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Methane production potentials of twenty-eight rice soils in China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 Soil CH4 production potentials were investigated by incubating air-dried soils under anaerobic conditions in the laboratory. Twenty-eight soils from different fields and locations were collected for this study. Soil CH4 production during a 100-day incubation differed greatly and were significantly correlated with soil organic content (r=0.61, P<0.01). The statistical significance increased when soils were grouped according to soil reduction rates. A significant correlation was also found between CH4 production and total N content (r=0.64, P<0.01) and between CH4 production and soil particle sizes of 0.25–0.05 mm (r=0.48, P<0.05). A negative exponential correlation was found between CH4 production and aerobic soil pH (r=–0.74, P<0.01). The 28 soils were stratified into four groups on the basis of variation in CH4 production rates which were associated with the soil reduction rate and soil organic content. The faster the Eh of soil fell, the more CH4 was formed. Adding rice straw to Hangzhou and Beijing soils increased CH4 production. The increase in CH4 production was more pronounced in the soil with the lowest organic matter content and slowest reduction rate than in the soil with highest organic matter and fastest reduction rate. Inorganic fertilizer had no significant influence on CH4 production potentials of either type of soil. Received: 26 November 1997  相似文献   

Short-term effects of nitrogen on methane oxidation in soils   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 The short-term effects of N addition on CH4 oxidation were studied in two soils. Both sites are unfertilized, one has been under long-term arable rotation, the other is a grassland that has been cut for hay for the past 125 years. The sites showed clear differences in their capacity to oxidise CH4, the arable soil oxidised CH4 at a rate of 0.013 μg CH4 kg–1 h–1 and the grassland soil approximately an order of magnitude quicker. In both sites the addition of (NH4)2SO4 caused an immediate reduction in the rate of atmospheric CH4 oxidation approximately in inverse proportion to the amount of NH4 + added. The addition of KNO3 caused no change in the rate of CH4 oxidation in the arable soil, but in the grassland soil after 9 days the rate of CH4 oxidation had decreased from 0.22 μg CH4 kg–1 h–1 to 0.13 μg CH4 kg–1 h–1 in soil treated with the equivalent of 192 kg N ha–1. A 15N isotopic dilution technique was used to investigate the role of nitrifiers in regulating CH4 oxidation. The arable soil showed a low rate of gross N mineralisation (0.67 mg N kg–1 day–1), but a relatively high proportion of the mineralised N was nitrified. The grassland soil had a high rate of gross N mineralisation (18.28 mg N kg–1 day–1), but negligible nitrification activity. It is hypothesised that since there was virtually no nitrification in the grassland soil then CH4 oxidation at this site must be methanotroph mediated. Received: 31 October 1997  相似文献   

 In a first experiment, the effect of land use on the uptake rate of atmospheric CH4 was studied in laboratory incubations of intact soil cores. A soil under deciduous forest showed the highest CH4 oxidation. Its overall CH4 uptake during the measuring period (202 days) was 1.03 kg CH4 ha–1. Natural grassland showed the second highest CH4 oxidizing capacity (0.71 kg CH4 ha–1). The overall amount of CH4 uptake by fertilized pasture was 0.33 kg CH4 ha–1. CH4 oxidation in arable soils with different fertilizer treatments varied between 0.34 and 0.37 kg CH4 ha–1. Undisturbed soils had a higher CH4 uptake capacity than agricultural soils. The moisture content of the soil was found to be an important parameter explaining temporal variations of CH4 oxidation. Different methods of fertilization which had been commenced 10 years previously were not yet reflected in the total CH4 uptake rate of the arable soil. In a second experiment, a number of frequently used pesticides were screened for their possible effect on CH4 oxidation. In a sandy arable soil lenacil, mikado and oxadixyl caused significantly reduced CH4 oxidation compared to the control. Under the same conditions, but in a clayey arable soil, mikado, atrazine and dimethenamid caused a reduction of the CH4 uptake. In a landfill cover soil, with a 100-fold higher CH4 oxidation rate, no inhibition of CH4 oxidation was observed, not even when the application rate of pesticides was tenfold higher than usual. Received: 1 December 1998  相似文献   

 CH4 production in a flooded soil as affected by elevated atmospheric CO2 was quantified in a laboratory incubation study. CH4 production in the flooded soil increased by 19.6%, 28.2%, and 33.4% after a 2-week incubation and by 38.2%, 62.4%, and 43.0% after a 3-week incubation under atmospheres of 498, 820, and 1050 μl l–1 CO2, respectively, over that in soil under the ambient CO2 concentration. CH4 production in slurry under 690, 920, and 1150 μl l–1 CO2 increased by 2.7%, 5.5%, and 5.0%, respectively, after a 3-day incubation, and by 6.7%, 12.8%, and 5.4%, respectively, after a 6-day incubation over that in slurry under the ambient CO2 concentration. The increase in CH4 production in the soil slurry under elevated CO2 concentrations in a N2 atmosphere was more pronounced than that under elevated CO2 concentrations in air. These data suggested that elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations could promote methanogenic activity in flooded soil. Received: 2 March 1998  相似文献   

The role of rice plants in regulating mechanisms of methane missions   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 Rice plants play a pivotal role in different levels of the methane (CH4) budget of rice fields. CH4 production in rice fields largely depends on plant-borne material that can be either decaying tissue or root exudates. The quantity and quality of root exudates is affected by mechanical impedance, presence of toxic elements, nutrient deficiencies, water status of growing medium, and nitrogenase activity in the rhizosphere. CH4 oxidation in rice fields is localized in the rhizosphere where the concentration gradients of CH4 and oxygen overlap. CH4 oxidation capacity is a function of the downward transport of oxygen through the aerenchyma, which, in turn, also acts as a conduit for CH4 from the soil to the atmosphere. The decisive step in the passage of CH4 through rice plant is the transition from root to stem. However, rice plants show an enormous variety of morphological and physiological properties, including differences in root exudation and gas transfer capacity. Comparative studies on different cultivars are deemed crucial for accomplishing a better understanding of the mechanisms of CH4 consumption in the rhizosphere and CH4 transport through the rice plant as well as the interaction of these processes. The results of such studies are considered tools for devising mitigation options. Received: 7 April 1999  相似文献   

 Rice paddies are an important human-made ecosystem for the global CH4 budget. CH4, which is produced in the predominantly anaerobic bulk soil layers, is oxidized significantly before it reaches the atmosphere. Roots of rice, in addition to supporting the consumption of CH4, contribute to the total CH4 production in the soil. The various controls of CH4 emission from this ecosystem depend on the structure of plant and microbial communities and their interactions. Availability of organic substrates, electron acceptors and other soil- and plant-related factors influence the activities of microbial communities. Agronomic practices including fertilization and application of pesticides have effects on CH4 emission. Recent studies using molecular retrieval approaches with small subunit rRNA-encoding gene (rDNA) sequences and functional genes, showed the richness of diversity of the microbial community in rice paddy soils, which includes members of the Archaea and methanotrophs. There is need for further research to know the consequences, at the ecosystem level, of changes in microbial diversity and microbial communities in paddy soils. This will aid in understanding the mechanisms involved in the mitigating effects of certain agricultural practices. Received: 13 July 1999  相似文献   

 The experiment, carried out on a forest and arable light-textured soil, was designed to study the temperature response of autotrophic and heterotrophic N2O production and investigate how the N2O flux relates to soil respiration and O2 consumption. Although N2O production seemed to be stimulated by a temperature increase in both soils, the relationship between production rate and temperature was different in the two soils. This seemed to depend on the different contribution of nitrification and denitrification to the overall N2O flux. In the forest soil, almost all N2O was derived from nitrification, and its production rate rose linearly from 2  °C to 40  °C. A stronger effect of temperature on N2O production was observed in the arable soil, apparently as a result of an incremental contribution of denitrification to the overall N2O flux with rising temperature. The soil respiration rate increased exponentially with temperature and was significantly correlated with N2O production. O2 consumption stimulated denitrification in both soils. In the arable soil, N2O and N2 production increased exponentially with decreasing O2 concentration, though N2O was the main gas produced at any temperature. In the forest soil, only the N2 flux was related exponentially to O2 consumption and it outweighed the rate of N2O production only at >34  °C. Thus, it appears that in the forest soil, where nitrification was the main source of N2O, temperature affected the N2O flux less dramatically than in the arable soil, where a temperature increase strongly stimulated N2O production by enhancing favourable conditions for denitrification. Received: 26 August 1998  相似文献   

In exploring the dynamics of iron and nitrogen cycling in sediments from riparian forests we have observed a redox reaction that has not been previously described. During incubations of soil slurries under strictly anaerobic conditions, we repeatedly measured an unexpected production of both nitrite () and ferrous iron [Fe(II)]. Using this indirect evidence we hypothesize that, under anaerobic conditions, there is a biological process that uses ferric iron [Fe(III)] as an electron acceptor while oxidizing ammonium () to for energy production. This oxidation under iron reducing anaerobic conditions is thermodynamically feasible and is potentially a critical component of the N cycle in saturated sediments.  相似文献   

 Application of a commercial formulation of the herbicide butachlor (N-butoxymethyl-2-chloro-2′,6′-diethyl acetanilide) at 1 kg a.i. ha–1 to an alluvial soil planted with direct-seeded flooded rice (cv. Annada), significantly inhibited both crop-mediated emission and ebullition fluxes of methane (CH4). Over a cropping period of 110 days, the crop-mediated cumulative emission flux of CH4 was lowered by ∼20% in butachlor-treated field plots compared with that of an untreated control. Concurrently, ebollition flux of CH4 was also retarded in butachlor-treated field plots by about 81% compared with that of control plots. Significant relationships existed between CH4 emission and redox potential (E h) and Fe2+ content of the flooded soil. Application of butachlor retarded a drop in soil redox potential as well as accumulation of Fe2+ in treated field plots. Methanogenic bacterial population, counted at the maturity stage of the crop, was also low in butachlor-treated plots, indicating both direct and indirect inhibitory effects of butachlor on methanogenic bacterial populations and their activity. Results indicate that butachlor, even at field-application level, can effectively abate CH4 emission and ebollition from flooded soils planted to rice whilst maintaining grain yield. Received: 15 March 2000  相似文献   

 Potential effects of earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris L.) inoculated into soil on fluxes of CO2, CH4 and N2O were investigated for an untreated and a limed soil under beech in open topsoil columns under field conditions for 120 days. Gas fluxes from L. terrestris, beech litter and mineral soil from soil columns were measured separately in jars at 17  °C. The inoculation with L. terrestris and the application of lime had no effect on cumulative CO2 emissions from soil. During the first 3–4 weeks earthworms significantly (P<0.05) increased CO2 emissions by 16% to 28%. In contrast, significantly lower (P<0.05) CO2 emission rates were measured after 11 weeks. The data suggest that earthworm activity was high during the first weeks due to the creation of burrows and incorporation of beech litter into the mineral soil. Low cumulative CH4 oxidation rates were found in all soil columns as a result of CH4 production and oxidation processes. L. terrestris with fresh feces and the beech litter produced CH4 during the laboratory incubation, whereas the mineral soil oxidised atmospheric CH4. Inoculation with L. terrestris led to a significant reduction (P<0.02) in the CH4 oxidation rate of soil, i.e. 53% reduction. Liming had no effect on cumulative CH4 oxidation rates of soil columns and on CH4 fluxes during the laboratory incubation. L. terrestris significantly increased (P<0.001) cumulative N2O emissions of unlimed soil columns by 57%. The separate incubation of L. terrestris with fresh feces resulted in rather high N2O emissions, but the rate strongly decreased from 54 to 2 μg N kg–1 (dry weight) h–1 during the 100 h of incubation. Liming had a marked effect on N2O formation and significantly (P<0.001) reduced cumulative N2O emissions by 34%. Although the interaction of liming and L. terrestris was not significant, N2O emissions of limed soil columns with L. terrestris were 8% lower than those of the control. Received: 2 September 1999  相似文献   

 Maize (Zea mays L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) grown on a calcareous soil showed poor growth and/or were chlorotic in spite of abundant Fe in the roots. It has been hypothesized that microbial siderophores chelate Fe (III) in the soil, and that in this form Fe is transported towards the root apoplast. On the calcareous soil, total and apoplastic root Fe concentrations were high, probably because of a high apoplastic pH depressing Fe (III)-reductase activity and thus the Fe2+ supply to the cytoplasm. On the acidic soil, total and apoplastic root Fe concentrations were low, probably because of a low apoplastic pH favouring Fe (III) reduction, hence plants showed no Fe-deficiency symptoms. The main objective of the present work was to investigate the role of microbial soil activity in plant Fe acquisition. For this purpose, plants were grown under sterile and non-sterile conditions on a loess loam soil. Plants cultivated under non-sterile conditions grew well, showed no Fe-deficiency symptoms and had fairly high Fe concentrations in the roots in contrast to plants grown in the sterile medium. Low root and leaf Fe concentrations in the axenic treatments indicated that the production of microbial siderophores was totally suppressed. Accordingly, sunflowers were severely chlorotic and this was associated with very poor growth, whereas in maize only growth was drastically reduced. In maize under sterile conditions, root apoplastic and total Fe concentrations were not as low as in sunflowers, which may have indicated that phytosiderophores produced in maize partly sustained Fe acquisition, but due to poor growth were not as efficient in supplying Fe as microbial activity under natural conditions. It may be therefore assumed that in natural habitats soil microbial activity is of pivotal importance for plant Fe acquisition. Received: 11 March 1999  相似文献   

 Under normal conditions, CH4, one of the most important greenhouse gases, is subject to biological oxidation in forest soils. However, this process can be negatively affected by N amendment. The reported experiment was conducted in order to study the short- and long-term effects of N amendment on CH4 oxidation in pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest soils. Soil samples were taken from three experimental sites, two of which had been amended with N once, over 20 years earlier, while the third had been amended 3 weeks earlier. The soil samples were incubated fresh at 15  °C at ambient CH4 concentrations (ca. 1.8 ppmv CH4). The variation in CH4-turnover rates was high within the treatments: CH4 was produced [up to 22.6 pmol CH4 g dry wt. soil–1 h–1] in samples from the recently amended site, whereas it was consumed at high rates (up to 431 pmol CH4 g dry wt. soil–1 h–1) in samples from the plot that had received the highest N amendment 27 years before sampling. Although no significant differences were found between N treatments, in the oldest plots there was a correlation between consumption of atmospheric CH4 and the total C content at a depth of 7.5–15 cm in the mineral soil (r 2=0.74). This indicates that in the long-term, increased C retention in forest soils following N amendment could lead to increased CH4 oxidation. Received: 3 September 1997  相似文献   

乙酸是甲烷产生过程的重要底物,其在水稻土中的矿化和转化过程对水稻土碳循环和固碳减排具有重要意义。在长期淹水的水稻土中,铁作为重要的变价金属元素,对乙酸的矿化和转化可能具有重要影响。因此,本研究向水稻土中添加13C-乙酸、水铁矿和针铁矿,动态监测厌氧培养(100 d)期间CO2和CH4排放规律和土壤环境因子的变化规律,同时分析乙酸的矿化和转化特征以及CO2和CH4的激发效应,并解析不同铁氧化物在其中的作用效应。结果表明,培养结束后,只添加乙酸的处理中33%和36%的乙酸分别矿化为CH4和CO2,另外0.12%、2%和28%的乙酸分别形成了可溶性有机碳(DOC)、微生物量碳(MBC)和土壤有机碳(SOC)。乙酸添加引起了CO2负激发效应和CH4正激发效应。土壤产生CO2和CH4比例因乙酸的添加由3.46:1变为1.83:1。针铁矿的添加显著增加了乙酸来源的CO2累积排放量,但水铁矿对乙酸来源的CO2累积排放量却无显著影响。水铁矿和针铁矿均显著降低了SOC来源的CO2累积排放量,加剧了乙酸引起的CO2负激发效应。水铁矿和针铁矿均显著降低了乙酸来源的CH4累积排放量,对SOC来源的CH4累积排放量无显著影响。水铁矿和针铁矿显著增加了乙酸转化为MBC和SOC的比例。因此,乙酸在土壤中的矿化和转化行为会影响土壤原有有机碳产生CO2和CH4;水铁矿和针铁矿结晶程度不同,对乙酸的矿化、转化及其激发效应的影响也不同。研究结果可为稻田的固碳减排提供一定的理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

 The short-term (24 h) and medium-term (30 day) influence of N salts (NH4Cl, NaNO3 and NaNO2) and a non-N salt (NaCl) on first-order rate constants, k (h–1) and thresholds (CTh) for atmospheric CH4 oxidation by homogenized composites of upland boreal forest and tundra soils was assessed at salt additions ranging to 20 μmol g–1 dry weight (dw) soil. Additions of NH4Cl, NaNO3 and NaCl to 0.5 μmol g–1 dw soil did not significantly decrease k relative to watered controls in the short term. Higher concentrations significantly reduced k, with the degree of inhibition increasing with increasing dose. Similar doses of NH4Cl and NaCl gave comparable decreases in k relative to controls and both soils showed low native concentrations of NH4 +-N (≤1 μmol g–1dw soil), suggesting that the reduction in k was due primarily to a salt influence rather than competitive inhibition of CH4 oxidation by exogenous NH4 +-N or NH4 +-N released through cation exchange. The decrease in k was consistently less for NaNO3 than for NH4Cl and NaCl at similar doses, pointing to a strong inhibitory effect of the Cl counter-anion. Thresholds for CH4 oxidation were less sensitive to salt addition than k for these three salts, as significant increases in CTh relative to controls were only observed at concentrations ≥1.0 μmol g–1 dw soil. Both soils were more sensitive to NaNO2 than to other salts in the short term, showing a significant decrease in k at an addition of 0.25 μmol NaNO2 g–1 dw soil that was clearly attributable to NO2 . Soils showed no recovery from NaCl, NH4 +-N or NaNO3 addition with respect to atmospheric CH4 oxidation after 30 days. However, soils amended with NaNO2 to 1.0 μmol NaNO2 g–1 dw showed values of k that were not significantly different from controls. Recovery of CH4-oxidizing ability was due to complete oxidation of NO2 -N to NO3 -N. Analysis of soil concentrations of N salts necessary to inhibit atmospheric CH4 oxidation and regional rates of N deposition suggest that N deposition will not decrease the future sink strength of upland high-latitude soils in the atmospheric CH4 budget. Received: 30 April 1999  相似文献   

Slag-type silicate fertilizer, which contains high amount of active iron oxide, a potential source of electron acceptor, was applied at the rate of 0, 2, 6, 10, and 20 Mg ha−1 to reduce methane (CH4) emission from rice planted in potted soils. Methane emission rates measured by closed chamber method decreased significantly with increasing levels of silicate fertilizer application during rice cultivation. Soil redox potential (Eh) decreased rapidly after flooding, but floodwater pH and soil pH increased significantly with increasing levels of silicate fertilizer application. Iron concentrations in potted soils and in percolated water significantly increased with the increasing levels of silicate fertilizer application, which acted as oxidizing agents and electron acceptors, and thereby suppressed CH4 emissions. Silicate fertilization significantly decreased CH4 production activity, while it increased carbon dioxide (CO2) production activity. Rice plant growth, yield parameters, and grain yield were positively influenced by silicate application levels. The maximum increase in grain yield (17% yield increase over the control) was found with 10 Mg ha−1 silicate application along with 28% reduction in total CH4 flux during rice cultivation. It is, therefore, concluded that slag-type silicate fertilizer could be a suitable soil amendment for reducing CH4 emissions as well as sustaining rice productivity and restoring the soil nutrient balance in rice paddy soil.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of adding different forms of nitrogenous fertilizers on the production of CH4 in soil and on CH4 emission from rice plants, Urea and diammonium phosphate gave the highest rates of CH4 production from the soil and emission through rice plants, followed by (NH4)2SO4. NaNO3 was the least effective. The effects of micronutrients like Mo, Ni, or B were more prominent than those of Fe, Mn, Zn, V, or Co. It is concluded that CH4 emission from rice paddies is influenced by both macro- and micronutrients, through effects on both microbial methanogenesis in soil and elimination through rice plants as a consequence of the effects on plant growth.  相似文献   

In an incubation experiment with flooded rice soil fertilized with different N amounts and sampled at different rice stages, the methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) production in relation to soil labile carbon (C) pools under two temperature (35°C and 45°C) and moisture (aerobic and submerged) regimes were investigated. The field treatments imposed in the wet season included unfertilized control and 40, 80 and 120 kg ha?1 N fertilization. The production of CH4 was significantly higher (27%) under submerged compared to aerobic conditions, whereas CO2 production was significantly increased under aerobic by 21% compared to submerged conditions. The average labile C pools were significantly increased by 21% at the highest dose of N (120 kg ha?1) compared to control and was found highest at rice panicle initiation stage. But the grain yield had significantly responded only up to 80 kg ha?1 N, although soil labile C as well as gaseous C emission was noticed to be highest at 120 kg ha?1 N. Hence, 80 kg N ha?1 is a better option in the wet season at low land tropical flooded rice in eastern India for sustaining grain yield and minimizing potential emission of CO2 and CH4.  相似文献   

Methane production in three types of rice paddy soil was investigated under greenhouse conditions. The amount of methane produced during the first crop season (March to July) was 2–6 times higher than that in the second crop season (August to December). Application of organic fertilizer hastened the drop in redox potential and increased methane production and emission. Methane production also increased with the depth of soil with high values in soil samples from 18 to 30cm depth. Methane production in the first crop season was 18.0, 54.3 and 49.4mgcm–3 for 6tha–1 straw application for Linkou, Tzawchyau and Jiaushi soils, respectively. The value was 33.4mgcm–3 for the second crop season in Jiaushi soil. Methane emission was high during the flowering and maturity stages in the first crop season and the values were high during the tillering and flowering stages in the second crop season. Methane emission was high in Tzawchyau and Jiaushi soils in the first crop season. Methane emission rate reached a maximum from 12 noon to 3p.m. due to high temperature and a minimum at 3 to 6a.m. in both planted and unplanted soils. Received: 17 September 1996  相似文献   

 Soil microbial biomass and the emission of CO2 from the soil surface were measured in yellow soils (Ultisols) of the karst areas of southwest China. The soils are relatively weathered, leached and impoverished, and have a low input of plant residues. The measurements were made for a 1-year period and show a reciprocal relationship between microbial biomass and surface CO2 efflux. The highest (42.6±2.8 mg CO2-C m–2 h–1) and lowest (15.6±0.6 mg CO2-C m–2 h–1) CO2 effluxes are found in the summer and winter, respectively. The cumulative CO2 efflux is 0.24 kg CO2-C m–2 year–1. There is also a marked seasonal variation in the amount of soil microbial biomass carbon, but with the highest (644±71 μg C g–1 soil) and lowest (270±24 μg C g–1 soil) values occurring in the winter and summer, respectively. The cumulative loss of soil microbial biomass carbon in the top 10 cm of the soil was 608 μg C g–1 year–1 soil over 17 sampling times. The mean residence time of microbial biomass is estimated at 105 days, suggesting that the carbon in soil microbial biomass may act as a source of the CO2 released from soils. Received: 13 July 1999  相似文献   

徐丽娜  李忠佩  车玉萍 《土壤》2008,40(5):792-796
腐殖酸对土壤和水体环境中铁(Fe)的还原过程有重要影响。本文采用从山西大同风化煤、河南巩县褐煤、云南昆明滇池底泥中提取制备的腐殖酸,通过布置培育试验并接种土壤悬液,研究了不同来源的腐殖酸对无定形氧化铁异化还原的影响。结果表明:单独添加腐殖酸对氧化铁的还原几乎没有影响;而当同时添加腐殖酸与葡萄糖时,培养基质中氧化铁的还原过程显著加强;腐殖酸浓度越高对氧化铁还原的促进作用越明显。不同来源的腐殖酸因其复杂程度和结构不同,对氧化铁还原的促进作用有明显差异,其中山西大同风化煤提取的腐殖酸促进作用最大,云南昆明滇池底泥和河南巩县褐煤提取的腐殖酸之间则无显著差异。  相似文献   

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