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Reduction in grazing intensity and the use of traditional instead of commercial breeds have frequently been recommended to meet biodiversity and production goals in sustainable grazing systems. The impact of such practices within a range of contrasting grassland vegetation types was studied. This paper describes the effects on foraging behaviour in a study conducted over three years on mesotrophic or semi-natural grasslands in UK (steers), Germany (steers), France (heifers) and Italy (sheep). Three treatments were performed: (i) a moderate grazing intensity using a commercial breed, (ii) a more lenient grazing intensity with a commercial breed and (iii) a more lenient intensity with a traditional breed. Livestock at all sites preferentially selected bites containing legumes and forbs, and also short rather than tall vegetative patches. Grazing intensity affected not only diet consumed, largely reflecting the different availabilities of dietary components, but also some differences in diet selection. Livestock grazing the more productive mesotrophic grasslands more frequently exploited short patches of higher nutritive value, which is expected to reinforce the spatial heterogeneity of the pastures. Studies in the UK and Germany also revealed that steers showed a more pronounced selection for short patches at the lenient grazing intensity. More homogeneous grazing by livestock on the semi-natural grasslands with fine-scale heterogeneity is likely to decrease their spatial heterogeneity. There were few differences in the choices made by commercial and traditional breed livestock. North Devon steers in the UK expressed a greater selection for tall grass-forb bites than Charolais × Holstein crossbreds, whereas traditional breeds appeared slightly less selective than commercial breeds at the other three sites.  相似文献   

Finding an optimal balance between livestock production and grazing impact on animal diversity is important for the development of sustainable grazing systems. This paper tests the hypothesis that extensification of grazing management enhances animal diversity. Similar treatments were applied over a period of three years to sites in the UK, France, Germany and Italy. There were three treatments at each site: moderate grazing intensity with a commercial breed (MC), lenient grazing intensity with a commercial breed (LC) and lenient grazing intensity with a traditional breed (LT). Animal diversity was studied at the species level for birds, hares, butterflies and grasshoppers, and at higher taxonomic level for ground-dwelling arthropods. Bird and hare numbers were low and showed no overall treatment effects. Species richness and abundance of butterflies and grasshoppers were higher for treatment LC than for treatment MC, both for species preferring short open grasslands and those preferring tall grasslands. There was no difference in the impact of commercial or traditional breeds. Most ground-dwelling arthropod groups did not show consistent treatment effects but some taxa showed site-specific responses, generally indicating a greater abundance at lenient grazing intensity. Overall, the study showed that lenient grazing intensity enhanced animal diversity on grasslands at a small scale within 3 years. By comparison, the effect of livestock breed differences was negligible. Follow-up research is needed to elucidate the processes leading to increased biodiversity in patch mosaics and to establish the generality of these findings at larger spatial scales and longer time scales.  相似文献   

A four‐treatment (UG‐UG, UG‐G, LG‐G and HG‐G) experiment (involving sixteen plots: 3·0 × 7·0 m) examined the effect of early spring grazing intensity on particulate phosphorus (PP) losses in surface run‐off. Ten dairy cows fitted with manure collection ‘bags’ grazed during two short‐term grazing events, Grazing‐1 (23 February) and Grazing‐2 (6 April). During Grazing‐1, two treatments remained ungrazed (UG‐), while treatments LG‐ and HG‐ were lightly grazed and heavily grazed respectively. At Grazing‐2, three treatments were grazed to a similar intensity (‐G), while one remained ungrazed (‐UG). Run‐off was generated at two and 16 days after Grazing‐1 and Grazing‐2 using rainfall simulators (40 mm h?1) and analysed for a range of P fractions. Grazing had no effect on either dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) concentrations or dissolved unreactive P concentrations (mean, 0·15 and 0·16 mg L?1 respectively) in run‐off. However, PP concentrations increased (< 0·05) following Grazing‐1 (0·39, 0·53 and 0·72 mg L?1 with UG‐, LG‐ and HG‐ respectively, Day‐2 Rainfall event), with these effects still evident following Grazing‐2, especially with HG‐G (3·25 mg L?1). The risk of PP loss in run‐off can be substantially reduced by removing cows from pastures before significant damage to the soil takes place.  相似文献   

Reduction of grazing intensity and the use of traditional instead of commercial breeds has frequently been recommended to meet biodiversity and production goals in sustainable grazing systems in Europe. To test the impact of such practices across a range of contrasting grassland types, integrated measurements of foraging behaviour, agronomic production and botanical, structural and invertebrate biodiversity were made over three years on four sites in the UK, Germany, France and Italy. The sites in the UK and Germany were mesotrophic grassland with high productivity and low to moderate initial levels of plant diversity, and were grazed by cattle. The French site was a semi‐natural, species‐rich grassland grazed by cattle. The Italian site contained a wider range in plant diversity, from species‐rich to mesotrophic grassland, and was grazed by sheep. The treatments were: MC, moderate grazing intensity with a commercial breed – this was designed to utilize herbage growth for optimum livestock production; LC, lenient grazing intensity with a commercial breed – this was designed to increase biodiversity by not fully utilizing herbage growth; and LT, lenient grazing intensity with a traditional breed – this was also designed to increase biodiversity. Neither fertilizers nor pesticides were applied. The nutritive value of the herbage and the performance of the livestock were measured. Mean stocking rates were proportionately 0·30–0·40 lower and mean sward heights and herbage mass on offer were 0·30–0·50 higher on the LC and LT treatments compared with the MC treatment. The proportion of live and dead material, and leaves and stems in the herbage, its chemical composition and nutritive value were little affected by the treatments. Individual livestock performance, measured as liveweight gain, showed no consistent response to treatment. In Germany, performance on the MC treatment was slightly lower than on the LC and LT treatments but no such difference was found on the sites in the other countries. Livestock breed did not have a strong effect on livestock performance. In the UK and France the traditional breeds had a lower performance but this was not the case in Germany or Italy. Livestock performance per ha of the LC and LT treatments was up to 0·40 lower than of the MC treatment. It is concluded that biodiversity‐targeted extensive grazing systems have potential to be integrated into intensive livestock production systems because the individual livestock performance reaches a similar level compared to a moderate grazing intensity. Traditional breeds did not have a production advantage over commercial breeds on extensively managed pastures.  相似文献   

Effects of different grazing frequencies and intensities on herbage production (on both a unit pasture and individual plant basis) and on persistence of chicory ( Cichorium intybus L. cv. Grasslands Puna) were studied at Palmerston North, New Zealand (latitude 40°23'S) from November 1994 to November 1995. Three experiments were conducted on the same chicory stand, sown on 12 May 1994. The main grazing experiment had two grazing intensities, hard-lax grazing (50- to 100-mm stem stubble to mid-January, and thereafter 100- to 150-mm stem stubble) and lax grazing (100- to 150-mm stem stubble), and three grazing frequencies (1-, 2- or 4-week intervals). A subsidiary plant survival experiment compared the survival of 120 marked plants in ungrazed and grazed treatments. A late autumn grazing experiment examined the effects on plant persistence in the following spring. The greatest herbage mass (leaf + stem) resulted from the 4-week grazing frequency [9640 ± 874 kg dry matter (DM) ha−1], in which stem mass was reasonably low (1270 ± 410 kg DM ha−1), but was significantly higher in the 4-week grazing frequency than 1- and 2-week grazing frequencies ( P < 0·01). Grazing intensity had no significant effect except on the average stem mass of individual plants when the hard-lax intensity gave a lower stem mass ( P < 0·01). There were no interactions between grazing frequency and intensity in herbage mass. Plant density declined by 35% over the growing season with the decline unaffected by grazing intensity or frequency during the season. Grazing in late autumn resulted in approximately 27% less plants the following spring. It was concluded that grazing management through the growing season cannot be used to improve persistence without compromising leaf growth rate, but that avoidance of grazing late autumn will improve the persistence of chicory.  相似文献   

This 3‐year study evaluated the effects of grazing intensity on herbage and steer responses in continuously stocked Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pasture in the Brazilian savanna. Treatments consisted of three grazing intensity levels, characterized by canopy heights of 15, 30 and 45 cm, measured twice per week. Responses variables included tiller population density (TPD), herbage accumulation rate (HAR) and body weight gain per area (WGA). A decline in TPD (1,237 vs. 767 tillers/m2) was observed from the first to the third grazing years, which influenced the HAR from the first to the third years (90.1 vs. 52.4 kg ha?1 day?1). A marked decline in body WGA (541 vs. 276 kg ha?1 year?1) was observed along the three years in pastures managed at a height of 15 cm, indicating that this is an unstable condition for Marandu palisadegrass pasture. HAR was similar for pastures managed at 30 or 45 cm and was relatively stable during the experimental period, averaging 91.8 and 99.1 kg ha?1 day?1 respectively. Body WGA was similar and constant throughout the experimental period for pastures managed at 30 (596 kg ha?1 year?1) and 45 cm (566 kg ha?1 year?1). Maintaining continuously stocked Marandu palisadegrass pastures at a 15 cm canopy height should be avoided due to long‐term decreases in plant persistence and animal body WGA, particularly when soil P is below critical levels at pasture establishment and during pasture utilization.  相似文献   



In Europe the mountain hare (Lepus timidus) exists in Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Finland, parts of the Alps and in Eastern Europe, but not in Denmark. Interspecific hybridization has been demonstrated between native Swedish mountain hares and introduced brown hares (Lepus europaeus). During the data collection in a study concerning Danish brown hares we identified 16 hares with a single very divergent haplotype.  相似文献   


Common bunt (Tilletia tritici syn. T. caries) is a significant seed-borne plant disease in organic agriculture. General measures in ecological crop protection like crop rotation and manuring have in practice failed to control this disease, and direct seed treatment may be necessary to ensure yield and food quality. The present study indicates that biological control can be successfully used without negative effects on seed germination and vigor. A combination of biocontrol agents and milk powder improves the efficacy of biocontrol. Application of compost to the soil increases the frequency of this disease. The potential role of biocontrol within the principles of ecological disease management is discussed.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted to test the responses of Leymus chinensis to long‐term grazing disturbance on a native grassland in the Songnen plain, north‐eastern China. Six grazing intensities were examined using thirty random sample plots in each. Components of biomass, and shoot and tiller densities of L. chinensis decreased significantly (P < 0·05) with increased grazing intensity, especially at the extremely high grazing intensity. Conversely, the proportion of the total biomass as rhizomes increased considerably with increased grazing intensity, and peaked on the extremely high grazing treatment (at 0·91 of the total biomass). Shoot and tiller densities, and the proportion of the total biomass as rhizomes were strongly negatively correlated with soil organic matter content and soil moisture content and negatively correlated with soil pH and soil bulk density along the grazing gradient, indicating that the responses of L. chinensis to the canopy removal by long‐term grazing are likely to have influenced changes in the soil.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the effect of inter-tussock grass height and stocking rate on the utilization of the rush ( Juncus effusus ) by grazing goats. In the first experiment, on rush-infested Festuca rubralTrifolium repens pasture, the utilization of rushes by goats grazing at a sward height of 3–4cm or 5–6cm was compared with that occurring on plots grazed by sheep at a sward height of 3–4 cm. Sheep grazed minimal amounts of rush. In contrast, it was estimated that 90% and 75% of current seasons growth of rush was grazed by goats at sward heights of 3–4 and 5–6 cm respectively during the first year. With continued goat grazing at 5–6cm there was a dramatic reduction in the cover and vigour of the rushes, and at a sward height of 3–4cm established tussocks were eliminated from the pasture.
The second experiment compared the utilization of rushes invading predominantly Agrostis swards stocked with goals at 10, 20 or 30 ha-1 and in which inter-tussock sward height was maintained at 4–5cm on all treatments, by adding or subtracting sheep. On one site rush utilization increased with the increase in stocking rate of goats and rush tussocks were eliminated within 3 years at 30 goats ha-1. On another, there was no difference between plots stocked at 20 or 30 goats ha-1 and viable tussocks remained. The influence of the composition and productivity of the inter-tussock herbage and the proportion of rush in the biomass are discussed.
Goats can be used lo control rushes in grassland but high stocking levels and low inter-tussock pasture heights are required to promote adequate levels of utilization.  相似文献   

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale agg.) is a common forb species in grasslands in Europe. Although sometimes regarded as a valuable forage herb, it may become a weed, especially in arable land. There is limited information on the response of Taraxacum to long‐term grassland management practices. Therefore, we analysed cover and dry‐matter standing biomass of Taraxacum in a long‐term (1998–2012) grazing experiment on an Agrostis capillaris grassland. The following treatments were laid out on formerly abandoned grassland: (i) intensive grazing (IG); (ii) extensive grazing (EG); (iii) first cut followed by intensive grazing (ICG); (iv) first cut followed by extensive grazing (ECG); and (v) unmanaged grassland (U). During the first 10 years, all defoliation treatments (i–iv) supported the presence of Taraxacum, and the lowest proportion was recorded in the unmanaged treatment (U). During the final 7 years of the study, combined cutting and grazing promoted Taraxacum cover more than that of grazing only (ICG > IG > ECG > EG). Cover of Taraxacum was negatively affected by increasing sward height where Taraxacum plants had lower fitness. Due to the relatively strong relationship between percentage cover of Taraxacum and its dry‐matter biomass, percentage cover could be used as a simple method for the assessment of biomass of Taraxacum in a sward. Results are discussed in the context of adapting the management of A. capillaris grassland as a simple method for control of Taraxacum abundance, particularly in situations of extensification or abandonment.  相似文献   

Three experiments (2a, 2b and 2c) were carried out to examine the effects of different grazing intensities imposed during spring on subsequent herbage composition and milk production measured in summer.
Increased intensity of grazing imposed during spring (including the period of reproductive development in ryegrasses) produced swards in early summer with lower pre-grazing herbage masses, which contained higher concentrations of green leaf, clover and digestible nutrients, but lower concentrations of grass stem and senescent material.
In the first and second experiment cows were given a common daily allowance of total herbage dry matter (DM). The cows grazing on low-mass swards in early summer produced larger daily yields of milk, fat and protein than those grazing on the high-mass swards.
In the third experiment, cows were given a common daily allowance of green leaf DM from three swards which differed in pre-grazing herbage mass and in herbage composition. The allowances of total DM required differed widely between the treatments. There were no significant differences in milk yields between the swards despite the large differences in herbage composition.
The practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   


Preharvest sprouting of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) is an important problem, but cultivar differences in preharvest sprouting and their causes have not been investigated. We detected cultivar differences under natural field conditions. Preharvest sprouting of three cultivars was significantly lower than that of the current main cultivar. Seeds collected before rainfall were threshed and incubated on a wet filter paper in a petri dish for 10 days at 10, 20, 30 and 40ºC in the dark, or at an alternating light and temperature condition of 8 h light at 30ºC and 16 h darkness at 20ºC. Germination was promoted by a higher temperature except for 40ºC, suggesting that the risk of preharvest sprouting in buckwheat is higher at a relatively higher temperature. The risk of preharvest sprouting in the field was highly correlated with germination at 20ºC (r = 0.98***) and 30ºC (r = 0.99***) in the dark, suggesting that germination test can be used to predict preharvest sprouting in the field. Preharvest sprouting was significantly correlated (r = ?0.77**) with main stem length, suggesting that ecotype is partly responsible for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

植酸是植物中磷的主要储存形式,适当减少植酸含量就可以提高作物种子中微量元素的利用率、降低环境中磷的污染和浪费。本研究旨在通过钼蓝显色法测定小麦种子中无机磷的含量,间接反映小麦品种(品系或株系)的植酸含量,从而为低植酸小麦品种的培育提供参考。对348个普通小麦品种(系)、232个近缘种杂交后代株系,以及4个普通小麦杂交组合的第四代(或第五代)株系进行了无机磷含量测定,结果表明,这570份小麦材料的籽粒无机磷含量主要分布在0.46μg/mg-0.93μg/mg之间,低无机磷(低于0.15μg/mg)、高无机磷(高于0.93μg/mg)的材料比较少,呈现中间多、两头少的分布趋势。4个杂交组合群体无机磷含量的平均值分别是0.6549μg/mg、0.5918μg/mg、0.4538μg/mg和0.5792μg/mg,没有高无机磷或者低无机磷含量的株系,可能由这4个组合的亲本无机磷含量所决定的。因此,在普通小麦品种(系)、近缘种杂交后代株系中存在少量高无机磷和低无机磷的材料,而从中等无机磷含量的亲本杂交后代中没有筛选到高无机磷(低植酸)的株系。  相似文献   

Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L) contain a number of antinutritional factors such as condensed tannins. Reducing tannin concentration might contribute to improving the nutritional quality of common bean. But polyphenolics are involved in resistance to diseases and pests, and reducing tannin concentration may have a negative effect on plant resistance. Furthermore, the effects of tannin on disease resistance in different gene pools or in different seed colors are not defined. To investigate these effects, 790 accessions from a common bean core collection were investigated. Data were subjected to independent sample t-tests, and the calculation of correlation coefficients. The mean coat extracts of black and red bean classes were highest (with 0.129 g/g and 0.124 g/g of seed coat, respectively). Among the gene pools, the coat extract was greater in the Middle American gene pool (0.129 g/g) than in the Andean gene pool (0.108 g/g). Coat extract in the Andean gene pool was positively correlated with susceptibility to Middle American isolates of anthracnose and to common bacterial blight, but negatively correlated with susceptibility to Andean isolates of angular leaf spot and to empoasca. Only empoasca damage showed negative correlation with coat extract in the Middle American gene pool. However within gene pools, the coat extracts of different seed classes varied in correlations with reactions to disease and pest infestations. Significant correlations were particularly associated with the black seed class in both gene pools. The relationships between coat extract and disease reactions are complex. A better understanding will help breeders to select germplasm with improved nutritional quality without adversely affecting disease resistance.  相似文献   

Two early perennial ryegrass varieties (Cropper and RvP Hay Pasture), an intermediate perennial ryegrass (Talbot) and an early cocksfoot (Roskilde) were grazed fortnightly by sheep, mown to simulate grazing or left undefoliated from January to May. The effects of spring management on ear emergence, D-value ( in vitro ) and conservation yields were assessed in each of the 2 years 1976 and 1977. Grazing and mowing had a similar effect on date of first (5%) and 50% ear emergence of the ryegrass varieties; the effect was an average delay of 2 d in both stages of growth over the 2 years. Defoliations significantly (P<0·001) delayed the fall in D-value with no significant differences between grazing and mowing in the ryegrass varieties, nor in cocksfoot in 1977. The occurrence of a D-value of 67 was delayed by between 3 and 8 d for the ryegrasses and 9 and 11 d for the cocksfoot. The early ryegrasses produced stemmy regrowths and fell to 67 D-value about 4 weeks after the final defoliations in 1976 and after 5–6 weeks in 1977. The fall in D-value took 7–14 d longer in the intermediate ryegrass. Yields were significantly ( P < 0·001) reduced by grazing and mowing, particularly in 1976. The DM yield reductions in mid June averaged 25% for the ryegrasses and 41% for the cocksfoot.
The results indicate that either first or 50% ear emergence may be used to indicate times when a D-value of 67 will be reached in grazed or ungrazed swards but further work is required to determine the effect of weather conditions on the accuracy of this prediction. An early fall in D-value of early perennials after spring grazing, and a marked reduction in yield of cocksfoot, suggests that these grasses should be used sparingly where spring grazing of fields set aside for conservation is a feature of the farming system.  相似文献   

Sainfoin is a non‐bloating temperate forage legume with a moderate‐to‐high condensed tannin (CT) content. This study investigated whether the diversity of sainfoin accessions in terms of CT structures and contents could be related to rumen in vitro gas and methane (CH4) production and fermentation characteristics. The aim was to identify promising accessions for future investigations. Accessions differed (P < 0·0001) in terms of total gas and CH4 productions. Fermentation kinetics (i.e. parameters describing the shape of the gas production curve and half‐time gas production) for CH4 production were influenced by accession (P ≤ 0·038), but not by PEG. Accession, PEG and time affected (P < 0·001) CH4 production, but accession and PEG interaction showed only a tendency (P = 0·08). Increase in CH4 due to PEG addition was not related to CT content. Further analysis of the relationships among multiple traits (nutritional composition, CT structure and CH4 production) using principal component analysis (PCA) based on optimally weighted variables revealed differences among accessions. The first two principal component axes, PC1 (57·6%) and PC2 (18·4%), explained 76·0% of the total variation among accessions. Loading of biplots derived from both PCAs made it possible to establish a relationship between the ratio of prodelphinidin:procyanidin (PD:PC) tannins and CH4 production in some accessions. The PD:PC ratio seems to be an important source of variation that is negatively related to CH4 production. These results suggested that sainfoin accessions collected from across the world exhibited substantial variation in terms of their effects on rumen in vitro CH4 production, revealing some promising accessions for future investigations.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) transgenic cotton has been planting in large-scale for more than 10 years in China. It was observed that resistance to bollworm was reduced with the application of big-boll cultivars in China. The objective of the study was to investigate the effects of boll size on the contents of CryIA insecticidal protein in boll shell and cotton seed during the course of boll development. Two experiments were conducted at the Yangzhou University Farm, Yangzhou, China. In 2004, three cultivars including Sikang 1 (small-boll), Xiangza 3 (medium-boll) and Kemian 3 (big-boll) were compared for boll shell volume and 100-seed weight from 10 to 40 days after flowering (DAF), and insecticidal protein contents in boll shell and cotton seed from 10 to 50 DAF. As expected, the differences between cultivars were significant for all the four characteristics. Cultivars with bigger boll shell volume had higher 100-seed weight but lower insecticidal protein contents in both of the boll shell and cotton seed. The correlation between boll size and boll insecticidal protein content was negative (−0.653). The correlation between 100-seed weight and cotton seed insecticidal protein content was significantly negative (−0.645). In 2005, leaf cut (LC) and square removal (SR) treatments were applied to Sikang 1 and Sikang 3. The boll shell volume and 100-seed weight were decreased by LR, but increased by SR. LC significantly enhanced and SR significantly reduced the insecticidal protein contents of boll shell and cotton seed. The correlation between boll size and boll insecticidal protein content (−0.870) and the correlation between 100-seed weight and cotton seed insecticidal protein content were both highly significant and negative (−0.841). Therefore, the results of the study indicated that the boll insecticidal protein content was significantly affected by boll size. The implications of the observed results in breeding, cultural practices and pest management were discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of stocking rate on the species richness, abundance and functional diversity of vascular plants, butterflies and grasshoppers was examined in a semi‐natural upland pasture in central France. Over a 5‐year period, 3·6‐ha plots were continuously grazed by Charolais heifers at 1·4 (High stocking rate), 1·0 (Intermediate) and 0·6 (Low) livestock units (LU) ha?1. To evaluate botanical diversity, percentage cover of all plant species was estimated in late July in ten fixed 1 m × 1 m quadrats per plot. Butterflies were counted on three occasions between late June and early August along three fixed 50‐m‐long transects per plot using the ‘Pollard walk’, with grasshoppers being recorded on two occasions along the same transects. Diversity patterns of the three taxa were affected by stocking rate. For plants, species abundance changed more than species number. Abundance of forbs became higher under the Low compared with the High stocking rate. Stress‐tolerant grasses were also more abundant in plots grazed at the Low stocking rate, while an opposite trend was observed for competitive grasses. Butterflies consistently responded to alterations in vegetation composition, especially to the dynamics of nectar plants. The species richness of grasshoppers also increased in plots at the Low stocking rate. The Low and Intermediate stocking rates were suitable for providing a high diversity of the three taxonomic groups. The results suggested that at least butterfly diversity would peak in vegetation taller than that of vascular plants.  相似文献   

A Syrian grassland was subject to 13 years of replicated management treatments, namely a factorial design of 0 or 60 kg/ha annually of phosphate fertilizer, combined with relatively low or high sheep stocking intensities. Previous work found that differences in grazing intensity and phosphate induced changes in the structure of the legume community, presumably due to changes in competitive relationships. The aim of this study was to investigate how the populations of the predominant clover species, Trifolium campestre and Trifolium tomentosum, changed as a consequence of management treatments. We hypothesized that the populations from the fertilized or low grazing intensity treatments would express phenotypic traits associated with increased competitive ability and/or with risk mitigation. Populations of both ruderal-type clover species provided evidence of evolution but were largely responsive to different management factors. Assuming that heavy grazing and no fertilizer are the natural state of the grassland, addition of phosphate led to T. tomentosum plants that were wider and had larger seeds, traits associated with improved competitive ability. The populations from the fertilized paddocks had increased fecundity and a trend towards greater dormancy, traits associated with risk mitigation. In contrast, T. campestre plants became wider and more erect when stocking intensities were reduced and had greater seed dormancy in fertilized paddocks. The implication of this work is that the collection of germplasm from grasslands with a history of heavy grazing and fertilizer application may assist agronomists to find genotypes that are better adapted to pastures within ley farming systems in Australia.  相似文献   

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