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雅长兰科植物自然保护区位于广西西北部乐业县境内,地处云贵高原东南边缘,是云贵高原向广西丘陵过渡的山原地带,主要地貌类型为中山地貌和低山地貌,保护区各山体之间沟谷纵横,叠峰连绵。最低海拔400米、最高海拔1971米。保护区属桂西中亚热带季风气候区,年平均气温16.3℃,最高气温38℃,最低气温-5℃。  相似文献   

孟连农场位于云南省孟连县,东经99°3′~99°15′,北纬22°6′~22°15′,植胶区分布在南马河下游河谷两侧和南卡江东岸的低山山地,海拔530~940m,土壤以砖红壤为主,成土母质为千枚岩及砂质岩,属北热带半湿润季风气候,年均温21.7℃,最冷月均温15.2℃,基本无霜,年降雨量约1400mm,年平均风速1.2m/s.  相似文献   

<正>气候系指某一地区多年的天气特征,其由太阳辐射、大气环流、地面性质等因素相互作用所决定。山地由于海拔的差异、地形的影响而形成独特的山地气候,其最主要的决定因素为高度、方位与地被。因气温随海拔升高而降低,每上升1000米约降低6℃,而降水则随海拔升高而递增,但达到最大降水高度后则随高度增高而递减,所以高山地区气候随着高度的变化依序形成若干垂直气候带,就如从低纬度到高纬度一样,这种环境条件就造成山地生物多样性的垂直分异。  相似文献   

对西双版纳山地逆温的考查结果表明:逆温顶层最高海拔上限达1800m,厚度600m—800m,最大逆温强度为3.7℃—3.8℃/100m,冬干季(11月—4月)逆温出现频率最高,达90%以上;逆温在山体坡面形成一个暖带,一般位于雾层顶部以上100m—200m范围内;越冬期间山区比坝区最低温度累计值高约700℃,日均温累计值高约230℃,日照每天多4h—5h;西双版纳山区按垂直高度分为三个气候带,海拔800m以下为北热带,800m—1800m为南亚热带,1800m以上为中亚热带  相似文献   

青龙山水源林保护区位于龙州县西北部,北纬22°27’2”-22°99’42”,东经106°92’20”-106°53’25”之间,总面积151km2;1982年经广西人民政府批准,1985年建立水源林保护站,主要保护对象为水源涵养林。自然环境该保护区属半上半石山区,一般海拔300~500m,处于北热带北缘,气候受东南季风影响,具有温暖湿润的特点。年平均气温22℃,1月均温13.9℃,极端最低温-1.3℃,7月均温27.9℃,极端最高温39.4℃,≥10℃的年活动积温7780℃,年降水量1488~1515mm,空气相对湿度对79%~81%。保护区石山部分的土壤以黑色石灰土和棕…  相似文献   

正福寿林场位于湖南省平江县南部,属罗霄山脉连云山支脉,最高海拔1573.2米,最低海拔835米,属中亚热带向北亚热带过渡的气候带。年平均气温12.1℃,极端最高气温33.4℃,最低气温为-15℃,年日照1500小时,无霜期217天,年相对湿度87%。林场经营面积1274.9公顷,活立木蓄积量为89018立方米,森林覆盖率93%。有木本植物55科,275种。乔木树种主要  相似文献   

春秀水源林保护区位于龙州县西部,地处北纬22°72’-22°92’,东经106°92’-106°36’之间,总面积78.7km2。1982年经广西人民政府批准,1985年建立保护区管理站,主要保护对象为水源涵养林。自然环境该保护区属石灰岩山地,地貌以峰林为主,一般海拔300~500m。本保护区内地面水系不发达,没有明显的河流,只有2个小水库和水口河流经本区东北部。本保护区在北热带北缘,受东南季风影响,属季风气候区。年平均气温21.5℃-22℃,1月平均气温13.8℃-14℃,极端最低温-1.3℃;7月平均温度28.6℃,极端最高温39.4℃,≥10℃的年活…  相似文献   

<正>在山地上,随着山地高度的增加,气温随之降低,每上升100米,气温下降0.6℃;在一定的海拔范围内,降水量则随海拔的升高逐渐增加。只要山体有足够的高度,自下而上便可形成一系列的垂直自然带,带内的气候、水文、植被、动物和土壤等自然要素从山麓到山顶随高度增加而逐渐更替。  相似文献   

大别山属北亚热带温暖湿润季风气候区,具有典型的山地气候特征,气候温和,雨量充沛。年平均气温12.5℃。山地一般海拔500~800m。大别山蕴藏着丰富的植物资源,在此略谈大别山野生树莓的开发价值和栽培技术。  相似文献   

<正>神农架位于我国地势第二、第三级阶梯交界处,在湖北西部边陲,由大巴山脉东延的余脉组成中高山地貌。这里属于中纬度北亚热带季风区,气温偏凉而且多雨,由于一年四季受到湿热的东南季风和干冷的大陆高压交替影响,以及高山森林对热量、降水的调节,随海拔的升高形成低山、中山、亚高山3个气候带,立体气候十分明显。又由于其气候时空变化较大,有"六  相似文献   

The effects of flooding on growth of seedlings were compared over a 7-month period (April–November) among six different woody species: Aesculus turbinata, Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Fraxinus platypoda, Pterocarya rhoifolia, Pterostyrax hispida, and Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata. Flooding reduced the shoot length of F. platypoda, P. rhoifolia, C. japonicum, P. hispida, and Q. mongolica var. grosseserrata seedlings but did not affect that of A. turbinata seedlings. Among control seedlings, shoot elongation occurred once in A. turbinata and twice in F. platypoda and Q. mongolica var. grosseserrata; the other species continued to grow from April to August. Among the flooded plants of all species, shoot elongation occurred only once at the beginning of the growing season. On August 25, flooding significantly reduced the number of developed leaves as compared with control plants except for A. turbinata. In the flooded plants except for F. platypoda, leaf fall began on June 30; in controls, by contrast, the number of developed leaves increased until August 25. Flooding reduced the total dry weight increment in all species. The survival ratio of flooded plants after the experiment differed with species. All of the F. platypoda and A. turbinata seedlings survived the flooding treatment, while only 20% of P. hispida and 30% of Q. mongolica var. grosseserrata survived. Flooding seriously affected the growth of riparian pioneer species including P. rhoifolia, C. japonicum, P. hispida, and Q. mongolica var. grosseserrata. The effects of flooding on growth of the seedlings differed with the tree species because of differences in leaf-emergence pattern and physiological flood tolerance. The responses of tree seedlings to flooding reflected species habitats and growth patterns.  相似文献   

This study investigated the dynamic modulus of elasticity (DMOE) of wood panels of Fraxinus mandshurica, Pinus koraiensis, and Juglans mandshurica using the natural frequency measurement system of fast Fourier transform (FFT). The results were compared with the static modulus of elasticity (E S) tested by a mechanical test machine. The results show a significant correlation between E S, transverse vibration DMOE (E F), and longitudinal vibration DMOE (E L). For all of these species, the correlation between E S, E F and E L is more significant than the individual species, which indicated that the FFT method is universal. The correlations between E S and sample’s density (ρ) are significant, but the correlation coefficient of E S and ρ is lower than those between E F, E L and E S. The E S of wood is more accurately tested by the analysis based on FFT measurement than by the estimation based on density. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2005, 41(6): 126–131 [译自: 林业科学, 2005, 41(6): 126–131]  相似文献   

大花葵花色苷抑菌功能研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本项研究通过采用固体培养和液体培养的试验方法,进行大花葵花(Malvasylvestris)色苷对金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌和黑曲霉的抑菌试验。结果表明:大花葵花色苷对金黄色葡萄球菌有很强的抑制作用,而对大肠杆菌和黑曲霉没有抑制现象发生。在固体培养试验中大花葵花色苷随着浓度的增加,对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制程度越大,当大花葵花色苷浓度为10g/L时抑菌圈平均直径为6mm,当浓度增加至30g/L时,抑菌圈平均直径为16mm。而且,高浓度的大花葵花色苷溶液对金黄色葡萄球菌有长时间的抑制作用。  相似文献   

The technology of liquefying processed-waste bamboo with phenol is investigated by single factor trials and an orthogonal design. We studied the preparation technology and properties of adhesives from this phenol-liquefied bamboo with formaldehyde (BPF). The results show that temperature has a significant effect on liquefaction. The effect of the mass ratio of phenol to bamboo comes second and the catalyst dosage within the range of 2%–4% is the least effective. The optimum conditions of liquefaction are as follows: a mass ratio of phenol to bamboo 3.5, a catalyst dosage of 4%, liquefying temperature 145°C and liquefying time 60 min. The liquefaction rate of bamboo reached 99.1%. For the preparation of the adhesive, a mass ratio of liquefied bamboo products to formaldehyde (37%) is 100 to 164.8–199.5, while the ratio 100 to 108.2 is the best. This adhesive has a lower curing temperature than that of normal PF resin. At a hot-press temperature of 130 or 140°C, this new adhesive provides excellent bonding strength of plywood. The most favorable temperature for hot-pressing is 140°C. __________ Translated from Chemistry and Industry of Forest Products, 2007, 27(6): 65–70 [译自: 林产化学与工业]  相似文献   

[目的]分离并量化土壤自养呼吸和异养呼吸,探讨各自贡献率及其随季节变化的动态特征。[方法]采用壕沟法和气体红外分析法,研究黄河小浪底库区山地栓皮栎人工林土壤总呼吸、自养呼吸和异养呼吸速率的季节动态变化、贡献率和环境影响因子。[结果]表明:栓皮栎人工林总土壤呼吸、自养呼吸和异养呼吸均呈夏季速率高、冬季速率低。栓皮栎土壤总呼吸、自养呼吸及异养呼吸速率与5 cm土壤温度均呈极显著指数相关,温度敏感性系数Q_(10)值大小为自养呼吸(3.40)异养呼吸(2.90)土壤总呼吸(2.45);栓皮栎土壤总呼吸、自养呼吸、异养呼吸速率与0 10 cm土壤体积含水量均显著线性相关;土壤总呼吸、自养呼吸速率与0 10 cm土壤电导率显著相关。土壤总呼吸和异养呼吸的温度敏感系数Q_(10)值均在冬季最大,夏秋季最小;而自养呼吸的Q_(10)值则呈相反的变化趋势。栓皮栎人工林自养呼吸和异养呼吸对土壤总呼吸的月贡献率为13.23%37.33%和62.67%86.76%,且自养呼吸的贡献率与土壤温度的季节变化规律相似。土壤总呼吸、异养呼吸与自养呼吸的CO2年通量分别为1 616.41、1 199.39、417.02 g·m~(-2)·a~(-1)。[结论]经过区分与定量化土壤总呼吸及其组分,确定异养呼吸为本研究区栓皮栎人工林土壤总呼吸的主要组分,作用于异养呼吸的生物与非生物因子均能显著影响整个森林生态系统表层CO_2总排放通量的大小,进一步为该研究区森林生态系统碳循环与能量流动的进一步量化研究提供参考。  相似文献   

多种用途树种和灌木在农业系统中有重要的作用,在减少饲料供求矛盾和补充世界各地饲料赤字,提高动物生产力方面有很大的潜力。同时,评价草料各种营养特性,利于生产定量平衡的饲料。评价12种多种用途树种(Acacia auri-culiformis,Albizzia procera,Dalbergia sissoo,Gliricidia macu-lata,Leucaena leucocephala,Samanea saman,Azadirachta in-dica,Eucalyptus hybrida,Gmelina arborea,Michelia champaca,Morus alba,和Tectona grandis)的树叶的营养特性,其中分别包括6种豆科和非豆科树种,指标包括:常规成分,细胞壁成分,总鞣质含量,大量(Ca和P)与微量元素(Fe,Cu,Zn,Mn和Co)含量,干物质体外消化率与有机物消化率以及代谢能量值。结果表明上述各参数都有明显的差异。有机物,粗蛋白质含量,石油醚提取物总量,粗纤维含量,无氮浸出物,总灰分的平均值分别为:(92.02±0.30)%,(16.00±0.74)%,(3.05±0.13)%,(18.97±1.07)%,(54.00±1.12)%和(7.98±0.30)%。豆科树种较非豆科树种有更高的粗蛋白质含量(18.30%和13.70%)。细胞壁成分中的中性洗涤纤维素,酸性洗涤纤维,半纤维,纤维素,酸性木质素含量平均值分别为:(52.48±1.05)%,(31.72±0.97)%,(20.76±0.88)%,(16.97±0.70)%和(9.57±0.62)%。总鞣质含量为(4.22±0.32)%。Ca与P之比合理,多种树种叶中Fe和Mn含量丰富,P,Cu,Zn和Co水平低于标准水平含量。干物质体外消化率与有机物消化率平均值分别为(48.96±1.30)%和(50.69±1.36)%。代谢能量值为(6.95±0.11)MJ·kg-1。粗蛋白质含量与干物质体外消化率与有机物消化率和代谢能量值成正相关;而这三个参数与中性洗涤纤维素,酸性洗涤纤维,和酸性木质素含量成负相关。结果表明:银合欢可作为优良饲料的树种,因为它具有最高的干物质体外消化率与有机物消化率以及代谢能量值(65.20%,67.66%和7.95MJ·kg-1),而Gliricidia maculata,Morus alba,Azadirachta indica,Dalbergia sissoo和Samanea saman可做较好类型饲料的树种,其它树种做饲料质量差。  相似文献   

落叶松水浸液对胡桃楸幼苗生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
YANG Li-xue 《林业研究》2005,16(4):285-288
A study was conducted to detect the effect of water extracts from different parts such as root, bark, branch and leaf, of adult larch, Larix gmelini, trees on growth of Manchurian walnut, Juglans mandshudca, seedlings and the allelopathy between the two tree species. Four concentrations (100 g. kg i, 50 g. kg^-1, 25 g. kg^-1 and 12.5 g. kg^-1) were prepared for each kind of extracts. Result showed that the water extracts with low and moderate concentrations accelerated the growth of collar diameter and increased biomass and root/shoot ratio of walnut seedlings. The water extracts from branches and barks with low and moderate concentrations accelerated the height growth of the seedlings, while those from leaves and roots slightly decreased the height growth of seedlings. The fact that application of water extracts of larch improved the growth of Manchurian walnut attributes possibly to the allelopathy between the two tree species.  相似文献   

The poplar bacterial canker caused by Erwinia sp is a serious disease spreading inmost parts of Northeast China,where poplars are cultivalted.The disease seriously infects thosepoplars belonging to section Aigeiros or the intersection hybrids of section Tacamahaca and section Aigeiros and their clones.Five fine poplar cultivars resistant to the bacterial canker have been ob-tained by screening tests.They are Lz_2(Populus simonii×nigra var.italica),A_(15)(P.×sp.)613(P.×sp.),A_(102)and A_(98)(P.simonii×sp.)T following chemicals are obviously effective,such as:50%DT germicide ,40% XF-136 and 10% C.C.M.A.or 12.5% ramphencol and 50,000 ppm/mlvalidamycin,with which the stems or roots can be watered.  相似文献   

植物功能性状由生境条件和遗传因素共同决定,田间控制实验能够揭示植物功能性状在种内和种间的变异程度.采集南北样带温带区8个地点6种栎属树种的种子,通过田间栽培试验,以均一环境下1年生幼苗为对象,研究比较种内及种间比叶重、单位叶面积光合速率、单位叶重量光合速率、总干物质含量和根冠比5种功能性状的变化差异,并且分析幼苗功能性状与种子性状的关系.结果发现:栎属树种种间幼苗的功能性状变异系数高于种内,并且种内功能性状的差异较小,种间差异性较大,而比叶重和叶片光合速率无论在种间还是种内,其变异率都较小;总干物质量和根冠比与种子质量显著相关,随种子质量增加幼苗的总干物质量和根冠比呈现增加的趋势,比叶重和叶片光合速率与种子质量的相关性较小.  相似文献   

The gymnemic acid contents in various organs of Gymnema sylvestre were investigated by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method. The results shows that the content of gymnemic acid in various organs, obviously different, was 54.29, 31.66, 28.82, 27.67, 25.39, 20.56 and 1.31 mg·g−1 DW in shoot tips, flowers, nodes, leaves, internodes, roots and seeds, respectively. The highest gymnemic acid content (54.29 mg·g−1 DW) was found in shoot tip, 1.96 fold higher than that in leaves (27.67 mg·g−1 DW). Maximum quantity of gymnemic acid (35.39 mg·g−1 DW) was observed in the young leaves, which was 1.52 times higher than that in old leaves (23.07 mg·g−1 DW). The content of gymnemic acid in young, middle and old internodes was 26.47, 25.77 and 23.94 mg·g−1 DW, respectively, all lower than that in leaves (27.67 mg·g−1 DW), whereas the content of gymnemic acid in young, middle and old nodes was 27.96, 28.81 and 29.66 mg·g−1 DW, respectively, all higher than that in leaves. The study provides the scientific evidences for the rational development and utilization of Gymnema sylvestre resources, since over exploitation of natural stands has caused depletion of these plants in nature. Foundation project: This work was supported by University Grants Commission, New Delhi (No. 33-88/2007 (SR))  相似文献   

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