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Most current cultivars of narrow-leafed lupin have an indeterminate growth habit such that vegetative growth continues while the pods are being filled, causing strong intra-plant competition for assimilates. Restricted-branching (RB) genotypes can reduce this tendency and raise the proportion of the plant's biomass going into grain. Studies on the inheritance of the RB trait showed that two spontaneous mutants, P25598 and P21227, each carried a single incompletely dominant allele conferring the trait, whereas two other spontaneous mutants, P24743 and P25582, and two induced mutants, P26021 and P21238, each carried a single recessive allele conferring the trait. The RB alleles present in P26021 and P21238 seem to be the same, and to be at the same locus as (or tightly linked to) the allele controlling the RB trait in P21227. Similarly, the genes present in P21227 and the induced mutant P25735 appear to be the same when these lines are crossed. However, they do not behave the same in crosses with P26021: thus we propose that there are at least three alleles at the same locus (or at tightly linked loci) that confer RB. Normal-branching plants that are heterozygous at an RB locus generally have fewer leaves on the uppermost branch than homozygous-normal plants. Similarly, RB plants that are heterozygous generally have fewer branchless nodes on the main stem than homozygous-RB plants. The RB trait is associated with a small but significant reduction in the number of leaves on the main stem. However, this relationship is weak and will not prevent plant breeders from selecting both early- and late-flowering RB genotypes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

White lupin (Lupinus albus) and narrow-leafed lupin (L. angustifolius) have special interest as high-protein feed crops but their cultivation is limited by low grain yields. This study aimed to support breeding programs targeting Italy or other climatically variable south-European regions by investigating within-species adaptation patterns across contrasting Italian environments. An additional aim was comparing species for yielding ability. Eight narrow-leafed and six white lupin cultivars featuring different origin, phenological type (Mediterranean in both species; winter in white lupin; spring in narrow-leafed lupin) and plant architecture (determinate or indeterminate in both species; tall or dwarf in white lupin) were evaluated in a Mediterranean and a subcontinental-climate site under autumn and late-winter sowing. Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction was preferable to joint regression for modeling yield responses. In both species, cross-over GE interaction was observed (P < 0.05), autumn-sown Mediterranean and subcontinental environments were the most-contrasting for GE effects, and widely adapted material included cultivars of Mediterranean phenological type with indeterminate growth. Material with determinate growth was not among the best-yielding entries in any environment, whereas a dwarf winter-type white lupin entry was specifically adapted to autumn-sown subcontinental environments. White lupin displayed larger genetic variation than narrow-leafed lupin for phenology and other traits. Relationships of morphophysiological traits with grain yield were environment-specific and were locally high for some white lupin traits (early flowering, long reproductive phase, high aerial biomass, low proportion of pod wall). White lupin exhibited higher yielding ability than narrow-leafed lupin in all environments but the late-winter sown Mediterranean one, when comparing locally top-yielding cultivars.  相似文献   

A 2-year study of autumn-sown white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) was conducted under rainfed Mediterranean conditions in southern Spain. 108 landraces were evaluated for yield and major phonological and plant structural characteristics. Path coefficient and Genotype-Trait (GT) biplot analysis were used. Applying both types of analyses to the multiple trait data revealed that GT biplot graphically displayed the interrelationships among traits and facilitated visual comparison of accessions and selection. Wide variation was observed for trait phenology (dates of flowering and maturity), plant structure (plant and first order inflorescence height) and yield characters (first order branches, first order inflorescence and total yield). It was found that the accessions with the highest yields were the tallest and the latest to flower, both on the mainstem and on the lowest first order branch, and also were the latest to mature. GT biplots also had suggested as the accessions have been displayed according to their origins. The results showed that foreign germplasm may be an important material for improving some yield components such as number of pods and seeds per plant of locally adapted lupins in Spain. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted toinvestigate the genetic inheritance of podcomponents in spring-sown white lupin. Ananalysis of the genetic parameters ofproportion of pod walls and related podcomponents should be helpful to define aselection strategy in the future lupinbreeding programs. Two mating designs wereused, a complete diallel, and a halfdiallel, without reciprocals and withoutselfing. The parental lines covered therange of genetic variation for theproportion of the pod walls available inthe white lupin collection from INRA,France. Diallel analyses were carried outvia Griffing (model I and II) andHayman methods. Proportion of pod walls,seed weight per pod and mean seed weightshowed a mainly additive inheritance.Narrow sense heritability was higher forthe proportion of pod walls than for theother pod components. The correlationbetween general combining ability (GCA) andparental phenotypic values was high forproportion of pod walls. This suggestedthat mean parental performance could be auseful indicator of mean cross performancefor the proportion of pod walls in whitelupin. For pure line breeding, theestimates of GCA values showed thatEgyptian accessions would be valuableparents. Breeding for reduced proportion ofpod walls may be a way of improving seedyield.  相似文献   

A Fusarium sp. root pathogen of lupin is the causal agent of the most important disease that affects the cultivation of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) in Egypt. The aim of our research was to investigate whether host resistance to Fusariumroot disease was available in Egyptian landraces ofLupinus albus. Five Fusarium isolates collected from white lupin samples in Egypt were tested with an Egyptian landrace and a French cultivar. The most aggressive isolate was used to screen an additional 15 Egyptian landraces, two cultivars released in Egypt after selection among landraces, one Polish cultivar, and two French cultivars. The assessment of host response to Fusarium was performed in a field, and under controlled conditions in a greenhouse pot experiment. Most landraces and the two Egyptian cultivars showed better resistance with good accordance between field and pot experiment. This experiment showed that Egyptian genetic resources of white lupin possess partial resistance to Fusarium root rot. Egyptian germplasm may be an alternative genetic source for incorporating partial resistance to Fusarium root rot into the breeding pools. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Nabicol (B. napus L. var. pabularia) is a traditional crop in the Northwest of Iberian Peninsula (South of Galicia and North of Portugal) where it is grown during the winter season on small farms and gardens using traditional varieties. A collection of 36 populations of nabicol from Galicia (northwestern Spain) was evaluated during 2002 and 2003 in two locations and two growing seasons (spring/summer and autumn/spring) for 28 agronomic and morphological traits. The objectives of this study were to: (i) evaluate a collection of nabicol landraces from northwestern Spain, (ii) determine the suitability of this germplasm as a summer crop and (iii) study the genetic diversity among local populations. Significant differences were observed among populations for most traits. Genotype × environment interaction was significant for most of them. Spring/summer growing season could be recommended for growing nabicol but resistance to Lepidoptera pests attacking Brassica crops should be improved. Most populations had an agronomic value similar to the commercial variety. The most promising variety for horticultural use was MBG-BRS0063, which showed the highest yield. Morphological and agronomic data were subjected to cluster analysis and four groups were defined with a group clustering most populations. The low genetic diversity could be explained because populations were collected in close geographical areas and the selection made by farmers was always for a horticultural use. These results give information about the diversity and breeding value of the nabicol Spanish germplasm, which could be useful in breeding programs.  相似文献   

A yield potential experiment was conducted with one farmers variety and 10 improved varieties released over the periods 1960–1995 to estimate the progress made in improving grain yield potential and to determine changes produced on agronomic traits associated with genetic yield potential improvement. The experiment was conducted at the Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center, Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, on two soil types in the 1997 main cropping season, using a randomized complete block design with three replications. Evaluation of cultivars from different eras in a common environment has been used to estimate breeding progress. Optimum levels of fertilizers and full weed and bird control programs were used. Netting was used to prevent lodging. Data on grain yield and its attributes were determined. Grain yield of tef was estimated to have risen for 35 years of breeding from 3425 to 4599 kg/ha. Biomass yield and kernel weight per main panicle were greater in newer cultivars, highly and linearly related to cultivar age, and positively and significantly correlated to grain yield. Number of spikelets per panicle is also greater in newer cultivars and significantly and positively correlated with grain yield. Improved plant height, panicle length and kernels per panicle were a feature of most modern genotypes. However, no change occurred in harvest index and 100-kernel weight. Results of a stepwise regression analysis of grain yield on selected yield components revealed that biomass yield was the single most important yield attribute, which accounted for 56.7% of the variation in grain yield.  相似文献   

Crops belonging to the genus Brassicaare widely grown in Galicia (northwesternSpain). Kales (Brassica oleracea L.convar. acephala (DC.) Alef.) are oneof the most important Brassica cropsin this region where landraces aretraditionally grown by farmers on smallplots for either human or animal food.Fifteen kale populations from northwesternSpain were evaluated in two locations andtwo planting dates (early and late). Theobjectives were i) to study theirmorphological diversity, ii) to determinetheir relationships, and iii) to evaluatetheir morphological and agronomiccharacteristics that could be incorporatedto breeding programs in the future.Significant differences were found amongpopulations for all traits while genotype ×environment interaction was not significantfor most of them. Cluster and principalcomponent analysis were performed todetermine relationships among landraces andto obtain information on the usefulness ofthe characters for the definition ofgroups. The phenogram showed five groups,two groups including most of thepopulations and three small independentgroups. Groups of landraces were associatedwith the geographical origin and withmorphological differences amongpopulations, mainly with the length oftheir vegetative phase: north and earlypopulations (cluster A) and south and latepopulations (cluster B). Morphologicaldiversity was higher in coastal populationsthan in inland populations. As conclusion,the populations evaluated in this workdisplay a wide diversity of traits whichenable us to select and combine someinteresting landraces for important traitsin order to obtain improved varieties.  相似文献   

The genetics of resistance to Phomopsis stem blight caused by Diaporthe toxica Will., Highet, Gams & Sivasith. in narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) was studied in crosses between resistant cv. Merrit, very resistant breeding line 75A:258 and susceptible cv. Unicrop. A non-destructive glasshouse infection test was developed to assess resistance in the F1, F2, selected F2-derived F3 (F2:3) families, and in selfed parent plants. The F1 of Unicrop × 75A:258 (and reciprocal cross) was very resistant, and the F2 segregated in a ratio of 3:1 (resistant: susceptible), which suggested the presence of a single dominant allele for resistance in 75A:258. In Merrit × Unicrop (and reciprocal), the F1 was moderately resistant, and the F2 segregated in a ratio of 3:1 (resistant: susceptible). Thus Merrit appeared to carry an incompletely dominant resistance allele for resistance. The F1 of Merrit × 75A:258 (and reciprocal) was very resistant and the F2 segregated in a ratio of 15:1 (resistant: susceptible), which supported the existence of independently segregating resistance alleles for resistance in 75A:258 and Merrit. Alleles at loci for early flowering (Ku) and speckled seeds (for which we propose the symbol Spk) segregated normally and independently of the resistance alleles. Resistant F2 plants gave rise to uniformly resistant or segregating F2:3 families, whereas susceptible F2 plants gave rise only to susceptible F2:3 families. However, the variation in resistance in the F2 and some F2:3 families of crosses involving 75A:258, from moderately to extremely resistant, was greater than that expected by chance or environmental variation. We propose the symbols Phr1 to describe the dominant resistance allele in 75A:258, and Phr2 for the incompletely dominant resistance allele in Merrit. Phr1 appears to be epistatic to Phr2, and expression of Phr1 may be altered by independently segregating modifier allele(s). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In Galicia (northwestern Spain), Brassica rapa subsp. rapa L. includes turnips, turnip greens, and turnip tops. The objectives of this study are (i) to determine the genetic diversity and morphological resemblances among the B. rapa landraces of northwestern Spain in order to have information relative to the resources preserved, and (ii) to evaluate their agronomic characteristics, considering the three potential products that can be harvested. A collection of 120 landraces was evaluated for 34 morphological and agronomical traits by an augmented design at two locations. Two landraces were the most promising for turnips production (MBG-BRS0183 and MBG-BRS0256), two showed the best characteristics for turnip greens (MBG-BRS0082 and MBG-BRS0184), and three were the most appropriate landraces for turnip tops production (MBG-BRS0143, MBG-BRS0173 and MBG-BRS0401). Landraces were classified into five clusters (A–E) using the Ward–MLM (Modified Location Model) strategy: (A) included plants with the worst agronomic potential, (B) included most of the turnip populations with rosette growth habit, (C) included turnip populations without rosette growth habit, having more vigorous plants than cluster B, (D) gathered the most vigorous local varieties, with the highest early vigor, fresh matter content per leaf, and number of secondary stems per plant, and (E) landraces characterized by their earliness, large flowering periods, high numbers of secondary stems, and large seed weights. As conclusion, landraces evaluated in this work displayed enough variability to differentiate among appropriate populations for each one of the distinct crops. Their classification, using the Ward–MLM strategy, grouped accessions with similar characteristics into homogeneous categories.  相似文献   

Following a survey involving wild oil palm groves in Côte d’Ivoire as a whole in 1968, 17 parents were chosen at Yocoboué (southernCôte d’Ivoire). Agronomic performance of the 17 parents was assessed through Deli × Yocoboué hybrids in 3 trials grown at La Mé (Côte d’Ivoire), Mondoni and La Dibamba (Cameroon).When compared to the Deli × La Mé progenies used as controls, the Deli × Yocoboué hybrids produced 91% for total bunch weight and86% for oil yields. However, the genetic variability within the Deli × Yocoboué progenies allows to select individual progenies as productive as the Deli × La Mé controls, for breeding purposes. A study of major agronomic traits led to the choice of parent YO 11 T , which combines the largest number of favourable traits. On average, Deli × Yocobouéprogenies have slower vertical growth and are susceptible to Fusarium wilt, except 2 parents (YO 3 T and YO 9 T), which seem to be resistant.  相似文献   

Wild types of Lupinus angustifolius require vernalization to promote flowering. Modern domesticated cultivars carry the early-flowering gene Ku which removes this requirement. A microsatellite-anchored fragment length polymorphism marker was identified as co-segregating with the Ku gene in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a domesticated × wild-type cross. DNA sequencing showed that the marker contained a 7 bp insertion/deletion polymorphism, as well as a single nucleotide polymorphism. A pair of sequence-specific primers was designed and successfully converted the size polymorphism into a simple polymerase chain reaction based co-dominant marker. This marker is closely linked to the Ku gene, as it co-segregates with the Ku phenotyping in a population consisting of 106 RILs.  相似文献   

Summary Determinate architecture is of great interest for lupin production in Europe but the extent of genetic and environmental variation in the structure and yield of determinate lupins must be evaluated. Forty-three genotypes of determinate autumn-sown white lupin were studied in four environments in France in 1991/92 and 1992/93. Wide variation was observed for phenological (dates of mainstem and branch flowering, date of end of flowering and date of maturity), morphological (numbers of branch orders, branches and leaves) and seed characters (seed yield, mean seed weight, number of seeds/m2). Both genetic and environmental effects contributed to the observed variation. Heritabilities were high for all characters, and the interaction between genotype and location effects was low. There were significant positive correlations of flowering dates with vegetative plant development including the number of branches, number of leaves and number of branch orders. Seed yield and phenological and archtectural characters were significantly correlated. Distribution of yield on the vegetative orders showed important variations according the genotype, and the variations were related to variation for the architecture. There are possibilities for yield improvement using morphological characters in determinate autumn-sown lupin.  相似文献   

Summary Four varieties of lupins were sown at three planting dates and the level of Phomopsis leptostromiformis measured on the mature stems. When averaged over planting dates the varieties did not differ in resistance to this disease, however there were highly significant interactions between varieties and planting dates for level of disease. The implications of this result for resistance breeding to Phomopsis leptostromiformis are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The species Lupinus hispanicus, throught its use as self-seeding forage, can contribute to solve the problem of forage scarcity during the summer in the livestock farming of the central-west Iberian Peninsula. A feature of the highest importance in achieving self-seeding is the seed-coat permeability. An evaluation of this characteristic has been carried out in a Lupinus hispanicus collection from Salamanca (Spain), its inheritance, and the influence of daily temperature fluctuations on the softening of the seeds. All the lines but one had impermeable seeds. It was established that the permeability of the seeds is controlled by the genotype of the mother-plant and the inheritance of this characteristic follows a simple Mendelian model, the permeability being recessive. It was also observed that seeds subjected to daily temperature fluctuations had an increased level of permeability.  相似文献   

水分胁迫对云南陆稻主要农艺性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示水分胁迫对陆稻主要农艺性状的影响,以21 个云南陆稻品种为材料,对其9 个主要农艺性状在旱作和水培2 种水分管理模式下的变化规律以及与旱作产量的相关关系进行分析。结果表明:陆稻旱作较水作生育期延长、有效穂数降低、实粒数减少、结实率下降、千粒重降低。水分胁迫下陆稻各主要农艺性状与抗旱系数的通径分析表明:陆稻的多种农艺性状均与其抗旱能力有着不同程度的依存关系,但是与旱作产量关系最密切、影响最大、最直接的还是有效穗数、实粒数、千粒重这3 个指标。因此在陆稻栽培过程中,宜采用“稳穗、增粒、增重”的高产生产措施。通过采取适宜的措施,在适当增加穗数的前提下,通过提高陆稻的结实率和千粒重实现高产。  相似文献   

Approaches are needed to broaden the genetic base and improve earliness and yield potential of large-seeded beans under sustainable cropping systems. The objective of this research was to develop adapted dwarf bean populations having a commercial seed quality and yield suitable for the production in the South of Europe. The original base populations were produced from crosses between genotypes within each Mesoamerica, Nueva Granada and Peru races, and between Peru and Nueva Granada, and Mesoamerica and Nueva Granada races. Visual mass selection for plant performance was practised in the F2 and F3 generations. In the F4 and F5, single plants were harvested under two cropping systems (sole cropping and intercropping with maize). From F4, selection was based on precocity, combined with seed yield and seed commercial type. The F4:7 selected lines from each original population were compared with their parents and five checks at four environments and two cropping systems. Differences among environments, populations, parents and checks were observed for all traits. Under intercropping with maize, there was a 50% reduction in seed yield. Yield of parents and checks belonging to Andean South American races, intraracial (Nueva Granada × Nueva Granada) and interracial (Nueva Granada × Peru) populations, was higher than that of those of Middle American origin. Intraracial crosses within large-seeded Andean South American (Peru race) and Middle American gene pools (Mesoamerica race) did not produce lines yielding more than the highest yielding parent. Only two large-seeded lines selected from crosses between small- and large-seeded gene pools out-yielded the best parent and check cultivar.  相似文献   

Summary One of the potential uses of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) is as a forage crop. Information on inherent differences in forage nutritional quality is essential if the quality of the forage is to be improved through breeding. The objectives of this study were to determine the genotypic variability among and within forage of Jerusalem artichoke cultivars for the concentration of N, P, Ca, Mg, K and the Ca/P ratio at flowering, to determine if selection among and within cultivars is feasible, to estimate the magnitude of the genotype × environment interaction, and to examine the relationships among mineral concentrations in the forage. Ten cultivated Jerusalem artichoke cultivars grown in an irrigated field nursery at Bushland, TX were evaluated for N, P, Ca, Mg, K, and the Ca/P ratio in the forage at flowering over a 2-yr period. Cultivars, cultivar × year, and error variances were estimated to calculate the phenotypic variance. Estimates of the within-population variances were also determined. The adequacy of Jerusalem artichoke forage at flowering for maintenance of a ruminant animal was classified as follows: N, Ca, Mg, K as adequate, P inadequate, and the Ca/P ratio as excessive. There were genotypic differences among the ten cultivars for N, P, Ca, Mg, K, and the Ca/P ratio for both years and averaged across years. The magnitude of the genotypic variance components indicated that a substantial proportion of the total variation for these elements was due to cultivar, indicating the possibility of improving these elements. However, further studies on heritability and response to selection will be required before conclusions can be reached concerning the likelihood of successfully breeding for these traits.  相似文献   

The differences between effects of homoeologous group 5 chromosomes on growth phases and agronomic characters were studied by using reciprocal substitution lines between a winter wheat cultivar with a high vernalization requirement (Mironovskaya 808) and one with lowvernalization requirement (Bezostaya 1), in which the presence of different recessive vrn alleles is supposed. The two cultivars and the substitution lines Mironovskaya 808 (Bezostaya 1 5A), Mironovskaya 808 (Bezostaya 1 5B), Mironovskaya 808 (Bezostaya 1 5D), Bezostaya1 (Mironovskaya 808 5A), Bezostaya 1 (Mironovskaya 808 5B),Bezostaya 1 (Mironovskaya 808 5D) were grown at 10 different sowing dates. The results showed that differences between the homoeologous group 5 chromosomes of Mironovskaya 808 and those of Bezostaya 1influenced the growth phases in addition to the impact by the genetic background and sowing date. We inferred from the analysis and comparison of their effect on vernalization response that vrn loci on these chromosomes influence growth phases. It is probably due to pleiotropic effects of the loci. The rare occurrence of significant interactions between group 5 chromosomes × sowing dates probably indicates independence of their effect. Agronomic characters were also markedly influenced by sowing date and the difference in backgrounds between Mironovskaya 808 and Bezostaya 1. A significant impact by at least two of the chromosomes on almost all studied characters was detected. The chromosomes affected the combined characters in the order5D>5B>5A and the positive value of the differences suggests that a content of Mironovskaya 808 chromosomes is more advantageous. It was possible to find certain indices in some agronomic traits, supporting the idea that the expression of some characters can also be connected to vernalization requirement and thus to the expression of the vrn loci. This supposition is most probable in the number of tillers and number of spikes. In some traits significant interactions occurred between homoeologous group 5 chromosomes × genetic background. Sporadic and low significance between homoeologous group 5 chromosomes × sowing dates suggest that the genetic effect of these chromosomes is independent of environmental conditions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

为了探究复合微生物菌剂615在甜脆豌豆栽培中的田间应用效果,以甜脆豌豆品种‘长寿仁’为试材,研究了4种施肥处理(不施肥对照,单施复合菌剂615,单施化肥,化肥+复合菌剂615配施)对主要农艺性状、产量和品质、根际微生物数量的影响。结果表明:所有施肥处理可显著提高结荚率(幅度为7.90%~12.49%),单施菌剂的病害率减少10.83%;所有施肥处理均可显著增加小区产量(幅度为10.75%~19.82%),其中化肥与菌剂配施增幅最大(19.82%)。单施菌剂使鲜食籽粒的总糖、蛋白和淀粉含量增加50.00%、9.24%和59.37%(p<0.05),其开花结荚期根际中的细菌、真菌和放线菌数量是苗期的1.93倍、2.38倍和2.36倍,化肥与菌剂配施可提高总糖和淀粉含量(p<0.05)。综合经济和生态效益,甜脆豌豆施肥推荐化肥与复合菌剂615配施。  相似文献   

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