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现在有了一种既非离子载体类药物也非合成化学药物的新型饲料级抗球虫药.这是一种有专利权的全天然有机药物,名为Cocci-Guard,是用植物制成的. 相似文献
鸡球虫病是重要的禽病之一。常侵袭雏鸡,往往呈急性爆发,引起雏鸡下痢、便血、贫血,以致大批死亡;慢性流行可妨碍发育,影响增重,并增加饲料消耗。球虫病因其致病性强、发病率高、危害大而成为危害养禽业健康发展的一大隐患。在目前尚未有较好的抗球虫疫苗的情况下,在饲料中添加 相似文献
添加抗球虫药和硒对肉用仔鸡生长发育的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用二次回归通用旋转组合设计方法,研究了在艾维茵肉用仔鸡日粮中添加两种抗球虫药(盐霉素和山度拉霉素)和微量元素硒之后,对感染球虫病后肉鸡增重的影响。探讨了三者之间的作用关系,建立了数学模型。肉鸡生产模型为:y=2.108 0.038x1 0.013x2 0.003x3-0.016x1x2 0.014x1x3 0.013x2x3-0.013x2^2-0.009x2^2-0.015x3^2通过试验,建立此函数关系,指导于生产实践,更好地抵抗球虫病,提高仔鸡增重量,使感染鸡球虫病的鸡生产性能提高。 相似文献
随着我国加入WTO.WTO规则给我国的家禽业带来机遇的同时.也带来严峻的挑战。国际市场竞争更加激烈,备国相继出台了产品准入规则等技术壁垒,中国的家禽出口也几经沉浮,药残问题已经成为十分敏感的问题,欧共体最近对在饲料中禁止使用的添加剂进行了调整.给中国的家禽业者带来了一些混乱。本文基于客观事实对梅里亚公司的抗球虫药进行了概述.旨在澄清事实.说明真相。 相似文献
兔球虫病是兔最常见且危害严重的寄生虫病之一 ,是由艾美耳属的球虫寄生于家兔肠道内引起的一种原虫病 ,其中斯氏艾美耳球虫 (Eimeriaseiedae)是兔严重致病的一种球虫。目前 ,市售抗球虫药很多 ,但即能抗球虫又兼保健促生长作用的药物品种并不多。我们选择三类药物进行抗球虫比较 ,旨在选出更为理想的抗球虫药物。1 材料与方法1.1 试验药物球佳由浙江拜克生物有限公司生产的淡黄色粉剂 (有效成分是地克球利 (Diclazutil) ;克球粉由哈尔滨生物制品二厂生产 ,氯苯胍由河北辛集市兽药厂生产。1.2 试验动物将粪检中… 相似文献
M. B. R. Alves R. T. Melo E. P. Mendonça P. C. Nalevaiko L. C. Girão 《British poultry science》2017,58(1):46-49
1. The aim was to determine the importance of a contaminated diet as a possible cause of Campylobacter jejuni infection in broilers.2. This study evaluated the viability of C. jejuni in both starter and finisher diets and the interference from other mesophilic bacteria in this viability.3. Starter and finisher samples of broiler diet were deliberately contaminated with 3 or 5 log CFU·g?1 of C. jejuni (NCTC 11351) and then maintained at two different storage temperatures (25°C or 37°C) for 3 or 5 d.4. C. jejuni survived during this period and, when inoculated at 103 CFU·g?1, multiplied with greater proliferation at a storage temperature of 37°C. There was no relationship between the amount of mesophilic bacteria and C. jejuni viability.5. This study highlights the importance of the diet in the epidemiology of C. jejuni in broilers. 相似文献
膨润土用于反刍动物的饲料添加剂 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文就产自新疆哈密的膨胀润土进行了全面的岩石学和矿物学研究。采用红外光谱,X-射线衍射分析、化学全分析等手段,对其矿物成分,微量元素、稀土元素、物化性能等方面做了全面测试分析,结果表明:该膨润土为质地优良的钠基膨润土,可作为饲料工业的原料矿产,尤其是反刍动物的饲料添加剂效果最佳。 相似文献
本文旨在研究杂种遗传算法应用于饲料配方设计的可行性.利用杂种遗传算法与已经应用的6种饲料配方算法(标准线性规划、目标规划、模糊线性规划、随机规划、模拟退火搜索和标准遗传算法)比较,结果显示,杂种遗传算法的配方满足了营养需要量和原料成分的约束要求,配方成本也有一定程度的减少.实例表明,杂种遗传算法应用于饲料配方设计具有可行性. 相似文献
近年来,随着世界各国水产养殖及畜牧业的迅速发展,植物源性蛋白饲料和鱼粉等少量品种动物源性蛋白饲料已经越来越不能满足养殖业发展的高要求,因此,开辟蛋白质饲料的新来源研究意义重大。蚯蚓作为一种新型的动物源性高蛋白质源,因其易养殖、繁殖率高、营养丰富和极具环保价值等特点,正逐步受到广大养殖者的青睐。 相似文献
癸氧喹酯溶液在鸡体内的药动学研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
建立了鸡血浆中癸氧喹酯的高效液相-荧光检测法.结果表明,在0.02~10.0 μg/mL范围内,癸氧喹酯血药浓度呈线性关系.最低检测限为0.01μg/mL,回收率在84%以上,日内RSD小于6.87%.试验鸡按3 mg/kg体重分别经口单次灌服癸氧喹酯溶液剂和癸氧喹酯原料粉.给药后0.25~48 h内血药浓度均低于定量限(0.02μg/mL),无明显浓度变化曲线,无法进行药动学血药浓度-时间分析. 相似文献
酶制剂在饲料中的应用研究进展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
自从1975年美国饲料工业首次把酶制剂作为添加剂应用于配合饲料中并取得显著效果后,饲用酶制剂日益受到世界养殖业的重视。而抗生素、激素和药物类添加剂大量应用于饲料中,造成的动物食品污染和有害物质残留日益加重,饲料安全问题日益突出。目前,许多国家都在努力加强对饲料添加剂的管理,西欧、日本、美国等国家相继颁布了一系列法律,在饲料中禁止或限制使用抗生素、激素和药物类添加剂。“天然、绿色、无污染、无残留”成为21世纪世界畜牧业发展的主题。 相似文献
有机酸是有益于动物健康的饲料添加物 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
欧盟对抗生素的禁用和全球对无药物家禽产品需求的持续增加,致使家禽生产公司重新考虑使用有机酸饲料添加剂.他们发现,有机酸所产生的好处远不止促进家禽的生长和改善其饲料转化率,它还可以将致病菌传播的风险减到最低程度,同时可提高食物安全. 相似文献
Kause A Tobin D Houlihan DF Martin SA Mäntysaari EA Ritola O Ruohonen K 《Journal of animal science》2006,84(4):807-817
To assess the genetic potential for selection of increased feed efficiency in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), we estimated the heritabilities and correlations for BW, daily weight gain (DG), and daily feed intake (DFI). Body weight was recorded 5 times, and DG and DFI 3 times during a feeding trial lasting 22 mo. To test the hypothesis that phenotypic and genetic parameters were influenced by a nutritional environment, fish were fed either a modern normal protein diet (NP, 40 to 45% protein and 30 to 33% lipid) or an alternative high protein diet (HP, 50 to 56% protein, 20 to 24% lipid) in a split-family design. Results showed that there were no large differences in heritabilities between the diets. Average heritability for DFI over both diets and different fish ages was low (average h2 = 0.10), indicating that modest genetic changes in response to selection can be obtained. Average heritabilities for BW and DG over both diets and different fish ages were 0.28 and 0.33, respectively. The NP diet enabled fish to express a wide range of BW, as shown by the increased coefficients of phenotypic variation for BW. Fish fed the HP diet showed increased phenotypic variation for DFI in > 750-g fish. On the NP diet, genetic correlations of DFI with DG and BW were very strong for 750- to 2,000-g fish. In contrast, on the HP diet, the respective correlations were moderate to low, revealing more genetic potential to change growth and feed intake simultaneously in opposite directions. An analysis of the predicted selection responses showed that selection solely for high DG improved feed efficiency as a correlated genetic response. Simultaneous selection for high DG and reduced DFI, in turn, may increase genetic gain in feed efficiency by a factor of 1.2 compared with selection solely for DG. However, variation for growth and feed intake and the relationships between these traits were different in different nutritional environments, leading to divergent genetic responses on the alternative diets. 相似文献