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To obtain direct evidence for the translocation of cadmium (Cd) via the phloem, we measured the Cd concentrations in the phloem sap of 5-week-old rice plants (Oryza sativa L. cv. Kantou) treated with a nutrient solution containing Cd. The phloem sap was collected from the leaf sheaths through the cut ends of stylets of the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål.). Cd concentrations in the phloem sap from the plants treated with 10 and 100 µM Cd for 3 d were 4.6 ± 3.4 and 17.7 ± 9.8 µM, respectively. Detection of Cd in the phloem sap indicated that Cd was translocated via sieve tubes in rice plants. Cd concentrations in the xylem exudate collected from the cut basis of the leaf sheaths of the plants treated with 10 and 100 µM Cd for 3 d were 18.9 ± 6.4 and 64.2 ± 14.6 µM, respectively. Cd concentrations in the phloem sap were significantly lower than those in the xylem exudate, indicating that Cd is not concentrated during the transfer from xylem to phloem. To our knowledge, this is the first determination of Cd concentrations in the phloem sap of plants, and the first direct proof that Cd is translocated via sieve tubes in rice plants.  相似文献   

The presence of glutamine synthetase (GS) in the rice sieve tube was examined. Proteins in the rice phloem sap from leaf sheaths were separated by sodium dodecylsulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, transferred to polyvinylidine difluoride membranes and immunoblotted with anti-GS1 antibody. A cross-reacting band, thought to be GS1, was detected in the phloem sap. Moreover, the phloem sap contained a significant amount of GS transferase activity. Previous studies have shown that the concentrations of substrates and cofactors in the rice phloem sap are sufficient for cytosolic GS reaction. These data suggest that physiologically active GS1 is present in rice phloem sap, which might convert glutamate to glutamine in vivo .  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn) is an essential nutrient for human beings, and most Zn intake occurs through vegetables or cereals such as rice (Oryza sativa L.) grains. Recently, we detected Zn as well as cadmium, which may be partitioned to rice grains, in the phloem saps from the uppermost internodes of rice and in the xylem saps from the cut stems at early grain-filling. To quantify Zn transport to the grains via the phloem and xylem, a mathematical model previously developed for cadmium transport to rice grains was applied. We examined the translocation of zinc into the grains of rice plants at early grain-filling by feeding zinc-65 (65Zn) via a root-bathing medium, through culm cuts above and below the flag-leaf nodes, and through the flag leaves. The estimate made using the mathematical model and experimental data for three types of 65Zn transport suggests that the grain Zn may be accumulated predominantly via the phloem through two means of transport, phloem transport of stored Zn from the leaves and, more importantly, xylem-to-phloem transfer at the nodes from Zn as it is being absorbed. The Zn transport via the phloem to the grains is more selective than that of cadmium, a non-nutrient element, as also evidenced by the greater transport of cadmium to the glumes via the xylem.  相似文献   

Glutathione which is an abundant reduced sulfur compound in plants is considered to play important roles in the transmission of the sulfur nutrient status between organs within the plant body and in the long-distance transport of reduced sulfur. We determined the concentrations of glutathione, γ-glutamylcysteine (γ-EC), sulfate in the rice phloem sap collected by the insect laser technique. Phloem sap was collected from the plants cultured in sulfur-deficient and control solutions. The concentration of glutathione in the rice phloem sap was higher than that of sulfate in both control and sulfur-deficient plants. Under sulfur-deficient condition, the concentration of glutathione in the phloem sap did not decrease, whereas the sulfate concentration decreased significantly. The pattern of changes in γ-EC concentration was similar to that of glutathione. These data indicate the presence of mechanisms for the maintenance of a constant glutathione concentration in the phloem sap in rice plants under sulfur deficiency, whereas the sulfate concentration was found to be relatively unstable.  相似文献   

The N-terminal amino-acid sequence of a major rice phloem-sap protein, designated as RPP23, was determined. The complete amino-acid sequence of RPP23 was deduced from the corresponding rice EST- clone and contained an extra 46 amino acids at the N-terminus, that was apparently cleaved off to form mature RPP23 in sieve tubes. RPP23 shared a similarity to plant small heat-shock proteins (smHSPs), though the N-terminal region of RPP23 was distinct from that of known smHSPs. Immunocytological analyses using leaf sections showed that RPP23 was located only in the phloem regions of leaves, and was present in non-stressed plants. In mature leaves, stronger immunocytological signals were detected in sieve elements than in companion cells.  相似文献   


The effects of blue light supplementation to red light on growth, morphology and N utilization in rice plants (Oryza sativa L. cv. Sasanishiki and Nipponbare) were investigated. Plants were grown under two light quality treatments, red light alone (R) or red light supplemented with blue light (RB; red/blue-light photosynthetic photon flux density [PPFD] ratio was 4/1), at 380 mol m?2 s?1 PPFD. The biomass production of both cultivars grown under RB conditions was higher than that of plants grown under R conditions. This enhancement of biomass production was caused by an increase in the net assimilation rate (NAR). The higher NAR was associated with a higher leaf N content per leaf area at the whole-plant level, which was accompanied by higher contents of the key components of photosynthesis, including Rubisco and chlorophyll. In Sasanishiki, preferential biomass investment in leaf blades and expansion of wider and thinner leaves also contributed to the enhancement of biomass production. These morphological changes in the leaves were not observed in Nipponbare. Both the changes in physiological characteristics, including leaf photosynthesis, and the changes in morphological characteristics, including leaf development, contributed to the enhancement of biomass production under RB conditions, although the extent of these changes differed between the two cultivars.  相似文献   

The volcanic ashes derived from recent volcanoes are widely distributed in Japan from Hokkaido to Kyushu. Therefore the study on the weathering of these materials is very important from the pedological standpoint.  相似文献   

N2 fixation systems in the nonleguminous crops and bacteria associations have been intensively studied over the last 50 years. Their structure and regulation have been investigated to explore the enhancement of N acquisition in these ecosystems leading to crop-growth with minimum chemical fertilizers. Several lines of important evidence have been accumulated indicating that the magnitudes of associative (nonsymbiotic) N2 fixation in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.), and paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.) are agronomically significant. In these three crops, unique bacterial N2-fixation systems may function in addition to the low-level activity (due to the competition in carbon/energy use) of the commonly occurring rhizosphere-associated system by free-living bacteria such as Beijerinckia, Azotobacter, and Klebsiella. Active expressions of the dinitrogenase reductase-encoded gene (nifH) phylogenetically similar to those of Bradyrhizobium spp. and Azorhizobium sp. were abundantly found in the N2-fixing sugarcane stems, sweet potato stems, and storage tubers. These rhizobia micro-aerobically fix N2 in the carbon compounds-rich apoplasts. Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus and Herbaspirillum spp. were previously isolated from inside the sugarcane stems, as the candidates of endophytic N2 fixers. However, the current molecular and physiological investigations suggest that their major role is production of phytohormonal substances. In paddy rice fields, methane is produced from organic compounds in anoxia and oxidized by contacting with oxygen gas. An active N2-fixation by methane-oxidizing methanotrophs such as Methylosinus sp. takes place in the root tissues (aerenchyma) and also in the surface soil. This methanotrophic N2-fixation supports the sustainability of soil fertility although the N2-fixation and soil fertility are affected by chemical fertilizers. Finally, we discuss the ecological implications of the newly identified rhizobia and methanotroph systems in the N nutrition in nonlegumes and N reservation in field environments.  相似文献   

缺钾对水稻不同品种光合和能量耗散的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
试验测定了钾敏感型(二九丰)和钾钝感型(原丰早)两个水稻品种在缺钾处理41.d后其剑叶的生长、光合光响应曲线、叶绿素荧光参数光响应曲线和暗弛豫动力学曲线。结果表明,缺钾降低了水稻剑叶的光合作用,显著抑制了生长。但是缺钾条件下导致两个水稻品种净光合速率(Pn)下降的主导因子并不相同。在缺钾条件下,原丰早(YFZ)剑叶的Pn随气孔导度(Gs)和胞间CO2浓度(Ci)的下降而下降,但叶绿素荧光参数和叶绿素含量几乎没有变化,说明其Pn下降主要归于气孔的限制。缺钾处理41.d后,二九丰(EJF)在低光强下[500mol/(m2.s)],Pn随Gs和Ci下降,但在更强的光强下,Pn和Gs继续下降,而Ci开始上升,并在1200mol/(m2.s)处超越了对照,说明此时主导因子不单受气孔限制,还受非气孔因子限制;它的光饱和点从1200mol/(m2.s)下降到大约500mol/(m2.s);同时,其荧光参数Fv/Fm、ФPSII、qP和ETR随光强上升而迅速下降,而L(PFD)、E和PP迅速增加,NPQ在1200mol/(m2.s)光强下上升,但是在高光强下却迅速降低,甚至低于对照,而且Fm、Fv/Fm下降,Fo上升,均说明缺钾处理可能使光合机构受到了伤害,发生了光抑制。对非光化学猝灭的分析得到其中间组分qNm可能起了更大的能量耗散作用,部分激发能从PSⅡ转移到PSⅠ,降低了PSⅡ耗散能量的压力。以上结果表明,两品种对钾敏感性不同极可能也与缺钾条件下光保护能力的差异有关。  相似文献   

We investigated the growth, contents of water-soluble protein and free amino acids of the callus of japonica rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare) cultured in liquid N6 medium containing a high concentration of zinc. Furthermore, we determined the N-terminal amino acid sequence of a Zn-binding protein expressed in large quantities in the callus. The addition of Zn stimulated the growth of the callus and increased the Zn concentration. The callus subjected to the high-Zn treatment (hereafter referred to as CHZn) contained a larger amount of soluble proteins and a smaller amount of free amino acids than the control callus. Zinc-binding proteins were separated by affinity chromatography. The SDS-PAGE pattern of these proteins showed a distinctive protein band of about 29 kDa. Especially, CHZn contained larger quantities of 29 kDa protein than the control callus. Twenty-seven N-terminal amino acids of the protein were sequenced as DYAPMTLTIVNNCPYPVWPGIQANSGH. Results of homology search to the amino acid sequences from the nr-aa database and the dbEST database suggested that this 29 kDa protein may be a novel zinc-binding protein and that the protein may regulate the concentration of free zinc in the cytoplasm of callus cells through its binding to zinc ions.  相似文献   

水稻栽后植株氮素积累特征及其与根系生长的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以冈优22、Ⅱ优162和K优047为材料,通过大田试验研究了不同种植方式下水稻秧苗栽后根系和地上部氮素积累的动态特征及其与根重的关系。结果表明,栽后40.d内,地上部及根系氮素积累量呈指数模型增加。茎鞘、发根节和叶片氮含量与根重呈极显著正相关;根系氮含量与根重呈显著负相关;各器官氮积累动态与根重均呈极显著的正相关关系。全生育期植株氮积累量拟合Logistic曲线较好,决定系数在0.988以上,氮素积累量与根重呈显著的正相关关系,生育期越靠前,相关系数值越大。3种种植方式中,自移栽至孕穗期氮积累量以常耕插秧最高,常耕抛秧其次,免耕高留茬抛秧较低;孕穗后免耕高留茬抛秧各器官氮含量最高,氮积累量也逐渐超过常耕抛秧。3个杂交稻组合中,前期以冈优22的氮积累量最高,后期Ⅱ优162增加速率较快,K优047在整个生育期中均最低。  相似文献   


To increase the water use efficiency (WUE) of rice, two sets of experiments were carried out from 1997 – 1999. Experiment one: Irrigation period of rice was divided into three stages: early (S1, 10 – 35 days after transplanting, [DAT]); middle (S2, 36 – 60 DAT) and late (S3, 61 – 85 DAT). Intermittent ponding (IP) was imposed at single, two stages or the entire growing period. Continuous ponding (CP) in all three stages was taken as control. Though the highest grain yield (6.71 mg ha?1) was obtained under control, this regime was responsible for the lowest WUE. In contrast, IP in all stages was responsible for maximum WUE with minimum yield level. Imposition of IP in S1 resulted in higher (0.529 kg m?3) WUE along with insignificant reduction in yield over control. Experiment two: Three puddling practices were: (i) High intensity puddling (HIP); (ii) Moderate intensity puddling (MIP); and (iii) Low intensity puddling (LIP). On average, HIP resulted in the lowest value (6.5 mm d?1) of percolation rate. Both grain yield (6.93 mg ha?1) and WUE (0.597 kg m?3) attained highest value under HIP. A decrease in puddling intensity under MIP and LIP lowered the yield by 2.97 and 17.75% respectively. In the case of WUE, the reduction was 16.27 and 54.66%.  相似文献   

The effect of chromium (Cr) on the uptake, distribution and accumulation of nine nutrient elements was studied in two rice genotypes, Xiushui 113 and Dan K5. The effect on elemental concentrations and accumulations varied with Cr level, nutrient element, genotype and plant part. Maximum nutrient accumulation occurred at 10 μM Cr, while the minimum occurred at 100 μM Cr, indicating best plant growth at the 10 μM level. It may be assumed that low Cr level enhance plant growth. The correlation between the concentrations of Cr and nine elements differed among plant parts, but Cr accumulation was significantly and negatively correlated with the accumulation of each element, suggesting that increasing Cr level may create nutrient deficiencies or imbalance in rice.  相似文献   

锌铬复合污染对水稻根系抗氧化酶活性的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了研究水稻在金属复合污染条件下的适应过程,该文就成都平原两种常见的重金属污染元素(锌、铬)对土壤复合处理后,进行水稻盆栽试验.结果表明,锌铬复合污染条件下,在水稻不同生育期,水稻根系3种抗氧化酶(SOD,POD和CAT)活性随锌、铬浓度的增加而表现出不同的变化趋势.在水稻分蘖期,随铬浓度的增加,水稻根系SOD活性和POD活性呈先降后升的变化趋势;随锌浓度的增加,水稻根系SOD活性和POD活性呈升高的趋势;而水稻根系CAT活性则随锌、铬浓度的增加呈一定的降低趋势.在水稻孕穗期,随锌、铬浓度的增加,水稻根系SOD活性呈先降后升的变化趋势,POD活性及CAT活性则呈降低的趋势.在水稻灌浆结实期,水稻根系SOD、POD及CAT活性均呈一定的降低趋势.水稻籽粒产量随锌、铬浓度的增加呈降低的趋势.锌、铬浓度对水稻籽粒产量产生了复合效应,并与水稻籽粒产量有极显著的线性回归关系.这表明水稻通过调节自身的生理代谢能提高对锌铬复合污染的生态适应性,这能为培育适合重金属污染地区生长的水稻品种提供理论基础.  相似文献   

水稻低淀粉粘滞突变体的理化特性和淀粉结构   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以水稻低淀粉粘滞突变体RSV-1及其野生型品种II-32B为材料,研究了低淀粉粘滞突变的理化特性和淀粉结构。结果表明,低淀粉粘滞突变体的最高粘度、热浆粘度和冷胶粘度明显小于野生型,但表观直链淀粉含量、胶稠度、碱消值均大于野生型,达最高粘度时间接近,糊化过程中所需能量较低,糊化过程较长;淀粉晶体表现为C型结构,淀粉颗粒与野生型的正六面体颗粒完全不同,呈大小不等的无规则形,淀粉晶体及颗粒结构的改变可能是导致淀粉粘滞性下降及其他理化指标改变的重要原因。  相似文献   

用290Gy^60Coγ射线处理籼稻品种26窄早干种子,在M2和M3获得了数个育性受环境因素调节的突变体。对其中1份突变体进行生态箱鉴定和田间鉴定表明,其育性转换受温度控制,在日长为12014h时,临界日平均温度均为23℃,低于23℃可诱导雄性不育,高于23℃则恢复部分可育。  相似文献   

Iron toxicity is an important growth‐limiting factor for flooded rice production in various parts of the world, including Brazil. Data related to the reaction of rice cultivars to iron concentrations are limited, especially for large numbers of cultivars. Forty rice cultivars were grown in a greenhouse in nutrient solutions containing 0.09, 0.89, and 1.78 mM Fe (5, 50 and 100 ppm Fe). The effects of excess iron were measured on plant height, root length, and root and shoot dry weight. Root and shoot dry weight were found to be more sensitive to excess iron concentration. Based on dry matter yield, reduction of shoots at higher Fe concentrations compared to the optimum or control treatment, rice cultivars were classified as tolerant, moderately tolerant, moderately susceptible or susceptible.

The effect of Fe concentrations on concentrations and contents of other nutrient was also investigated. Higher concentration of Fe in the nutrient solution exerted an inhibiting effect on the concentrations and contents of almost all macro and micronutrients.  相似文献   

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