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Abstract— Predation on American shad ( Alosa sapidissima ) larvae within the first two hours of release was examined from 1989 to 1992 on 31 occasions at stocking sites in the Susquehanna River basin. Twenty-two fish species consumed shad larvae; the dominant predators were spotfin shiner ( Cyprinella spiloptera ), mimic shiner ( Notropis volucellus ) and juvenile smallmouth bass ( Micropterus dolomieu ). The number of shad larvae found in predator stomachs ranged from 0 to 900. Mortality of shad larvae at the stocking site was usually less than 2%. The greatest mortality (9.6%) occurred at the highest stocking level (1.5 million larvae). Highly variable predation rates and release levels of shad insufficient to achieve predator satiation hindered the ability to determine a specific type of functional response of predators. Predator numbers increased with stocking density, indicating short-term aggregation at the release site. Because of practical problems associated with releasing the large numbers of larvae that would be required to satiate predators, routine stocking at these levels is probably unreasonable. Releases of 400,000 to 700,000 larvae may reduce predation by offsetting depensatory mechanisms that operate on small releases and the effects of increased predation due to predator aggregation on large releases. Night stocking may reduce predation on larval shad at the release site.  相似文献   

The present study describes the skeletal development and the occurrence of deformities in American shad, Alosa sapidissima, larvae from hatching to 45 days after hatching (DAH). The ontogeny of the vertebral column started at 16 DAH (days after hatching), with the formation of the posterior neural and haemal arches, and was complete at 28 DAH. In comparison, the vertebral centra started to form at 16 DAH, with ossification being visible in all centra at 38 DAH. The pectorals were the only fins that formed before the onset of feeding (at 2 DAH), with ossification being complete at 45 DAH. The caudal fin formed at 5 DAH, with ossification being complete at 40 DAH. Dorsal and pelvic fin development began at 6 DAH and 20 DAH respectively. The ossification of both the dorsal and pelvic fins was visible at 45 DAH. The anal fin began forming at 14 DAH, and was complete at 30 DAH. The ossification of the anal fin was complete at 45 DAH. Overall, 22 types of skeletal deformities were detected in about 41% of individuals. Most anomalies were detected in the haemal region, while the fewest anomalies were detected in the anal fin. In addition, the frequency of deformities gradually increased with fish age at the different developmental stages. Our results are expected to contribute baseline information on how rearing conditions impact skeletal development, in addition to identifying potential causative factors of skeletal deformities.  相似文献   

Abstract– We determined the habitat use of age-0 yellow perch ( Perca flavescens ) in two South Dakota (USA) lakes. Larval perch abundance was based on trawl catches and related to environmental variables on two late spring dates. Juvenile perch abundance was based on late July shoreline seine and bottom trawl catches. Day and night juvenile abundance relations to environmental variables were examined. Larval abundance appeared to be related to biological environmental variables, and no significant (P≥0.05) correlations with physical habitat variables were found. Juvenile yellow perch abundance was related to physical variables, particularly substrate, water temperature and water depth. The only biological variable that could be related to juvenile abundance was chironomid abundance. Finally, juvenile perch abundance was positively associated with abundance of other juvenile fishes and minnows, but these associations varied by lake, time of day and habitat type. Understanding age 0 perch habitat use will allow fishery biologists to better assess sampling designs and recruitment processes.  相似文献   

在工厂化养殖条件下,将初始体长为(54.04±6.07)mm、体质量为(2.03±0.75)g的4 000尾美洲鲥幼鱼放在有效体积约300 m3的养殖池中饲养84 d,研究美洲鲥幼鱼养殖过程中的生长特性及生长过程中消化酶活力的变化特点。结果显示:美洲鲥体长(L)、体质量(W)均与养殖时长(t)呈指数相关(L=56.568e0.008 8t,W=2.463 3e0.027 4t),体长与体质量呈幂函数相关(W=7×10-6L3.158 2),试验期间美洲鲥幼鱼的生长类型为等速生长;总体上,肥满度随着幼鱼的生长发育而明显提高,试验初期(养殖14 d时)显著提高,之后有所降低,在42 d时显著下降(P<0.05),之后幼鱼的肥满度保持着较快的增长,随着时间的推移显著提高(P<0.05),并在试验结束时达到最高值。美洲鲥幼鱼胃蛋白酶活力随着幼鱼的生长显著升高(P<0.05);幽门盲囊的淀粉酶活力随着幼鱼生长显著下降(P<0.05),而蛋白酶和脂肪酶活力总体呈升高趋势(P<0.05);肠道中淀粉酶的活力随着幼鱼生长而显著降低(P<0.05),蛋白酶和脂肪酶活力总体呈上升趋势,最大值均出现在第84天(P<0.05)。研究结果表明,工厂化养殖美洲鲥幼鱼的生长类型为等速生长,本试验的养殖条件适宜美洲鲥幼鱼生长;养殖过程中应根据消化酶的变化规律,适时调整饲料中营养成分的含量或添加生物酶制剂,以提高饲料的利用效率,提高养殖效益。  相似文献   

The fatty acid accumulation in broodstock influences the fecundity of spawners as well as egg quality. A comprehensive understanding of the lipid and fatty acid changes in broodstock during the reproductive period can increase our knowledge of the nutritional requirements in artificial breeding programs. The study assessed the lipid and fatty acid compositions of muscle, liver and ovary of American shad at different stages of reproductive development under reared conditions. The results indicated that there were significant differences in lipid content among ovary, liver and muscle. Mean total lipid levels in ovary, liver and muscle were 15.92%–10.87%, 13.62%–6.89%, 10.39%–6.11% respectively. During the development season, the total lipid content in muscle in stages V and VI were significantly lower than those in stages II and III. The total lipid content in liver in stages IV, V and VI was significantly lower than in stages II and III, whereas the total lipid content in the ovary increased significantly as the gonad developed and reached its highest value at stage V. From II to VI stage, the liver content of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) decreased and the ovarian content of DHA increased, whereas the content of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) remained relatively constant. The content of C16:0 and C18:1n‐9 decreased in muscle and liver, but significantly increased in ovary. It is therefore suggested that the lipids were preferentially transferred from muscle and liver to ovary beginning in stage IV as the gonad matured. At stage IV, the lipid transfer accelerated, and saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, such as C16:0, C18:1n‐9, DHA, EPA and arachidonic acid, were selectively transferred to and conserved in ovaries.  相似文献   

The availability of water is becoming more variable as flow regime alterations intensify both locally and on a global scale. This pattern has been observed in the tributaries of the central Chattahoochee River System as water withdrawal and natural drought have caused flows to diminish. Stream discharge has steadily decreased in the study area by 31% over the last 50 years, and during this time, fish assemblage homogenization has occurred throughout the system. Our primary objective was to assess whether spawning mode and water availability are catalysts for fish assemblage change in tributaries of the Chattahoochee River System. We found that species which prefer or have adapted to low flow conditions (e.g. blacktail shiner Cyprinella venusta, redbreast sunfish Lepomis auritus and blackbanded darter Percina nigrofasciata) are becoming dominant and replacing historically dominant fluvial specialists. When examining short‐term changes between a dry year (2009) and a wet year (2010), some species preferring higher flows such as the highscale shiner Notropis hypsilepis were detected during the wet year, suggesting that the amount of water is important for the presence of these species in upstream reaches where they were historically abundant. Species that can reproduce successfully in low flow conditions are thriving and expanding their native ranges as more habitat becomes suitable. Species that require higher flows for part of their life cycle, however, appear to be declining from upstream areas as water availability continues to decrease, despite temporary recovery from downstream refugia during wet years.  相似文献   

生境模拟法在黑水河鱼类栖息地保护中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解黑水河鱼类栖息地适宜性状况,研究行之有效的栖息地保护方案,采用基于河道内流量增加法(IFIM)原理的栖息地模拟方法,使用RIVER2D二维水动力学及栖息地模拟软件,以黑水河干流苏家湾水电站坝址至公德房水电站坝址河段为例,进行水动力模拟和鱼类栖息地适宜性模拟,通过加权有效栖息地面积(WUA),分析适宜物理栖息地的数量、质量和分布情况,评估研究河段的鱼类栖息地适宜性状况并探究存在的主要问题。结果显示,公德房库区河段水域面积较大,大部分河段适宜性指数较高,有效栖息地面积较大;减水河段河道内流量较小,大部分河段水深较浅,有效栖息地面积小,需要开展河道生境修复;在此基础上,研究了增加生态流量(坝址处多年平均流量的10%、12.5%、15%)条件下的改善效果,以及固定生态流量(坝址处多年平均流量10%)条件下进行河道整理的改善效果。经比较分析,提出了黑水河生境修复可采取河道整理为主,结合优化生态流量的保护方案。  相似文献   

Abstract –  Recognition of faunal changes requires long-term monitoring, which is lacking for all but a very few streams. Fish surveys are often focused on single, often imperiled, species. While such studies meet the goals of monitoring single species, assemblage-based data are required for detection of assemblage change and declines in common species, and yet these studies are relatively rare. Assemblage-based data may be important in identifying potential ecosystem problems before the loss of ecosystem function that results from catastrophic biodiversity decline. In 2005–2006, we sampled fishes in three streams in the Chattahoochee River drainage, Alabama in order to assess fish assemblage persistence and individual species declines. To achieve these comparisons we used historic data from two time periods, 1970s and 1995. Although comparisons to historical collections were used conservatively, we found dramatic assemblage shifts over time, even using conservative metrics. Examination of individual species persistence over time in these watersheds uncovered species losses at both the site and stream scale. Metrics of similarity, persistence, and Spearman's rank correlation indicated low similarity of fish assemblages and high species turnover over time. Specifically, cyprinid species have been lost and have been replaced with more cosmopolitan species. Comparison of three time periods allowed the estimation of when assemblages changed through time. Changes in land use, increases in the human population and less overall water availability may be agents of habitat degradation partially responsible for fish faunal changes.  相似文献   

Like Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), nonnative American shad (Alosa sapidissima) have the potential to convey large quantities of nutrients between the Pacific Ocean and freshwater spawning areas in the Columbia River Basin (CRB). American shad are now the most numerous anadromous fish in the CRB, yet the magnitude of the resulting nutrient flux owing to the shift from salmon to shad is unknown. Nutrient flux models revealed that American shad conveyed over 15,000 kg of nitrogen (N) and 3,000 kg of phosphorus (P) annually to John Day Reservoir, the largest mainstem reservoir in the lower Columbia River. Shad were net importers of N, with juveniles and postspawners exporting just 31% of the N imported by adults. Shad were usually net importers of P, with juveniles and postspawners exporting 46% of the P imported by adults on average. American shad contributed <0.2% of the total annual P load into John Day Reservoir, but during June when most adult shad are migrating into John Day Reservoir, they contributed as much as 2.0% of the P load. Nutrient inputs by American shad were similar to current but far less than historical inputs of Pacific salmon owing to their smaller size. Given the relatively high background P levels and low retention times in lower Columbia River reservoirs, it is unlikely that shad marine‐derived nutrients affect nutrient balances or food web productivity through autotrophic pathways. However, a better understanding of shad spawning aggregations in the CRB is needed.  相似文献   

Abstract  Data on the genetic characteristics of the rhodanian shad, Alosa fallax rhodanensis Roule, using three Mediterranean populations (rivers Rhône, Aude and Hérault) and seven protein markers are presented. Allelic frequency distribution, and absolute and relative genetic diversity show a genetically homogeneous structure in the Mediterranean populations. Results when compared with allis ( Alosa alosa Linné) and twaite ( Alosa fallax fallax Lacépède) shad Atlantic populations confirm that the Rhodanian shad belongs to the Alosa fallax Roule species. Furthermore, genetic characteristics of the twaite shad Mediterranean group were quite different from Atlantic populations but remained close to the most southern Atlantic population in the Oued Sebou (Morocco). These findings suggest that Rhodanian shad should be considered a well identified homogeneous group within Alosa fallax rather than a subspecies because of the low genetic distance and some relatively different biological characteristics between the Atlantic and Mediterranean twaite shad groups.  相似文献   

澜沧江流域鱼类栖息地保护实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现阶段我国已建、在建水电工程主要采用过鱼、鱼类增殖放流作为主要的鱼类保护措施,栖息地保护方面开展了一定的工作,介绍澜沧江水电开发过程中鱼类栖息地保护实践,为加强鱼类资源保护的适应性管理,以及后续栖息地设计、建设、管理工作提供经验. 澜沧江流域功果桥以上江段以高原区系的鱼类为主,功果桥以下江段东洋鱼类区系鱼类逐渐增多。从流域层面进行栖息地保护规划,需要在上游建立高原鱼类栖息地保护水域和在下游建立东洋鱼类栖息地保护水域。干流在侧格、约龙、班达、如美库尾及卡贡河段保留了流水江段,乌弄龙至古水间保留了51.9km的流水江段,托巴至里底梯级之间保留了约26km的干流为流水江段,橄榄坝到南腊河出境口段也保留了流水江段;支流拟定大桥河、永春河、基独河、德庆河、罗闸河、右支小黑江、左支小黑河为栖息地保护河段。橄榄坝至南腊河河口段的干支流均维持了较好的自然生境, 2012年对补远江进行的2次鱼类调查共调查到鱼类25种, 2014年已达37种;基独河电站拆除前该河仅有少数鮡科和鳅科鱼类,电站拆除后监测到鮡科、鳅科和鲤科等鱼类16种;资助成立了澜沧江下游河段鱼类保护管理所,在澜沧江下游主要鱼类栖息地设置保护标识牌,开展鱼类保护日常巡查及栖息地环境调查,并进行鱼类保护法律法规宣传。鱼类栖息地保护工作应进一步加强引导,提高各方开展栖息地保护的意识和积极性,开展鱼类、环境等长期监测工作。  相似文献   

  • 1. More extensive physical management of rivers in response to increasing flood risk, and action to improve the ecological quality of rivers represent two major, and potentially conflicting, challenges.
  • 2. Improved understanding of the interactions between flood defence works and habitat structure must be achieved in order to satisfy both of these demands in the context of flood risk management and habitat improvement.
  • 3. This paper examines the ‘extensive’ and ‘intensive’ use of data derived from a standardized method of assessing habitat character to explore the effects of flood risk maintenance works on river habitat quality.
  • 4. Analysis of the UK River Habitat Survey (RHS) data set reveals some broad trends towards reduced habitat heterogeneity associated with recent flood defence works such as dredging and weed‐cutting.
  • 5. These observations correspond with published localized experimental work and suggest that the RHS database can be a useful resource for identifying relationships at relatively broad scales.
  • 6. Applying the RHS methodology at finer spatial scales for sites experiencing continuing maintenance reveals contrasting results and highlights some key methodological issues; these include the availability and selection of high quality benchmark conditions, the legacy of past management, lag times associated with maintenance and recovery, and recording of marginal habitat features.
  • 7. Small modifications to the RHS method could enable calculation of more detailed habitat indices while maintaining comparability with the national dataset.
  • 8. If the issues identified in this paper can be addressed or accounted for, RHS could be an important tool for assessing the relationship between flood defence management and new statutory obligations for ecological improvement.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract– Habitat use and population dynamics in brown trout Salmo trutta and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were studied in an oligotrophic lake over a period of 10 years. Previous studies showed that the species segregated by habitat during summer. While brown trout occupied the surface water down to a depth of 10 m, Arctic charr were found deeper with a maximum occurrence at depth 10–15 m. Following the removal of a large number of intermediate sized fish in 1988–89, habitat segregation between the species broke down and Arctic charr were found in upper waters, while brown trout descended to deeper waters. The following year, both species were most frequently found in surface waters at depths of 0–5 m. During the last four years, the species reestablished their original habitat segregation despite another removal experiment of intermediate-sized fish in 1992–1994. The removal of fish resulted in an increased proportion of large (≥ 25 cm) fish in both species. Furthermore, the charr stock responded by reduced abundance and increased size-at-age. The results revealed plasticity and strong resistance to harvest populations of brown trout and Arctic charr. This is probably due to internal mechanisms of intraspecific competition within each population, which result in differential mortality among size classes.  相似文献   

We examined seasonal spatial distribution and diel movements of juvenile lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens in Muskegon Lake, Michigan (a protected, drowned river mouth lake that links the Muskegon River to Lake Michigan). We surgically implanted ultrasonic tags in 20 juveniles (age 1–7) captured in gill nets to track their locations during August–December 2008/2009 and September 2010–October 2011. Most juveniles were observed ≤1.5 km from the mouth of the Muskegon River in Muskegon Lake at a mean depth of 7.5 m (SE = 1.3 m) during summer. In fall, juveniles moved away from the river mouth to the deepest part of Muskegon Lake and were observed at a mean depth of 15.8 m (SE = 1.3 m) during winter. The shift in spatial distribution coincided with fall turnover (i.e., loss of thermal stratification) and with changes in dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in the hypolimnion. During summer, DO concentrations in the hypolimnion were typically <4 mg·l?1 in the deepest part of Muskegon Lake and DO concentrations at locations of tagged lake sturgeon were >7 mg·l?1 in 94% of instances. Tracking in 2009 revealed no significant change in depth distribution or movement over the diel cycle. We only observed two tagged juveniles immigrating to Lake Michigan, suggesting that juveniles use Muskegon Lake for multiple years. Our results suggest that: (i) Muskegon Lake serves as an important nursery habitat for juvenile lake sturgeon that hatched in the Muskegon River before they enter Lake Michigan and (ii) seasonal changes in DO concentration in the hypolimnion likely affect the spatial distribution of juveniles in Muskegon Lake.  相似文献   

Abstract  – This study investigated the habitat use of 0+ pike (9–17 cm) in relation to two different water transparency regimes (clear water/chlorophyll water), two different light regimes (day/night) and the presence/absence of prey using 16 m2 experimental ponds. Pike could freely choose between two structured habitats (a simple structured and a complex structured), an interface habitat (between the structured habitats and open water) and an open water habitat. Foraging success of the pike in relation to water transparency was investigated by comparing mean condition (Fultons K ) of the pike as well as the number of surviving prey fish. Habitat use was influenced by the presence/absence of prey and varied between waters with different transparency. The presence of prey intensified the use of structural habitats of 0+ pike in both clear and chlorophyll waters. A preference for complex habitats was found in clear water and was presumably related to foraging. The pike in chlorophyll water, in contrast, appeared more evenly distributed among all habitats, as illustrated by a more intensive use of open water in chlorophyll water compared to the clear water. No detectable impact of water transparency on the foraging success of 0+ pike was found.  相似文献   

Highly productive surface waters and hypoxic (dissolved oxygen, DO ≤ 2.0 mg L?1) bottom waters develop seasonally on the northwestern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf due to nutrient and freshwater inputs from the Mississippi‐Atchafalaya River system. We investigated the spatial distribution of the cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus), a highly mobile, bentho‐pelagic species that is a seasonal resident of the shelf, in relation to surface chlorophyll, bottom‐water hypoxia, and other environmental variables (salinity, temperature, depth). We used synoptic trawl and aerial surveys to investigate ray distributions at both shelfwide (100–1000s km) and local (5–50 km) spatial scales. Shelfwide sampling indicated that rays were associated with regions of high surface chlorophyll and low bottom salinity and DO, conditions characterizing the Mississippi‐Atchafalaya plume region. Local sampling in and around the hypoxic zone indicated that rays preferred habitats where bottom waters were hypoxic but they primarily occupied normoxic (DO > 2.0 mg L?1) waters above the bottom hypoxic layer. Stomach fullness and diet composition were similar between rays sampled in habitats with hypoxic versus normoxic bottom waters. These results indicate that cownose rays are strongly associated with riverine‐influenced regions of the shelf and preferentially use habitats with hypoxic bottom waters, perhaps for benthic foraging. Collectively, our results highlight the importance of considering the responses of mobile species to enhanced productivity and to hypoxia‐induced habitat degradation, which are both the products of coastal eutrophication.  相似文献   

Abstract– The role of predation risk and structural complexity in determining the habitat use and activity patterns of roach, rudd and perch was assessed using a series of video-recorded laboratory trials. The time spent in open and structured habitats, vertical swimming heights and activity levels of each species were observed in the presence and absence of a potential, pike, predator. Habitat complexity varied between treatments with artificial stem densities of 200, 400 and 600 stems'm−2. Predator free trials showed that roach and rudd spent significantly less time in structured habitats than perch. Increasing stem density had no significant effect on the habitat choice of perch but did affect the distribution of roach and rudd. Stem density influenced the vertical swimming height of rudd or perch but not roach, although the effects of habitat complexity on swimming activity were more complicated. Pike were themselves influenced by increases in stem density, only selecting structured habitats when stem densities were less than 600 stems'm−2. In the presence of a predator, both roach and rudd increased the amount of time spent in structured areas. These observed differences were independent of stem density. Perch, however, decreased the amount of time spent in structural habitats at all stem densities. Predation risk also prompted significant changes in both vertical swimming height and activity levels of potential prey fish. A pike predation success hierarchy of rudd-roach-perch was also observed during the study. The reasons for this pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Movement and habitat use of river blackfish ( Gadopsis marmoratus R.) was studied in a highly modified central Victorian stream (Birch Creek), Australia, using radio telemetry ( N  = 10) and mark–recapture ( N  = 113) between October 2001 to May 2002, and November to December 2002 respectively. Blackfish had a small home range of 10–26 m with strong affinity to a pool. However, small movements within a pool were common which resulted in relatively large cumulative movements. At a diel scale there were no significant differences in blackfish movement between day and night (Kruskal–Wallis test, P  = 0.95). Six of seven blackfish translocated 40 m upstream or downstream of their original positions returned within 48 h, suggesting strong affinity not only to a pool, but also to a small region within a pool. Blackfish utilised slow flowing (0–20 cm s−1) and deep waters (40–60 cm). Blackfish were strongly associated with the instream cover habitats of undercut banks and boulders. Significant differences were recorded in instream cover and water velocity used by blackfish between day and night (Kruskal–Wallis test, P  = <0.01). At night blackfish used open areas with high water velocities whereas during the day blackfish used complex undercut banks with low water velocities.  相似文献   

1. The habitat of Texas wild‐rice (Zizania texana Hitchcock), known only from the spring‐fed upper San Marcos River in Central Texas, was classified in terms of physical and chemical conditions, depth, current velocity, associated aquatic macrophytes, and substrate composition. 2. Randomly selected transects in sites with and without Texas wild‐rice were evaluated during May, August and January 1994–1995. Physical and chemical conditions (temperature, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance, pH) were found to be nearly constant and uniform both among transect types and sampling dates. Chemical analysis of the substrate likewise showed few differences among transect types. Turbidity was found to be significantly different among transect types on only one sampling date (Kα0.05=0.60; p=0.009), but even non‐significant levels of turbidity may present biologically significant impacts to wild‐rice plants. 3. Differences in substrate particle size were highly significant (Kα0.05=0.71; p=0.001) with Texas wild‐rice occupying sites having moderately coarse to coarse sandy soils (73%) compared with the moderately fine to fine clay soils found at non‐rice sites (82%). However, no significant differences were found in organic matter content among rice and non‐rice transects ( =2.09 and 2.56%, respectively). 4. Texas wild‐rice was found primarily in shallow areas of the river (<1 m) and at higher current velocities than those of non‐rice sites ( ≥0.46 m s−1 and ≤0.22 m s−1, respectively). 5. Texas wild‐rice appears to be more commonly associated with other native species rather than exotic species. Mean percentage composition of exotic macrophytes did not exceed 29% in areas where Texas wild‐rice grew, but they accounted for nearly 47% of the composition in areas where rice did not grow. 6. The results of this study will allow for reliable and accurate identification of the remaining suitable habitat of Texas wild‐rice in the San Marcos River for possible reintroduction and development of management plans. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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