg abnormality score, dry matter digestibility, carcase traits, relative weight and length of intestine, fat and protein content in liver and serum biochemical profile. 2. SFM had higher concentrations of calcium, phosphorus, methionine and cystine and lower energy content than SBM. 3. Replacement of SBM with SFM up to 67% in starter and 100% in finisher diets did not affect weight gain. Total and 67% replacement of SBM with SFM depressed food efficiency at 21 and 42 d of age, respectively. Food intake was significantly higher in SFM-based diets than in the SBM reference diet at 21 and 42 d of age, except in groups given SFM100 at 21 d of age. In the latter group, the food intake was similar to that on the SBM reference diet. The digestibility of dry matter decreased with increased levels of SFM in the diet. 4. The relative weights of giblet, liver and abdominal fat, length of intestine, activity of alkaline phosphatase, concentrations of calcium and inorganic phosphorus in serum were not influenced by incorporation of SFM in the broiler diet. 5. The ready to cook yield and liver fat content decreased, while the relative weights of gizzard and intestine and protein content in liver increased, with increasing levels of SFM in the diet. 6. The concentration of HDL cholesterol increased while the concentration of LDL cholesterol decreased with increasing content of SFM (> or =67% of SBM) in diet. The serum protein concentration decreased progressively with increase in dietary SFM. The concentrations of protein and triglycerides in serum were lowest in groups receiving SFM100. 7. Body weight gain was not affected by total replacement of SBM with SFM at 42 d of age. However, considering food efficiency, carcase yields, serum lipid profile and level of supplemental fat in diet, it is concluded that SFM can replace up to two-thirds of soybean, corresponding to inclusion of 345 and 296 g SFM per kg for starter and finisher phases, respectively.  相似文献   

Two experiments at 2 Nebraska locations evaluated effects of heifer development system on growth and pregnancy rate. In Exp. 1, heifers (n=270, BW=225 ± 2 kg) grazed winter Sandhills range (WR) or west central Nebraska corn residue (CR) with a supplement (0.45 kg/animal; 31% CP; 80 mg·animal(-1)·d(-1) of monensin). In Exp. 2, heifers (n=180, BW = 262 ± 3 kg) grazed eastern Nebraska WR or CR with a supplement (0.45 to 0.90 kg/d; 31% CP; 80 to 160 mg·animal(-1)·d(-1) of monensin). The CR heifers tended to have less (P=0.10) ADG compared with WR heifers before breeding in Exp. 1; however, prebreeding ADG was similar (P=0.77) in Exp. 2. Prebreeding BW, percentage of mature BW at breeding, and pregnancy determination BW were similar (P ≥ 0.14) for CR and WR in both experiments. Percentage of heifers pubertal at breeding, AI conception, and AI pregnancy rate (Exp. 2) and final pregnancy rate in both experiments were also similar (P ≥ 0.27) for CR and WR heifers. Precalving BW, percentage of calves born in the first 21 d, calf birth date, calf birth BW, and dystocia score were all similar (P ≥ 0.21) for CR and WR heifers in both experiments. Cow BW at weaning, calf weaning BW, adjusted 205-d calf BW, and second season pregnancy rates were not affected (P ≥ 0.16) by treatment. Heifer development system did not affect (P ≥ 0.56) the cost of producing 1 pregnant heifer in Exp. 1 or 2. Development on CR may reduce ADG before breeding, but did not affect pregnancy rate. Heifer development using CR or WR postweaning resulted in similar reproductive performance and development cost.  相似文献   

An in situ protein degradation trial and two growth trials were conducted to evaluate the use of fish meal (FM) as a protein supplement in feeder lamb diets. Finn cross and Hampshire lambs were given ad libitum access to corn diets, minerals, and water. In Growth Trial 1, four isonitrogenous (12.6% CP on a DM basis) and isocaloric (77% TDN) diets were supplemented with the following: a) 100% soybean meal (SBM); b) 70% SBM + 30% FM; c) 40% SBM + 60% FM; and d) 100% FM on a DM basis. Diets were fed to 144 lambs for 56 d in a randomized complete block (initial BW) design. In Growth Trial 2, four diets were fed to 80 lambs for 42 d in a completely randomized design with treatments arranged as a 2 x 2 factorial. Main effects in Growth Trial 2 were dietary CP level (13.3 or 14.9%) and source (SBM or SBM + FM). Alfalfa hay was used as the roughage part of each diet. In situ CP degradation (determined in cattle) of SBM, FM, and corn fed in both growth trials were 77.8, 52.3, and 56.8%, respectively. In neither growth trial was ADG affected (P greater than .05) by dietary CP source. Lambs gained faster (P less than .05) when the CP level was increased from 13.3 to 14.9% in Growth Trial 2. In both trials, protein efficiency ratio (grams of gain/grams of protein intake) and energy efficiency ratio (grams of gain/kilograms of TDN intake) were not different (P greater than .05) among diets. Because of the low ruminal degradation of corn protein, the relative value of SBM and FM in full-fed, high-corn diets was comparable.  相似文献   

S.G. Haddad   《Livestock Science》2006,99(2-3):221-225
Thirty-six male Awassi lambs, born within 8-day period, were reared on their mother's milk until they were weaned at 65 days of age. After weaning, lambs were divided into 3 groups of 12, according to their live weight, and housed in individual pens and offered three isonitrogenous experimental diets. The experimental diets consisted of a 15 to 85 forage to concentrate ratio differing in the proportions of soybean meal (SBM) and bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia) grain. Soybean meal and bitter vetch grain were present in the experimental diets in the following proportions: 14:0% (S), 7:8.4% (SV) and 0:15% (V), all on dry matter basis. The experiment lasted for 80 days in which lambs had ad libitum access to feed. Organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) intakes were all unaffected (P > 0.05) by the dietary treatment and averaged 875, 152 and 226 g/day, respectively. However, intake of rumen undegradable protein was decreased in the SV and V diets as compared to the S diet. Dry matter, OM, CP, NDF and energy digestibilities were all unaffected (P > 0.05) by the dietary treatment. Average daily gain (ADG) of all lambs was not affected by the dietary treatment and averaged 196 g/day. Feed to gain ratio was also unaffected by the treatment and averaged 5.3. However, feed cost/kg body weight change was reduced by more than 9% with the substitution of SBM with bitter vetch grain. In conclusion, partial or complete substitution of SBM with bitter vetch grain did not affect nutrient intake or growth performance of Awassi lambs and resulted in a decrease in feed cost.  相似文献   

Fish meal as a protein supplement in ruminant diets: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fish meal (FM) as a protein supplement in ruminant diets is presented to illustrate production responses to FM supplementation and to explain the possible factors that may affect the magnitude of these responses. Positive responses are consistently detected when FM is fed to nonruminants, but the responses when fed to ruminants have lacked consistency. Research indicates that ruminal protein degradation of FM is affected by processing factors including type and freshness of fish, addition of preservatives, stabilization of fat, type of dryer used, temperature and duration of heating, and the amount of fish solubles added back to the meal. Performance data published in the last two decades have been categorized into body weight gain and milk yield and composition. Fish meal was more effective in improving body weight gain in young than in finishing ruminants and in males than in females or castrated males. Daily gains and feed efficiencies were higher when FM supplemented medium- or poor-quality silages than when it was added to high-quality silages. No significant advantage was found for replacing protein sources that were highly ruminally degradable with FM in high-corn diets fed to growing ruminants. Milk yield and milk protein concentration were improved by FM supplementation of low-concentrate diets fed to cows in early lactation. However, milk fat percentage was negatively affected by FM supplementation. Reproduction data indicated that body gain and conception rates of high-producing cows were improved by supplementing their diets with FM during early lactation. Results suggest a significant advantage of FM supplementation to ruminant diets if the physiological status of the animal and the quality of the dietary ingredients are taken into account.  相似文献   

将40头荷斯坦产奶牛随机分为4个试验组,每组10头。4种试验日粮均配制成蛋白质(CP)含量15.2%、产奶净能(NEL)6.90~7.06 MJ/kg。日粮通过调节豆粕和棉籽粕的用量改变日粮赖氨酸(Lys)含量,这样试验1组日粮赖氨酸含量为0.65%、试验2组0.62%、试验3组0.59%和试验4组0.56%。所有试验奶牛先饲喂10 d试验日粮作为预试期,然后开始70 d正试期。试验1组产奶量最高,平均为(27.13±1.53)kg/d;试验4组产奶量最低,平均为(24.40±1.56)kg/d;试验2组和3组依次为(26.18±1.37)和(25.27±1.58)kg/d;其中试验1组产奶量明显高于试验3组(P<0.01)和试验4组(P<0.01),试验2组明显高于试验4组(P<0.05)。因此,在日粮蛋白质含量保持相同和产奶净能相近的条件下,提高日粮赖氨酸含量则提高了奶牛产奶量,降低日粮赖氨酸含量则降低了奶牛产奶量;大量使用棉籽粕替代豆粕降低日粮赖氨酸含量,导致产奶量降低;尽管日粮赖氨酸含量容易提高奶牛日粮成本,由于提高产奶量,增加了产奶纯收入。使用日粮赖氨酸含量这一指标有利于评价奶牛产奶量、乳成分和经济效益。  相似文献   

In Exp. 1, 31, 24, and 17 mature, pregnant Simmental x Angus cows (initial BW = 662.0 +/- 10.4 kg) in each of 3 yr were used to determine the efficacy of stockpiled orchardgrass, limit-fed corn, or ad libitum hay for maintaining cows in mid- to late gestation, respectively. In Exp. 2, 24 mature, pregnant crossbred cows (initial BW = 677.7 +/- 9.4 kg) per treatment in each of 3 yr were used to determine the efficacy of stockpiled orchardgrass, limit-fed corn, or ad libitum hay for maintaining cows in late gestation and early lactation, respectively. Each year, cows were assigned to treatment by BW. From November to February or from January to April, respectively, nutritional needs for mid- to late gestation (Exp. 1) or late gestation and early lactation (Exp. 2) were met either by 1) rotating cows on approximately 15.2 or 21.7 ha of predominantly orchardgrass pasture, set aside and fertilized in late August, 2) limit-feeding approximately 5.8 kg of whole shelled corn, 1.1 kg of a pelleted supplement, and 1.2 kg of hay daily, or 3) ad libitum feeding of round-baled hay. During extreme weather conditions, cows grazing stockpiled orchardgrass were limit-fed a grain-based diet. Postcalving weight (P < 0.10) was greatest for limit-fed cows in Exp. 1 and lowest for cows grazed on stockpiled orchardgrass; cows given ad libitum access to hay were intermediate in weight and did not differ from cows limit-fed or cows grazed on stockpiled orchardgrass (641.8, 657.4, and 634.0 kg, respectively). Calving date, calf birth and weaning weight, and conception rate did not differ among treatments (P > 0.15) in Exp. 1. In Exp. 2, weight at weaning did not differ among treatments (P > 0.17); however, postcalving weight (P < 0.01) was greatest for cows given ad libitum access to hay, intermediate for limit-fed cows, and lowest for cows grazed on stockpiled orchardgrass (674.8, 652.4, and 624.5 kg). Body condition score at any time point did not differ among treatments (P > 0.38), nor did calving date, calf birth and weaning weights, and conception rate (P > 0.12). Because of the few differences in cow performance, selection of energy sources for beef cows can be made based on economics. The cost to feed a cow hay in early to mid-gestation was nearly double that of limit-feeding the corn-based diet or grazing stockpiled orchardgrass. Because of lower quality pastures, the cost to graze cows on stockpiled orchardgrass during late gestation and early lactation was not as cost effective as limit feeding a corn-based diet.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - This study evaluated the total replacement of soybean meal with peanut cake in the concentrate supplement of lactating cows grazing. Eight crossbred 5/8...  相似文献   

The research aimed to evaluate the effect of replacing soybean meal with soybean grain on the nutritional parameters and productivity of heifers grazing on Urochloa decumbens in the rainy-dry transition period. Forty crossbred heifers with the initial age and weight of 18 months and 292?±?6.1 kg, respectively, were used. The experimental design was a completely randomized design, with five treatments and eight replications. The evaluated treatments were as follows: SM0.5—supply of 0.5 kg/animal/day of soybean meal supplement; SG0.5—supply of 0.5 kg/animal/day of soybean grain supplement; SM1.0—supply of 1.0 kg/animal/day of soybean meal supplement; SG1.0—supply of 1.0 kg/animal/day of soybean grain supplement; MM—only mineral mix ad libitum. The supplement was isoprotein with 350 g of crude protein/kg of dry matter. Supplementation improved the performance of the heifers and this fact can be verified by the higher average daily gain (ADG) and final BW (fBW) of the supplemented animals (P?<?0.10). The two supplemented treatments with 1 kg/day demonstrated similar performance (P?>?0.10), the same happens for the two treatments receiving 0.5 kg/day (P?>?0.10). However, animals receiving 1 kg/day of supplementation had an ADG and final BW higher than animals receiving 0.5 kg/day (P?<?0.10). Supplementation (P?<?0.10) affected the intake of dry matter (DM), organic matter, crude protein, ether extract, non-fiber carbohydrates, total digestible nutrients, and neutral detergent fiber corrected for ash and protein (apNDF). Supplementation improved DM digestibility and all constituents of the diet (P?<?0.10), except for apNDF (P?>?0.10). In summary, it is concluded that multiple supplementations improve the performance of grazing heifers in the rainy-dry transition period and the total replacement of soybean meal by soybean grain does not alter the performance of the animals.  相似文献   

A winter grazing/feedlot performance experiment repeated over 2 yr (Exp. 1) and a metabolism experiment (Exp. 2) were conducted to evaluate effects of grazing dormant native range or irrigated winter wheat pasture on subsequent intake, feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, total-tract digestion of nutrients, and ruminal digesta kinetics in beef cattle. In Exp. 1, 30 (yr 1) or 67 (yr 2) English crossbred steers that had previously grazed native range (n = 38) or winter wheat (n = 59) for approximately 180 d were allotted randomly within previous treatment to feedlot pens (yr 1 native range = three pens [seven steers/pen], winter wheat = two pens [eight steers/pen]; yr 2 native range = three pens [eight steers/pen], winter wheat = four pens [10 or 11 steers/pen]). As expected, winter wheat steers had greater (P < 0.01) ADG while grazing than did native range steers. In contrast, feedlot ADG and gain efficiency were greater (P < 0.02) for native range steers than for winter wheat steers. Hot carcass weight, longissimus muscle area, and marbling score were greater (P < 0.01) for winter wheat steers than for native range steers. In contrast, 12th-rib fat depth (P < 0.64) and yield grade (P < 0.77) did not differ among treatments. In Exp. 2, eight ruminally cannulated steers that had previously grazed winter wheat (n = 4; initial BW = 407 +/- 12 kg) or native range (n = 4; initial BW = 293 +/- 23 kg) were used to determine intake, digesta kinetics, and total-tract digestion while being adapted to a 90% concentrate diet. The adaptation and diets used in Exp. 2 were consistent with those used in Exp. 1 and consisted of 70, 75, 80, and 85% concentrate diets, each fed for 5 d. As was similar for intact steers, restricted growth of cannulated native range steers during the winter grazing phase resulted in greater (P < 0.001) DMI (% of BW) and ADG (P < 0.04) compared with winter wheat steers. In addition, ruminal fill (P < 0.01) and total-tract OM digestibility (P < 0.02) were greater for native range than for winter wheat steers across the adaptation period. Greater digestibility by native range steers early in the finishing period might account for some of the compensatory gain response. Although greater performance was achieved by native range steers in the feedlot, grazing winter wheat before finishing resulted in fewer days on feed, increased hot carcass weight, and improved carcass merit.  相似文献   

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