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In the present study, the occurrence and molecular phylogeny of trypanosome parasites were studied in both wild and captive marsupials from Western Australia and Queensland. Blood samples were screened by PCR at the 18S rDNA locus, and the glycosomal glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase gene. Overall, 5.3% of the blood samples were positive at the 18S rDNA locus. All positives belonged to wild-captured Western Australian individuals, where trypanosome-specific DNA was detected in 9.8% of the screened samples from wild marsupials, in common brushtail possums, and woylies. The detection rate of trypanosome DNA in these two host species was 12.5% and 20%, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses based on two loci, indicated that the possum-derived trypanosome isolates were genetically distinct, and most closely related to the Australian marsupial trypanosomes H25 from a kangaroo, and BRA2 from a bush rat. This is the first study to genetically characterise trypanosome isolates from possums. The analysis of the woylie-derived isolates demonstrated that this marsupial host can harbour multiple genotypes within the same geographical location and furthermore multiple genotypes within the same host, indicative of mixed infections. All the woylie-derived genotypes grouped with trypanosomes found in Australian marsupials, suggesting that they are more likely to belong to an endemic or Australasian trypanosome species. This is the first study to genetically characterise trypanosome isolates from possums (Trichosurus vulpecula). Although the clinical significance of these infections is currently unknown, the identification of these novel sequences may support future investigations on transmission, threats to endangered wildlife, and evolutionary history of the genus Trypanosoma.  相似文献   

The Chlamydiales are a unique order of intracellular bacterial pathogens that cause significant disease of birds and animals, including humans. The recent development of a Chlamydiales-specific 16S rDNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay has enabled the identification of Chlamydiales DNA from an increasing range of hosts and environmental sources. Whereas the Australian marsupial, the koala, has previously been shown to harbour several Chlamydiales types, no other Australian marsupials have been analysed. We therefore used a 16S rDNA PCR assay combined with direct sequencing to determine the presence and genotype of Chlamydiales in five wild Australian mammals (gliders, possums, bilbies, bandicoots, potoroos). We detected eight previously observed Chlamydiales genotypes as well as 10 new Chlamydiales sequences from these five Australian mammals. In addition to PCR analysis we used antigen specific staining and in vitro culture in HEp-2 cell monolayers to confirm some of the identifications. A strong association between ocular PCR positivity and the presence of clinical disease (conjunctivitis, proliferation of the eyelid) was observed in two of the species studied, gliders and bandicoots, whereas little clinical disease was observed in the other animals studied. These findings provide further evidence that novel Chlamydiales infections occur in a wide range of hosts and that, in some of these, the chlamydial infections may contribute to clinical disease.  相似文献   

We document columbid herpesvirus-1 (CoHV-1) infection in two barking owls (Ninox connivens), a powerful owl (Ninox strenua) and an Australian hobby (Falco longipennis). Antemortem signs of infection were non-specific and the birds either died soon after they were identified as ill or were found dead unexpectedly. Gross postmortem findings were also not specific. Microscopically, marked to massive splenic and hepatic necrosis with the presence of eosinophilic inclusion bodies in remaining splenocytes and hepatocytes was found in all birds. Herpesvirus virions were identified in liver sections from one of the boobook owls by electron microscopy. Using CoHV-1-specific primers and polymerase chain reaction, CoHV-1 DNA was amplified from tissue samples from all birds. A comparison of these sequences to previously reported sequences of CoHV-1 found them to be identical or to vary by a single base pair. These findings increase the number of known species of birds of prey that are susceptible to CoHV-1 infection and indicate that rock pigeons (Columbia livia) should not be included in the diet of captive Australian birds of prey.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe the Chlamydia psittaci genotypes in samples from native and introduced birds from New Zealand by analysis of the sequence variation of the ompA gene.

METHODS: DNA was extracted from samples collected from a non-random sample of birds; either swabs from live asymptomatic birds or birds with clinical signs, or formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples from historical post-mortem cases. The presence of C. psittaci in all samples had been confirmed using a quantitative PCR assay. The C. psittaci ompA gene was amplified and sequenced from samples from 26 native and introduced infected birds comprising 12 different species. These sequences were compared to published available C. psittaci genotypes.

RESULTS: Genotypes A and C of C. psittaci were identified in the samples. Genotype A was identified in samples from nine birds, including various native and introduced species. Genotype C was identified in samples from 16 different waterfowl species, and a mixed infection of both genotypes was found in a kaka (Nestor meridionalis). In native birds, C. psittaci infection was confirmed in seven new host species.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Two genotypes (A and C) of C. psittaci were found in samples from a wider range of both native and introduced species of birds in New Zealand than previously reported. Both genotypes have been globally associated with significant disease in birds and humans. These initial results suggest the host range of C. psittaci in New Zealand birds is under-reported. However, the prevalence of C. psittaci infection in New Zealand, and the associated impact on avian and public health, remains to be determined. There are biosecurity implications associated with the importation of birds to New Zealand if there is a limited diversity of C. psittaci genotypes present.  相似文献   

Objective   To identify and gain an understanding of the influenza viruses circulating in wild birds in Australia.
Design   A total of 16,303 swabs and 3782 blood samples were collected and analysed for avian influenza (AI) viruses from 16,420 wild birds in Australia between July 2005 and June 2007. Anseriformes and Charadriiformes were primarily targeted.
Procedures   Cloacal, oropharyngeal and faecal (environmental) swabs were tested using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the AI type A matrix gene. Positive samples underwent virus culture and subtyping. Serum samples were analysed using a blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for influenza A virus nucleoprotein.
Results   No highly pathogenic AI viruses were identified. However, 164 PCR tests were positive for the AI type A matrix gene, 46 of which were identified to subtype. A total of five viruses were isolated, three of which had a corresponding positive PCR and subtype identification (H3N8, H4N6, H7N6). Low pathogenic AI H5 and/or H7 was present in wild birds in New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia. Antibodies to influenza A were also detected in 15.0% of the birds sampled.
Conclusions   Although low pathogenic AI virus subtypes are currently circulating in Australia, their prevalence is low (1.0% positive PCR). Surveillance activities for AI in wild birds should be continued to provide further epidemiological information about circulating viruses and to identify any changes in subtype prevalence.  相似文献   



Avian paramyxoviruses (PMV) and influenza viruses have been readily isolated from free-living birds throughout the world(1) Alexander, DJ. 1980. Avian paramyxoviruses. Veterinary Bulletin, 50: 737752.  [Google Scholar] (2) Alexander, DJ. 1982. Avian influenza: Recent developments. Veterinary Bulletin, 52: 341359.  [Google Scholar] and, in New Zealand, both these viruses have been isolated from wild waterfowls, particularly ducks(3) Austin, FJ and Hinshaw, VS. 1984. The isolation of influenza A viruses and paramyxoviruses from ducks in New Zealand. Australian Journal of Experimental Biology and Medical Sciences, 62: 355360.  [Google Scholar] (4) Stanislawek, W. 1992. Survey of wild ducks for evidence of avian influenza viruses, 1989 and 1990. Surveillance, 19(1): 2122.  [Google Scholar]. It is widely known that free-living birds could harbour PMV and influenza viruses and could act as natural reservoirs of these viruses. They have occasionally caused Newcastle disease (PMV-1) and influenza outbreaks in commercial poultry farms throughout the world(5) Turner, AJ. 1976. The isolation of fowl plague virus in Victoria. Australian Veterinary Journal, 52: 384384.  [Google Scholar] (6) Johnson, DC, Maxfield, BG and Moulthroo, JI. 1977. Eoidemioloeic studies of the 1975 avian influenza outbreak in chickens in Alabama. Avian Disease, 21: 161177.  [Google Scholar] (7) Alexander, DJ, Parsons, G and Marshall, R. 1984. Infection of fowls with a Newcastle disease virus by food contaminated with pigeon faeces. Veterinary Record, 115: 601602.  [Google Scholar] (8) Forsyth, WM, Grix, DC and Gibson, CA. 1993. Diagnosis of highly pathogenic avian influenza in chickens: Bendigo 1992. Australian Veterinary Journal, 70: 118119.  [Google Scholar]. However, similar outbreaks have not been reported from New Zealand.  相似文献   

Serotypes of 93 Australian isolates of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae from diseased domestic animals and poultry and a variety of captive wild birds and animals were determined by double diffusion gel precipitation. Two isolates, from the faeces of a swallow were also examined. Serotypes 1a, 1b and 2 were isolated from pigs and serotypes 1a, 1b, 2, 5, 15 and 21 from sheep or goats. Erysipelas in poultry was attributed to serotypes 1b, 5, 15 and 16. In captive wild birds serotypes 1b, 5, 6, 8, 14, 21 and an isolate reactive with antiserum to strain Seehecht were associated with septicaemic deaths. Single isolates from tissues of a bilby (Macrotis lagotis), black rat (Rattus rattus), brown snake (Pseudechis australis) and a bandicoot (Isoodon macrouris) were classified as serotypes 4, 4, 7, and 10 respectively. Six isolates were not able to be typed. Serotype 1b was the most widely distributed and most common (28%), being associated with disease in pigs, sheep, poultry and wild birds. Serotypes 1a or 2 were found in a more restricted range of animals, being commonly associated with erysipelas in pigs, less commonly in sheep and infrequently in other species. From diseased pigs, 26 of 33 isolates (79%) were serotypes 1a and 1b.  相似文献   

Endoscopic examination is described as a valuable diagnostic method in birds. In the introduction, reference is made to the literature on this subject. Apart from the classical approaches, alternative sites to enter the thoraco-abdominal cavity in birds are discussed. The basic equipment for endoscopy in birds is described and a new biopsy forceps which makes a secondary puncture redundant is introduced. After a discussion of the indications and complications, the value of the endoscopic examination is compared with other diagnostic methods for the diagnosis of avian tuberculosis in birds.  相似文献   


Endoscopic examination is described as a valuable diagnostic method in birds. In the introduction, reference is made to the literature on this subject. Apart from the classical approaches, alternative sites to enter the thoraco‐abdominal cavity in birds are discussed. The basic equipment for endoscopy in birds is described and a new biopsy forceps which makes a secundary puncture redundant is introduced.

After a discussion of the indications and complications, the value of the endoscopic examination is compared with other diagnostic methods for the diagnosis of avian tuberculosis in birds.  相似文献   

Emesis in birds     
Comparative studies of emesis in the herring gull, pigeon, chicken, and cowbird were conducted, using orally administered copper sulfate and intravenously administered copper sulfate, hydergine, apomorphine, and lanatoside C. A response to every emetic was elicited from some birds. However, the individual and species differences among the birds were as great as those among mammals. Further, the response of the avian species studied did not indicate that any of them could be used to predict how a specific mammal would react. The differences in response to the emetics by the birds do not offer any simple pattern related to feeding behavior.  相似文献   

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